Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
Several residents of Delaware County Pennsylvania filed a sprawling lawsuit Thursday against the former Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar, Delaware County, the Delaware County Board of Elections, and more than a dozen individual election officials, alleging Pennslyvania election officials were destroying evidence – tearing tapes ‘into pieces and placing… them into the trash stating they will have a campfire to burn the data.’ Supported by the whistleblower video of it all. Be interesting to see where it all goes.
Rittenhouse, former lawyers in dispute over who gets $2M bond money. His mom raised $500K, gave it to the lawyer, he added it to other pools of donations for Kyle, and he posted that as the $2 million bond. He now claims all the money should go back to him. Lim Wood wants it all back for his fund, which he says contributed to it, and it looks like none will go to Kyle or his current attorney without a fight. But according to Kyle’s attorney, there will be a fight.
Rioters wreak havoc in pro-cop NYC neighborhood after Kyle Rittenhouse verdict.
The mayor who let Kenosha burn, the DA, and the lead detective in the Kyle Rittenhouse case are all members of the same family. Cabal’s ground game is a family affair.
Kyle Rittenhouse’s lawyer says he’s getting so many death threats, he can’t use his cell phone.
Chicago thieves target Neiman Marcus and GameStop amid Rittenhouse protests. Think the Gamestop raid was chance?
Deputies declare riot near Portland Justice Center; KATU news crew attacked.
Virginia cop who lost his job for donating to the Rittenhouse defense demands his job back.
Maria Shriver tweets, “I’m trying to take a beat to digest the Rittenhouse verdict. My son just asked me how it’s possible that he didn’t get charged for anything. How is that possible? I don’t have an answer for him.” Jack Posobiec replies, “Like when your uncle killed that girl but stayed in the Senate?” POSO glows, big time, but his command does give him good lines. They could have even told Maria to tweet that to set him up, to give him some grade A twitter cred, but it is funny all the same.
I did not see this coming – DA Binger came from a lab and is a clone of Qui guy? In ten years he will be a carbon copy:
Wendy Rogers wonders, where is the ‘Live Stream’ of the Ghislaine Maxwell trial?
Woman who worked for Epstein says in this article, “There were a lot of children, always little girls, and she said they were modelling for all kinds of companies… Then they had dignitaries coming and going… There were a couple of times the little girls cried. I remember a little girl in her school skirt, with braces, coming down the stairs crying. Ghislaine told me ‘She didn’t get the job. Modelling is a tough business.’ She was very cold and vicious.”… She says the video cameras Epstein so proudly showed her were all trained on “private” areas like bedrooms and bathrooms, where they recorded the liaisons with young girls. “I believe they were working together,” she says. “Ghislaine was getting children and they were being put into horrible situations with these dignitaries and they were taped. There was a definite blackmail situation going on.” So far, I get the impression everything we have heard of that story was highly, highly sanitized by focusing on Epstein’s activities with the 16 year old girls he preferred and dealt with. My guess is there is a whole other side, focused around Ghislaine’s attending child pageants like the one she was photographed at with Jon Benet Ramsey, and maybe even primarily run by more professional intel psychos we have not seen named, which is being hidden by the media because it would be instantly red-pilling for all of the normies. Be interesting if the trial brings that out, or if we are allowed to hear about it. Article also had this about her getting raped by Epstein and Ghislaine on Les Wexner’s estate – “Distraught, Maria fled back to New York and told the police of her ordeal but was advised to speak to the FBI. She called the number given to her and spoke to a federal agent for 45 minutes – but no action was taken at the time. “He seemed very unfazed by what I was saying,” she says. “I asked the FBI to do their job and they failed. I gave them everything in 1996 and they did nothing. Maria believes Epstein was tipped off about the report and she claims Ghislaine threatened her family’s life in a fit of fury. “Someone called me and said I should never have spoken to the FBI. I hadn’t told anyone so that frightened me,” she says. “Then one day Ghislaine called me, screaming and shouting. She threatened my family, she threatened to burn my house down, there were numerous threats against my life.” It looks like she went to the FBI and the FBI dimed her out to Epstein and his pedophile blackmail op from Mossad. Is so, FBI was acting as an enforcement arm for a Mossad pedophile blackmail outfit. All these people in the powerful positions in government and law enforcement knew. The only question is, who was a part of it, and who merely thought the leviathan was too big to take on, so they stayed in their lane and would not fuck with it? Always remember, the detective who would not let go, and nailed Epstein in Florida ended up dying suddenly at age 50. And then the FBI and DOJ worked with the local prosecutors to cut a deal with Epstein which gave immunity to everyone involved in anything related to that Mossad blackmail op. Now ask yourself if FBI, or DOJ, or state prosecutor offices, in considering you for a position, might have looked ahead of time at your file, to determine if you were placed in such a position as the agent who received this little girl’s report, would you have been prone to become a problem? “But you can be anything you want to be in this world, anon, even an FBI Agent.” They knew who you were anon. They had a file going back to your earliest schooling, with personal anecdotes from other students you thought were friends. They may have even had the other kids test you with set up situations, just to be sure who you were and how you would react, or just to get to know you better. All of these doors would always have been closed to you, and that should be seen as the badge of honor it is.
