News Briefs – 11/22/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

The Racine County sheriff is recommending charges against five state election officials because they told clerks to bypass state law during the coronavirus pandemic and send absentee ballots to nursing homes instead of first visiting in person.

Wisconsin Republicans push to take over the State’s elections.

The GOP-led Pennsylvania Senate committee has identified the private contractor it will hire to assist in its taxpayer-funded review of the 2020 presidential election, Iowa-based Envoy Sage LLC, which  bills itself as “delivering ground truth” and identifies itself as specializing in research, investigation, program management and communications.

SUV driven by a black male just released on bond, drives through a white town’s Christmas Parade in Wisconsin, killing at least five and wounding over 40  Long criminal record. Video of him purposely swerving to hit as many people as possible here. Out on bond, in and out of prison. You wonder if he had interactions with a prison shrink. Looks like he was a rapper, and his rap video even features the vehicle he used. He has posts on his social media in support of BLM causes, George Floyd & black nationalism. He also has a post about how to get away with running people over on the street. I wonder if Ghislaine’s trial is going to have some revelations this week.

Anon’s are saying the dude has a spooky resemblance to an illuminati game card. Even the shirt. You are watching a movie? Don’t ask me, I have no idea how it works up there:

A Russian diaspora group in the United States has suspended activities over what it called FBI harassment of its members as part of an undisclosed probe into “foreign agent” law violations.

In Ghislaine’s trial, prosecutors say Jeffrey Epstein’s accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell ‘set up VIP elites’ with child rape victims for ‘social currency.’ It is a little disappointing, and revealing, that they are not exploring the espionage/Mossad angle. How can they have the balls to act like she was running a global pedophile blackmail ring just because she wanted to get invited to more socialite parties?

Kyle Rittenhouse awarded an AR-15 for ‘Defense of Gun Rights’ by GOA following his acquittal.

Joe Rogan covers the mystery of FBI Agent and agent provocateur Ray Epps. Nothing you don’t already know. Mainly significant in that both, Rogan appears to probably be run by someone/something higher up, and he tells a lot of normies what to think – and he just schooled the masses on the idea that the government is running intelligence agencies against peaceful protestors, and committing crimes itself, so it can blame the protestors and crack down on legal dissent.

Producer of “Hunger Games” talks about Hollywood pedophiles and how they trade children, and how it has satanic undertones, after Amazon pulls his video about child-abuse.

Don Jr tweets – “You have to wonder why so many Hollywood actors are so supportive of convicted pedophiles and abusers… Just kidding, you don’t have to wonder, you know exactly why!”

Victims of billionaire paedophile Jeffrey Epstein have questioned why other women who acted as ‘groomers and recruiters’ are not also on trial with Ghislaine Maxwell.

Fauci confides he wears mask only with people he doesn’t trust.

NIH director says, “Conspiracies are winning here,” and wants online misinformation spreaders “brought to justice.”

Rep Thomas Massie tweets, “The vaccine fact checkers at are funded by an organization that holds over $1.8 billion of stock in a vaccine company, and is run by a former director of the CDC.”

Officials are trying to understand why some of LA’s highest coronavirus case rates are currently in communities with high vaccination rates.

Most vaccinated countries are all suffering an extraordinary rise in excess deaths.

Protests erupt against lockdowns and vaccine mandates across Europe.

Disney World puts pause on its COVID vaccine mandate, after noting people are still getting COVID.

A risk-benefit model shows that 5,248 children aged 5 to 11 will be killed by the Pfizer mRNA injection in order to save 45 children from dying of Coronavirus.

Slovenia’s regulation forbidding people without ‘COVID certificates’ from pumping fuel shows governments are getting increasingly creative in their coercion.

Democrat Texas gubernatorial candidate Beto O’Rourke said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that he stood behind his pledge to take away “weapons of war” from American citizens.

San Francisco to limit car access to Union Square after Louis Vuitton mob-rush theft. This is what the last few people trying to stop crime are left with, since they won’t prosecute shoplifters.

California Nordstrom ransacked by 80 looters in ski masks with crowbars and weapons. This is probably just us in the stage of Nazi Germany, as the Brownshirts rise. However if Q-forces were trying to K-ify the population, one good way to do it would be to first, forcibly embolden criminals, as you neuter the Police. Let that percolate until crime is totally out of control, and then legalize firearms carry and make self-defense and shooting criminals a legal and celebrated way to deal with the problem. Then the killers in lawful society would get used to pulling the trigger on bad people, and society would get a lot more lawful and polite very quickly. But Cabal’s civilian network would have to get exposed, so you could keep them off all juries first.

US Senate advances bill to include women in the draft. Cabal might want that to be able to better genocide troublesome bloodlines more fully by getting the girls too, sending everyone not in the Secret Society into the next war. Because if the national elections are rigged, you can bet any draft lottery is going to be rigged.

University of California slams the door on standardized admissions tests, nixing any SAT alternative. It is not a coincidence that as Cabal is seeking more broad control, and importing more assets from overseas to run against us, they are fully disengaging the meritocracy, and making all admissions to higher positions purely subjective, and based entirely on the admissions people who are already their assets. This is the terminal state of the shadow dictatorship, which will be followed by an open dictatorship.

Yorkshire paedophiles allowed to walk away from court despite vile child sex crimes.

A bunch of kids escaped a pair of parents who kept them chained up and denied them interaction with the outside world, only to be sent to foster care where they were abused, and apparently have $600,000 of crowdfunding money disappeared into a trust which doesn’t pay out to them.

Second night of anti-lockdown violence in Europe – Netherlands riots spread to the Hague while tens of thousands gather to oppose full lockdown in Austria and demonstrations kick off in Denmark, Croatia and Macedonia. The media is completely ignoring this.

Brussels is like a warzone.

Austrian police and army stand down and refuse to implement COVID mandate sanctions, leaving the Austrian government in big trouble if they hold to it.

