News Briefs – 11/18/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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DFT – As Copper Ore Tightens, Chinese Smelter Drops Fees

DFT – Sweden Looking To Massively Build Out Nuclear Capacity

DFT – Former Ukrainian Prime Minister – Ukraine Is Bankrupt

DFT – ECB Chief Warns Of Deglobalization Of World Economy

DFT – Russia Lifts Export Ban On Gasoline

Mike Lindell is celebrating last week’s ruling on Georgia’s voting machines as vindication, countering critics who say he is a conspiracy theorist for promoting claims about election fraud.

A long-standing lawsuit over the reliability and security of Georgia’s elections system which began three years before the allegations over Dominion’s machines that became part of the contentious aftermath of the 2020 presidential election, will go to trial in January, as voters seek hand-marked paper ballots to replace the existing system of machines sold to the state by Dominion Voting Systems.

All January 6th tapes have been released by House Speaker Mike Johnson. Not actually all of them. 44,000 hours, with 4,000 hours held back, probably for being too revealing.

Rep Clay Higgins on the release on Twitter:

Prepare to be shocked. This release will reveal the insidious truth that the left and the corrupt officials at FBI/DOJ do NOT want Americans to see.

No less than 5-10 key Democrats will announce they’re retiring from Congress. Don’t doubt me.

FBI lost count of how many paid informants were at Capitol on Jan. 6, and later performed audit to figure out exact number: ex-official.

The brother-in-law of former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, a Democrat, has been arrested in Florida on charges of human trafficking, battery and lewd or lascivious touching of a minor, according to the Office of the State Attorney for the 13th Judicial Circuit.

Judge denies Jack Smith’s deadline request, leaving classified document trial date in doubt, and likely to be postponed at some point.

Trump to remain on Colorado ballot after judge rejects 14th Amendment challenge to eligibility.

CNN’s senior legal analyst Elie Honig warned that a reported deeper investigation into Hunter Biden in California that could produce a second indictment, is “bad news” for the president’s son.

One anon on Gab knows:

Lionsgate and Apple pull ads from X amid reported rise in Antisemitic speech. They think if you feel like there is a fight, you will have to take sides.

IBM, EU suspend advertising on Elon Musk’s X/Twitter over antisemitism allegations.

Manchin: Trump elected again ‘would destroy Democracy as we know it.’

New York Mayor Eric Adams says he must cut spending on ordinary New Yorkers because the city’s law prioritizes funding for President Joe Biden’s economic migrants.

New report details illegal aliens entering the US in unbridled numbers that have officially outpaced US births.

Attorney Tom Renz leveled serious allegations against the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in a fiery testimony Monday during the “Injuries Caused by COVID-19 Vaccines” hearing, claiming their deep involvement in the COVID-19 pandemic.

President Biden invoked a Cold War-era law in a surprising move Friday to pour taxpayer funds into domestic manufacturing of electric heat pumps, an alternative to gas-powered residential furnaces.

Heating homes with natural gas is more than 40 percent cheaper than electricity: US EIA.

The chaplain of a private liberal arts college in Memphis, Tennessee, reportedly tried to hold a “BDSM workshop” on campus, Fox13 reported this week. Anywhere you have authority or influence, you will have Cabal inserting their people in there. The only difference is things have progressed so far it has gotten obvious.

Left-wing reporter who was “celebrated” for discussing sexuality with elementary kids was just arrested for child porn. He was also a big buddy of John Podesta’s and went out of his way to “Debunk” Pizzagate.

The FBI halted probe of pedophile to focus on January 6. Now he’s accused of abusing a 10-year-old boy.

Gunman dead, one innocent injured in New Hampshire psychiatric hospital shooting. Suspect entered, shot somebody in the lobby, State Trooper assigned to the hospital shot the suspect. No other details, but these types of things tend to be more interesting than you’d think.

Maldives saw 50% spike in death rate six months after COVID vaccine rollout: report.

The United States Army has removed the COVID-19 vaccine requirement for new recruits. Everybody recognizes, whoever runs this country is our enemy. The only thing everyone has not yet seen, is just to what degree, and how personally, they are operating against us.

Control Altman delete: OpenAI fires CEO Sam Altman, chairman quits.

From here, on miscarriages due to the Vax:

We now know that a study has linked those mRNA treatments to some 17 million sudden deaths.

The study by Correlation Research in the Public Interest is titled, “COVID-19 vaccine-associated mortality in the Southern Hemisphere,” and looked at 17 equatorial and Southern-Hemisphere countries including Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Malaysia, New Zealand, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Suriname, Thailand and Uruguay.

