Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – Oil Continues To Fall On Demand Worries And Inventory Builds
DFT – Japan’s Nikkei Poised For Third Week Of Gains On Earnings
DFT – Commission Finds US Tech Export Restrictions Not Effective In Slowing China
DFT – GM UAW Workers Vote To Approve Tentative Deal
DFT – Venezuelan Foreign Minister Confirms De-Dollarization Plans With Russia
Today we will begin with a quick look at what is being shared on 4Chan. As you scan these, understand every piece of art, every line, was written by a pro, and every one is being delivered on orders by one of the demented theater kids of Cabal, simply as a paid gig:
Clearly you can see where it is going. It is the WWII script, being reenacted to a T. I suspect the Hamas guys who ordered the invasion of Israel, as well as the Jews in Israel who stood down the defenses so it could happen, were all a part of creating a suitable trigger, so this anti-Semitism script could be presented here.
I have told you, the man on the street is never given a microphone. Every voice above is one of the deranged theater kids who have taken the ticket, and for the time being have control of the stage and are putting on a show to provide a cover story to the masses, about why what is about to happen will happen. Even the Jews, who seemingly gleefully posted white hate, and then T’d up the anti-Semites to quote their white hate back at them – I do not think those are organic exchanges. I think they were scripted all along. I suspect those Cabal-Jews could give two shits about loving or hating whites, and the guys now throwing it up in their faces don’t give a fuck either – they were both handed those tweets and just posted them, just like the assholes who show up here to disrupt things, who really don’t care either way. It is all just a gig. But it is indicative of where the people in control are taking things.
If you are a Jewish anon who has no idea of the conspiracy, and wants no part of any of this, I hate to say it but my experience for pretty much my whole life is, you cannot just go off and do your own thing in the world, and have them leave you alone. They are out there, and they don’t just leave people alone. I think you should look now for a place to stash your shit with someone you trust who will stay here through this, so it won’t get stolen, and make plans to put your life in the West on hold and get out of dodge for a year or two at least, until the storm blows over.
Of course there is a way out of all of this. Expose the surveillance, and destroy this conspiracy. If you expose the surveillance, and destroy the conspiracy, every one of those theater kids above will be the ones fleeing the country. We might just escape the script. I’m working to that end, but I need others spreading the material here. It is the only chink I have seen in this thing’s armor, and I have been looking. It may be the only way to avoid a world war.
Some young Americans on TikTok say they sympathize with Osama bin Laden. Totally organized. Notice the theme. Osama bin Ladin attacking the US makes perfect sense, so it must have been him. I do not think anything you see happens organically. I know the surveillance knew, and I would bet they arranged it all.
George Washington talked of the Illuminati seeking to infiltrate America, and viewed it as an enemy:
It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am.
The idea that I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe that the Lodges of Free Masons in this Country had, as Societies , endeavoured to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first, or pernicious principles of the latter (if they are susceptible of seperation). That Individuals of them may have done it, or that the founder , or instrument employed to found, the Democratic Societies in the United States, may have had these objects; and actually had a seperation of the People from their Government in view, is too evident to be questioned.
From the video of a Freemasonry ceremony here, this tweet points to this:
The cluster of Chinese cancer cases at a lab are real – An unusual cluster of cancer cases among Chinese researchers affiliated with one of the country’s top oncology laboratories has attracted a wave of public attention, leading to new questions around lab safety. Some alleged they screwed up and created a cancer virus, others said it was a cover story, to excuse lockdowns, and to explain what was causing all the cancer.
Chris Wray gets caught – Rep. Higgins releases photo of the secret J6 ghost buses.
Congressman George Santos admitted he lied about everything except the fact that he was now gay. As I recall is said he was “Totally gay” now, despite having been married before. Now it comes out he is blowing his campaign money on Only Fans subs. One of his supposed subs, is claiming he spend $435K on her, though all there is, is a screenshot of earnings, so it is unclear if it is substantiated. Another claims he spent $8K on her site in tips.
Santos calls it a smear but says he will not run for reelection.
Interesting but very long article on a reporter who proved the CIA had lies about what they knew about Oswald. Mainly interesting to see how bits of truth begin to come out and everybody, who looked just like regular people working regular jobs, suddenly goes into cover-up mode, from heads of Hollywood to movie reviewers, to newspaper editors, showing they are all in the club, and know when they have to run cover. It is a very big, well-placed conspiracy.