Vox Day on Stephen Hayes and Jonah Goldberg resigning from FOX News. Vox points out both of them together pool an audience of only 30,000 people, and I will bet almost all of them are network assets ordered to buy subscriptions. Obviously Vox dwarfs that organically, but I will  bet with RSS and email, our daily here is almost there, and maybe even beyond that. They claim they left in a fit of pique after watching a Tucker documentary, but I wonder. They are at Fox as Cabal voices, to control the narrative. I would be surprised if their handlers would want them just leaving places where they can affect the narrative, especially if those outlets are establishment outlets like FOX, and heading more right wing and pro-Trump. It has the feel of the Congressional resignations. You don’t promise to leave Congress just because your party may get get schlonged at the next election, that is two years away. You keep your position, and you sneak things into bills for money funneled to relatives, you help Cabal control the narrative, and you wait, because in two years, everything could be different, especially when your side has rigged all the elections, and especially when Cabal put you in office and expects you to hold your position – and might even kill a relative if you lose your position. It feels like everyone is leaving because something else is happening, and either they are getting thrown out, or they are trying to get clear of the blast radius of something that is coming, so they can claim what they did was old news.

In an open letter, Archbishop Viganò issued an appeal for the creation of an “anti-globalist alliance” to unite against the looming threat of a global coup d’état – the New World Order.

The trial of 24 NGO workers accused of aiding illegal migration, espionage, and people trafficking opened in Lesbos, Greece, on Thursday and they may face 25 years in prison for aiding illegals.

AP worries gun rights are on the upswing, self defense is even more legal after Kyle Rittenhouse’s verdict, and there is a Supreme Court decision waiting in the wings to make it legal to carry in all 50 states.

Donald J. Trump is awarded an honorary 9th degree black belt by the South Korean President of Tae Kwon Do – and pledges to wear the full martial arts suit in U.S. Congress if he makes it back to the White House.

We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.

Invite other people to because it is a warzone out there.

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“SUV driven by a black male just released on bond… Illuminati game card”

more info from perps rap video, which featured the vehicle he used.
comment image

Note, he made well produced (though poorly performed) rap videos. Someone was helping this guy. He also had a rap sheet a mile long, was a sex offender (who refused to register) and despite this a Wisconsin judge released him on a $1000 bond two days ago.

Looks like Cabal/Jews whatev had to do some kind of occult op where they killed a lot of White Christian children. This was probably because of the Ghislaine Maxwell trial and they wanted “good luck” from their “god” before the trial began.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago


#Waukesha #BLM Darrell Edward Brooks Jr.

He is an admitted child sex trafficker.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

It occurred to me that if you wanted to find and identify a large amount of people who had no morals to form a big army of what I think a good name for would be Ghouls, a great way to do this would be give them immunity for stealing and then just see who shows up.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Producer of “Hunger Games” talks about Hollywood pedophiles and how they trade children, and how it has satanic undertones, after Amazon pulls his video about child-abuse.”

One of the reasons Lionsgate was hated by Hollyweird for so long. A lot of people probably got whacked or at least intimidated to ensure silence. That probably includes Jennifer Lawrence.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

I’m watching, so far he recommends Alice Miller’s books Drama of the Gifted Child, For Your Own Good and The Body Never Lies. Also EFT/matrix reimprinting by Karl Dawson and Havening by Paul McKenna. Does anyone know more about them?

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  kid
3 years ago

Alice Miller’s books are defo worth a read. Haven’t heard of the others.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“California Nordstrom ransacked by 80 looters in ski masks with crowbars and weapons.”

They were all black from what I heard. Cabal probably recruits alot of blacks in the U.S. because they’re 1) Stupid 2) Desperate 3) Cheap. If you need to add mass to a criminal enterprise you can just hire a few hundred black ex-cons and you could completely control a mid-size city fairly well. Barack Obama and his “community organizing” probably perfected the practice in the 1990’s.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

This is the main reason why I think Abraham Lincoln got whacked. He knew we had a race problem, and was trying to express mail them out of the country before they could be used as easily bought pawns (either through social bribery like affirmative action or legit slush money dumps into “black leaders”) was the straw that broke the dam on letting him live.

The powers that be knew having a perpetually aggrieved, victim-mentality, low IQ, highly tribal population in opposition to the majority white Anglo nation would be invaluable to fucking everything up over time.

The thing is, even including the black population, I bet we could get 80%+ support for attempting the Liberia plan again if we had a legitimate representative government. People want legit self-governance if given the chance. Unfortunately we don’t, so the diversity + proximity equation can likely only = war yet again.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

“…main reason why I think Abraham Lincoln got whacked. He knew we had a race problem, and was trying to express mail them out of the country…”

That never occurred to me. Now I know, or I’m fairly sure, one of the big reasons he was killed was he issued “greenbacks”. Government issued money with no central bank backing. When He went to borrow money for the Civil war the Jews wanted to charge him huge interest rates so he decided to just print the money himself based on the US government alone. This may have been a large advantage of the North as they had large amounts of capital for the war.

The idea of race mixing and various cultures inserted into a country is I believe and old Jewish tactic. I have read and I think it is true that the Jews at one time took over Egypt. It says so in the bible. It also says in the bible they stored all the food up. What they don’t say in the bible is what they demanded people do when they released the food during the drought. I read that what they did was they moved everyone around the country and mixed them all up so that all territorial and familial ties were broken. In the past in Egypt mostly White Med. types lived in the North and Blacks in the South. The Jews mixed all these people up. You see this today where most Egyptians are a mix of the Med. White north and Black south.

When the Jews were in the process of taking over Germany in the 30’s they said openly they were going to import a lot of Negros to mix out the Germans.

Let’s go further and note that the Jews are THE PRIMARY people involved in the slave trade. By far. By way far they were the slave trading importing class. I would not at all put it past them to have as part of their advanced training for insiders to race mix countries to break down familial ties. Maybe bringing in slaves while profitable was not the only reason they did so so prolifically.

“…The powers that be knew having a perpetually aggrieved, victim-mentality, low IQ, highly tribal population in opposition to the majority white Anglo nation would be invaluable to fucking everything up over time.

The thing is, even including the black population, I bet we could get 80%+ support for attempting the Liberia plan…”

I have actually proposed such a plan. Call it the bonus reparations plan and I have done some simple cost accounting for it. The idea is to build apartments in Liberia. If we built them like the old Soviet Apartment blocks (obviously better but the same technique), we could do this at a serious;y low cost. Make them look nice an be fairly sufficient. Possibly run the whole thing off of solar. Now we advertise these apartments as being the best thing in world AND we ad an incentive of the equivalent of 40 acres and a mule ($250,000 dollars) to move there and become permanent residents.

