Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
This seems huge, if true – A Trump Campaign Recount Committee Spokesman says in an interview (@2:30) that the server raid in Germany was real, they have the data showing what really happened with the vote count, it is going to be released, it will shake the world and the globalist establishment to its core, Trump will be reelected, and the riots we have seen in cities will be coming to every suburb, and we need to get ready. As general rules, the next week or two are probably the time to makes sure your weapons are zeroed, and you have enough food, water, medicines, and gas to hole up for a few weeks. I suspect the likelihood is that you will not need any of it, but I also suspect if you will need it in the next 20 years, the highest probabilities of needing lie in the next six months. It is not every decade that the major power behind almost every government for the last several millennia is overthrown and cast from power by a new upstart in the most powerful, heavily armed, and most heavily enemy-infiltrated and surveilled society in the world. Even when I say it is more likely you won’t need it, that could be entirely wrong as nobody has seen anything like this before, and we really don’t know how bad the situation is behind the scenes.
Greta Thunberg stumbles when asked a basic question. The article makes it out like it was because she didn’t have a teleprompter, but it kind of feels like she is waiting to hear through her earpiece what to say, and it is malfunctioning.
In an extraordinary turnabout, the two GOP members of Wayne County’s election board signed affidavits Wednesday night alleging they were bullied and misled into approving election results in Michigan’s largest metropolis and do not believe the votes should be certified until serious irregularities in Detroit votes are resolved. I will never understand people who get bullied and cave. I would get so fucking pissed off just at the attempt, I would fucking die to vote against the asshole who tried to push me. It is like they have no temper, or expectation people won’t bully them.
New SecDef has SOCOM civilian leadership report directly to his office. Most articles talk about it improving oversight, but they all are talking to people who would never admit there is any sort of behind the scenes conflict going on which this could relate to. Clearly it seems significant it is Ezra Cohen Watnick who will be their oversight, and he is talking about JFK and enemies who are new in their intensity and ancient in their origins.
Bannon predicts two weeks until “defeat of the globalists”, saying, “Biden is done, he’s finished.” It is a very extreme thing to say, unless you know it is going to be borne out. If this wasn’t the case, or it was at all uncertain, you would think he would want to temper it.
“US Security sources” are claiming there was no raid on a German server, it was all just confusion over a raid on hackers earlier this year. No evidence, and nobody going on the record makes it feel like somebody is trying to erase the event, probably to demoralize Trump supporters. But it feels like a lie, which makes me think there is some truth to it. Also in the article Scytl runs a DOD system which allows troops to vote online electronically.
Greg Kelly interviews Sidney Powell, who says they are holding back evidence because, “…we have witnesses that are scared. We have witnesses that are afraid for their lives, afraid for their families, back in Venezuela. There are all kinds of concerns. People have been threatened…’s very serious. We’re talking about trillions of dollars of worldwide wealth here that was all corrupt.”
Sidney Powell says we will find Donald Trump got at least 80 million votes.
16 of 17 bellwether counties went for Trump, which hasn’t happened in 36 Years, and yet Biden won.
CIA, and FBI directors could be next on Trump’s firing line. We’ll know things are warming up when Wray is gone.
From here on twitter: “One of our monitors discovered a 9,626 vote error in the DeKalb County hand count. One batch was labeled 10,707 for Biden and 13 for Trump – an improbable margin even by DeKalb standards. The actual count for the batch was 1,081 for Biden and 13 for Trump.” “We were limited to one monitor for every 10 counting tables and we were kept some distance from the tables. There is no telling what we missed under these unreasonable restrictions”
40% of Manhattan ballots remain uncounted. And it looks like it is even more in other parts of New York. How can they call results like that for any election? It make me wonder if Trump might actually have won New York, and they are hiding it.
Don Lemon says to Trump supporters, “Your grandchildren and kids will look back to see what did Dad do? What did Mom do in this moment? They will realize you were on the wrong side of history.” You can tell what liberals fear, by how they threaten you.
