News Briefs – 11/20/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Governor Greg Abbott today approved the funding needed for the Texas Secretary of State’s office to establish a new Election Audit Division which will be conducting comprehensive forensic audits in the State of Texas.

If you go to the White House Instagram page, and scroll down to the ninth row down, you will see a video that is represented by this thumbnail, which kind of looks green-screened:

Some think there was a piece of green-screening at the Rittenhouse trial too, as some guy’s foot seems to disappear in the background:

A giant frog statue stands in Rittenhouse Square.

GOP demands probe of federal grants to Dem operatives to boost voting ahead of 2020.

Georgia governor orders probe into ‘sloppy’ November 2020 vote counts in Fulton County.

GoFundMe says that now that Kyle has been cleared of all charges, he can use their account to fundraise. They claim he was banned because he was charged with a violent crime, but there have been many such cases on the left they have not banned.

Joe Biden can be sued for defaming Kyle Rittenhouse. As can all the media. And given they will not want to hand over their emails and confidential communications in discovery, they will have to pay whatever settlement his lawyers demand.

Jerry Nader want the DOJ to bring federal charges, but experts say that is unlikely. As I have read articles, there is a feeling I get that Cabal realizes this is a loser case, and risks exposing their propaganda even more to the normies. Even the tweets have an air of getting the outrage over fast, and letting this all go away.

DOJ has said they will look at it though.

Defense attorneys for 18-year-old defendant Kyle Rittenhouse told Fox News on Thursday that the mysterious “jump kick man” had been identified — and that prosecutors had known his identity all along, but had not brought him to testify. How many days ago was this reported here?

Tucker Carlson is making a Kyle Rittenhouse documentary and has been filming this entire time behind the scenes.

President Trump issues a statement on the Rittenhouse verdict: “If that’s not self defense , nothing is!”

President Trump defended Kyle from the start.

Derek Chauvin is still convicted though, and seeking donations for his appeal, because the Police Union will not pay for any appeals of an officer who gets convicted. I can only conclude Cabal’s biggest mistake with Kyle, aside from choosing him as the victim of the script, was choosing to do their riot in a place where they did not have as deep a penetration of the local populace as they do in most major population centers. It will probably be the last time we see a story the day before the riot about traffic overwhelming the highway leading to the venue, as protesters flood in.

New York Times loses an appeal in the Project Veritas case. They wanted to continue publishing material from the raid on Veritas, the judge said no.

CIA took FBI agents and turned them into CIA Officers for purposes of manning a black site that tortured 9/11 conspirators for intelligence. We were always told the wall between the CIA and FBI was why something like Cabal could never get a foothold. If it got into one agency, the other would immediately go scorched earth and expose it fully and get it purged. But in the end, Cabal was probably everywhere from the beginning to some degree, and today both agencies are fully converged and under the control of the conspiracy.

Tesla server outage allegedly leaves owners unable to drive their cars. Do certain Tesla mobile surveillance platforms have to wirelessly connect up to a main server before they can begin moving? They say it may be due to using a phone as a key, but maybe they are clipping the wings of certain people to keep them under control – no internet connection for their car to monitor their travel, no driving.

Judge demands answers from the New York Times over publishing Project Veritas’ privileged docs.

Pulitzer board stonewalls queries about Trump lawsuit, and rescinding prizes for debunked reporting.

Former FBI agent says the SWAT team raids on homes of non-violent patriots are to intimidate the American people. There is a danger to them in this though. Put enough pressure on, consistently, and you force the brain to adapt by turning off the amygdala, which I assume emulates psychopathy. In my own life, I see amygdala diminution, in not caring about anything, not being affectable, and having vastly less emotion, save for maybe outrage and anger, and even there I can control them. I even feel less effect from gore videos. It even produces some of the other traits you will probably see in psychopaths like disorder and narrow focus, but it does not appear to affect logical processing, or raw brain power significantly. You do become unreachable by anything short of killing though. As they inflict this on patriots, and we adapt to the harsher world, they will create an army of enraged psuedo-psychopaths, blind to any pain or emotional effect, who hate them completely and whose entire focus will be their destruction, and who will be able to endure anything in pursuit of that.

A member of the Fort Worth, Texas, school board’s Racial Equity Committee doxxed parents by publishing their addresses and phone numbers online in retaliation for them suing to stop a mask mandate.

High society is bracing itself for Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial.

Biden was sniffing the kids again today at the Turkey Pardon.

As Singapore enjoys economic success and the technology which comes from that, the government is using the opportunity to tell the populace, it is going to implement surveillance everywhere to protect them and make them safe.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki told the media the Biden administration wants businesses to “move” forward with the COVID vaccine mandate even though OSHA suspended the mandate pending litigation and a federal court ordered it stopped.

Comedian Rob Schneider tweets, “In case anyone is noticing, The United States of America is now in a Constitutional Crisis. The Executive Branch of Government is ignoring the the rulings of the Judiciary Branch.”

Navy shipbuilding contractor suspends the vaccine mandate after workers threaten to quit.

Official Public Health England data says the COVID infection rates are higher in the vaxxed than the unvaxxed.

Official data shows 91% of Covid-19 Deaths have been among the fully vaccinated since August; but they want to lockdown the unvaccinated.

UK Covid testing company plans to sell customers DNA for medical research.

Anthony Fauci says, “Attacks on me are ‘dangerous to the entire field of science.’

Fauci spotted maskless indoors at DC book party.

California school board votes not to enforce or comply with the state’s Covid-19 vaccine mandate.

Twelve days’ notice to NYC’s cops (and all other municipal workers!) to get injected or be fired.

Biden’s doctor says he’s noticed Biden’s cough too, but Biden is fit for office, just a bit stiff.

Kamala Harris heads to Ohio after holding presidential power for 85 minutes during Biden’s Colonoscopy.

The Biden administration recently turned nearly every community in America into an illegal alien sanctuary by banning immigration enforcement around a variety of venues, like courthouses, hospitals, schools, churches, vaccination centers (like CVS), any place that will host a wedding, bus stops, any place “where children gather,” and so on.

Some U.S. lawmakers are seizing on the energy price surge to revive long-standing legislation that would subject the OPEC oil cartel to the same antitrust laws used more than century ago to break up Standard Oil’s monopoly.

House passes $1.7 trillion ‘Build Back Better’ bill.

Biden’s Build Back Better bill increases the deficit by $791.6 billion over the next five years and requires no Social Security number to collect child tax credits. Somebody pointed out the name kind of looks like “6uild 6ack 6etter.”

Historic immigration reform included in House-passed spending bill. It is not a pathway to citizenship, but it is a sort of waiver of immigration laws for them.

The Biden administration auctioned off over 80 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico for oil drilling Wednesday despite a campaign promise to ban new oil and gas leasing, the Boston Globe reported. Patriots in control, or a set percentage for the “big guy?”

U.S. closes first temporary housing site for Afghan evacuees as resettlement accelerates.

Chinese coast guard ships used water cannons to shoot a powerful stream of water at two Philippine boats carrying supplies to a highly disputed shoal in the South China Sea, prompting Philippine officials to warn the Chinese about their mutual defense treaty with the United States. How did WWI start again?

6 months old, but for the archives – Jewish groups in Hungary have condemned a new law in the country that forbids sharing content on homosexuality with minors. It make me think, a segment of the Jews support the gays, as a buffer to protect the Jews, then a segment of the gays support the pedophiles as a buffer for the gays. If we weren’t going to turn K, a segment of the pedophiles would have to find somebody else to support, as a buffer for them.

Thieves steal $100,000 in Louis Vuitton merchandise by walking into store while guard was on break.

Teachers and staff sexually abused and groomed students at a Chicago school in a ‘colossal failure,’ CPS CEO says.

South Korea scrambled fighters on Friday as Russian and Chinese warplanes on a joint exercise briefly entered its air defence identification zone.

YouTube and its parent company Google targeted a video about the suspicious disappearance of Chinese tennis star Peng Shuai by journalists Saagar Enjeti and Krystal Ball on Thursday, in a continuation of the tech company’s running censorship of American journalists for communist China.

Renowned gunsmith killed in Toronto police raid, family and experts want to know why.