From 4Chan:
As long as we are sticking Weird Epstein Screenshots here, we might as well stick the Alien Virgin Births and Cannibals here, which has a painting by one of Epstein’s women that implies Prince Charles may have a vagina. She apparently claimed it was real, I suppose one of those commissioned pieces showing one of their rituals.
And we’ll add this one:
One little girl senses Biden’s evil, and denies him a sniff:
Mike Pence vows to back GOP Governors facing Trump-approved challengers.
Video which purports to be of a drone getting too close to a 5G tower and malfunctioning and then catching on fire. The video could be a coincidence, or faked. I would like to see a detailed workup of exactly the damage the drone endured, what its age and history were, and testimony from who was running it. A credible looking person, saying it was brand new and showing wires melted from microwave-induction-type overload would be very significant.
The massive COVID story of the day is a heart study has been ongoing for eight years, measuring three heart chemical signals measuring inflammation, cells committing programmed cell death and dying, and the movement of inflammatory immune cells into the tissue – and combining the measures into a single score indicative of future heart problems. So you have eight years of baseline measurements, laid against how the measurement correlates with adverse outcomes, which then allows you to compare that baseline to the sudden introduction of the vaccine into the monitored population. From the link:
A total of 566 pts, aged 28 to 97, M:F ratio 1:1 seen in a preventive cardiology practice had a new PULS test drawn from 2 to 10 weeks following the 2nd COVID shot and was compared to the previous PULS score drawn 3 to 5 months previously pre- shot. Baseline IL-16 [ed. note – inflammation measure] increased from 35=/-20 above the norm to 82 =/- 75 above the norm post-vac; sFas [ed, note – measure of cells killing themselves] increased from 22+/- 15 above the norm to 46=/-24 above the norm post-vac; HGF [ed. note – measure of immune T-cells moving into the tissue] increased from 42+/-12 above the norm to 86+/-31 above the norm post-vac. These changes resulted in an increase of the PULS score from 11% 5 yr ACS (Acute Coronary Syndrome ) risk to 25% 5 yr ACS risk. At the time of this report, these changes persist for at least 2.5 months post second dose of vaccine. We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination.
Notice they don’t say they see it diminishing at some point as of now. It is not impossible it will last quite a long time, as once your body is immunized against proteins on its own cell surfaces, your body will tend to keep producing those cell-surface booster molecules. In short, if you are immunized against yourself, you yourself can become the booster, and you produce that booster constantly, at least until you die. The other problem is, heart inflammation can disrupt structural organization, and once you alter the structure, it can create a situation where the changed structure by itself would produce an even more changed structure. We may have a massive number of people needing heart transplants in the not too distant future. These vaccines may very well end up remembered alongside Thalidomide and Vioxx. Only in this case the government came along and forced everyone to take it because Big Pharma paid them off. I am the most conspiracy minded guy around, and I am still gobsmacked by all this.
Probe launched as 21 newborn babies die in Scotland in one month.
Jordan Peterson got the vaccine, but says, “Stupid me,” because government is still pushing him around. A part of me wants to say I don’t really judge this, even if I think it the wrong decision. What it comes down to is do you find being on the government shit list more irritating than picking up one of probably 50 revolvers, the cylinder of one of which is loaded with a single +P hollowpoint, to play a single round of Russian roulette. It is a decision like any other, except we really don’t know if it is only one cylinder with one round in it, or if it is significantly higher. But a part of me wonders just how deep in the conspiracy he is, and if he ever even got a clot-shot, or if this was just the dialog his handlers gave him.
Days after we posted here about articles trying to explain away the coming surge of heart attacks, 4Chan amassed a bunch of articles in one thread. I don’t know if influencers and power posters on these other sites follow this site and it guides their posting in any way, but the pursuit of something like that is why we are here. If we keep this up, we may be able to help in the fight to bring truth to light, and guide the narrative at some point soon. We may even already be beginning to have an effect.
4.4 million Americans quit their jobs in September amid vaccine coercion and pandemic stress.
CDC VAERS total nears 900,000 adverse reactions as government pushes boosters to take down more Americans. Only 194 million Americans are vaccinated, so the chances are roughly about one in 200 you will end up in VAERS. And they say only one in ten doctors take the time to report to VAERs, so the reality is, if you get vaccinated, there is probably a one in 20 chance you will end up in VAERS, even before we begin to look at the allegations VAERS is deleting reports to rig the numbers, or that only the most severe reactions go into VAERS. And that ignores that in the shadows is Cabal, watching, and maybe looking to use these opportunities to take out the uncompliant. Maybe the revolver analogy above should only be three revolvers, with one having a single loaded bullet, and you have to point it at your leg and pull the trigger. I would still say, “pass.”