New Zealand Police introduce hijab to uniform.
Failed Republican presidential candidate and former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina claimed Wednesday that President Donald Trump is an “inadequate man” who “lacks the mental faculties and strength” necessary to do his job. Hewlett Packard makes computers, printers, scanners, and other office equipment which transfers data that an intelligence operation would want access to. I wouldn’t be surprised if you formed a happening biotech company, and ordered several pallets of office equipment from Hewlett Packard, somebody could have called up Carly, and had all sorts of additional technology installed in your machines before they were delivered. Don’t think you could have made it to Bill Gates status, no matter how brilliant you and your discoveries were, if you did not operate with an assumption you were the target of a hostile intelligence operation. It didn’t work the way we were told.
Biden is considering transgender Pennsylvania Secretary of Health “Rachael” Levine as his Surgeon General. Absolute peak, tippy-top Clown World.
Biden adviser eyes softer Cuba policy.
Mitt Romney says we need to stay in Afghanistan.
Codemonkey, 8Chan admin, contacts Jim Jordan on twitter, saying, “I would like to explain a huge flaw in the Dominion software that may have had a huge impact on the General Election.” In another tweet, he says, “…those Dominion tech guys might be deleting evidence of biased poll workers deleting ballot scans. You need a fed subpoena on those machines and forensic recovery teams in there ASAP!” Note, he suddenly resigned as 8Chan admin, which makes you wonder if he was scripted a larger role in the movie we are watching, and needed more time off.
A northwestern Indiana city wants to install a facial recognition video network camera system downtown in hopes of slowing the spread of the coronavirus. I’ll have to hit google streetview and check out what is going on over there. First intersection I picked on the map and clicked on. Second. (((They))) have something going on there, but then again, it seems they have something going on almost everywhere. This is no way to run a free republic.
Oceanfront property tied to Obama granted exemption from Hawaii’s environmental laws.
An interesting article which notes a lot of these ardent SJWs are the product of single mothers. r-selection is always there in the background, probably mediated by long form DRD4 alleles.
Democrats elect Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House for two more years. Probably a good thing.
178 arrested in child sex trafficking operation in north Florida.
Lauren Boebert, star Second Amendment supporter, wins Colorado house race.
ViacomCBS to lay off an additional 100 staffers as merger streamlining continues.
New NBCU layoffs affect entertainment networks staffers.
Chuck Grassley is ‘symptom-free,’ and feeling ‘good’ after testing positive for the Chinavirus.
Spread r/K Theory, because ancient also means old and outdated.
“New SecDef has SOCOM civilian leadership report directly to his office. ”
That also means if you operate in the U.S. and SecDef don’t know about it then you are going out of style and might vanish.
I have been watching this with high interest. I know only those of use who deal with this every day know what this really means and those are publically few and far between.
Pompeo keeps giving the ass to Israel:
We really need to kick off a non-Muslim boycotting movement against Israel. Main point being the verifiable fact that Israel was the main responsible for the 9/11 attack.
Pompeo will have to find another way to get richer that to collaborate with the biggest enemy of the West.
For the newfrens:
>”New York City’s system of “screening” applicants to elite public high schools based on their grades, test scores, attendance records and other criteria violates federal law by disproportionately keeping Black and Latino students out of the coveted schools, a new federal lawsuit alleges.”
Man, I can’t stop laughing at all the clown world shit. Can you imagine this comedy sketch, where the retarded fat d party trannies get together to discuss policy and shit, and one of them goes like:” You know what is wrong that needs fixing right now? The retards are being discriminated against! They can’t get into the best schools! Why are all the retards negros of color and spicy latinix? THIS IS FUCKING RACISM AGAINS RETARDS! THEY NEED TO GET INTO THE BEST SCHOOLS! GET THE RETARDS INTO THE SCHOOLS! THEY ARE MOSTLY BLACK AND BROWN, AND THEY ARE RETARDS! THEY MUST GET IN!”
