Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
Some think Trump worked with Gaetz, using him as a bargaining chip to get this:
Elon Musk comments on ICE arrests in Mass., says ‘sanctuary’ cities are ‘protecting child rapists.’
Senate Democrats confirm another two radical judges because two GOP Senators did not show up.
A pilot claims he captured “multiple UFOs” swarming around a Boeing jet over Middle East. Video here, but it is just a point light through a cockpit window – not impressive.
UFO zooming past NYC caught on camera by local news helicopter. Starts at 2:43 and is exiting at 2:47, and this one is impressive:
400 foot diameter saucer shaped UFO heading for space, seemingly became aware it was being observed through infrared satellites by the military and attempted to drop down to hide in clouds as it zoomed off, as other reports gathered by the military spoke of UFOs which warped witnesses’ perceptions of time, or created senses of dread. Military was gathering these reports for decades and not sharing them with congressional oversight.
The Small Business Administration’s Disaster Relief Program has NO FUNDS.
Sig Sauer ordered to pay $11 million to Philadelphia man wounded by pistol that went off by itself.
Ashli Babbitt’s murderer was promoted following the unjust shooting – John Solomon Reports. Dude is very plugged in. He left his Glock in the bathroom and a tourist found it and turned it in, and he told people he would not suffer anything from it.
Transplant patients rejecting organ after COVID vaccine.
A college basketball player at the University of Mobile suddenly died at the age of 18 this week.
European nations back ICC after it orders arrest of Netanyahu, Gallant.
Starmer backs arrest of Benjamin Netanyahu off an International Criminal Court warrant: Israeli Prime Minister ‘will be arrested if he enters the UK.’
Official Statement from President Putin via the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs – The Russian military is conducting “combat tests” of the Oreshnik missile system, a Mach 10 hypersonic Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile (IRBM), in response to NATO’s escalation. Appears to carry multiple warheads – conventional or nuclear.
Russia threatens attack on US base in Poland.
Meet the Western conservatives moving to Russia: “People are traditional and normal here.“
Send people to, because World War 3 is still on the menu
At the end of it all, we must internally inquire of ourselves, did we hold up, all the way? Will we whimper like Winston being stretched out and agree that 2+2=5. Or will we just smilingly say “nope”, as Ursula has done so, for decades upon decades? How resolute will you be anons?
why post the foto of the cosplay girl?
Senate Democrats confirm another two radical judges because two GOP Senators did not show up.
Those two must have had better things to do. It’s not like it’s their job or anything. What do you think–that American citizens elected them to look out for us?
we need an ironic laughter sygil for rhetorical questions such as this.
“DHS Secretary Mayorkas is reportedly in talks to step down, seeking assurances of immunity from any potential investigations under next Trump administration.”
None of these traitors deserve immunity. If they get it, then this is all fake & gay. We need to bring at least some kind of weapon to this gunfight, because the enemy is bringing nukes.
Make an example of the traitors. Teach them to fear the American people, or it’s all a joke.
I think it may get better. If they are saving Israel for last, we may end up doing with it what we did with the migrants, which was basically let it fuck over all of America until we could not take it any more.
I am suspecting all of this pro-Israel bullshit from our side is the tip of an acceleration, until we are sending troops to die in large numbers, and as much money as we hustled to Ukraine goes to Israel, as our people starve on the streets, and have trouble putting food on our tables.
I do not see any other reason we have all these people who are supposedly “America-first” talking about how we need to raise our children to die for Israel, and we need to send Israel all of our money.
Of course a year or four after starting that, the entire nation may hate Israel, and never want to send another penny there, and that will facilitate purging MEGA, AIPAC, and what I suspect are hundreds, if not thousands of Epstein operations throughout every facet of our society, and our political process from the nation. But as with the migrants, at what cost, and why, if Intel whitehats are truly in control and could just solve the problem behind the scenes, do they not do their job and deal with it, without raking the nation over the coals.
This process brings to mind Jesus’ warning about being lukewarm. Normies have to be brought kicking and screaming
Which might be literal…..aka…getting drafted.
The Judeo-Christians will never relent in their worship of the Jews.
This one did. There is hope for all.
Us riding with Normies
The entire world hates Israel, and with good reason.
“Intel whitehats are truly in control and could just solve the problem behind the scenes,”
Because when it comes to the kinetic stuff, it has to appear completely justifiable to even the dumbest obervers. No one wants to be Hitler 2.0. Even if you expose the surveilance, the higher ups could let them get burned and recruit more. The entire global Cabal has to be purged, it has to be public, and it has to be completely righteous.
You make sense, AC! After all, “complaining too much” is a thing. As in people who vehemently hate on things like Flat Earth memes and suggestions that Jehova din create nuttin. They have very serious doubts or they don’t really understand the issue enough to form a truly informed opinion. This frightens them, so they snarl.
May I remind one and all that in his first term, when DJT visited AIPAC, he spoke to then and did not mention squat about their holy holocaust.
Have we not seen him use similar strategy under similar circumstances? I hope I’m right, though, for ya never know.
I forwarded the article below to my department this morning.
I urged them to do their part and protect everyone by getting vaccinated.
They all know I’m not vaccinated of course. Management made sure of that by weekly mandatory highly public nose swabs back in the day.
If they give me any shit I have similar emails sent by management in 21/22 so what’s the issue?
Don’t you guys still believe in the shots? I thought I was doing good.