Israel has dropped leaflets across parts of southern Gaza calling on civilians to evacuate and “head towards known shelters,” indicating Israel could soon expand its ground operation against Hamas to the south of the enclave. You notice, the attack on Israel occurred on 10-7, which adds up to 17.

Squad members criticize AIPAC for reportedly committing to spend $100 million to defeat them.

Hundreds of migrants living in camps along the Seine River in Paris were removed this week as the city embarks upon a cleanup effort in preparation for hosting next year’s Summer Olympics. Fascinating you cannot elect a leader who will clean it up for the people who elected them. Whoever really runs things wants that mess.

Zelensky: The West’s deliveries of artillery shells have really slowed down.

We now know that the United States played the primary role in sabotaging the March 29, 2022 tentative peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine because the US maintained pursuing the war against Russia, using Ukraine as a proxy, offered a legitimate opportunity to destroy Russia. How many brave young men, on all sides, died because of cunts like are running our government. Just tragic.

South Korea announced plans to end the country’s dog meat industry on Friday, aiming to phase out the age-old practice entirely by 2027.

Black Chicagoans rally against sanctuary policies, promise to vote for Republicans, Independents over Democrats.

Spread r/K Theory, because you take what wins you can get

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1 year ago

Yesterday, someone posted Kurgan’s post on the “Roots of Evil” calling out the influence of Freemasonry. The post is wordy, not very substantive for he never links to Fr. Gruber’s excellent article in the 1910 Catholic encylopaedia on Masonry. A trad Catholic that doesn’t link to the 1910 Catholic encylopaedia on Masonry??? That right there is strange. I sent him my work; he deleted my post with the link to my paper on the Twr of Babel where it shows that Freemasonry is about the dissolution of nations.

Does the Kurgan mention that agenda at all in his post on the “Roots of Evil”? NO. Because the Catholic Church teaches the SAME THING! Furthermore, he has miscegenated himself! Married a female not of his tribe!

Isn’t lying a sin? Is not misrepresenting, obscuring facts, lying? Is Kurgan really a Catholic? Does he mention that the foundation of Freemasonry is Judaism? of its messianism? No. If General Ludendorf points out that the Masons are pseudo-Jews—Why doesn’t the Kurgan? I mean that pagan Ludendorf correctly saw reality–the Kurgan does not? What gives?

I am not crazy, but you may think I am...
I am not crazy, but you may think I am...
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

Near as I can tell his primary mission is destroying all and anything Protestant declaring all non Roman expressions of Christianity as essentially pagan and not Christian. He argues for the primacy of the Latin Vulgate translation and all others, especially the King James as debased forgeries, mocking Sola Fide, Sola Scriptura, etc., etc. Essentially, all of us who are not under Rome are pagan pseudo-Christians. Sorry, but I will continue to claim Jesus Christ and Him crucified as my Lord and Savior and let Him sort out the particulars.


I wouldn’t be where I am today without some Protestant influence! I rather regard my interaction with Protestants in the military, mind you, they were radical anti-Catholics, as a blessing! I would NEVER have thought of reading the Bible if it wasn’t for them. Because of them, I read the Bible from cover to cover! They challenged me and made my faith stronger! Moreover, I had a reborn experience in The Faith! I became a better and stronger Catholic due to them!

I also treasure Protestant preaching—I learned more there than anything I EVER heard in a Catholic sermon! I do treasure the Protestant influences that I have had! And I’ll just say this, though, that Kurgan’s points on the deleterious political and theological are worthy to be inspected.

I consider myself, Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant. I take what is valuable in each while rejecting the extremes. I’m a true catholic, orthodox in belief, in harmony with the CONSISTENT teaching of The Church.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

For me it’s the reverse. Over the last several years, I’ve found some Catholic sources that are valuable. I’ve gotten a lot out of them. And Ratzinger was actually a pretty good theologian. Eat the meat and spit out the bones. As believing Christians, we can still have some form of fellowship and cross-pollination. I’ve also made some friends the last few years who are devout Catholics. For many years, I assumed all Catholics were Demonrats because of the examples set by people like Brandon and Pelosi.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

This isn’t the place for doctrinal arguments or to vent your frustrations about someone who refuses to interact with you. Kurgan will see the error of his ways or he will self-destruct; either way he’s not worth your time.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

He is a sedevacantist.