Ah man, I love my own retardation, it’s so fun.
I hope Sam Hyde reads this comment and makes it happen.
Lots of tards lead kickass lives. My first wife was a tard. She’s a pilot now.
I have nothing against tards. Just making fun of the delusional virtue signaling that leftards are so willing to wallow in. Imagine being a leftard and shitting all over meritocracy just because some people happen to be more to the left of the curvebell.
I think that was a quote from Idiocracy.
Does that make me the tard then? : DDD
Top kek
The zionist terrorists (Israel did 9/11) are shitting themselves. The good thing is that nobody will have to bother with boycott Israel once it gets nuked.
Support BSD, the non-Muslim alternative to the BDS.
Also a reminder that Palestinians are Semitic too, so all this does is make the administration retarded.
Top kek, the absolute state of cuckland EU:
This is exactly the kind of shit that will lead to civil war.
The UK is now officially a Muslim Country, sharia law is in place:
Make sure you thank Jewish collective power and Israel’s useless wars in the ME for it.
Also, boycott Israel, they did 9/11.
Blm organizer (remider blm and antifa are Jewish terrorist groups) arrested for rape:
Reminder to boycott Israel.
Absolute peak, tippy-top Clown World.
I mean bro, have you seen Theresa Tam, aka Ol’ Adam’s Apple Timmy Tam? That’s a man, baby!
Let me win this once and for all. Chuck Schumer’s wife:
*Projectile Vomiting ensues*
>Theresa Tam
She’s absolutely repulsive.
The 13 Colonies state department says boycotting Great Britain is anti-crowmitic.
Americans are again under the rule of a foreign power, and Israel is the foreign occupier of the American body politic.
Honor the Founding Fathers by fighting against zionist occupation and tyranny, boycott Israel today and everyday!
It is common sense to use this peaceful and lawful fighting tool against zionist tyranny and occupation. Tell everyone, Patriots boycott Israel! Use your God given right of freespeech to fight the good fight for freedom and liberty!
AC and other dear readers, what are your toughts on 5G? Its coming to my city soon, and I trust the readership here to be woke but not broke.
My take is that it is not about the network. The network is shit because practically everything blocks those wavelengths. They are running it in UHF, which you already have around you (it’s similar to wifi as far as frequency.) Part of it has to do with putting in more towers, and part of it is about getting a new phone to you.
I don’t think you can do anything about the towers. They just are. I would say don’t get a 5g phone (I’m not planning to) and you’ve already dismantled 75% of their plan for you.
I don’t think the radiation from 5g is any more of a problem than it already is. I think that getting the phone in your hand is the goal.
They already rolled it out in South Korea, and users saw no difference with 5G phones on 5G networks, because 4G already had more bandwidth than they needed or their phone could use. The desperation for the extra bandwidth, to me, is clearly the surveillance network looking to increase their own bandwidth. My guess is every foot surveillance, posted position, vehicular unit, observation post, and aerial unit, will all get 360 degree video and audio with fairly precise geolocation and timestamping, and that will get added to drones, and hidden cameras, and other tech devices (even civilian devices like home/business surveillance DVRS may be rigged to transmit without telling anyone, or the cameras on cars for backing up or autopilots, or hacked cell phones and web cameras will all probably end up on the network) It will all get fed over the new bandwidth to a central center which will assemble an archived 3D virtual reality version of our world they can just pop back into and check out for any time they find interesting. Homes will probably get 24/7 audio archiving, schools may get hidden cameras as well as student agents fitted out with cameras and mics, and they may even do interior mapping of houses and buildings using wifi or radar. They need the bandwidth for something, and a 3D virtual paniopticon model seems like a good fit.
Knowing how it works, I would assume some engineering weenie will find a way to use resonance effects and interference effects to weaponize it, but I imagine they could not use that too often.
