Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
Good rundown of the Matt Gaetz Sex-trafficking allegations, and how they came about. Lots of Jewish players worked on that one, which is suspicious given his not taking AIPAC money. Seemed partly a play to compromise Matt, and partly a play to extort his dad, maybe to rescue a CIA hostage overseas, or maybe not.
Trump plans to assemble investigative teams to look into 2020 election, Washington Post reports.
Matt Gaetz will not take seat in next Congress, will fight ‘from a new perch.’ Disappointing. He infuriated all the right people, and took no money from AIPAC.
Inside Matt Gaetz’s $2.7 million childhood home—and its starring role in Jim Carrey’s big-screen hit ‘The Truman Show.’ I signed up for a bullshit class, and while I expected most of the students would end up being surveillance, piled in after I signed up, I had assumed the instructor was more or less legit – they had represented themselves as filling a couple of very impressive roles outside of the class. I had hit him with an unexpected question in one of our meetings, and he responded with a very specific answer explaining how one piece of data, which given his position he would clearly have known, explained why something reported was impossible. I accepted it, as I was unfamiliar with the datapoint – and he would have known. I had a strange encounter later where somebody told me he was not in a database of such specialists, within which he should have been, but I assumed it was an oversight which happened. So I cruised on through life, encountered someone else, and they mentioned the datapoint he mentioned, only they said it was exactly the opposite of what he had said. I assumed they were wrong since they were not a specialist, and Googled it, and lo and behold they were entirely right. It was exactly opposite, and moreover it was a unique datapoint which I now see is known in the field for being the cause of what I was asking about, which anyone with passing familiarity with the subject would have known as the cause, and which showed he was either not who he claimed to be, he was lying outright (unlikely), or he had a staggering misunderstanding of his own specialist subject, on which he was supposedly trained by the manufacturer (also unlikely, IMO).
I now strongly suspect he was a plant with a passing knowledge of the subject – enough to carry a cover, if he was not asked specific questions on it by another with knowledge of it. I caught him, and he winged it, assuming the specific case I asked about was like numerous others (it was not), and he did it convincingly enough to keep me from burning him. If he was a plant, that meant that everyone who I met during that period, about ten to twelve people, was in fact some kind of Truman Show actor drawn from the civilian populace by this thing, just to surround me. I think the threat I have grown to pose now has me under a complete Truman Show protocol wherever it can be pulled off, which is a lot more places than you would think, once CIA and FBI and the machine target you in CONUS. I think they just do not want to risk me talking to a single regular person and beginning to explain the surveillance IRL. I would not write about this, as it sounds so crazy, but I think it important to document, this domestic intelligence thing is so big, it can move ten to twelve people for a couple of days, and, I presume, get the real class I signed up for cancelled, so I will not begin talking with any real people in that class.
Oh, No. Cryptobros, not like this:
Trump picks pro-tariff billionaire Scott Bessent for Treasury Secretary.
Trump names Sebastian Gorka counter-terror boss.
Trump senior adviser Dan Scavino fuels speculation about a congressional run in N.Y.
Elon Musk says it’s ‘likely’ he buys tanking MSNBC. Meh. He is the front man for an intel op, so he is a fugazi doing what he is told.
MSNBC blasted for ‘depraved’ article that sympathizes with Laken Riley’s migrant killer Jose Ibarra.
The DOJ now wants to gag criticism against itself, claiming it’s ‘harassment’ and a ‘safety risk.’
Leftist Twitter-alternative Bluesky is shaping up about how you would expect:
In the interest of preparing you for every possible circumstance, I had never heard of this:
Archaeologists in the Iberian Peninsula have discovered a 65,000-year-old tar-making “factory” engineered by Neanderthals and used to make glue for use in weapons and tools manufacture — a feat pulled off 20,000 years before modern humans (Homo sapiens) set foot in the region, a new study finds. Where have I heard that before….
Chancellor Angela Merkel says she felt “sorrow” at Donald Trump’s return to power and recalls that every meeting with him was “a competition: you or me.” Given what an enemy of everything good that cunt was, that is a good thing.
Ukrainians have stolen up to half of US aid — ex-Polish deputy minister. Says they laundered it back to Democrats in exchange for a cut.
Russia’s new ballistic missile reached Mach 11 as it plunged back to Earth, says Ukraine military.
