Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – ECB Bank Chief Reveals Her Son’s Losses In Cryptocurrency Market
DFT – British Household Debt To Swell As Living Standards Decline – OBR Report
DFT – Türkiye Hikes Interest Rates To 40%
DFT – Germany To Eliminate Energy Price Caps
DFT – Russian Gas Deliveries To China Set New Record
Does anyone here know offhand, where WordPress stores its stats data? If I wanted to migrate this whole site to a whole new WordPress install, on a new host, by just moving over specific elements of the database and other relevant materials, is that stats data somewhere in the database, and I need to pull it out and migrate it over, or is it saved somewhere in the wordpress files? I am connected to Jetpack, so is it saved somewhere at I have like 13 million pageviews presently and would like to be able to track those stats going forward relevant to the past two and a half years, if possible, rather than starting over from scratch, but I cannot find an answer on google which is just useless for anything lately.
More on how the news may be fake is here – ‘Largest gun seizure’ in Shoshone County. It has a nice picture of the 18 seized guns. I will post a few of the guns below the pic:
Supposedly a Remington semi shogun, but the magazine looks awfully thick, and kind of offset to the far side of the gun?
Is it me, or is there no extraction port on this bull barrel 22, and the scope seems to disappear into the stock of the rifle above it?
And maybe I am admittedly not following new models, but what is this, and why is the weird iridescent camo from the stockless rifle (Marlin Model 60 receiver/barrel/mag?) above inexplicably carried over onto the little piece of pic rail on whatever that is, with the screwed up trigger, and the grip pointed in the wrong direction, below?
That is not a bullpup if you look at the full pic – whatever would be the stock is entirely too long. And imagine trying to get your finger in front of the trigger, and why would you have a pic rail there anyway, on that side which you normally keep smooth since the gun rests against you on that side when slung, and why does the camo from whatever is above carry on over just the rail, alone? And why would you even get a camo job like that on a Marlin Model 60, which is like a $90 gun? Maybe it is just a bunch of parts forced together, but I also think it possible the media might be either spicing up real stories with AI art to make them more attractive on the website, or maybe they are making things up out of whole cloth. Maybe Sandy Hook was like that, and there was a shooting, but the parents told the media to go to hell, and so the media hired actors to get the footage the real parents would not give. I don’t know, I just thought it weird enough to make a note of.
Nancy Pelosi’s daughter caught on hidden camera admitting January 6 was a hoax. Worth checking out. It is like the disruptors who come here – all of this is just a game to these people. She even says she knew and partied with Gavin McInnes, and he doesn’t believe anything he says, he is just a provocateur. Gavin McInnes, is partying with Nancy Pelosi’s daughter. Which tells you he was in the club. I will bet I have more honest readers here than he has followers of his work.
Bill Still encounters the American Stasi:
American Stasi Psyops 101. Bill, in this video, is bubbled inside a community of domestic intelligence. Once you are in there, intel can relate any story they want to you, through “friends” and through that, can control what you believe, and your responses and behavior. Based on my experience, it is possible the friend who tracked down the killer was domestic intel, the neighbor who called the cops due to the shot was Bill’s observation post, and they were all relating a story they wanted Bill to believe, so he would think he almost died. Bill’s big, even interviewing Bill Binney. Intel will surround him. His closest friends will all be in surveillance. Once there, you can’t take anything you’re told at face value. It’ll all be the psyop. I believe somebody shot near his house. Everything else is a question.
At 1:17 Garand Thumb starts talking, at 1:21, 3 seconds into the start of his video, I would bet the dog walker behind him is surveillance. And if he does not give his viewers a crash course on that, they will not be ready to make it. I am not entirely sure Garand knows. He may be like Dick Marcinko’s boy who tried his hand at bank robbery.Because none of this would be of any use against the real enemy in the nation. You can watch it, but I saw nothing which would increase my ability to evade domestic surveillance and operate in the city:
Flashback to 2015: NYPD says ‘trust us’ on potentially dangerous X-Ray vans roaming the streets of New York. See how this sets the precedent? They can beam ionizing radiation through your house now, from passing cars or from houses on the street, and maybe from helicopters, to look inside your house, without a warrant or court approval, you cannot complain to a court because you cannot prove it, you cannot even ask for details about the radiation, and it is totally legal. I will guarantee you national domestic surveillance is doing it on a scale nobody would believe, probably regularly from passing surveillance cars beaming it out the sides, at houses as they drive the streets of suburban neighborhoods, and they are producing a substantial number of cancer cases every year nationwide.
Mitt Romney says he would vote for a Democrat over Trump or Vivek Ramaswamy.