Never the less, now is probably not a bad time to move to the country with 100 acres in the middle of a hollow, if you can.
Is there any chance that 5G can be hooked up to the Nanotechnology/Non-Biocompatible/Non-Biodegradable ingredients already found in Vaccines?–and-nanocontamination.html
(Always intrigues me that this was published the day after the GE’s inauguration)
Which is why I do not have a cell phone!
if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. yet they’re fixing 4G, at horrendous cost, for essentially zero improvements in (admitted, stated) capability.
you know: like when FDR moved the Pacific Fleet from California to Hawaii in 1940. against the advice of his senior naval advisors. against all standard military doctrine. guaranteeing hugely more expensive operations, supply lines, etc. or when all the various dem AND gop governors signed off on using hideously expensive, vastly complex, pathetically-non-secure-and-connected-to-the-fucking-INTERNET ‘voting computers’ instead of dirt-cheap-rock-solid-security vote counters.
oh, there’s a reason – and that reason ain’t what they’re saying it is
AC, just thought I’d say that it seems like Bannon is saying 2 weeks “into” the defeat of the globalists. Which would make more sense anyways. Cheers.
Never thought I would say this but Chuck Schumer’s wife is uglier than Yoko Ono…. I didn’t think that was possible!!!
never thought **I’d** say THIS, but after seeing schumer’s wife, I have to give Yoko at least this much: __at least compared to mrs schumer__ Yoko is identifiable as female. hell, compared to schumerette, Yoko comes off as a sex kitten.
whatever else schumer is or ain’t, I promise y’all he ain’t stupid. there are web whispers out there of a 1600 SAT score in his past. (Rush is alleged to have gotten a 1580) what the fuck was he THINKING?!?
Want to lay a bet that scores could be adjusted according to family connections or financial considerations? We know the SAT is crooked now; it might have always been so.
Remember, the SAT’s primary use is for college admissions screening (also crooked), the various colleges being the gateways to the world of the “elite.”
Recently completed an analysis of Carly Fiorina’s leadership style and capabilities. As they say in Texas, she is all hat and no cattle. Dunning-Kruger, she has no basis of judging competence given her own incompetence.
As I remember she talked big, but when pressed for specifics came back with Left answers.
She had a big following at one time, but like with Dole or McCain, I think we got lucky.
Since you’ve brought up DRD4-7R two days in a row, I want to remind you that you yourself have posted in this blog before about DRD4-7R only being an R-Selection predisposing gene with negative environmental context, and that in a positive environmental context it’s like a Super-K Gene, yet this has only been mentioned by as far as I know once, even though Differential Susceptibility has become a well known topic lately, yet the previous day’s entry suggested that DRD4-7R is nothing but bad news, which is inaccurate.
True, but I think those who will not survive now will be predominantly long form DRD4’s (who also experienced extreme resource availability and lack of threat). Now there may be a few who through, familial discipline or chance and fate ended up super-K, who will pass through. But I do not think the prevalence of long-form 7rs will be be increasing.
According to current Differential Susceptibility research, DRD4-7R carriers will be disproportionately represented among those who won’t survive now, but they will also be disproportionately represented among those who thrive now, and among those leading the world back into righteousness and flourishing. And of those who perish, some of that will be because of being used to extreme resource ability/lack of threat, but the other aspect is those who turned out all sorts of screwed-up because of life traumas, adversities and what Theodore Kaczynski called “feelings of inferiority”, the sort of people who, when their guard is down, will be candid about wishing to die.
It sounds like an Exhibitionist gene.
I don’t think we need many of those.
You need to learn more about this gene, read about Marinus Van Ijzendoorn’s research on it at Leiden University, or Ariel Knafo’s research at Jerusalem University ( ), in your unawareness you’ve said something false and insulting, DRD4-7R and similar alleles are as good or as bad as the environment you place its carriers into. It wouldn’t surprise me if AC , myself and most of the readers of this blog and similar blogs like Vault-Co actually have this variation.
