News Briefs – 11/27/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Probably not of use to anyone, but amusing none the less, Palmetto has knocked $200 of the price of the Exothermic Technologies Pulsefire LRT Flamethrower in OD Green. It is now only $599 and can take regular gasoline, or a mix of gasoline and diesel. With a little copper tubing and some flare fittings, I’d imagine you could rig up a couple up into a nice anti-carjacking device on your car.

Jovan Pulitzer asks, why virtually every single batch of ballots cast in Arizona in the 2020 election was either human or AI modified. There were no batches that were just counted, in every batch ballots were adjudicated using subjective measures which adjusted the counts.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews gets ready to speak at the podium, Hunter Biden style?


Trump says he never planned to start war with China, and says Milley should be tried for ‘treason.’

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says, of the building totalitarian state: “This is Armageddon. This is the final battle. We need to win this one.”

I don’t think the kids book described here was a planner for assassination’s (it was probably just a laundering of a payoff to a Cabal asset who may have delivered intelligence on Secret Service procedures, and maybe recruited an asset or ten during his embedding) but this link has interesting tidbits, like this: “Maria DeBlasio [DeBlasio’s mom] had numerous connections to intelligence agencies. She worked for the OSS. Her husband, Warren Wilhelm Sr. (aka Kingsley Wilhelm) and his brother George Wilhelm Jr. played a roll in the CIA’s 1953 Coup in Iran (George was commissioned by Richard M. Helms in 1961 to ghost write the memoirs of the Shah of Iran.)” So he wasn’t just a dedicated commie embraced by fellow travelers, he was an intel agent spook who probably cut his teeth following neighbors through supermarkets and was embraced by the Cabal as a legacy hire who they knew could be trusted. I would not even be surprised he views real commies as mental midgets, and the whole ideology thing is just the role he was assigned. I also would not be surprised if his parents gave him to the machine as an eight year old so he could spend a night getting raped by William F. Buckley and Gore Vidal in some video-taped Menage a Trois that Cabal required of them before they would each be allowed to become public figures. None of these people got where they were the way you would think, and often I will bet if you were offered the exact same deal, you would never take it in a million years.

NBC tells us the judge in the Ghislaine Maxwell trial has severely limited the scope of the trial so it will not delve into her “… helping Epstein arrange “dates” with women over the age of 18 for a constellation of rich and powerful men…, that Maxwell trafficked her to Britain’s Prince Andrew when she was 17…, the social and business relationships of Epstein, a multimillionaire financier, with other bold-faced names like former Presidents Bill Clinton and Donald Trump, and Ohio billionaire Leslie Wexner.”

Who is the judge in the Ghislaine trial? Biden nominates Out lesbian federal judge for 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals – Judge Alison Nathan, would be the second openly LGBTQ woman to serve on any federal circuit court of appeals

Jeffrey Epstein spent his final days in prison living in fear of the MS-13 gang.

A writer notes Kamala’s official cover story involves her being educated in Quebec as a kid for four years, at a time speaking French was mandatory, and yet on her recent Paris trip, she couldn’t speak French. When she was asked about it, her answer seemed kind of like the answer you would give if you hadn’t actually been in Montreal for four years, but you knew you needed to stick to the cover story. Like Obama, (Or Bill Clinton, whose supposed father’s photo was photoshopped comically bad, with a head that looked about 3/4s the size of his upper body), Kamala’s past may not be what it seems.

Here is a picture of Huma topless, edited with black boxes to make it safe for work, which was apparently found on the Weiner laptop. Of interest is the sparse decor, as well as the couch in the back which has been covered in some sort of splatter protection. These could be pictures Weiner took, but they could also be blackmail shots. The protection over a couch, would seem unusual for a spontaneous photo snapped at home. I do not think these people, particularly at that level, are just given power. I think they have to acknowledge their place in the hierarchy by supplying blackmail, the circumstances under which it is surrendered would probably boggle our minds. UPDATE: I have seen this picture on 4Chan for well over a year, and nobody had ever shown any sources for it being faked, however one of the readers in the comments linked to a page which shows it was photoshopped. So disregard.

The FBI says it is making the Havana Syndrome a top priority. Article says there have been over 200 victims.

The FBI launched an ad campaign to encourage people to report hate crimes.

The Dept of Justice Office of Inspector General finds a little known leftist wing of the DOJ, the Community Relations Service (CRS), gave access to the computer database of Main Justice to employment applicants for the CRS.  Since it hires leftists, somebody among the enemy was given full access to DOJ computers for some reason.

The Round Rock Independent School District (RRISD) in Texas is using its own armed agents to arrest parents who speak out against the school board’s policies, according to Christopher Rufo in the City Journal.

Biden administration spent $1.5 million to build ‘COVID-19 isolation clinics across Botswana’ in April. Average yearly salary in Botswana is like $880. And you know the cost of building there is a fraction of the US.

Yesterday’s conspiracy is today’s medical journal headline as the New England Journal of Medicine explains how COVID vaccines may produce Antibodies that mimic spike proteins that lead to myocarditis. The catch is, this mechanism will continue long after the antibodies have eradicated the Spike Protein, and long after you have stopped making spike proteins. Again, anybody who knows anything about biotechnology understands, it is not Newtonian physics, or engineering something out of an alloy. You do x, expecting y, and find out you get m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, and z. It is very complex, and not fully understood, even today. I am amazed these researchers, who get paid millions per year, would even pretend they didn’t know this. This is why I think the elites probably got saline vaccines. They had to know the entire thing was a crapshoot.

The federal government plans to send 44 military medical workers to Michigan to assist hospitals treating coronavirus patients during a fourth surge that has become the worst in the nation, according to state health officials. Why do I want to bet that just like during the “pandemic” if you could get into hospitals to videotape, you would find them empty?

The governor of New York on Friday declared a state of emergency as COVID transmission reached rates not seen since April 2020, and warned that the troubling new variant of COVID which first emerged in Botswana is ‘coming’.

South African doctors and experts have found no evidence that the new variant will create severe illnesses, or that this variant is more transmissible.

New COVID mutation has only produced “very mild cases.”

72 hours after a new variant has been identified, global travel has been halted, states of emergency have been declared, and now a pharmaceutical company has announced a variant specific vaccine trial will begin in the U.S. in a few weeks. Cha-Ching.

Blue states, some of which had the most restrictive requirements in the country throughout the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, are experiencing massive surges of the virus as the holiday season arrives.

Florida reports the lowest Chinavirus cases per capita as blue states surge.

Over the past several months, a shocking 9,300 more people than usual have died in Great Britain, and officials are blaming everything else except the jabs.

President Biden said Friday that he delayed implementation of a new ban on travel from southern Africa on the advice of his medical advisers, who are led by Dr. Anthony Fauci. Fauci is looking to generate more propaganda to drive up Pfizer’s stock price.

Evidence of heart disease after COVID shot exists but isn’t published out of fear, cardiologist says. I suppose it is good for people to see, the Constitution is not written on magic paper. It’s Amendments don’t automatically have a force of law through some natural process. All of it is just ideas, and if the people as a whole aren’t willing to kill other people, even traitors in our own midst, maybe in very large numbers to enforce them, they mean nothing.

New York physician assistant says she was told to stop reporting COVID shot injuries.

Charles Moose, former Montgomery County Police chief, at the helm during the DC snipers, dies at unexpectedly while sitting in a recliner, at age 68. If it was the vaccine, it was murder, plain and simple.

11 nurses and paramedics from Queensland Australia have said while giving the COVID-19 vaccine they saw the deaths and injuries pile up, yet no one was allowed to talk about it.

Wisconsin’s largest children’s hospital has been struggling to care for patients in the wake of the Waukesha Christmas Parade attack in large part because of staffing issues stemming from its COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

Merck says COVID-19 pill may not be as effective as they thought.

Stocks tank on fears of new Covid variant, Dow drops 890. Crypto tanked too, I assume due to margin calls. But gold and silver did not. I wondered if it meant investors are now hanging on to gold and silver, and viewing crypto as expendable, because they see its value as less in the post-collapse environment. Truth be told, if power is iffy, as it could become in a depression scenario, or if computer parts become prohibitively expensive, as they might, and computers begin breaking down and shutting off access to the internet here and there, crypto could become more difficult to access, affecting its value. Especially if you have to convert it to cash first at a bank, which may or may not give you that cash, before then converting it to something tangible. They are shaving gold in Venezuela for a reason.