The real catch to this is while we are building the apartments and before we move anyone in we offer $50,000 up front paid in the US for anyone to take up this offer and when they move an additional $50,000 per year until the reparations are paid total. How many Black people do you think would be able to turn down $50,000? This would include $50.000 for every child. I have no doubt they think they would be able to get the $50,000 then not move but once they have taken it they go when their apartment is built.

The beauty of this is those with the least ability to control themselves would be the first to sign up. We should make sure there’s a few years between the first reparations bonus paid and the move so we can sign up as many as possible. Blacks who stayed would finally have made the decision that they’re Americans and that this is home no matter what. They will in no way be able to complain as they had their chance for reparations.

We would save a fortune if the whole thing was amortized over 10 years. The 5 years cost would be high but amortized over 10 years we would come out even and the cost would then plummet as cost of welfare, jails, public property destruction etc. would go way down. The increase in public safety would be of great benefit. In the long run this would lower the cost of living a great deal as you could live more places without Blacks constantly trying to murder you.

I’m also not really saying we should abandon them. I was really disappointed when other tribes attacked and disintegrated Liberia when Bush was in office. He did not do a damn thing to save them. Liberia, while not perfect, was a great country “compared to other African countries”. We could have used a far less amount of resources to wipe out these invaders that tore the country to pieces.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

There needs to be more proof of your claims that you can link to and produce. Else we can only think that it is all fan fiction.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

info,”There needs to be more proof of your claims that you can link to and produce. ”

Buddy I’m way ahead of you. You’re not going to pull over anything on me. The first two I said,

“… Now I know, or I’m fairly sure..”

So this is something I’m fairly sure of. Booth was a Jew and shot him.

“The idea of race mixing and various cultures inserted into a country is I believe ..”

I believe this, got it. My hunches have a high percentage of being correct but I’m not going to write a book for every comment I make for you.

The next two the facts are out there readily to be found if you look and I’m not going to preform any “task” for you. Do it yourself.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Blacks have been the lab rats and enforcer race for Cabal for awhile. Lot of the problems that were seen in the the black community is now affecting whites as Cabal learned what to to from fucking over the blacks. Blacks will have their day of reckoning as the ethnicnational narcissism will make it impossible to live with them.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Libertarians are going to hate the solution.

There are only two solutions:

1 Divide of the barbarians and throw them out along with the cabal members and assets and let them go be barbarians somewhere else.

2 Impose order with force bordering on tyranny for at least a generation before restoring full liberty.

No people has ever climbed out of barbarism on their own, individuals do but the group does not.
Sometimes it takes a “Dark Jedi” to fix the problems caused by the “Sith”.

I prefer solution 1 because 2 can A turn into permanent tyranny if the reigns of power are seized by someone who doesn’t really care about liberty or order or B it can fail to solve the problem because the force is ended too soon out of fear of A. (I believe B is what happened with Pinochet holding an election too soon)

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Medieval Europe exterminated its highway bandits. Over time as methods improved more genuine murderers were put to death.

Hence barbarism gradually ended:

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago


That was a case of #2, the medieval governments used force bordering on or crossing over into tyranny.

Barbarism ended but for the most part you got A until later events brought liberty.

Most of humanity throughout history has had barbarism, tyranny, or both.
Liberty has been a rare exception.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Pinochet allowed US economic advisors in and wrecked the country.

Salazar and Franco did fantastic jobs keeping Cabal out. Salazar would be my paradigm. Info about him is heavily suppressed for a reason. Salazar was eventually couped by US. World Historical quality leader.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Just posting this in response for the crowd here due to the concerted and massive amount of trolling on pol and twitter. A slide thread saying to “forgive” the vehicle attacker because it was “Christian” was posted, as well as the numerous liberal and jew “karma” comments denigrating the White people of Wisconsin.

First, you can’t forgive the vehicle attacker, as he didn’t hurt you. Even if you did, you can only forgive him for what he did to YOU, not for what he did to others. It’s extremely narcissistic to assume that forgiving someone for something they did not do to you “covers” their sin. It doesn’t. This is why murder is so awful, as only a dead person can forgive their murderer in the life that comes next.

Second, it is your DUTY as a Christian to bring law-breakers to justice. The best thing that can happen to a criminal is to get caught and receive earthly punishment for their crimes, even if that involves a death sentence. Life on earth is temporary and trying to illicitly or wrongly prolong it, while in sin, is the very height of worldliness. We help criminals by incarcerating them. We help murderers by executing them. If they honestly repent even by their last breath they can still be saved.

Third, there is an obvious and concerted effort by occultists, JIDF, rabbis, neo-pagan-LARPers and Cuck “Churchians” to play their various roles and thus lead so many of the unread and biblically illiterate away from faith and salvation. Do not fall for the orchestrated and concerted psyops. Pray for these people too, as most of them are surely miserable people who are going to Hell as soon as their lives end, which they will.

Don’t let these people ruin your holidays or Christmas this year. If they are so adamant about doing this, and ruining this Christmas and remembering of the birth of Christ, it is likely we really need it this year, as we don’t know what next year entails.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

God Himself says many times in the Bible, and the epistles confirm, that He forgives (and we are to forgive) AFTER repentance.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

We execute military deserters (or we used to) for merely a failure to do the right thing, because letting them go free gas such a damaging effect on the rest of the force.

How much more damaging is it to society when we fail to execute actual murderers?

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

God literally told pedophiles and those who corrupt kids that their judgement day will be less painful if they immediately commit suicide rather than continue destroying children. In comparison to that, facing the mild consequences and atoning for sin with repentance and asking for mercy is nothing, so any false believer saying otherwise is clearly wrong and against God, as you mentioned.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

If they hand themselves over to police. End up in death row and repent. That is their best outcome.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

For more petty criminals it’s better to cane and fine them for their crimes, if they can make restitution they ought to do so instead of going to criminal school called prison.

Also prisons feature prison rape. So all prison rapists should also be put in death row awaiting execution.

Only for those who can’t and won’t make restitution ought to be forced to work to pay off their debts should end up incarcerated.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Some more stuff that is not in the news. Ukraine is picking a fight with Russia again and Russia is calling up it’s reserves. Looks like cabal is trying to goad Russia into a war- which it can escalate to WW3 if things in the West aren’t going their way. The riots in Europe and stuff in the US is probably to make an invasion of Ukraine seem more attractive to Putin. Still unlikely as it is now the Winter season in Russia/Ukraine until March-April. So Ukraine will be as annoying as possible until then.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Interesting observation of the Rittenhouse courtroom crowd. This reporter (likely a local Foxnews reporter but this is unconfirmed) likely had some kind of camera in contacts she was wearing, either that or she had cornea implants.

comment image

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

It looks like she is trying to keep her eyes open as wide as possible so that her eyelids do not block the “camera”. Either that or she has some crazy sanpaku going on.

