News Briefs – 11/24/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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DFT – Analysts See Eurozone Economy Stuck In “Mud”

DFT – Investors Say Argentina Could See Boom Due To Dollarization

DFT – Nvidia’s New Chinese AI Chips See Release Delayed

DFT – For Third Week, Japanese Equities See Massive Foreign Inflows

DFT – Russian Agricultural Bank, Rosselkhozbank, Sues JPMorgan

Shocking moment Florida man, 34, punches elderly shopper in his 80s in the face twice in random attack in Walmart. It fits the common mold of a crazy black guy attacking a white guy for no reason. And yet, look at it closer. Lots of surveillance tracking the guy through the parking lot before and after, with sitting cars, moving cars timed, including one car prepositioned directly across from the entryway, inside of which the attack happens, just sitting there in the background. I would assume surveillance, filming. There’s even a shopper with a backpack walking in the last scene, carrying a shopping bag. Who wears a full backpack while shopping? Now, watch the moments before the assault closely. If you watch the old guy as he approaches the doors, he doesn’t walk straight out normally like you or I would. He walks straight for the opening, unoccupied by anything else, and ready to leave, and then you will notice just as he reaches the doors, he slows, dawdles, and then he steps to the right quickly as the doors open, to hide himself from the approaching black guy, as he pauses further to time his exit from the building. I told you, they always have somebody exiting exactly as you walk in, and they try to get them entering as you walk out. Here, where if he had walked straight the old guy would already be outside the doors, he is instead crouching to the right and peering through the glass, at the approaching puncher, to time his exit precisely.

He waits a moment or two, until the last moment, when he slips to the left and looks to shoot through the doors fast just as the black guy hits them. It feels like he was using cover to hide while he paused to get perfect timing, and in the process, he was limiting his exposure to the target. So I tend to think the black guy was the target, and picked a surveillance walker to hit. I think we will find someday there were a lot of citizens knowingly living bizarre lives, every day, under full Zersetzung operations in America, which no normies could fathom would even be possible in this country. We just do not know how wide it is in society, because they work to keep us away from each other and isolated, so we cannot compare notes.

But you can see why I say this thing is coming out, and it is on a trajectory for exposure. It has become so ever-present, it is getting to the point I am going to have to choose from several front-page-MSM videos to decide will get to be AC’s surveillance person of the day, who made front page news in the main stream media. And this is supposed to be a covert, super-secret operation, where exposure will at least mean a major criminal investigation for illegal surveillance and harassment, as well as assault for those who got The Beam™, if not an outright civil war with blood in the streets, by parents whose children were being targeted just for being smart or good. This thing wants to hide.

So for each of these you see each day here, there are probably tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of other targets who didn’t punch their walkers, but who just gritted their teeth and marveled at how fucked up this nation had become. I am still amazed you have so many seemingly regular people who want to live in the movie 1984, and haunt people who want to be left alone, and help the organization which probably launched 9/11.

Donald Trump’s lawyers want the government to reveal all of the undercover agents who were involved in plotting the January 6 riot at the Capitol building, their latest court filing shows. They have a lot to hide, so this will hurt all the domestic intel agencies. You are always tempted to wonder if Trump were just another actor in the play since in seems every single person you see is, but what he keeps revealing is all stuff Cabal would want to hide, from election rigging, to the fake news, to this. And he is creating the environment where people stumble on my material, and believe it, which is what Cabal always sought to prevent with its brainwashing.

Donald Trump’s election interference case could be delayed by months after his lawyers applied for a vast array of classified government documents.

Newsweek says Donald Trump being removed from the 2024 ballot looks more likely as the Colorado Supreme Court agrees to review Donald Trump’s eligibility for the 2024 ballot.

Congress demands answers from White House over ‘invasive’ surveillance program known as Hemisphere that has tracked TRILLIONS of phone records for Americans each year – even if they are not suspected of a crime.

A fire alarm at the compound where President Joe Biden and his family are staying on the island resulted in the Nantucket Fire Department being dispatched to the property around 11:23 pm Wednesday. It ended up being a “false alarm” according to public safety radio traffic. Why do I see Hunter, slipping away, up into an attic crawlspace as everybody is occupied with something, taking off all his clothes, inflating a blowup doll, setting up all his cameras to film himself, and then sparking up a crack pipe, when suddenly the alarms all go off from the smoke, everyone down stairs starts screaming “Fire! Everybody get out! Hunter! We’re missing Hunter? Everybody look for Hunter!” and he starts cursing, as he tries to get his pants on?

Texas A&M University employee arrested on child pornography charges, FBI uncovers use of “PIZZA” as code in chats.

House lawmakers rushed to the exits just ahead of Thanksgiving, with a surge of announced retirements from members fed up with drama and partisanship on Capitol Hill. Nobody up there cares about partisanship. Everyone knows it is all a show, they all work for the same boss, and my impression is almost all, if not all, are just having one big degenerate orgy, interrupted only to take bribes and come out to a podium and say what their earpieces tell them to for a few minutes. If they are quitting in large numbers, I would doubt it is the partisanship. Something else is going on behind the scenes.

Group releases analysis of Pinal county’s 2022 election, finds ‘deliberate malfeasance,’ concludes election should not have been certified.

Author Roger Stone’s latest conspiracy theory: George H.W. Bush behind Reagan assassination attempt. He says there is no evidence any bullet skipped off “the Beast,” no dent, or scratch, or chip of paint, and there was another shooter photographed on a balcony.

Ex-CIA Director Michael Hayden smears patriotic American Christians: ‘No different’ from Hamas terrorists.

