Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – UK Retail Sales For October Plunge
DFT – Stellantis Inks Deal With Chinese Battery Giant CATL
DFT – Oil Holds Near-Term Gains As OPEC+ Meeting Looms
DFT – Argentina Will Not Join BRICS In January
DFT – Russia And China Nearly Complete De-Dollarization
Why can Argentina count 25–30 million paper ballots in hours, while blue US swing states take DAYS with machines? It is more difficult to massage a rigging into a reasonable-looking facsimile of a victory for the predetermined candidate than it is to just count votes.
Recent footage released by InvestigateJ6 reveals police officers started firing on unsuspecting Trump supporters on January 6, 2021 using rubber bullets, explosive munitions, and gas canisters, without warning. These were agents of the conspiracy who were given orders to stir up the riot, and they did so regardless of the dangers to their compatriots on the job. They were members of the Secret Society OpFor before they were cops. Real cops would see Trump supporters as brothers, just like Trump supporters would not attack cops. That you had so much conspiracy surrounding the event, gives an extra flavor to the various officers, like Brian Sicknick, who was definitely one of our’s, who died mysteriously in the weeks and months after the riot.
Republican lawmakers are calling for investigations into a House committee and its members after the release of security footage that captured the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. The thing is, in the present system, none of these things mean anything, beyond serving as cover stories for whatever is supposed to happen. The original J6 Committee could have all joined Epstein on his jet and been caught on video molesting girls, and nothing would happen to them if that was the script. Or they could get caught in a minor paperwork error and end up going to jail. It is all rigged. The only use to the info is it is a part of the script, and may give insight into where the scriptwriters are going with it.
DeSantis polls in FIFTH PLACE behind Haley, Christie, & Vivek in New Hampshire.
Supreme Court declines appeal from Derek Chauvin in murder of George Floyd. You look at who this conspiracy elevates, and it is just malicious, venal pricks like Hillary and Biden, who it gives dream lives to. Biden could not even be by a six year old girl, without pinching her nipple to inflict pain on her. And then you have guys like Chauvin, or Tou Thao, who were just salt of the earth, who were just ruined by this thing. Just pure evil. Lots of people asking why we even have a Supreme Court if it is going to be afraid of controversy.
New document shows FBI could have modified George Floyd’s autopsy:
Now, Colin’s new documentary has brought more light to the revelation that the FBI could have modified Floyd’s autopsy to make it seem like Chauvin had killed him by clamping down on his neck, despite the original report saying nothing of asphyxiation.
Democratic members of Congress have introduced a bill that would impose restrictions on bulk ammunition sales, licensing requirements on ammunition vendors, and background checks for ammunition buyers. Gun control will never look the same once you see the conspiracy. Because suddenly you see people who deep down know, if the conspiracy is revealed, the targeting of children, the interference in everyone’s lives, the embezzlement of the national treasury, the pedophile networks, total treason, all of it, it will be war. You suddenly see how the threat guns in the hands of the populace present to them, is much more than an abstract rabbitism that is averse to aggression and wants everyone else pacified as well. And you realize, they know the extent to which what they are doing is an overt act of aggression against the rest of the populace. It isn’t a case where nobody in the conspiracy really put together that 9/11 was their operation. They knew, and felt they got away with it. If the conspiracy is revealed, I suspect there will be no more pushes for gun control, because nobody will want anyone thinking they might have been a conspirer.
Mayor Eric Adams slashes NYC Police budget to pay for influx of migrants.
X may pursue Tortious Interference claim against Media Matters, seeking triple damages.
Popular warehouse market in Georgia shut down because owner was building an “unpermitted” doomsday bunker behind it. First rule of Doomsday bunkers, don’t get a permit. Second rule, don’t let anybody know you have an unpermitted doomsday bunker.
Playing a role in the sudden rise of transgender children may be “transhausen by proxy,” a term coined for narcissistic parents who push so-called “gender transitioning” on their children, some experts say. This is a cover story for a CIA program, hidden deep in the online porn community, which is testing MK Ultra-type hypnosis stuff to screw with the heads of the porn-addicted.
White House lashes out over Biden’s ‘inappropriate’ nickname given by anti-Israel critics – ‘Genocide Joe.’ It seems like a decade ago, that criticism like this over support for Israel would have been censored in the press. But now, it seems the general purpose of everything is no longer political or power, but rather simply rancor. Though I suppose rancor offers those who create it political power, since it keeps the rancorous from looking at them. Might mean that as we are heading into tumultuous times, those who used to focus on profit and power are transitioning their strategy to focus on survival by keeping the plebes fighting each other.
Argentina’s ‘outsider’ President-elect tied to WEF.
BBC says *ONLY* 46% of Pakistani newborns in UK city are inbred.
Royal Navy nuclear submarine equipped with Trident missiles ‘suffered huge malfunction that sent the vessel into an endless dive – with engineers saving the 140 crew members moments before they faced being crushed by underwater pressure.’ Sounds strange. The lone depth gauge on the bridge failed, and the crew had no idea they were diving deeper, thinking they were cruising level, until one engineer in the back of the sub saw on a 2nd depth gauge back there, that they were getting into a danger zone depth-wise.
Britons told their taxes are up because of ‘Putin’s war in Ukraine.’ Nobody asked them, and the “elected” leaders are just full of fuck you’s. Still think anybody in the West has honest elections?
Dutch Central Bank admits it has prepared for a new gold standard.
Former President Donald Trump’s personal physician has released his medical report, giving the former president a clean bill of health and praising his recent weight loss and improved diet. He showed exceptional performance mentally.
Trump opens up massive primary, general election leads: poll.
Spread r/K Theory, because Russian nukes could do good things
When Chauvin was convicted, all the Minnesota police should have resigned en-masse.
Those that remained, approved of the conviction.
Though I was in the Reserves and in the 2000s there were a number of times where I should of quit but didn’t. But there may be a ne pas ultra line for these things. For the federals, it might have been the Covid vax mandates. For most of the state andvlocals, the Floyd/ BLM stuff.