3 years ago
3 years ago

Watch this Jonathan Pageau Video. He is far better I believe than Jordan Peterson in his lectures:

This will blow your mind.

3 years ago

>California Nordstrom ransacked by 80 looters in ski masks with crowbars and weapons. This is probably just us in the stage of Nazi Germany, as the Brownshirts rise. However if Q-forces were trying to K-ify the population…

The unfortunate potential problem with this theory is we have numerous historical examples of similar pseudo-government backed terrorists rising in power, and zero examples (as far as I know, I’m not the most historically literate) of a counter-force taking advantage and using them as an excuse to do good or help the population. They almost always spiral down into the brown shirts getting more and more brazen until the government just admits it wants to kill wrongthinkers and starts using the police and military instead.

3 years ago

The sacrifice of the K-Strategist Male to make the way for the Masculinized r-selected Female in Symbolism:

3 years ago

We’ll see how long Pharma Execs and their politician stooges can hide from Mossad I guess. If I were one, I’d be investing heavily in hookers and blow. Because… well…. mossad. NB: I don’t speak Hebrew so may be BS translation.

3 years ago

>It is not a coincidence that as Cabal is seeking more broad control, and importing more assets from overseas to run against us, they are fully disengaging the meritocracy, and making all admissions to higher positions purely subjective, and based entirely on the admissions people who are already their assets. This is the terminal state of the shadow dictatorship, which will be followed by an open dictatorship.

>>> Precisely correct AC. I am more optimistic than I have been in a long time and so would disagree with your final clause. As long as we continue building inter-personal networks via audit mvmt and tech infrastructure via Musk and Eich and Trump’s financial vehicle etc and AVOID a decisive confrontation we’ll win.

Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

We are at the moment of decision.

Either they win all the marbles or we set them all the way back to GO.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

I am partial to the idea that one side has already won and the other is just playing the game out hoping for a crucial mistake. The Grisham movie with Travolta as the Plaintiff’s atty and Duvall as Defense counsel is like what I see. Duvall had no case but played it out. Fwiw right now I think Trump faction has won but it ain’t chess and who knows how far Cabal will go.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

“We are at the moment of decision.

Either they win all the marbles or we set them all the way back to GO.

Judging from their reactions so far I expect a real serious deadly easily spread disease to be released. Do not 100% diss mask wearing. I fully understand the corona is not super dangerous “right now” but things could change and while mask are not prefect by any means they do limit exposure.

I think and said over and over when Hillary was running that it appeared to me that they were doing everything they could to start WWIII with a line up of Russia/China vs US and West. I think if Hillary had been elected it would have been a real possibility. I think they are still trying this but not having much success.

There is a possibility that they will nuke a city and blame on Russia?China? Probably after fighting starts in a limited manner.

Name (required)
Name (required)
3 years ago

“…Rogan appears to probably be run by someone/something higher up, …and he just schooled the masses on the idea that the government is running intelligence agencies against peaceful protestors, and committing crimes itself,…”
This is normalizing the idea, a limited hangout. They can’t or won’t hide it anymore.

It might also be factional infighting, burning a competing faction to achieve that limited hangout.

Reply to  Name (required)
3 years ago

All you need to know about Musk is that his space shit is being funded, branded and operated as the replacement for NASA, and knowing that NASA is an outright lie factory makes Musk equally likely to just be another lie factory.

If you know the moon and space shit was all fake, then just expand that to understand that anyone involved in the space fakery is also fake, and an asset of the force that seeks to hide the true nature of our world and reality.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

The moon existed before modernity.

Name (required)
Name (required)
3 years ago

“Officials are trying to understand why some of LA’s highest coronavirus case rates are currently in communities with high vaccination rates.”

On the contrary, they are trying desperately _not to_ understand why.

The !vax is the epidemic. If they admit that, their precious epidemic ends, and they are guilty of mass murder. They are never going to admit to their crimes.

3 years ago
3 years ago

>Waukesha drive through
Original reports stated it was a police chase which appears to have been cover/damage control; shots fired in the parade supposedly. No squad cars pursued in the footage; ghoul smashed through multiple road blocks set up for the parade; nothing indicated in the police radio traffic at the time apart from a supposed stabbing at a boat launch in Frame Park:

Police Radio Audio (time stamps and isolates from the incident time lower in the thread)

And they cut the power to Waukesha, which surely has no ‘Wakanda’ word play value after the Rittenhouse verdict. Rapper has similar rap sheet to Rosenbaum (Tier II):

Reddit post of an alleged Rosenbaum victim; counts underreported

Mathboi Fly’s BLM insta post:

Facebook archive

Youtube archive:

Possible Twitter

>just because she wanted to get invited to more socialite parties?
Her father ran guns out of Czechia to kickstart terrorist actions founding the apartheid state over in the Levant. Makes his drowning that bit more odd, favored as he was — an internal affair for double-dealings, or a third party (for what politically motivated reason)? One might think this would confer much better protection in Jeffstein & Ghislaine’s case . . . if this Gordion Knot is getting cut, the NXIVM cult’s in on the Clintons (Father Bronfman World Zionist Congress president; Medal of Freedom from Clinton; Raniere aquainted with Billary during Arkansas governor days) and Benghazi (one of the sisters worked at the US-Lebanon Chamber of Commerce, with a business magnate husband from Libya involved in ‘negotiations’ pre-regime change) — surely has to come up in Durham’s probe at some point.

>This is probably just us in the stage of Nazi Germany, as the Brownshirts rise.
No need for them without Red Brigades actively insurrecting non-stop during and after the ‘revolution’ post Versailles, with Trotsky knocking on the door to the east with the Red Army. Grosskreutz was from the Waukesha environs . . when this sort of racial animus from diversity pets directly impinges on Blue voters, they have absolutely no frame of reference apart from their Pavlovian class conditioned associations with le bad hillbillies. The K-right has canny forbearance, but leftoids will be the types to snap in various predictable ways on occasions like this.