This new study from Germany shows that the more you vaccinate the more people get killed.
In Germany, the Head of the Chemnitz Clinic, Dr Thomas Jendges, committed suicide saying he no longer wants to be part of the Genocide happening vis the COVID-19 Vaccine. Some cites are claiming there is no letter and it is fake, but the doctor definitely jumped off the top floor of a building, he left a video in German which apparently is against the Covid psyop, and in things like this you are best assuming it is being covered up. Personally, I do not understand why people like that do not just buckle down and fight, or at least take some measure to reduce the sum total of the evil on their way out the door.
Vaccinated English adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people the same age.
Dutch Police opened fire on protesters in downtown Rotterdam during a demonstration against COVID-19 restrictions late Friday night. Two rioters were hospitalized after being hit by bullets.
At 1:53, 1:54, and 1:55, the Pfizer CEO’s throat blows up exactly like a frog in a pond in this video. Nothing else in the video, it just looked weird.
Australian Archbishop orders Priests to take the abortion-tainted COVID shots or get suspended. Their penetration has impressive spread. The leadership of everything, from the FBI, to Big Pharma, to the White House, to Congress, to the Church, to the Military, to local election boards and everything in between, is all controlled, and can be mobilized together to make people poison themselves to the business side can make money. Just think how if you said this ten years ago, you would have been immediately judged a full-on schizo, even in our circles. Things are changing.
More hacked NRA data released by Russian hacker group trying to extort a ransom. Mostly personnel files.
GOP memo says the Build Back Better-funded IRS would be a ‘nightmare’ for American families.
Migrants are faking religious conversions at Liverpool Cathedral to help asylum claims.
South Korean chipmaker SK Hynix halts expansion plans in China due to U.S. trade restrictions.
Texas Democratic Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson says she will retire before the 2022 midterms ending a career in Congress that lasted almost 30 years. I don’t buy that they are all retiring because Democrats are going to lose the House in 2022. In Cabal you keep your position so you can wield power for the conspiracy, and your family keeps getting graft funneled to it, whether your party is in power or not. It almost feels like patriots might be in control, and this Kabuki theater we see today, designed to show everyone how Democrats want to destroy the United States, is coming to an end. And now all these traitors have been told they can get the fuck out.
Pentagon chief confirms US to end combat mission in Iraq in 2021. Not something I would expect of Cabal.
Biden and aides tell allies he is running in 2024 amid growing Democratic fears.
Invite other people to because self defense is a human right.
Ginger in green behind bereaved Huber GF stares intently, ghoulishly and exclusively at the jury, taking notes with oddly intense amber yellow eyes, as seen in the augmented reality eye lenses. Her expression, and the intensity of her gaze in the opposite of the permissible direction for media footage & photographs gives pause.
>Lim Wood wants it all back for his fund
Now we see why Trump had nothing to do with him or leopard jacket woman. If he was legit, he’d offer to do the libel cases he specializes in for Kyle, from media to government and settle it later, if at all. Fucking Boomer.
>Cabal’s ground game is a family affair
Binger & Krause, also Phoenician land army.
>In ten years he will be a carbon copy
Was thinking Gary Oldman in The 5th Element
>was acting as an enforcement arm for a Mossad pedophile blackmail outfit
Finders, Franklin … from an Italian horse’s mouth:
>FIFA scandal & Sepp Blatter
There we have the FBI in on that, despite being a European sporting organization. P3 Masonic Lodge in Italy was prominent in Gladio type ops (via Joseph Farrell’s postwar Nazi International research), might expect some involvemnt in that direction.
>and combining the measures into a single score indicative of future heart problems
From personal experience, the body knows ahead of time it’s in trouble and will communicate doom & gloom — especially if the heart’s involved. For however long the myo-/pericarditis addled jabbed linger on in that ~5-10 heart failure window, they’ll be more passive and compliant for it.
>showing wires melted from microwave-induction-type overload would be very significant
5G on paper should be less penetrative, non at all compared to current wireless EMF as long as the power isn’t over-juiced. If this was sympathetic harmonics inducing that, then I’d worry that power wasn’t an object to weaponizing them.
>once your body is immunized against proteins on its own cell surfaces, your body will tend to keep producing those cell-surface booster molecules
The spike itself is the main issue, then the rabies/nipah homologies to make its neurological uptake faster. If the mRNA ‘therapies’ doesn’t burn off in the hopeful 4 month window in Zelensky/Malone’s thinking, or migrates to the wrong regions, people are producing a prion adjacent cytotoxin, and will still be doing damage without entering the cells especially in immune privileged regions like the brain/nervous system — and there’ll almost always be some reservoir of CV19 lurking somewhere in there now to gin up production the next time there’s an immune suppressed opportunity, and it all starts again.
>just how deep in the conspiracy he is,
High enough to be teaching in American Ivy Leagues and co-author Agenda 21 type UN papers.