Oil drops 13% in worst day of 2021, breaks below $70 as new Covid variant sparks global demand concerns.

Pa. electricity prices will be rising by as much as 50% next week.

The Biden administration on Friday recommended an overhaul of the nation’s oil and gas leasing program to limit areas available for energy development and raise costs for oil and gas companies to drill on public land and water.

Boebert apologizes to Ilhan Omar for making a joke about it being fine so long as Omar does not have a backpack. These things are revealing because you don’t apologize to someone you genuinely hate. If I did something horribly over the line to Biden, I’m never apologizing, because he is the face of evil, and is destroying the country. The truth is, given all of these people appear to be occultists in service to pure evil, as they seek the destruction of America, I doubt there is anything you could do or say which you would ever have to apologize for to them. Likewise, Omar is the asset of a foreign intel operation which is setting our nation up to be destroyed by China, while killing millions of the best Americans we have. If you are really in the game, and believe in the cause, you don’t apologize to that. But if you are a heavily tattooed actress, playing the role of a conservative, for some Israeli pornographer who recruited you off one of his modelling sites, and you step over the line while ad-libbing some shit-talk to one of your fellow actresses in the middle of a scene, you apologize. These people do not get in these offices the way we were told.

George Soros-backed district attorneys are ruining America.

Alan Dershowitz says of the legal system, “It’s becoming much more responsive, unfortunately, to critical race theory, basically, everything’s about race. Everything’s about race or politics. The justice system has stopped being about is this particular person innocent or guilty beyond a reasonable doubt based on the evidence and based on the law. People today are rooting, cheering for verdicts. They want verdicts to reflect their narrative. They want verdicts to prove their way of looking at the world. Trials and justice have ceased to be about individual justice. They’re about identity politics.”

‘Mass Killings Under Communist Regimes’ Wikipedia page is ‘being considered for deletion.’

The federal government announced plans Thursday to lift a moratorium on funding of controversial experiments that use human stem cells to create animal embryos that are partly human.

Lindsey Graham emerges as a go-to ally for Biden’s judicial picks.

Hillary Clinton has a coughing fit during a Rachel Maddow interview, and concluded it by coughing uncontrollably and waving goodbye to the camera.

Army officer who wrote to McCain about detainee torture in Iraq, Afghanistan, dies at 42. From the article: “He faced many challenges and many of us felt helpless. We tried to get him the help he needed. It appears the system failed him utterly and tragically. There are many questions surrounding his death and the official cause of death is unknown at this time. We can assure you that we will get to the bottom of this. We will seek justice for Ian, because justice is what mattered most to him,” according to the statement. He wrote that he sought answers for 17 months, but found none.

Afghan interpreter resettled in America shot after attempting a knife attack on Police.

Almost none of the 82,000 Afghans airlifted from Kabul in August were vetted before coming to the U.S.

Migrants from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador spend $2.2 billion every year trying to reach the United States, and most of that money goes to Cartel smugglers, according to a new report.

Thieves made off with $20,000 of merch from California Apple store in broad daylight robbery as the store is the latest to be ransacked in an LA and Bay Area string of lootings.

Early on Friday morning, a group of “organized burglars” conducted flash raids at several Chicago stores hours before shoppers gathered for Black Friday sales.

LA Home Depot hit by flashmob looters.

Delisa Tucker lost her brother to gun violence two years ago, almost lost her 6-year-old daughter years before that, and was at the memorial for her 14-year-old son Kevin Tinker, also killed in a shooting last weekend, when she was shot in the chest and died. So many of these things, you have to ask about the statistical probability.

A 17-member, bipartisan delegation of U.S. representatives and congressional staff members landed in Taiwan, at which point one announced on Twitter that she had landed in the “Republic of Taiwan.” 

Renovators Hope to Turn the Historic Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris into Woke Theme Park with Emphasis on Africa and Asia.

A large group of ‘young people’ wielding sticks and branches stormed aboard a public bus in France and embarked on an “extremely violent attack” for no known reason, according to reports.

Zelenskiy says Ukraine thwarts coup plot involving Russians; Kremlin denies role.

Image from space shows all of downtown San Francisco is sinking slowly around millennium tower.  I lump it with the bad news only because all the commies there are going to scurry into the rest of the country like cockroaches as it slowly sinks. Whatever destroys that shithole needs to finish the job in minutes, if not seconds, to make it into the good news section.

The Beatles attempted to make a big-screen adaption of “Lord of The Rings” in 1968, but the band was denied rights to the fantasy books by J.R.R. Tolkien.

Dr. Stella Immanuel can will prescribe Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin via telehealth services, where doctors will “see” you via email, phone or text. I have not used this service and cannot vouch for it 100%, so YMMV, but I wanted to archive the option in case anyone gets pressed and needs a script. She was mentioned in this article.

The one-child policy, a cultural lack of respect for soldiers, poor pay, a deficiency of combat experience, and a need to protect the borders makes the PLA much less effective than the U.S. military.

There is a new Kyle’s Law community, looking to create laws that make prosecutors and charging officers personally liable for frivolous murder trials in clear cut cases of self defense. What I should do is approach this lawyer about a lawsuit against illegal domestic surveillance, and see what he says. On the one hand, the proposal is obviously common sense. But on the other hand, his bio blurb contains this, which makes me think he may just be hanging this out there to drown out other non-comped lawyers, and to draw off support for other such causes: “Andrew is an occasional Guest Instructor and subject matter expert (SME) on self-defense law at the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s National Academy at Quantico.” It would be interesting to see what he said.

Oklahoma senator files a ‘Kyle’s Law’ to compensate “victims of malicious prosecution.”

Only 4% of Americans say ‘Climate Change’ is the most important problem facing the U.S.

Republicans are locking in newly gerrymandered maps for the legislatures in four battleground states that are set to secure the party’s control in the statehouse chambers over the next decade, fortifying the GOP against even the most sweeping potential Democratic wave elections.

Invite other people to because on this site, a flamethrower would make a lovely Christmas present.

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Palmetto has knocked $200 of the price of the Exothermic Technologies Pulsefire LRT Flamethrower in OD Green. It is now only $599”

Imagine the next Kyle Rittenhouse has a flamethrower instead of an AR. No Jews/white shitlibs die, but they do get turned black, or part black, just like they wanted.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Trump says he never planned to start war with China, and says Milley should be tried for ‘treason.’”

Ironic that WW3 could start any day now over Taiwan and Biden’s waffling and mixed messages. Is Milley calling Xi every day with juicy tidbits to calm them down?

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Of course he reports everything and always has.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says, of the building totalitarian state: “This is Armageddon. This is the final battle. We need to win this one.””

So, RFK Jr. was kicked out of the Irish mob. Then the Irish mob was mostly kicked out of Cabal, probably because most of it’s members weren’t useful anymore and the Irish are the wrong race for Cabal. Remember Whitey Bulger? Remember him getting his brains bashed out in Prison? Surely there are still scumbag Irish in Cabal but this is another one of those things where secret, criminal enterprises, protected by a veneer of religiosity (in this case Catholicism) have served to hurt and undermine their host ethnic group.

While it’s great that Jr. is on the right side now, we shouldn’t forget how many Irish contributed to this current beast system in the USA, and that includes the Kennedy’s, especially Joseph and his booze and prostitution network in the 1920’s and 1930’s.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

> While it’s great that Jr. is on the right side now…

Don’t make the mistake of assuming someone who says one true thing is a friend. This is gatekeeper implanting 101, and why the right falls for this shit 100x a year. Don’t be so thirsty for allies you let anyone in for a low price of truth.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

It is truly hilarious that you imagine WASP’s never engaged in prostitution or booze distribution, as if the Irish invented it or something.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Dave, again.
3 years ago

Dave, I know Englishmen who have murdered. Doesn’t make it OK. And America isn’t Ireland. There are serious WASP pos, but ethnic stuff against WASPs in America is misplaced and just as unfair as stuff the English did to the Irish in Ireland.

The Irish have had a direct hand in creating the Democrat Fuggernaut in the US- and it’s currently contributing to their own destruction as they’ve been abandoned by it. The IRA in Ireland is completely silent and neutered by globohomo in addressing African immigration to their country. African and Middle Eastern immigration into Ireland will destroy the Irish people, genetically and culturally.