Every officer in a blue city all over the country should have quit a long time ago.
The ensuing chaos would work in our favor and against cabal.
A substantial number of cops are cabal foot soldiers. This entire “back the blue” movement from conservatives is utterly silly. Most cops in this country are garbage.
I don’t understand the mechanism completely, but for some reason Cabal wants the sheep to constantly choose a side, whether there’s anything in it for them or not. “Mostly peaceful” protestors or cops. Ukraine or Russia. Israel or Palestine. Us, or the terrorists. It’s a false dilemma fallacy they’re constantly forcing upon us, probably to keep people distracted and fighting.
As an anon posting under a certain letter of the alphabet said “They want us divided”.
Even if it’s not Cabal, it’s some kind of normie logic forcing them to constantly make a fake and gay binary choice as if there can never be a third, forth, or further on option.
“…I don’t understand the mechanism completely…”
I understand it. They want to channel you into whatever silo they want. In most cases it’s not the this or that they want you in but the other that they don’t talk about that is the answer. It’s nothing but a cheap Jew rhetorical trick.
We see this all the time. A good example is the retarded Jew moldbug. Who says that since what we have doesn’t work, so we need Kings. What stupidity. You can bet that any advice the Jews give you to “improve” things will be lies and gas-lighting. All of it. No, we need to go back to being a Republic where “qualified” voters who are stable and have skin in the game make the decisions. Not the mob or the Corporacracy or the rich. Just average people who pay their taxes and don’t depend on the government. Any attempt to inform anyone of this on their sites is immediately wiped.
Another is the constant bleating about who the Jews are, what they are, etc. No it’s very simple the Jews are people descended from Jews.
Here’s more, all this nonsense about who is cabal, who is not where they came from, what they are is irrelevant because the group that is beating on us with a stick, and the globalhomo is run by the Jews. It doesn’t matter at all any of the other extraneous babble. The main concentration of the problem is the Jews, so any other work towards solving the problem without tackling the problem of the Jews first is a wasted effort. In all cases to solve problems you find the greatest irritant first and deal with that. THEN you can cast about for other problems AFTER you deal with the worst.
I made a comment on this and looking back I realized I covered in more detail much the same but based on the ongoing attacks on the “enlightenment”. These are totally unwarranted and the logic they use to do so is faulty. I made this comment here,
Now Vox said I, essentially, was an idiot for saying this,
vox, “…You clearly have not read enough Enlightenment philosophy to understand that it was always intrinsically evil…”
I replied but after 6 months my reply is still not come up and shows “Awaiting for approval” so I’ll repeat it.
[added to the original. The Enlightenment is an important idea. That “reasonable” Men can with reason run their affairs. The trashing of this idea is stupid because without this then who runs things, other Men, in the end you will always have someone running things and they will likely be Men so any system set up will fall into the same traps. Just because people fuck up a system doesn’t mean the system is always bad. A simple example if you take a logging truck and use it for NASCAR racing you’re not likely to be very successful. Yet logging trucks are great for hauling logs and NASCAR vehicles suck at hauling logs. If you let a bunch of buffoons, fools and welfare recipients vote to run the country, you will soon run into trouble.]
This may be true [about the not reading enough of silly assed philosophers]but it also may be true that what YOU call the enlightenment and what I call it are different things. And you are taking a “narrow” point of view where I am taking a broader view.
I say the enlightenment is the idea that Men can run their loves with reason. This not some crazy idea. Now you, I can see it now, are saying to yourself that many people have no sense of reason at all. I do not disagree, but in fact I’m still in no way wrong because a reasonable person would notice this AND do as I said earlier. Limit the franchise to those who have some substance to themselves. We shouldn’t let illiterate savages run our cities, and I actually have a solution to that problem that’s far easier than some, gaseous “storm the Senate” sillyness. I can’t remember the exact phrase but Jerry Pournelle used to say something like the franchise should go to people of honest, moderate means. The Constitution was set up this way.
I’m sure you’re [vox] much smarter than I am, but it doesn’t mean you are always wiser. In this case I believe you are stuck in an academic mindset, instead of looking at the basic ideals of the enlightenment you are looking at those who tried to intellectually mold it…to bad ends. That intellectuals, of dubious repute, have driven the enlightenment into a ditch is not to say the whole of the thoughts behind it are Satanic. A good example is the present Pope of the Catholic Church. He is not the actual whole of the church. If Satan likes peanut butter, it doesn’t mean peanut butter is in itself evil.
And I might ask, if we are not going to use reason to run our affairs at the large scale, then what? Kings? That’s the most retarded, foolish, childish, I can not heap enough contempt into words to describe how odious the idea that we need Kings is. And God forbid we get the Pope to run things. Unless you want to faggotize your young boys and dress them in dresses.
Here’s the supposed definition from Wikipedia,
“…The Enlightenment included a range of ideas centered on the value of human happiness, the pursuit of knowledge obtained by means of reason and the evidence of the senses, and ideals such as natural law, liberty, progress, toleration, fraternity, constitutional government, and separation of church and state.”
I see nothing wrong with this. Each of these statements has instances where they fail, but the instances are mostly arguments by silly philosophers. The basics are sound. We have little to NONE of this in the US now and in most of Europe. In fact, why don’t you tell us why all of these are bad. You’re the one that said,
“… You’ve understood nothing. Neither the Jews nor anyone else corrupted anything. The Enlightenment was satanic and 100-percent anti-Christian from the start….”
I think you would have a difficult time sustaining that the above principles are inherently evil from the start.
Underrated comment. Definitely have been working on not getting emotionally invested in their false dichotomies.
Enough cops are rotten that it spoils the whole lot of them.
Conservatives love money more than freedom, so they prefer to toss off a few shekels trying to buy security on the cheap.
Sorry, conned-servatives. The only one who can guarantee your freedom and safety is YOU. THAT MEANS investing your own valuable time to serve in the citizen-wide Posse of your elected Sheriff and in the local legitimate Militias you civil governments are going to form when you take back control and send the grifters and criminals now in office where they belong.