I’m about ready to retire anyway so fuck’em.
Fun Fact For Your Pleasure & Profit, Gleaned From Many Years In Mgmt Of A Very Very Large Parcel Delivery Company: if an employee – just for fun let’s say ‘you’, hypothetically of course – if an employee SAYS he hurt his back while at work and is now “unable to work”, it is impossible for management to prove that guy’s back doesn’t hurt. Squeaky clean X-rays? MRIs? Etc? Doesn’t matter. So long as mgmt can’t roll film of the guy doing crossfit or squatting 600 lbs at the gym or some such, if the employee says it hurts then it hurts – and mgmt WILL have to pay disability.
just a thought. make of it what you will.
I assume you had family to take care of. I would have quit my job for the nose swab thing. I would have made sure they knew they were getting sued to be extra sure they wanted to go through with it.
Trump should revive the Culper Ring to keep an eye on things.
SBA disaster
Its the wrong link. But I want to point out the don’t give out grants. They provide low interest loans. Not sure if they do that directly or work with banks.
Then the agency forgives the loans. If the receiver is a good boy. At least that is what is often reported in the media. Making it a loan gives the agency leverage to issue demands to the recipient. Same thing happens in the private sector when a corporation gives its CEO a loan.
From today’s CDAN–
“Umbrella Man” Louie Witt and JFK.
Where in the world is Sidebar San Diego?
Twin Pine Anon, the change has been made.
If there is any problem you can post about it in the Application Issues section, but it should just work.
Thanks very much.
“Undercover police officers have infiltrated UK activist networks and forged relationships with individual women for over 50 years, some fathering children with them. Now, three women – disguised by theatrical masks – who were targeted by ‘spy cops’ seek to take charge of their own stories, restaging emblematic scenes and reclaiming the narrative.”
We Did Not Consent – The Guardian Documentaries
There’s a good book about this issue called, Undercover by Paul Lewis and Rob Evans, dealing with NPOIU National Public Order Intelligence Unit. There’s also a documentary called, Confessions of an Undercover Cop dealing with an officer called Mark Stone or Mark Kennedy. He spent over 7 years undercover with environmental activists even though he knew they were no threat to the state. The cunt would have still been there but was outed as an informant.
These cops were all about gathering intelligence on a Europe wide basis, mixing with foreign activists in Iceland, Germany etc.
Nothing is ever what it seems.
BTW many of these cops fathered children with their targets. Just like we know how they always get someone close to a target.
Was the Jake Paul vs Mike Tyson Fight a Humiliation Ritual?
Very weird, very planned.
That article sure does capture the sadness of what I felt–from when Mike first began walking toward ringside. It was a sad circus–but I watched it just like the writer said.
The real question is whether or not the last 8 years, at least, of political theater here in the U.S. was a humiliation ritual.
I believe the evidence says yes.
“Tyson Fight a Humiliation Ritual”
Humiliation. Shiiiittt, look at this guy at 58

He’s a bull. I bet Mike could pull more tail right now than this viligant fairy in one week, than this guy has and will have in his whole life. (What that says about Women won’t go into, but it is what it is.) He says he was humiliated but I say Mike is saying,”kiss my naked Black ass”. And the tight briefs he’s wearing, Mike says,”I’m a stud, you look at muh Dick!”.
I see this sort of reporting by these unnamed nobody’s and wonder just what they are thinking. Mike got $20 million. So he’s not the guy he used to be, so….No one but imbeciles would expect so. I didn’t see the fight but hell I would fight someone for $20 million looking like a fool or not. The slant on this is just unbelievable.
The sidebar is still gone.
Thank you!
Most likely the UFO was an E7 deploying a masking tech. I recently saw an E7 right after takeoff making a rising left turn. Next thing I know I saw a gray curtain gaining altitude and speed heading west. My guess is they are using high power LEDs to form searchlights that look gray and overwhelm the reflected light off the plane. There are several videos on youtube that people have filmed. I think the search term I used was “block shape UAF”.
Most federal disaster relief funds are approved quarterly. FEMA goes broke four times a year. It sounds scary in a headline, but it’s part of the accounting shenanigans. Also, no disasters, no need to allocate funds. It’s designed to be difficult to audit.
6:45am Looks like Sidebar stayed out all night. That hussy!
Maybe she will meet somebody and finally settle down.
Better a hussy than following customers around in a 24/7 grocery.
> Senate Democrats confirm another two radical judges because two GOP Senators did not show up.
“Nothing to see here. Move along.”
> Sig Sauer ordered to pay $11 million to Philadelphia man wounded by pistol that went off by itself.
That’s always hard to prove, but Sig lost a contract with the Pennsylvania state police after several incidents. A couple of Federal agencies also had problems and dumped Sig.
> Dude is very plugged in. He left his Glock in the bathroom and a tourist found it and turned it in, and he told people he would not suffer anything from it.
Might be worthwhile to start checking out all the (unoccupied!) stalls in public toilets. There seems to be a “gun left behind” story in the national news a couple of times a year. You might get lucky!
Back when public toilets still had tanks instead of pressure valve, lore was the tanks were a good place to check for small packages; payoff money or drugs.
> The Illinois Supreme Court reversed the conviction of Jussie Smollett who was accused of filing false reports of a hate crime against him.
Interesting. Smollett’s handlers let him be arrested and convicted, but now they have enough cowbell to make it all go away?