People are asking for receipts so here’s a big one from Vivek’s book “Nation of Victims”
He may pretend to be a Trump fan now, but he wasn’t when he wrote this book
He says the 2020 election was *not* stolen & Pence did the right thing on J6
These positions are disqualifying
Salon Magazine: This is ‘Democracy’s last Thanksgiving’ if Trump wins the 2024 election.
‘Shame On You’: Joe Biden gets booed and heckled on streets of Nantucket during shopping trip, as protesters are kept away from president after interrupting his earlier shopping trip. He is walking around with the grand-daughter Hunter was banging on video.
Feds considered sex trafficking charge for Hunter Biden.
Analysis: Over 23M naturalized immigrants eligible to vote in U.S. ahead of 2024 election. They could be 90 or 95 percent Cabal agents, brought over by the conspiracy, maybe more, taking orders from a foreign conspiracy, on top of the ten percent or so born into the domestic American Stasi. You could have 53 million voters in America taking orders from a foreign intel-op command structure on who to elect, as it installs people who will bleed the treasury dry, your money taken from you by force, for a foreign non-state intel operation. And that, also acting in the local elections, would have the same proportional effect in state races, as well as House and Senate.
Migrant surge expands in Arizona border sector — 58K in 28 days.
Joe Biden ignores rising inflow of Chinese illegal migrants. You always have to view migrants in the context of a hostile foreign intelligence infiltration operation. I think Cabal has sought to dissuade people from seeing them that way through their media lackeys, because they were running a hostile foreign intelligence infiltration operation and they did not want us to resist. Clearly China is now taking advantage of that.
Bentley driver was ‘alert and not impaired’ while desperately slamming on brakes of $300,000 supercar as it flew through the air and exploded in deadly Niagara Falls crash. Engineer says a dark vapor behind the car was the driver desperately slamming on the brakes as the car’s engine drove it to over 100 miles per hour, before the crash. You just cannot drive a new car, especially if you are highly successful. All of this tech is getting rolled out down to the lowest levels of the neighborhood networks at some point. Michael Hastings was just the beta testing of the pilot program for this. All of it will go mass-market mass-production at some point. You can see the smoke trailing visibly at 100 mph here:
I would not even be surprised they placed whatever ramp he jumped off of there knowing they were going to do this to him, and steered it via the overhead imagry, straight to it. If you do have a new car, you have to identify the main fuse in the fuse box which which will kill power to everything, and take a fuse you drill the fuse filament out of to break it, solder wires onto its connectors, plug it into the fuse box, run the wire on one side through an individual fuse holder where you will put a good fuse, and then run both wires on to a switch which will let you kill all power through that fuse, to everything in the car, including the spark plugs. And then you have to prepare your mind, so as things go wrong and everything makes you want to panic, you will without thinking, kill that switch immediately. If this guy had that switch under the dash and hit it immediately instead of slamming on the brakes, so long as the car was not a diesel, he would be alive.
Here’s what happens if Donald Trump dies while running in the 2024 presidential election.
First, Levi Strauss heir Rep. Dan Goldman says Trump must be “eliminated,” and now Business Insider is openly asking: What would happen if Donald Trump “dies while seeking reelection” in 2024?
Lawsuit alleges El Monte mayor sent gang member to intimidate political enemy.
Why everyone from teachers to celebs seem to be joining OnlyFans. A great money laundering tool, and along the way they can get millions of other girls to upload blackmail and ruin their ability to date and marry the ideal husband.
‘Elusive’ billionaire dubbed ‘Canada’s Jeffrey Epstein’ accused of horrific sex acts with minors.
Disney report warns investors social goals take priority over profits.
More on Israeli Intelligence officers actually discovering Hamas’ plans for the invasion, presenting them to superiors, and the Superiors immediately going to command, which forcibly dismissed the intelligence and ordered them to stop pursuing it. Exactly the same as our 9/11, except our Cabal leadership was better at hiding it, and many like myself stupidly trusted Bush.
International Red Cross concludes release of 17 Gaza-held hostages. How many hostages, anon?
Black migrant sending a warning message to the Irish. “This is our country! Everybody’s going to come down on you…you motherf*ckers better leave this country.” He sounds bold and confident, but that mask keeps slipping down like one hundredth of a millimeter, and he keeps freaking out and pulling it back up so nobody can see his face.
Argentina’s Javier Milei backs away from dollarisation as central bank pick rejects role.
Kyiv hit by biggest drone attack since war began.
Zelensky prepares new complex military conscription drive.
Spread r/K Theory, because the enemy is not bold and confident
Trey Smith – T-Rex Petroglyphs: The New Mexico Mystery Dinosaurs
“Scandal in Ukraine as Zelensky uses two proxies to pick up two motoryachts worth a combined $75.”