“COPS”… The police chiefs are politically appointed and the rank and file are well-meaning mercenaries at best, with no dog in your fight.
Flying a missile over the South Pole is interesting.
Conspiracy Analysts say South Pole has bases (etc), and tracks from app-using military joggers suggest that is likely.
Nice secret base. Shame if a missile… fell on it.
I just want it to pop through a hidden portal and come out at the North Pole.
I worked as a contractor with Raytheon for the United States Antarctic Program.
I was deployed to McMurdo station twice.
I know many guys that worked at South Pole base. It’s definitely not a conspiracy theory or a secret, which makes Putin’s veiled threat all the more interesting.
yep, its pretty clear the missile would be a show of force/threat
Two comments may have been hidden because they didn’t get approved but things I posted before and after did.
I’ll repost them here.
A bid for a joint presidential ticket between Taiwan’s opposition Kuomintang, or KMT, and Taiwan People’s Party, or TPP, fell apart over a disagreement on how to select a leading candidate, Focus Taiwan reported on Nov. 18….
Virtuous Pagans foiled again.
The playbook is very old:

The empire thrived for another thousand years.
I was stunned when I learned how small the invading barbarian tribes were that took down Rome. The only reason they had any success came because by the late 300’s, nobody in the empire gave a crap. It reminds me of Napoleon’s crushing of the Prussian army at the battles of Jena and Aurstedt in 1806. The Prussian aristocracy had become so disconnected from the rest of Prussian society that nobody below the aristocracy gave a crap about the country. The Prussians were notoriously militaristic, but by the late 1700s, nobody wanted to serve in the army because everyone loathed the people ruling the country. The ruling “elites” had more in common with the other European elites than they did with the people in their nation, and nobody in Prussia saw any reason to lift a finger to defend them. That meant most Prussian soldiers during the two battles were both low quality and apathetic. They fought just hard enough to appear to be making an effort without actually doing anything. The Prussian’s stunning defeat led to major, and very real, reforms to link the Prussian people and the Prussian aristocracy back into one cohesive nation. The reform effort led to a reinvigorated Prussian nation, and a reinvigorated army which would as crucial to the defeat of Napoleon just nine years later.
Looking back at late imperial Rome, you see the same diseased social structures as 1800 Prussia, and the current United States. The average Roman citizen was little more than a disenfranchised slave serving the whims of decadent elites. When the barbarian tribes moved into Roman imperial territory, nobody gave a crap. The Roman army, like the useless Prussian army at Jena-Aurstedt, barely made an attempt to even appear to fight. After all, why fight and die for globalist elite who hate you anyway. Might as well let the barbarians burn the place to the ground so we can start over. Ironically, the so called Dark Ages were a period of incredible technological advances and population growth. That happened because the so called elites were largely wiped out. The lower classes, no longer oppressed by the worthless elites, discovered a renewed love of life and made lots of babies while innovating left and right.
If you want to know more about post-Roman Europe, “The Feudal Transformation 900-1200” is fantastic. A bit dry, but fantastic for bursting the myth of the Dark Ages.
From the Derek Chauvin case to the gun control and to mass immigration, we are looking at the October Revolution in slow motion being done by the Jual citizens against the American Whites.
The warehouse market guy was calling out the surveillance and had a community market outside of control. Of course they shut him down.
I was on a U.S. nuclear ballistic missile submarine in the 80s and we had a similar issue. In our case we were much shallower than the gauge indicated. This could have resulted in our colliding with a surface vessel. Submarines are extremely complicated things.
“A federal appeals court issued a ruling Monday that could gut the Voting Rights Act, marking a dramatic rollback of the law that led to increased minority representation in American politics. ”
The ruling was not on the Voting Rights Act itself. It was on whether activist groups had standing to bring suits to enforce the Voting Rights Act, or whether only government lawyers could do that. The Appeals Court decided activist groups didn’t have standing.
If the Supreme Court upholds the appeals court, Congress could amend the Voting Rights to make it clear that private parties could so. But they may not be able to do that before November 2020, so this could make it more difficult to use lawfare to block efforts to prevent vote fraud. Or maybe not. The current Justice Department would probably bring the same exact suits.
Another intelligent Jim’s Blog essay, speculating that the regime is heading the way of the USSR and the puritan Commonwealth in their last days:
The fin de regime speculation is based on the Cabal launching grandiose projects, such as Operation Covid and Operation Ukraine, and then suddenly abandon them. I disagree that they are losing control. It could be that the current group of top Cabal leadership are literally senile, or alternatively are the idiot children of the previous, more competent, leadership. Or they could be conducting a lot of systems tests in advance of the real big event.
Senile and idiot children.
But the devil is using them to conduct system tests.
Putin flying anything over the South Pole, with honest cameras filming, would put a few theories about down there to bed.
The Senate is the key, or keystone, once again.
Watch what happens to [Edit]….
This is like the seven hundreth of these you have posted, and nothing ever happens to any of these people. Don’t you ever get tired of this? It is not even like I approve them, and you effectively waste people’s time.
“The fall of Minneapolis”
Time to start counting bystanders, dog walkers, cars with windows down, honkers, etc…..
The White House showed off their giant turkey.
There was a big bird there, too.
Javier Milei is an anti-left savior
Javier Milei is a far left plant
How’s the average person supposed to sort anything out? But I guess that’s the point, isn’t it?
Image: people who are awake to all the lies, but wondering if it was worth it
Most elections are fake, the rest are gay.
You can only rely on yourself in this world (God willing).
We are all going to die, eventually.
Salvation is through Christ and no other.
God will eventually end this world and start another.
Those who are in Christ AND good here will get to go there.
It’s all very simple.
I expect the fake and gay to only increase until the end, take no part in it.
The good here will fight for the good, the beautiful, and the true every way they can.
I have predicted when the AntiChrist comes out with his one world religion, it will be faker and gayer than anything we’ve ever seen or can imagine.
Isn’t that funny.
I actually thought it was a strange name for Russia to choose, and maybe it was meant to mean “For Satan” or something and they left that out.