Putin announces mass production of new Oreshnik hypersonic missiles.
Americans bought 1.4 million silencers in the first six months of 2024.
Polls find Democrat voters are becoming more pro-gun.
Send people to, because we do not want to be siloed.
The sidebar vanished in a puff of smoke.
I had just replaced it like an hour ago.
This is why I don’t believe a person, but just some bad code triggered by some unintentional click/link/etc
And yet it seems to take weekends and national holidays off. Could be traffic changes then. But it seems strange.
My comment disappeared again.
For my next trick I will make it reappear by posting this one.
LOL. This software is so screwed.
Yes, WP is notoriously awful.
Archaeologists in the Iberian Peninsula
One more data point in favor of Tex Arcane’s position that Neanderthals were a superior genotype.
Bro I know you don’t live in Texas with that secret squirrel comment on Tulsi’s plate carrier. That’s Buc-ee’s!
You are correct! My bad.
I just thought AC was being cheeky lol
The Buc-ees logo doesn’t have the beaver looking through binoculars, bro.
Tulsi’s patch isn’t a secret squirrel patch. That’s the logo for Buc-ee’s chain of mega convenient stores.
I had never seen it, and assumed it was the cartoon:
Re the “secret squirrel patch” on Tulsi’s plate carrier, this is a nothingburger. It’s the Buc ees logo, they were a supporter of the fundraiser.
Got it! Thank you!
Was coming to say. Bucee isn’t even a squirrel, he’s a beaver.
FYI, I got the WordPress screen this morning.
I’m on my phone using Brave browser.
On a whim, I tried again using Brave Beta (developer version)browser
and that worked. I tried Brave again, still WordPress screen.
Maybe there’s a clue here, don’t know.
That is interesting! The WordPress screen is supposed to mean the server has maxed out on database requests, and it will refuse everything until the next hour, when it resets. So you visit the wordpress page, the page calls to the database, the DB ignores the call, and the software assumes there is no database, since this is a new install, and it offers to set up a new site with the install page. But if the install page showing up is browser specific, that is not what is happening… Very interesting.
I’m using WordPress for
Have you thought of turning ON “caching”?
It’s supposed to reduce database calls.
Especially on older posts where the system has basically cached the page (nobody posts to the page anymore) and it knows it doesn’t have to make a call to the database.
Since my pages are basically static, it REALLY helps in those cases.
I use WP Super Cache (built by the WordPress Dev’s, I believe – it’s part of “Jet Pack”).
Here are the FAQ’s:
Anyway…something to think about.
Yes, we are caching everything now. Just calling to make new caches for new comments, etc.
I don’t know what is going on at the Anonymous Conservative News Brief section–it went from “How bad does it get” to a Comedy show: (1) Keith Woods reposting a reply of a guy telling another to cut off his dick to stop rape, LOL; (2) Scaring a Bull with silliness (too funny); (3) Melanie and RFK “””ganging up””” on the Trumpster to get him to change his diet (he shouldn’t, but nice try); (4) and “Moms for America” dancing with the Trumpster.
The “tone” of AC is changing!!! Too much laughter–if this continues, AC, I might have to go elsewhere!!!! (sarc) You are showing too much sunlight in this Age of Evil. Hahahahaha
The truth is, there is just not much hard news. I hope at some point this thing is all arrests and executions, and instructions on how to sign up for your local firing squad, but until then, we are running on fumes.
Plus I kind of view everything as fake at this point. If you enter the UFC and beat somebody it is news, but it feels fake to be reporting on WWE wrestling matches as if they are news.
One of the reasons I use AC’s briefs as part of keeping up with what’s going on is because it’s a Hell of a lot more fun this way.
FYI, that patch Tulsi is wearing is Buc-ee the Beaver, mascot for the Southern U.S. Buc-ee’s travel center chain. Purely innocent!
I am corrected! You are right. I thought it was from the cartoon:
Funny that you write about sign to a class. I do this exacly last month! 22.10.24 btw. I don’t think your assumptions sounds >more crazy than AC lurkers can accept<. Of course, stalkers can occasional surrond target ncp’s, that ncp can’t talk with real person on the class.
But let’s go depper (like leo dicaprio xd). Every class is owned by company. That company have at least one, main headquater, not mention about local parts. Lessons can be online or can be on the class. Your class isn’t only one. Many people go there all the time.
