News Briefs – 11/22/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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DFT – BYD Introduces New Tesla-Killer SUV

DFT – Argentina’s New President Promises “Shock Therapy”

DFT – Oxfam Study – Bottom 99% Of Earners Need 1,500 Years To Produce Carbon Pollution A 1%’er Does In A Year

DFT – Germany Freezes Green Funding After High Court Ruling

DFT – Russia’s Gazprom Tops Forbes’ List Of Top Russian Investors

Why would the FBI have this in a file? Old FBI files claim Donald Trump’s second wife Marla Maples allegedly had an affair. Not even an affair. Trump dumped her, FBI kept surveillance on her, probably from the condo next door, documented Michael Bolton picked her up at some party, Trump apparently doesn’t like Bolton so he took her back just to cuck him, and then dumped her again. But how is any of this related to FBI business? She committed no crime, and was not involved with anyone shady. You can imagine, if they are documenting this kind of stuff, imagine if you were a billionaire who was into transgenders, or who liked girls who were 14 or 15. or 10 years old. And they don’t arrest you for it, because they aren’t supposed to have any of this to begin with. They just put it in your file. And if you have a squeaky clean billionaire, and then you have Biden, who was molesting his own daughter, and doing God knows what else, who do you think gets lifted up to President? And it is not just billionaires. They take that operation, and then shrink it down to every locality, with people in charge of the schools to target the kids, and neighborhood watchers to make sure nobody in the neighborhood has a billion-dollar idea and starts their own company off it. And all these seemingly regular people in society who are in the surveillance are cool with this. They all go out each day and do their part to keep this thing in full control, so nobody can ever resist it. And they have kids. But they just don’t care, so long as it is somebody else’s kid. When it all comes out, we will simultaneously be very disappointed in a lot of fellow “Americans,” and we will understand how special those who resisted were, and we will have much tighter bonds with our brothers in the resistance than we ever had with just plain countrymen.

FBI leaders ordered the new head of Miami’s field office Jeffrey Veltri to scrub anti-Trump comments from his social media accounts, according to a new whistleblower account. This was where local ground-level field agents, under the previous command, were getting Havana Syndromed in their homes, presumably with their families, and supposedly nobody can do anything about it, they are just going home each night and taking it. Those are most likely our guys. Try to figure out who is who in this battle.

And also keep in mind, when I link to articles like the one which showed the entire Miami FBI field office is being hit with Havana, that is not just a weird abstraction to be examined with interest in passing. That is the expansion of a pilot program. Thus far it has proven effective. Agents of the FBI have had no choice but to go home and endure physical assaults which they cannot retaliate against – at least yet. The cost/benefit analysis on that project is through the roof, from Cabal’s perspective. It will get expanded, until they can, and will, do it to everyone. The days of social media censorship will one day seem to have held a freedom future generations will not be able to imagine. Unless something major happens, and everyone decides, whatever it requires, freedom is worth any price. My guess is Miami FBI is already on board. And everyone else will be one day too.

Kanye West believes ex-personal trainer Harley Pasternak is FOLLOWING him in Dubai – one year after rapper leaked alleged texts from ‘creepy’ former employee threatening to get him ‘institutionalized again.’ My guess would be Kanye was plotting something with someone, which he thought he had kept off the radar, and it leaked, and this was a reminder to him. Can you imagine though, Pasternak has nothing to do, nothing occupying him, that he cannot pick up on a moment’s notice and head to someplace like Dubai, to sit at a bar glaring at people, on orders. And all as a “personal trainer.”

Air Marshalls are quietly following every person who flew to DC around January 6, 2021:

“That means our primary mission is a little group called ‘quiet skies’ – it’s a mission called quiet skies that we’re following people that flew into the national capital region in January 2021 and they did not have to go to the Capitol or the rally and you’ve been put on a specific list that TSA has now assigned Air Marshals to follow these people who have not had any type of criminal investigation – they haven’t committed a crime, but yet three years later we are following the same individuals day in and day out,” Labosco said.

