News Briefs – 11/27/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

While getting funded by Burisma, Hunter Biden was also smoking crack and dropping thousands in the private room of a strip club. This was probably a major reason they used him, and he might even have done it knowing this would put Cabal at ease and secure his position. At this point it would not surprise me to find out his dad pulled him aside, and said, “Look, I know how it works. You can be worth hundreds of millions, maybe billions, but you have to have sex with a stripper in a private strip club room decked out with cameras, and hit a crack pipe a few times while you are in there for good measure. It may seem weird, but this is the only way they will trust you. They are not about to hire a boy scout for these positions.” I am increasingly thinking that if you wanted to be successful fast, by our old society’s standards, the key was not eons of hard work and dedication, but rather demonstrating openly that you were a degenerate and a coward who would gladly do whatever anyone who threatened you asked. Everything was a lie.

Today the DOJ filed a joint motion with the defense in the Flynn case, asking Judge Sullivan to delay any decision on the Motion To Compel until after the DOJ inspector general report is published on December 9th.

Former President Barack Obama reportedly told a visitor that President Donald Trump “knows absolutely nothing” after the two met at the White House in 2016. They couch it as if it was Obama saying Trump was ignorant in general, but I wonder if this could be a coded message to the puppetmasters, like Obama making an excuse, saying in essence, “He fooled, me, I had no idea we had these kinds of problems, so you can’t really blame me for staying silent and letting them get this far ahead of us.”

Reuter’s headline : Pompeo suggests debunked Ukraine election meddling theory should be probed. Debunked? No bias there.

ABC News Headline: Fusion GPS founders ‘horrified’ Steele Dossier was published but say ‘if you…tell fake stuff about us, we’re going to fire back’.

Incoming EU chief wants a 3 trillion euro climate investment. It is obvious where that would go.

Gov. Ralph Northam wrote to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Monday to say that Virginia would welcome more refugees.

Polls show Black and Hispanic voters are not onboard with the Democrats on impeachment.

Hunter Biden might have to pay back the millions he stole from Ukraine to the Ukrainian government under US law. From the article – “Under 22 U.S.C. Section 8904(a): “The Secretary of State, in coordination with the Attorney General and the Secretary of the Treasury, shall assist, on an expedited basis as appropriate, the Government of Ukraine to identify, secure, and recover assets linked to acts of corruption by Viktor Yanukovych, members of his family, or other former or current officials of the Government of Ukraine or their accomplices in any jurisdiction through appropriate programs, including the Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Initiative of the Department of Justice.”” And that ignores Trump’s EO about seizing money gained from corruption.

Democrats announce new Impeachment hearings for next week.

Robert Redford says, “President Trump’s dictator-like administration is attacking the values America holds dear.” And he is in the heart of Hollywood, so he knows exactly what is going on. And he defends that system.

Obama confided in a Democrat that he feels Biden really doesn’t have it.

Obama privately said he would speak up to stop Sanders from becoming Dem nominee. Nice little civil war they have brewing there.

John Cusack calls for boycott of MSNBC over its coverage of Bernie Sanders. I am still not clear on how this works. Is this the script? Is he just playing a role? Being in Hollywood, wouldn’t he have to be Cabal? Yet if he is Cabal, why is he supporting a non-Cabal Democrat, who Obama is signaling is not welcome? Or are they all compartmentalized and supposed to be self-tasking, so nobody is really certain what the official play is because nobody knows for certain what Cabal wants?

Blumenthal hits all the Cabal talking points on Lindsey Graham. From the article – “Blumenthal said, “I really regret that he has launched on this course. I think he’ll regret it too, because not only is it completely spurious, he knows it’s been debunked, it’s also, in fact, relying on this, insane as you have correctly called it, conspiracy theory involving Ukraine. It endangers our national security. This Ukrainian theory is one of the central tenets and tropes of Russian propaganda and disinformation.”  “Debunked.” “Conspiracy Theory.” 4 AM talking points clearly went out to them.