Correct me if i’m wrong but – if someone want really hard, he can break that “fresh air prison” by going to company and hitting to everyone at the place.
All true.
Here you go: CIA, drugs, musicians, federal government.
The patch Tulsi was wearing was from Buc-ees. A chain of cheesy convenience stores in Texas.
Thank you! How do I not know about this place when everyone here seems to know it?
I thought it was from the cartoon:
“Tulsi took part in a shooting competition for a Special Forces charity, and she wore a secret squirrel patch on her plate carrier”.
It’s the Buc-ees logo. It’s a popular gas station chain.
You are correct. I thought it was from this:
I now strongly suspect he was a plant with a passing knowledge of the subject – enough to carry a cover, if he was not asked specific questions on it by another with knowledge of it.
That’s basically how Kerry Mullis described Anthony Fauci.
‘Denver mayor threatens to deploy cops, 50K residents in ‘Tiananmen Square moment’ to stop Trump’s mass deportations.’
Um, yeah – I get the feeling that those cops are on Trump’s side of the whole immigration thing at this point.
Re: Tulsi that patch is the Buc-ee’s Beaver. It’s a chain of giant gas stations across the south, particularly Texas.
I never saw the station, I assumed it was from the Secret Squirrel cartoon, ut obviously it is Buccees, now that I see that:
‘MSNBC blasted for ‘depraved’ article that sympathizes with Laken Riley’s migrant killer Jose Ibarra.’
It’s one of the Ten Marxist Commandments: crime is okay as long as the victim is White and the perpetrator isn’t.
What makes that a secret squirrel and not Bucc ee the beaver? Still a weird choice without knowing any context.

I thought it was this thing, but I had not seen the Buccees Beaver, which is obviously what it is. Maye she got them to contribute to the Charity?
I am of course suspicious of her, as there is no way she got where she is without meeting surveillance and being on their god side, and she was making those pyramid symbols outside the Capitol.
I am suspicious of her too, but listen to her on the Jocko podcast, there’s a brief bit where it sure sounds like she came up against cabal and didn’t know what to make of it.
As any Texan can tell you, that secret squirrel is the Buc’ees logo. It’s a mega-travel stop, much beloved.
Thank you! I thought it was supposed to be this:
That patch isn’t Secret Squirrel. It’s Buc-ee the Beaver, a gas station chain mascot.
Thank you! I had thought it as supposed to be this thing:
It’s a beaver. Buc-ees.
Thank you! It looked like this thing from the cartoon, I assumed that was what she was saying:
Word is out that wait times are now under a week for silencers and short barreled long guns and there has been an explosion of sales. I am considering purchasing one instead of making one simply because I cannot do so legally in Oregon, and as such ATF simply will not give me a tax stamp for one.
Amazing Suppressor News || AntiGunners Big Sad
The VSO Gun Channel
Aggressive bulls.
You can also just throw some rocks at them. You don’t even have to connect. They will run off if they hear a rock smack the ground near them.
I have zero experience with aggressive bulls, other than seeing them chase clowns at the rodeo. You’re claiming they will chase 3 or 4 clowns after bucking a cowboy off their back, but run away from a rock hitting the ground?
Almost all animals understand the “act tough so we don’t have to fight” body language lingo. They use it, so they understand when others use it. Any gesture of mild hostility will likely scare them off, but go too hard and they might pass the threshold into actually engaging defensive fighting on a (perceived) real threat.
But the video might be how Tyrolean tongue choirs began.
Scott Ritter discusses the new Russian missile deployed in Ukraine about 40 min in.
Yeah, NATO is screwed. The US needs to fall back to nearly 1800s level of isolationism and tariffs, focus on the western hemisphere. Eject non-integrating immigrants, reject multiculturalism, rebuild our nation, not get involved in “foreign adventures.”
AC, you sure got beat up on the Secret Squirrel/ Buc-ee deal!! 😂
I had it coming. I have never seen that before, but had seen a pic of the cartoon squirrel, and assumed that was what it was. That and I do not trust Tulsi any farther than I could throw her. Never assume.
Well, how far can you throw a beaver?
AC! Welcome to the world of Buc ee’s. If you ever find one outside of Texas, they are worth a visit. If nothing more than to marvel at the number of gas pumps and toilet fixtures. There is a plethora of food and drink; you could even buy lawn and patio furniture after filling your tank. My first time in one, I imagined it was like the Russian leader when they took him to a grocery store.