What’s funny is that it would be like the Chinese translating Minuteman as “demon”.
Ygb, are you confusing the Russian name and the NATO reporting designation?
It tells me that it means Sarmatian.
Famous ancient warriors from what is now Russian territory.
The Sarmatians were used as auxiliaries by the Romans because of their excellent cavalry and some theories have Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table have some Sarmatian ancestry.
Arthur Sarmatian? Tell me more, please.
I mean, I’m interested enough that my first thought was the Simpson meme “I am interested in your ideas and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.”
Arthur Pendragon.
It is theorized that Pendragon was a name given to the family because of an association with the dragon symbol used by Roman Auxiliary troops.
Pendragon or Pen Draig ((Middle Welsh: pen[n] dreic, pen[n] dragon; composed of Welshpen, ‘head, chief, top’ and draig / dragon, ‘dragon; warrior’; borrowed from the Greco–Latin word dracō, plural dracōnēs, ‘dragon[s]’, Breton: Penn Aerouant) literally means ‘chief dragon’ or ‘head dragon’, but in a figurative sense: ‘chief leader’, ‘chief of warriors’, ‘commander-in-chief’, generalissimo, or ‘chief governor’),
Many of the Roman troops stationed in Britain stayed when their time was up and integrated and intermarried into the Britons.
Arthur may have been the leader of the descendants of the Sarmatians who were settled in Britain in 175 AD, by the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius. The Sarmatians were an Eastern European tribe of nomads famed for their skill with swords and long spears and their heavy armour.
Who are the Sarmatian knights?The Sarmatians were a confederation of Iranian peoples who initially occupied Sarmatia, the region north of the Black Sea, but who gradually migrated westward during the Roman period. They were primarily known as cavalry warriors. In 175 AD, the emperor Marcus Aurelius stationed 5,500 Sarmatians in Britain.
The Sarmatians were a confederation of Iranian peoples who initially occupied Sarmatia, the region north of the Black Sea, but who gradually migrated westward during the Roman period. They were primarily known as cavalry warriors. In 175 AD, the emperor Marcus Aurelius stationed 5,500 Sarmatians in Britain. This unit may have remained there for generations; a 5th century Roman document mentions a ‘Sarmatian formation’ serving in northern Britain, although by that point it may well have been manned by men with no ethnic connection to the Sarmatians who founded the unit…
…The primary evidence Littleton and Malcor offer in support of this hypothesis is that certain elements of the late medieval Arthurian legend have parallels in legends that derive from the Caucasus region, not far to the east of Sarmatia. These ‘Nart Sagas’ are of uncertain dating, being only recorded in the 19th century AD, although elements of them seem to go a long way back into the Ancient period. The most interesting parallels include
A Nart warrior’s sword must be thrown into the sea when he dies. One particular character asks a friend to undertake this task for him, but the friend twice lies about doing it before finally throwing it into the sea. This same scenario occurs in Thomas Malory’s 15th century description of the death of Arthur at the battle of Camelot, in which Bedivere is ordered to throw Excalibur into a lake.Two Nart heroes collect the beards of their foes to make into cloaks. Different versions of the Arthurian legends describe him fighting an enemy who does the same thing.The Cup of the Narts appears at feasts and grants each person what they most like to eat. It can only be touched by a warrior without a flaw. The Holy Grail does this when it appears at Camelot. It is finally attained by the pure Sir Galahad.A magical woman dressed in white and associated with water appears both in the Nart Sagas and in Arthurian legend (where she is called the Lady of the Lake).The Sarmatians are closely related to the Alans. Various names containing ‘alan’ occur in various Arthurian stories, including Alain le Gros, Elaine, and most importantly Lancelot, which according to Littleton and Malcor could be a corruption of Alanas a Lot (“Alan of Lot River’).The Sarmatians were noted cavalry warriors, and so too were Arthur’s knights.
Very little is known about the historical figure of Arthur who inspired the legends of King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table. It has been conjectured that the real Arthur of the Dark Ages could have been a “warrior of connections who led the Celts to resist the invading hordes of Anglo-Saxons during the fifth to sixth centuries. Arthur may have been the leader of the descendants of the Sarmatians who were settled in Britain in 175 AD, by the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius. The Sarmatians were an Eastern European tribe of nomads famed for their skill with swords and long spears and their heavy armour. The Romans admired their martial spirit and recruited large numbers of them as mercenaries. The descendants of the Sarmatians appear to have settled near what was later to become Lancashire, at the end of the 3rd century, a military unit of 500 Sarmatian cavalrymen, descendants of the mercenaries, were reported to be re-settled at the Roman fort of Bremetennacum at Ribchester.
Riothamus, a Romano-British military leader, has also been identified as a candidate for the historical King Arthur by some recent writers. Others argue that Arthur was originally a fictional hero of folklore, or a Celtic deity, who became credited with real deeds in the distant past.
There are many variations to the theory.
My personal belief is that Riothamus=Arthur and he was of mixed Briton/Sarmatian heritage.
In addition to fighting the Saxons in Britain he may also have attempted to fight them and the Goths on the continent and attempted to restore the western Roman empire reintegrate Britain and have himself declared Emperor.
Thank you!!
And, thank you for this year’s correspondence in this blog!
Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope you had a happy Thanksgiving and will have a happy Christmas.
Arthur is a story, made up by Normans, based primarily on Alfred the Great, but designed to remove England’s greatest hero, a Saxon, from history books.
The King’s Stone is real and is in Kingston. Saxon Kings were crowned there because London was occupied by Danes.
BTW Robin Hood was also a real figure, and also erased from history. He was the only rebel executed by King John after at the siege of Rochester Castle.
Arthur was a Briton/Welsh hero that was revived when the Brettons who left to Brittany after the Saxon conquest returned to England with the Normans.
And Sarmat not = Satan
“Fall of Minneapolis”
Expert witness called was off duty firefighter Genevieve Hanson. She was in plane clothes on the street, recording the event. Not calling for 911. Not helping to administer aid. Walking and Recording. And worse than that. Bitching and shitting all over the cops standing on the sideline.