Belarus has said the hastily constructed migrant camps on its border with Poland have been cleared of people in a sign that Minsk is keen to defuse the deadly crisis. Putin snapped his fingers a few days ago, saying Lukashenko overstepped, and instantly this happened.

Man claims spooky video shows ‘ghost dog’ playing with his pup in a yard surrounded by a high fence, and the spectral pup was gone when the dog owner rushed outside moments after the video was shot. You may believe it, you may not, but I guarantee you, your dogs go on after death. I don’t know exactly where they go firsthand, but I have my suspicions, and hope I end up there.

Governor DeSantis signs 4 anti-mandate bills into law, holding the singing ceremony in Brandon, Florida.

Cook Political Report shifts three Senate races toward Republicans.

President Donald Trump endorsed embattled Rep. Paul Gosar on Thursday, a day after the House censured the Arizona Republican for posting a cartoon image of himself killing a Democrat.

President Donald Trump is dominating in 2024 general election odds as President Joe Biden continues failing to garner positive job approval ratings from the American people.

We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.

Endorsement of Congressman Paul Gosar

Congressman Paul Gosar has been a loyal supporter of our America First agenda, and even more importantly, the USA. Paul is a Congressman who is highly respected in Arizona, strong on Crime, Borders, our Military, and our Veterans. He continually fights for Lower Taxes, Less Regulations, and our great, but under siege, Second Amendment. Paul Gosar has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Looks like the Democrats are getting far more than they ever dreamed possible, largely because of Mitch McConnell’s idiotic move of giving in on the Debt Ceiling and giving them two months to get their act together. They are destroying our Country! We have been put in a much worse negotiating position, but we have the “Trump Card,” and it’s called the Debt Ceiling. If they don’t drop this horrendous, Communistic style Bill that will be ruinous to all we stand for as a Country, we should not approve a Debt Ceiling increase. The Old Broken Crow has to be willing to play this hand, not like last time when he folded up like a cheap umbrella. Play it and mean it, because the Debt Ceiling is far less destructive than the Bill that they will otherwise successfully pass, especially when added to the “Unfrastructure” Bill that was just so stupidly approved. Republicans should not have allowed the separation, McConnell should not have given a two month reprieve, but it is what it is. Win with the Debt Ceiling, or resign!


Great job by Kevin McCarthy last night, setting a record by going over 8 hours of speaking on the House Floor in order to properly oppose Communism. We must never forget what the Democrats have done, at the highest level of evil. If Mitch McConnell had fought, you would have a different Republican President right now.

Invite other people to because you fuck around and you find out.

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3 years ago

Green screen foot.

As Miles Mathis would say:

Same for Kyle Rittenhouse and his accomplices. They decided to draw that one out as well,
manufacturing a fake trial and having everyone lie on the stand, committing mass perjury. Except that
perjury is limited to real trials. In fake trials it doesn’t apply. It is just part of the fiction. See my
previous comments on Rittenhouse in my paper on the Presidential election, p. 23. We have more
indication of that from the video of George Floyd’s relative or friend inciting jury intimidation. Why
has he not been arrested? Also remember what I have told you a hundred times: if it is televised, it is
fake. Only CIA trials are televised. Which is probably why this one makes no sense. All the witnesses
for the prosecution, including star witness Gaige Grosskreutz, are scoring the points for defense. So
the trial is an obvious set-up. No real trial proceeds like this. Also worth knowing is that Grosskreutz
was carrying his gun concealed without a permit but has never been charged. His phone was seized but
not checked by police—as if he was a protected asset. This was admitted in court. They also admitted
they did not record their conversation with him. He is a member of The People’s Revolution, which we
may assume is a CIA front. He has also testified he was an observer for the ACLU, ditto. They sell
him as a loser and a ne’erdowell, but he is actually a trained paramedic. Do you see what that means:
he would be very capable of faking that bicep wound you have seen. First he faked it, then they
retouched the photos in photoshop, double faking it. The famous picture looks very fake. Also a clue
is that the Daily Caller just happened to have their man Richard McGinnis on the scene, just inches
away and reporting live when everything happened. He even testified in the fake trial, telling us the
Daily Caller is another CIA front and McGinnis another agent. Not surprising, since there are millions
of them working domestically now, with nothing better to do than fake events like this every fucking
week. Tucker Carlson even admitted on air tonight that the Rittenhouse story was “concocted by the
industrial media lie machine purely for political effect.” Tucker continues to sell the event as real after
that, missing the easiest translation of his own report: it wasn’t just the spin that was concocted, it was the entire event. Like 1/6, it was staged.

Reply to  map
3 years ago

Mathis is too quick to apply his favorite conclusion to everything.
He is undoubtedly right that many things are complete fiction but clearly wrong about others.

IF (big if) the Rittenhouse event was staged then it must have been staged by the whitehats because the outcome is nothing like what the blackhats would want.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

I’m not agreeing with the Committee here, just giving their position. They would say it is Operation Chaos. Endless ratcheting up of conflict and uncertainty. The fake serial killers and rapists are part of the sub-operation they call Men Are Pigs. The main purpose being Distraction from economic looting.

Personally, I think that “economic looting” is facile. These ppl control ALL the money and they appear to understand money isn’t real (in the way most ppl consider money “real”).

I doubt it is really “power” either. It seems more like “seduction” as in tricking or convincing people to do evil voluntarily. But I am a Christian so that is my frame.

Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

Money is one thing, wealth is something else. Wealth tends to be what people produce, what they are, or both. It is that control Cabal seeks.

That is, however, one of the limitations of Mathis. He is a progressive and an atheist so he may discount the spiritual warfare that is happening.

Reply to  map
3 years ago

It’s a de-escalation op in my mind. Idk why they chose the idiotic “liberalism” pose. But de-escalation is important right now. Except for interestingly the vaggsinse and trannys. Those are treated as real and dangerous.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

The Kenosha thing wasn’t staged, the setup and targeting of Kyle was probably planned, but the fluid motion- captured on cell and drone video- of every moment after Rosenbaum starts chasing Kyle, and Kyle drops him is a natural event, especially Kyle on the ground defending himself.

Just watch and see, when movies inevitably get made about the event it will be hard to choreograph a completely natural process of self defense.

Cary Kembla
Cary Kembla
Reply to  map
3 years ago

What Mathis doesn’t say, at least in the excerpt you posted, is WHY the trial was faked, assuming it was. Who and whose agenda benefits from this fake trial and the Rittenhouse ‘acquittal’? I assume he is saying CIA etc. I can see how Cabal benefits from the trial, showing the extreme shit show you will have to go through if you try and defend yourself against their mobs, but I don’t see how it benefits from the acquittal. It appears to have been weakened. This is the problem with Mathis: he says this or that is faked, and he may be right, but no coherent big picture is ever presented. Other than Cabal does all this, ultimately, simply to enrich itself further. I think at one point I remember him saying that the point of faked mass shootings was to get people to buy more guns, thus enriching the gun manufacturers, who he says are now mostly under Cabal ownership. According to him, Cabal is actually trying to arm rather than disarm the public, which is why gun laws are always threatened but never passed. None of this is sounds very convincing, and Cabal hardly needs to provide yet more motivation at this stage for people to buy guns. This is why I distrust Mathis and am now leaning towards him being a disinfo agent of some sort.

Also: “They sell him (Grosskreutz) as a loser and a ne’erdowell, but he is actually a trained paramedic. Do you see what that means: he would be very capable of faking that bicep wound you have seen. First he faked it, then they retouched the photos in photoshop, double faking it”

No explanation as to why Grosskreutz himself would need to be a paramedic, when the best Hollywood make-up artists would presumably have been available to Cabal to achieve the effect. Is he seriously proposing that Cabal would have said “we better get a real-life paramedic for this role in our production, because it calls for the ability to fake a serious injury”? Is this even part of the skill set of a trained paramedic? This is why I say that while Mathis’ eye for detail might be good, his bigger picture reasoning is all over the place. My advice is to avoid him.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Cary Kembla
3 years ago

I’ve seen a bunch of people on Gab say something to they effect of “We needed this.” This is the little victory thrown to us to calm us down/inject more energy into the movement. This trial has also managed to completely distract from the beginning of the Ghislane Maxwell trial, which Cabal ACTUALLY cares about hiding.

