News Briefs – 11/25/2022

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”


DFT – Covid-19 Cases Grow In China, Locking Down Production And Consumption

DFT – HP Outlines Massive Cost-Cutting Plan, Could Boost Profits Massively

DFT – White House Trying To Avert Impending Rail Strike

DFT – Oversupply Warning Signs Flash In Global Oil Markets

DFT – EU Begins A Subsidy Spree To Stop EU Companies Moving To US

The Based Black Friday/Cyber Monday Book Sale is live now through Tuesday November 29, 2022. Bypass the cultural gatekeeping, support non-woke authors, and get yourself some great books from both established and emerging talent for only $0.99 – many titles free! Over 190 books are in the sale this time, including more than fifty new titles.


Optics Planet is giving away $11,000 of gear in a sweepstakes. Gen III Night vision googles, radios, binoculars, packs, etc. You can enter at the link. The NVGs are pretty cool.

Surveillance in the movies – Jarda arrives home, from Bourne Supremacy. In the movie, Jarda in this scene is one of only two elite MK Ultra’d Treadstone assassins still alive in the world (alongside Jason Bourne), arriving home from his cover day-job, so he would definitely have priority surveillance from the neighborhood crew.  In the first 20 seconds of this scene, even though his neighborhood appears empty as he arrives home in the middle of the day, at the moment he exits his car to enter his home, a lone local neighborhood surveillance-walker is walking right in front of him, timed perfectly to his exit of his vehicle, exactly as it would be in real life  – and they make it a point to show her, obviously. I don’t know why they include this in these movies, given this is the big secret they can never let anyone know or see, but I see it again and again, and the people who put it in here clearly know what it is they are adding (After 20 seconds in, there is nothing else of interest in this 5 min clip) :

You could see how in real life, there is zero chance Bourne would get into his house without local surveillance, which would be in every surrounding house, going apeshit, and everyone knowing. All of these movies are impossible in real life. Bourne could not enter that neighborhood without the local Monitoring Post noticing a car entering through the tech, and beginning to look into who it is and what they are up to. And it goes for everything in the movies. Nobody is doing bank jobs, conducting assassinations, launching terrorist operations, committing murders, doing serial killings, or even transporting drugs, and the local crew of Cabal watchers is not noticing and not getting on top of it. I was just thinking today, we have this expansive national security apparatus, the CIA, the NSA, DIA, CSA, FBI, and on and on. Probably trillions of dollars a year when you look at the machine in every nation of the west. And yet there is no real NatSec threat. Al Qaida? CIA asset. ISIS? Created by CIA. 9/11? They at least allowed it, and probably did it. Mafia? FBI and CIA fully control it and run the leaders as assets. MS-13? Ask Seth Rich. Cartels? Ask Kiki Camarena about the CIA interrogator the Cartels brought in to figure out what he knew before they killed him. That whole NatSec Intel machine, has no national security purpose in reality, because this thing is everywhere, and in control of everything in the West, and probably globally, given it is importing ground assets like Ilhan Omar’s family left and right from places you would never think we ran this ground surveillance thing. I think the whole national security apparatus, in all the Western governments, may in actuality, be solely for us, because we are the only real threat to the powers running the West.

Regardless, a lot of these movies, simply by acting as if you can do murders and terrorism, and break into houses and hide, and not set off all sorts of warning alarms with the local surveillance, perpetuate the perception by the public that there could never be any such machine out there. “Of course there couldn’t be surveillance everywhere. How could Gary Busy have been importing all that heroin in Lethal Weapon if there was this all-knowing surveillance thing out there? How could Jason Bourne have broken into Jarda’s house and surprised him?” They don’t say it, but it has infected their perceptions, because we process what we see, and assume it is reality, even when it is a movie. Perhaps that has some tie to why they include these real-life portrayals of the surveillance in movies.

Hundreds of former Israeli Unit 8200 surveillance agents hold top roles at Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and Amazon.

More Arizona 2022 election anomalies – GOP State Mine Inspector received more votes than either Biden or President Trump in 2020.

Maricopa county moves election certification to ONE HOUR before they are subpoenaed to cough up election records.

Bill Gates, chair of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, confirmed that he was moved to an undisclosed location for safety reasons amid security concerns in connection to the 2022 midterm elections.

The Election Integrity Network sent out a survey to its on-the-ground volunteers following Election Day and the responses from election workers in key battleground districts and states around the country showed a mostly calm election cycle compared to 2020, with one massive and overwhelming exception – in Maricopa County.

FTX owned an $11.5 million stake in a tiny rural bank in Washington state with just 3 employees, bankruptcy hearing shows. Interesting. What were they up to with that?

Tom Emmer, the new GOP majority whip, tried to block the SEC from investigating FTX, the crypto company run by the disgraced Sam Bankman-Fried. FTX has made multi-million dollar donations to the House Republican campaign arm, which Emmer led. I doubt the pudgy geek running things could figure all of this out himself. He was just a front-man for a much more sophisticated operation.

The ‘Blockchain Eight,’ made up of four Republicans and four democrats who all received contributions from Sam Bankman-Fried, wrote a bipartisan letter in March attempting to chill the SEC’s information requests to crypto firms. The names:

Emmer (R-MN)

Davidson (R-OH)

Donalds (R-FL)

Budd (R-NC)

Soto (D-FL)

Auchincloss (D-MA)

Torres (D-NY)

Gottheimer (D-NJ)

Kelly Tshibaka, an Alaska Republican backed by former President Trump, is blaming Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell for her failure to oust centrist GOP Sen. Lisa Murkowski this election cycle.

Elon Musk says he’ll make public internal Twitter discussions about decision to censor Hunter Biden laptop story. This is all still consistent with the hypothesis the last iteration of Cabal’s control-structure fucked up, and let everything get exposed, and everyone get pissed off enough to rumble, so they are going to tear it all down – in preparation for rebuilding it again, this time in secret and fully hidden. But first we must be convinced we have defeated it. The thing is, if we can play our cards right, we might just be able to piggyback this script of their’s, and defeat it for real.

Elon Musk says he’s granting ‘Amnesty’ for nearly all banned Twitter accounts. This will be interesting – will he bring back Vox Day? My suspicion is, if he does, Vox, and many others who are problematic, will all get double super-secret shadow-banning mixed with AI-follower insulation from the broader population. This is a very sophisticated operation, and its goal is isolation of certain people.

The Twitter office responsible for complying with European misinformation laws has been shut down after Elon Musk’s layoffs.

Europe warns Musk he must hire hundreds of moderators to limit free speech and control the narrative.

As ‘censor chief’ Vijaya Gadde is fired, read how Twitter had refused to take down child porn even as victim’s parents begged for its removal.

Police revealed that Walmart shooter Andre Bing’s deadly manifesto, which has not yet been made public, contained claims that his co-workers at the supercenter in Sam’s Circuit, Chesapeake, were harassing him. Neighbor (and if he was a target, you never know if they are innocent) says:

‘He kept himself to himself, he was always alone. No one else lived in that house….

‘I would see him mowing his lawn and things but he would never talk. He was odd…

I tried to talk to him but he just wasn’t interested at all.’