1 year ago

According to this YouTuber. The Gov has just seized control of the whole internet:

1 year ago

Australia says Chinese warship sonar pulses injured its naval divers”HMAS Toowoomba had been in the region conducting operations in support of United Nations sanctions enforcement. It had stopped to conduct diving operations in order to clear fishing nets that had become entangled around its propellers,” said Marles.
He added that the Australian vessel conveyed its intention to conduct diving operations on normal maritime channels, and using internationally recognized signals and requested the ship keep clear.
“Despite acknowledging Toowoomba’s communications, the Chinese vessel approached at a closer range. Soon after, it was detected operating its hull-mounted sonar in a manner that posed a risk to the safety of the Australian divers who were forced to exit the water,” he said and adding: “This is unsafe and unprofessional conduct.”
According to the defense minister, Australian naval personnel sustained minor injuries due to the sonar pulses from the Chinese destroyer.
Australia says Chinese warship sonar pulses injured its naval divers (

Reply to  Stephanie
1 year ago

Brilliant really. Drop nets all over the area and bring the enemy ships to a standstill. Sitting ducks.

1 year ago

For those who have struggled mightily with Paul – – not the concepts, but following his arguments – – I HIGHLY recommend the Arthur Way translation. Reading Way is like reading Paul for the first time, and so fulfilling an experience.

Example. It is universally accepted that Paul incorporated credos and hymns in his letters. (One way in which specific beliefs are traced back to just after the Resurrection). What Way does is set these apart instead of making them part of the ongoing translation, so you can see how Paul is using them.

Way says he translated Paul from the perspective of how his initial intended audience would have heard them. What a delightful result!

I am not crazy, but you may think I am...
I am not crazy, but you may think I am...
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago
1 year ago

‘Manchin: Trump elected again ‘would destroy Democracy as we know it.’’

He says that like it’s a bad thing.

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

Whose democracy? Apparently theirs.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I think it’s an extra national system. It’s the one world government they’re trying to implement. Or Teramar, or the WEF, or whatever. But their demonocracy is NOT our constitutional republic.

I am not crazy, but you may think I am
I am not crazy, but you may think I am
Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

Yes, we would like to destroy the false democracy that is currently operating and replace it with the true Republic we were initially given.

Last edited 1 year ago by I am not crazy, but you may think I am
1 year ago

> All January 6th tapes have been released by House Speaker Mike Johnson. Not actually all of them. 44,000 hours, with 4,000 hours held back, probably for being too revealing.

That’s the 4,000 hours we want, then. The rest will be fluff.

The “44,000” number still doesn’t look right. Granted, the Capitol area is probably one of the most heavily surveilled areas in the world, but we’re only talking about a single building and maybe a block or two each direction from it. I doubt there are even a tenth as many cameras as that. My guess is they’re trying to bury relevant camera streams inside tens of thousands of irrelevant ones.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Probably 4k hours of bathroom video. You just know these perverts are watching everyone.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Then they should have said it. They didn’t.

Steve Morris
Steve Morris
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

US capitol police. Gov says it has 1,800 cameras at 24 hours that checks out pretty close. 1,833 cameras would be approximately 44,000.

1 year ago

Once again AC’s training on spotting disgust reflex around the nose pays dividends

Just look at those pained smiles

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Wow, they still seem so much more natural than DeSantis.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Slimy bastards.

1 year ago

> Manchin: Trump elected again ‘would destroy Democracy as we know it.’

He doesn’t have to make the sales pitch; that’s what we want.

“If you want your democracy, you can have your democracy.” Somewhere else. This is a republic.

“Section 4The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.”

One out of three ain’t bad?

“Domestic Violence” doesn’t mean “man and wife” here; it refers to armed conflicts between the internal polities of the United States. That was a consequence of the Revolutionary War, where several colonies spent more time trying to nip off chunks of their neighbors than they did fighting the British. That was still a sore point when the Constitution came about a decade later.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

So TRX if Sparta is a republic— and you say America is a republic. how do you square the circle?

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

What does Sparta have to do with anything? Sparta could be a three ring circus; it has nothing to do with how our constitution defines our government. There is no circle to square.

1 year ago

> Heating homes with natural gas is more than 40 percent cheaper than electricity: US EIA.

And gas keeps working even when the grid is down. At least, we’ve had power outages of up to ten days after bad weather, but we had heat, hot water, and the stove worked. Though we live in an older house, with gas appliances that don’t need electricity to light.