>include women in the draft.
The idea there won’t be mass selective service non-compliance and draft riots under any circumstances is laughable.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

>mass non-compliance to the draft

They know this, that’s why they’re expanding the pool. They know there’s a huge amount and a relatively higher proportion of males than females who will never again do anything the government tells them to, but there’s seats that need butts and graves that need to be filled for the propaganda, so they don’t give an F who dies for their country anymore.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

That’s all true, but what will happen is large numbers of women will start non-compliance with government, especially if the men around them are not complying.

So when White women start doing this en masse, and it’s only goodwhites/libshits from blue states getting called up, straight out of high school, it will break the system.

The cow has been milked enough. There is no more milk in the udders.

3 years ago

Outstanding collection of links today AC. When I first encountered r/K theory, I thought it was a great theoretical concept, but I would never have believed all the events that you have anticipated coming to light.

I’m happy to see hollywood insiders (Including Owen Benjamin, in addition to this producer of hunger games, Donald Trump Jr.) starting to come out and pull off the lid.

3 years ago

re: louis vuitton.

If I am correct, this company mainly makes purses. And those purses are almost all exactly the same. Probably fake leather, with the exact same pattern. Same ugly brown color. A few variations in shape, but how many purse shape variations are there? And they have been the same for years and years and years. The only thing “valuable” about these purses compared to the competition is the brand name. And btw, they easily fake the shit out of it in Asia with very reasonable quality.

My point is, this company has a foundation built on sand, which could fall at any moment because objectively their shit isn’t better than anyone else’s, and in my opinion its worse than the competitors as far as looks. Sure, a lot of women are retarded and might believe hype enough to purchase overpriced crap, but as we know a lot of what we see is fake. “Louis vuitton is a valuable company, that makes a product that is just that good which is why its 1000% more expensive than this nearly identical alternative. Oh, and easily made and indistinguishable knockoffs have not had any impact on the market either, somehow.” I believe that is one of those fake things.

Here is my guess. Cabal’s Louis Vuitton wasn’t doing as well as they liked, cause their shit wasn’t that great anyway and inflation/job problems/ low wages/covid hermitism has caused a substantial drop in demand for these purses. Also you never know how much inflated prices on luxury goods are actually some sort of money laundering scheme (pay someone for something dirty by paying an outrageous price for some item like art legally), and maybe cabal is too low on cash to use this shop for that purpose anymore.

With no way to sell a shitty purse for 1000 times its value in the current market, have a “mob” of assets rush in and steal everything. Assets can resale at much closer to the actual market value and its 100% profit for them. Assets paid. Cabal store makes hugely inflated insurance claim because they have retarded evaluations of the purses’ value so they get way more money for that particular set of merchandise than would be realistic if they actually sold it. And cabal gets assets paid and gets a bit more to the slush fund on top of it.

This is just speculation, of course, but the statement “louis vuitton is a valuable company with a valuable product” just seems absurd to me. So I assume something else must be going on.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

With a few exceptions mostly due to limited options, I never understood paying extra money just to have a name. I remember before my mom died, she got into importing some knock-off purses from Korea. I think the name brand was called “Doony” or something like that. She claimed the knock-offs were just as good but a fraction of the price. I’ve heard similar claims about other counterfeits to name brands.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Eric The Awful
3 years ago

I refuse to wear any clothing with the brand displayed. If they want me to advertise for them, they have to pay ME

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Jaded Jurist
3 years ago

THANK YOU. I’ve been saying exactly that for decades now it’s nice to know there’s a least a few other people out there that understand.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Eric The Awful
3 years ago

Yup, the Korean stuff even smells the same and comes with the same exact packaging. If you know where to look, you ask the knockoff sellers if they have the “real fakes” or the “real stuff”. They’ll use the actual Louis Vuitton (and other designers’) catalogs to show you inventory. You point to what you want, run initial negotiations. Then they’ll send runners to show you the goods. Then you make the final negotiation.

These guys are either incredibly sharp or are plugged into some kind of network. You make a deal with them just once (20mins max), they’ll remember your name and face forever. You can walk by the shop, never having even passed by for years and having only made one deal. But you pass by them again, they’ll instantly call you out (very friendly) by name and ask you how the [wallet/purse/whatever goods you bought] are doing. Remember all the details of the previous deal. No joke.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

The stuff looks and smells the same because it is the same. The same factories that make the official stuff, make “extras” for the local market.

Reply to  Eric The Awful
3 years ago

I’ve heard some counterfeiters were so good, the original company just bought them and they became official after that. Brand is mostly psy-ops in my opinion. I also never understand wearing clothing with brands prominently displayed. I am not going to pay you to give you free advertising. Its a quirk, I guess, but I refuse to buy any clothing with the brand highly visible.

Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

A huge part of human nature is status signaling.
I had a girlfriend buy me some Coach stuff, I has never a brand guy, but it’s made well and looks good.
I get more attention from people who notice.

This isn’t a practicality thing, this is a signaling “I’m rich”

Look at how a newly affluent Chinese population is obsessed with these luxury brands. They want to signal “I’m rich”

To me its crazy, but the objective positive impact is not something to be ignored. We are humans after all. Work the game.

If you need to be perceived as rich or successful, this is a mask you can wear.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  TommyEagan
3 years ago

Status signaling, particularly with clothes, is an r trait. It’s been discussed on this blog for going on about 9 years. I believe the term is called “peacocking”.

Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

(Preemptive not-all-women yada yada)

You need to understand that womens’ perceptions, especially those who would consider spending thousands on a purse, rarely, if ever, take into account actual quality. Caring about craftsmanship is almost exclusively a masculine trait. Modern consoomer women care mostly about the social status, the fantasy or concept of something vs the reality, comparing their position to other women, competing for male attention with other women, and intangibles like that.

Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

That has the ring of truth to it.

Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

Something else must be. The brand in question srlls vinyl bags. Not worth shit.

3 years ago

> It is a little disappointing, and revealing, that they are not exploring the espionage/Mossad angle.
She has powerful friends who don’t want to see her convicted, and espionage cases tend to be very long (years) and their results are strongly dependent on politics. Plus the while the “intelligence community” tends to ignore discovery, there might be things on the defendant’s side they don’t want becoming part of the public record.