The Fox News host asked Labosco, “So you’re saying the [Air Marshals] aren’t…tracking terrorists at all?”

“Well, they didn’t even have to be at the Capitol…they could have just flown into the capital region so anyone who was there for a job interview or to visit family. We even have a gentleman who was there for a funeral. They’ve been put on this domestic terrorist list just because of their geographic location to Washington DC,” Labosco said.

I will bet this is not entirely true. I will bet there are people who flew in, who are not on this list and who are not getting followed. I will bet what you see here is a cover story, and these people were going to be followed whether they flew into the Capitol or not, and may have been, going back to when they were children. This is just some reason, which domestic surveillance has latched onto, to explain why these people are being followed, so if it becomes public with any of them, they will not have to admit to the nation there is a sprawling domestic surveillance Stasi force that is targeting everyone, and they can just say, “Well, that was just a little government program which went over the line with these few people, and everyone else is still free, and enjoying privacy, and not being followed around by the local Stasi surveillance teams we embedded in every neighborhood.”

Secret Biden White House surveillance program allows cops to spy on trillions of US phone records without warrants.

Video: And here it is, the Insurrection of 2020 Mitch McConnell certified. 25% of all 2020 mail-in-ballots CONFIRMED to have NO signature match just in Maricopa County alone. Meaning 420,987 ballots out of 1.9M are fraudulent…

Fulton county, GA now admits there were over 3,000 illegal duplicate ballots.

Having attained her position using ballot manipulation and collection, the fraudulently installed AG in Arizona, Attorney GeneralKris Mayes, is threatening to arrest anyone who does a hand recount of ballots in Mohave County.

Andy Ngo Reports: Florida Trantifa activist allegedly murdered man, set his home on fire. What is interesting about these characters is when I see one, I immediately picture Paul Prediger, formerly known as Gaige Grosskreutz, the guy Kyle Rittenhouse shot in the arm. He showed up in Kenosha, where it kind of looked like he was like some kind of domestic intel asset, he took his bullet, and he appears to be right back out there, wandering the country like some kind of itinerant street operator, until he hits the news for crossing the street just as some gangstalkee in a car is hitting the intersection (and him). It is either a unit with military discipline, and this article with the Tranfita guy was some kind of domestic intel hit, or it is not a unit with military discipline, and you have some rag-tag intel outfit out there just made up of nutball psychos and trannies doing whatever they want, as they enjoy some sort of quasi-governmental immunity. I still feel like my brain is straining to model whatever the reality is here, as if the reality is still so weird the brain cannot model it easily yet, because it is not developed enough or adapted enough. It is like trying to lift a weight with a muscle which has not yet developed strong enough to handle it.

Six in 10 Americans believe Joe Biden ‘participated’ in son Hunter’s business deals in another dire poll for president as Republicans zero in on their impeachment investigation.

Hunter Biden once admonished a Mexican business magnate for ignoring him after he set up multiple meetings with Joe Biden during his vice presidency.

Elon Musk is now boosting the ‘Pizzagate’ conspiracy theory.

Nikki Haley walks back ‘verify everybody’ social media proposal, wants free speech for ‘anonymous Americans.’

Shooter wounds 4 at Walmart near Dayton, Ohio, before dying of self-inflicted gunshot wound, police say. No more data, and probably will not see any more about it.

North Dakota Air Force base warns airmen against attending pro-Trump ‘Tyler Bowyer’ rally of ?Turning Point USA or risk ‘jeopardizing’ military career.

Congress charges forward with proposed BAN on Chinese Communist Party-linked biotech company believed to be stealing DNA from Americans.

Migrants get free turkeys for Thanksgiving ahead of low-income New Yorkers. This is keeping the troops provisioned, so they will sit tight until whatever is coming begins, and they are put into action. They have these migrants here for something. And I doubt it is to help Americans turn this country into a beacon of freedom and prosperity and happiness.