I look forward to checking one out someday.
They’re slowly making their way into other parts of the country. We’re supposed to have one opening in my area at some point. I know people who will plan road trips around stopping at Buc’ees. My wife wants to go at some point.
Harbinger of things to come. Yeah, I had to look it up, too…
This youtuber, “Static in the Attic,” has been posting mainly on the fake history slash Tartaria subject for several years, usually achieving results that are worth noting. However… he recently was given some trouble by the YT brass, apparently over some little thing he mentioned that got their panties in a bunch.
So… he just put out this very well done and tasteful presentation about just who was opposing a group that, to hopefully preclude further censorship, he refers to as “The comrades.”
In several years that I have been aware of this man, I have not noticed any sign of him being a willing and enthusiastic champion of a certain Austrian artist and vegetarian (as many of us are). It looks as if he just wanted to make the facts clear for his viewers. He certainly had success and this short 17 min. video is a good example of how to do that. The parasites are losing it, folks. The narrative is lost already and the hearts and minds of the people are on the way out of Clownworld, though one might expect certain folks with, err, faulty religious convictions, to support GlobalHomo to the very bitter end (no sarcasm intended.
How many minutes anon?!
Lesson of the day, Don’t mess with Buc-ees.
The squirrel is actually the Buc-ee’s beaver.
The Real Reason Why Todays Music Is Starting To Sound The Same
Freaking Out With Billy Hume
65,000-year-old tar-making “factory” engineered by Neanderthals and used to make glue for use in weapons and tools manufacture.…”
“…Here’s a super genius with his “glue factory” of rocks, fire, charcoal, and cat tail fluff (could be rabbit poop). Obviously, this guy is some super sophisticated mega genius. I bet he can fly through the air like a Wizard.
If you look at the paper they even used “Ochre”!!! OMG what super material is this???
“…a mixture of ferric oxide and varying amounts of clay and sand…”
Uhhh…rust and mud. They loaded this super genius mix of resin with this rust mud and made…Neanderthal J.B. Weld. Pure genius I say.
“… — a feat pulled off 20,000 years before modern humans (Homo sapiens) set foot in the region, a new study finds…”
Likely there were no Cro-Mags there because the savage neanderthals would eat them, as many cannibal finds in their homes would attest to.
Why do I point this stuff out. Now I could be wrong but here’s the writer Kiona Smith.

And what race do you think she comes from, a guess, think hard? Funny how when you look for links this comes up,
“Over 100 Jewish women in Rockville Centre participate in Project Inspire Long Island’s Challah Bake”
Now her name is not listed but a search did link her name to this link and…I possibly see her. It’s become more difficult to do this as Jews are wiping references to their Jewishness. Big uptick in this about 2-3 years ago.
What’s the point? It’s always the same old shit. Try to push the neanderthal as some sort of genius “super factory” mega glue wonder when it’s nothing more than pine sap, rabbit poop and a little charcoal. But they blow it up to be some genius first tier stuff. This, I surmise, is just more of the same of a “lame” attempt to pretend that other races are all some sort of perfect wonder race while Whites (Cro-Mags) are nothing but vile spear chunkers. This stuff is subtle but super prevalent. I don’t even really believe that it’s conscious all the time. It’s just the way they think, the way they operate. Constant drip, drip, drip of doom on anyone, not them.
Since they have owned most all media you have seen all your life, once you realize what they are doing, it is so obvious and it’s constant, all over, omnipresent. I can barely watch TV or read newspapers. Since they own these and have no push back they really lay it on thick. Constant dissembling, constant verbal magic tricks to make you look over here, instead of there, where the real problem lies. I point these out so maybe, just maybe you too will see it. Once you do, you can’t unsee it.
It’s all so tiresome
My theory is that Neanderthal men wasted their genetic heritage by banging too many Cro-Magnon women.
“as it sounds so crazy” Not to me. Sounds 100% probable. I’ve experienced the same Truman Show shit my entire adult life, and even before. Why others will think it sounds crazy: They are not one of the Top 5 or 10 biggest threats to Cabal in the entire world like you and I are, so they’ve never personally experienced it, so they assume it must be a misinterpretation/delusion. But it’s real. The overlords are THAT DESPERATE. Which is perverse cause for optimism. If they’re THAT desperate, then they must be THAT CLOSE to losing and being punished into oblivion.