Bidens call owners of Club Q, site of Colorado mass shooting. Club “Q?” Is this Cabal saying to the counter-conspiracy they want to talk? Or that Cabal would be willing to help the counter-conspiracy, if they would make contact and make a deal? And why hasn’t Biden and the national security state arrested Q and trotted him out in front of the media, as a dangerous radical encouraging terrorists, or something?

Colorado Springs shooter’s non-binary claim won’t stop hate crime charges, legal experts say.

Prior arrest records show Colorado nightclub mass murderer told his family he wanted to be the next mass killer. Charges dropped, then he is cut loose, with no seizure of the guns he was waving around on camera as he threatened to kill cops on livestream, and no red-flagging.

New video of Ray Epps on Jan 6 uncovered by Jason Goodman at “Crowdsource the Truth” – Epps brushes past another man making hand signals.

Rachel Chandler, who Q alleged was somehow involved in pedogate, was a casting agent for Balenciaga. An anon on 4Chan claimed he went to high school with her, and during the week she was a normal kid from a middle-class family with nothing seemingly special about any of them. Then the weekend came, they came back to school Monday, and there were photos all over the internet of her with Bill Clinton, or Eminem, or Paris Hilton, but she was still acting like any other kid, with nothing unusual about her. Surveillance?

Biden Administration allocates $1.1 billion to keep California’s nuclear power plant operating.

Top virologist and member of FDA panel who voted for Covid vaccine emergency approval dies suddenly. LOL.

A Swiss cardiologist with a doctorate in immunology and virology who has held a private practice for 24 years says police forcibly took him to a psychiatric ward to be examined for mental illness in response to his public criticism of COVID restrictions, mandates and testing he argued were unscientific.

Majority of Covid deaths are among vaccinated Americans for the first time — now that 230million have had at least two shots.

Washington, DC, public schools will require that all students and staff test negative for the coronavirus before they are allowed to come back from Thanksgiving break.

Fauci Deposition report: “he can’t recall practically anything dealing with his Covid response!”

Researcher claims anti-vaxx groups’ fear mongering and scare tactics cause vaccine-related adverse events like blood clots and heart attacks.

Official reports quietly published by the United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC) confirm that there have been 1,106,079 excess deaths compared to the 2015-2019 five-year average since the vaccine’s rollout.

Biden says he will try to move on gun control during lame-duck session.

Biden says sale of semiautomatic firearms ‘has no social redeeming value.’

Joe Biden on Thanksgiving: Americans purchasing semi-automatic weapons is ‘just sick.’

NYC Housing Authority to spend $596 million on illegals while New York’s citizens suffer.

Meta claims it took down a US military online propaganda campaign targeting Russia, Iran, and China. China probably found evidence and demanded Zuckerberg do something.

Two women who accused Jeffrey Epstein of sexual abuse have filed lawsuits against JP Morgan Chase and Deutsche Bank, alleging the banks ignored “red flags” about their client and benefited from the late financier’s alleged sex-trafficking operations.

Free to abort up to the fifth month – a Bishop and a theologian explain why.

Archbishop Viganò: Faithful Catholics will escape the authoritarian suppression of the Latin Mass.

More from Archbishop Vigano from here, a transcript of a Zoom meeting with Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International:

Dear and distinguished friends,

Allow me first of all to thank Doctor Stephen Frost for the invitation he has extended to me to speak to you. Along with Doctor Frost I also thank all of you: your commitment to fighting the psycho pandemic propaganda is commendable. I am well aware of the difficulties you have had to face in order to remain consistent with your principles, and I hope that the damage you have suffered can be adequately repaired by those who have discriminated against you, depriving you of work and salary and labelling you as dangerous no-vaxxers.

I am pleased to be able to speak and share with you my thoughts about the current global crisis. A crisis that we can consider to have begun with the pandemic emergency, but that we know has been planned for decades with very specific purposes by well-known personalities. Stopping at the pandemic alone would in fact be a serious mistake, because it would not allow us to consider the events in their full coherence and inter-connectedness, thus preventing us from understanding them and above all from identifying the criminal intentions behind them. You too – each with your own expertise in the medical, scientific, legal or other fields – will agree with me that limiting yourselves to your own discipline, which in some cases is extremely specific, does not fully explain the rationale for certain choices that have been made by governments, international bodies, and pharmaceutical agencies. For example, finding “graphene-like” material in the blood of people who have been inoculated with experimental serums makes no sense for a virologist, but it does made sense for an expert in nanomaterials and nanotechnology who understands what graphene can be used for. It also makes sense for an expert in medical patents, who immediately identifies the content of the invention and relates it to other similar patents. It also makes sense for an expert in war technologies who knows about studies on the enhanced man (a document of the British Ministry of Defense calls him “augmented man” in transhumanistic terms) and is therefore able to recognize in graphene nanostructures the technology that enables the augmentation of the war performance of military personnel. And a telemedicine expert will be able to recognize in those nanostructures the indispensable device that sends biomedical parameters to the patient control server and also receives certain signals from it.

Once again: the assessment of events from a medical point of view should take into account the legal implications of certain choices, such as the imposition of masks or, even worse, mass “vaccination,” made in violation of the fundamental rights of citizens. And I am sure that in the field of health governance the manipulations of the classification codes of diseases and therapies will also emerge, which have been designed to make the harmful effects of measures taken against Covid-19 untraceable, from placing people on respirators in intensive care to watchful waiting protocols, to say nothing of the scandalous violations of regulations by the European Commission which – as you know – has no delegation from the European Parliament in the field of Health, and that is nota public institution but rather a private business consortium.

Just in the past few days, at the G-20 Bali summit, Klaus Schwab instructed heads of government – almost all coming from the Young Global Leaders for Tomorrow program of the World Economic Forum – about the future steps to be taken in view of establishing a world government. The president of a very powerful private organization with enormous economic means exercises undue power over world governments, obtaining their obedience from political leaders who have no popular mandate to subject their nations to the delusions of power of the elite: this fact is of unprecedented gravity. Klaus Schwab said: “In the fourth industrial revolution the winners will take it all, so if you are a World Economic Forum first mover, you are the winners” (here). These very serious statements have two implications: the first is that “the winners will take it all” and will be “winners” – it is not clear in what capacity and with whose permission. The second is that those who do not adapt to this “fourth industrial revolution” will find themselves ousted and will lose – they will lose everything, including their freedom. In short, Klaus Schwab is threatening the heads of government of the twenty most industrialized nations in the world to carry out the programmatic points of the Great Reset in their nations. This goes far beyond the pandemic: it is a global coup d’état, against which it is essential that people rise up and that the still healthy organs of states start an international juridical process. The threat is imminent and serious, since the World Economic Forum is capable of carrying out its subversive project and those who govern nations have all become either enslaved or blackmailed by this international mafia.

In light of these statements – and those of others no less delusional than Yuval Noah Harari, Schwab’s adviser – we understand how the pandemic farce served as a trial balloon for imposing controls, coercive measures, curtailing individual freedoms, and increasing unemployment and poverty. The next steps will have to be carried out by means of economic and energy crises, which are instrumental to the establishment of a synarchic government in the hands of the globalist elite.