From here on the case of a bad dude who was stripped of his right to have a gun by a single judge over a domestic violence protection order, and went on to commit gun crimes – Media Headlines Lie About Rahimi Second Amendment Case:

The Rahimi case oral arguments have been heard by the Supreme Court. It was bumped to the head of the line by the Biden administration. At its core, the case is not about domestic violence. It is about whether fundamental rights, enumerated in the Bill of Rights, can be nullified by a judge in a civil hearing with almost no due process. No jury trial, no right to a lawyer, no criminal conviction.

The lawyer arguing that gun rights should not be subject to a single judge’s discretion without due process, sounded like he was either grossly incompetent, or a plant. They said he did a shit job, and we might end up losing just because of that.

Ex-MD Democrat Mayor and mentor to Pete Buttigieg, sentenced to 30 years in prison for child porn case.

Senior Pentagon official at office overseeing elementary schools arrested for human trafficking.

Former Trump White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Inside” that “everybody should vote for” President Joe Biden if they wanted democracy to survive. Another Trump backstabber.

Peter Meijer was a Michigan Republican leaving Congress after a single term, having been ousted in a primary challenge after voting to impeach Trump, however now Meijer is launching a comeback bid for the Senate, and he’s changing his tune on how wonderful our almighty God-Emperor is.

New Jersey banning sale of new gasoline-powered vehicles by 2035.

Personal safety fears at three-decade high in U.S.

A United States Army soldier, who recently separated from the service, spoke out against the Biden administration and claimed he was ordered pay for military gear that he was forced to leave behind during the chaotic and deadly Afghanistan withdrawal in 2021.

Seattle Parks and Recreation is looking to add a children’s play area to a local park that is clothing optional.

Trans swimmer breaks New Jersey college record after switching from men’s team to women’s.

Commercial air crews are reporting “spoofing” GPS attacks in the airspace around Iran have caused navigation systems to fail in dozens of incidents since September.

Wealthy nations could provide 100 of the world’s most vulnerable countries a combined $25 billion in annual protection against climate disasters for as little as $10 million per nation, research published on Tuesday showed. You don’t need that ten million dollars, do you anon?

Argentina’s new president has vowed to ‘get the Falklands back’, saying it is ‘non-negotiable’ for Britain to hand them over and compares it to the UK returning Hong Kong to China.

Israeli government approves deal: 4-day pause for 50 hostages.

China’s most advanced warship, China’s People’s Liberation Army – Navy ship “Longushan,” is reportedly ablaze just off the coast of China tonight.

Dem Sen. Coons: We can’t ‘abandon Ukraine’ but we will if GOP pushes too hard on asylum changes.

Mainstream publications have published a slew of articles this week conveying a cratering outlook for Ukraine, and casting Zelensky as doomed.

Russia says co-existence not possible with Ukraine’s current ‘regime.’

A federal appeals court on Tuesday ruled in favor of a gun rights group, saying Maryland’s preliminary handgun-licensure requirement is unconstitutional and cannot be enforced.

Poll: Gun ownership reaches record high with American electorate.

Texas attorney general announces investigation into Media Matters after Elon Musk files ‘thermonuclear lawsuit.’

Spread r/K Theory, because Freedom is worth any price

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1 year ago

“it is not a unit with military discipline, and you have some rag-tag intel outfit out there just made up of nutball psychos and trannies doing whatever they want, as they enjoy some sort of quasi-governmental immunity”


1 year ago

Wealthy nations could provide 100 of the world’s most vulnerable countries a combined $25 billion in annual protection against climate disasters for as little as $10 million per nation, research published on Tuesday showed. You don’t need that ten million dollars, do you anon?”

It’s not going to do anything for the poor countries, it’s going straight to the pockets of the insurance companies.
If they do payout for disasters the payout money will be paid to connected companies and organizations who will do little or nothing for the country with the disaster.