JFK’s E.R. doctors share new assassination details, say what they saw does not match the autopsy photos. Somebody doctored the body prior to the autopsy?
Pentagon fails audit for sixth year in a row.
Expect ammunition prices to increase.
Putin dropped a new dance video on TikTok:
Filed under “dogs know”:
Michigan Rep. Dan Kildee announces he won’t seek reelection, in possible pickup for GOP.
Donald Trump leads Biden in Florida, even among ‘non-binary’ voters.
Trump opens 41-point lead over DeSantis in Florida.
Donald Trump posts double-digit lead over Joe Biden in Ohio.
Trump up 4% over Biden, 48% over DeSantis in a recent Fox News survey.
Spread r/K Theory, because you know what happened when the Pentagon failed an audit in 2001?
Right after Dutchsinse was shut down?
Earthquake weapon?
Powerful 7.2 magnitude earthquake tears through Philippines
Interesting. Underground DEWs?
For AC, in this video the host explores the story of a guy who went missing near area 51. The guy was just exploring caves in Nevada, dozens of miles away from the base and outside the wire. The caves are called M-caves and this guy went missing. Another guy looking for him gets hit with obvious DEWs and vomits on camera. Pretty interesting. Story gets interesting at the * 17 * minute mark, but you all might want to watch the whole thing.
Definitely strange. Like Skinwalker Ranch, indicative there could be something strange on the planet using tech to keep people at bay.
I have wondered if the technical harassment we get is even these rubes around me. I mean at this point, surveillance is so unprofessional and unable to be covert I have hours of video which is just blatantly obvious. I even have people talking about surveillance, guys quite obviously looking at me, and then turning and doing elaborate sign language to other people, while in full frame of a camera on them, just ridiculous stuff. And most of these people are the mid-IQ’s who hovered at the middle and bottom of the average classes in math and science growing up.
So I keep thinking, if I had some elite tech, would I trust these people with it, if I were at the top of the operation? I don’t think so. I am not even sure how many have real training, and how many were just give a cell phone app to fill out a roster. And I am not sure they would waste more elite people on coming out just to fuck with us.
Plus, I do not think it is humans doing it out at Skinwalker Ranch, and one of those scenes where the blonde guy was being hit and got “Swimmy headed” was almost identical to something I had happen.
I wish Lue Elizondo was more open and honest, and not such a glowie clown. One minute he is like, “If people knew what I know, they would not be able to sleep, because we are not the top of the food chain on the planet, and these things may be hunting us, but unfortunately I can’t tell you anything about it, so just keep doing what you are doing, knowing you could be kidnapped and vivisected at any moment.” and then the next minute he is posting pictures from some Irish pub where he is partying it up and playing the E-celeb role like nothing is wrong.
I mean if humanity is being hunted, maybe we ought to team up and try to do something about it, and not look for the smart kids to derail them in life, but rather give them the problem. I tend to think if we were being preyed on, you would not have the retards trying to run things and suppress anyone with ability, but maybe the retards are assets of whatever it is.
Definitely a weird video though. Someday it would be cool t gather this site up with weapons and tech and do a meet up at these places.
Interesting video here:
Every 6,000 years… I note lately that even the media have used terms like “wars and rumours of wars”, “end times” etc. And all the earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, pandemic, perversions, anti-Christian persecution. Have they been reading Matthew 24?
Check out, since they have been on this for a LONG time and have all the data to back it up.
Re: the five-pointed star in the Mason temple. That’s for the Order of the Eastern Star, which is the lady Masons. A woman has to be married to or related to a Mason in order to join. My grandmother was one and she was interested in getting me to be a Mason. I thought their approach was creepy and told them no thanks.
What a coincidence, they just so happened to accidentally chose the satanic pentagram! What a silly mistake! Oops!
Yeah, they kept popping up into my life and i was always sus. A Scottish Rite guy kept trying to sell me an assault rifle when he found out I was into conspitacy theories. About that same time a Jewish girl I was seeing told me that when the SHTF and the government comes for me that I should tell them my Grandpa was a Mason. I moved overseas and the weirdness went on for a while but seems to have tapered off.
Looks like Tony Heller at the Real Climate Science Blog has his website taken down for wrong think too:
This is the second time I’ve seen him post about moving to a new hosting service.