And here, dear friends, allow me to speak as a bishop. Because in this series of events that we are witnessing and will continue to witness, your commitment could risk being thwarted or limited by the fact of not being able to see its essentially spiritual nature. I know that two centuries of Enlightenment thought, revolutions, atheistic materialism and anticlerical liberalism have accustomed us to thinking of Faith as a personal matter, or that there is not an objective Truth to which we all must conform. But this is the fruit of a propaedeutic indoctrination, one that happened long before what is happening today, and it would be foolish to believe that the anti-Christian ideology that drove the secret sects and Masonic groups of the eighteenth century had nothing to do with the anti-Christian ideology that today drives people like Klaus Schwab, George Soros, and Bill Gates. The driving principles are the same: rebellion against God, hatred for the Church and humanity, and destructive fury aimed against Creation and especially against man because he is created in the image and likeness of God.

If you start from this evidence, you will understand that it is not possible to pretend that what is happening before our eyes is solely the result of profit-seeking or the desire for power. Certainly, the economic part cannot be disregarded, considering how many people have collaborated with the World Economic Forum. And yet, beyond profit, there are unstated purposes that stem from a “theological” vision – one that is turned upside-down, it’s true, but still theological – a vision that sees two opposing sides: the side of Christ and the side of the Antichrist.

There can be no neutrality, because when there is a clash between two armies, those who choose not to fight are also making a choice that affects the
outcome of the battle. On the other hand, how is it possible to recognize in your noble and high professions the admirable order that the Creator has placed in nature (from the constellations of stars to the particles of the atom)and then deny that man is also part of this order, with his moral sense, his laws, his culture, and his discoveries? How can man, who is God’s creature, presume to not be subject himself to eternal and perfect laws?

Our battle is not against creatures made of flesh and blood, but against the Principalities and Powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, against the spirits of evil that dwell in the heavenly places(Eph 6:12).

On the one hand, there is the City of God – the one Saint Augustine writes about – and on the other hand there is the city of the devil. We can say that in this era the city of the devil is clearly identifiable in neo-Malthusian globalism, the New World Order, the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the European Union, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and in all those so called “philanthropical foundations” that follow an ideology of death, disease, destruction, and tyranny. And also in those forces that have infiltrated the institutions, which we call the deep state and the deep church.

On the other front, we must recognize that the City of God is more difficult to identify. Even the religious authorities appear to have betrayed their role of giving guidance to the faithful, preferring to serve power and propagate their lies. The very people who ought to be protecting and sanctifying souls are scattering and scandalizing them, calling good Christians rigid fundamentalists. As you can see, the attack is on several fronts, and thus it is a mortal threat for humanity, striking at both the body and the soul.

And yet, precisely at a time when it is difficult to find authoritative points of reference – both in the religious sphere as well as the temporal one – we see an ever-increasing number of those who are understanding, opening their eyes, and recognizing the criminal mind behind the evolution of events. It is now clear that everything is linked together, without having to dismiss those who say so as “conspiracy theorists.” The conspiracy is already there: we are not inventing it, we are simply denouncing it, hoping that people wake up from this suicidal narcosis and demand that someone put an end to the global coup. The operations of social engineering and mass manipulation have demonstrated beyond any doubt that this crime was premeditated, and how it is consistent with a “spiritual” vision of the conflict that is now unfolding: it is necessary to take sides and fight, without giving in. The Truth – which is an attribute of God – cannot be cancelled by error, and Life cannot be defeated by death: remember that the Lord, who has said of Himself, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life,” has already defeated Satan, and what remains of the battle serves only to give us the opportunity to make the right choice, to
choose to do those actions which place us under the banner of Christ, on the side of Good.

I trust that this great work you are undertaking will soon bear its expected fruits, putting an end to a time of trial in which we see how the world will become if we do not turn to Christ, if we continue to think that we can coexist with evil, lying, and self-worship. After all, the City of God is the model of those who live in God’s love, self-control, and contempt for the world; the city of the devil is the model of those who live in self-love, conforming to the world and despising God.

I thank you and bless you all.

Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

Very serious shortages of amoxicillin, augmentin, tamiflu, albuterol and tylenol have erupted all over the United States.

Vatican documents from 2016 warned top financial departments risked “the appearance of ongoing reform, but with no real substance,” and becoming a charade.

South Korea in demographic crisis as many stop having babies.

Nigel Farage says ‘Conservative Party deserves to be wiped out’ as migration hits record high.

Conservatives call for Tory party to be “wiped out” as UK net migration skyrockets.

A man pictured with a Nazi flag at the Freedom Convoy may have been planted by a Liberal-friendly PR firm, confirming the suspicions of many; that the participants seen carrying Nazi flags were actually part of a false flag operation concocted by the Liberal government to smear peaceful protesters.

Civil rights group outraged after Canadian province looks to introduce ‘unexplained wealth’ seizure law, where Unexplained Wealth Orders could be used to confiscate property where the government feels there is no evident legitimate source of funds.’

Trudeau’s Liberal government introduces amendments banning SKS and other semi-automatic firearms.

Lukashenko sparks health scare as Putin ally struggles to disembark private jumbo jet. Tough to say, people do just get health problems. Then again, he is part of a Cabal-hostile alliance, and the Havana Syndrome is going on out there. These people may be dealing with stuff in their day to day that we have no idea about.

Eastern Europe’s arms industry is booming as it is churning out guns, artillery shells and other military supplies at a pace not seen since the Cold War to arm Ukraine.

Wagner chief sends European parliament a bloodied sledgehammer in sick reference to Russian deserter his forces beat to death, after Europe declared Russia a ‘terrorist state.’ The enemy of my enemy….

Russian strikes on energy infrastructure have left most of Ukraine without power.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov argued on Thursday that Russia’s latest attacks against Ukraine’s power grid weren’t aimed at the civilian population, urging Kiev to “end the suffering” of its people by accepting Moscow’s terms to end the war. Russia’s requests include Ukraine proclaiming political and military neutrality, recognizing Crimea as Russian territory and granting independence to Donetsk and Lugansk.

Russian volunteer claims his troops in Izyum stumbled upon a Ukrainian satanic “child organ network.”

Russia’s lower house of parliament has unanimously voted to extend its ban on so-called “gay propaganda.”

Philippines government rejects UN demand to allow abortions.

On Wednesday, the Georgia Supreme Court upheld the state’s fetal heartbeat law, which bans abortion after a medical provider can detect a baby’s heartbeat.

Republicans appear to have defended every U.S. House seat they won in California in 2020, despite determined Democratic efforts to take them back.

Just two House races remain undeclared as of Thanksgiving Day, with Republicans leading in both races and looking to add to their majority.

Trump on Truth Social: Biden’s are ‘corrupt,’ elections are ‘rigged.’ The election rigging is a huge secret, which could break down all the other walls around Cabal operations. I don’t think Trump reveals that, or draws attention to it, if he is in any way associated with Cabal.

Trump leads DeSantis by 30 points in GOP primary poll taken after Presidential announcement.

Trump shares new ads for 2024 campaign and they are fantastic.

President Donald Trump Truths:

“Give me Freedom or give me Death”

Spread r/K Theory, because the movies are not real, but they can look like it.

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Fart Simpson
Fart Simpson
2 years ago

>> Majority of Covid deaths are among vaccinated Americans for the first time — now that 230million have had at least two shots.

230 million filthbloods. How many of these are gun owners? Yet we trust these craterbrains to fight for their freedumbs in a hypothetical civil war?