The child rape charges are mostly too old to be prosecuted or there’s no proof that would hold up in an unfriendly court. (anything child-related is strongly influenced by the judge’s opinions) I hope the prosecution has a solid case – solid enough to overcome judicial bias – or she’ll dance out of the courtroom with her middle finger up.

3 years ago

> Fauci confides he wears mask only with people he doesn’t trust.

…because SARS-COVID-19 is telepathic, and can read his mind.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Foxy has transcended the science and now he knows intuitively whether someone has covid or is carrying the virus just by looking at them. Saddam Hussien claimed he could tell whether a man was going to initiate a plot against him just by looking; he knew even before the alleged plotter had thought of it, so he had them executed preemptively. Only extreme psychopaths are granted this ability.

3 years ago

> disappeared into a trust which doesn’t pay out to them.

Trust law varies TREMENDOUSLY between the states. I’m surprised there aren’t more scams based on that.

3 years ago

> Donald J. Trump is awarded an honorary 9th degree black belt by the South Korean President of Tae Kwon Do – and pledges to wear the full martial arts suit in U.S. Congress if he makes it back to the White House.

That will be awesome.

I still wish he’d bought that Italian animatronic Trump float a few years ago, though. It would have been great for the Donald J. Trump Presidential Library atrium…

3 years ago

video of him actually hitting people in the parade.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago


3 years ago

I’ve decided that one of my Thanksgiving amygdala highjacks is going to be, “I can’t believe you crossed state lines and (did whatever).”

Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

I’m stealing this

just someone who loves Christian Nationalism
just someone who loves Christian Nationalism
3 years ago

**No need to post**

you’ve referenced trying to figure out how the economics of the conspiracy can work, and every time you mention it, all I can think of is Braveheart when Wallace is betrayed by the other Scots and King Edward explains the buy-off amounts for the nobility, with some settling for far far less. I can’t help but think the economics of the conspiracy seem unimaginable, but only if they are looking to buy off guys like you or I, or other patriotic nationalists. Look at their ground game. The folks they recruit are scum and rejects. They can buy them off with a used Honda and a free phone. The folks who need Maserati’s get them (see Bernie Sanders the “socialist”; for clarity dude actually owns a Maserati) but their buy in is higher and their roles commensurately more important. And all the players on that team know what happens if they breathe a word. It’s like the recruitment ceremonies for cartels where they shoot the guy who fucked up and make the others eat them. They’ve all seen it, they know whats in store if they say anything, and no one wants to be the guy who just fucked up. Just a thought


they buy them off by getting them out of jail or off charges then allowing them to go over us, ie, people they dont like anyway.


Comrade Bernie also has 3 homes and an F1 McLaren

3 years ago

Graphic. This video is alleged to be taken from Epstein island. Though the quality is poor, it appears to be a young naked woman tied to the ground being burned by a blowtorch.

I cannot in any way attest to its authenticity. It very well could be fake. AC, if its too graphic don’t worry about approving this comment.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

If it’s real: guys involved = 10/10 evil

If it’s faked: guys involved = 9.5/10 evil, likewise their customers/consumers

If I were the girl, my legs not tied down, I think I’d try to turn away from the flame, not just thrust my hips at it on occasion, as she did. Doesn’t pass my smell test, but still evil.

I knew an otherwise likable but fvcking dark guy who spoke of watching a movie where a doctor delivered a baby and penetrated it moments after it left the womb. He deemed it okay because it was CGI.

9.5/10 evil for him, too

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

AC, you might find this interesting. A USAF F-22 was spotted on Friday taking off from Nellis AFB, Nevada (around Las Vegas). It had several modifications to it’s stealth skin which appear to be some kind of near-field cloaking technology. The panels could also easily house thin-film display sheets. This could represent a significant leap in it’s air-to-air capabilities.

comment image

The Air Force is also known to be developing 2 new types of long-range air to air missiles (with 100 and 200 mile ranges), with one of them ready to deploy onto F-22 and F-35 sometime next year (it is called the AIM-260).

The Air Force has also been hiding entire squadrons of F-16s and F-117s at Groom Lake (Area 51 and Tonopah test airport). These appear to have types of exotic tech as well, and the airframes were thought to be retired. And of course work continues on 6th gen air superiority fighters. It appears that USAF is gearing up to fight and win a major conflict.

(read the picture description)

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

I bet anything this F-22 is covered with some sort of composite ceramic. The reason is, as I understand it, stealth coatings are coated on, like putty, and so are an enormous amount of labor to constantly patch them up. They don’t take high temperatures well so it limits speed as the skin gets hot. Plates, cups and other ceramics don’t absorb microwaves all that well so if you had a ceramic cover with the absorbing material underneath it would solve these problems. I have no inside info about this it’s just something I thought about and came to this conclusion of what need to change on stealth planes. And they see the same things as me, ad more, so this could be that they’ve come to the same conclusion.

Look at this ceramic pan coating.

ceramics are not all brittle fragile things. Some are fairly tough., Plenty tough enough for zooming thru the air.

3 years ago

Miles Mathis take on Rittenhouse:

[November 19, 2021: And now for a wrap-up on the Rittenhouse theater project: as I have been telling you for 15 months, the left is chewing off its own limbs on purpose, and this comic opera was just the latest example of that.

Like everything else now in the news, the Biden win was staged, and it wasn’t staged for the reason
most people think. It wasn’t staged give the Dems more power. It was staged to torpedo the left in the most cinematic fashion possible. Since the fall of Reagan in 1988 33 years ago, the Democratic Party has been getting ever stronger. The Republicans had to steal the elections of 2000 and 2004 in very obvious fashion, which also did not help them in the long run. Then came Obama and his huge popularity left and middle. In older papers I showed you that although the fake numbers indicated close races, the real numbers were showing the Republicans pulling in about 15% of the national vote. Why is that a problem for the rulers? Because it is disastrous for the illusion of democracy and choice we have been sold. They have relied on a two-party system for centuries to maintain this illusion of choice and to fix your loyalty to one party or the other. So if one party dies, that fiction is ended. No reason to vote, and therefore no reason to feel fake-empowered as a voter. It was therefore necessary for the left to take one for the team. All the least charismatic and least presentable people were rounded up on purpose, moved to the front, and told to say the most outrageous things they could think of. They were created just for you to hate on, and to move you right.