1 year ago

Morning A/C my memory just sparked something I came across, lead coated gypsum (sheet rock) boards!
Plus they have all sorts of other lead lined products for construction!
Happy Thanksgiving to all my fren/anons/brothers keep up the good fight and don’t forget to drop little bits of knowledge on friends and family about surveillance this week!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Yeah, like excessive sugar and processed food. It’s not complicated. Eat clean and you’ll stay healthy and at an optimal weight.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I remember hearing that Americans (on average) have about 5-6 lbs of compacted fecal matter in their colon. Yes, insert jokes, we are full of shit! But what that means, is that we are not getting proper absorption of nutrients. That compacted crap lines the walls. Colo-rectal cancer is high in the states because of it. Some naturopathic doctors will say that constipation is the primary cause of disease. Now; some might say; I’m not constipated. Apparently the ideal bowel movement would be about 20-30 minutes after every meal. That means 2-3 bowel movements per day. So, anything less than that is a varying degree of constipation. It makes sense; can’t get nutrients in your body, and the nutrients are needed so you body can fight off whatever it needs to fight off. And also; all that constipation puts strain and pressure on other internal organs; causing other problems.

Reply to  Bob
1 year ago

I recommend Mag O7 for that.
Start with 3+ (or whatever you can handle) a night as recommended on the bottle.
When you are done with that you should take 1 a night for quite some time.
Take a day or two off if you get undesirable side effects.

Reply to  whiteguy
1 year ago

There is the thing about fungus like Acremonium which produces manganese oxide. With that, mixed with any types of metals that can be introduced to your body (via food, aerosols, etc), you have the Manganese Oxide, mixed with metals for in your system, and of course we are full of water as well. I’m not very tight with this science myself, but what I understand is that this can act as a battery or a kind of antennae to energy weapons. So, if we are feeling out of whack, might be safe to assume we have ingested a bit of metals either through food or aerosols or whatever…: try and eat clean food, stuff you can actually read and understand the ingredients, and maybe even find methods to detoxify heavy metals in your system. That could possibly alleviate some symptoms associated from energy weapons.

Reply to  Bob
1 year ago

LookoutfaCharlie has a third-party-archived blog about this exactly.

1 year ago

Friend shared latest call of duty game on xbox. Not sure how that works exactly, but I didn’t (and wouldn’t) pay for call of duty 70 or whatever they are on now. But he wants to play it and since I don’t have to pay I agreed. Though I am not the hugest fan of it.
Of note, 21 different pride flags (homo flags I guess, but I don’t know why they need 21 for that. They are labeled “pride” so it means something to whoever put that nonsense in there) flags as well as national flags. Missing is the Russian flag and the Palestinian flag. Israeli flag is pretty high up, can see it near the top. Ukraine near the middle. I just think its interesting as a political statement. 21 pride flags and no Russian flag. Some of these articles are saying the woke crowd is pro Palestinian. Either that is a lie for the wokesters at blizzard/activision, or jews currently are up at that location at least. No real excuse to not have the russian flag.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

My youngest (18) used to be heavily into Call of Duty. He was one of those wanna be snipers who refused to camp. I remember the last COD he bought in a smaller house where sitting in the Living Room I had to watch him play. I saw a fat black woman running across a WWII battlefield.

COD is fake and gay, and praise the Lord, he finally outgrew it.

1 year ago

“A unit with military discipline”. What is the thing that binds this together so well with no leaks, and unstoppable by first world nation states own powers and resources. The mafias had high level thugs turn states witness, and cold war Era had defectors on many sides. These participants may be under an even more powerful control feature than wealth and security or the opposite extreme of threat of torture or death. The shock troops and other Praetorian guard types may be under parasite type of internal control that can also intercommunicate with the hive. (See star trek khan movie example) The higher echelons may be a seperate sect, species etc that are either aliens hybridized with humans long ago using earth as forward base to harvest various resources or are stuck here with us and are just colonizing and farming in a parallel invisible system. (See Species movies, V- t.v. series, etc. Many such maybe not fiction examples) Radio and comms autist anons need to crack the communications, direction finding, signet Intel puzzle aspects. Laboratory anons will need methods created and tested to identify those slags from normal humans, p.o.w. snatches and blood samples pulled ground game included. Investigating any seemingly extreme schizo examples may crack an opening into things and peel that Intel or control onion. Yes, I also get those musical sounds when a fan runs too. Maybe that is a lower powered audio fluoride or lithium treatment, rather than using the Beam-tm. Since I commented here, my coverage will probably get jacked up too. They should just send in a big breasted spy chick to “cool my mark”, I haven’t gotten that v.i.p. treatment yet. Thanks for your work here a.c.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