Minority voters chafe as Democratic candidates abandon charter schools.

Judge permanently bans all protests over school giving LGBT anal sex lessons to students.

Omar, Tlaib, and Ocasio-Cortez are all under investigations regarding misuse of campaign finances.

Elizabeth Warren signals she’ll pick a woman as a running mate.

Stacey Abrams has written eight romance novels to date, and one is under development with CBS. Notice, she didn’t even write them under her name. It is a perfect way to funnel cash to someone. Nobody would have any idea who bought the books, or even if they were actually printed and shipped, if you owned the publishing house.

Police are already testing how to deploy Boston Dynamics’ dog-like robot. It will be shocking if they aren’t armed with a gun and made autonomous and self-tasking at some point soon.

The Johnson VA Medical Center in Clarksburg, West Virginia might have a serial killer.

USPS buries an $8.8 billion loss at the end of its fiscal year report.

Good rundown on the Houston PD raid of a house that resulted in two dead residents, who look to have been innocent. Turns out they had a female neighbor who was calling 911 and saying her daughter (she had no daughter) was doing drugs in the house, they were dealing drugs out of there, they were addicts, and they had machine guns in the house. Turns out the 911 caller thought the female in the house who was killed might have been romantically interested in her boyfriend, so she was trying to get her taken out. An excellent example of the risks of red flag laws.

A bill prefiled in the South Carolina House would make gold and silver coins legal tender in the state.

Warren is collapsing in the polls. She is no more unelectable now, than she was eight months ago. I have had the feeling for a long time, that these scenarios (which happen often), are really Cabal trying to use fake polls to push a candidate they might use, giving them every advantage, including a public label as a winner, however contrived, to see if the candidate can use those advantages to gain traction among the mindless drones. In Warren’s case, she had her chance, and the real polling, that we never saw, showed she wasn’t able to use all those advantages to generate any traction, so now they tell us her poll numbers are mysteriously dropping, when in reality they never moved in the first place. Most encouragingly it implies that for all their talk of control, in matters of public opinion, they still can’t plan a course that far in advance, but rather are reduced to throwing shit against the wall, and hoping some piece of it sticks.

The Pope says not using or possessing nuclear arms will be added to the Catechism.

Georgie Clark, who lost her job as a teacher after sending Trump tweets complaining that her school was filled with illegal aliens, is now entitled to return to the classroom with back pay and employment benefits or district officials can fork over one year’s salary, after she prevails in court.

Ocasio Cortez says she hates the term “free stuff,” and wants people going forward to only call the freebies she offers as “public goods.” Free stuff it is.

If I am reading these next two right, advanced DC Homeland Security radar picked up a circular shape drifting slowly into restricted airspace toward the WHite House, air support was scrambled, but they never found anything:

A new lawsuit in New York accuses the Trump administration of starving the U.S. Census Bureau of funding needed to avert an undercount of racial and ethnic minorities in the 2020 census.

Nikki Haley said in an interview last week she believes President Donald Trump’s Presidency is being used by God to create “change” and to help teach the United States “lessons.”

President Trump donated his entire third-quarter salary to the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Health to help with the opioid epidemic.

Virginia gunowners are vowing civil disobedience against any unconstitutional gun laws.

Third Maltese minister quits amid fallout from journalist’s murder.

Liberal arts colleges are going under because young white men wont go to them.

U.S. trade deficit in goods falls 5.7% in October to a 17-month low.

New York Times says polling shows that there were a ton of democrat voters in the midterms who intend to vote for Trump in 2020. They basically say take the last election, remove any Democrat wins, and that is what 2020 will look like for Trump.

Trump’s entire rally, for those interested. The Big Man comes on at 6:22:35 –

Spread r/K Theory, because seeing liberals Triggered is good..