>Maybe the revolver analogy above should only be three revolvers
They’re all loaded with beyond-proof loads and only dumb luck prevents mutilation or death. Some of them are steel framed, some of them brass framed, some of them props that will shatter shrapnel spectacularly. And if you’re real lucky, Alec Baldwin gets to pick his favorite for you to try, for science of course.
>“Rittenhouse Doctrine”
Nick Land @Outsideness: “Real legal meaning of the verdict is that communist militia activity in the name of blacks doesn’t entitle you to black privilege. … … In the current state of the Cultural Revolution, that’s not nothing.”
That and Joe Gentile they would like to agitate in these situations has no frame of reference after sixty years of Judeo-Christian values in the GOP, Fuchs, Hopkins, White, Rosenbergs and Pollards notwithstanding . . . they couldn’t leverage the anti-Chosen angle (in part because he was so young) for synergy with the Charlottesville hearings.
Movies are comms; from a 2013 movies featuring the very same contact lens:
“In the near future, everything can be broadcast online.”
Glad I was created by Britain’s SOE (Special Operations Executive) which came out of MI6 (see: MI6 50 years of special operations by Stephen Dorrill.
>And they say only one in ten doctors take the time to report to VAERs, so the reality is, if you get vaccinated, there is probably a one in 20 chance you will end up in VAERS
1/20 = 0.05 = 5%
There, there is that number again…
RE: pic of Epstein, Maxwell being blessed by the pope. I’m no expert but that pic looks photoshopped. Proportions are off, Epstein and Maxwell don’t appear to be looking at the Pope.
Good eye. Could be.
Sorry for the late reply; but for the sake of me I could not find a page from 4c which an insider deem the Alec Baldwin event as the 3rd sacrifice to you know who. First was Brandon Lee, second another actor of a creepy super production which implied a pact with the Devil, third was the poor women shot by Baldwin. All the digits added to the minute time was perfect gematria. Last 6. Hope it helps.
Yes, the proportions are the giveaway, and a curiously blacked out background allows for some lazy photoshopping.
And even if it was real, the Pope blesses how many people? It is barely evidence of anything, never mind proof.
I wonder, however, if this is being pushed as a signal to certain someones that we have the goods, and an easily discredited photo is just kind of a warning shot.
Or on the other side, perhaps those certain someones are trying to get ahead of some impending Epstein-Vatican drops, and so “revealing” ahead of time with news items that can then be discredited, creating an aura of “conspiracy theory” around it. Kind of like leaking crimes to Alex Jones, which can then be discredited as being reported by crazy alien guy.
Who knows, but given the Maxwell trial, I would not be surprised to be seeing a lot more of this kind of thing. Much like the Kyle trial, there is a far more significant battle for hearts and minds that tags along.
There’d be more than one photographer and more than one set of pictures out there.
Epstein was a schmoozer; a photo shoot with the Pope would be money in his pocket.
“Deputies declare riot near Portland Justice Center; KATU news crew attacked.”
It’s like watching a rattlesnake and a viper fight. Either way Mankind wins.
“We may have a massive number of people needing heart transplants in the not too distant future.”
And they will be coming after the Purebloods for those hearts. Organized criminal gangs will get rich trying to fill that void. Kidnappings/mysterious disappearances will skyrocket. Watch your back.
God in Heaven Junkermann is the hottest Bond girl ever. Absurd. Maybe even more beautiful than a young Ghislaine.
They are wicked harlots Thes. Wicked. Harlots.
Meme for use on Simps:
Off to horny jail for you.
> The British newspaper the Independent falsely claimed that Kyle Rittenhouse “shot three black men with rifle” after he was cleared of two charges of murder, one charge of attempted murder, and two charges of reckless endangerment.
Oh. My.
British laws on libel are different than in America; The Independent basically just committed corporate suicide. Someone ought to tip Kyle to get a solicitor; even a just-graduated-in-last-place newbie could slam-dunk that one.
If there is any doubt anorganization if r/ psychopaths is running shit like we see every day all the counterintuitive acts and efforts to impose crazy shit that makes no sense other than they are fucking with us to destroy our time honored traditions of self determination and self reliant prudence, all you got to do is look what the city’s gangstalker coos and prosecutors office in Kenisha tried to do to Kyle Rittenhose, make self preservation the highest crime a White American can commit.
That spells pure /r strategist organized civilizational level treason to cut K Strategist off at the manly man balls level. Criminalize a Man’s self preservation. Where do these machine assholes come up with this shit?