Fire departments are loaded with cabal. You will see the usual ethnic groups present, wipe from families of cabal’s favorite religion (and I most certainly don’t mean Freemasons.). Many firefighters with big departments get promoted from Firefighter to brass (Lieutenant, Captain, etc.) only after having done some fucked up shit for cabal. People don’t get those cushy, high paying jobs for nothing.
Putin is firing a missile over the south pole? Is he possibly testing a flat earth theory? If the earth is flat the missile will just disappear after crossing over the ice wall. Wouldn’t that just freak everyone out?
Flat Earth is a time-waster. There is no flat earth. Kids all over the country in Earth Science class put a meter stick vertical in the sun, and measure how far the shadow is cast throughout the year, and all of those measurements, at every latitude, are always precisely mathematically consistent with a point source of light at the distance of the sun hitting a sphere the diameter of the earth. There is no way the flat earth people can come up with some weird model which would explain why two people at different latitudes would see different length shadows which mathematically fit with the model of spherical earth, right up until Alaska goes dark for months because it is in shadow.
That said, if the missile disappeared it would be weird! LOL.
I think more likely might be he is an old intel officer, using the rules of intel, as he is poking Cabal in the eye.
Cabal cannot admit it has a base down there, so it cannot try to defend it from this missile, even if it has defenses there. It has to act like there is nothing there and let the missile fly over, probably letting it get too close to stop, if it were an attack. And at the same time, nothing is stopping Putin from, at the last moment, dropping the biggest nuke he has right down in the center of the base, Surprise-surprise.
It is a big fuck you, probably. It might also be a test to see if Cabal will stop the missile, or even a feint, which he could do several times, before one day loading the missile with something spicy and delivering it where God would want it to go. And if Cabal ever did stop it, then people will wonder, how did it get stopped, if there is nothing but a little bullshit research outpost down there? It is entirely possible they have bled enough out of all the nations in the west that they have built something like Stargate Atlantis down there over the last 50 years. There is no telling what it might be, given the tech advances they have hoarded, or all the money. Remember all the big wigs who take trips down there. We just do not know. We might find out when this missile flies over.
I keep looking, but I do not see anything about Putin which does not make me smile and laugh.
I’m not a flat earther nor a spherical earther. I’m “whatever they tell us is BULLSHIT”. The blue marble bullshit should be enough to put doubt in anyone’s mind, IMHO.
So putting my “flat earth” tinfoil (flat) hat….
How do we have evidence showing eastern Wisconsin skyline is visible from the Western Michigan shoreline at times? I don’t buy the mirage reflection bullshit. Lake Michigan isn’t the piss ant puddle that you fish at on the weekends. It’s 118 miles wide.
Followed up by the new Nikon super zoom camera and laser tests across frozen lakes, at distance, showing no drop off related to the curvature. At a certain distance, you are below the horizon.
Then, you have the no commercial air paths go over the south pole, but they go over the north pole all the time.
The weirdo treaty that all the countries abide by about Antarctica, but fight about oil drilling rights in the Arctic.
Does anyone actually have data to back up any of this? Either for or against? Or a link to a civil debate with facts? Anytime you bring this up, people immediately sperg out, instead of listening to both sides. I just want the TRUTH.
Right. No curve = no ball. The “Blue Marble” and its related H.S. is every but as nonsensical as is “elephants all the way down” or ships sailing over the edge. So don’t get stuck in a false dichotomy here.
One thing to keep in mind is the fact that a sphere of infinite size has no curvature. So the “ball” is in your court. Do with it what you will.
Not arguing with the time waster, but a good example of knowing scale: look at maps of the two poles at the same scale.
It gets blindingly obvious the difference for flying over. First, the distances between airfields are MUCH shorter in the north. Airliners have to route with “time to divert” known at every mile. That’s where the nearest airfield is. There are all kinds of airfields in the arctic circle in Canada, Alaska, Russia and Europe. There is NOTHING in Antarctica.
Second, what would be the point? The only thing that even makes the map on the South Pole is Chile, and there is no reason to go south rather than east or west to get to anything in an airliners range.
There are a lot of counterintuitive things that make sense when you have the context.
This is a good point that pretty much destroys the “no southern air routes” issue. Good work, Phelps, and thanks for wasting your time!
If the Sun were a LOT closer than the 93m miles claimed. …
That would make a nonsense of your stick nonsense AC.
Why would Alaska go completely dark?
A smaller, closer sun seems to answer that question.
(Think of a really strong, big, heat lamp bulb, as opposed to a blazing inferno 93,000,000 miles away)
In the smaller local sun model the rotational path of the sun moves out to the tropic of Capricorn, leading to a longer relative period of time where the sun’s light is not in the local area to illuminate. Same reason the days get longer during the period where the sun is closer to the tropic of cancer, the sun’s path keeps it closer so the light is visible more of the day.
Again, the alleged “many days in a row of darkness or light” don’t actually exist, they’re only allegedly found hundreds of miles into the arctic circle where no civilians live, only “research bases” that produce obviously faked videos of their days of light/dark as seen here:
Again, we don’t have NASA funny money to do actual research and experimentation on this topic. If they get caught lying ONE TIME the entire model is pretty much done. If they’re just being honest then cheating and lying is not required.
And the many failures of flat earth completely trash it.
Just because NASA and friends lie doesn’t mean everything everyone proved before they came along is what they are lying about.
Would a curved disc with the center being higher than the edges account for this?
Yeah, but not in as mathematically calculable a form as a sphere. Take the diameter of the earth, the tilt of the axis, the time to complete an orbit, the rotation rate of the planet, and you can predict it all. And it fits with everything else from Newtonian physics to the idea you can look through a telescope and see Saturn and its rings, and Mars, and the moon. Why would it look like there is another marble out there? Somebody painted it on the dome, and is moving it around consistent with the math of an orbit?
You are entering these inelegant additions to the model which tend to point to the model being too complicated. Gravity, Mass, Space-Time, and you can extrapolate it all.