And many English are actually descended from ancient Britons, the same Celtic source population that the Irish arose from. Any Irish (or part Irish) who have a minority of English blood will always be worlds closer to native Irish than any mulatto, mixed muslim or any other non-Euro mix that is increasingly becoming common in Ireland.

The English were never that bad to Ireland, besides of course, the famine. The Irish have let go of a wicked English hand and grasped onto the Devil’s tail I’m afraid. Because of these mistakes the future will be decidedly less Irish unless things change quickly.

3 years ago

“I suppose it is good for people to see, the Constitution is not written on magic paper. It’s Amendments don’t automatically have a force of law through some natural process. All of it is just ideas, and if the people as a whole aren’t willing to kill other people, even traitors in our own midst, maybe in very large numbers to enforce them, they mean nothing.”

That was always the weakness, no enforcement clause.
The Constitution itself should have specified death for deliberate violation of its provisions and disenfranchisement for “unintentional” violations.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“if you were offered the exact same deal, you would never take it in a million years.”

That’s probably when they threaten to kill you and your whole family. We underestimate how evil this thing is and the extent it is willing to go to so that it can obtain influence. And I’ve never met an honorable family man, military, or otherwise, that would sacrifice his family once he realized what was happening.

The only defense, demonstrated by some, is to go public and get as much attention as possible, then if something happens to you and/or your family it looks suspicious, but you all also get branded as “nuts” and the machine will clamp down in other ways. Then if there is ever a totalitarian state, you and your family would definitely be sent to the extermination camps.

3 years ago

“Oklahoma senator files a ‘Kyle’s Law’ to compensate “victims of malicious prosecution.””

If it doesn’t come out of the prosecutor’s own pocket it won’t do much.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

You are right.

Under the idea that you never create a law you don’t want the opposition to misuse, this is not wise.

Every legal loss will become a big payday. And with the sue & settle method in mind, leftist prosecutors will start prosecutions they know they will lose.

The only correct remedy is to punish the prosecutors.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

” You do x, expecting y, and find out you get m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, and z. It is very complex…”

Ya, unexpected things, like turning proteins into prions and contaminating the Earth with them killing every placental mammal including humans.

Prions aren’t a joke, look them up. It’s almost impossible to get rid of the things.

Also, the guy who handled UK’s foot and mouth disease response (that killed 80 Brits) is the same guy working on their Covid response, including the vaccines.

couldn’t find and infogalactic on him

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Here is a picture of Huma topless, edited with black boxes to make it safe for work”

Not to be that guy, but this is the source, read the comments,

So it isn’t real. A lot of NYPD died over the Weiner thing, so they wouldn’t leak because they like living. The edit is very convincing though, her bangs almost match the subjects bangs in the mirror too, almost match, but not quite.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Army officer who wrote to McCain … dies at 42. From the article… sought answers for 17 months, but found none.”

Yep, they will “suicide” you eventually. Being an extrovert is a defense against this thing, yes you will run into a couple of cabal agents, but you will have many more friends who aren’t. It also helps to be married and be from a big family. And go to church, and be proactive and be known in your community.

No man is an island. Lone wolves are killed without a pack. My advice for the introverted who want to play Capt. America- don’t.

And just for the record, they do view it as “suicide” even if one of their guys pulls the trigger on you. By separating yourself you do a narcissists or psychopaths work for them. I remember watching a documentary on a serial killer and he said he went around a neighborhood midday trying to open doors and went into the first unlocked house he found- when a housewife came home alone he stabbed her to death and felt it was “her fault for leaving her door unlocked”, in his words.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Excellent advice, Rex. Thank you.

I have been quite extroverted at times in my life, quite introverted at other times. I would be a crazy conspiracy theorist if I were to suggest that the latter condition followed deliberate targeting on the former and yet, on reflection, I strongly suspect that was the case.

As we know, the Lord works in mysterious ways, and what is evident to me is that I would have had no perception of the Cabal clown-world we discuss here at AC’s site without that prolonged period of introversion. That period – painful as it was – graced me with an insight that allowed me to shake of the shackles of MSM propaganda programming. My worldview has been forever broadened and “enlightened”. Remaining grounded through such an awakening is the challenge and to your point, Rex, my loved ones were critical to that.

The New Testament reads:

“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.”

To the lone wolves amongst us, understand that while we’re anonymous to each other we share a bond and we’re not alone. At this time of Thanksgiving, find solace in that knowledge and that God is always with you. He wants you to help yourself through kindness and helping others and in this way to realize the Godliness within you.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

But the more social you are, the more people you have, the less likely you are to notice the machine or to fight it. You will have too much to lose.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  map
3 years ago

Take Dunbar’s number and divide by 2 or 3. That’s probably optimal. It goes without saying your friends should generally (+80%) be similar to you politically and ethnically.

Reply to  map
3 years ago

Can one be both Introvert and Extravert?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I suppose that is a skill. Thanks for the story.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“The Beatles attempted to make a big-screen adaption of “Lord of The Rings” in 1968, but the band was denied rights to the fantasy books by J.R.R. Tolkien.”

Funny that, the machine must have known that Tolkien’s books would clog up their works so they started trying to subvert way back then.

“Go back to the Shadow… You shall not pass”

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

The glorification of the everyday Man “Frodo” and how he played the most important role in casting the ring into Mount Doom despite failing in the final moments alongside Gollum who was the most wretched of them all spared only because of mercy.

A very good myth. And a true one. God makes use of even the smallest and humblest of Men to achieve his greatest Works.

No Pawn is unimportant in God’s chessboard. And in the end of Trilogy. They are bowed to by all the Greatest Kings, Nobles and other illustrious Men/Women.

For they were the key to truly defeating the enemy.

Reply to  info
3 years ago

Sam was the real hero, he never fell to the temptations of the ring despite wearing it at the time Frodo was captured and gave it up willingly without being dominated by Gandalf.

His reward was the happiest ending, he got a wife, children and wealth when Frodo left everything to him to leave for the West.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Frodo was given the right to travel with the elves to the undying lands(heaven). Sam was definitely the hero. But Frodo had to contend with the corruption of the ring itself. Which not even Gandalf and Galadriel dared to do.

Frodo cannot go back to normal. And only heaven will heal him.

Reply to  info
3 years ago

Contrast Lord of the Rings with Harry Potter.

Harry is special because of his bloodline, not because of anything he does. The heavy lifting throughout the series is done by Hermione and other mudbloods. Despite the wizarding world depending on the existence of wizards, Voldemort is somehow evil, even though he understood that mudbloods were a polluting influence and the more numerous they become, the more the wizarding world weakens.

Mishmash of the highest order.

Reply to  map
3 years ago

Even though the story is centered around Harry Potter. It’s Neville who is the actual hero of the story based on his deeds and finally dealing the final blow to the enemy.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“LA Home Depot hit by flashmob looters.”

That was probably beaners that did that one, and not the blacks.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“The one-child policy, a cultural lack of respect for soldiers, poor pay, a deficiency of combat experience, and a need to protect the borders makes the PLA much less effective than the U.S. military.”

You should know, Disney did make a movie on that very subject. And yes, I remember the Szechuan sauce, just like the movie, it wasn’t that good.

3 years ago

Huma picture: looks like a tranny which explain a lot. Hillary love affair for years and more – as ‘her’ Weiner man being in bed with their probably adopted child.

3 years ago

>Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews gets ready to speak at the podium, Hunter Biden style?
Might be a snuff-container. He isn’t chopping up fat lines in the video. Very funny video though.

Reply to  KarmaK
3 years ago

That Andrews c**t was in my town a short while ago. Didn’t know until afterward, else I would have been sorely tempted. Check this one out –

Reply to  KarmaK
3 years ago

Whotf uses snuff these days?

But there are a LOT of handy little travel contraptions available for a crafty toot!

Reply to  Mr_Twister
3 years ago

I mean a container for cocaine. I analysed this video with a cocaine user that I know.

3 years ago

“Legend has it that, before the British Government sealed many of the underground tunnels, it was possible to go from one side of Malta to another just by using subterranean passages. One of these mazes is the Hal Saflini (or Hal Saflieni or Hal Saflienti) Hypogaeum, in which some diggers have found bones of more than 33,000 people sacrificed in an ancient pagan cult during the Neolithic Age.