Seriously. It may be from deep critical thinking process of brilliant reasoning out future events, to create a state and organize and set in motion what can only be a malicious deliberate event targeting a perfect victim, Kyle Rittenhouse, despite all that critical thinking only place it can come from is the sickest fuck minds that exist, and it ain’t one suck brainiach its thousands of them, inside not only a criminal organized crime gang thats almost incomprehensible in size and how much of our workd they infest, but of such proportions its become a feedback loop between hords of sociopaths and psychopaths. It literally is more than a normal person can imagine. Good people just dont do such shit and I really mean Shit, to other people. Certainly not what these assholes are doing to us. Its no wonder they are so afraid of 100 million pissed off decent American’s armed to the fucking teeth. The only place we are gonna aim our rifles is at these assholes, they really got it coming to them. Exactly, exactly like the three gangstalkers Kyle had to shoot if he wanted to survive.
Imagine outlaw a Man’s unalienable right and honor, his timeless obligation and elemental right to live, the first law, to defend himself his life family and property?
Thats only possible from the truly fucked sick minds of collective psychopaths inside a mind bending size, ie global conspiracy.
r/ strategists trying to rule the world by killing off every K Strategist they can by any and all ways possible.
Being a surviving kid victim of organized pedophelia across the states of NH Mass and Maine, my mom and dad and a regional wide group of others who they partied with and maintained friendships over my growing up, a network of pedo’s, i can tell you that over 50 years ago it consisted of hundreds of pedo’s of every kind that I seen with my own eyes, so imagine now how large the pedo network is. And if there is anything globo=pedo is more concerned with in OUR country than OUR Rifles, it is the inccessant efforts to normalize child sexual abuse and child sex slaving in our culture, normalizing the most vile insidious depravity possible.
And you would say well yeah man, thats to undermine subvert and destroy the fabric and foundations of our culture’s and civilization.
And i would reply well yeah dude, thats a fact motherfucker, but there’s more to it. Its the nitty gritty of it, they picked out Kyle Rittenhouse for a reason a shiton more depraved than what looked like a perfect easy political target, they all involved where drawn to the young man, because they are drawn thru their sick fuck minds to innocense and vulnerability, to chaste and virginal perfection of our civilizations children, because it feeds the fucking beast, what better victim than the innocent, the helpless? Frankly Kyle Rittenhouse looks like a innocent babe in the woods, untill he had to go into Men of The Christian West self preservation mode. Kyle only looks innocent and vulnerable, because he is a fine young kid, a decent kid, a good young folk and would never in all his life ever think or do and work with others to do what they attempted to do to him.
But whats important here is the gangstalkers, how many are victims of pedo’s? Whole families generations of pedo’s everyone dong pedo things to everyone. Believe me I seen it, in DeBlous Maine, in Newton and Waltham Mass, in NH, whole families where all the kids all been put thru the pedo-network meat grinder. If you aint been fucked up the ass when your 5 years old and passed around to other buddies of your father, in trade for their little girls in return, let me tell you as a child it is so mind blowing traumatic your totally helpless, froze like a rabbit in fear that saturates everything you are made of, worse tgan a person can imagine without it happening to you, bad as that is, whats really bad is the power pedo’s have over their victims. I do not have the vocabulary to describe what happens to a child, but I know what it feels like, and best way I can put it is you become A Victim. You are not a child any longer. You really pass all the childhoid things, you can not enjoy those years simply for the joy and innocense of discovery and innocent happiness, meloncholy orders of magnitude, and fear threaded allthru your heart and mind never leaves you, you become a victim in life, you are a victim of your victimization, you put yourself in pisitions with mates, friends work business etc where you are vulnerable to being victimized, and predators come in every shape and guise, and whike your a kid every pedo in your area knows you are an easy meal, even other kids only a couple years older know and go pedo on other kids. Its a world you can not imagine.
But that fir me is noether here nor there. Took decades to de-victimize myself, I will never be free from the betrayal of my mother and father, both where consumate child pedo’s. They where torturers, they liked it and craved the power.
Going thru those things and having survived I have what I think are particular survival skills and “radar”, i had to, it is how i survived and also did not become one of them, because i saved this for last, one of them. To avoid becoming one inside of the pedo network i had to really understand them, but I had no one I could trust or rely on to survive so I became what I needed, and it has provided a certain kind of insight and way to understand the sick knowledge from experiences.
AC implies a network and a machine, and from my experience as a victim it rings true in more ways than discussed or even implied. Something has nagged at the back of my mind for awhile since first reading AC’s multitude of notions suppositions and observations and there is a binding thread througout. Just how could such a network of gangstaljers and glowies and swamp shitstains and 5th columnist media skum all become united in concert with a clearly globo=pedo cabal? Its a serious question, it peratians to everything, and maybe it is another way to dig in and try to understand the vast almost incomprehensibleness of the whole conspiracy. Note, child trafficking for satanic ritual, production of Adrenal-Chrome, perfect instruments of black mail and extortion, let alone the vast monetary gains from it all, the power extracted from this racketeering of little ones as the instrument of their wealth/power, its not easy to build a reliable co-ooerative nation wide network of gangstalkers, there hundreds of millions of them now, or close to it, as a victim of that network i keep seeing the dark things operating along the fringes the shadows and its all bound together thru pedo’s, its what binds them, drives them, and in a way, no sympathy from me, but it is the victimization of all the gangstalkers and glowies when they where children, because some where in this network or a group or whathave you, the power of blackmail and extortion took a real fucking nasty side road, and it was noticed how victimizing kids created a maleable human, one who was totally vulnerable to what you wanted them to be or do.