During the remodel I ran gas lines to the refrigerator and freezer. They’re conventional electric models, but whenever they bite the dust the new ones will be gas or dual-mode. Unfortunately, gas refrigerators, once a common thing, have become “lifestyle examples” now, the kind of thing you buy when all your neighbors have commercial-grade stainless steel refrigerators too, and you need to stay ahead of the curve.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

I always felt pretty good about natural gas reliability until just before Christmas 2022, when Wisconsinites were told to drop thermostats to 60 degrees (during a cold snap) because 2 valves broke in one station in Illinois. The utility said if people didn’t immediately lower usage, gas could be out for weeks until the utility brought people back on the system one at a time and also visited every single customer’s home and checking inside to see that gas appliances were working properly . The whole thing was weird – the request was urgent but they didn’t use texts or push notifications to alert customers and relied on local media instead, they didn’t offer up ideas on stabilizing gas supply to lower risk in the future, and no comments on how to bring a house back up to normal temperature again without undue strain on a furnace. (Many hvac companies had sent out notices earlier that week telling people not to turn thermostats down at all during the upcoming cold snap because bring the temp back up would shorten furnace life). One local news story about it is here
Tough to say what would be more reliable, though. Even propane stored in an owned tank on site relies on truckers delivering periodically (and I’ve seen interruptions to propane supply, too.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Another Wisconsinite on here. God bless.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Some years back, Alabama had a major city with a power outage of a week. Alabama!! So if you live north of there, as most of you do, that might worry you.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

The Amish and off grid people still use them.

1 year ago

> Zelensky: The West’s deliveries of artillery shells have really slowed down.

The numbers for how many artillery shells have been sent to Ukraine, and how many they shoot per day, vary by a factor of ten. But even using the lowest numbers and comparing to casualties and equipment damage claims, the only things they’re accomplishing are making a lot of noise and making holes in the ground. They’re not even as effective as the WWI artillery barrages.

By the 1960s US artillery was a accurate enough to hit individual buildings over the horizon. A friend of mine used to brag they could pick which window they wanted to hit, but I suspect that was a bit of hyperbole.

If the Ukes were even managing to hit a vehicle or building one shot out of ten, half the country would be a wasteland by now. Hey, they’re free, might as well use them like a muj holding his AK over his head and spraying the countryside with random bullets.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
1 year ago

The Holocaust of humanity on the alters of the demonic elites:
Israel army is but an army of organ harvesters:

Elite special ops teams with the Israel Defense Force held off their assault on Gaza’s Al Shifa hospital, the supposed “underground headquarters of Hamas rebels”, a blatant lie, while waiting for the local electric power plant ran out of diesel fuel, shutting off the lights to blind witnesses to the kidnapping that comes next. After planting rusty old weapons from the Yom Kippur War in the hospital basement as proof of a fictive “Hamas HQ”, the IDF troopers encircled the newborn clinic where dozens of premature Palestinian babies were being removed from their respirator chamber. By then, deprived of their crucial feed of life-sustaining oxygen and liquid nutrients, these vulnerable infants began their slow death process. What was and is the motivation for this strange Israeli military maneuver to entrap dozens of helpless preemie infants?
This predatorial waiting game of the organ harvesters with the IDF was/is aimed at confiscating billions of dollars worth of top-value human organs from preemie kids, more precious by the ounce than gold or diamonds, to be plucked out of the tiny bodies of those helpless children for wholesale bidding to elderly super-wealthy Jewish parasites in Europe and North America: bankers, stock brokers, property developers, defense contractors, real estate moguls, university professors and other well-to-do criminal scum, devoid of ethical boundaries other than self-preservation and plastic surgery for a few more sessions with high-class hookers on the back seat of a limo, the worst of sinners lost in a pit of depravity.

Body Parts “R” US
Shxlock and the Ounce of Flesh

Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago

It doesn’t make sense for a special ops team disconnecting the life support systems of premie babies so they die & then harvest the organs & then fly them to the other side of the world. What use are dead organs? If you agree to be an organ donor on your driver’s license & are unfottunate enough to end up in a coma & declared brain dead, you are carved up alive so the organs are extremely fresh & viable.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

It’s the same standard bullshit they use to lie us into every other war. “The Hun” (WWI Germany) having contests to see how many babies they can fit on a bayonet. Iraqi soldiers dumping Kuwaiti babies out of incubators. They do it every time they want us in a fake and gay war. I think Pearl Harbor pre-empted the need to lie about German soldiers doing wicked and unnecessary things to babies to get us into WWII.

Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago


Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago

I’m not taking a position on the allegations.
But Rense is not a trustworthy source.

Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago

This story resonates in the same way as the story of when the Iraqui soldiers tossed premie Kuwaiti babies out of their NICU capsules & left them to die on the cold hospital floor.

Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago

Ah yes, a rehash of the “killing babies in incubators” myth of ye olde forever wars of recent past. Stop being so gullible, they want you blindly believing all the narratives of the region no matter who it’s targeting.

Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago

Preemie babies are TINY. Their organs are also tiny. There is no way that their organs are big enough to use for transplants in most recipients.

1 year ago

Attorney Tom Renz leveled serious allegations against the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in a fiery testimony Monday during the “Injuries Caused by COVID-19 Vaccines” hearing, claiming their deep involvement in the COVID-19 pandemic.

Haven’t had time to watch the hearing yet, which was held by Marjorie Taylor Greene and also featured Robert Malone. But I read the article and I think this is the most important link today. And yesterday was a heavy news day.

1 year ago

Just got done watching Bannon’s War Room. If you google “War Room” rumble, they have a page where they show clips and entire episodes, and this mornings entire episode should be available late afternoon. For this one, the entire episode is worth watching.

The first hour was pretty much Mike Davis and Jeff Clark explaining the Colorado judicial ruling keeping Trump on the ballot in Colorado. Davis thinks the Colorado Supreme Court will throw Trump off the ballot, and then we will see if the US Supreme Court gets involved. The judge ruled as narrowly as possible, basing the ruling on the President not being an “officer” so the 14th amendment clause would not apply, and Davis argued that was to set up the Colorado Supreme Court to reverse the ruling. One thing they missed was that the judge did not use the reasoning that a state court or official couldn’t remove someone from a party primary ballot, so this applies to both the primary and the general election.

At the beginning of the program there was a discussion of the mostly now released January 6th tapes with Julie Kelly, but they were just released yesterday and no one has had time to go through them, so I don’t have an opinion yet.

The next hour was an interview with Bishop Strickland, who has been removed from his Texas diocese. The Bishop mostly stuck to standard pastoral stuff, but that is always worth hearing, and he came across as an impressive man.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Who has four hours or more a day to sit and watch videos? Good Lord!
I know you are a semi-regular poster here, but many seem to want readers here to waste hours and hours a day watching videos. To me most of this is just endless talk, and no action. Bla, bla, bla, and same old, same old, day after day.

I have a life to live.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Exactly. “Watch this video!” No. Summarize for me what you think I need to know. When I post a link, I usually provide a summary for those who don’t have time to watch it/read it. Simple courtesy.

1 year ago

“US Army does about-face on COVID policy, amidst record low enlistments.”
-“At this time, homosexual activity is not mandatory, only strongly encouraged” said Department of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin

Steve Morris
Steve Morris
Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
1 year ago

I’m not taking the time to look it up, but, the US military is apparently sending out form letters making it simple to undo discharges on a grounds of not taking the jab. Just check a box, send it back, and no harm no foul. Yea, naw, go fuck your gay self. I hope the number of young men to re-inlist is as close to zero as possible.

Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
1 year ago

Officers can still wear dog masks while in uniform.

I am not crazy, but you may think I am
I am not crazy, but you may think I am
Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
1 year ago

Can you source those quotes, especially the one on homosexuality?

1 year ago

I Was Right All Along – From 1995 – Checkmate – Psychotronic Weapons and Surveillance System 

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

See also:

… then use your imagination.

1 year ago

Angels Don’t Play This Haarp: Advances in Tesla Technology
by Nick Begich, Jeane Manning

1 year ago

I speculated in the past that “Biden” was not a real person, but a fictional character created by the CIA in 1969, to see if they could do it, and has been played by a series of actors. The dementia thing is a put on to limit the number of times “Biden” has to meet with actual people.

Once I posted this, I got a “shock and awe” surveillance display, and it seems that I am getting the Beam. Maybe the head of my local command was involved in this operation.

“Biden” had a summit yesterday with Xi, and the Duran covered it in a 25 minute video:

This actually supports my contention that we are not dealing with a real person here. Its also support that Xi is probably not Cabal. If Xi was Cabal, you would think they would have put on a different show with the summit.

Before 2022,China was a critical Cabal ally, and provided support for the Covid lockdown operation and the USA color revolution. But there seemed to be a break up in 2022. Either Xi broke with the Cabal, or he gained the upper hand over the Shanghai faction, which was the Cabal faction in the CCP. The Chinese then lifted their own lockdowns and started giving diplomatic support to Russia. They seem to be moving many of their Chinese assets to North America.