The National Geographic Magazine, August 1940 issue, refers how several children disappeared without a trace inside the hypogaeum during a school trip.

Miss Lois Jessup, employed at the British Embassy in Malta, managed to convince a guide to explore the “burial chamber” next to the level of the lowest chamber in the last sub-level of the catacombs (third level?).

The guide accepted unwillingly, and led Lois to the spot. The woman crawled into the narrow passage which led inside the burial chamber until she found herself on the edge of a cave opening on a deep ravine.

Looking down, a shocked Lois saw a line of tall humanoids, with long and white hair that covered their naked bodies, walking on the edge of the opposite wall, about 20 meters lower than where she was. The humanoids apparently “felt” her presence; they rose their hands point the palm of their hands toward Lois. In that moment a strong wind rose, sweeping the cave violently. Something big, “slick and damp” slipped by her before she could crawl back into the lower chamber.

The guide was there, waiting for her, and the way he looked at her told Lois that he knew about those creatures in the catacombs.

Later, after the 30 children and the teacher who was with them went missing in the same tunnel Lois had explored, the woman went back to the site, only to find a new guide on duty. The guide never heard anything about his colleague, let alone that he had been working there as guide at the hypogaeum.

Lois Jessup heard about official reports relating the incident: it seems that after the last child entered the burial chamber and reached the edge of the cave, an internal landslide occurred, blocking the entrance. The rope which connected the children to the lower chamber was found neatly severed.

The mothers of some of the lost children reported that, for more than a week after the disappearance, they could still hear them screaming and crying from underground.
Other speak about the existence of underground tunnels that would link Malta for hundreds of kilometers until the catacombs of the Vatican Hills in Rome.”

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  info
3 years ago

I read the Hypogaeum when found was filled to the top with normal skulls. There were Melonheads found there also but I’ve heard many of them have disappeared. There were other drawings or photos made of some of them.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Shame the evidence isn’t preserved and for safekeeping. It’s like crime scene evidence. It must be protected and to serve as memory.

3 years ago

I have a question for anyone who may know. If an employer wants to do a weekly covid test, is there a way to avoid the shit where they stick something way up your nose? It seems like bullshit that something like that can even be expected once, let alone on a weekly basis.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Ya, that is helpful. It gives a very valid excuse for refusing those tests. “Fuck you you are not going to stick shit up my nose random fucking wagie.” Not when there are much less invasive options available.

Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

If you can use a home test then you can swab something else.

3 years ago

>The one-child policy, a cultural lack of respect for soldiers, poor pay, a deficiency of combat experience, and a need to protect the borders makes the PLA much less effective than the U.S. military.

I don’t think anyone on the planet thinks the individual Chinese soldier is an exceptional fighting man, or that he can reliably 1 vs 1 most any other nation’s soldier.

The danger is that they can field tens of millions of men, and those men have access to technology that rivals or surpasses US tech, plus all the manufacturing capability to expand or replace lost equipment at breakneck pace.

They don’t have to be great warriors to trade 10-1 for other countries’ men, and it’s almost guaranteed they’ll do better than that with their tech power.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

“The danger is that they can field tens of millions of men, and those men have access to technology that rivals or surpasses US tech, plus all the manufacturing capability to expand or replace lost equipment at breakneck pace.”

Couldn’t help it:

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

I wondered why they kept the good steel for themselves.
Are they on Amazon? Or just Alibaba?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago


U.S. Military – issue Tri – Fold Shovel, Black – 155193, Hand Tools at Sportsman’s Guide
U.S. Military – issue Tri – Fold Shovel

comment image

3 years ago

Re: Wilhelm and OSS-CIA initiations.

Ross Douthat had an interesting naked swimming interlude with Buckley

3 years ago

Re: Huma topless

I think most of these people willingly submit blackmail material. It’s hard to comprehend but they feel at home in that system. It makes intuitive sense to them. They understand and like it to the same extent we are baffled and disgusted by it. They find it all thrilling I think.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

I have a feeling that when Epstein started, that he had to trick people and drug them into things. When they woke up they were confronted with the fact that he owned them, but “relax, think of it like being in a club. You like the party? Well, I throw them all the time and you’re invited. Also, you’re an investment, and that means if you have a problem, call me. If a promotion can make you more valuable to me, I’ll make it happen. Remember you’re not the only one that can’t say no to me.”

A few years of that and his blackmail ring really does become a club. The wicked&ambitious fall all over eachother to be invited to the island.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a pre-existing blackmail ring going back God knows how far, and Epstein simply took over running it. I haven’t seen evidence he’s smart enough to come up with this on his own. Most of his career seems to be playing a cover. I mean, come on, teaching high school physics at an exclusive private school without a degree? Then somehow he’s heading some multi-billion dollar “fund” with no credentials or experience?

He probably just became a public face of the blackmail ring. He at least had charisma, and was suited for it in that regard.

3 years ago

The bio-weapon depopulation strategy is complete when it has reached 17 stages of gain of function variants?
How many key protiens are involved, 17?
Has cabal bio-war gamed out the surviving K Strategist’s pure-bloods constitute 17 percent of the West’s population?
Are there 17 key nation states which must be totally locked down under bio-weapon genocide protocals so to facilitate enough totalitarian control by the globo=pedo mass murdering crime gang to create the level of taw absolute power once obtained essentially provides the fuckers immunity from good folks resisting in numbers large enough to oust them from power? And the big one thats critical to the agenda to usurp is America, along with it requiring totalitarian control of 17 states in order to fully obtain control, or anotger way to put it 17 states are turned into third world shitholes thus weakening the republic of the good folks enough to effectively make America toothles in the face of the criminal syndicate.
Maybe America and its usurpation under the soros genocide complex strategy is his 17th key and most critical nation state to fall under his efforts to undermine subvert and destroy the fabric of their civilizations, thus control dangerous K Strategist populations.

From the great warrior scientist/author Dr. Jerry Pournelle, in his giant 10 book series There Will Be War. Jerry was the catalyst and organizer of the paper and subsequent council, on which President Reagan based his spacec defence initiative, which effectively led to the collapse of the old Soviet and its instrument if terror the Nomenklatura, which itself every day resembles more and more the infestation of everything, the neo-bolshevik gangstalkers.
Jerry had to be very sublime and discreet how he went about cautioning and warning us about cabal and its agenda. He used his strengths of scientific acumen and philosoohical warrior/K Strategist and a keen high IQ intellect to teach all of us who listen for signs and truths there will be war.

The basic self preservation and duty analogy for K is undeniable.

The Janesfort War:

“…We must kill them all you know, Van Damn said.
Makhno turned to give him a long look. “I’d be interested in hearing your reasons, Owen.”

“This planet has no prison, Van Damn explained carefully. No police, not even any courts. That is why you have this problem in the first place. You have no protection from thugs and crooks, and that is why you must kill them.”

“How does that follow?”Jane asked.

“It follows that you cannot punish the thugs with prison, nor force them to pay just compensation, nor even exile them, Van Damn went on. If you drive them out into the wilds, they will band together and raid farms for subsistence. If you leave them alive in town, they will try to invade again, sooner or later.
You have to kill them, the ones that take part in the raid, who know the way here and see what valuables you have.”

“We know we can’t let them get away to tell that the land of women really exists, Jane said levelly. That will just make us targets again. But why should we go after the thugs left in Docktown?”

“Likewise, to keep them from trying for you again. Also, you cannot boycott Docktown forever. Sooner or later you will need the off-world goods available only there. You cannot leave Docktown in the hands of the enemy.”

“True, Brodski noted. But remember, there just aren’t that many bad guys. The whole population of Docktown isn’t more than a thousand. There’s only a limited amount of the crook mentality to recruit there and Jomo brought a big chunk of them on this trip. I say we should send some kind of message to, whoever Jomo left behind, see if we can scare them into behaving themselves.”

“Are you sure that he left anyone behind?” asked Jane.

” Jumo”s greedy not stupid. He must have left some sort of garrison to hold the gains he made….”

Janesfort War, War World : Discovery
(Loc 5941, 80%)

3 years ago

>Milley should be tried for ‘treason.’
The Junta-or-Shadow Oligarchy window of action was well over a century ago. Dispose of the problem, apprise us after the fact if at all.

>She worked for the OSS.
Consistent Anglo thread along with the Zio and Soviet ones in the 5th column(s).