>>Democrats on the Boston City Council are looking to extend local voting rights to foreign nationals in the United States on visas, green cards, and other forms of legal status.
We know their votes will be allowed in the state and federal elections,
Glad you are back – the site was unavailable all day yesterday.
Entire host went down. Just as I am bumping into new readers on Twitter who were seeing my stuff for the first time..
So check this…. The site wasn’t down for me. I could see the default blog page, where each day is show in one continuous loop. If I went into the specific day, it was failing.
Same I could see the blog home page with consecutive articles, I just couldn’t navigate to a specific article page
It was the same for me.
For me, I could see the site, but not the comments
RSS was down for me until last night. I was able to load the site, including the blog page, but when I went to the individual day’s post it errored out. I prefer to read that day alone because I can see the progress I’m making by the scroll bar. But I had to read it on the page of all posts. I was able to read it though.
That was my experience too.
Expose the surveillance and they expose themselves.
They ran it before and they run it now.
Casablanca ends differently this timeline.
The JFK ER doctors (presumably) treated the actual JFK. The autopsy photos were of the unfortunate Dallas police officer Tibbets who bore a striking resemblance to JFK. The bullets that killed him had trajectories that confirmed the lone gunman theory, as it was obvious that the bullets fired at Kennedy came from multiple sources, not all from the direction where Oswald supposedly was.
The arrest of Oswald never added up to me. OK, so the POTUS was assassinated, and a Dallas cop was gunned down in the street, but more than 20 cops show up because a guy ran into a movie theater without buying a ticket. Either priorities were way out of whack or they’re not telling us something.
Oswald was exactly what he said he was. A patsy.
Wouldn’t this imply that JFK was never assassinated?
This news item is notable but not major.
Sunak reshuffled the British government. He fired Suella Braverman, who had been Home Secretary (the minister in charge of the police and immigration). She was the one member of the government who at least pretended to be a populist, and apparently now all the senior ministers opposed Brexit. He moved the Foreign Secretary into her job, and brought back ex-PM David Cameron to be Foreign Secretary. Cameron immediately flew to Ukraine.
I’ve found the mainstream British newspapers, which up to around 2018 had been quite good, to be completely useless. I checked the Guardian, the one left that is free to browse on the web, and found nothing of substance. The best coverage is probably the Duran, which has a fifteen minute video discussing the reshuffle:
You could also do worse than read David Lindsay’s comments on the reshuffle:
Both are short reads.
Looks like an AC reader calling out Gaetz on his unwillingness to replace his fake outrage with the truth
Sounds like our message is spreading.
“Thousands of vials of biological substances — including some labeled “HIV” — and a freezer marked “Ebola” were found inside a secret Chinese-owned biolab in California which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and FBI initially refused to investigate, according to a House committee report released Wednesday.”
No big deal guys, just a little airborne Ebola and hiv to spice things up a bit. Civilization was getting a little too boring anyways. Courtesy of your friends Klaus, Xi and Joe.
I’ll be honest AC even if it’s part of “the script” getting rid of the Jews in America is not something I view as a negative. Here’s what I’ll say though, I know there are Jews who are innocent of any genocidal tendencies and likewise I have no desire to kill all Jews on the planet. In an echo of what you said I would ask anyone who is Jewish to simply leave. If you’re worried about a WW2 repeat script and you have the means to do so get out before SHTF because if it happens I don’t think you’re going to find anyone willing to try to differentiate good Jews from bad Jews. I’d also like to add that just because Jews might be the scapegoats there’s no reason they can’t be removed in addition to revealing the surveillance and going after anyone in the Cabal and the American Stasi as long as we have the means to do so. I’m open to hearing how this might be foolish or misguided but I just don’t want to pretend like I’m entirely unhappy about this part of “the script” if there really is one.
IMO, from a battle plan perspective, it will probably be more trouble than it is worth, and hurt the cause. If you have innocents who were not posting white hate, or helping the surveillance, or who were cool with importing all the foreigners, or who had no idea Sept 11th was organized by US intel, (as I would bet the regular non-Cabal Jews all were), you will get resistance to expelling them, and you will get other issues like non-Jews who have someone who they are hiding because they were innocent, and they feel loyalty to them. It feels to me like it is an inefficiency in the battle which gains nothing. And even if you get every Jew out, unless you get rid of the rest of the conspiracy, it will make zero difference.