Reply to  Fart Simpson
2 years ago

Hey man, supply chain is a major aspect of every successful operation. I like that there’s a lot of decked out idiots out there that will just serve as spare parts and rations depots come sporky time.

2 years ago

Jason Bourne

What I remembered as misleading was that a journalist from a major UK newspaper (The Guardian) would try to help Bourne / someone working against the conspiracy. Then I found this medium length article that makes a good case that the Bourne movies were predictive programming for the real life Snowden show:
Why the NSA Whistleblower Is Secretly Jason Bourne –

Also this:

In The Bourne Supremacy, Kirill the Russian assassin arrives in Goa, India. Bourne immediately spots him and realizes he’s there to kill him. He and Marie flee, with Bourne intending to circle back and kill Kirill. Just as Marie tells him has “a choice” whether or not to continue as a killer, she is murdered [gunned down by Kirill from a long distance].

So many problems. You don’t hide out in a place that so many tourists visits. Kirill stands out like a sore thumb (wrong sort of car, too) and would have flunked out of spy school in the first week. Instead of a loner, there would have been a team – a “family” or a bunch of girlfriends – that blended in completely and put something in his food instead of pulling some Wild West stuff. Just bad screenwriting or making us think that the Russians are idiots?

2 years ago

> Maricopa country
Playing legal footsie isn’t going to fix this
Someone needs to apply real force
The fact that nobody on the side of truth has done this indicates that nobody with real power is on the side of truth
I pray daily that God will send us some honorable leaders

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I think Phelps was right in an earlier comment. Its the human trafficking. Apparently it mostly goes through Arizona (this was dropped on Bannon War Room, of all places, this morning).

I don’t think its as bad as you think, though its still bad. If Arizona is really that critical for cabal operations, it sort of makes sense and there is evidence of a counter-cabal at work.

Cabal controls the Arizona state government, still using the Republican Party as well as the Democratic Party, though they have switched to just working through the Democrats elsewhere. You get an unusually strong group of candidates together who challenge this, who narrowly prevail in the GOP primaries, and narrowly fail in the general election. The general election is marked by ridiculous amounts of fraud that gets international attention.

Counter-cabal assembles the candidates, all of whom are professional successful, and all of whom have better things to do in their lives than run in an election that will get stolen from them. They do this in a place the cabal can’t afford to lose. The cabal pulls out all the stops, and wins, but gets further exposed.

I think the strategy is to get the cabal leadership to conclude they are just going to have more and more problems running these fake elections, and go straight to totalitarianism earlier than they had planned. Then it will work, nor not. But the two international summits this month indicate they have something planned.

The strategy is exposure and to remove options from the cabal, not winning elections. You can’t win elections in these places. You run candidates (and vote) as an additional pressure point.

2 years ago

> CDC report
I sometimes wonder how many people would have to die before the populace really sat up and took notice
Obviously the answer is “way more than 1 million”

Fart Simpson
Fart Simpson
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Too distracted by sportsball

2 years ago

Andre Bing has one of those names that sound trivial, but aren’t.

It might be a shortened form of Bingley. Perhaps the most famous of those is Thomas Stamford Bingley Raffles, the founder of Singapore.

The most famous Bing must be the Friends character. I never watched the show, but the Wiki info reeks of MK:

Chandler Muriel Bing is a fictional character from the NBC sitcom Friends, portrayed by actor Matthew Perry.[2] Chandler was born to Nora Tyler Bing, an erotic romance novelist, and Charles Bing, a gay female impersonator and star of a Las Vegas drag show called “Viva Las Gay-gas” as Helena Handbasket. […] [Chandler] alludes to having witnessed orgies by the time he was seven years old […] His parents announced their divorce to him over Thanksgiving dinner when Chandler was nine years old, an event which gave him trauma and now he refuses to celebrate the holiday in his adulthood and develop his notorious sense of humor as a defense mechanism. It is revealed in season 1 that he went to an all-boys high school. […] Chandler initially chooses Eric, a fashion photographer with a porn-star sister as his roommate.

Destruction of tradition. A boy with a boy-girl name, normalizing drag stuff in a show that started more than 25 years ago, tearing down the statue of Thanksgiving. All-boys schools aren’t that rare, but most are religious (Catholic, Jesuit, Jewish), so why would such parents send their kid to one? (Perhaps the weirdest one on the list is BOMLA, the Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy School in Dallas.) [Note that some juvenile correctional facilities are named as “Boys’ School” or “School for Boys.”] Chandler can’t seem to escape smut.

Chandler works in ‘Statistical analysis and Data reconfiguration’

Election fraud agent? Massaging other numbers?

One of Chandler’s friends is Rachel (Jennifer Aniston), and Rachel Chandler is one of today’s news items.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 years ago

Top virologist and member of FDA panel who voted for Covid vaccine emergency approval dies suddenly
From the article:
“Dr. Fuller also favored including the Covid “vaccinations on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) list of mandatory immunizations for school entry:”
I’ll be having a drink tonight celebrating this ghoul’s passing.

2 years ago

Might as well post an election wrap up or update.

They got all the lockdown governors and election officials re-elected, and deepened their control of those states. They are also weaker now in the red states, except Georgia and Arizona, where they still control the GOP and increased their control. I don’t think an West Germany East Germany situation really works while the federal government is still around, so I don’t know where this one goes.

They also through the kitchen sink at the congressional races, and still lost ground in the House of Representatives. With most of the California votes coming in, I finally looked at the Wikipedia summaries. These are the last few House of Representative elections

2016 GOP 241 49.1% DEM 194 48.0% DEM +6 +2.3% swing

2018 GOP 200 44.8% DEM 235 53.4% DEM +41 +4.9% swing

2020 GOP 213 47.7% DEM 222 50.8% GOP +13 +2.8% swing

2022 GOP 222 50.7% DEM 213 47.7% GOP +9 +3.0% swing

I am crediting the GOP with two seats where their candidates are currently in the lead, but they could go the other way. Their nationwide popular vote margin will erode somewhat.

I put in the last four races, because you can see from the raw figures that you should ignore the concern trolling about the GOP “failure”. They also had a bigger financial disadvantage and the fraud operations were ramped up. Actually the official results is almost a mirror image of the 2020 result for the Democrats, and their nationwide vote percentage was best since 2014 (in 2014 they got 51.2%). In terms of raw votes, they got about 4 million more than the last time there was no presidential election, in 2018.

The Democrats, and the cabal, can not let the investigations the GOP leaders keep saying they will launch to go forward. So the Democrats will organize the House. It won’t be a matter of GOP Congressmen defecting on bill by bill. Any legislation won’t get through the Senate anyway so what happens with the legislation doesn’t matter. They need to prevent the committee chairmen with subpoena power. That is not going to happen. But they have to organize defections of up to half a dozen GOP congressmen for this to work. It will be very obvious what is happening.

If the defections don’t happen in late December/ early January, there is something going on behind the scenes that I don’t have a good read on.

This is very frustrating for us, but I think the cabal leadership has digested the results, including the real ones, that came in from France, Brazil, and the United States this year, and they are already planning to move to the “no elections phase.” This was harder for them than was 2020.

2 years ago

Jim Stone ( had a post up about a strange situation with a furniture company.

I had never heard of the company, but did some google searches through mainstream news sources, and what he posted checks out with them. I am surprised this hasn’t made Daily Financial Trends.