John 8:32“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

King James Version (KJV)

1 year ago

A co-worker confirms the Roosevelt Hotel in NYC housing illegal immigrants is actively protected by plainclothes security and uniformed military personnel freely move in and out of the building.

1 year ago

Elon Musk is now boosting the ‘Pizzagate’ conspiracy theory.

I love how a single word from Elon Musk that doesn’t even really carry any content is enough to send them over the edge.

1 year ago

Senior Pentagon official at office overseeing elementary schools arrested for human trafficking.

Fake news. It was a human tracking sting, he wasn’t picked up for human trafficking. He was one of the johns, not the trafficker. Still a shitty thing to do, but it sounds like his hooker was an adult (no kiddie charges) so he’s just another soldier out banging whores, not someone in the slave trade.
This might be, considering the slam, an attempt to drive a Good Guy out of the service.

Last edited 1 year ago by phelps
Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

If he’s seeing whores and is in the current military (since Clinton or Obama at the latest) he is in no way a “good guy”.
Especially if the current military put him in charge of anything to do with children.
The only military that can be trusted to any degree at this time are practicing Christians.
It is interesting to wonder why he’s being exposed and attacked though.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

I don’t mean good guy as a qualitative assessment, but as to which side he’s on. Good Guys on our side, (((Bad Guys))) on the other.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Right, that’s what I mean as well.
I do not believe he could have been a whitehat, or greyhat.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

At first, I wondered what the Hell the Pentagon was doing running schools. Then I realized I grew up in them. My dad was military, so I attended some schools on base and when we were overseas. From 6th grade on I was in public schools.

I was in a DoD school overseas when I was evaluated for GATE, but my own natural laziness and rebellion saved me from it. Make of that what you will, but DoD was obviously involved in the GATE program.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

I was evaluated for GATE in the mid sixties, only it wasn’t called that then. It was Superior Ability something or other. I was recommended for the program, but declined, because I thought the kids in it were too weird. Maybe I dogged a bullet?

It seems that a majority of commenters here have similar history with GATE. Interesting.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I would like to add, I went through the full spectrum of testing, with the ink blot test, shown pictures of peoples faces, and asked what I thought they were thinking etc.

My high school age granddaughters say all the kids in the program end up gay. This was an unsolicited comment from them. I asked them “you mean “gay” or weird?”. They said “no, they all end up gay AND weird”.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

There has been extensive conversation about that. In about 3rd grade in the early 80’s, my parents told me I was going to be tested to learn with gifted children and work with computers, a big deal at the time. I heard nothing else. One day, I got taken out of class down to the counselor’s office and they started asking me questions. I had no context for this situation, and I think we were doing a rare activity in class that I actually enjoyed so I was annoyed at being pulled and asked questions. Then I was asked to do two column subtraction. I asked for a pencil, and was told to do it in my head. I was capable of it, but with no context for why I got pulled out of class and asked to do math, I refused. I got sent back to class and my parents later told me I wasn’t going into that program. I said “ If they told me it was a test, I would have taken it seriously. But they took me out of class and started asking me questions and I didn’t know why.”

From what I hear from AC, VD, and plenty of anons on /pol, my natural laziness and rebellion saved me a lot of trouble.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

Yes. I refused to do most homework since I was a kid, unless it actually helped me learn something. It always felt like a waste of time when I could be learning things way quicker through books. One very helpful assignment I very clearly remember was a parts of speech table in 4th or 5th that I happily completed. I remember being elated that I finally found what was niggling me about grammar and patterns of words in English. Had the same feeling when I first learned how the equations in Newtonian mechanics map directly onto other basic areas of physics, like fluid mechanics and flow of electricity.