If Cabal faked this, they intend it to calm us down. They’ve done the math and realize that it adds up to a complete end of future restraint on our part because we now have no hope with the existing system. Hope paralyzes us, because so many on our side simply want things to go back to being comfortable and they’d be fine. That paralysis keeps us from burning the whole system down.

If the white hats faked it, they intend it to signal the end of our losses and the beginning of our winning streak.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

The main line from left-wing Twitterbots is “now the right-wing has free license to murder at will.”

Could be they gave up one case to inspire idiots to go out and push the boundaries, leading to a backlash of “okay we gave you self defense and now you murdered people, time to take the self defense away it was clearly a mistake”

TLDR maybe giving the dumber portions of the right enough rope to accidentally hang us all with?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Cary Kembla
3 years ago

Cary Kembla,”What Mathis doesn’t say, at least in the excerpt you posted, is WHY the trial was faked, assuming it was.”

That’s because he’s just making shit up. He no evidence for anything at all. He also hates White people and most of all little White girls he calls them liars, cheats and fakers.

Reply to  Cary Kembla
3 years ago

Mathis does explain this in one of his posts.

The idea is to pump information networks with contradictory information.

He writes:

Liberalism has been heavily targeted since the 1820s, and I have proved that in a long series of papers. This is because liberalism is the greatest foe of greedy capitalists. Liberals wish to equalize
opportunity and maximize fairness, and nothing would cut into profits more than that. So it isn’t hard to understand. It also isn’t hard to prove, since the capitalists admit it and have been admitting it all
along. My previous research wasn’t hard. Operations Chaos and Cointelpro are partially declassified, and in them it is admitted that liberals, hippies, antiwar protestors, and many other similar groups were
targeted because they threatened the war machine, the banking machine, and all the other government conjobs. Since WWII, the largest and fastest growing means of attacking liberalism has been through
manufactured events. Manufactured events create destabilization and confusion, which of course lead to mental illness. I have called it a mindstir. One year we are told one thing and the next year we are
told the opposite. One year a word means X and the next year it means not-X. One year eggs are healthy, the next year they are unhealthy. One year Bill Cosby is a hero, the next year he is sexual
predator. One decade the Earth is going to freeze from global cooling, the next it is going to drown from global warming. One decade the Democratic party is the party of the common man, the next the
Republican party is. One decade taxing the rich is good, the next it is bad. The EU is good; no it is bad. Israel is good; no, it is bad. Women’s sports are sacrosanct; no, they should be open to trannies.

You will say we are all exposed equally to this rocking, but that isn’t really true. Progressives, by definition, are more open to new information. They feel the need to be au courant and up-to-date.
That is what progressive means. So they are more likely to follow the news and believe it. Those who call themselves conservatives in the US usually mean by that that they have accepted traditional values
about family, sex, law and order, etc., so they are less likely to be moved by new trends, positive or not. They simply aren’t very interested in anything new, especially as it pertains to these core values. You
can argue that this is either good or bad, but in the present case it does tend to shield them from these psychological projects to some extent. While liberals want to give everything new a fair shake,
conservatives may assume everything new is corrupted. What this means is that liberals, like women, are more open to psyops. They may be less guarded, more emotional, and more social. This makes them easier for Intelligence to target.

But it isn’t just a matter of greater susceptibility, since Intelligence knows how to craft a message to an audience. If Intel wished to target conservatives rather than liberals, it could, and often does. But in
the greater project, liberalism is foe number one, so the do-gooder progressives will always be the prime target. They can’t be allowed to use their innate altruism to get in the way of the Department of
Defense or the Federal Reserve or any other real or meaningful target, so their eyes and energies have to be diverted into an endless line of manufactured causes and bogeymen.

But even that wasn’t enough, as we have seen recently. After 911, some liberals and conservatives began seeing through the veils and began allying, even targeting defense, Intel, and banking. This was
seen to be such a danger it required a whole new level of targeted destabilization. As part of this destabilization, we saw a fantastic acceleration of universal gaslighting, trying to convince people they
weren’t seeing what they were seeing. Hence the world-as-hologram project, the Mandela Effect, and the huge increase in mass shootings. The mass shootings not only increased levels of fear, they also
acted as gaslighting, since the narratives soon fell apart. So the news itself began to look like a hologram, seeming true one moment and false the next, but mostly made of mist. Your average person
didn’t know what to believe anymore—hence the destabilization.

Drug doses were also increased across the board at the same time, for the same purpose. Pot was decriminalized, the governors hoping everyone would just get stoned. Anti-depressants, sleeping pills,
and all other pills—prescription and non—have been on a steep increase since the 1950s, the numbers becoming awe-inspiring after 2000.

Reply to  map
3 years ago

Miles Mathis is a collective of British disinformation agents.
See Allan C. Weisbecker’s long blog posts from 2017:

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  savantissimo
3 years ago

Another Jew tactic. Do evil shit then blame it on someone else. Of course the British have no interest in pouring hatred on the little girls in the UIS Olympics team but the Jew does because they want to pretend the Jew Doctor did not molest them.

Reply to  savantissimo
3 years ago

Those posts were almost impossibly badly written and used ten times too many words. But I hadn’t noticed the Britishisms. That’s a great catch. Probably is some Brit outfit. Miles does not write as if he were born in Texas in the late 60’s.

I’ll also note he calls Lyndon LaRouche the final gatekeeper who was doing precisely what your author says MMC is doing. Which is very funny considering LLR’s schtick of frothing anti-Britishism.

I asked a few weeks back if anyone had tried to correlate MMC topics with current events. Someone pointed out a few excellent ones. I’d bet that’s an important vein.

I think the most charitable reading is that they are a counter-faction within Cabal who prefer Building to Reducing. Or LaRouche’s Platonists vs Aristotelians.

MMC prob run by the same group that was behind Hoover and Nixon and LaRouche and Operation Paperclip and NASA.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

Thesokorus says<"…I think the most charitable reading is that they are a counter-faction within Cabal who prefer Building to Reducing. Or LaRouche’s Platonists vs Aristotelians…"

I don;t think so. Look at who these are targeted too. He's got some alt-physics, al;t-math, alt-history. He;s(((they))) are targeting ssmart sciene based WHites. WHite people ove this sort of stuff. Angles and theroms and techo glitches. Mind candy for slightly more inteeligent that normal Whites.

It appears their goal is to catch them, as usual, in some grandiose story then befuddle their minds with shit and made up lies. It's as I said. People looking for out of the box thinking from the normal "lying" press they funnel them from that box into…another box. The goal being that they will spend all their time on this noises instead of digging down and seeing what the Jews are rally up to.

Think. These are the kind of people that are not thwarted by complexity and are really good at digging around pol style. Possibly more effective than pol because of the contents of the site will draw in the more competent. The "go kill yourself" faction of pol will be less likely to dive into this stuff because they are idiots and know it.

These sort are what Vox Day calls mid-wits are actually really dangerous to the Jews. They've been fucked all their lives by the Jew economy so they don't have money but they do have time, they are pissed and looking for answers. Very dangerous bunch.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
3 years ago

“As Miles Mathis would say”

It’s really not relevant what the “Miles Mathis Committee” says. It only necessary to know that the MMC is is besmirching and destroying the good name of our super hard working, sweet, dedicated little girls who have worked so hard to win medals for the USA. The MMC says that they all made up that they were molested to clear the name of that horrible evil ass molesting Jew doctor that abused their, and our, trust. The MMC committee hates little White girls and Black girls assuming they are only good for being used and abused by their Jew friends. Anyone who links this Committee of hatred and lies is no better.

It’s definitely proven now for a fact that the MMC is just another bunch of Jew Hasbara in room somewhere cooking up hatred for White people.