I just boil it down to every stellar object we can observe of moon, planetary, or sun size is a sphere. Why would Earth be any different. I’ve flown high enough on trans-oceanic flights to see the curvature of the Earth, and my work on RADAR in the Navy corresponds with a curve.
I don’t buy any of the “flat Earth” crap. It doesn’t stop them from telling you “Watch this video!” I assume it’s CIA shills injected into the movement to make us all look bad. In my experience, they can’t be reasoned with. But I applaud you for trying.
Granted, I know they’re lying to us about something. I don’t always know what, but I can’t buy “flat Earth” because of my own experiences. And the Ancients had the whole thing calculated as a sphere thousands of years before the Flat Earth shills showed up.
FLERFers are all simpletons or feds.
Smarminess is next to godliness. Never forget that. And CIA shills have better things to do. Also, if you follow that old Greek’s process, you may find something interesting. I’m not sure the earth is flat, but certainly can’t and won’t support the official *theory*.
That would not make the northern hemisphere see the North Star but not the Southern Cross or the reverse for the southern hemisphere.
That is a good question, but not quite as good as how the heck can you have a ball if it doesn’t have a curve?
As the ball approaches an infinite diameter, you end up with a flat plane, which is kind of interesting to think about theoretically as I contemplate it. In that sort of way it probably has mathematic relevance elsewhere. But no matter.
And curve of what though? Light bends, it is not a straight line. You have to be careful when people are showing you something based on the idea light is always a perfectly straight line, even a laser, and they are not factoring how it bends all the time. You cannot shoot a fish in a barrel, just because where you think you see the fish is not where the fish is. Light lies to you.
And I have spent most of my life with pretty much everyone lying to me. At this point, if somebody tells me water is wet, or the sky is blue, I question it. I have seen NASA videos, where no doubt, they were filmed on a green screen and faked, why I have no idea. But everything scientific I have seen, where I did the experiment, and understood the mechanism behind it, I there have been a lot of them over the years in various classes from Earth Sciences to physics, refutes flat earth, with no doubt. And moreover, there is am inelegance to it. Like its reminiscent of the old models of the earth-centric solar system, where you keep having to add sub orbitals and caveats, and other things to make it work. Gravity. Mass, space-time. It is just three things, and all the math falls perfectly into place, and can make predictions.
You go through science enough, you learn God is elegant. It is like Him signing His work.
Yep. The infinite ball = flat plane thing is a good example of how mathematical facts *may* be used to *prove* the non-factual. But obviously, that’s not always the case and maybe not in this case.
Curve. It can’t always be a case of mirage/ bent light, can it? When the map shows an offshore oil platform to be well “over the curve” yet someone gets a telescope and suddenly can zoom right in and see it, and that’s anytime the sun shines, not just under certain conditions, that tends to demonstrate something.
The most interesting thing about the whole flat earth conundrum is how adamant both sides are, including how some on each side will use God to support their adamance (is that a real word?).
Back to the ball of infinite size: can you even reach infinity? If you could, it wouldn’t really be infinite, would it? “But it still spins,” exclaims one famous heretic!
Then there was the myth of the duck-billed Platypus crapping itself into existence out of its own posterior!
There’s also the extreme illogic of thinking that just because the universe was created — because everything that exists *must* have a cause and creator — it was all done by a Semitic fraud set up by a cartel of Semitic merchants and moneylenders for reasons well-explained in Gregory Delany Ph.D.’s book. “Monsters of Babalon,” part II of How the Jews Betrayed Mankind and sequel to “The Sumerian Swindle,” which detailed the history of the usury plague ages before Semitic people entered that region and centuries before they became Jews. All those years the people there knew and actually perceived the truth about God, but it wasn’t the God “of Abraham” who, as one wag put it, FASTED for billions of years until he was able to palavar with Semites and convince them to feed him the scent of the burning fat of barbecued goats.
So…the facts about the size and shape of the earth remains a big mystery. Have you ever considered the probable fact that it is none of our business? Because a human mind simply cannot fathom what it would need to make it Knowable?
“…I have seen NASA videos, where no doubt, they were filmed on a green screen and faked…”
I used to think this, but I’m slowly, or maybe really fast, coming to the conclusion that NASA has straight videos and people are “faking” that NASA faked the videos. How come when you see a video saying NASA fakes videos do you assume that video is real, yet you easily come to the conclusion that NASA faked the video?
Since so much stuff is lies fed us to destroy our belief in the country, it’s people, it’s values and demoralize us, I strongly suspect that stuff like this is really Jews faking that NASA fakes videos, when in fact they do not. It’s worth at least taking account of, where are these supposed fake videos coming from? Who post them? If NASA is faking videos, why are they being caught so easily? These days this is not that difficult. Just how do they catch them?
I do know for a fact the people who popularized that the Mopnn landing were fake were Jews. They wrote books about it and made movies. I also know the things they said in may cases wee lies and with even the slightest looking at the facts could be shown to be silly nonsense.
I watched that Tucker Carlson speech he gave and while I didn’t have categorized in my mind the thought, he said something that really rang true with me. He said if we allow all these bald faced lies without speaking out about it or refusing to go along we are nothing but slaves. I think this is why I go on and on and on and on and on about certain subjects because I believe that people are just flat out lying, and I can’t stand aggressive liars. I really hate them. If people lie to me consistently, or I catch them, and I mean something substantial, not little white lies or small things, then I refuse to believe anything they say nor do I even wish to give them time of day. Their babbling nonsense is worthless.
Somewhere there’s a comment about some Jew telling us why he’s no longer a zionist and my thought was,”who gives a damn what Jews say, I don’t”. I don’t care what they say. They are in aggregate a huge pack of liars and deserve not one second of listening.