Remember what I mentioned about feeling lost, so lost and adrift that you have no bearings, nothing to ground you, fear that melts your cognitive mind and its your animal instincts and survival that you become intimate with. As a little kid, your like a sponge, you soak up everything, particularly when adults give affection and care.
Take it to the level of the pedo predator, after all, to rape a little boy or girl, thats kind of ultimate power over another human. Children so frieghtened and vapir licked by fear you can do anything you want and not be fearful of retribution or justice for your incredibly evil crimes. Thats power too, all of it, thrills and chills, power over kids power over thise you blackmail with kids power to stay out of court and prison, and power of your like in a vast colkective organization which is piwer itself.
Take it further, how better to create the gangstaljers than by everyone a pedo, and imagine the way that system of trust functions, how teliable it is, how it is as Mao called it, “Dirty all hands”, that was how Mao gained such power, everyones hands where dirtied, a system if fear and reward. Take it an even lower drpravity and dirty all hands with child molestation rape torture and murder.
Change my mind. Tell me about another way to create a loyal criminal gang and its syndication?
Far as Im concerned, from personal observation, from due dillegence and ground work, gangstalkers in my AO mostly come from Northern Va., they have set up rural acclimation cells, they have sociopathic and other characyeristics where they have zero empathy for their targets. I know this directly, cant say how, but i know what it is as a pedo victim, besides, what did any of us good folks do to anyone to warrent such coverage, getting fucked with, and murdered by gangstalkers? Serious thought right there. What compells gangstalkers and glowies to commit such venal depraved crimes against us goid folks? Is it pay? Gold? Petty power? Maybe part of it, its not what Im seeing, its pretty deep shit, deep as that fear and terror when your 5 years old and your fucked up your ass by your fathers buddy as he watches.
Can you imagine?
Can you then grasp the power involved over others? How this depravity perpetuates across generations? How if I was just a tiny bit less self reliant and believed in myself as that child i would be one of them, and a gangstaljer or glowie, ass raping an entire civilization of innocent vulnerable people?
When does it end for these gangstalkers and glowies? It doesnt, it never will, they have an insatiable need for power and victimization of others. It. Is. What. They. Are. What. They. Do.
Where else does the evil come from thats the root of gangstalking and glowies and globo=pedo?
Yeah its almost incomprehensible. You bet your fucking ass it is. The beast though has grown and grown and its reaching the stage where its a monster not only in its own right but in effect ti the whole globo+pedo shitshow, its birthed thousands of monmaniacal motherfuckers, its insanity writ huge, its out of control, no one thing or person controls it now. Its on the cusp of total unstoppable Ragnarak. Gordian knot? The insanity is stuck on a feed back loop. Like how everything has a natural frequency, where it can destroy itself.
Some of these gangstalkers are really nasty pieces of work. We are all Kyle Rittenhouse now. The gangstalkers will never firget nor forgive, they see themselves as above and us good folks are not human. Ive set in the brush and listened in on their conversations where they gather, i can tell you genocide of us is nothing, it is even a laughing matter. They see folks like me as something not even worth scraping off their shoe. Its worse than that. I gotnothing no reason to make this shit up, but I do live my country and have Faith in God and Luberty and that Faith includes we win in the end. This is some really really bad shit my friend, really bad. If we stick together they can never beat us. You will come to know it. I hope before its too late. Take it on faith, costs you nothing, if your wrong nothing bad happens, if your right then you are prudent, and thats the number one reliable virtue you cant have enough of for times like these and whats breathing down our necks.
Wow. A whole new level of insight into Cabal insiders.
Made sense if Ky lee was virgin? Another sacrifice?
This is terrible what happened and is happening to you. These savage animals should be disintegrated.
Thank you
That kind of torture of a child is the basis of MKULTRA.
Especially torture of child by a parent.
Why the odd urgency for vaxx now? I get there are enormous profits to be made but why the push for now now now? The HR folks at work were almost weeping in the latest emails begging for us to get vaxxed now. Given that there are not bodies in the street, I just get the sense there is reasons but darned if I can see them
They’re claiming about 2/3 of Americans are Jabbed now, so there’s only 1/3 of the total profits left, plus the second/third/fourth/eighty-fifth Jabs in the queue.
Could be they want to pocket all the money they can before vigilante groups start kicking in their doors and hanging them from light poles. When the death toll and extended health issues hit the mass media, people are going to be *pissed*.
One of the things that I never considered was how many people actually believe the shit they see in the paper, TV, radio, Facebook, Twitter, etc. It’s like they have no filters at all; they’ve always been at war with Eastasia.