$75? should that be $75M?
Dah! Yeah, I did botch that one.
Thank you.
In War it’s not the Book Smart. It is the “Lucky” that do very well. Because “Luck” is a proxy for competence outside of controlled environments:
Re blacks and covid shots
That blacks in greater numbers will be taking covid injections is not surprising, if anecdotal evidence is a true indication. FWIW, blacks are a significant majority of those who are STILL wearing masks. You can only shake your head and resist drawing drastic conclusions.
Deliberate destroying of meritocracy is one the most important concepts to understand. It reveals their abhorrent psychology in full.
> KFF survey finds most Black and Hispanic adults expect to get the new COVID-19 vaccine, though most white adults don’t.
I don’t know about the vaxx itself, but from trips to the store, I notice that at least half of black shoppers are masked, Mexicans are never masked, and about half of “senior citizen” whites are masked.
> U.S. Representative Thomas Massie says if it were not for Edward Snowden, the elected body of the United States would not know about vast unconstitutional programs.
Other than details of some more-recent hackery, we knew most of Snowden’s “revelations” back in the 1990s. Well, if you were reading the comp.risks newsgroup on Usenet, anyway.
As for Snowden… if you look at his official bio, he should never have been hired for a position dealing with classified information, and his unlimited access was a classic security fail by the NSA’s own “Red Book” security guidelines.
He was planted by CIA to do exactly what he did. I think Snowden is a bad guy, albeit one of their better actors.
About Google declaring the US moon landing picture fake, I wonder if it’s because Google has access to the open Internet and is influenced by a wealth of fake moon landing content. It could simply just be data the AI has access to. I’ve never used Bard, and I touch Google as little as possible.
> President Putin is told, Google’s own AI says that US moon landing photos/videos are fake, and he doesn’t look surprised.
Back in 2002 one of the moon deniers accosted Buzz Aldrin and called him a liar and a fake. Buzz punched him in the face.
Buzz’ post-Apollo career has had a lot of ups and downs, many of them due to his DGAF attitude toward life. I don’t trust the Fed or NASA an inch, but if Buzz says he went to the Moon, I believe him.
The question is not whether we went to the moon, it’s what we found there when we arrived, and why we stopped going in the early 70’s.
I have seen convincing evidence of large scale ruins on the moon, as well as environmental anomalies that leave no room for doubt that the moon is much more than a dead rock, as well as testimony from several ex NASA and at least one former astronaut that we were “warned” off further exploration.
“…I have seen convincing evidence of large scale ruins on the moon…”
I’ve commented on this a LOT, but I’m coming to believe this is all fake. There is nothing on the Moon though I do admit its position and general gravity profile, if not a lie also, is very odd. I’m very strongly inclined to believe all the video we see of NASA faking stuff is really the fakers photoshopping NASA footage and saying NASA faked it when it was then, likely, very most likely, Jews who doctored it.
The only place I’ve seen the “evidence” is in Hoagland’s book. Even Ancient Aliens won’t talk about structures on the moon. They will talk about it being a hollow space station, but not so much any structures on the outside.
There’s several books on this I’ve read.
Leonard George. – Somebody Else Is on the Moon
Alan Butler, Christopher Knight – Who Built the Moon_ (2005, Watking Publishing)
Mike Bara – ancient aliens on the moon (2012)
Rob Shelsky, George Kempland – DARKER SIDE OF THE MOON _They_ Are Watching Us!-CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (2012)
I’m sure there’s more. More and more I’m convinced the “space ship moon” stuff is all fake too. Certainly the “we didn’t go to the moon” stuff is totally fake, gay and covered up with Jews. And as usual if a Jew is writing something or his mouth is agitating the air, he is lying.
That reaction almost makes me doubt him more.
Buzz was asked to swear on the bible that he went. … he refused.
Carrying a huge lie will make you an alcoholic too.
Buzz and co might’ve been “convinced “ they went to the moon. His dgaf in life might be an offshoot of that program
Moon is artificial
Moon is hollow
Moon is inhabited.
“…moon deniers accosted Buzz Aldrin…”
The Jew followed him around constantly. Tormenting him. That he wouldn’t swear on the bible, as the Jew demanded, means nothing, as he wanted nothing to do with this asshole. He got hit because he got up in his face.
The AI denial of moon landing is only because of the incessant Jew insistence on attacking any sort of White achievement through propaganda. I’m sure it won’t be long before AI insist that the earth is flat.
I’m also sure after tormenting Aldrin constantly over and over when he reacted the Jew said,”Adrin” is anti-semitic”.
The sooner you recognize that the Jews are a tribe of psychopathic mentally ill lunatics the sooner the world makes sense to you.