In Richard Hoagland’s book “Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA”, he says that as after Apollo 11 returned from the Moon he was at a press conference where people were distributing “fake moon landing” materials. The guy handing these out was escorted by the head of JPL. From the Kindle version of the book:
The date was July 22, 1969. The three Apollo 11 astronauts—Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Mike Collins, two of whom had just successfully walked on “the frigging Moon.” and wouldn’t splash down in the South Pacific Ocean for two more days, were still halfway between Earth and the “Sea of Tranquility.” Yet here, someone with an obvious “in” to JPL was handing out a mimeographed broadsheet to all the real reporters … claiming that “NASA has just faked the entire Apollo 11 Lunar Landing… on a soundstage in Nevada!”
Hoagland, Richard C.; Bara, Mike. Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA, Enlarged and Revised Edition (p. 69). Feral House. Kindle Edition.
“Richard Hoagland’s book “Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA”” you missed one of the books authors, Mike Bara.
This guy. First, he looks like a Jew and has a name that Jews use. It’s getting harder to tell, the Jews used to have this info, Jew or not, readily available, but I noticed about 3 or 4 years ago they are wiping it from the net. Most of the time there’s no family background on these type fellows at all. A clue in itself. Bara says he has, ” 25 years as an engineering designer/consultant for major aerospace companies” engineer. Dark mission came out in 2007. There’s no way at his age he has done all this, or at the least it’s extremely unlikely. I think they both are lying. What actual data do they have?
There’s a while entire videos series that shows they are liars.
This is what the Jews do. Constantly. They make some wild ass accusation with nothing to back them up, then people have to spend an inordinate time showing they just mas de it up. That Jew provides not a damn bit of evidence to back up what he says compared to a massive, whole, heaping, immense amount of evidence that we did go to the Moon. O say it’s on him to prove the validity of his fake assertions.
A better solution to this is to realize every time a Jew says anything he’s likely lying or leading you astray somehow, and not believe a damn thing he says.
And while Bara’s past is a mystery that’s been wiped, what we can find on Hoagland he appears to be nothing but a huge con man shyster. And this is on Wikipedia who is on his side in these sort of scams.
Oops you didn’t miss Bara. I misread, but my point remains the same.
It does have a curve.
We may not perceive it due to the immense scale, but we can measure it.
Supposedly almost 8 inches per mile, we are told.
Strange times
The question is whether or not any of the equipment down there, and I’m thinking about one building in particular to any former Polies, is doing something above and beyond atmospheric analysis.
If the building I’m thinking about is more related to HAARP, then Putin is literally firing a shot across the bow.
I think there was a photo of an Antarctic HAARP station floating around a couple of months ago.
>Flat Earth is a time-waster. There is no flat earth. Kids all over the country in Earth Science class put a meter stick vertical in the sun, and measure how far the shadow is cast throughout the year, and all of those measurements, at every latitude, are always precisely mathematically consistent with a point source of light at the distance of the sun hitting a sphere the diameter of the earth. There is no way the flat earth people can come up with some weird model which would explain why two people at different latitudes would see different length shadows which mathematically fit with the model of spherical earth, right up until Alaska goes dark for months because it is in shadow.
Respectfully, as you’ve said it yourself you’re too busy to do many things, you haven’t done the research to hold this definitive of a stance. There’s a relatively complete working model that places a much smaller local sun much closer (thousands, not millions of miles up) that has a changing rotational path going in and out between the tropics of cap/cancer, and it accounts for most all of the phenomena such as shadow angles, length of daylight, etc. Add the fact that the “24hr days/nights at the poles” videos are totally faked with obvious time cuts, editing, etc.
The simplest proof is that gas pressure cannot exist without a container. No container, no atmosphere. Yes container, no sphere earth model. Who knows what the shape is, we don’t have NASA funny money to do real experiments, but the sphere ain’t it chief.
Gas atoms/molecules have mass, and using the law of gravity, which I can see with an apple, and a knowledge of the structure of the nucleus and its mass, I can actually calculate the pressure air will be at accurately at different elevations. There is no flat earth, based on a shit load of easily observable experiments I had to perform through the years. Spherical earth fits the evidence and has an elegance which makes sense.
Respectfully, isn’t gravity a “theory”, and not a “law”, scientifically speaking?
I personally struggle with the thought of gravity so great it holds air tight to a spinning ball inside an absolute vacuum, while still allowing the whimsical puffs of a breeze, as a butterfly flitters by…
Jump up and down. Something is there pulling you down. And if it is, it is pulling the air down too. And if you substitute something heavier than the air, like water, or denser still, salt water, you see it pull it under you.
The math fits.
You can do all the theoretical calculations you want on paper, show me a single pressurized gas body without a container. It can’t be done.
The sun.
The thing is, you are not looking just at a cloud of gas. You are looking at a core of something dense enough in mass, to create enough gravitational force to pull the gas against it enough that what breaks away due to molecular kinetic energy at the top, is replaced by molecules pulled in from space, which is not really a perfect vacuum, as stuff is drifting about out there all over. Gravity is a huge force. Do squats until your quads are huge, and see how high you can jump up off the surface of the planet before it yanks you back down. That force field extends out in significant quantity tens of miles. Ten miles up, jump up and down on a plane, it is not any different. And it is pulling everything down on top of itself through the whole atmosphere.
Why is there pressure at the bottom of the ocean, enough to crush submarines? I have done a lot of math over the years, and have an innate knack for it. Enough to be able to look at the math as you get to extremes, and tell if it checks out. It checks out.
I cannot keep arguing flat earth on here. I am starting to feel more retarded my the minute.
My personal feeling on flat earth is it is a testing program for psyops. Train new shills with the most ridiculous thing since that is harder. Also waste everyone’s time. Hope you won’t make a habit of letting time wasters get dumb comments through.
Right on! Instead, we need to waste our time debating *your* favorite issue: religion! Or, perhaps we might simply resolve that both are unknowable and move forward to learn what happened after the fall of the Akkadian Empire. That is a lot more interesting, relevant, and knowable.
Opening question: did the Sea People become the Phonecians? Was Baal actually Yahweh’s son? Oops, my bad; we’re back to religion! Yeah, but in those days, merchants — who were by definition, travelers — furnished the only reliable “international” intelligence. The Phoenicians, because they were seafaring, vastly increased that range.