Oh and by the way map where’s your proof that the CIA talked our fantastic little White girls into making up stories about the evil Jew molesting doctor and that every single one of them, over 150, made up these stories, with the CIA, in order to convict the doctor. And where’s the evidence that all of this is make believe? We want to see it.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

How do you square MMC denying the Holocaust with your theory? You might be right. Idk who they are or what they are doing. But it makes me laugh and think.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

I agree, totally unreadable shit. I enjoy a few of our colleagues here ranting tons of content, but this Miles shit is absolutely unreadable garbage. It must be a bot. I always leave that site thinking why did I just waste that 15 mins of my life?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
3 years ago

Miles Mathis says the Phoenicians are really neanderthals!

Miles Mathis says that Jews like to suck the blood of little White girls and little White boys!

Miles Mathis says that most all Jews are child molesters and that the CIA is covering it up for them so that they can blackmail people!

3 years ago

What’s the saying? “If dogs don’t go to heaven, I want to go where they do” or something like that. No truer friend or purer love than a dog.

Reply to  diogenes
3 years ago

Yes, diogenes, yes…
I had 2 of my dogs let me know, very specifically, that they are well and happy in the afterlife (after death?).
My MMPIs have always been “boring,” to quote one of the PhDs; no “interesting” deficits or flags, either (they were done during custody and visitation skirmishes with my husband’s ex, included validation interviews, etc.). Not hallucinating, I wasn’t thinking of either of them when it happened. Each experience was as free of the usual contaminants (I don’t smoke or drink- boring!).
Those experiences are a comfort.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Musta got something in my eye.

3 years ago

Kamala Harris heads to Ohio after holding presidential power for 85 minutes during Biden’s Colonoscopy.
Wonder if they found his head?

3 years ago

>green-screening at the Rittenhouse trial
Maybe they sequestered after all.

>Corn Pop calumny
Impeachment over race baiting would force RINO GOP into a certain frame. Whinging about CRT while doing nothing about caravans How many days ago was this reported here?
‘alt-media’ normalfags are only finally coming around to conclusions reached by April 2020, be it Vit D/Zinc et. al., the ‘zoonotic’ theory, taking experimental government gene therapy developed by herd culling Bill Gates types– and only since officious double-blind ect. ect. demonstrations of “Oops, conflicts of interest. Oops, worse than control.” It’s like watching Rittenhouse’s defense team balk on objections or lack of follow ups on the judge’s vocal and loud displeasure at the litany of misconduct by the State. There are those that cannot be instructed, not timely enough to matter on schedule anyways. If the Judge Schroeder Boomer ‘Karens’ of the world can have that hamster wheel energy directed appropriately, with accurate threat assessments, this would all turn around much faster.

>Put enough pressure on, consistently, and you force the brain to adapt by turning off the amygdala, which I assume emulates psychopathy.
Psychopathy requires sadist-coom brain reveling and delight in destruction and torment of their victims. This is just steely resolve not to be subject to that cat & mouse nonsense.

>85 minutes during Biden’s Colonoscopy.
85/17 = 5

>Gulf oil drilling
Crude oil reserve releases in China, on top of us sending it hand over fist that direction.

>How did WWI start again?
Say nothing. Declare nothing. Admit nothing. Jam comms on these when they’re isolated from their PLAN minder ships. Crew disappears. They return to man it, and it has a catastrophic malfunction while refueling from the mother barge. Oops. Now the pirate fishing fleet is stranded. Impound the stragglers and interrogate the crews. Return only non PLAN personnel after damages incurred on the fisheries are returned with interest. If they come back in force, disrupt the crews: lasers to the eyes from a discrete distance away, drone delivered excrement to foul the catch and crew quarters, pornography audio-visuals over comms and devices; deafening sea level jet fly bys. “Pls no bully.” while taking their gibs clearly ends in your colonization, Uigher style. “Give me ten thousand Philippine soldiers and I’ll conquer the entire world.” — the fighting spirit MacArthur valorized is there, despite the corruption; they just need a firmer hand on the US side to back up Duterte rhetorical posturing.

>as a buffer for them.
the ____ use the _____ as ____. Bizarre scatalogical elements in the cosmology, hence the trademark puerile humor, “The Aristocrats” joke, ect. Christ boiling in a vat of excrement equivalent to complete annihilation down to the primeval ‘clay’ shit shat out by their god. Criminalizing circumcision of minors would be a good start.

3 years ago

AC says re: FBI tactics “…. they will create an army of enraged psuedo-psychopaths, blind to any pain or emotional effect, who hate them completely and whose entire focus will be their destruction, and who will be able to endure anything in pursuit of that.”

We already have evidence of this in the hundreds of Jan6 protesters who are still in jail. Without question, they have all been offered pleas if they recant or beg or “turn” on Trump or snitch on others or humiliate themselves. But, by an astonishing margin, they have not. The are enduring and persisting.

Reply to  Uncompliant
3 years ago

We might be at a point in the process where being tortured by the enemy increases resolve rather than breaking it. The daily gaslighting and abuse in the general public seems to be having that effect at least.

Reply to  Uncompliant
3 years ago

Do they even exist? Anyone know of anyone (first hand, not friend of a brothers cousin’s 3rd stepbrother’ type shit.
Are we trusting .pol’s or .gov reps to tell us folks are actually being held?
You want a ‘stay away from rallies’…faking incarcerations going on 12mo is how you get ‘stay away from rallies’.

Machine Trooper
3 years ago

“n my own life, I see amygdala diminution, in not caring about anything, not being affectable, and having vastly less emotion, save for maybe outrage and anger, and even there I can control them.”

I’ve been there for a while. In the Bible we are warned that the love of many will wax cold. We are not told by what process, but your theory makes sense.

3 years ago

> Anthony Fauci says, “Attacks on me are ‘dangerous to the entire field of science.’
Fauci spotted maskless indoors at DC book party.

St. Fauci is made out of pure awesome, and no stinking little virus would dare annoy him.

3 years ago

> Renowned gunsmith killed in Toronto police raid, family and experts want to know why.

Hard to tell anything from the article, other than massively excess use of force. It does remind me of the Clinton deaths related to Sipes Gun Shop in Little Rock, back in the 1980s. Interestingly, the Goog doesn’t want to return anything about that, no matter what tags I put in the search string…

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I use yandex and a couple other search engines, though even those are cluttering up a bit.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

The use of proper logical search protocols should be taught as a discipline now, as it is becoming just as important as reading comprehension. It’s no surprise that with the decrease in reading comprehension comes the inherent laziness to engage in strict search engine protocols. This made it that much easier for Google to brainwash the illiterate masses with terrible reading comprehension.

In other words, if you’re relying on the Google search algorithms to do the thinking/analysis you should be doing, you are being too lazy and should probably also check on your reading comprehension ability.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

This makes sense. I do a lot of work on search engines for academic/peer review journal databases. Most of them are best run using boolean functionality. ProQuest and EBSCO are the main platforms. Only recently, schools have started pushing an academic database search engine with no boolean functionality called LIRN. It’s absolutely terrible. I can’t find anything on this thing. I’ve never seen anything like it before.

For those who don’t know what we’re talking about, here’s search syntax for DuckDuckGo, for example: By using this type of syntax you can more easily zero in on exactly what you’re looking for.

This is also why I have high hopes for Brave (and BAT), as he bought a search engine and is developing it to be as decentralized as possible. From all I can see, Brendan Eich is fighting the good fight on the tech front. He’s the only one I see actively fighting against Big Tech monopolies in a truly meaningful way. He’s also bringing integrity into internet advertising, where the users (us) actually get paid 70% of the ad revenue. So users get directly rewarded for their attention. Hence BAT, or “Basic Attention Token.” This is HUGE and not may currently see it.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I wish I used Brave more but I really hate the interface. He took away the tool bar and I don’t see any way to add it. It looks like he decided it should be for portable devices and made no effort to make it usable for desktops.

The stuff he is doing is great though.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

“The truth is, we are just a step ahead of them.”

Absolutely. This is why I’m so curious to see what happens with the crypto-focused, decentralizing Web 3.0 of which I believe Brave is a key player. Brendan, being the creator of Javascript and one of the founders of Mozilla, understands how the markets work so he’s not even trying to take Google or Facebook head-on. He’s planning on a Pareto takeover: Target the 20% of the population that cares about privacy and decentralization. Target the true based Anons. And do it quietly, just under their noses. I don’t see how TPTB can stop this Web 3.0 wave without outing themselves totally as complete and utter totalitarians.