Ah yes, the oh so common Jew that asks people to swear on the Bible the Jews frequently piss and spit on.
> Derek Chauvin is in stable condition, expected to survive.
Let’s hope he doesn’t wind up like George Harrison of The Beatles. Someone broke into his house and stabbed him in the stomach. The docs sewed his guts back up, but he developed a malignant cancer around the wound path and eventually died of cancer.
Supposedly cancers around stab wounds aren’t unusual. Makes you wonder, though.
So some kind of disease or poison that is causing this.
This “mass deportation” of illegals–Is going to be violent. The host, Ramos, on the Spanish TV channel has already said, “We are here to stay”.
Blood is thicker than water—the Hispanics will NOT allow others to be deported. I saw signs that read “F*ck your deportations”. —You think for one minute that the Hispanic troops in the US Military are going to get involved? Over 40 million illegals? Really? That’s a lot of Hopum!
They talk big, and they may resist at first, but they will break and run rather quickly once our side actually takes action.
I hope this is true, but it gets <1% in the probability matrix. Mass moving of people against their will isn't simple, and will involve massive bloodshed.
Moving criminals who are unwilling to budge becomes much easier if you first grind them into slurry and pump that into tank trucks, which are then either emptied into major waterways or delivered to the nearest pet food factories. Do you think anyone will oppose that? Maybe Christian conservatives will, but most of those should cave if you offer them stock options in those cat food factories. Easy peasy, no?
I watched the Fall of Minnesota. Wow. I felt a huge amount of sadness and had to force myself to watch it till the end. The whole thing is a sham and a hoax. 4 innocent men destroyed–and the Judge? He prevented evidence from being presented. Their police chief stabbed his own officers in the back–and then they allowed a City building–built by taxpayers to be destroyed! Just absolutely shameful. But do watch it and spread it around!
And most likely four good, moral men who sought to protect the community, and who now have nobody protecting them.
It is tragic.
Yeah, we are being played, maneuvered, into positions. This was a purposeful act to drive whites, and good people, from being policemen in order to fill the ranks with minorities and bad people! Even though Police Officer Keun?, was of mixed race, actually Black–he was just doing his job–and it became a “racist” incident!
Ohh, I forgot…in chess, towards the end, it becomes clear the exact way the ending occurs. I’ve lost a many a chess game in high school and I noticed that at the end –it all became hopeless because every move the other winning player made, one was forced to a position that he created. I had to move to that position because his move forced me to do it. —Same in Politics, Culture.
But which side is making forced moves?
‘As odd as it might seem, a train conductor confirmed to Cowboy State Daily that grizzly bears and other wild animals frequently get intoxicated on fermented grain spilled from rail cars, and too many of them end up getting killed as a result.’
It turns wildlife drunk and suicidal? “Bud Light Bear” would be a good sequel to “Cocaine Bear.”
“Almost a third of millionaires in the U.S. now identify themselves as part of the middle class, according to MoneyWise.”
Link should be:
>All we have to do, is open the eyes of our brothers. And practice your AR drills. If our side can’t switch to left shoulder with a right hand grip like it is second nature at a corner, if everyone isn’t able to run their gun like it is second nature, the nation as we know it could cease to exist. I think it is clear our side is going to need that.
These are all great, but any “rebel” force has to be far more creative than just following “establishment” ideas of proper operations. We won’t have resupply, conscription, reinforcements and other benefits of a standing, .GOV backed military operation.
Always take a step back and think of better ways to accomplish an objective. CQB is incredibly lethal for all parties involved so if you need to clear a building, how can you do it without ever stepping foot inside? Fire, smoke, siege tactics, flooding, collapsing the building, etc.
Getting good with your rifle is awesome, but never having to fire it is even better.
You are undoubtedly right, in that I am not saying anyone is going room to room. (And for the record, I firmly think Aaron Cohen’s case for never going room to room in the US is right, unless you have time constraints imposed by some OpFor QRF arriving imminently.) But it will not get to that. I have tried to map all this out in my head just to see where the future will end up, and this is what I see, if we can inform everyone of what is out there.
At the end of the day, I think it is going to end up with shooting skill being a critical asset on the patriot’s side, whether it is used or not. Ground surveillance, which strikes me as overwhelmingly non-combative, will get Chechnya-esque terrorist like tactics to drive it out of the country first – people driving by and shooting through houses, firebombing, and so forth, just because people will not want them in their neighborhoods spying on them as government informers and targeting their kids. They will get the brunt of the hostile reaction from the people in what I think will be an inevitable conflict, just because people will be shocked and enraged at the machine and the local surveillance was the ones right down the street who were fucking everyone for that machine, to feather their own nests. People will either meekly begin whispering in their houses, and writing notes to try and not let the guy down the street, listening to them fucking and shitting and recording it in their file hear them, and accept life in the US will be like that, or the guy down the street is going to have his house become a target, of everyone, as well as others trying to take him out when he goes out, and he will have to leave. I think if it becomes everyone vs surveillance, I do not think surveillance will last. Especially if the politicians try to save themselves by turning the government they can on surveillance as well.