No wonder so many dictators did their time as newspapermen…
it’s not about the profits. That’s just a side benefit. It’s about power and control, period.
They are evil sociopaths.
HR is simply a tool.
The object of the game is to trick as many people as possible into willingly taking the death jab. They are after your soul. This is amusement to them. The most funnest part of all to them is the part when the prey realizes it’s about to be eaten alive by the people they trusted the most (or that they have been betrayed and there is no do-over).
This is what evil is.
and the hordes ds/cabal are bringing over can be used to cause mayhem for the disloyal opposition. and kidnap people for their blood. or antibodies. it may be past the point of thinking being silent about it will help. a twice jabbed buddy at werk checked USG databases to verify he was recorded as twice jabbed. and the site said he was missing a required booster! / and the die-off is spreading out. at church today, the bulletin mentioned two very recent funerals. pastor mentioned both and another death that didnt get in the bulletin. good church compared to most but NO discussion of vax problems… also former werk bud, now retired… workout maniac… triple bypass surgery monday. since he is of the old union-D crowd… trusts doctors and USG… we surmise he is doubly jabbed. / stay safe, frenz… “the blood is the life”…
Kenosha DA Binger looks like Qui man. Cui bono?
Little girl fends off advances by Creepy Joe because her Divine Self, Guardian Angel, Holy Spirit or Spidey Sense warned her of danger. Whatever you choose to call it, it’s always there. Adults sometimes forget how to listen to that Inner Voice and that invariably leads to regret.
Re: DA Binger came from a lab and is a clone of Qui guy?
He kind of looks like Miles Mathis with a haircut and glasses, lol. It’s all coming together!
OMG Miles Mathis is…TROTSKY!!!
Looking for pictures of him I found
self portrait????
So I;m looking at a search in pictures of “Miles Mathis”. Look at all these portraits. If you notice they seem to be different in style. So MMC has time to write math theorems, paint enormous amounts of portraits, write physics papers on gravity and realms of conspiracy theory papers and all in a few years????
20 years
> Virginia cop who lost his job for donating to the Rittenhouse defense demands his job back.
…and he should be demanding back pay, benefit compensation, no loss of time-in-rank, and a written apology from everyone above him who was involved in his firing.
> Kyle Rittenhouse’s lawyer says he’s getting so many death threats, he can’t use his cell phone.
If they die out in a week or so, it’s just libtards raging. If they keep going, it means they’ve turned their Machine against him. (as in, old-school Democratic Party “Machine” politics; saboteurs, wreckers, libelers, and occasionally arsonists)
> Maria Shriver tweets, “I’m trying to take a beat to digest the Rittenhouse verdict. My son just asked me how it’s possible that he didn’t get charged for anything. How is that possible?
He *was* charged; that’s why he was in court.
Since, being from a line of political criminals and a “journalist and author” according to her fawning Wikipedia page, she certainly knows the difference between “charged” and “convicted”, so it’s curious she’d use that particular word.
> Wendy Rogers wonders, where is the ‘Live Stream’ of the Ghislaine Maxwell trial?
Not the samjudge and jurisdiction as the Rittenhouse trial. Some states have laws about in-courtroom coverage, but traditionally each individual judge decided whether he would allow it. Some don’t even allow cameras, which is why you see “artist’s renderings” instead of photographs.
It’s a federal trial, and it is flat out illegal to livestream a federal trial. You aren’t even allowed to bring phones or laptops into federal court because they can be used as recording devices.
“Jizz Lane Max Well” … All will be Well if you provide Max-imum blackmail by going down this Jizz Lane.
These are all pseudonyms/comms, right?
Peter and Chasten Butt-Gig- flat out gay porn stage names?
Long history of speculation out there suggesting that onomatology does seem to be connected with magical practices of higher level freemasonry.
Faucci is Latin for “sickle” , Kennedy Gaelic origin meaning “wounded head”, Trump living up to his name for sure, and who can forget Bush vs. Gore (sex & violence), etc etc.
So as far as a magical practice, using a name to fit certain objectives, or giving a false name to align with such objectives, would theoretically provide some kind of utility, perhaps thought to harness a kind of energetic alignment, but I’ve yet to come across authoritative information on exactly how that is supposed to work exactly.
I’m keeping an open file for now, but find it very interesting. Aside from unknown magical/psychological purposes, it could be used simply as comms (to let everyone in the network know this persons role), an inside joke, branding of assets (conveying ownership), any combination of the above, or just plain coincidence and we are all living in a Thomas Pynchon novel.
> Mike Pence vows to back GOP Governors facing Trump-approved challengers.
Good on ya, Mikey!
He really *doesn’t* have any clue as to how thoroughly he is despised. The conservatives because he’s a traitor, the liberals because he’s proved he can’t be trusted.
RE: Jordan Peterson vaxxed
I wouldn’t be surprised if they gave him whatever they are giving all the athletes dropping on the field. He’s a failure. VD was able to drive him into pill popping and then rehab with ONE BOOK, and that ended his ability to ever rise beyond where he is right now. No one wants life advice from the drug addict who has incest dreams.