Think about it: completely decentralized servers. Ads with real metrics possible through open sourced software. Seeing the reality of where people put their attention.

I’m very curious to see how Cabal will handle this paradigm shift.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

I just spent about four hours trying to get brave to do anything a normal person would [I’ve done this several times before also to no avail]and it’s a total usability shit farce. It’s horrible. The base of Chrome is supposedly the reason for this.

The whole thing is set up for tablets and phones with no damn way to change anything easily. Brave has some super, killer, way excellent features but you can’t use them hardly at all.

They have all this super techno weenie stuff [which I like] but the whole thing is barely usable without gritting your teeth. It’s like if cars to get a “clean interface” they took the stick shift and put it behind the seats so you wouldn’t have to look at it.

All the menus are hidden because “that makes it look clean”. What a huge stupid moronic dumb Steve Jobs whack job this is. You can tell I’m not pleased. I’ve hunted and read and hinted and twiddled and…well it’s just moronic. It’s stupid. You look at the comments on the forums where people comment on what they want and it’s overwhelmingly, I mean by a massive amount, let us have a menu bar.

Unfortunately imbeciles also come there and tell you,”you should memorize all the key board equivalents instead of making the developers waste time on menus”. This guys a fool. I’ve been using computers since 8080[DOS] and 6502[original apple II] processors and constantly typing in commands is…horrible. You have to carry books and to use these things cause no one can remember all the constantly shifting commands and who would want to anyways? It’s more than you can bear sometimes.

People believe that if something looks good to them then it is but they don’t care about usability at ALL.

The second most requested thing people wanted was to be able to move controls. This is how stupid brave is. The forward, back, reload controls are on the far left. Now where do tabs open??? On the right. So in Firefox I move them there[the right] but in brave, nope, you are stuck opening a new tab and then constantly going all the way across the screen to interact with it. Do any of these people actually use the software they make?

I think a lot of this is that programmers use typed commands constantly so they don’t even use the gui so,,,it doesn’t bother them if it’s stupid.

The whole browser is jam packed with little things like this that while they are not the end of the world every single time you use them it sort of works on you that, OMG I’m doing incredibly stupid things that could be done by the computer with a couple clicks but…so that it looks cool, and clean they refuse to make it usable. It like someone grinding sand into your shoes. It’s REALLY annoying.

I never thought that computers would move towards becoming less user friendly but they are and on purpose. It’s not like they couldn’t have a clean design for those that had to have it but a few clicks to have menus that are quick to access but…nope everyone must CONFORM.

The one really good thing about brave is I copied over the address to their search engine so now I can use it in firefox.

I’m eventually going to have to grit my teeth and use brave or some other browser because firefox is becoming more and more pozzed by the day. They’re being taken over by men in dresses.

The last update the actual activity indicator that shows you a page is downloading in a tab quit working. So you click on a link and…………………..who knows what it’s doing. No feedback. It finally started again for….no particular reason I could surmise.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

I try not to post long comments but I hope this provides context into why I am promoting Brave/BAT:

I completely sympathize with what you’re saying. Over the past couple of years I’ve dramatically dumbed down my brower usage and use a multi-window system. I also hate the non-menu bar system, I hate how new tabs open, and basically everything you’re saying. One of my biggest pet peeves is they implemented the crappiest Reading Mode possible. Firefox’s reading mode was magical in comparison.

Note Brendan’s team maintains 2 subreddits: one for the crypto side, BAT_Project, and one on the browser side, Brave_Project. The functionality issues are basically what the browser side community is about.

The only way I can respond to your (completely accurate) issues is: The browser functionality is coming. Note that they’re already at over 14mil DAILY average users and 42mil monthly average users. So the normies are satisfied, which is important. Because what Brendan and his team are focusing on right now is not the browser (YET), but building up the crypto paradigm, namely his revolutionary advertising platform, THEMIS, which will allow for scaleable advertising WHILE preserving the privacy of users AND paying users 70% of the total ad revenue. Brendan only takes 30%. This. Is. HUGE.

Additonally, he’s compiling Brave Search, recently released Brave Talk, and just released Brave Wallet (a Metamask killer). All because he is currently establishing sustainable **revenue** sources before he tackles all of the usability issues, which I am 100% confident **he sees and he understands**. The beauty of what Eich is doing is that he is one of the only guys in crypto that has a working business model. He has real employees he’s paying in real money. In a landscape of pump and dump schemes, this is the ONLY man who is building a true institution. This guy is arguably one of the giants of the web and there is no way he doesn’t agree with you on Brave functionality.

I personally believe he’s doing this on purpose. Brendan’s been burned by SJWs and the media when he got doxxed for donating to a gay rehabilitation nonprofit, if I remember correctly. He is building up his foundation slowly but surely and can’t have his product be 100% amazing just yet before Big Tech can attack him with all of their power.

Let me provide real context here that I don’t think many people understand the scale of: As the creator of Javascript (he did this in 10 days!), he feels responsible for creating the monster that destroyed internet privacy by allowing Google/FB/etc. to track everything, all because his creation worked so damn well. I believe Brave/BAT is his ATONEMENT, his chance to correct everything that went wrong with Web 2.0 with the up and coming Web 3.0. This is a man on what I will dramatically call a divine mission.

I’ve been paying attention to him very closely. He recently went to the Web Summit, where all the Big Tech guys go to Lisbon to pat each other on the back. Think Google/Cisco/Microsoft/etc. And he walks into this hellhole EVERY YEAR, to the VERY PEOPLE WHO DOXXED HIM, HUMILIATED HIM, KICKED HIM OUT OF HIS OWN COMPANY. These are the very people that turned his highly functional creation into a privacy-destroying abomination. Brendan, despite his genius, is a joke to them. This very man go goes into the belly of the very Beast he’s trying to take down. Every. Year. The Beast who profits off our private information and its tech monopolies. And he gives a low-key presentation of how he’s designing something that he hopes will destroy them and attone for his monstrous creation. Check out this video:

One of the GIANTS of the web, definitely wealthier, smarter, more principled than 99.99% of the people in the conference. Absolute legend! Barely anyone listening to him. It sounds like someone’s vacuuming in the background. His fight or flight is definitely in high gear, because he is in the midst of his enemies. The absolute BALLS on this guy!

Contrast that with the Solana conference he went to just a few days after:

Here, just a few days later, the man is being hailed like a hero. The guy interviewing Brendan is one of co-founders of Solana and its CEO, one of the 2 TOP DOGS of this entire conference. Displaying absolute deference to Brendan. Anatoly is in awe. Look how comfortable Brendan is compared to the previous video, joking, even charismatic.

But most importantly, look how low key Brendan is when he’s dropping HUGE news about a groundbreaking new partnership between his and Anatoly’s projects. That’s Brendan in a nutshell. He understands everything that’s going on, but he’s keeping it very low key, zero hype. He still hasn’t hired a CMO. Despite all of its REAL WORLD functionality, BAT’s marketcap is tiny relative to the pump and dump coins like DOGE. But if you look closely like I have, you can see that he’s trying to build something with enough raw inertia to establish a real, lasting front against Big Tech tyranny. This man is doing the Lord’s work. And he needs our prayer and support.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Edit: Meant r/BATProject and r/Brave_Browser.
Also I’ll add

I also forgot to mention they’re working on a Firewall, VPN, Playlist, and News. And the ability to tip content creators using ad revenue is also revolutionary.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

“…crypto paradigm, namely his revolutionary advertising platform, THEMIS, which will allow for scaleable advertising WHILE preserving the privacy of users AND paying users 70% of the total ad revenue. Brendan only takes 30%. This. Is. HUGE…”

Yeah….you’re right. I have really marveled about what he’s doing when I wrote that rant it was after spending 4 , or really more, hours trying to get this thing into some semblance where I could use it.

At first it wouldn’t update so I had to delete, copy over my set up and reinstall.

So most of what I was ranting about was from a many hour screwing around that really didn’t help.

But your right. What he is doing is amazing. And after looking at this some more I found that it was Google that deleted the menu bar. ad suspect this carried over to the brave browser. ON the other hand it used to have one and supposedly the code should be still there. Why not put it back???