The intel op was good. It was all throughout the schools, it got a detailed profile of everyone. My guess is, if you rounded up all the Jews who you look at, and cannot stand, you will find the op found them early on, offered them the ticket, told them if they just fuck over their fellow citizens, and follow orders as this thing produces the decline of the nation they could have whatever they wanted, and they took it. You are not going to find Larry Silberstein’s or Chuck Schumers, look to see if they were in Cabal, and find they didn’t take the deal. If they are like that, the machine found them and brought them on board.
I do not think we are going to get to waste effort with this thing, or go in directions where there is any inefficiency. As it stands now, much of what I am doing is faith in God he has a path here, and if I can expose this, the next steps will fall into place. It looks that way to me. I do not see every American writing notes to each other in their homes because Larry down the street is listening for the conspiracy. I do not see parents bunding their little kids off to school, warning them to not let the people there do any hypnosis on them, or given them to some molesters, or trannyify them, or screw them out of something like Valedictorian they worked for, or just accepting of the idea they have to cower from people who have no violence-capability compared to us.
I think most of America at this point is ready to do whatever it takes to be free, and if we expose this, it will be a massive release. I have been under this. I know what everyone will be like. It makes sense. But it will nto be easy, and I do not think we can just say, let’s also, while we are getting rid of Cabal, target all these other people who may not be involved, but what the hell. We will be lucky if we can get rid of the conspiracy, before they zap or poison all of us. IMO, we will need to focus.
The only cause I’m for is the preservation of the Anglo-Saxons. The second part, as Jeremiah says, “Return to the ancient paths”.
There are non-Jewish people with ordinary, positive, close personal connections to Jewish people. Close enough to make things a fighting issue, and to see the stupidity of categorical hate.
There is a paradox. 99% of the “discussion” currently is based on actual issues, actual logical differences (to put it as non-partisan as possible), and yet all that discussion is beside the meta-point, which is Cabal control, surveillance, manipulation, and psychopathic amorality.
What is genuinely happening is a radical unmooring of fundamental perspectives. The unmooring is not only from Cabal brainwashing, but also bogus self-certitude. Now really is a time when everyone can come together to see what is actually happening.
No, that doesn’t mean (for instance) putting aside history and the meaning of the history.
OT but related, I go to Rumble now, where it is possible to hear free speech. Jimmy Dore, Jimmy Corsetti, Russell Brand, etc. You do not need to embrace them personally to see their value. And we can all think things through regardless, although it is interesting how many newer people are deliberately non-dogmatic, not full of faux Madison Avenue.
I have brought up Corsetti before. I see him very much as a model. His devout wish is to talk to Rogan. My devout wish would be to see AC talk to Corsetti.
And no, I have no connection with any internet personality, I just watch and wonder.
Just get rid of all leftists, globalists, anti-Christians, cabalites, organized criminals, and other related categories.
This will get rid of the vast majority of various groups and most of the remaining members will flee on their own because they fear you are going to target the entire group next.
Any that don’t fall into those categories and don’t think evil of our side and flee are probably on our side and can stay.
Practical and ideal. In a perfect world America would be only American heritage, and all peoples would have their own homeland where they can live as they choose. In a perfect world everyone would just go home and be good to their neighbors.
In reality, an isolated purity-mandating nation has never existed outside of the tribes in the Bible, and has definitely never composed an effective fighting force. Making good-enough allies will have to be the case, and anyone willing to join the fight with honest intentions will be a boon. A black guy who honestly sees cabal and wants to end it is better than your identical white twin who is a member of the enemy and wants to destroy you.
When we remove cabal, we can have honest referrendums on wtf to do with society in the wake of removing the parasite. It’ll be so different I’m not sure that will even be a priority for a while.
“When we remove cabal…”
When God brings judgement upon the world…
Those who confess Jesus Christ and him crucified as their only way to the Father are our eternal brothers and sisters. I keep having to remind myself of what God said in Romans 12:19 “Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord.” That only applies to vengeful actions, however, not self defense or other legitimate actions. I would be sorely tested if I ever came face to face with that little shrimp, Ben Shapiro. So God save me from that or should I say, save him.
Alec Steele – How TITANIUM is DROP FORGED in Great Britain!
This is just the start of the NY case against trump falling apart. Its very unusual for an appellate judge to issue a stay like this during the trial, especially since it means that the order is essentially repealed. There is no way it gets fully heard before the end of the trial, so it is the same as overturning it.