United Furniture, a North Carolina based furniture company selling furniture under the label “Landmark Furniture” (they also seem to be a manufacturer, announced just before Thanksgiving that they were shutting down operations. They told all their employees not to come to work, and announced they were firing everyone with no COBRA and presumably no severance. They also cancelled deliveries to their customers, and told their drivers to go to the warehouses and drop off their loads, there, and they would pay the drivers for that and then lay them off too.

No explanation for this so far from management. Jim Stone says it reads like someone told them to shut it down, and it reads like that. Since there is employment, contract, and investor relations laws governing all this, and the management doesn’t seem to be even trying to follow them, this might be being used as some sort of test case.

Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

,,their” loads

2 years ago

On Thanksgiving, I walked around my neighborhood for about an hour in the afternoon. Obviously all businesses were shut down and there were only a few people on the street. It reminded me of the early weeks of the lockdowns, where everyone but myself and a handful of other people were complying with the stay at home orders, and I had the streets almost to myself.

One thing I noticed both times, was just how easy it was and how stress free it was to walk around in that situation. Normally, I have to expect people suddenly veering into my path and walking slowly, sometimes taking out their phones, and forcing me to slow down. Also a line of cars appearing when I am about to cross the street, or a car suddenly bearing down on my when I am crossing the street. While there are definitely idiots out there, I am now realizing that a lot of this is the surveillance.

2 years ago

On your recent surveillance post, this might be the “router” device. Looks similar.
Infogalactic’s pic is not loading, so i included jewapedia. I agree with the original commenter’s post. Regular internet/networking/phone/etc., depending on the media (twisted pair, coax, fiber, etc.), will need “repeaters” along the wire, due to distance limitations over the physical medium.

I would add that many cities appear to be deploying “smart traffic/street lights/poles”. These include video and audio surveilllance, air quality sensors, “wireless/mesh networking”, etc. This would be independent of the carrier equipment riding along the aerial lines.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bman
2 years ago

One more post about the elections, because something has been bothering me, and after thinking it over this morning I might have a better understanding what is going on.

So the cabal started this long process of coming out in the open in 2020, demanding people believe all sorts of nonsense, closing down their businesses, wearing masks, getting very dubious injections.

And people complied! In the USA, there was a difference between blues and red in that blues did everything demanded of them, reds complied too but in a half-ssed wasy, but still complied. So red would open up earlier, but still locked down, would maybe get the first two injections but not the boosters, etc. But compliance seems to be running at about 70% of the adult population, based in injection intake figures.

The cabal also wanted people to vote Democratic. Generally, only half the adults in the USA vote, even in presidential years. The recent uptakes in turnout are all fake votes. But even counting all the votes as real votes from actual voters. They topped out in 2020 with 80 million “votes” out of an adult population of 210 million. Using the official percentages, they got the Democrats to 53% in 2018, before really showing their hand, then 50% in 2020, 47% in 2022. So that part is not taking.

At first, I thought this was tribalism, you just have people conditioned to vote Republican no matter what, even if they along with the rest of the agenda. But I think I have a better model, and it cast light on some of the other things i has been happening.

The Democrats are being run to make it really difficult for real people, not already in the surveillance, to vote for them. They close businesses, jail political opponents, let rioters run lose, threaten war, etc. and don’t have much of a positive program. They keep running these obviously unwell or corrupt candidates, who don’t do much campaigning. They really should be some sort of joke party at this point.

So this is the political equivalent of the masks. The plan is to get people to a point where they just obey every demand, no matter how ridiculous or dangerous to them personally. So you run this repulsive political party and demand people support it, and at this point people are just balking, though they have gone along with everything else.

2 years ago

Sorry for the multiple posts today. There has been a lot going on, as you can tell from today’s links and commentary. Also, I came across a video series two days ago that has been giving me much food for thought.

CJ Hopkins is an modernist theater guy who used to mainly operate from New York, and now lives in Berlin. When the COVID psyop started, he started writing all these perceptive articles on what was going on, some of which I have linked to. Catherine Austin Fitts is a former Republican from the Philadelphia area, who has worked at high levels on finance, and in the GHW Bush administration, but who has been a thorn in the side of the elites for several decades, and who currently lives in what seems to be an isolated situation in the Netherlands. They got together for a series of discussions, which they records and have been slowly releasing.

Right in the first video, after introducing themselves, they start describing the cabal right up front. The cabal is described as a secret worldwide government, which gives instructions to the people nominally in charge of the legal governments, who them carry it out. This became obvious, at least to me, when all but a handful of the nominal government carried out what were obvious orders to shut down businesses and public functions in their areas in early 2020. This was done in a matter of days in most places, and couldn’t be done without coordination. CAF calls the cabal “Mr. Global”, while CJ Hopkins calls it “Global Cap”, but they agree they are describing the same thing and these are just terms they have come up for it.

I don’t think either have been to this website, and I’m not sure if either are even aware of the surveillance. Hopkins lives in Berlin, the center of the historical Stasi. The thing is, I don’t think he was even on the radar of this thing even before 2020, since he was engaged in projects they wanted him to be engaged in, and when he broke from it in 2020, they were using the normal German police in these countries for harassment. Also, I can tel from personal experience that in Manhattan its hard to notice this, because there are just too many people, and too many people acting strangely, so it doesn’t stand out like it does in other places. Austin Fitts describes how they can target and break individuals, citing the child porn technique, and says they went after her.

The other videos go deeply into the financial aspect of the operation. I can’t really summarize this, but my impression that the system was being run through a series of scams, and they just got too big, so they had to start the process of bringing this out into the open.

The fourth video has not been posted yet. This site links to the third, with links to the earlier two videos. They are about an hour each and the order you watch them is not important:

One thing that Hopkins said that stuck with me is that a lot of this works, because most people really want to conform, then you have the 30% that really want other people to conform too. They think their lives will be easier if they just keep their heads down and do whatever they have to do to get along, and if this means believing completely nonsense because everyone else will seem to believe it, they will do that too. So the few dissidents are isolated and have no obvious path to be rid of this thing.

Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

It’s probably all true, but why would Cabal want to bring it out in the open? Why bother with an open dictatorship when a covert one that no one believes is a dictatorship works so much better? The American mythology as a cover for a covert shadow government directing everything behind the scenes is the perfect cover by which to manage society.

With Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton, Cabal would’ve had everything it wanted. Why loosen the reigns to allow Trump to win, to begin with? What was the point of having him?

Why bother with Q? The fact that something like this emerged is itself extraordinary and unnecessary.

The best answer I can think of is that Cabal is in a civil war. Something happened where a mistake was allowed and not corrected. Or, someone was made to sacrifice something they did not want to sacrifice. Or, maybe Cabal manufactured too many elites and they’ve decided to expand their kingdoms at everyone else’s expense. It’s like Russia and China carving their own path instead of sticking to the plan, which is why we inching toward world war.

That’s the thing…the ideal situation is what Cabal had in the 1950s, not having this today.

Reply to  map
2 years ago

I agree. Cabal had no need of Trump and no need of Q.

If I had to guess, they may have even thought that Trump wasn’t serious or would have been easy to control. I know that into 2016, I didn’t take Trump seriously at all. I was flabbergasted when he won.