HIS DAUGHTER, however, might be a different story. Jordan’s handlers might have started grooming her for some kind of gatekeeping faux-right online personality. Doesn’t she have a podcast now?
Don’t underestimate the innate human (and particularly male) nature to not give a fuck about what a woman thinks when it comes to life advice. Very few men, particularly on the right, legitimately follow the leadership of women.
The handlers can try for the coomer/beta orbiter angle, which I think they’ve attempted with some of her semi-nude stuff leaking a while back, but overall I think their involvement with the family ends with JP descending into madness.
Some people I ordinarily respect are eaten up with Jordan Peterson. I never could understand why; the excerpts I’ve read were puerile. And he kept repeating Leftist talking points, but apparently had some kind of super-mojo that made supposed conservatives overlook it.
Like Jonathan Pageau he did very good work on the symbology of the Bible. But failed with actually believing in it. Like the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
All the major miracles of. God isn’t coincidence. Like the parting of the Red Sea and Israel travelling through the water symbolises baptism.
Or Jesus walking on water, actually symbolizing his recreation of the Cosmos.
Jonathan Pageau is far better than Jordan Peterson in symbology.
Also recommend this video:
Numbers in the Bible also has significance.
3 symbolises the Heavenly
4 symbolises the Earthly/Matter
7 symbolises perfection
7 therefore is the combination of Heaven and Earth in Harmony. In one example.
I liked him at first, too. Then I saw his “interview” with Camille Paglia… in which he basically just let her talk and repeated herself back at her. I knew there was something off, but I couldn’t put my foot on it until VD specifically mentioned the how JP operates – It wasn’t an interview, it was a cold reading like what you’d get going to a psychic.
And now he’s Mr. Definitely-Not-Meth. His 15 minutes have expired.
Re: Iraq
Lots of stuff is getting done that could only be done under the cover of an imploding DEM presidency and Congress. Exposure of school boards, Maxwell trial, troop withdrawals, Durham, Election audits…
several month period vaxxed under 60 about twice as likely to die all cause deaths UK
New post
> “Kyle’s Law” gains steam as pundits wonder which state will be first to protect against politically-motivated prosecutions of self-defense?
That would be a really gnarly piece of legislation to write. You’d have to define “politically-motivated” in such as way as to become law.
The most likely result would be for such a law to make it impossible to prosecute anyone who says he’s a member of the opposing party. That’s a sword with two blades and no handle.
“DA Binger came from a lab and is a clone of Qui guy? In ten years he will be a carbon copy”
DA Binger, Qui guy
That footage of the Pfizer CEO made me think of that Star Trek TNG episode, Conspiracy, where a bunch of alien parasites infect the leaders of Starfleet in an attempt to take over.
“We seek peaceful co-existence!”
Ghislaine Maxwell’s coconspirators.
Would be a shame of this was shared everywhere.
“They may have even had the other kids test you with set up situations, just to be sure who you were and how you would react”
I can think of at least one such situation.
“Shot three black men with a rifle.” It was just poor editing (imaginary defense). We really meant to print “Shot three men with a black rifle.”
Just thought it was odd that there was no mention yet that the Army obligated $5.29 billion in CARES Act and Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act funds for the Pfizer oral protease inhibitor drug. I mean, not surprising, but just goes to speak to why they’re working so hard on keeping everyone in a dead panic. They’re raiding the Treasury and people are begging for it.
I just learned a good friend on Timelessauthors and another site got the J&J jab and hasn’t posted in about 2 months.
He’s probably dead. 🙁
Damn, I am sorry.
He might just be worn down to the point he is sleeping so much he doesn’t have time for the internet maybe?
I hope it turns out to be something like that but he was a very regular poster on the other site.
He was an airline pilot and usually had plenty of time to post.
I am shocked and saddened he took the jab because he was saying he would retire instead.
I think there are a lot of people we don’t hear abut for whom it is just a big shot in the balls for a while. Hopefully that is the case with him, and he is just burned out for a bit.
But yeah, the evil these fuckers are foisting on the world is just unimaginable. So unnecessary. They control everything, they could have made just as much money somewhere else.
I got hit with that supercold that’s going around, and that’s a part of my slowdown here. (Finally recovering.)
Wow. If it hit you that hard, I shudder to think what might have happened if you had gotten the vax. Good to have you back.
Good to hear you are getting better.
“I don’t buy that they are all retiring because Democrats are going to lose the House in 2022. In Cabal you keep your position so you can wield power for the conspiracy, and your family keeps getting graft funneled to it, whether your party is in power or not. It almost feels like patriots might be in control, and this Kabuki theater we see today, designed to show everyone how Democrats want to destroy the United States, is coming to an end. And now all these traitors have been told they can get the fuck out.”
It’s like all those 40 Republicans who refused to run for re-election back in 2018.