Suddenly, and for no other possible reason that the one I am explaining to you, in the past two years the right began saying all the right things. The right became the protector of the middleclass and the voice of reason. After years of being an upperclass twit, Tucker Carlson was dolled up and given all the right talking points. The right became the protectors of free speech while the left became petty tyrants, calling for naked censorship. Do you really think that was an accident? Do you really think it was a natural outcome? No, because it was such an obvious reversal of previous tendencies going back many decades. It was almost like the script was flipped, with left becoming right and vice versa. All previous definitions, tendencies, and roles were reversed.

We see exactly the same thing in the aftermath of the Rittenhouse verdict. Although the whole thing
was a fake, we see the right being given all the good lines in the script, an the left having to play the
villain. A chorus of grotesque creatures appeared on Twitter and other venues, saying the most
ridiculous things imaginable, again on purpose, as a planned fail. Like the prosecutors, they are
repeating things that don’t jive with what we just saw on TV. They are doing everything but telling you the Sun rises in the west and that objects fall up. This is guaranteed to do one of two things, both of which have been on the roster for a long time: 1) cause further division and chaos, 2) cause a mass exodus from the left and mass immigration to the right.

But I remind you not to fall for it. Do not be led in any direction. Do not be led right into the waiting
arms of the Republican Party. Drive around both parties as papermache fronts and keep your eyes on the prize—that being the billionaires jerking your chain here, looting you, tyrannizing you, and killing your family, friends, and neighbors with their dangerous vaccines. The revolution is in progress and it must be accelerated. They will keep trying to defuse it with their manufactured events, but do not let them. Turn the spectacle off and concentrate.]

Reply to  map
3 years ago

Reminder that, if you spot one obvious and blatant lie, you should be aggressively skeptical about the truth of the rest of the message.

This original author, possibly in the midst of a stroke or severe head trauma event, just claimed the Republicans were only 15% of the national vote less than 10 years ago. That’s so blatantly impossible I don’t even know how begin with the rest of it.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

This made me laugh as well. But I thought about it and it is probably correct. The GOP was blamed for MENA nonsense and NAFTA and Bush and Cheney were hated. The euro ethnic working class were still strong DEM. In fact a large part of the MAGA faction were DEM then. I’m not saying they liked DEMs but Bill Clinton was not hated by them at that point. And they really disliked Bush. I think the GOP had the cheating advantage then. They owned the machines.

Remember, the red wall and blue wall are artefacts of the electoral fraud. Back then large swathes of voters would change votes.

Hell, I think Trump counter-cheated against both the GOP and the DEMs with Bibi and Putin.

MAGA is essentially Bill Clinton voters (ethnic working class) plus paleocons.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  map
3 years ago

” The Republicans had to steal the elections of 2000 and 2004 in very obvious fashion”

Sorry MM is full of sh*t here, actually about half of what he/they says is worthless.

Phoenician navy stuff is true, but that’s partial misdirection, Sargon’s informant network penetrated the human sacrificing Canaanites, and intermarried into the ancient Israelite families, giving us an entire branch of Cabal to have to deal with for 4000 years.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
3 years ago

map,”Miles Mathis take on Rittenhouse///”

This is an obvious distortion to hide the truth!! The REAL story is far more devious!! Remember the little Olympic girls that MMC said were CIA agents who made up fake info on the Jew molesting them to bring him to trial, even though they knew the trial was fake too? Yeah those little girls!!

The little Olympic girls were wearing huge robot exoskeletons and THEY were responsible for all the burning and looting!! (I’m sure the MMC will key us in on this any minute now)!

map,”…The Republicans had to steal the elections of 2000 and 2004 in very obvious fashion…”

Wheels within wheels!! What he doesn’t tell you is the little Olympic girls, yeah the same girls, used their pole vaulting skills to leap up on the voting places and implant vote changers while wearing invisible cloaks!!

The MMC needs to go in depth of the little Olympic girl CIA super secret spy ring. I think that him just giving us a little portion of it is dishonest. Why in fact ALL he should talk about is the little Olympic girl CIA spy ring. I hope people here will help me in demanding much more info on these little girls and their super Olympic spy skills.

Oh I forgot one Jew tactic is that when one of their lies doesn’t work instead of trying to explain it, they can’t, they just move on to a whole other set of lies to change the subject.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Hey, those Olympic CIA girls are wily.

3 years ago
3 years ago

I would hate to be this engineer learning that his ‘discovery’ has been out there for decades.

3 years ago

“Ghislaine Maxwell’s coconspirators…”
Direct link to filing (pdf format) 13 pages:

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago


3 years ago

“This is probably just us in the stage of Nazi Germany, as the Brownshirts rise.”

The Nazis were the Law and Order in Weimar Germany. Many of the police in the Weimar sided with the Nazis.

3 years ago

Lowes cancels their vaccine mandate

Reply to  map
3 years ago

Yes I am watching this. Very strange. The allegations against Wood are prob mistaken or being pushed by Pierce who is the real con artist. Wood is one of the finest litigators in the US. There is a massive full court press against him from Maga grifters and subverters and lawfare. He is just a fantastic litigator and has a preternarural understanding of how the legal system works. He’s a maniac and a megalomaniac but he isn’t a crook. His org was set up transparently and with strong audits built in by 3rd parties. The only complaint I can see is that donators may not have realized the money was not “for kyle” but for the org to fight election fraud. Lin raised TWO MILLION DOLLARS for the kid. TWO MILLION DOLLARS. If I were Kyle I’d be kissing his feet.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

I’m a PSA fan, but Lucas is a full time trainer and less interested in building something and more interested in the shooter having something that just works. I LIKE S&W’s gas block with 1913 rail on top because it allows for a flip forward front sight. Nobody makes one out of titanium. which would be great for weight savings.

Can You Build a Rifle For $1,000?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

I’ve held my tongue for a long time and maybe this will really piss people off but the AR-15, M-16 whatever is a stupidly designed piece of shit. It’;s so ignorantly designed a peckerhead could have done better.

I’m going to tell you why and I’m amazed that no one else sees this. Look at this bolt,

comment image

Now if you take this and put it in a cylinder what would you call the bolt if it were an engine. A piston. And any fool with half the mind of a cretin can see that if you get the slightest amount of dirt in the thing the piston will rub the dirt into, the hole, the “cylinder” and make it jam.

Then to add to it they eject dirty gas onto the same area where the piston cylinder resides.

It’s just stupid.