I REALLY like the integration of Inter Planetary File System(IPFS). IPFS is THE beginning of a decentralized web. I understand the “grand idea of IPFS but some of the actual routing and functions confuse me. There’s a lot of options for it I do not yet understand.

If IPFS could be integrated with I2P!!!! ding, ding, ding. Distributed anonymous sites. This would allow lots of people on the onside who are too afraid to leak what is going on a simple way to do so. It could be a huge game changer.

TOR integration is good but…it seems that mixing TOR and the normal web in the same browser seems risky. Hard to member what page you are on.

Every bit of praise you give him is totally justified. I just wish he would give me my menu back.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

“…The only way I can respond to your (completely accurate) issues is: The browser functionality is coming…”

If this is true I’m really happy but I see no indication of this from reading their forum. I guess a big trigger is that so many, by far the biggest complaint, and no response from the people doing the browser is the menu. My impression from reading it is that “they’re the artist and don’t even bother us to respond you peasants”. Boy I hate that.

People, none of them, are asking to change anything except giving the option for a menu for those that want it. They can still have the Scandinavian concrete look all they want.

comment image

And by the way I’m not at all against Brutalism “IF” it is functional. If it’s purpose is to save money and lower cost but functionally the building works. As an art style it leaves a lot to be desired and some people are so enamored with it they will sacrifice all functionality to get that stark look. Fail in my book.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

“If IPFS could be integrated with I2P!!!! ding, ding, ding. Distributed anonymous sites. This would allow lots of people on the onside who are too afraid to leak what is going on a simple way to do so. It could be a huge game changer.”

100%!!!! This is the dream!

“If this is true I’m really happy but I see no indication of this from reading their forum. I guess a big trigger is that so many, by far the biggest complaint, and no response from the people doing the browser is the menu.”
“People, none of them, are asking to change anything except giving the option for a menu for those that want it.”

All I can say is that I watch the weekly meetings they hold. From what I can tell, it looks like they have their hands full already handling the current crypto and ad side of the business.

They already have their hands in many pies and I trust Brendan’s roadmap even though using Brave sometimes feels like I have an arm cut off and a blind eye. Look at the man’s head. It’s huge. I bet Eich can give Langan a run for his money.

(A sidenote of the meetings is that Brendan actually is a regular participant of the weekly meetings and is not too prideful to answer even the dumbest questions you can imagine. Incredibly humble and gracious guy. I’m floored every time I hear this guy talk. (Also, one of the few people in the world I am unable to regularly comprehend at x2 speed because when he’s on a roll he talks so damn fast. It’s not even that he’s not articulate, his talking speed is just that fast–a sign of a very quick wit.) Last week, a guy was babbling in some of the most difficult to understand aspie-talk I’d heard in a long time. Brendan was kind enough to translate his aspie-talk and answer the question fully and completely. What a class act.)

And the entire Brave team is open to field even the toughest questions and I’ve never heard them cop out. Meetings are on Tuesdays some time in the afternoon, though, I only watch the recordings this guy records:

Might be good to push them on browser functionality one of these Tuesdays. I bet they’d give a good answer. Or push for it in the forums. Like I said, for now I’m just gonna trust Brendan’s big-assed head.

More than anything else, I don’t care if people use Brave or not, I just want as many people on our side praying for this man as much as possible. If anyone’s going to pave the way for IPFS + I2P, it’s Brendan Eich. What he’s working toward is at least an order of magnitude above Vox, Torba, et al. They’re both still at Web 2. Eich is aiming for Web 3.

3 years ago

> I have my suspicions, and hope I end up there.

“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.”
― Will Rogers

3 years ago

Always felt that Mitch was the real power behind the scenes. He even had Harry Reid on a string. But he likes to rule from a position of perceived fecklessness. Which is fitting for an actual Cabal leader. Not saying he is the top globally. But he is probably the top in US. He holds the most important choke point.

Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

More importantly, his Cabal Chinese wife holds his balls in her hand.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

I think she keeps Mitch’s balls on a shelf somewhere in their home, and lets him look at them once in a while to remind him who’s in charge.

Reply to  Dave, again.
3 years ago

Velcro balls. In her purse.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Keyboard. Coffee. Small mess. Snort.

3 years ago

AC, I posted a blog last night that argued Cabal was parallel to Imperial Japan in WW2 and us kulaks were the US. Japan HAD to strike first in hopes of enraging the US and luring the US into a decisive confrontation immediately while the balance of force was close enough for the superior Japanese training would win out. A point he made was that Japan was maxxed out and knew it. He argues Cabal (he doesn’t use that term btw) is also maxxed out. And 2020 was their Pearl Harbor hoping to trigger us kulaks into too early offensive. He also doesn’t mention your surveillance. But does he have a point? Is Cabal maxxed out? Can they extract any more “power” from expanding the network? Could it be Cabal felt that they have to force a climactic battle now or face being ground into defeat later?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

Thesokorus says: ,”…Is Cabal maxxed out…”

I think you’re right they are or at least their conventional sources of power. I mean they own everything and can constrain us but if they do so precipitously then they could end up with an “off with their heads” movement. Their only play is a massive ramp up of aggression and possibly another more deadly virus. But this has grave outcomes of complete push back that once it starts will not end until they are crushed, “off with their heads” again. I think the Jews are stuck. No one is going for their USA vs China\Russian nuke war. No one is going for their 100% vax death trap. No one is going for their anti-fa civil war and even when they do get people to fight they lose. At some point people are going to decide that there’s no law and will never be again so why follow it. Shoot and shovel will correspondingly increase dramatically.

If they ever do make things strenuous enough to really piss people off and get in their minds that there is not and never will be a future, and I suspect gen z or whatever feel this way, then it’s a real possibility of the same thing happening to them that happened in Germany except this time there will be no fake ovens. It will be bullets and they will be real. There will be no big WWIII to save them because, I mean who needs that? Try as they might I don;t see them ginning up a WWIII because the people who would have to start it would themselves be targets with nukes. So big fail there. Even if they survive in shelters how they going to get the security they depend on to not throw them out, take this female children for sex slaves and live of of their carefully acquisitioned supplies? Difficult problem that. Mot likely unsolvable.

We’ve seen that tech has advanced such that large territory it not necessary all together for resources. While it’s not a BIG IDEA in the minds of the average person it is a certain 100% fact that if Musk can make low cost rockets, and he can eventually, then resources are super extraordinarily cheap to come by in asteroids, the moon, comets. It will take a while to get them, they have long transient times but in the big scheme of things this is not important, but once you have them wrangled into orbit the quantity is so astounding as to boggle the mind. And the PROFITS. Not enough zeros. One little tiny asteroid could be worth enough to buy everything on earth.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

I’m admittedly a crank and I don’t think money is real in the way most do. But energy is real. Cabal seems bent on cultural and scientific entropy. The whole thing is denial of evolutionary paradigm shifts in energy. To paraphrase LaRouche: energy extraction efficiency/ability is increasing/evolving or the culture is dying. Musk seems to be looking to increase energy as you point out re: asteroids. I think that’s behind his fear of collapse. Cabal thwarted Paperclip and NASA for cell phones and surveillance which is just heat death.

3 years ago

Re: “Ghost Dog”

This is not a video of a ghost dog, only a light colored dog whose eyes reflect in the security lights at one point and clearly possesses a solid body, which can be seen when it jumps on the steps.

However, it is likely another example of comms. The dog, the dog’s name “Ryder”, which connects to elements from the plot line of “Pet Sematary” , the nearby water tower, and “casper” the friendly ghost are identifiable elements which when interpreted symbolically form a plausible narrative which conveys information cryptically in much the same way as a parable would.

The NY Post and this author in particular deliver comms frequently with these “ripley’s believe it or not” type stories. Almost never true, and the clues are usually there, which I assume is by design to verify that it is a comm.

Reply to  B.Chiclitz
3 years ago

It looked like a real dog to me too, with some weird video quality. I watched it twice because I thought I might have missed something. Not sure about the meaning of it, if any.