And then I noticed people absolutely flipping out about it. Some of them who I later discovered were cabal operatives. They were legitimately rattled.

2 years ago

This isn’t relevant to anything you posted today, but to a few comments from back on the 23rd. The long posts about cabal targetting outstanding women hit a chord with me. But it’s taken a few days to get my thoughts together.

My wife and I attended a church that had a large, homeschooling family that also attended. The mom and dad both had high IQs and multiple post-graduate degrees in the hard sciences. Once they began having kids, the mother decided to homeschool her kids to inculcate them with conservative, Christian values. I had the distinct pleasure of having most of those kids come through my high school Sunday School classes. However, the mother was another matter. She was bossy, proud, and argumentative. She regularly confronted me about things I taught her children. I found it interesting that her husband never talked with me. So, for all her outspoken conservative Christian talk, she had no problem being hostile, confrontational and argumentative with a man who was not her husband.

Despite the mother’s personality problems, the oldest girl was something special. She was smart, but not the smartest kid in the family by a long shot. That wasn’t what impressed me. It was her poise. By her early teens, she stood out as completely centered and utterly self-assured in an amazingly calm, quiet way. By the time she hit her mid-teens, she was motherly. She quietly cared for and watched out for the other kids in the class and in her family. She could step into an escalating situation with the teens and with a quiet word or a soft touch on the arm or shoulder immediately defuse the situation. Most of the kids in the church liked her.

My family and I moved the summer before that girl’s “senior” homeschool year, but a year later we were back in town to attend a graduation. On Sunday of that weekend, we attended our old church. My wife and I happened to walk in right behind that homeschool girl. This was the first time I had seen her in anything other than a dress. My guess is she had turned eighteen and was now allowed to wear slacks. My goodness, she had a Kim Kardashian figure. I now have an image forever burnt into my mind of what the word “fecund” means. She stopped just inside the foyer where one of her sisters was standing. My wife and I did a little bit of chit chat with the two girls. I could not get over how much everything about the girl screamed, “Marry me and breed me.” She was a walking billboard for motherhood. Standing there I could see her sometime in the future calmly bringing twelve or fifteen children to church with her husband – every child brilliant and talented. She stood there serene and poised, until her mother walked up. Her mother immediately launched into a brag fest about how her oldest daughter was going to such and such university, and would most likely turn into a brilliant female scientist who would prove just how much superior Christian homeschooling was to public education. Out of the corner of my I could see the girl slowly deflate and look miserable. Afterwards all my wife could talk about was how so and so needed to get married and have kids – and what was her mother thinking pushing her to go to college?

Flash forward two years and Facebook is the big thing. I’m looking up old friends from back home and one of them is Facebook friends with the homeschool family. I flipped over to their page and scroll through their photos. They have various pictures of the family gathering from the previous Christmas. I noticed two things. One of the sons was missing and their oldest daughter was standing VERY close to another girl, or staring into the eyes of that girl in several of the pictures. That unknown girls was listed as “so and sos very good friend from college” I’m not an idiot and it was obvious the two girls were a lesbian couple. So I got in touch with a good friend from back home who told me that as the kids went to college, the oldest girl became a lesbian, one son killed himself, and another son became a militant atheist. I have no idea what became of the entire brood because the situation pissed me off and I never checked on them after that.

I now see that cabal most likely tracked that girl, as well as her brothers and sisters, and systematiclly destroyed them. The oldest daughter is the one that hurts the most, though. She should be sitting at home today taking care of her large family and brining honor to her husband. I have no idea if she is, but I suspect cabal threw one girl after another at her until they had either destroyed her or kept her from getting married and having kids until it was too late.

The other thing that pisses me off is the mother. An anonymous poster from the 23rd gave a link to this article: That article had this observation, “The kickass gal is a well established conservative feminist trope, and we should be aware of this when considering how we direct the training of our wives and daughters. Feminists know why they want our daughters to move out on their own in the big city and experience the carousel. Conservatives on the other hand pride themselves in knowing how to make this feminist goal “safe” for our daughters to achieve.”

That describes the hubris of that pathetic homeschool mother who spent eighteen years creating an amazingly poised, mature, motherly Christian girl, only to send her into a cabal controlled environment which took less than eighteen months to unravel and destroy all the work her parents had put into making her the amazing girl she at one time was. Now? She’s just another failed modern American feminist. What a waste.

Homeschool parents who raise up good, modest and decent Christian daughters, but then send them to public universities are complete idiots. Those girls need to be getting married and raising families. Otherwise, you might as well turn them gay yourselves because Cabal sure as shit is going to do everything it can to do that once those girls leave your house and enter the dorms.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

“college is a CIA-run operation”

I would have to agree. This country sucks.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Interestingly, a local university had an “early entrance program” for bright and talented youth. I met two kids in it when I was a kid. They turned out to be cabal stalkers trying to do mind control operations on me. Encouraging consumption of sugar, encouraging unhealthy and cynical attitudes, and all the rest. As far as I’ve been able to make out, even though starting engineering degrees at age 14 they really didn’t amount to anything.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Of course the problem is not limited to the universities. The Prince of the Air(waves) controls the broadcast. We are being poisoned.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

“as the kids went to college, the oldest girl became a lesbian, one son killed himself, and another son became a militant atheist.”

Children finally rebelling against their terrible mom. And their dad failed to keep her in check.

I’m not excluding Cabal action, but in this case, their family dynamics might have been explanation enough for their fates.

“I suspect cabal threw one girl after another at her until they had either destroyed her or kept her from getting married and having kids until it was too late.”

Possible. Love bombing. If so, maybe some experiences with great guys who then turned out to be jerks before that.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Family dynamics are easy to exploit by people with psychological sophistication. Which is why all of the surveillance is so, so important. They want to know everything about a person of interest. They watch them closely all growing up, sending in kids to just notice small things: interests, hobbies, how is their room kept?

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

It’s not just public universities. Even places as conservative as Hillsdale have had students inserted who are cabal children. The administration might be okay, but you have to remember that eyes are everywhere.

2 years ago

“Hundreds of former Israeli Unit 8200 surveillance agents hold top roles at Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and Amazon.”

Moonlandings are fake, nuclear bombs are fake, planes on 9/11/01 are fake, Santa Claus is fake, the Easter Bunny is fake:

ZOG is 100% real.

2 years ago

Disagree about fake 9/11 planes. My sister worked in an office facing the Pentagon. She was looking out the window daydreaming when she saw the plane hit the Pentagon. I also know a chaplain who was at the Pentagon the next day. He described the aircraft remains. Why fake a plane when you can recruit a bunch of religious fanatics, train them, plan the operation for them, then make sure they board the right planes with no problems from security? My theory is the entire thing was theater with real people on real planes. I even think the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania was scripted. Have brave Americans fight back valiantly but unsuccessfully, then script the whole “Let’s roll” catchphrase. That will cement all Americans behind the righteous invasion of Iraq. “Let’s roll!”