>Circuit Court of Appeals – Judge Alison Nathan
The preponderance of Corn Pop’s Tribe appointments has been astonishing.

>protection over a couch
Bourdain selfie going around recently– blood splattered, outdoors, reflection in sunglasses suggestive of a female corpse, judging by the collar shape of the blouse.

>The federal government plans to send 44 military medical workers to Michigan to assist hospitals
Have ANZACs suggesting at least some of the disappearing incidents aren’t actually military, but contractors in their gear to stoke fear and distrust of them. Militarized hospitals are one step removed from death camps. This sort of ‘aid’ has to be tracked closely.

>It’s Amendments don’t automatically have a force of law through some natural process. All of it is just ideas
Possession of rights lies in the will and ability to enforce them, whether you’re closer to Mao or to Nietzche on the political spectrum: the domesticated, doglike, bugmen, big government simps aren’t going to make it. “No AND fuck you.” is the mantra.

>Hillary Clinton has a coughing fit
If a political actor is sufficiently useful enough to Them, they’ll just deploy body doubles in the event of untimely passing; Hilldawg has several, and staged interviews with extra digital touching up has never been easier.

>Notre Dame Cathedral Woke Theme Park
Beaches of Normandy time machine meme. French reception of Americans was much more lukewarm than told.

>Zelenskiy says
Odds of France falling for another Rothschild Tribesman: high.

3 years ago

“A writer notes Kamala’s official cover story involves her being educated in Quebec as a kid for four years, at a time speaking French was mandatory, and yet on her recent Paris trip, she couldn’t speak French.”

I thought this was quite interesting. And I agree that many if not all of these people have biographies of their pre-public lives that are completely manufactured.

But in Harris’ defense, Montreal during the late 1970s, when a separatist provincial government was first elected, was a de facto segregated city. There was an English speaking part, in the west of the island, and a French speaking part in the east of the island. The dividing line was a street in the plateau just to the east of McGill University. English speakers looked down on the French speakers and there was not much interaction between them. Since then attitudes softened and there has been more mixing. But I could see growing up on the English speaking side and never learning much French, and even going out of your way to be rude to French speakers.

The problem is that Harris’ bio indicates that here family first sent here to a French speaking school.

3 years ago

I checked out Lauren Boebert’s wikipedia bio, which is mostly a hatchet job. But as of 11-27-2021, this is the first sentence of the second paragraph:

“Boebert owns Shooters Grill, a restaurant in Rifle, Colorado, where staff members are encouraged to openly carry firearms.”


The only test I have been able to develop for this is to look at whether these people have done anything of substance, as executives or legislative actions, and what it is. The less of substance they have done, the more likely they are to be actors. Boebert, who was elected as a single issue candidate, on guns, doesn’t do well on this test. This is hard on MAGA or populist legislatures because there is nothing close in the federal legislature for a majority for right wing (or even left wing) populist measures. But Massie does well on the test. Trump is mixed, De Santis pretty solid.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Ed
3 years ago

Breitbart shilled for her hard.

3 years ago

On gerrymandering, legislative districts should be drawn by non-partisan commissions or agencies, as they are in every country except the USA. Legislators drawing districts so they can still win via the district lines when they are really quite unpopular is obnoxious.

However, it doesn’t matter that much if many additional measures are being used to fix the elections.

Reply to  Ed
3 years ago

No, good people you know will actively discriminate against evil should be drawing districts. Non-partisan just means they pretend to be 2% less openly satanic than the partisan options.

Fuck anyone who whines about bias, they’re happy to dunk on you repeatedly while you genuflect and try to be fair with people who want you dead. Stop appealing to fairness and understand you either brutally dominate the enemy or the enemy brutally dominates you, that’s just how this realm works.

Reply to  Ed
3 years ago

“non-partisan” always means cabal.

Sometimes you just can’t make things better.

We need to return civil service to the spoils system to get rid of the cabal deepstate, trying to make it non-partisan only made things worse.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

“…Sometimes you just can’t make things better….”


Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Meritocratic to ensure function. Spoils system to ensure loyalty.

3 years ago

Show me the ways…
They don’t give a shit how many they genocide.
They posses a lust for lucre which epitomizes the human extremity of greed.
They think like she who they thought could never lose they can not either. Hubris before the fall.
They possess divine rights of kings yet not the responsibility comes with it. Rex verses Dux.
They fail to appreciate regardless their ruthless criminal strengths how mean K’s get when their power of sovereign natural right to self preservation is violated ceaselessly.

All there is is power.
Their’s and K Strategist’s.

Whats to be afraid of but an out of control global crime gang? The easiest of all tyrannies and tyrants to defeat. As in in the beggining their grip on the levers of power are dificult to dislodge, but once thier grip begins to loosen, a trait thankfully they all share in common, fails in a cascading failure so quickly, if you are not looking right at it when it happens you miss the entire event, sans the collapse of the old Soviet/bolshevik crime gang. 1 Day. 90 years of institutional totalitarian evil gone hardly a whimper.
Though you got to gove the fuckers credit this turnaround, they certainly have a lot more bases covered.
Certainly technological advances in DEW, Survieliance, and COIN Warfare weapons systems and ancillory technology never dreamed of when the bolshevik gangstalkers in early 1900’s first began their terror and reprisal operations in Russia, pose hurdles us pure bloods and the gamete of K’s and good folks, we are facing and share in common as natural allies, as we begin our resistance.
The direct here and now on the ground tactical environment threat gangstalkers represent must be openly and universally understood and dealt with effectively in order to win. Which it appears is taking place as a plurality of good folks are steeling themselves for as the gangstalkers are no longer the unknown shitstirring nasty little infestation of lickspittle cocksuckers they used to enjoy being. Their existance and operational stance is become obvious, their purpose abhorrent, as we begin to grok their onsidious treason and its evil effects.
It is notable and seems highly instructive the tit for tat actions and escalation thereof tells of an organization not capable of simultaneous across the board nation wide terror and reprisal operations, which is evident in the sense if the network had the capability to strategically take over and run a police state coast to cosst, it would have taken place before now.
Of course gangstalkers are a viable effective cabal asset in their own right. Yet they are a finite tactical resource in total manpower, they need more gangstalkers. Lots More. Reason tells the alien invaders crossing our bordrs unrestricted could be that influx of increased gangstalker cadre. We sure will know soon enough and thats a fact as our enemy never does anything to us in half measures. As gangstalkers and their network is but one aspect of the strategy to liquidate us and rule over what remains us.
So they think.
For 2000 years the machine has fought us, for 2000 years they have tried to destroy us, and for 2000 years we have not only survived them but thrived in spite of their evil. You might say along the way our enemy has effectively but in no way intentionally, maybe even never realizing it, created a series of hybrid vigor events causing us K’s to become ever more stringer and resilient.
Its one way to look at bio-warfare genocide, where only the strongest and fittest survive, after all that is a kind a form of genetic engineering. A culling out of the weakest, leaving the strongest good folks unencumbered by hundreds of millions of inferior genetic dedend deadwood.
It may sound cold and ruthless, even so, despite that, maybe thats a really great thing everything considered, if indeed this bio-genocide indeed kills off hndreds of millions, it leaves then a seriously large number of K Strategist survivors to unite in clear no uncertain terms unmistakable cause. Is it one hundred million armed to the fucking teeth pissed of hubrid K’s and friends? It is the makings of a warrior tribe of Legionary scope and scale?
I think they are gonna need more gangstalkers than they will ever find. Aside from gangstalkers and their network constitutiing a target rich environment of epic proportions. Being our enemy is predominately r/’s, certainly ruthless demented psychopathic hords who in nature their population explosion always results in massive die offs, a little help from K’s in that respect goes a long way to prevailing and winning. Its just in the interum years lined up things are gonna really drop in the pot and the really nasty bloody brutal dirty shit takes place. Us K’s will survive, and from the looks of things there is that Armageddon coming sense of events, its possible the ancient evil has shot its entire quiver in ways its. ever before done, and that may well could be the phrophesy of the Norse pantheon of gods, Ragnarak, the end of the god’s and all their things. For sure globo=pedo and its clown world see themselves as gods, rightful rulers of Earth. If that ain’t hubris before the fall I’ll eat my fucking hat.
Because BFYTW.
Because i think i understand something finally, its these fucking gangstalkers in fact who have taught me something. Everything begins with me. That it behooves me in ways so deeply personal and profound on that level, i ain’t gonna let some other poor fellow fight and die for my freedom and liberty and lived ones. No Sir. That buck stops with me. The diametrically opposite case is how cabal got its big bolshevik nose in the fucking door, because we where not vigilant and got lazy and let ourselves be conned and gulked into letting cops and courts and do-gooders handle A Man if The West’s job and primal duty of taking care of business of bad people and bad behaviour on the spot within our clans tribes and precincts, with total prejudice.
No more. It is no too late. And it begins with each of us, then its all of us together. What this is when it begins, and King Kyle sure looks like a great start, is going to burn like a grass fire, once such grass roots organic duty begins to recreate itself from its long slumber, it is impossible to extinguish. Cabal wil soon run out of sycophants and scalawags. In truth once a certain number of gangstalkers and other cabalite network assets get a taste of K steel in the belly, the rest fold and the globo pedo’s are naked in ways they never imagined. Gentlemen, prepare yourselves for low intensity war on a scale that is anything but low intensity style 4G war. Besides, the fuckers started it. All we wanted was just to be left alone. We never asked for much, just to be happy and have enough for some nice things.It was so easy, more than enough for everyone. But Noooo! That was not enough. Even our most essential codes they can’t keep their fucking meathooks off of.
Gonna be a fucking fight is what and we are gonna hand the pedo fuckers their ass. Lets Win!