One thing to remember is that a key factor in a stay like this is the likelihood of prevailing on appeal. For the appellate judge to grant this is him saying that trump is all but certain to win the appeal on the gag order.
This is a good summation of where we find ourselves historically, I have largely come to the same conclusions on these topics over the years:
Note: the goal of posting this is not to reignite the 30 years war, or offend people’s sense of patriotism, or pick a fight with potential allies. Such activities are an utter waste of time, causing infighting is one of their greatest strategies. The goal is to call a spade a spade. I’ll happily break bread with anybody who sees the Good, the True, and the Beautiful – but the simple fact of the matter is that the Protestant Reformation was used as an event to drive centuries of brother wars, ongoing to this day. Read it dispassionately; those who are ochestrating this don’t care about American or Middle Easterner, Jew or Gentile, Catholic or Protestant – they play both sides against one another for their own benefit. But the history of how they’ve been playing us, relayed by this blogger, is largely accurate from what I’ve been able to discern.
From my Gab
Thank you!
the problem with the “jews are innocent and being set up” approach is (1) ds/cabal/globohomo/banksters are shot thru with them, (2) one hell of a lot of them, and not just khazars, are down with (((their))) judaic – talmudic – satanic – masonic program, and (3) sayanim is real and effective. and of course the draculas exported it to renfields of other hues. and as i have said… if it is “reptilians”, who is most likely to breed with them and/or serve them…
I tell you, White people do not need one single Jew to do anything for them. White people in White societies have lived long, happy lives without a single damn Jew. They are not needed, and for all their howling and crying…why can’t they just live somewhere else? They have a country. Go to it. You would think it would be the death of them if they had to live with their own kind to hear them talk. What is so terrifying to the Jews about living without White people on their own? I assure you, there is no super majority of White people that assume that we MUST live with the Africans in their nations or the Chinese or Vietnamese nations. And none would have the audacity to say it was our right to do so.
So a small, very small, extremely small, amount of Jews point out the deprivations of the Jews upon our societies. Well whooptee damn do. Like I need Jews to tell me that. Even they have no real value. Exactly what is it that they are doing that is so special? Why is it that they should be honored? I don’t know. We don’t need them to tell us how bad the Jews are, we can see it for ourselves. So in fact, what EXACTLY do we need even one Jew for???? I can’t come up with anything.
The blessing of Noah on Japheth begins to make sense:
You who down voted: what is your problem? In this blessing, Shem is considered the first born; but the blessing of Japheth became a two edged sword and the presence in the house of Shem of one branch of Japheth’s descendants has become a curse.
I want to add to this to show you that the case is even worse than I postulated at first. I said,”…So a small, very small, extremely small, amount of Jews point out the deprivations of the Jews upon our societies. Well whooptee damn do. Like I need Jews to tell me that. Even they have no real value. Exactly what is it that they are doing that is so special? Why is it that they should be honored? I don’t know. We don’t need them to tell us how bad the Jews are, we can see it for ourselves…”
If the Jews were normal people then what I’m about to say would be silly but they are such horrendous liars and deceivers that it may very well be the very few Jews who speak out are only another ploy to pretend that there are some “good Jews” when in fact there are none. Zero. This may seem silly but the thousands of years of evidence proves that even if it’s wrong there’s no point in having any interaction with Jews at all.
A case in point. Unz exposes a lot of Jew perfidy but even he lies his ass off on some subjects. He, lies, lies about covid and the vax. He deliberately pushes false and contrived information on the origin of covid(I caught him directly and pointed it out where he used contrived data to deceive). He deliberately tries to push the idea that “some group” did this when the ONLY group that could in any way, any way at all, derive any gain from the engineered virus is the Jews. NO one else. Unz knows how bad it looks if the Jews are trying to murder everyone with covid and then, to make it worse, poison them with tainted vax to top it off. This is genocidal behavior.
Even the dumbest intel agency in the US knows that killing off the Chinese with a viral warfare attack can’t do anything but risk mutual assured destruction. But the Jews, screwed over by the Chinese and filled with narcissistic psychopathic thirst for revenge, could very well unleash the virus on China while blaming the US. (The Jews had a think tank do a paper, and it concluded that they needed to move to China. The assumption is the Chinese let them think this was happening, then pulled the rug out from under them and refused the move. I submit that this was shortly after the reason for the overthrow of Ukraine’s leaders to provide a plan B to move the Jews there. I think this is ongoing. A lot have moved there already.)