When the machine tries to send government forces to deal with the “terrorists,” I think the terrorists, bolstered by a perception they are undoubtedly the good guys, and fully in the right, and pitted against a genuine evil, will simply try to take as many of the government forces out as they can while attempting escape, before maybe going down, maybe getting away. In the process, others nearby, who will see the conflict the exact same way, may engage the government forces from behind, and up the ante, until government direct-action guys, many of who may agree with the “terrorist” assessment of the conflict (because they are seeing brothers killed, and FBI guys Havana’d, and they don’t want to live like that either), decide the battle is not for them, politicians realize they are losing the pointy end of their spear, and the machine begins looking for a compromise which will allow the people at the top to survive, and maybe even retain power by making it look like they are doing something.
The big victory will be getting rid of the surveillance, and I do not see how America leaves any of it in place. It is almost, exclusively the threat the nation faces, and the least cost to get rid of.
People now think the guys who matter are the fed SWAT guys, the HRT, or the ATF SWAT, or just regular federal agents with guns. The shiny guys who show up with guns. I think they are totally meaningless in any Civil War. There aren’t that many of them, and I think they tend to be more of the good guy psychology, they are probably a target of this thing was well, and maybe even just like us, just misguided, like I was at 18, thinking the Constitution or the government was worth fighting for. My guess is most ground-level Feds are figuring things out right now themselves, maybe many like Miami FBI, as they are getting vibrated at night.
Surveillance is missing something. It is not so much cowardice, though it looks like that, but it is a way they are programmed. When we were young, we were raised to think the country was worth fighting for. We may have been wrong, but it programmed us to have an idea something was worth fighting for. I don’t think they ever got that. When I was younger, I was puzzled by the surveillance kids, who seemed empty to me. I could tell many viewed me as stupid, when I would evince that there was a reason to be loyal to the nation. They are sort of “Path of least resistance” types. Which give off the vibe, there is nothing they will fight for. I viewed it as their inferiority at the time, though obviously now looking back they were technically right. But learning that, at that age, programmed them differently. I think it robs them of spine, and force of will.
I think that is why they hit me with the vibrations. In their mind, I would feel that, and the path of least resistance was to get in line. It is how they are programmed. I’d imagine they are baffled, that each instance only makes me more of a problem. I doubt they even grasp that I feel the high pitched piercing thing now as I am going off to sleep, and am on a level happy, because before then I could not stay awake, and needed to sleep. I view the harassment as now giving me a second wind to get the shit done to fight this thing I want to get done. I don’t know what they do long term. Maybe I am inevitably going to die from cancer now. And it is not pleasant. But right now, they get me moving, and that is not a bad thing, and I don’t dread The Beam when I feel it in any of its forms because of it.
Due to that psychology of their’s though, when the shooting starts, I doubt they are going to dig in and fight to remain in the US. They will Zap you from behind a satellite, but only if they can get away with it with no cost. They need that. There is no spine, or selflessness behind it. When what I see as an inevitable conflict starts, I think they will head overseas, rather than risk people launching nighttime hit and run attacks on them. I do not think any of them are volunteering for SWAT or HRT, or so on. Their whole recruitment happened because they were the ones who wanted the easy win beyond all else, and would screw anyone for it.
And in the end, they are the real threat. They are the single nexus, without which Cabal cannot control the populace, cannot control who rises within it, cannot rig the elections, or install its leaders, or constrain the people into a population of plebes beneath their “royalty.” And they are the enemy of everyone, even the FBI guys, and the honest local cops.
If we can spread it enough, make a solid enough case, I do not think Miami’s FBI field office is going to send support to rescue surveillance people who are the foundational support for the thing hitting them and their families with Havana syndrome in their homes each night. I doubt NYPD will be rushing to support the people who produced the murder of Miosotis Familia, or 9/11. They will have a dirty cop here and there who will show up in uniform to try and play the respect for authority thing, but by then, I think it will be purely surveillance/Cabal-intel vs America-proper, ad I do not think the uniform will mean much once those lines are drawn.
But as you can see, long before there is a Civil War, there is a much more complex informational/propaganda war to wage, which favors our side massively, basically it basically translates into us revealing the truth to our fellow Americans, from the soccer mom who doesn’t want her son turned into a broke coomer and a troon by this thing so its kid can be the valedictorian and get the well-paying job, to the FBI guys showing up to the office each day all fucked up in the head because somebody is physically assaulting them from behind a drone or a satellite. And we can do all this through means completely lawful and free of risk, in theory.