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5 years ago

>”John Cusack calls for boycott of MSNBC over its coverage of Bernie Sanders. I am still not clear on how this works. Is this the script? Is he just playing a role? Being in Hollywood, wouldn’t he have to be Cabal? Yet if he is Cabal, why is he supporting a non-Cabal Democrat, who Obama is signaling is not welcome? Or are they all compartmentalized and supposed to be self-tasking, so nobody is really certain what the official play is because nobody knows for certain what Cabal wants?”

Could be just be a manifestation of PANIC, seeing how the cabal network is getting gridded to dust slowly but surely at an ever increasing rate by Trump and his CRACK TEAM, you can expect some of the rats to get afraid and start scrambling and trying to save their own asses as best they see fit.
Imagine being in that big pedo club for decades, doing whatever they want to the unwashed plebs, and suddenly see people like Kevin Spacey and Prince Andrew getting the snare around their necks and going on live TV and say: “hey fellow pedo faggots, if you don’t find a way to save our asses, everyone is going down with us”. The system of mutual trust they set up in order to establish mutual trust in what regards their criminal activities is now turning against the cohesion of the network, due to the work of Trump and his CRACK TEAM.

I have no guarantees that is what is going on, but I think it’s a plausible explanation.

PS: and now that cartels are terrorist groups, and the rules of engagement for all involved with them say that they are enemy combatants, even if inside US soil, can you imagine the PANIC in Hollywood after they have been getting children and drugs from cartel trafficking channels for decades? Boy oh boy, this cartel shit might be the so called modern “Shot heard round the world” in what regards the WORLD WIDE WAR against the cabal. I have a feeling that the party is about to start frens, can’t stop giggling like a retard right now :DDDDD

5 years ago

Biden’s family enriched themselves every place he was “point man.”

A $1.5B housing deal in Iraq, a massive partnership with the Bank of China, and much more!

This has been in front of the swamp press for years! Where has the coverage been?

Mr. Giuliani is an artist, and he is about to paint his master-piece.

5 years ago

Biden got a 1.5 billion dollar housing deal in Iraq? I guess he was selling Bluth model homes. I’ve seen that episode; they fall apart and were never meant to be lived in. They were for laundering arms money.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Heck…writers write what they know. How many plot lines do we see on TV and movies that are probably cribbed from real life.

5 years ago

>”Trump’s entire rally, for those interested. The Big Man comes on at 2:20:35″

Why did you betray us like that AC 🙁
Kek, just goofing around fren, but he comes on at 6:23:35 (at least on my end).

5 years ago

One must wonder whether JFK being publicly shot and killed was contrived to turn the Democratc party into the party of hatred against the Commoners’ (that is us) Right of Arms.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  robertpinkerton
5 years ago

Conveniently, Lee Harvey Oswald purchased his rifle from a mail order outfit. Outrage about this led to the Gun Control Act of 1968 which set up our current Federal Firearms License system and, amongst other things, outlawed the sale of firearms by mail for non-license holders.

5 years ago

Came here after a recommendation from The Burning Platform. You have a good format and content and commentary is winner..

Will spread the word..

Breaking News.. RBG was seen earlier today out for a stroll..

comment image

5 years ago
5 years ago


Senior Ex-Deutsche Bank Exec Linked To Millions In Donald Trump Loans Commits Suicide

5 years ago
5 years ago

Not sure if known, but some glorious soul rescued Heartiste from the memory-hole…..Happy Thanksgiving!

Reply to  Anonymous
5 years ago

The Heartiste link is just a restored archive of his old site. All his new posts are on Gab.

5 years ago

South Carolina Lawmakers Propose Ban on Drugging and Mutilating ‘Transgender’ Kids

5 years ago

Read it frens, and the comments too (AC view on the cabal gets mentioned by various commenters), cabal related and how the traffick in political influence.

5 years ago
5 years ago

Maltese PM’s chief-of-staff arrested over journalist’s murder

5 years ago