The summit seems to have been attempt to negotiate the Chinese government back into the Cabal, and also seems to have failed.

1 year ago

Okay, further Baptist poasting. I’m awake and it’s early, so I won’t wander around so much off topic.

Alrighty, first off: Baptists have ministries for men. Because they are Baptist, it varies from one church building to another. This means you can get super-patriarchal, or you can get Sue Monk Kidd. Shop around to find the temperature you like.

The language in the more patriarchal ones can sketch people out- submissive wife stuff. It’s a theory of teamwork. Every belief system has one. I have no idea why (((media))) thinks it’s codewords for BDSM. There are female politicians from that background. They don’t seem to be having all the weird problems that more feminist politicians seem to have. The male politicians- generally competent.

When I say ministries- I do mean PLURAL. Grown men, teen boys, business men, leaders, young married, young men who have not yet married, choir, which is its own whole world, service here in this city, service in other nations, book study groups, movie study groups, music. various types and genres, sports.

There are men on the speaking circuit. There are books. There are self-help, except religious. There are biographies, autobiographies. There are movies, documentaries, paperbacks, hardbacks, adventure books, adventure military Tom Clancy type books. They sound different than Tom Clancy, obviously. Talented writers. All kinds of spooky and supernatural, too. World War 2 books. I mean, a whole parallel world of books. Enough that I find it really weird when everyone goes “Oh, download old classics and accept black and white movies that sucked when they came out.” Like, there are popular writers at B&N that publish in the Christian genre. Same talents. Like, enough of these guys have been in the military, that the military fiction is realistic because they saw it with their own eyes. The sci-fi is written by rocket scientists.

There is jewelry. Not just your granny bought a small cross when you were in third grade sort of jewelry. Manly crosses, wristband stuff, watches. There are clothes. They are similar in style to cowboy rodeo style or jock military or general mall style. Well made, good quality, manly colors. Like, guys style. I don’t know how to describe it. It looks really good on them. It mixes with their other stuff.

Oh, Vacation Bible School. This can be a huge production for kids. Tee-shirts, CDs with custom music, people flying their grandkids in for the week to participate, year after year. Like, kids make friends from this. They see the friends and cousins during the summer and at holiday at the end of the year- Christmas or Thanksgiving. Mothers volunteer. Sometimes fathers. It can be little- ten kids- or it can be huge- 400 to 800 kids. I’ve only been involved in the 400 and up productions. The whole church campus gets decorated. Teens volunteer. Like, the whole high school swim team to manage fourth and fifth grade boys. ( So much energy vs So much Strength)

The little kids expect that they will grow up and be like the big kids. For the most part, they do. Then they are the young men, and then they are the dads. Then they are the old men. They expect it. It’s a good life.

Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

ACame you name drop some of the books or a website to browse?

Reply to  Jones
1 year ago

Radical Reformation is the history book of Europe, I think? I don’t know. It’s been recommended by people who do church history stuff.

Joe Gibbs wrote Game Plan for Life. He’s a coach, so it’s in that genre of manly, with a soul. I think, like, Tim Tebow has a book? Colt McCoy? There’s, like, Fellowship of Christian Athletes books? Guy stuff, so not my thing. Joe Gibbs was a speaker at some men’s thing. That’s why we have copies around the house.

Austin Ridge Bible Church has sermons and stuff. They are indy Baptist. They don’t call themselves Baptist, but it’s amazing how all their pastors studied at Baptist seminaries. The sermon downloads start with music and the pastor usually starts with talking about football for North Carolina. It’s pretty funny. Then he gets serious. It’s, like, one hour, good production values. I’m mentioning that first, because it’s the first sermon in a few decades that had stuff I hadn’t heard before, on books in the Bible I’ve read since childhood. The main guy does sermons on, like, one or two verses. A book will take a year to go through. I listen on their website. Like, people all over the world listen in.

First Baptist Dallas. FBD is one of the churches that had a BBC crew do a driveby documentary. I still don’t understand why the BBC thought it was important to smack down a big church in a flyover state that has not now, nor ever has been, British territory. FBD pastors train tons of pastors that go build amazing churches. Spiffy website. Very modern, very fast.

They have missions. LIke, they modeled Viet and Chinese and Korean churches in the USA, I think? Like, the kids weren’t set aside as “minorities.” They were just part of the church. So you end up with redneck Asians driving pickup trucks and being from Dallas, instead of from ‘the old country.’