That said, once that informational warfare part reaches maturity, people will need to know how to shoot. Not at FBI HRT/Delta level, But enough to create credible resistance, so Cabal cannot just use its corrupt agents in government to get government agents sent in, to roll people up without cost and ship them off to camps. In the end, everything will come down to cost/benefit, and shooting will be vital to that. You do not want to be figuring out how to minimize your profile at a corner, or trying to fumble through a reload then.
Drilling now will be vital for then, and not in a fantasy way. Get gunned up, do your drills. Know what you will be doing, in the event you ever need to be doing it, and you may never have to do it at all. The real American’s ability to apply the force is what is vital.
Yes at least you know why and who you up against and doing something about it. The worst feeling ever is a feeling of helplessness
A lot of wisdom here.
When I think of Cabal people in my life, they are 100% people not willing to fight for something. In fact, that is a pretty good way to identify them.
They got theirs, and they got it the easy way.
If it were me, upon disclosure I would have lists of bunk names ready to go. Probably even legit cabal ground agents intermixed with people deemed to be threats to the system. Use anons to neutralize other anons while sacrificing pawns. Use that time to regroup or escape. The thought occurred to me while reading Devon Stack, “The day of the rope”. In it someone uploads lists of cabal targets with intel and damning video proof. All that can be faked with AI these days.
CQB is for the stupid.
FIRE (cleanses).
No American city has much worth saving.
Or they are indeed more red pilled, to the point of saying, “oh yeah, I get all those vaccines, I can’t wait.” And they hang up the phone, and the person next to them says, “you gettin vaccinated?” And they reply, “Hell nah. Fuck that.”
Or their impulsive resistance to “the man” has worn off and their lower average IQ is showing.
Their personal and cultural memories are not as long as some people think.
Except they still wear the mask. No, there is a lot of bravado and pretense, and very little awareness (IMO).
There are lots of people that, between their 401K and their home equity are “millionaires” but are definitely middle class. Given the trends, I could be there in a decade and I sure as hell ain’t rich.
You could have it in cash in addition to housing and retirement and you would only be middle class.
Ain’t inflation a hoot?
The Fall of Minneapolis~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Derek Chauvin takedown explained with evidence. What to expect nationwide in 2024.
They make good safe houses, too. Yachts can be pretty anonymous out on the open sea, and can be used to smuggle people transatlantic with the right setup. It’s certainly a way for him to rush off to Israel without being targeted as easily as a plane.
Stray Dogs Rip Apart Cars and Cause Up to $350,000 in Damage at Dealer
This smells like comms to me. Why would dogs go after materials that might scrape and chip their teeth? I can imagine them going after tires, but new tires smell terrible. Something doesn’t add up here.
EDIT: Looks like they released the footage. The fenders are clearly cheap plastic, so wouldn’t really hurt the teeth.
One story I saw said there was a cat the dogs were after, which apparently went up inside the car to get away.
But is it tough to tell these days. I think you are right, in that there is some flag which we do not notice, but which Cabal people looking over the news see, and know, some story is fake, and contains a hidden message. I just cannot figure out what it is.
They were chasing something, squirrel, cat…
“The US Army’s strange recruiting tactics make a lot more sense once you realize it probably isn’t mobilizing for a war with a near-peer military like China or Russia.”
Paraphrasing Sun Tzu, failure to view something the right way usually leads to a defeat.
The American public IS a peer opponent to the US military. There are more of them for starters, they are heavily armed with hundreds of millions of small arms and likely trillions of rounds of ammo. They can surround facilities impeding delivery of ammo, fuel, food, power and electronics as well as personnel transport to and from bases (many military do not even live on their bases). They have patriotic ‘spies’ embedded throughout the force (likely over 25%), they have superior propaganda regarding the force (the Constitution). They do lack a coherent and unified c3 network, but that can change- it also matters less in local conditions when there are superior numbers. Lacking command and control can also be a benefit (what do you target?) Many military units if surrounded by civilians would simply surrender or abandon their posts. Some would join the civilians. And of course unit cohesion and competence with systems is a problem with a force that is politicized against White men and favors non-native, women, lower-IQ and homosexual/transgender mentally ill individuals in positions of command authority. Political leaders will also discover how worthless gamma males are in particular, when there are nothing but ‘chiefs’ and no indians. ‘Chief’ isn’t even a word I would want to use for gammas. Basically, the US military isn’t even a military without competent White men forming the majority of it, and robotics/ AI is too expensive and rare at the moment and Biden just made this (likely stupid) ‘agreement’ with China not to use lethal AI. Make work programs are awful make war programs. A conflict could literally be over in a week.