On the FNC, one of the best designs,

comment image/revision/latest/zoom-crop/width/480/height/480?cb=20160316212342

In this picture the receiver is on top, the bolt carrier and the bolt in the middle. The bolt is facing 180 degrees out. The bigger end should be facing forward to work and it fits in the bolt carrier.

If you look at the middle, from top to bottom, of the bolt carrier you see in the front and back of the bolt carrier little rectangular knobs. These stick out towards you. They are metal knobs/guides that ride in “C” channels that are spot welded inside the upper receiver. So any dirt is just pushed out of the way and falls into the bottom of the gun.

Here’s a picture of the bolt carrier with the bolt in it assembled. Can you the four guides sticking out the sides in the front and the back?

comment image

This is a basic AK design but FN has done a far better job of making it. The handling is way better. I used to have one of these but the price they were selling for went so high I sold it. It was a great gun.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Sam, you’re talking to a guy whose absolute favorite black rifle design is the Leader Dynamics T2. It is a simplified and product improved AR180 that SHOULD have been incredibly cheap and common, even more so than the AR15 is today. But I am aware of the FNC and am really hoping we get parts kits pouring in like we did when Spain surplussed the CETME-L’s, because I would like to build one.

Leader Dynamics T2 Mk V rifle

Leader T2 & Ballester Molina at the 2-Gun Action Challenge Match

My biggest dislike of design features on the AR15 is the bolt. You have to replace it in under ten thousand rounds or you risk shearing off the locking lugs or breaking it at the cam pin hole, less if you’re running a carbine length gas system. You have no idea how dumb that seems to me. Especially when there’s a fix for it – redesign the upper to use the triangular bolt from the Leader T2, a bolt that was actually designed to eat a steady diet of 60,000+ PSI loads unlike the AR15 bolt. The direct impingement also doesn’t lend itself to being suppressed, as can be seen in all the various bits and bobs popular on the market to make the gun pleasant to shoot with a can on the end – Gemtech makes a bolt carrier with adjustable gas settings just for this problem. You’re literally better off buying a BRN180 upper to use a with a can instead of trying to tune your standard upper to work acceptably.

So, why do I push AR15’s? It’s the same reason that I don’t worry about caliber or whatever, and that is that the only important question is not the rifle itself, it’s the logistics. I don’t care if you give me a 1/4MOA accurate belt fed machine gun with a 1600 yard effective range, if I can’t get parts or ammo, the gun becomes a paper weight when I run out of one or both.

In North America, that means you need an AR15 as your main rifle. Because if the gun shops close, you can still pick up government guns for spare parts and ammo from their depots in their mags and it’s all the same stuff as what you’re already using.

FYI, this is also why my main rifle has STEEL BUIS. The reason is because I have the thing set up to keep running even if the gun shops are all closed down, which means that I can’t replace the optic when it breaks.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Watch this:

RegularGuyTraining- So I almost blew up a rifle today.

You want a rant on the AR15? Here’s a much more basic problem – the bolt was designed for regular operation at something like 55,000 PSI pushing 55gr bullets. The 62gr load that became M855 functions just fine with no appreciable wear life issues.

The M4 breaks bolts, and that can blow up the gun in your face. Just the change to carbine length gas system does this all by itself. Now factor in M855A1 which operates at 62,000 PSI. And all of it with a bolt designed fifty years ago and then never updated.

When CMMG wanted to do an AR15 in 7,62×39, they decided that there was no way to do so reliably because the AR15 bolt just wouldn’t handle it. So, they produced the “Mutant” which is a hybrid AR15/AR10. It’s an AR15 with and AR10 bolt and barrel extension, because those were designed for 7.62NATO and hold up just fine to 7.62×39 – probably indefinitely.

LMT produced the first bolt redesign for the AR15 – drop in part that should have become standard across all branches. Never adopted. InRangeTV uses a non-milspec bolt in the WWSD2020 – Young Manufacturing. I settled for a Sharps Reliabolt simply because it’s made of a better steel than the milspec(S7 instead of Carpenter158).

InRangeTV has doen a great thing putting together the WWSD2020 because it uses off the shelf mix&match components to deliver the best AR15 ever:

WWSD2020 Rifle: First European Review!!!

But it CAN’T use flat wire recoil springs in the nylon6 buffer tube. The carbon fiber handguard is great unless you NEED to bolt something to it that CANNOT experience a POI shift. And all of this is happening because the people involved REFUSE to simply redesign the stupid upper. I have a design that I absolutely KNOW will work, and I can’t produce it yet because I don’t have the tools. These guys have all the resources they need, and they WON’T because they’re scared that people won’t buy something demonstrably BETTER.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

,”…So, why do I push AR15’s? It’s the same reason that I don’t worry about caliber or whatever, and that is that the only important question is not the rifle itself, it’s the logistics…”

You know I can’t disagree with you at all. Even though I rant a little AR-15’s are not a total failure and work fine most of the time. My main point is that people who overlook the drop dead obvious problems and pretend they don’t exist. Our generals that insist that the AR is the best rifle ever. Please.

One thing really good about the AR is it so well balanced. It points, I guess I can use this term, really well. AK’s are front heavy loaded awkward things.

I do love the “Forgotten Weapons” series. I’ve seen the one on the leader. Notice even it has the bolt conforming to the receiver space so it also has problems with dirt causing friction. They should have put some rails on there like the AK and have the bolt carrier smaller like the AK, FNC, etc.

I had a friend who had a AR-180. The only thing I really didn’t like was that weak magazine catch that was just a piece of sheet metal holding the mag. in.

3 years ago

About your odds with the Frankenshots:

comment image

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Gents, I think a little bit of holiday cheer is in order, and Americana cheer at that:

Pumpkin Pie Recipe from 1797 – 18th Century Cooking

I really recommend this channel, just because the ONLY thing he does is 18th century America. Whether food, drink, crafts, whatever.

I am still looking for a source for apple brandy to make this. I have no local source and the only place that does mail order here has been out for months:

Campfire Cocktails! – Excellent Cherry Bounce From The 1700’s

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

My family just watched the pumpkin pie episode last night! Great minds, etc.

3 years ago


Reply to  LOVE IS LOVE
3 years ago

Eros is not agape.


Reply to  LOVE IS LOVE
3 years ago

Repent and pray for forgiveness.

Chapter 17

1 Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come!

2 It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

Reply to  LOVE IS LOVE
3 years ago

Is this referencing something?