There’s a church in Dallas that has the streaming services. The guy preaches from a studio stage set. He made it into the news, because he was talking about sex within marriage. The stage set had him sitting on a very plush bed. I mean, he got attention. He was serious, too.

There’s a church out of A&M. They started as a study group. They are, were ?, in a school cafeteria, just like Macaque describes. I have no idea what they preach, but the people are in jobs in town, and super smart and super nice. There’s probably a bunch of churches made out of Aggies.

There’s a black church that all the people moved to Austin. They had a church. They prayed. They all moved to Austin. They all got tech jobs. They are mentoring lost young urban youth. Again, don’t know the name, just ran into them from tech stuff. Super smart, super good at what they do, super committed to their vision.

Like, Hobby Lobby has biographies that look boring, but then you open them and the person is casually “So there I was, preaching behind the Iron Curtain…and then the secret police….” I mean, I don’t notice, because I grew up with it. And poverty, so I’m not buying much of anything, like, ever. I was so happy when I found JP2’s biography, and it had that same “….preaching…secret police…” It’s like we are all in the same league, with different uniform colors.

The VBS stuff, I think there are websites? I wasn’t on the planning committees. It’s wild. You can buy CDs where they merge old hymns and new pop music sounds to make these really good songs. I don’t know who did all the indy bands that sold CDs. I wish I did. I still hum some of the songs, even when I don’t know the name of the band or the song.

I’m sorry. I’ve been where I can’t be a part of it, because of personal circumstances. I think you can start googling churches. When you go to the website, they will usually have a streaming section, or youtube channel.

I looked up one brand- Not of this World- for men’s clothes. I don’t know if they are still in business. I don’t think they are the only one. The little girls’ necklaces came out of some business in Arkansas that wholesales to boutiques. I remember reading about it. I was trying to replace my little girl’s necklace when she lost it. She found it behind her chest of drawers, so I didn’t need to go full obsessive. The store was one that got bought out, or bankrupted, or something, by the Murdoch media campaign.

The books: I wish I knew. Indy authors, or maybe small press. I have no idea. They were just there, you know? Like, milk or eggs, you don’t worry until the shelves are bare.

I would guess Florida would have stuff? North Carolina? Oklahoma? Or just show up in your own town. I mean, it’s people being very human, so it can get very entertaining. I went to a church where the pastor had been in a band. He converted, and then he converted the band and the backing singers. It was like a rock concert from the 1970s every single week. I have no idea what he was preaching. Something biblical. They had tamborines scattered around the seats for the congregation. They got used. Flags. Banners. Every week is a lot of playing time, a lot of practice. Sobriety,decades. It was a rocking awesome show every last single week.

Reply to  Jones
1 year ago

Really, what the pastor says is just the first part. I mean, pastors have, like, a set list of concerns- more people in seats, distance from God. The groups are where interesting things happen. I mean, pastors are “symbolic” or “really happening” or ‘distance from God.’ Seriously, everything is distance, from God, or metaphors, with pastors.

The interesting part is where plumbers are debating the waste disposal system on Noah’s Ark. Or who did the midwifery on Mary? First time mother, who does what,when? (Angels, local midwives, the innkeeper’s wife, miracle, shepherds? Who did what, and when?) Fish sizes for Jonah. Quality of Paul’s tents? For camping or military or ritual use. Questions, questions.

Or what is going on in your life? Pastors have one view. The local dentist is going to have a similar, but probably more comprehensible view.

Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

While I’m thinking about it: it’s usually not some personality cult. The ministries are mostly groups of regular people. If it’s fancy, they’ll have a book they bought off the shelf with a discussion guide. Then the people in the group figure it out. It’s not run on the pastor and his views.

So, yeah, it’s going to sound really, really dumb sometimes, because these are regular people trying to figure out how to live a righteous life without some cheat sheet like a catechism. However, when they do figure out whatever, they tend to really mean it, instead of “I memorized this, but I have no idea how to apply it.” I mean, nobody asks pastors about how to plumb a sink, but Baptist expect plumbers to be able to use the brains God gave them to figure out the Sermon on the Mount. It can lead to strange places that more professional theologians don’t expect.

Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

Somewhere around Khomeini and his sojourn in Switzerland, both Calvinism and Baptistness soaked in. So, like, there’s the repressive state apparatus in Iran. There are also individual Muslims who now study and pray with their own independent thoughts. It has a name, I can’t find it searching right now. Anyway, the “Baptist Muslims” are few, scattered, and they still make the more oppressive Muslims nervous.