Wives, children & family is schwerpunkt
The nation was laid out on advent of the intestate system to have every major city as a redoubt/ base. They’re all ringed in a highway for defensive purposes and they all have at least a small airport (see Detroit city airport, Chicago city airport) add a million give or take starving natives in each city you can arm and send out to loot food and supplies and it makes the whole situation much stickier.
I was surprised to learn that the infantry MOS comprises only 4% of the Army and 14% of the Marine Corps. Granted, there are other combat arms (Armor, Artillery, Aviation, etc.) but there must be an awful lot of “civilians in uniform” whose combat potential is very low and who would be nothing more than targets in an unconventional warfare situation.
Infantry has its place, but most veterans have some form of training that could be useful if SHTF. I don’t know if I’d trust an admin weenie or a former cook, but most of us have some training related to security at the very least.
“Nobody will be able to say it wasn’t obvious what is coming.”
You underestimate the obliviousness of Affluent White Female Liberals (AWFLs).
Oh so true and funny!
“President Putin is told, Google’s own AI says that US moon landing photos/videos are fake, and he doesn’t look surprised. ”
Clicked on this one, and its even better than the headline. China recently sent an unmanned probe to the Moon. The Google AI examined photos taken by the Chinese robot, and decided they were legit, and also the Apollo photos, and decided the Apollo ones were fake.
At the time of the Chinese probe, my Quora feed was full of claims that it went to the Apollo landing sites and found evidence that those missions actually happen. I find this hard to believe.
Most Apollo skeptics don’t doubt that robot probes could be and have been sent to the Moon and other planets. The objection is to the feasibility of sending humans there without getting the astronauts killed.
“Stephen Miller says, Trump will invoke a law from 1700 to mass deport migrants without due process.”
I clicked on this, and its Instagram, which I don’t know how to navigate, and I’d like more details on this. It doesn’t make any sense. The United States did not exist in 1700. A law passed by the English Parliament would be null and void (and the Kingdom of England doesn’t exist anymore either), and something passed by a colonial assembly would apply only to that specific colony. So I have no idea what he is talking about.
Probably should be 1700s, the 18th century, but after the founding.
“…The objection is to the feasibility of sending humans there without getting the astronauts killed…”
And yet you have no evidence for this. We know we can make rockets. We know we can land stuff on the moon. We know we can make spacesuits. But somehow we can’t keep them alive? You just made that up. Prove that. Prove that it can’t be done.
No doubt it was difficult, cost a fortune and was dangerous. That’s the reason we stopped. All the next steps NASA promoted, Mars, space stations, etc. cost even more, and we had a general idea of the Moon by then already. Each additional flight gave less new information while not lowering the risk.
> We know we can make rockets.
Yes. Any that can allegedly “leave earth?” No. Go find someone who can shoot a hobby rocket into “space” and maybe I’ll start to listen. Anything that has to filter through a .GOV agency (repeat proven liars re: space) or their shills (SpaceX, the new NASA replacement) is dubious at best, obviously a lie at worst.
>We know we can land stuff on the moon.
Do we?
> We know we can make spacesuits.
Do we? That can withstand a 1×10-17 torr vacuum? A force that isn’t replicable on Earth, with the closest approximation we can achieve needing concrete and steel walls many feet thick to resist the pressure?
>You just made that up. Prove that. Prove that it can’t be done.
The default assumption is “alleged empty massive vacuum of cold airless death is lethal until proven otherwise.” You prove it, without NASA shilling if possible (it isn’t).
>No doubt it was difficult, cost a fortune and was dangerous. That’s the reason we stopped.
And why we erased all the telemetry data that could fact check our lie, anon, and destroyed the tech instead of just reusing it, and claimed it’s too painful to rebuild despite 60 years of industrial and manufacturing innovation. I must have missed the headline where the US .GOV regained fiscal common sense and stopped spending money out the ass on retarded nonsense.
“…Go find someone who can shoot a hobby rocket into “space”…”
edge of space (Kármán line – 100km)
Go here to find them,
“…And why we erased all the telemetry data that could fact check our lie, anon, and destroyed the tech instead of just reusing it, and claimed it’s too painful to rebuild despite 60 years of industrial and manufacturing innovation…”
A direct lie, or you’re too stupid to know what is what. I covered this before. Find it yourself. It’s o the site and elsewhere. That you blatantly lie or are too foolish to know what you’re talking about shows either deep untrustworthiness or incompetence. Which is it? It has to be one or the other.
“…> We know we can make spacesuits.