3 years ago

>Biden feet green screen

There is a slight slope down, and he is down the slope a little. It’s not a flat lawn!

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

RE: The MOVIE we are watching

I’m HOPING y’all can see this, but if not it’s a meme of Kyle Rittenhouse looking over his shoulder at the camera and saying “Hey fren, listen, I know the world looks scary right now, but we’re going to win.”

comment image

With the evidence of greenscreen use found in the court footage, it is now impossible to know to what extent the trial was staged, or who staged it. But the general narrative is “see, justice still exists. Calm down. Light at the end of the tunnel, and we’re heading there.”

And that doesn’t help either, because either side could want us to calm down to preserve the system – Cabal because it’s dependent on it, the Patriots because they are trying to ease us into a new world rather than shocking the system which WOULD cause mass casualties.

The MSM is using KR to distract from the Ghislane Maxwell trial, and they are still yammering on about KR and how this is a travesty of “white supremacy” because flapping their gums and spewing complete bullshit keeps their remaining audience from looking at whatever is about to come out about the Epstein honeytrap op, and who knows what else.

3 years ago

The Filipinos are bluffing. Neither they or the Chinese are dumb enough to believe that the US has the Filipinos’ backs. The US is currently begging China to sell us oil which they most likely bought from Iran; we can’t buy direct because sanctions, so we will allow China to sell it to us, make a profit, and add on the transportation costs from Iran to China. And we’ll have to pay those costs from China to the US.
It would make more sense to buy direct from Venezuela, which is much closer, but that isn’t allowed because sanctions. We could also buy more from Canada if we built an oil pipeline from the border to the refineries at Houston, but that’s out also. So we will subsidize the ayatollahs with our left hand while buying petroleum products every week from the Russians with our right hand and pay through the nose for the whole farce while investigating US oil companies for becoming profitable. The State Department (I never write the “US” State Dept or “our” State Dept) is looking out for us constantly. Or somebody.
War is imminent with one or both of the other two superpowers? Seems unlikely even granting the stupidity and arrogance of the Washington bureaucracies and any interlocking alliances like 1914.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Apparently Dominion lost the lawsuit against Sidney Powell yesterday and we heard NOTHING because of KR.

comment image

3 years ago

So, Bari Weiss is setting up a ‘university’ named University of Austin in Texas, which is completely not going to be mistaken for the University of Texas at Austin.

Which, you know, UTA, the real one, has a Jewish president who tears down Confederate statues, puts up hideous modern art imported from New York, and set up an atheist chapel on campus.

There’s a tiny little block of archaeology right next to the Capitol, which is the stone remains of the first building of UTA.

There’s owl statues built new, glow in the dark, (no, really, lit from within) put up a few years ago in the middle of the new, extremely expensive district near the Capitol.

Right now, UTA, the university, has a ring of churches of all denominations around the campus. The atheist chapel is the only one on the campus proper. The descendants of the men who fought with the Confederates memorialized- in some cases, their actual descendants- actually go to this school. Except now the school is going for number one, worldwide, preferring non-state students- who pay full price- to in-state tuition legacies. There are famous Texan artists, sculptors, actors, musicians, technologists.

But- the eyes of the covetous are set on Austin. In a few centuries we will hear “This is Austin, a famous Jewish university. We dug up the archaeological proof that we were here first!” And natural born Texans, ones who wrested the nation into existence- away from murderous cannibal Indians and away from the Spanish Empire- they will be the Palestinians, if they still exist.

Their names will be vilified by entertainers. The others will be erased.

The people who manned NASA will be erased as fairy tales. The rocket ship bodies will be desecrated.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“…Philippine officials to warn the Chinese about their mutual defense treaty with the United States. ..”

We should resend this. What do we care if the Philippines lose their Islands? They kicked us out of the bases there so we don’t have the space or forward resources to defend them. They also “thought” they were going to move to China’s side and be promoted by China but…didn’t work out. We should let them live with this decision as a warning to others.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

They publicly kicked us out. Don’t be sure the still aren’t sub pens.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

I really, really, really hope this is real and there is follow through. Every country that thwarts them means anyone can point at them and say,”well why are they doing so good without all this stupidity?”

3 years ago

>If we weren’t going to turn K, a segment of the pedophiles would have to find somebody else to support, as a buffer for them.


3 years ago

Re “psychopaths”

The most vital urgent and DEEP understanding everyone needs to RE-learn is that psychopaths typically are not physically violent crazies but always stealth predators (exploitative deceivers, which explains why the public has been fed a MISLEADING understanding of psychopaths). And then… the most vital urgent and DEEP understanding everyone needs to gain is that a network of manipulating psychopaths ARE governing big businesses (eg official medicine), nations and the world (the evidence is irrefutable) and that, therefore, the Covid Scamdemic is a VERY DESTRUCTIVE WAR AGAINST NON-RULING PEOPLE EVERYWHERE — you and I. But that’s only ONE part of the equation that makes up the destructive human condition.

It is NOT just a matter of “draining the swamp” at the top and we’re back to our former (sick) “normal.”

The true, WHOLE, but “politically inconvenient” and “culturally forbidden” reality is more encompassing because “the swamp that needs draining” on a psychological and behavioral level is over 90% of people anywhere. Study (NOT briefly scan) “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon”” at

Without a proper understanding, and full acknowledgment, of the true WHOLE problem and reality, no real constructive LASTING change is possible for humanity.


“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” — George Orwell

3 years ago

Did you hear the story about the man who died and was walking along the road in the afterlife with his dog, and it was warm heat and both were tired and thirsty, so they arrive at these big fancy gates and the man there says, “Well! Welcome to heaven! Come on in. We have everything you could want! However, unfortunately no dogs allowed”.

The man declined the offer of heaven, and said “I will stay out here with my dog thank you, he was my companion all his life, there is no way I will leave him now to get in”. So they continue down the road, until they eventually come across a little gap in a crappy fence leading someplace and a raggedy old man is sat under a tree in there, so the man calls out “Hey! Can me and my dog come in and take a rest in here with you! We are both very thirsty!”, and the raggedy man says “Of course you can. Come on in. Welcome to heaven.” The man was shocked and says “Hey now hold up, that other man said that was heaven down the road there?” and the old man says “Ah yes, that was the devil. Many people fall for his trick. Those who don’t, they always end up here. Besides, God would never allow dogs to be banned in heaven.”

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  WesternMan
3 years ago

I saw something like that on an old black & white tv show. Twilight Zone maybe?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Sweet Enola Gay, son!!!

Isn’t a trigger company in ATF’s sights over this?

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  map
3 years ago

This actually isn’t the trigger in question, it’s basically a knock-off that Big Daddy Unlimited started producing as a cash grab while ATF is going after the company that actually figured it out.

Rare Breed Triggers Accuse Big Daddy (BDU) of Patent Infringment

The FRT-15 Story: An Interview with Rare Breed’s President, Lawrence Demonico

Rare Breed is in the trenches fighting the ATF and refusing to back down. They are even STILL manufacturing and SELLING the triggers in question. Think that I’m going to put one in my upcoming 12.5 braced lower.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

My mistake:

Orlando gun accessory manufacturer loses first court battle with ATF: report

Rare Breed got a Cabal judge. “In addition to ceasing the gun accessory manufacture’s sales of the trigger, the ATF may also attempt to seize any existing triggers, using the company’s list of customers, WFTV reported.

Rare Breed Trigger’s website lists the trigger as “out of stock.”

BDU is cashing in on their misfortune.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Take my money now!

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Kudos for the caboose on the chick in the middle.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago
Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

map says,”…The idea is to pump information networks with contradictory information…”

That’s certainly the only true thing he has said but…whoops he said that about others but that’s his primary function…when he’s not calling our magnificent, hard working, decent Olympic gymnast all a bunch of liars, He says all our little girls, whose word since they are not Jews, is not worth anything. map and the MMC committee say that Whites girls word is worth nothing. Living in Jew world no matter what would happen to our little girls the Jews would call their testimony worthless and them all lairs.

Living in Jew world is hell. It’s nothing but hell. The only to get out of Jew world is to get rid of the Jews.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

Miles Mathis, the big fake, oops, “truth teller”snicker. Well I decided to test this and searched for “Miles Mathis building 7”. Nothing. I got nothing.