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

RE: San Fran

My vote is giant meteor. But I would also sign on to quarantining the entire city and sending in flying camera drones to document the descent into cannibalism. Call it the Sh#thole Games and run it as a reality show.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Make this a paid subscription and it would make more than all of fake news combined.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

I hope the sinking accelerates and it suddenly is swallowed up by the earth.

3 years ago

Next up is somebody the network is orderd to take out and they are murdered by a 17 year old gangstalker using a Glock 17 putting 17 rounds in the poor bastards chest on December 17, from 17 feet 17 inches, in front of 17 witnesses, wearing # 17 emblazoned hoodies, on the corner of 17th Avenue at 0017 hours and 17 seconds.
Signal much bitchez?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

There’s a dude frim Twitter who put up some JD Downward essays. My favorite one was a look at JFK murking as a Masonic Ritual or “Great Working”: the Killing the King Ritual. He points out a lot interesting things.

I especially liked Downward’s insistence that these symbols are “palimpsests”: there are multiple meanings and connotations.

One could easily combine Miles Mathis Project and Downward and say it was all a Masonic Ritual and JFK was a gay jewidh actor who was in on it (hell, it might have been JFK’s initiation into the highest level). (But prob not since JFK seems to have been just a dummy). As in the relevant Masonic degree the initiate is not actually killed and is fake “resurrected”. Downward thinks JFK was killed for being Catholic and anti-Masonic OSS-CIA.

Downward sees the US as a Masonic “Great Making” and the goal is to make that clear in some great reveal which changes everything (for their benefit).

There’s also great stuff about esoteric topography which of course brings one to Carl Munk.

3 years ago

interesting how you see all sorts of patterns in detail once you get right with recognizing jow pattern in detail works.
Take Dershwitch for example. At face value his comments about the drift of the courts and rule and color of law. Sure, the guy appears like a expert telling you something special you are too dumb to get on your own. You unwashed mouth breathing plebe. Thats detail number one.
He’s a influence agent and mild mannered bespectabled neo-bolshevik. Thats number two.
He was a regular at Epstien’s doings, but who me? A white jewish did du nuffin elitist! Who since getting caught red handed as a regular in Epstien’s circle has been groveling publicly for your sympathy. Imagine that. Thats number three.
Not only did he once ever hint Epstien and all could, mind you possibly, be raping and trafficking underage girls and children and running a vile heneous blackmail operation and this brilliant noce old jewish proffessor and worldly expert and pundent, gailed to recognize any of this globo=pedo cabal nor its depravity incarnate? Thats number four.
That the nasty weasel neo-bolshevik never says anything special or revelatory or even hint a conspiracy to destroy my country is underway, yet couches and conflates what he tells us as super secret squirrel resourced, psss, dont tell anyone, but here is some really special news for you white flyover nation trailer trash, which in realiy is basically misdirection and keeping the approved mockingbird 5th column media complex narrative going to distract and apease as many as possible to keep their recognition and tralization of patterns in detail of a vast network and machine conspiracy running shit waging war against us. Thats number 5. Plus really there are lots of smaller corroborating details in this fuckers fake persona and bonafides giving an enourmous neon sign of paterns, shared by literally every swamp shitstain and influence agent out there. And thats tge really big supersized numbet 6 pattern in detail.
Once you see this crap you cant fucking unsee it.
Do the same with Boebert. Tucker Carlson, ( now that network shitstain is a really sophisticated pro run awesomely complex pattern in detail gull, just see how many black pillers are mesmerised by his incredible empathy and concern. Then after his show is in the can, he goes to his favorite but high hat oedo elite resturaunt with a child/wayfare like menu, who the proprietor has a table for her cabalite pedo buddy Tucker reserved only for him), what unwashed we are to these fucking assholes, we aren’t even seen as something nasty that you scrap off your shoe. Only that they must perform their part in keeping enough folks docile and controlled long enough to implement the final solutions, leaving those poor bastards too late to defend themselves and fight back.
Thats number 7.

Maybe im missing something i keep wondering about but don’t grok them all quite yet, like there’s 17 points of darkness in their precious great reset, 17 points of detail that is a pattern that reveals a master pattern in detail revealing all, that is out there because its a practical method of comms for all involved in the conspiracy.
Can not help but sense there is great truth in these notions. 17 stages, 17 steps, 17 critical objectives, which must be met, 17 key cabal assets whose job is to signal each of 17 points of demarkation, 17 key code words references or phrases, 17 points of critical timing or 17 key triggers setting off 17 events in sequential order to reach 17 objectives in a 17 point plan.
Wanna bet 17 bucks on it?

3 years ago

A buddy inthe 80’s, really smart like super savant genious, he was into digital tech so much he converted his rider mower to digital AI in his garage shop, to mow his two acres of lawn, while we would sit on his porch downing cold ones and laughing, this was 1984.
Well he worked at THE prime digital computer company in the North East at the time, had several patents under his own name, and ine day he came over and told about how he had to amscray like yesterday because something was after him and he was really scared he was a dead man walking. Never saw or heard from him after that. Totally out of character as far as new my friend. Really decent guy in all ways. Besides I’m this welder guy sticking steel together, and he befriends me, i gelt honored such a smart guy would be my friend and we really hit it off as buddies. Was always fascinated with his tales about technology he was into and what he could tell me about the classified work he was involved in developing. When he came by to say adious, he mentioned he was in a real pickle how at work in a secured locked cabinet he had disks he had loaded with a special project of his own design that nobody at work had known of and he had to get into and out without being nabbed before he hightailed it. Asked but he would not say what was on the disks and that it was very important as his friend he didnt tell me.
My friend was very scared it was obvious, like scared to death, he up and left everything, home belongings everything, even his girlfriend.
At one point we where sitting on his porch having a couple beers, and he gets to talking about the mains service inour counyry, i mentioned an article id read how the electric companies had the ability to bounce a signal down the lines and find where a break or shirt was saving time finding it by the mark ine eyeball method of driving or walking powerlines. My friend then tells me about how there is technology, this is 1984, they indeed have, but its more sophisticated than in the article Id read. They could use your electrical lines right into your house and see all sorts of things inside your home, even what channel your TV was set at, what appliences where plugged in etc. He commented they where hetting close to refining said backtracking to where they could use various componants in say your tv to listen and watch people. But at that time it was experimental. Ever get that cold streak goes down your spine? I remarked thats some really fucked up shit man. He said you fucking know it.

Well few years back we had that 1000 year crazy ass derichio come right thru our county here in WV, right thru or woods behind the house, it snapped Poplar’s off like tooth picks, one tree in particular had a 64 inch butt and 150 foot tall top, snapped that tree off 1 foot above the dirt like a toothpick in your hand.
Of course we all lost power, 18 days before it got restored at our house, some niebhors waithed a month so much line was snapped by flying trees and debris. Words cant describe what a derichio is like. The roar like blocks all other sound off, and wall of solid brown mud and branches along its leading front high as the clouds totally turns the world darker than a coal mine, darker than the inside of a dead dogs arsehole. Its the end of everything you know for about a minute.