So I think real airplanes, real clueless passengers, but a real plan to make it all work.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago


Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
2 years ago

off-topic question for the Horde: over the last 8,9,10,12 years I’ve stopped getting colds like I used to, every 6 or 8 moths, say. this definitely predates covid. now I only get 1 cold every 2 or 3 years, but when I do holy shit, it’s like all that cold misery got saved up and I’m just getting ***hammered.*** oceans of snot. big-ass headaches. coughing like a…. well, when it hits, I’m coughing a whole bunch. hell I’ve even gotten the chills a coupla times.

notes: 1) not flu, I know what that feels like 2) not the coof, I’ve had it and this doesn’t have that unholy Coof fatigue attached to it. 3) no vaxx

does this sound familiar to anyone out there? and much more importantly, does anyone know how to treat this? don’t bother with standard OTC stuff, this just laughs at that weak-ass shit. I’m typically not this much a candyass, and I know nobody ever died from a cold, but holy crap this surely feels like I might be the first – not something I really want on the ol’ headstone.

many thanks in advance

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
2 years ago

I’ve had periods where it seemed like I constantly had a cold. I started working out over the last year, and don’t get them as much. I think my last cold was in July. I always have sinus symptoms though, but the OTC stuff seems to handle it OK. I keep DayQuil around, especially since “COVID”. You start sniffling and everybody freaks out.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Eric The Awful
2 years ago

I found a way to completely end my serious sinus problems. I commented on it here. I note that this won’t happen overnight but does give good temporary relief. I hypothesize that chronic sinus comes from sort of bacteria, or other beast trapped up in the nasal passages. It irritates the sinus and to get rid of it the body produces lots of snot to flush it out. If lodged in though, it continues on and on. You have to kill it off. This worked for me but it took a good while and I had to have additives that killed off bacteria, or whatever for it to work on killing it odd. I used one of these for years just for relief. It’s only when I added the additives, it finally cleared them completely.

This will work.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Thank you!!

Reply to  Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
2 years ago

I think it is a poisoning event. Look up the side effects from snake venom poisoning. They are using the boostered to spread it

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
2 years ago

Learn herbs in tincture, extract, and as teas. I just came through a bout with a sinus infection and my herbal knowledge ended it quickly.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
2 years ago

I’ve been like this all my adult life.

Reply to  Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
2 years ago

Gut health is v important. Improve your microbiome. This means fermented foods like Kim chi, sauerkraut, kefir, kombucha. Fortunately these can be bought easily in the frou frou grocery stores like Whole Foods or made at home. Good quality probiotics but don’t rely on those alone. Vit D, A, C. & get these from good diet/sun than relying 100% on supplements to cover poor diet.

There are herbs and essential oils that help in prevention & during sickness. Quality matters hugely in these products. I got sucked into young living essentials. Oils cos friends were excited them, but long term I’m happy I did. Can recommend the Inner Defence softgels. These contain oil of oregano & the Thieves blend. & will last ages if stored in fridge. Or you purchase bottles separately & learn how to use. The congestion blends RC, Raven or Breathe Again are all good & Breathe Again comes in a no fuss roll on. Find someone who’s a member & purchase thru them (it’s MML company). Skip kits, diffusers etc & keep it simple. Such a person will probably give you samples. Doterra is copycat company & has similar products. But work on overall health & avoid getting run down thru stress/ lack of sleep.

Terrain theory sees illnesses such as you describe as body detox. Regular saunas might be helpful. Don’t knock the essential oils. I know a guy who recovered from shingles in a week from taking the capsules a mutual friend made up for him

Reply to  Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
2 years ago

Flu lands on your soft palate at the top back of your mouth. Keep that clean- hot tea, gargling and spitting- warm water, salt water, whatever- and whatever disease cannot get a foothold to multiply. It is a minor pest when there are only a few. When it multiplies it then increases in virulence. Gargle every ten to fifteen minutes, if the first round does not clear it up. Other lymph nodes will pull their lymph to go here, to get transported out. You’ll have repeated goopiness. You can get so much out this way, across time.

You will feel slightly off before the cold. When you do, what comforts you? Possible comforts that other people like include the broth around a freshly boiled chicken, or chicken parts. Broth isn’t the big production it’s made out to be in cooking articles. Boil a chicken or chicken parts with some onions and whatever else spices you like and have on hand. Salt, pepper, bay leaf is one mix, garlic, ginger, and I don’t know is another, celery, carrot, onion, is another. If you don’t have it on hand, then don’t worry. What you want is what boils out of the bones. I would advise organic, but I’ve never used it, myself. Even very plain broth from very plain boiled bones is good. You don’t have functioning sense of smell right now, so just go for heat and comfort. The stuff boiled out of the bones will help with aches.

The other option is hot black tea, and beef with onions and maybe cabbage. Go full British. The tea washes your throat. The beef has zinc. The onions are full contact killers, even in your bloodstream. The cabbage makes your liver happy. Potatoes, if that’s your thing, make your intestinal insides happy, which helps your brain. Onions and garlic are contact killers for germs, even in your bloodstream, sweat and breath (which means lungs).

Aspirin is a lovely, multi-valent healing, chemical. It does not wreck your liver the way acetominophen does.

I had a boyfriend who would feed me pho every time I got sick. It has the boiled chicken broth, heavy spices and cabbage family of vegetables with unidentifiable meats in a big, steaming bowl. I don’t know if you can try that, but it’s way better than canned soup.

Vitamin-wise, you already know about C. D is good- sunshine or pills. A general B, instead of a single player B, helps. Your body sequesters iron and blows through all your anti-oxidants fighting an infection. It’s how you feel less vital- the metals are low in your bloodstream, and the C, E, and A, and others aren’t around keeping you feeling good. You are literally low battery (low metals) and low lubricant (anti-oxidants).

You can lay out in sunshine. All the blood goes through your skin surface, getting a mild radiation cleanse, more or less, if it’s exposed to sunlight. You will survive that better than germs.

The hippie remedy aisle at the grocery store has surprisingly good stuff, these days.

Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago

your comment on aspirin is something I absolutely believe to be true. IMHO, while he lived, the author/Hollywood guy Michael Crichton was _both_ the most interesting guy on the planet as well as the smartest. (before he went to Hollywood to make big $ and bang starlets, he graduated Summa from Harvard Med – all while writing bestsellers on the side)

here’s what that guy had to say about aspirin (paraphrased) :”this stuff is incredible. it’s pound-for-pound the single best pain reliever AND fever reducer AND inflammation cooler-offer on earth, and nothing else comes close. funny thing though, if it were just coming up for FDA review today, they’d never even let it out of committee. it does too many things too well. and no, it doesn’t cause ulcers – that’s a lie somebody made up to push a patented painkiller they could make more money on.”

and nowdays of course every “doctor” out there pushes the shit out of acetominophen etc. while simultaneously poor-mouthing aspirin. all while doing the ‘get vaxxed!’ song-and-dance.

Reply to  Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
2 years ago

Now that I think about it- boiled beef would work, too. Boiled meat with bones in the meat. You want a high proportion of bone to meat, and poor people get sick a lot, which might account for favoring chicken.

Reply to  Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
2 years ago

If it’s after some recent weight loss event, it’s stuff coming out of your fat cells. If it’s that, then niacin, to chelate. And tons of water. And maybe digestive enzymes. I keep digestive enzymes around anyway. They keep arthritic pain and stiffness down. The digestive enzymes let your liver, pancreas and intestines chill out for a while.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago

This might explain it for me. Thanks again, wooderson.