I admit to extreme ignorance regarding specific genes and I do believe that all genes have good potential.
I certainly would never call for eliminating a given gene, I have made the case for some degree of r tempering excessive K before.
But your description of how the gene behaves fits extremely well with my category of Exhibitionists that adapt to the environment to side with whichever side seems to be winning.
I believe Exhibitionists are less dangerous than r rabbits and Sneaker cabal types but I am just not overly concerned with having many of them around, we need more people who improve the environment no matter what it is.
I also believe that people make choices that determine genetic expression and would applaud those who make good K types out of themselves even when it is not how their genes dispose them.
What I said is not intended as an insult to any individual with that gene, just as a statement that if we do see a decrease in that kind of gene then it may be the system adjusting to having too many of them now.
hello Farcesensitive, If you are active on the Liberty Authors forum then I’ll join and we can continue this discussion there.
Press conference today was on fire. I think we’ll be seeing a lot more of Jenna Ellis in the future.
I love the new banner AC fren : DDD
Also, this is why Jewish group power (which includes Judaism and zionism) has no place in the West :
Integrate and assimilate the racial Jews that reject Jewish group identity and terminate Jewish collective power peacefully. Otherwise, conflict will always emerge.
Why did it take an outsider (Trump) to finally confront China?
Anon explains:
Top kek, zionist traitors shitting themselves over the push for the boycotting of Israel:
Reminder that nobody needs the BDS for anything, non-Muslim Western Patriots boycott Israel because Israel did 9/11, passes US Military tech to China and Mossad controls the US Congress and the MSM.
Boycott Israel.
Sanction Israel.
Deport all zionists to Israel.
BSD, like the Founding Father’s would.
A perfect illustration of how academia has abandoned science:
PS: Biden lost.
PPS: Epstein didn’t killed himself.
PPPS: True Patriots boycott Israel like the Founding Father’s boycotted Great Britain.
4kangz discusses Mr. Pompeo’s stance of shitting all over the 1st Amend in order to enforce coercive support of the gen pop for the terrorist state of Israel:
Notable post:
For sure, the constitution doesn’t apply when Israel is videotaping all of our lawmakers fuck little kids. If you don’t like giving pedos your money you’re an anti Zionist AND an antisemite.
Another notable post from Mr. Anon:
The jews in the USA want to be zionist without being zionist.
They squirm and weasel away from what they’re actually supporting. It’s because they know the implication of full unabashed zionism. The implication is that the jews belong in israel. USA is not their country.
Another interesting thought from an anon:
> Judaism (religious)
A stupid religion, fully able to criticize. We are not a talmudic theocracy.
> Hebrew (cultural)
A stupid culture, ugly language. Able to be criticized. We are not a Hebrew nation.
> Semitic (racial)
While repulsive and ugly, the race has basically no concern politically. We are not a racial nation. *More difficult to criticize*
> Israel (political sovereign)
NOT USA. Enough said. We are not a client state of Israel. Any supposed help they bring, intelligence or otherwise can not make whole all they problems they cause. Able to be criticized, to take political action against.
Fuck Jews, Hebrews, Semites, Israelis, Zionists; anyone that perverts our political order.
We owe no one of any of the mentioned affiliations, in whatever combination, a single penny, and policy and sovereignty shall never serve them. They cannot jump around in their affiliations. Be it race, culture, religion, national identity, whatever, there is no justification for them.
Jew anon says:
>Anti-Zionism is Anti-Semitism
As a jew that hates the Zionists I don’t think they can get away with calling me an anti-Semite. The ChadBad Zionists are piece of shit child molesters that eat babies.
“Chinese police are joining Italian officers on the streets of Rome and Milan in an experiment aimed at helping tourists from China feel safe, Italy’s interior ministry said on Monday.”
I fucking hate these people so goddamn much.