The goal of “flat earth” bots is to discredit “conspiracy theorists.”
The bots also spew all-gibberish comments in order to discredit targeted individuals (zapped Americans).
Possibly so, but just don’t forget that the same has been said about anti-Semitism and race realism.
Mixing falsehood with Truth is to poison the rest by association. But also to deceive people into delusions too.
Didn’t a famous Rabbi teach that “half the truth is a whole lie?” Could that have been an instruction? Or was it a caveat?
“CIA funded”
Occam’s razor says that’s not needed when they already have ZOG bots and ZOG-dazed Evangelicals by the barrel full.
Blog Date is wrong: 11/21/2023
Dont be pidantic
Works every time
But you telling us what to do never will.
Don’t be a fucking Karen.
We don’t remind AC to be a dick. We do it to help him out.
Yeah, I need it!
Seriously, those niggling things look bad, I appreciate the pointers.
Some missed the joke, but AC got it.
Hey, I don’t mind going back a month, it is too gloomy and dark too early for me now, anyways.
Wonder why she was lurking:
It is possible that under the commercial shell her father created, lies the little girl that once ran through the fields of Christmas trees, and this was a way to get out from that mask for a bit,..
I dont know what that is. It is too small to read without opening in a new tab and enlarging – and am reluctant to investigate without context
She’s very likely either an IVF baby or possibly even a very early clone. She’s very calculating, picked that up watching an interview of her on some red carpet. There’s also clear evidence of monarch programming all through her music videos. She never stood a chance.
“Why can Argentina count 25–30 million paper ballots in hours, while blue US swing states take DAYS with machines?”
Because the “blue swing states” are making it look like they’re hand counting ballots, which in an election of Argentina’s size would require at least a day and a half of manual processing without breaks for sleep, meals, or hygiene, given a staff equivalent to one-twentieth of a percent of the population, of which 20% of those people are managing the process.
This assumes linear scaling and that the results wouldn’t further require additional verification checks and accounting between the regional election centres and the polling districts, which of course would be a near certainty.
So the better question to ask: how is it that Argentina can make it look like there’s an honest accounting of votes when the time required to manually process each vote by hand vastly exceeds the time that’s been reported in the news?
Because whatever trick Argentina has to “elect” someone in that amount of time is certainly more efficient at getting the desired pre-determined result than what’s going on in the United States.
FBI Director Admits Agency Rarely Has Probable Cause When It Performs Backdoor Searches Of NSA Collections
Milei: Was he ever really a Christian? or was he always a crypto-Jew?
Benjamin Netanyahu’s father changed his name from “Mileikowsky” upon immigrating to Israel. Which may, or may not, be relevant here.
Only 46% are inbred? That’s OK, mom and dad even it out at a cool 95%
CNN visited the exposed tunnel shaft in the Al-Shifa hospital compound. Here’s what we saw
Really? CNN? Uh, no.
But Hamas can be trusted?
Oren (((Lieberman))). Please.
Too bad that argument doesn’t fill in the tunnel.
I don’t support either side, and neither should you.
The Youtube link is a preview. Watch it, then go to the other link link, pay $8, and watch the whole thing. Then watch the most recent film about Joseph with the Coat of Many Colors and the revelation of just who he really was in world history. Then watch “The Last Prophecy” about Trump. From there start going through whatever catches your eye because it’s all worth watching.
“Deep State” is basically making sense of Kim Clement’s prophecies to demonstrate that they reveal everything that has happened with Trump, that he WILL be POTUS again, that physical WW3 will not have anywhere near the death toll of the previous two nor involve massive battles of standing armies as least on America’s part. It also reveals that the Democrats and Republican parties days are both numbered, and not someday off in a vague far future decade but instead by sometime in 2027. Russia and America will almost certainly NOT go to physical war, but that instead Russia will betray China and the rest of the BRICs.
Between now and 2027 there are a bunch of things that happen that are simply called THE SHAKING, and that shaking is a GOOD THING:
-Trump will be POTUS again
Food shortages here in America.
Volcanic eruption that SHOULD explode like a nuke but instead will be controlled and damage almost nothing, deliberately as a sign of the path America is on.
The will be a new Snowden-type who will reveal things that Snowden himself wouldn’t believe possible.
He prophesied that “they thought they could cripple America, and they did for a time, but they will NEVER touch Israel…”
In case you’re wondering why I give credence to this, Kim prophesied not just Trump, but also the wall, and that it wouldn’t be finished. He prophesied Ukraine. And 9/11 back in 1997. And BOTH of Trumps impeachments, which I would remind you has only ever happened to Trump.
Kim died of a brain tumor. There’s a good chance that this cancer was NOT naturally occurring, that Clement actually died as a martyr murdered for his prophesies.
Kim said something : “Where hands of once compassionate woman have cooked her own children and have made them her food….” I think that’s actually metaphor for our financial system, which is of course a ponzi-scheme where the elderly are basically consuming the young. Meanwhile Trump is promising a standard of living on another tier than we’ve ever experienced, while Kim is saying that this “David” will restore the fortunes lost in America.
DEEP STATE WAR PROPHECIES – *clipped* Kim Clement – TREY SMITH 11 13 2023
Our best days are ahead.
UK Retail Sales For October Plunge
404 error.
Thank you. All sorts of weirdness yesterday.
I’ve seen weirdness at a lot of sites lately.
What I am seeing feels like the first test, of can they restrict tech support and create problems, to slow everyone down and reduce traffic rates and information flow. Make sense that 2024 would have big things planned, and they need to try them out now
It may pay for us to change things before the 2024 election is on us, by mirroring on foreign sites, and changing the ground rules which they are operating under now, so what they test now will not work then.
I will post here if I find a good foreign host, or workaround in my travels.
Greg Owen – Main Character Syndrome | Barbie and the Manosphere Agree On This
Mysterious Military Flights Between Israel, Lebanon Observed: Report
I recommend mil spec monkey for his daily planefag briefings. There has been a LOT of .mil materiel moving in the past month beyond this. He’s on YouTube and probably the alts too.