Reply to  Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
2 years ago

Oh, sorry. Forgot Magnesium, for every single day. I just assume everyone is taking some every day. I’ve been on everyone I know about it for 25+ years. It keeps migraines at bay, buffers blood sugar, drops pain levels.

Grimhood, on Twitter, if you want all the details about what magnesium does. It’s his calling card. Disregard the extreme strange stuff. He got himself functional off some really bad drug induced mental conditions. Physician, heal thyself, and all that. Sometimes it breaks through. He’s a biochemist, I think? Anyway, extremely detailed explanations.

NAC for lungs. You can buy it in powder from Bulk Supplements. It’s nasty, and sulfuric tasting, so I’m guessing if you have eggs on hand you can eat eggs. There’s really not an upper limit per day, despite what the food pyramid says.

I keep both on hand, in various forms. Somehow I don’t have a typical emergency kit, but I have these. Priorities, I guess.

Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago

I’ve tried magnesium in the past, and was maybe starting to see good effects, but had to give it up because for me, magnesium = running shits, which I’m prone to anyway. I’ll look for Grimhood, but do you know of a way around the bowel probs?

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
2 years ago

Carnivore diet solved all GI problems for me. I mostly ate hamburger or ribeye steak (grass fed), with some eggs and sausage and buffalo wings. No alcohol except weekends.
At first, you might exacerbate the problem, as GI issues are part of “keto flu”. Do a web search to find out how to mitigate keto flu, and persevere through the adjustment period, and you just might be amazed at how good things can get. No gas, no rumbly grumblies, no nothing. In fact, some people even think they are constipated, but that’s because they don’t understand that the carnivore diet just doesn’t generate much waste.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
2 years ago

I had the same. I took Ivermectin, vitamin C but in a liposomal form so it forms a much higher concentration in the blood, Zinc, Quercetin and I drowned myself in over the counter NyQuil, (actually I bought big bottles of generic with the same ingredients), and slept continuously. I would not count out the NyQuil as it stopped me coughing that was so bad my chest and lungs hurt.

It did feel different from a flu, with some of the exact symptoms you noted. It took me much longer than the flu to recover. I was deathly ill for over seven days straight. Usually you are doe by then but I was feeling bad for a good while.

In the past I would have gone to a doctor but these days, who knows, they may hospitalize you, drug you and put you on a ventilator. It’s a shame what they have done to the medical system.

Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

much obliged gents for the feedback & info. I expect I will try em all over time – because I gotta feel that a *cold* that knocks me off my feet/keeps me in bed for 4-5 freakin days is something a little more significant than The Sniffles.
this is day 6 and I’m finally start getting to where I can see light in the tunnel, but I’ll tell you what: Sam J wrote about ‘in the past might would have gone to see a doc, but now, no way.’ Amen. Amen. and Amen. the docs have shown us all what team they’re playing for, and it ain’t the side of the angels now is it. again, much obliged to all.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
2 years ago

The liposomal vitamin C is important. There are cases of people being close to death with clogged lungs from influenza that survived because of it. With it you can get intravenous levels of vitamin C by taking this stuff orally.

I think I may have taken some vit. D and B complex also but can’t remember for sure.

2 years ago

“A Swiss cardiologist with a doctorate in immunology and virology who has held a private practice for 24 years says police forcibly took him to a psychiatric ward to be examined for mental illness in response to his public criticism of COVID restrictions, mandates and testing he argued were unscientific.”





English Tom
English Tom
2 years ago


Amazing Polly channel on bitchute has just done a presentation on this. She is in Canada and there is a new law coming out which facilitates this. Also, check out a book called Russia’s Political Hospitals by Sidney Bloch and Peter Reddaway.

Wonder if they’ll call the alleged sickness that needs this treatment the Kanye Syndrome!

Reply to  English Tom
2 years ago

Have read several books on the subject:
– The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide
– The Russian Secret Police
– one the Gulag Archipelago books
– Behind the Murder Curtain
– and the tv series Alias gave a very gutwrenching view of medical killing, medical torcher, and the connection to the psychiatric profession

Also, have a friend who in court was made an offer by the prosecution. He refused said offer and demanded a jury trial as he was pro se. THE JUDGE THEN CALLED RECESS, MET WITH PROSECUTION IN CHAMBER FOR 5 MINUTES. WHEN THEY CAME BACK THEY CHARGED HIM WITH “NOT MENTALLY COMPETENT. ”




– medical torcher
– psychogical torcher
– physical torcher
– different types of sleep deprivation
– prolonged exposure to extreme cold
– chemicals in the food and water
– lack of showers and hygiene
– and general viciousness that before that experience he could not have imagined in the United States
– straight out of Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay.

This is how I recognize them when one of the anons here accused me of “being insane” bc I reject their moonlanding fantasy. I HAVE WITNESSED WHAT THESE TYRANTS DO TO PEOPLE WHO REJECT THEIR LIES and/or THEIR “OFFERS”.

2 years ago

“A man pictured with a Nazi flag at the Freedom Convoy may have been planted by a Liberal-friendly PR firm, confirming the suspicions of many; that the participants seen carrying Nazi flags were actually part of a false flag operation concocted by the Liberal government to smear peaceful protesters.”



2 years ago

Eastern Europe’s arms industry is booming as it is churning out guns, artillery shells and other military supplies at a pace not seen since the Cold War to arm Ukraine.”

And the WARFARE INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX rolls along. War Is a Racket.

2 years ago

“I don’t know why they include this in these movies, given this is the big secret they can never let anyone know or see, but I see it again and again, and the people who put it in here clearly know what it is they are adding (After 20 seconds in, there is nothing else of interest in this 5 min clip)”


By including it without explanation they condition people to view it as normal and not pay attention to it.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Trey delivers again. Back in 2007ish I had the idea that Earth didn’t begin as it is now. The Antediluvian world would not be recognizable to us, and our world would be a mystery to Noah’s ancestors. For instance, the vast mountains we have now were created by the Flood, not plate tectonics. I believe that the great asteroid smashes such as the Yucatan crater were actually what causes the Flood via shattering the crust and allowing a vast layer of water that had been acting as a sort of lubricating layer between the crust and mantle suddenly shot through the fissures/fault lines caused the crust to collapse in on itself, leaving high areas that are now the mountain ranges.

That’s just one of the things touched on here:

Genesis: Is it Real?

Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Tons of evidence out there that craters are not outer space object impacts, but rather the fonts that released the waters below for the great flood.

Seems likely to me, aside from all the other geologic evidence, partially because it’s exactly Cabal’s MO to double invert and obfuscate by denying the biblical truth of the flood and insert the fake space narrative simultaneously.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Thank you,

2 years ago

HUNGARY, AUSTRIA, SERBIA form alliance to deal with illegal alien Muslim invaders

Benny Le C
Benny Le C
2 years ago

note to AC – thank you for letting me sidetrack your comments page viz my ‘halp-I-gots-a-cold’ plea. when a man gets hit by a freight train, he looks around for straws to grasp at, and about all I could think of doing was what I did. the Horde came through for me, God bless em all, but it wouldn’t have happened had you decided to block my comment, which you would have had all right to do so. it should give you an idea as to the kind of people your site attracts: I trusted them above (80% of) my own circle of acquaintances, and above pretty much any doctor out there. that is something special, what you have built here is something special. which is a testament to you and your hard work. my compliments, and again, my thanks.