Let us not forget the person who set up the Wuhan lab was a Jew from Harvard. It’s not a big reach to suggest he also set up the general thrust of their research and possibly provided the research material. One of his students was caught trying to smuggle controlled biological material to China in his socks and arrested. The Harvard Jew was also arrested shortly after covid broke and charged with setting up the lab. Somebody knows more about this than they have let on to finger him, so quickly. Let’s not forget that the Jews own the media and their response to covid was a 24 hour non-stop repetition that a “wet market” was where it came from. Trying to deflect the Jew guilt. I expect the Chinese know better.
How convenient. The US is researching covid strains similar to what was in Wuhan, Harvard Jew sets up Chinese lab and, proven, has students smuggle biological materials. Chinese set up lab, begin experiments. Jew releases covid attack, likely from stolen US material, into China, then blame US. Classic Jew set up.
It would not surprise me in the slightest that the recent Chinese lab found with biological pathogens was set up by the Chinese not to actually make a viral weapon to release but as a warning that, hey we can retaliate any time we want, and that they tipped the FBI to the lab.
Let’s also not forget Israel shortly after covid hit them had a huge die off of some of their farm animals. Chinese retaliation, and a warning maybe?
And even further. The idea that they are trying to plant is that the Covid engineered attack was never anything. Just a fake cold season, and there were not a lot of deaths. Why it was all fake. NO! I know people personally who directly got the early version and almost died. We know for a 100% fact that people in Iran and Italy died in large numbers. The Chinese tried to cover it up but Wuhan, locked down, no traffic, had people in suits collecting bodies and shortly after a large haze covered the city. People said, and I believe, so many people died they had to burn the bodies in pits. Unfortunately for the psychopathic Jews the Chinese do not mess around and any infection they immediately locked down whole areas and I bet, limited Jews movements so they could not release more. There was also another bad infection in the Northern China. I can’t remember exactly what but it was some sort of hemorrhagic fever. Really awful stuff like Ebola and they stopped that too.
The sequence of lethality and events is entirely consistent with an engineered virus. A viral weapons researchers gave an interview where he said that the engineered viruses break down quicker than natural viruses to less lethal forms, and this is exactly what we saw. Strong lethality at first, with a rapid decline in lethality in a short period of time.
The point I’m making, if it’s not plain enough already, is even one damn Jew in your territory is one too damn many. They are so virulent, untrustworthy and vicious that it’s pointless to risk your nation just to make these savage beast happy. Everything they touch turns to shit and is destroyed. Even their own country. Look at the stupid mess they are in now. Attacking Ukraine to get at Russia, allowing the recent Hamas attacks and assuming they could genocide the Palestinians, and it’s 100% they could have stopped the attacks, they let them go on for 7 hours, and now they are screwed. Their psychopathic brain functions mean that anything they do or touch turns to shit. Even for themselves.
For quite a few years I did tradesmen work in Jewish houses. It’s amazing how you find yourself checking every bit of furniture for scratches, loose legs, anything broken, does the alarm system function properly. Because of you don’t you’re working for free that day. Working for people that feel entitled to take your money, time, and labor is the most infuriating thing I’ve ever endured. And it was often enough that I never relaxed in that environment. Maybe as high as 50%. That’s an insane number.
“…Maybe as high as 50%. That’s an insane number…”
I’m willing to bet as much as 49% didn’t try because they couldn’t find a way to hang something on you.
As a group, the Jews have no redeeming value at all. None. They, of course, are all for individualism for them, pretending that because one (likely not true) has some value we should save the rest. All the while acting as a group to destroy us, no matter how innocent many of ours are. They will spare none.
There’s one idea that describes the Jews perfectly. It describes their parasitism, their, lying, their chameleon like behavior, their sense of superiority and belief that they are different from everyone else. There’s a simple explanation for why the Jews are hated so much that also explains their behavior and success. The Jews are a tribe of psychopaths. Not all, maybe not even the majority, but a large number. All of the Jews ancient writings are nothing more than a manual for psychopaths to live by. The Talmud is nothing but one psychopathic thought after another. The Talmud “great enlightenment” basically says that everyone not Jewish is there to serve Jews. All their property is really the Jews. No one is really human unless they’re Jews and their lives don’t matter. A psychopathic religion for a psychopathic people.