“Trump names Sebastian Gorka counter-terror boss.” At what point, AC, do you resign yourself to a scenario wherein Trump’s role as a Rothschild puppet was to heroically purge society of every evil (manufactured by the Rothschilds themselves, of course) and restore all sorts of good shit and do everything you’d want EXCEPT for the few things which would actually overthrow the evil overlords themselves or finally/fatally undermine the heel-grasping God-fighting tribe as a whole, or even get rid of Stasi Surveillance bullshit except maybe some tokens, I dunno. How many Zionist nominees, before it’s clear that it’s not secretly anti-Zionist kayfabe? For me, that threshold was crossed a couple days ago. Trump is dead to me, now. God will NOT be saving him again, in fact, quite the opposite, ahem. “He is the front man for an intel op” Yes, Musk *is* that, the same role as Trump, basically. Given how close Musk is to Trump lately…what tentative conclusion can one draw? I was so excited about RFK Jr. joining Trump, I thought it was an unmistakable signal that Q is real and the Overlords were doomed, especially since RFK Jr. was presumably abandoning his own Zionism. Nope, I presumed wrong. Sorry for the blackpill, but I can’t see any other plausible scenarios now. This is exactly when Trump should have pivoted AGAINST Zionism, or at least NOT nominated Zionist scumbags. This was when the kayfabe was supposed to start becoming Straight Shooting. NOPE. So, expand your thinking about that civil war. Gonna be a more brutal fight than expected, because the Good Guys are too pro-Trump now. Gonna be a fucking bloodbath, as Trump said about the car industry. Megadeaths, etc. We had zero choice but to assume the best about Trump. That benefit of the doubt should be over now. We’re on our own. I’m now in a “watch the world burn” mood which I despised with all my might only last week. I guess the Rapture freaks were right, after all. Very few are gonna make it. I’ll be one, of course. You earned a spot, too, I think. (And I am the Ultimate Decider of such a thing.) The rest of humanity with extremely rare exception (why, yes, fundies, about 150,000 DOES sound like a good number, Dunbar x 1000) miserably failed. Not the kids’ fault, though, of course. But what other option is there. Hate to be a post-rationalizing heartless cunt, but 99.9% of those kids are just future traitors to humanity. I hate this fucking timeline now. We deserved better. I will endlessly torture those responsible for fucking everything up. They knew better.
I think we are going to get the same shit with Israel which we have just wrapped up with the migrants. Israel cabalites will just fuck us every possible way for two years, until everyone hates them, and then they will purge AIPAC, Mega, and all the corporate heads/assets, and even normies will not blink at cries of antisemitism.
Either way, Trump is not involved in my plans, which revolve around American Stasi. The plan is the same, expose the surveillance.
“God will NOT be saving him again”
Don’t presume to speak for GOD.
Long shot.
Does anyone have the blog article linked in the comments here ~year ago about the low birthrates/fertility crisis how whites/westerners have resistance to it while third worlders/nonwhite numbers will be decimated it as feminism gets exported.
son of BUCEES co founder, Mitchell Wasek (jwish?) secretly recording naked houseguests caught by DoD agent. secrete squirrel more like it amirite.
Great place to shop. High pay. Iffy place to work. Regularly end up in front of the state workforce rights commission. It’s not the usual diversity issues. It’s actual, bizarre violations of laws and regulations and just plain common sense, by the corporation.
Source: knew people who pled before the workforce board.
Russia’s new ballistic missile reached Mach 11 as it plunged back to Earth, says Ukraine military.
Putin’s new missile leaves the whole of Europe minutes from Armageddon: Hypersonic weapon used in Ukraine ‘could hit London in 20 minutes’ and strike anywhere in Europe with multiple nuclear warheads.
The guys on Judging Freedom have been dickriding this as a huge gamechanger that basically Putin now can credibly threaten at an intermediate level without going nuclear.
Apparently, Russia now claims the next time it gets threatened it can go ahead and say in advance it will target military targets, so all the civilians can be evacuated, and the missiles are unstoppable.
And that it can basically destroy everything it hits, even underground, without having to deal with fallout etc from nukes. And no other country has this.