One day, powers still off, but everyone got together couple days after the derichio with chainsaws axes and shovels and we cut up the trees and temoved tons of debri clearing the roads up on the ridge, we never saw any state highway crews till two weeks come thru, they are all almost to a man gangstalkers in any case, a power company pickup with one dude in it stops out front our house, after afee minutes figure be a good opportunity to get some poop on whats happening, ends up the kid was in my coal mining card class gew years back. Turns out he’s running a company laptop on a cop car fash mount bracket, im lookingat the screen and it dawns on me, its kind of looking what I imagined in 1984 what my long lost buddy described about using your service power lines to scope out whats going on inyour house. Now I had designed and built an off grid wind and solar system using a big ol 12 volt fork truck battery, but I built the system as a hybrid that i could run total off grid or select various zones in our electrical where we can use both off grid and mains power simutaniously. And at that moment Ihad an aircooled VW betle bug motor driving a 220 volt generator, hooked up to our AC power water heater so my wife could have a nice bath. We had aded a foot of foam insulationaround the water heater and it held decent heat for 5 days between reheats using the VW generator, just before the power company stopped I had switched the water heater back on mains power eventhough that power was weeks away from coming on.
So im giving that laptop the hairy eyeball, and the kid notices im looking at his screen, hepipes up and tells me he can see everything in your house just driving by. And gives me a quick tour of the survieliance features. I’m like gobbsmacked. Like dude your not shitting me there? No way! Thats for real dude?, and he purses his lips nods his head and says “Way.”
I had nothing to say after that, what my buddy told me was right there in real time and my thoughts are it all has to do with sensor tech and software, its only limited by that technological limitations and thats constantly relentlessly advancing. And now I understand why all of a sudden there is this reversal in the authority’s stance on sustainable home based off grid powet and how in some states they where actually outlawing it.
Yeah man. You deprive them going off grid with untestructed unlimited free reign of your private affairs and direct meta data aquisition activities. What other peeping fucking glowie pervert shit do they got running and whats in store once they have 5G directed energy weapon technology employed into nationwide connected peeping fucking pervert on our ass’sall piped into those multi billion dollar fusion centers out in the Nevada dessert?

But here’s an interesting bit of anecdotal info for you. Being an accomplished sustainable off gridder and self reliant K, and that i chose a 12vdc system over highet voltage regimines, because the world of practical do it yourself off shelf bits and pieces and other crafty multipurpose products you can convert and adapt, are almost all 12vdc, snd if 12vdc is not as effecient a off grid voltage as 32 and 48vdc, you just simply add a little more solar or wind production to make up for the minimal lossess, and its in practical terms just as good, We got an awesome flatscreen TV, sound system, and media players in 12vdc to watch movies and music, no worries about the tv watching the old lady and me getting naked, watching the kids etc. Its all run off the 12 volt battery bank.
But here is something particular i found out. Got a numbet of Milwaukee 14vdc powered cordless tools. Its really a 12volt sysyem, the battery packs are nice quality, and when they eventually shit the bed its easy to rebuild with off shelf nickle cadmium D cells, simple solder job and your got new battery packs for cheaper than the shipping cost. Well i tried an idea where i sctounged up off fleabay used batery packs, rebuilt them, fabricated a rugged battery pack receptable plug and cigerette lighter plug, with a USB adapter, and use them for cell phone and other charging or powering duties. Even made a charget runs right off the 12vdc battery bank. Plus a combiner rig for running 2 meter mobile and handi-talkie radios. Allthe power you could need, easy simple wuick and great Milwaukee power tool quality rugged.

Well to my great surprise, we soon discover something kind of interesting. Vharging and running cell phones off these portable battery packs, we notice our phones seem to run better, like something ain’t like making our phones do all the fucked up shit they did before we got to ising our nifty batery packs. Like once not hooked into any mains power supply to run them they work faster, no squirelly shit going on like before, dont seem to use near as much power, and wird shit ised to happen frequently not so much now.
Take it as you will. For what its worth.
But in our time you can mot put anything oast the fuckers, nor how tgey are inside and into everything device or computer. And they never do anything by half, they got a iron fist throttle choke hold on all technology, its constantly in a state of advancement, and you and me ain’t fucking invited. I see you. After all they got old fashioned leather shoe gangstalker ground coverage on everyone combined with the latest DEW tech.
I’m a glowie, i am a foot kissing servent of my pedo overlords, and way down below my superior exterior appearence with my leg breakers badge and mall ninja outfit running terror operations against single unarmed mom’s, Im really deep down scared shitless you are gonna find out how much we are fucking you over and got a ortho scope up your rectum, how we are robbing you plebe suckers blind, and come for us with your bad ass-aulty Ar15’s and a bone in your teeth. So yeah we peeping fucking pervert tom the fuck out of you all because we are afraid of what you will do to us for what we been doing to you.
You unwashed American flag waving traditionalist racial supremacist white terrorist you.

3 years ago


“If you are really in the game, and believe in the cause, you don’t apologize to that. But if you are a heavily tattooed actress, playing the role of a conservative, for some Israeli pornographer who recruited you off one of his modelling sites, and you step over the line while ad-libbing some shit-talk to one of your fellow actresses in the middle of a scene, you apologize. These people do not get in these offices the way we were told.”

Let’s never forget your post for 7/31/2021:

Rising Republican party influencers got their start at a talent agency run by an Israeli pornographer. Candace Owens, Tomi Lahren, etc. Melisa Cantrone, who was claiming she witnessed election fraud with Rudy is one of them too, so I hope he is aware she might be an actress hired by somebody. Lauren Boebert appears to have a giant back tattoo running from her ass, all the way up her Obliques. So far, I’ve liked her public personae, but that has to be one crazy-ass chick, and she may sadly be owned by somebody, and the whole Shooters Grill and national recognition with news coverage was engineered. Disappointing. I always wondered, she seemed like she was on our side, but how did she get prime placement in the Fake News for a pro-gun restaurant story, unless she was Cabal. So she might betray us, or even the God Emperor at some point if the order comes down. I have no idea what is up with this, but one scenario that should be obvious is desperate girl willing to turn to porn for money does an “audition tape” and then is offered a higher paying job as a conservative influencer which doesn’t require having public sex regularly. She might even have been issued an earpiece too, or even given orders to try and throw herself at Trump to generate a scandal. Once they are owned, you never know. This will be a huge story, and feels kind of like it might be part of the plan exposing how everything is controlled with actors. You see how fake all of this is. This is why they can’t have people who are honest with you get anywhere near that world. If they see this, they will talk to you about it, and word will spread. So anyone honest has to be suppressed and kept from acquiring an audience.

3 years ago


” So he wasn’t just a dedicated commie embraced by fellow travelers, he was an intel agent spook who probably cut his teeth following neighbors through supermarkets and was embraced by the Cabal as a legacy hire who they knew could be trusted.”

Yes, communism was just an assignment given to him by spooks.

Here is Mathis writing about another agent whose assignment was communism

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
3 years ago

I bet the Miles Mathis committee also says that that huge wind of derichio D.C. talked about was caused by quantum butter knives! These were wielded by those CIA Olympic gym girls Mathis talked about being actors in fake molestation cases for the CIA!

3 years ago
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

They did cavort with demons IMO in the 1900s in America. The Suffragettes were deep into it:

“Satanic Feminism: Lucifer as the Liberator of Woman in Nineteenth-Century Culture
Per Faxneld

According to the Bible, Eve was the first to heed Satan’s advice to eat of the forbidden fruit. The notion of woman as the Devil’s accomplice is prominent throughout the history of Christianity and has been used to legitimate the subordination of wives and daughters. During the nineteenth century, rebellious females performed counter-readings of this misogynist tradition. Hereby, Lucifer was reconceptualized as a feminist liberator of womankind, and Eve became a heroine. In these reimaginings, Satan is an ally in the struggle against a patriarchy supported by God the Father and his male priests. The book delineates how such Satanic feminism is expressed in a number of nineteenth-century esoteric works, literary texts, autobiographies, pamphlets and journals, newspaper articles, paintings, sculptures, and even artefacts of consumer culture such as jewellery. The analysis focuses on interfaces between esotericism, literature, art, and the political realm. New light is thus shed on neglected aspects of the intellectual history of feminism, Satanism, and revisionary mythmaking. The scope of the study makes it valuable not only for historians of religion but also for those with a general interest in cultural history (or specific aspects of it like gender history, romanticism, or decadent-symbolist art and literature).”

comment image?SearchOrder=+-+OT,OS,TN,GO,FA

Reply to  info
3 years ago

19th century stuff is the same as re-imagining the MCU film heroes as multicultural heroines. It’s the same lack of creativity.