He did have some link about gravity. Maybe it tells us how gravity just happened to not operate properly on 9-11 when building 7 fell over 105 feet the same speed as if only AIR held it up. Only air. How do you think that might have happened? Especially since a Jew right before it blew up bought out the whole complex and made sure to put a mass wad of terrorism insurance on it.

Maybe the Olympic gymnast girls, when they were not being molested by the Jew, blew it up. I mean if over 150 of them can gang up with the CIA, (meaning the little Olympic girls are CIA operatives according to Mathis) then surely they could have the CIA train them to blow up buildings…provided they had been properly molested by the Jews first and the Jews were through with them for the day.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago


His 911 paper is here (sorry about the formatting. I am copying and pasting from PDF):

He writes:

Now let’s look at what we know. We know a plane didn’t crash at the Pentagon. We know someone ordered a military stand down, so that nothing was done on 911 to stop whatever it is that happened. We know a plane didn’t crash at Shanksville. We know the buildings in New York didn’t come down due to planes or fires. We saw with our own eyes that they exploded.

We know that WTC7 was pulled in a demolition. We know that the residue of exotic explosives was
found in the dust. We know that WTC7 contained SEC documents, CIA offices, the mayor’s (Guiliani)
emergency offices, IRS offices, Secret Service offices, Salomon Smith Barney’s main offices and
documents, NAIC offices and documents (insurance regulators), and bank vaults that included the
largest cache of Kennedy photos in existence. We know that Larry Silverstein, who owned the leases
on the buildings, OK’ed the pulling of WTC7, since he told us this himself, on TV. We know that
cellphone calls from the planes were faked. We know that video of the planes going into the towers
was faked. We know that many people, including newspeople, were paid to tell false stories. We know
that video from the Pentagon was suppressed. We know that the 19 hijackers were either made up or
were under the protection of the US government. We know that there is no evidence they were on the
planes, and that there is much evidence that many of them were not on the planes. We know that top
officials, including Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Rice, have been caught lying about 911. We know
that the 911 Commission suppressed evidence, and that they did it on orders from the administration.
We know that the Pentagon perjured itself repeatedly, lying in front of Congress. We know that Bush
and Cheney dodged testifying and refused to do it under oath or separately. We know that evidence
was destroyed by FEMA, the FBI, and others, on orders from the administration. We know that FEMA
and NIST have provided false information and cover. We know that the EPA gave false testimony
about the safety of the air and water in New York. We know that some people were warned beforehand
about 911, and that some of them tried to short the stock markets. We know that Al Qaeda was created
by the US decades ago, and that the US still controlled Al Qaeda in 2001. We know that Osama bin
Laden had been a CIA asset for decades. We know (from Richard Clarke) that members of the bin
Laden family were in the US on 911 and that they were given special permission from the
administration to fly out despite restrictions. We know that the US media has been censored by the
CIA since 911, to prevent stories about 911 from being printed. We know that voting machines have
been tampered with in all the elections since 2000, and that votes were purposely suppressed in Florida,
Ohio, New Mexico, Oregon, and other states, not only in Presidential elections, but in many others. We
know that both Democrats and Republicans have been complicit in widespread voter fraud. We know
that both the Democrats and Republicans have not investigated vote fraud, especially by the use of
computers, that they have blocked inquiries, and that they have stalled, covered up, or suppressed evidence. We know that both the Democrats and the Republicans in Congress have allowed the coverup of 911, first by singing God Bless America on the steps of Congress, and since then by doing
nothing. We know that Congress has passed the Patriots Acts, the Military Tribunal Acts, and that
through much other legislation it has given the Executive Branch dictatorial powers in dealing with any
“crisis”, foreign or domestic. We know that the Democrats have not overturned any of these powers,
and that Obama has these powers just as much as Bush did. We know that both parties and all three
branches have gutted the Constitution on purpose. We now know that 911 was the manufactured
pretext for all of this.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
3 years ago

Credit where credit is due. All accurate.

Sure he doesn’t say it was purple aliens that did it at the end of the paper?

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago


Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“How do you square MMC denying the Holocaust with your theory?”

Easy. This is Hasbara Jew 101. Say one thing against the Jews then feed people nonsense over and over. This works to waste the time and befuddle people who know a little about the Jews but have not really understood just how overwhelmingly evil they are and it also annoys the normies who see this stuff and it poisons any REAL data there.

I’m not saying this stuff is not useful at times. You can read a lot of it and get some reading of the truth because ALL of them have to let out a little tidbit of truth or no one will read it. So since all of them are letting out little tiny pieces of truth you can sometimes figure the thru parts vs the lies. But it’s getting more difficult to do this,. The MMC style of outrageous over the top constant lying is becoming more prevalent.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Idk dude. How much further can you go than the world is run by Jews and they have all the money and use gay jewish actors to fake everything one sees in the media and are poisoning us with the vaccines? What exactly is it that they are leaving out wrt stereotypical “hardcore anti-semitism”? It’s beyond the Protocols in almost every respect.

The one thing they leave out from “hardcore antisemitism” is the genetic or racialist component. But even that is kinda there in the stress on bloodlines which would necessarily preserve genetic characteristics to some degree even with the politically strategic outbreeding with gentile aristocracy.

If one plots out the arc of MMC it is heading very dark places even though it is still a de-escalation op.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

So he tells the truth then mixes it with,”over 150 Olympic little gym girls are CIA agents who set up the doctor by saying that he molested them but they actually know that there is not a real trial, the whole trial is fake and the arrest are fake, and he will not be punished and it’s all so that women will hate men”.

Ok you know nothing about the Jews but what they have told you on TV and you read this what is your opinion of it and by extension the author??? I think we know the answer.

So if you read this guy saying all that then you see other ranting about the Jews, who have in fact run the whole entire propaganda system since before you were born and conditioned you to seeing Jews as wonderful people who are persecuted constantly, then how will that go over, keeping in mind the CIA agent gym girls????

See how this works. Think about it. Really think about what sort of impression this would make on you average person knowing nothing about this.

Now you, knowing something about the Jews see all this other stuff telling much the truth about the Jews and you say to yourself, “Wow a big truth teller:” but maybe you don;t understand his audience. It’s to gather in the people who know a little about the Jews while discrediting all real info about the Jews in the minds of the normie who sees the “little CIA gym girl paper”.

Very devious and standard Jew practice.

This is not rocket science. I’m not that smart it’s just I’ve seen so much of it. If you start to recognize this sort of thing it’s not long before you see it all over the place. They constantly tell a little truth then pile on nonsense and bullshit to discredit “the truth”.

This is the exact same thing Alex Jones does. Tells a little truth then runs off the reservation on all kinds of very dubious whacked theories. All the while ranting like a maniac. The normie says,”this guy us whacked so everything he says must be whacked”. The goal is to run your own opposition and make them look like fools. It works.

Like I said before when you try to get little kids to eat something healthy like oatmeal and they won’t you sprinkle a little sugar and cinnamon on top and they eat it. But in this case the Jews sprinkle sugar, cinnamon and then mix in shit to feed to you. The cinnamon and sugar are there just to cover up the shit.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

The MMC talk is prob wearing on people. So, I’ll just say I think it is a fascinating psy-op run by a dissident faction of Cabal pursuing ends which aren’t apparent. These ends require de-legitimizing and exposing the role Jews have played and still play in the System. If I had to bet money, I’d say they were hardcore old school Zionists who are forcing the contradictions to gin up a situation where Jews are forced to make aliyah. Unit 8200 mizrahim zionists allied to Bibi.

3 years ago

I would not worry too much about the 87,000 IRS agents- just means budget set aside for that many new hires, which on the end will end up being “reallocated” for other uses, such as IRS leadership and their cronies.

Even if they really did intend to hire that many new people,where they going to get them in this day snd age of people not wanting to work – not like an entry level IRS agent job pays all that much, not to mention how complex the tax laws are,new hires even if just used to harass people would take a couple years to be any proficient.

Naw, this is just another thinly disguised money transfer to a select few, to help pass an even bigger money transfer as well as funnel more money to the political elite.