President Biden called into the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade on Thursday, calling on Americans to “come together” and put unity above politics. Queue the “It’s afraid….” meme.

Two high-level FDA officials who approved Moderna’s Covid-19 “vaccine” are now working for Moderna to develop new mRNA jabs.

Democrat wins Louisiana Sheriff election by just 1 vote with 43,000+ ballots cast in an election which highlights Louisiana’s recount process and its outdated voting machines, which do not produce an auditable paper trail needed to ensure election results are accurate.

Brothels that allegedly hosted political, military leaders raked in ‘astounding’ amounts of money: prosecutors.

New York attorney files bizarre lawsuit accusing Ben Affleck and Matt Damon of stalking and bugging her home to use her experiences in their work – and claims films like Maid in Manhattan and Gone Girl mirror her life. Probably nothing, but the guy who wrote A Confederacy of Dunces, and who described seeing the domestic surveillance machine surrounding him, indicated at one point it was his belief the publishing house which he submitted his manuscripts to intended to kill him, and then have one of their stable of writers release his book as if they had written it. It is tough to tell with these things, but I filed away at the time, Cabal’s domestic surveillance ops, as one it its mandates, may find people who are good at things, or who are interesting in ways their mediocre assets cannot be, or even unusually creative inventors or scientists who can create things their own people cannot imagine, and then they surround the target and use the interesting normie to mine material for their actor who pretends to be a meritocratically interesting person, to create the image of meritocracy in society for the plebes. Probably not that, but you never know for sure.

ATF has decided that all solvent traps are in fact suppressors, and if you have one it is the same as having a machine gun, even if you have not made any alterations to turn it into a functional suppressor. It would be nice if they could iron out Bruen quickly, so we do not have all these laws and rules which are constantly changing.

Houlton Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended 20 Romanian migrants who rushed a border crossing from Canada into Maine on Tuesday.

Andrew Cuomo considering a run for NYC Mayor.

Eric Adams accused of sexually assaulting woman in 1993 in bombshell legal filing; accuser wants $5M.

An aide to New York Mayor Eric Adams accused of ‘improper’ behavior ‘urged staffers to delete texts after the FBI raided her home’, a source has claimed.

A cold plunge at their private beach and playing ‘Titanic’ on the dock: How Joe, Jill, Hunter, baby Beau and the rest of the Biden clan spent Thanksgiving at their $34 million waterfront Nantucket estate.

LA gangster who shot and paralyzed a 16-year-old girl now works for California’s Department of Public Safety after Gavin Newsom slashed his 162 year sentence to just eight years. He was featured in a documentary. Gang member, gets a documentary (they do not give anyone a microphone), Newsom commutes his sentence. Sounds kind of like he is plugged in, and was maybe doing the gang thing as a ground intel op.


Transvestite arrested in Illinois after vowing to copy Nashville transvestite mass murderer: ‘We’re going to kill their f*cking children.’

After Xi Jinping visit to San Francisco, city falling back into drug use and homelessness: business owner.

Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear declares state of emergency after train derails, spills molten sulfur which ignites.

US nuke reactor lab hit by ‘gay furry hackers’ demanding cat-human mutants. Queue up the meme of GigaChad saying he was prepared for the world to be cruel and unforgiving, but not for it to be this gay and stupid.

Chinese hospitals ‘overwhelmed with sick children’ as WHO asks for more data. Like they are making a sequel of a shit movie you never liked to begin with, and you are going to be forced to watch it.

Riots erupted in Dublin on Thursday after children were stabbed outside a school amid rumors that the assailant is a foreign national.

‘Hooligans’ torch vehicles and loot shops in Dublin after school stabbing left girl, five, and woman seriously hurt: Riots erupt amid unconfirmed rumors knifeman is foreign national – police say attack was ‘not terror’, mob chants ‘get them out.’ Hooligan will become a cool word, before everything is said and done, and everyone will want to be known as a Hooligan.

Irish police commissioner says “hooligan faction driven by far right ideology” is behind the violence on the streets. It is ironic, but it is the Hooligans who make a nation great.

IDF elite intel officer warned about Hamas attacks, ignored –  “I don’t want to hear about this nonsense again. If you bother me with these things again, you will stand trial.”

Gaza has become a moonscape in war – when the battles stop, many fear it will remain uninhabitable.

BBC notes net migration to the UK hits record levels.

500 German police raid properties of Hamas supporters throughout the country. All over the world, ideology and simply holding the wrong thoughts is becoming a crime, if you do not tell the machine how wonderful it is, as it destroys your society. I still am unclear why some appear to get arrested, while others just get The Beam™.

An “extremely venomous” two-meter-long green mamba snake is on the loose in the Netherlands, police said Tuesday, warning residents to stay indoors and under no circumstances attempt to ensnare the serpent. You always wonder with Geert Wilders just winning there, if this is some sort of coded message Cabal is about to go kinetic, and to stay clear.

Thank God one of our’s finally won….AAack! – Right-wing politician Javier Milei wins Argentina’s presidential elections, promises pro-Ukrainian stance. He was such a radical, and the machine hated him, until he won and he immediately began taking Cabal positions.

Yellen: Europe needs us ‘to do our part’ on Ukraine, can’t have them lack money for teachers, first responders.

Privately owned firearms surpass 500 million in US after third-highest October for gun sales on record.

Argentina’s Milei says former US president Trump to visit Buenos Aires.

Trump holds 7-point lead over Biden in new poll with RFK Jr. and Cornell West included.

Spread r/K Theory, because more guns equals more freedom

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