I hate em too, but they’re not the scumbags here. the dagos are.
china got those chi-cops onto italian streets by the sneaky, lowlife expedient of … asking the italians for permission. never hurts to ask, right? and then sweetening the ask with cash, no doubt. but still.
china’s not the asshole in this equation. all Italy had to do was say no, and that-a would-a be that. am seriously beginning to think the end result of 2500 years of Western Civ was to make a world of gutless whores who happily sell themselves to any & all with the cash and snicker at quaint outdated concepts like honor.
I don’t think the civilization is that bad. If we didn’t have Cabal, I think almost none of this would happen. I think the conspiracy cracked some very deep codes in human brains, and got so much control in the rest of the world (ie domestic surveillance/intelligence being given above-the-law-status to target government officials and politicians, corrupt them, and insulate them from any consequence) that it is able to force these things on society, and there is not much society can do. If we get rid of Cabal, this may be fixable.
That’s like saying the John isn’t guilty because the whore is guilty.
BOTH are scumbags.
Just heard on the Chris Salcedo Show on NewsMax an interview by Victoria Toensig and Joe DiGenova—great interview—-They nailed it, The Equal Protection Clause in the Constitution, both Philidelphia and Michigan blew it. All the counties in those states did according to law—but the Wayne County in MI and the one in Philidelphia did not—that discrepancy alone—-the election there will be thrown out.
I am now 99% confident that President Trump will be re-elected!
Further proof that zionism needs to be banned in the West due to being a cancer. Read the article so see what Israel first traitor Mike Pompeo has to say about free speech laws when it comes to criticizing the Rothschild founded pedo haven that puts huge amounts of money in his pocket.
The Founding Father’s are turning in their grave right now for having this kind of traitor speaking on the behalf of America the Beautiful.
Boycott Israel, and tell everyone to do it too.
AC, if you haven’t seen that documentary, watch the first 10 minutes at 1.5x speed, it’s gaybal surveillance related.
Like I said, obliterating Israel via peaceful method of boycotting would destroy a big part of the gaybal surveillance infrastructure. This is what they fear the most, Israel is where the all seeing eye seats.
And if you watch to the 15 minute mark, you will see the Israel first traitors training their people on what to say to other people. Like you said, the gaybal foreign operators do not act as individuals, they act as an extention of their treasonous subversive criminal conspiracy.
Like Q says, we have more than we know, and the verifiable facts show Israel is enemy #1.
Pay attention to minute 10 and a half, what is the name of the project where media and communications are monitored? TIP (The Israel Project). They literally see public opinion has a battlefield.
No wonder traitor Pompeo wants to make it illegal to peacefully wage war via boycott against the Rothschild founded pedo haven that makes him rich, it is the most powerful weapon we have, on par with education of the gen pop on the issues of the cabal surveillance operations and the issue of Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion.
Trump should fire Pompeo and hire Mike Scheuer in his place, who by the way has a new post up:
Mossadsm journos are salty af:
Top kek comment:
I’m not saying what Putin does to journalists is right but I understand.
I’d like to dedicate this meymey to Mr. Pompeo and his Israel first treasonous antics:
Have you put in your application for the Fug Department?
Wew lad, the mask is truly off now:
So the retard who threatened 2 GOP election officials and their children has posted the address of one of them. He himself has been doxxed by /pol/ in retaliation yesterday:
You and I may be seeing different /pols. File away I rarely see the threads you post, and I have tried for a few days to catch anything which throws lots of comments.
>”I rarely see the threads you post”
Pardon my autism fren (pls be patient) but do you mean you don’t see them on the 4benis site, or you can’t keep up with the volume of links to /pol/ threads I am posting?
I have been glued to 4kangz for the past days, meaning I go for periods of time where I scroll down the catalog opening threads on separate tabs, I give them a read (some I share here, others I don’t, and I don’t read all of the threads I open completely, some of them I disregard after a quick read), and once I run out of threads to read, I refresh the catalog and start all over again. Most threads that are not slides disappear off into the archive really fast, most of threads are slides of bullshit that stay bumped for hours (shills keep them alive), and the few pearls are the non-slides that manage to get enough traction to survive the shill’s sliding onslaught.