They made GATE out to be like some amazing privilege, not that I cared. I remember that the kids there were kind of smart, what we now called midwits. They kept telling us that we were learning new and exciting things that the “other kids” wouldn’t get to learn. But I remember not being impressed at all. They didn’t let me read my books during GATE class. It was boring and I wasn’t learning crap. I do remember that they were trying to teach us about the stock market, how buying and selling worked, etc. I recall how terrible the teachers were and how they didn’t go into the fundamentals of the topic at all. When I realized how bad their teaching was and that they weren’t very smart, I lost interest.

GATE teachers kept telling me I had to do my homework or I’d lose my privilege of being there. I didn’t care. A GATE kid I hung out with at luch always made sure to tell me just how cool GATE was and how he was learning algebra, etc. I remember being really bothered that I didn’t get to learn algebra, but I got over it because I preferred my freedom. He was smart, but I remember him being puzzled that I wouldn’t do backflips to get back into GATE because he repeatedly told me that I was smarter than him and could probably get into community college math classes. Now THAT caught my interest for a while, but something in me didn’t push for the opportunity. The kid’s now got a director-level position at some boutique international headhunting firm.

I feel like there was so much I could have learned that was withheld from me by public schools. My mind was an absolute black hole when I was a kid and they only taught me at most 10% of what I was capable of at peak neuroplasticity. I used to be pissed, but now that I see God’s hand in my life, I’ve made peace with it. “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Nordic Model involves punishing Johns along with Pimps and treating Prostitutes as victims.
They are claiming it is successful in reducing prevalence of Prostitution.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I don’t oppose that, especially when I want to direct our immigration enforcement in the same way (prosecuting employers and landlords.)

1 year ago

New Jersey banning sale of new gasoline-powered vehicles by 2035.

Car sales in Pennsylvania to skyrocket.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Dont buy new cars. Buy old cars and learn maintenance

1 year ago

A United States Army soldier, who recently separated from the service, spoke out against the Biden administration and claimed he was ordered pay for military gear that he was forced to leave behind during the chaotic and deadly Afghanistan withdrawal in 2021.

Had a family friend who came back in the Afghanistan Scrape. He was forced to pay back for a helmet that he lost 7 years earlier that should have been combat lossed.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

You’ve got to be fucking shitting me. Wow.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

It became really obvious things were going to go downhill fast when the Army issued black berets to every Pogue. In 2002.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Punishment for volunteering

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

I had a friend who was a USMC reservist whose unit was activated in 1990 for Desert Storm. They were given a printed list of all the equipment they were expected to arrive. It was about a thousand bucks worth of stuff. You’d think the USMC would have provided shower shoes and knives and whatnot. But no. This guy had to buy all that stuff himself.

1 year ago

“Alex Jones fined $17M in libel case after positing Harley Pasternak may have drugged Kanye West just before he jumped off roof of Chateau Marmont while wearing handcuffs”
-2025, probably

Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
1 year ago

Perhaps in about 1.7% of timelines we’re used to, sounds plausible. All that shit has a 0.00% chance of actually happening now, the Usual Suspects up to their Usual Tricks, and anything like that you see will be a counter-hoax, a hoax to hoax the hoaxers, to bamboozle the bamboozlers (and necessarily at the same time to continue bamboozle the already-bamboozled, with some lifelines grapevines tossed out there for those who have two ears and at least half a brain, like us) to outtheaterkid the psychotic theater kid elites, and…to win, to win the meme war. Anything truly horrific MUST be scripted at this point. I think. None of this, in a God-managed world, would make sense at this point otherwise. Team Q patriots seem to have truly had control, increasing day by day, in our timeline anyway, for a little while now, possibly since before Covid, meaning, they might have orchestrated Covid to a degree, skinsuited the Covid plan globalists had already devised, bodysnatched it with patriotic intent, lol, awesome, and then psyoped the shit out of the whole world, all while incapacitating, eventually, selectively, very selectively, some baddies who got a bad batch of whatever injection. Enjoy the show? NOWWWWW I finally am. Need some popcorn for the next part, I think. I think we’ve reached the part of the accelerationist process where everything condenses into one timeline, dominated by Team Q, who’d finally feel assured that Full Disclosure won’t trigger any actual OR FAKE riots anywhere, etc. The best way to win this war is still: Unviolently. (Except for any corporal/capital punishments handed out legally, later.) To watch all these creeps and traitors march themselves into military and law enforcement headquarters all over the country, without a single fight: That’s the dream, is it not? Is that not how Jesus would want to win? And also Sun Tzu?

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“Trump apparently doesn’t like Bolton so he took her back just to cuck him”

I don’t like Michael Bolton either. If Trump really did this that’s hilarious.

Also mandatory,
comment image

Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

Nasolabial lines

Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

I never understood why American women liked Michael Bolton. I found his music dull and he looks terrible without the gay long hair

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I couldn’t stand his music. Too monotone and boring for me. I cheered when “Office Space” made fun of him. I think the line was “No talent ass clown”. But that was before MP3’s and we were stuck with whatever was on the radio.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“… Meaning 420,987 ballots out of 1.9M are fraudulent…”

It’s all fake and gay. Elections have probably always been 5 or 10% off since GW. That means every ‘landslide’ has been manufactured (fake) or the electorate just happened to agree with fraudsters (gay). In the case of Arizona 2020, a critical state, it went up to 20%, that was detected. You have to accept that any form of democracy is a mouse cage. Obviously you should still vote, but realize that the government is not, and likely never has been, legally legitimate.

Last edited 1 year ago by Med School Biochem
Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

>>Obviously you should still vote

I don’t necessarily agree. I have a fantasy where nearly all of America simply somehow peacefully withdraws their consent. They no longer consent to being taxed. To being required to have and show a driver’s license, to having insurance (although generally a good idea I suppose) and they DEFINITELY stop voting. The psychopathic rulers (in this little dream of mine) still go on and on as though everyone is voting…but they aren’t. So the ruling class is somehow still claiming itself legitimate with, say, 5% of the population voting at all.

As I said, it’s a fantasy…but a man can dream, can’t he?

Last edited 1 year ago by selbs
Reply to  selbs
1 year ago

In your fantasy nothing would change, except that maybe they would officially do away with voting and continue on as usual.
Voting is one way we can stress their resources by making them steal it harder.
It also provides an opportunity for any Q type group out there to unrig the elections.

1 year ago

Today’s links reinforce the perennial theme of politicians putting distant populations in play. Doesn’t matter if Ukraine or elsewhere, and the domestic variant just shortens the distances.
Othering, so the whole lot are Otherfuckers.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“It is either a unit with military discipline, and this article with the Tranfita guy was some kind of domestic intel hit, or it is not a unit with military discipline, and you have some rag-tag intel outfit out there just made up of nutball psychos and trannies”

It’s probably both. It makes sense to have a varsity squad and a jv squad and varsity and jv cheerleaders. The varsity squad is for playing real games. JV is to annoy. Hitmen are varsity. Media are varsity cheerleaders. Trantifa is jv. JV squads can also direct or funnel the TI into controlled areas or situations for blackmail or ‘sacrifice’ ie. murder.

Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

They show remarkably little discipline even at higher levels.
You have to go to the US national leadership level at least before you see it.
Even there you see people like Hitlery racking up bodycounts over the most petty of reasons in addition to the serious threats.
The entire culture of these people revolves around the abuse of power, and that’s purposeful, it’s why they abuse children as a ritual.
It’s the devil’s own little hell on earth, abuse of power is their religion and the end goal of all their efforts from top to bottom.