1 year ago

The star of the television show Lucifer is a Baptist from Wales. His family is full of Baptist ministers. As you can see, handsome young man pursuing his talents, with a wicked sense of humor.

Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

I did not know that. I enjoyed the show. I tell people it gets an F for theology but it’s hilarious. But I realized it’s probably some secular Jewish theology. Still, it’s hilarious and has great character development.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

I watched it on your recommend. I think it’s the first show that I’ve ever been “Wow. That is actually close to blasphemous.” I appreciate that they know enough to be blasphemous rather than just ‘say naughty words in church’ or “Oh, look, they are arranging a murder in church” which are the standard church set ups in most media.

The actor studied in Scotland. Which makes his choice of an English accent for the Devil extra funny. “Everyone knows the Devil is an Englishman” he says in interviews. The Scottish Presbyterian bible has the devil speaking in an English accent, while the saints use Scottish dialect.

Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

A friend of mine said they wanted him to do the role in an American accent, but it made him sound like a douchebag. Hence the American accent for his twin, “Michael”.

1 year ago

well either it is shrinking or the criteria is markedly different now…

1 year ago

In my opinion; The recurring number 17 is Cabal practicing Sorcery via numerology on a global level.
In Hebrew, the seventeen is the number of sin.
Pythagoreans also said the seventeen is when “The Devil triumphs over God.” 
The number 17 is associated with the zodiacal sign of Capricorn, the goat. In Greek mythology, the God Pan was half goat representing the instinctive impulses of man.
The natural man is an enemy of God. That ‘pan imagery’ is often used to represent demons and the Devil is no coincidence.
17 is a significant number in many pagan religions that only exist to turn men away from God’s truth.
17 reduces to eight in gematria. This system was initially used by the ancient Babylonians and in alchemical traditions who state the eight is to where “knowledge of the Great Secret is attained.” 
Throughout time, Seduced by the idea that they are made masters of a “great secret” that places them outside the bounds of human morality; People have always entered into secret combinations so that they may get gain by making pacts of wickedness so that no one may turn on another without destroying themselves.
Not that the number 17 doesn’t have many positive associations in Scriptural references as well. But many are ignorant of the difference between scriptural numerics and pagan numerology. After all, the devil is a counterfeiter and he counterfeits Gods word.
We are seeing spiritual warfare being practiced on a grand scale.

1 year ago

I have no idea what this is, or if it is true. It does meet up with the sense that America is just a cupboard with shelves full to be plundered, and a trashcan to dispose of undesirable people. At no point is America considered healthy, whole, or having interests of its own. Nor is any of South America.


1 year ago

In Stunning Reversal, OpenAI Board In Talks With Sam Altman To Return As CEO After Satya Nadella “Furious” At Ouster

1 year ago

Somebody (us, since we here are possibly the only ones aware/capable enough right now) needs to make bitterly-true but still as-hilarious-as-possible memes about Surveillance Shit. We need to mock the situation and humiliate the Stasi creeps with the funniest ironies about their pathetic lives now and about the grim, brief futures ahead of them. Not just infographics that plainly explain the situation with bullet points and adequate diagrams, although those would be useful, of course. Also a lot of Onion/Bee-caliber satire which is never not as factually accurate as possible, even if it is just reasoned speculation and common sense intuitions. You often traipse around in that territory in your larger, freewheeling comments quite well. Nobody even needs to be a comedy genius. Sardonically expressed taboo truths are inherently funny. Especially given how fucking weird it all is, weirdness is extra funny. Now, the trick is that some of us might have a keener eye/ear/nose/touch for nuances in exact phrasing to make raw observations as devastatingly True-Funny as can be. Others might have the visual chops to make them into top tier memes. Others might have a better sense of how to keep shit simple and concise for the sake of oblivious normies. Perhaps you can put out a request for people to ponder and compile some of the funniest quips about Surveillance. The funniest insights will stand out from the other ideas. Create those memes first. If we are funny enough to get anything, even one Surveillance Meme, to go viral, would that not be worth the trouble?

1 year ago

The consequences of Sodomy is that the participants lose control of their bowels by their 30’s or even much earlier like this guy.

Apparently quite a few of them wear Adult Diapers.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Go to your local supermarket and look at the Depends / Adult Diapers sections. All the packaging is for fit, mid-30s men. Not one old person on the marketing in sight.

The diapers are for ass-plowed degenerates, not the elderly, by and large.

1 year ago
1 year ago

Turkish Parliament Postpones Vote On Sweden’s NATO Membership

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Weighing up whether they can handle any more “Earthquakes”?