Depending on the specific moment when you open the catalog, it could look really different, although there is a real possibility that we might be being served a different site when we open the /pol/ address (big mad glowies, they need more tranny-jannie vydia to behave).
You said the other day that some of your posts just get eaten by the site into nowhere, I saw someone there complaining about it too 2 or 3 days ago, so it seems you are not the only one whose posts get blackholed once in a while.
Thanks Lembrador for posting those. Your links save me a ton of time. I appreciate both you and AC for the time y’all put into this. I read AC first thing every morning. Then last thing before bed, just to see the comments. And follow up on your links.
Thanks for the kind words fren.
I’m going to stop posting so much because some people dislike the volume of comments I have been making recently and I don’t want to lower their enjoyment of AC’s little corner of the internet (in retrospective I was retarded not to think about the people that don’t visit daily, because if one posts too many comments, some comments might slide out of the list of recent comments, so when I get my main device fixed I will just compile all the links I think would be useful for people here into a paste bin file and then centralize all of those into one comment here before I go to bed, that way I can share high volume of links with the local audience without messing up the recent comment list up for the frens that don’t visit daily).
What Cabal Press puts out:
They really hate masculinity in Men but love masculinity in women. Gender inversion.
Notice how the Jewish terrorist group antifa was helping the German police crack down on the protestors.
Germany is getting crushed by Jewish collective power hard:

Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau getting grilled hard-core, must watch it’s only 6 mins long:
If you ever need to explain why Americans would have to go Founding Father on the Biden administration if it ever manage to successfully steal the election from President Trump, this is a great article to use:
Another Normie frenly article that shows that the apocalyptic covid narrative that the mossadsm is pitching is bullshit here:
It’s a psyop to terrorise the gen pop into complying with the great reset shit.
Sydney Powell is /ourgirl/ and has a long record of exposing the deep state/gaybal:
Here is the press conference from Trump’s legal team. Good stuff from Mayor Giuliani, et. al.
WTF Lembrador? 73 comments and 50 of them are from you, and 48 of them are about Jews. Get your own fucking blog for Chrissakes.
OK sorry fren.
For the record, I am unbothered by these, but some people have set ideas of how things should be, and they get bothered by anything which steps outside those expectation, so you might want to take temperatures when dealing with people to make sure you aren’t triggering resistance in them.
To that end I am open to such criticisms too from anyone on here, provided I don’t get the feel you’re a glowie trying to push me.
Yeah, I need to clean my posting style, although it is fun to shit post while spreading redpills, I need to take into account that the more Normie audience might not understand the nature of the shitpost, which ends up alienating or even antagonizing it, which is obviously a form of failure. Best to leave heavier than light shit posting to the chans.
And there is also the issue of volume effectively sliding the recent comments list for the frens that do not visit daily, so I will reduce my commenting volume by compiling my suggested links into one single pastebin link.
Speaking of which, here it is for today, the Lembro Digest vol 1:
You forgot to include “and learn to fucking spell”.
Pls no buli, me big brian, no moran.
PS: go USA
Repeat after me, Friend not fren.
Penis not benis.
Your repeated failures to do this make you look like an idiot.
PS: where should the USA go to?
>t. non-fren
If you have to ask, you aren’t supposed to know.
PS: benis : DDD
Maybe we should leave it to AC to tell people if he wants them to post less on AC’s blog?
Feedback never hurts.
Allow me to quote Henry Makow (which is a Jew):
Organized Jewry has used our idealism to deceive us with Socialism, Communism and Zionism. But to warn Jews of this deceit now constitutes ‘anti-Semitism.’ Surely, Jewish leaders who start wars are the real anti-Semites. They create anti-Semitism to keep ordinary Jews in line.