They are also LARPing as the last witches in Europe. No talents, no skills, no intuition, no history.

Everything in the 18th and 19th century was inflected to sound like a church sermon. Everything was discussed in those terms.

Mormonism has that same sort of thought- man choosing to eat the apple was choosing to know. It’s less paradise, more work, not the worst thing ever.

3 years ago

Can vouch for Dr Stella Immanuel. Her telemed prices last year were $90 for consultation if looking for prophylactic prescription or about $150 if actually sick with the coof. She has a set up with an independent pharmacy who mails you the meds. I was charged $50 for hydroxychloroquine, enough for about 6 months.

Nan C.
Nan C.
3 years ago

a researcher has identified patterns showing collusion between Pfizer, Moderna and J&J in deployment of toxic batches:

3 years ago

So, would plants inside a house disrupt surveillance scanning? The scene with Sherlock Holmes inside what looks like a garden?

I’m reading blogs where the writer says that NASA wants a plant for every 100 square feet,which is 20 or 30 houseplants, depending on the size of your house. Then I read debunking websites where the sentences do not hang together from the subject of the sentence to the dependent clause at the end of the sentence. It doesn’t even scan as machine generated.

Would the inside plants be subject to pesticides drifting around?

The trees suffer very concrete, specific- horrifying- effects when sprayed with this chemical. This suggests it’s a findable chemical, by someone- I don’t know who, but someone. Would it be something common in America, or illegal in America, or common in the rest of the world, or something not yet on the market?

Would ivy on an inside wall, inside houseplants with leaves of varying sizes and textures, affect the scans?

Does this affect the earthworms, or the fungus? It would have to, wouldn’t it?

Does it affect animals? Dogs, cats, deer, raccoons, fish?

Does it have nerve effects, mitochondrial damages?

I don’t know what I’m probing for. Upper middle class women on the East Coast- the wives of the men who would become the powers that be- had intense front gardens, if I’m to believe Martha Stewart. She’s a first rate social climber, and probably connected, and has all sorts of gardens with textures, shapes and depths. She has no functional privacy with her television show.

Suburbs, where lower grade military moved, had plain fronts with smooth lawns. Some had backyard gardens. There’s a sort of planed out, smooth front of waist high hedges, similar shapes and meager textures. At least that’s what I’ve seen. The plants look like they are struggling, even in places with abundant water.

3 years ago

World’s First Vaccine Murder case against Bill Gates, Adar Poonawalla filed in India’s High Court

Debra Shaffer
Debra Shaffer
3 years ago

Why is it that the stupidest people go into politics
Saw this skimming tw*tter. Some people are almost on the verge of red-pilling themselves

Debra Shaffer
Debra Shaffer
3 years ago
Debra Shaffer
Debra Shaffer
3 years ago Mass hypnosis is POWERFUL. I hope we haven’t actually lost Ireland

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
3 years ago

“the Constitution is not written on magic paper. It’s Amendments don’t automatically have a force of law through some natural process. All of it is just ideas, and if the people as a whole aren’t willing to kill other people, even traitors in our own midst, maybe in very large numbers to enforce them, they mean nothing.”

And that is how and why we lost our freedom, kids.

Reply to  Machine Trooper
3 years ago

Law is the application of penalties up and including violence to its violators. Unenforced Law isn’t Law.

3 years ago

“I suppose it is good for people to see, the Constitution is not written on magic paper. Its Amendments don’t automatically have a force of law through some natural process. All of it is just ideas, and if the people as a whole aren’t willing to kill other people, even traitors in our own midst, maybe in very large numbers to enforce them, they mean nothing.”

That paragraph is the most brutally honest conclusion I have read in years about our American political system. Spot on, good sir. Thank you for posting that cold gust of Truth.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Funny story, remember how I said that I was going to upload the new BOOTSTRAPPY ep this weekend? Well that was before I killed my mobo during the video card swap. I have a new AM4 mobo on the way from Newegg already and have lost no data. Problem is that the nvme boot drive on that mobo has the ep on it.

So does anybody know how to get a efi installed LVM partition to boot on another mobo? Was running Fedora 34. I have the drive in a USB adapter right now and it reads it just fine as a 1.1GB usb stick. It’s a 1TB nvme and it’s reading the boot partition just fine, but I can’t seem to mount the rest of the drive. If not I am going to have to redo the edit of the latest ep, which is a tough break, but possible because I have all the footage double backed-up. I would just prefer not to have to.

The drive is getting a fresh install either way, i’d like to get those files off of it though.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

In case anybody saw this and wanted to know how to fix this specific problem, this suggestion worked for me(2nd post):

The drive is plugged into my 2011 Phenom II backup system running Fedora 30 XFCE and I can read the whole file system no problem. I’ve got another NVME with this exact problem that I’m going to try it, too.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Really not having a good Saturday. Killed a motherboard and now I just had to turn down a CNC job via Gab because MK1 is just not there yet. Tomorrow I am filming more for the next ep. Have about half of it so far. You guys aren’t gonna believe it.

Did luck out and my old Phenom II backup computer is running just fine. This thing is a quad core from 2013 – 960T Black Edition. Slow but still working. I think that I’ve got it running 16GB DDR3. Once I get the Realtek 8814AU wifi I’ve got working I’ll even have some video editing capability. I have to plug it in to a physical connection, update it since it’s running Fedora 31, run a build script, and then I can even use this thing on that in case something happens to the motherboard in shipping.

Using Olive turned out to be a joy. It runs very well and I can’t wait to see how it matures. Pretty sure that I can deliver new eps of same quality as kdenlive using Olive from now on.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Hope things go better for you friend

Reply to  TommyEagan
3 years ago

Thank you. It’s okay. Kind of cool in a way, I’m on the Phenom typing this and it’s a snapshot of my life in DEC2019. The new board is on the way, this is just going to be a hiccup. No data lost.

I have a list of stuff I need that you guys won’t ever see. I have to get a pair of 8TB NAS drives for this thing as it’s going to be handling storage. Nice to have would be a Zen5900X for the new mobo. Storage first.

Future nice to have -I recently discovered the world of vintage camera lens modding. My father brought back some amazing Canon glass (FL lenses)from Vietnam and used them with a Canon F1 (FD mount) until film stopped being readily available. They produced simply amazing photos and I recently discovered a company (Simod) that retrofits old lenses to work on current Canon EFI mounts. It’s a few hundred per lens, but totally worth it. I’ve got basically a complete set of FD lenses in his camera bag, too. So once I get that dialed in BOOTSTRAPPY is good for camera equipment.

Planning to build one of these this year:

The greatest DIY MOTION CONTROL camera rig EVER – allegedly

3 years ago

Re: China vs US fighting effectiveness.

China vs Russia vs US army advertisements

You tell me which two countries are ready to fight, and which one is worried about a soldier with two moms.

3 years ago

This probably won’t post in the right place, but I’ll at least try a response to Lowell Houser.

> So does anybody know how to get a efi installed LVM partition to boot on another mobo? Was running Fedora 34. I have the drive in a USB adapter right now and it reads it just fine as a 1.1GB usb stick. It’s a 1TB nvme and it’s reading the boot partition just fine, but I can’t seem to mount the rest of the drive.

You mentioned that it’s using LVM. Try, on another Linux system, as root with the drive connected:

# vgscan
# vgchange -a y
# vgs && lvs

You should find the volume group and logical volumes listed in the output of the last command. If so, you should be able to mount /dev// to get the filesystem, if LVM hasn’t moved its device nodes since I last used it.

Booting with EFI is more of a pain because you’ll need to get the firmware to recognize that it CAN boot from that partition, which requires either EFI-booted live media or an EFI shell to create the boot entry. You should be able to simply transfer the existing Fedora installation to a new machine with no other difficulties other than making that boot entry on the new motherboard. Linux adapts to the finer points of PC hardware upon boot, so Linux installations are portable, unlike Windows.