Do we? That can withstand a 1×10-17 torr vacuum?…”
You’re incredibly stupid. A spacesuit needs to withstand about 5PSI. The tires on your car are 33PSI or better. A common air mattress has 8PSI.
You flat earth people say the dumbest things.
Funding the moon shot took an actual, measurable chunk of GDP. We have social programs and debt, rather than moon launches.
Consider the states that have rabid flat earthers. Do you actually want those people in space? Whether or not you do, I think maybe the military or central state does not. NASA is a religious project. We are so used to Axial Age religions that we don’t really have the language to talk about spacefaring faiths.
No one has to prove a negative. You, the claimant, must prove the positive.
If men went to the moon, walked on it, and then returned safely, that trick must be repeatable in order to be believed.
“…No one has to prove a negative…”
You of course just made that up from nothing. If the preponderance of evidence is behind a fact, then it behooves the person stating otherwise to prove that all the evidence is not true. You can’t fool me with these stupid “pronouncements” that you people blather left and right with no common sense at all.
Unless you are flat earth, which you likely are, then you can just “pronounce” stupid shit constantly, and we will…take it into consideration.
There is no evidence that men have gone to the moon and returned safely. Hollywood movies prove nothing. If you did it 50 years ago, you could do it now, for less money too.
Delta guys in Mogadishu, in that piece which Blackhawk Down was based on, spoke of how once you were in the conflict, every rule, every law, everything gave way, and you were completely unconstrained by anything but raw survival.
I’d also like to call attention to Oliver Stone’s “Ukraine on Fire”, which really helped me stay ahead of the curve on the situation over there. When Russia invaded, I already knew about the Maidan color revolution. Nobody can understand the situation without understanding Russia’s causus belli which, as you know, is never mentioned in the media.
Yes. There is more to the story westerners have no clue about. Russell Bentley a.k a. Texas in Donbas, was running u tube video series extensively all about donbass and Luganst after the Maidan. (utube of course pulled it all down from site post svo war starting). He emigrated there and was hands on fighting with his new countrymen. Intense stuff for eight years, long before the actual Russian SVO started. Ukrops were terror shelling russ donbass civilians beyond a criminal level. The systems have siloed millions upon millions of us thinkers who know facts via simpleton research, yet the mocking bird media and .gov praetorians still cackle away incessant fake and gay information from their perches above all of the proles irregardless of facts and truths. A lot of things are not going to end well for very very many people on this trajectory.
Office party meme
lol’d a little too out loud. thx
In all fairness, apparently the jewelry maker instructed Rishi Sunak to use the side of the hammer.
Stiched him right up..
LOL. Thank you for this!
Or she was following Steve, and this is her cover story.
standing opposite them,
Me too!
“Almost a third of millionaires in the U.S. now identify themselves as part of the middle class, according to MoneyWise.”
The link points to an article about Derek Chauvin. This is the correct link:
Thank you.
“Getting good with your rifle is awesome, but never having to fire it is even better.”
Pure Sun Tzu, though I noticed in the other posts someone else caught one. I think this is appropriate for this type of warfare.
One other thing I caught recently, from the recent Ridley Scott Napoleon movie, is an authentic Napoleon quote (the movie is otherwise very hit or miss with accuracy) when he said the Mamlukes opposing him in Egypt were great warriors, and more formidable than his army individually, but his army was made up of inferior men, and an organized, cohesive force, so they would prevail. As they did.
So what is the point? Weapons drills (not just weapons that use gunpowder) will be fine, even essential. But what will really count is situational awareness. And an organization would be superior if it could be kept going and not sabotaged. I think the adversary is organized, but heavily dependent on basically brainwashing.
We have one real advantage. Overwhelming numbers. The key is we have to make everyone aware, and get them all on the same page. Not an easy task, as this thing controls the internet. But already with Q, you see the shift. Fifteen years ago, no way was the “government” involved in 9/11. Now, nobody would be surprised. Our elections are rigged, there is some secret group which has all the media spouting the same narrative, the FBI is more like the CIA in Latin America operating against the American people than Officer Smith patrolling the neighborhood for criminals, and it is clear somebody running things is so psychotic they are destroying America. People are ready.
And we have the material to do it, we just need the spread. And Trump is running in a year, just as we have built up to a critical mass to use that. I think we can do it.
Once the idea of Stasi/KGB gets to cracking, all the dots will connect.
“I think the adversary is organized, but heavily dependent on basically brainwashing.”
This insight deserves repetition.
Trey Smith – The Dark Cube
How does the bit about military recruiting at the sissyfag convention square with the new Army recruiting video showing athletic White guys jumping out of helos? Kind of a mixed message.
Already live in digital fantasy-land.
Q documentary | Trey Smith
Woke AI