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Well said

Col. Douglas Morimer (ret)
Col. Douglas Morimer (ret)
1 year ago

Comments were closed on the Yahoo article about FBI files on Trump’s marriages. Yet reading through the existing comments not one questioned why the FBI would have been interested, let alone keeping files on the matter. This is a huge issue that most on the left seem to let fly right over their collective heads due to their limited cognitive abilities to see the ongoing danger. TDS is real.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

Cash Jordan – NYC is Full of Fake Buildings… Why?

Reply to  Lowell Houser
1 year ago

Yeah, the newly constructed black-grey-beige monstrosities all seem to be mostly-empty EVERYWHERE, China-style. Why? Cabal demographic replacement? (From this planet/dimension/timeline, or another, lol?) Or is it massive psych wards for all the Cabal traitors who surrender to law enforcement and plead Not Guilty By Reason of Cabal-Controlled Insanity? Or are they just building them up so we have some inhumanely-designed stuff to have fun watching be demolished like the end of Fight Club but totally authorized by law and we get to watch that Judy Wood 9/11 tech in action again but overtly and carefully this time? Or is the A.I. just getting buggier and buggier and still ordering these gigantic shitbox penal colony complexes on malfunctioning autopilot? INQUIRING MINDS!

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

In Calgary, they’ve been erecting these massive grey warehouses around the city; Costco type buildings. I went to explore one under construction – it appears to be a distribution centre for consumer good. Okay, I guess… drones/robots managing that stuff at the city limits makes sense… but there’s a lot of them, and they’re quite ugly.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
1 year ago

Satanic diorama?
Is there anything underneath them?

1 year ago

Spread r/K Theory, because Freedom is worth any price
THIS x100000000000000000000000000000000000000.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

Yes. Jesus Christ Himself died and rose again so we can be free.

Marielle Redclaw
1 year ago

“Personal safety fears”

My only concern right now is praying I don’t go into labor during Thanksgiving tomorrow 🙏🏻 😇 I am currently surrounded by friends and family who would do quite a high level of violence to protect any of our own.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
1 year ago

Prayers for you and yours, Marielle. Congratulations on the incoming little person!

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
1 year ago

Congratulations Marielle!

1 year ago

Wishing All here at AC’s Place a Happy Thanksgiving.

Reply to  Rhonda
1 year ago

And you as well. 🙂

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Rhonda
1 year ago

Happy Thanksgiving, to Rhonda and everyone.

No turkey for us this year. I’m making my famous picanha roast seasoned with smoked salt and cayenne. Wish I could share it with you all.

1 year ago

The latest Miles Mathis is a short one but a biggie. He finally opened fire on a good candidate to be his all-time nemesis, Duchamp. His art essays are usually his most exquisite and least-deniable. No exception here. And his theorizing is beginning to overlap more and more with yours/ours. His final points could be yours, analyzing Cabal. Maybe this is a momentous signal for him, crossing the Duchamp Line or something.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I approve. That is a great article by Miles.

I agree that there is a lot of synergy between AC’s and Mathis’ position.

1 year ago

> Nikki Haley walks back ‘verify everybody’ social media proposal, wants free speech for ‘anonymous Americans.’

Haley looked pretty good as Governor of South Carolina, particularly when she rolled back some unconstitutional gun control legislation.

Donald Trump appointed her “Ambassador to the UN”, where she promptly started making anti-Trump and anti-America statements to the press.

She might have been good once, but she’s a proven weasel and backstabber. So, not just “no”, but “hell no!”

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

she killed the confederate SC state flag. at that point, buh-bye, nimrod-a.

1 year ago

Modern politics in one picture:

comment image?format=webp&width=514&height=646

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

6 pictures

1 year ago

Looking Glass?

The Kozyrev Mirror Experiments

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
1 year ago

SpaceX’s Starship & the Geopolitical Implications of Reusable Rockets

1 year ago

Dft headline

99% of farmers need 1500 years etc..

Carbon “pollution”

Solidifying the lie!

1 year ago