They’ve been thrown out of every single country that they’ve been to in any numbers. Psychopaths having no empathy themselves can only go by the feedback they get from the people they are exploiting. So they push and push to see what they can get away with. The normal people build up resentment towards them. Thinking “surely they will reform or repent” like a normal person who does wrong. Of course, the Jews do not. They don’t have the mental process for reform. Then in a huge mass outpouring of hate for the Jews, fed up with the refusal to reform their behavior, they attack and/or deport them. In this stage of the cycle the Big/Rich Jews escape and the little Jews are attacked.
I’m not saying all Jews are psychopaths but I am saying that,
There is no distinguishable difference between a bunch of Jews moving into your territory and a tribe of psychopaths. The two are indistinguishable.
Both the local Libertarian Party and large home schooling co-op contained huge proportions of Jews. In both groups some of them were suggesting that “freedom, liberty, and ‘the American Way’ originated in the Talmud. The home school group eventually split up when the gentiles got sick of the Jews. As for the Libertarians from what I know, most of the gentiles are now “anti-Semites” with a few National Socialists. When I told a LP woman who used to host reading circles that Hitler was the good guy in WWII, she didn’t contradict me and from her tone and the look in her eyes, she knew the facts. Oddly, that was my exact experience with the one LaRouch guy I used to talk to, who used to rant against “Confederates,” ha ha. His elder brother was one of those who was railroaded into prison during the Bush era. Supposedly 30% Jews, in that organization.
I did home improvements for Jews for years and advertised in their local paper. I was only cheated three times, but I would type everything up in detail and get a signature. An ungodly number of them would first tell me, “I don’t want to know; just fix it!” I have never heard that from any other group — not from Whites, Blacks, or super-cheap Lebanese or Indians.
Never fall for that because if you do, when you try to bill them, it will be, “Why didn’t you tell me it would be so much!
I was specifically warned against the orthodox and also Israelis. Goniff (“thief”) is what they call it. So I avoided them.
Friday Fun….
SHOT

ChatGPT Programmed To Defend The Talmud At All Costs
From your site: “The Bible tells us Israel is Yahweh’s portion, and that he will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel.”
First and foremost, let’s put a halt to this damnable Ziongelic heresy; this is Paul on that promise:
Jesus Christ is the Seed; therefor, those who bless Jesus Christ are blessed; those who curse Jesus Christ are cursed.
Is God the god of the mountains or is he the God of a people: Israelites first and then refined to those who are “spiritual” Israel? Is God the god of the soil of a particular plot of land in the middle east or the God of a genetic people and spiritual people? If He is first the God of a genetically identifiable people and has made promises to that people,speaking according to the flesh, can another race of people interject themselves and seize the promises God made according to the flesh? No, for God’s promises endure forever and pertain to the 13 (Joseph is two tribes) forever: God did not make the promises he made to Jacob apply to Esau, Canaan, or to Japheth and the latter’s genetic descendants the Ashkenazim/Khazars. Nor does the Word of God suddenly switch from the Law of Moses and the Prophets to the law of scribbling rabbis and the Babylonian mystery religion; just as the Word of God at the height of the apostasy of the Israelites and the Judahites did not suddenly switch from YWHY to Baal, Astarte, or Moloch.
One is blessed through believing on Jesus Christ; one is cursed and already condemned for not believing Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. The promises made to the 13 tribes according to the flesh follow after the tribes according to the flesh: they do not transfer to another invading tribe or tribes; or, as Jesus declared, climbed over the fence and did not come in through the gate; this is why it is important to know the migrations of the Israelite tribes. (This is also the reason why those who jumped the fence into the sheep fold seek to destroy the Northern European Whites and their dispersed descendants.)
Therefor, Israel of the flesh and Israel of the Faith are YWHY’s portion.
“The Bible tells us Israel is Yahweh’s portion, and that he will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel.”
Christians have missed a very important point. What did Moses do to the Jews that were misbehaving when he came down from the mount? He exterminated them. So culling all the Jews that are not behaving is a blessing to the Jews, and everyone else, and making sure they are the chosen people. Culling the psychopathic and narcissistic is improving the Jews.
Notice it is not defending the Torah, so the words of man over the words of God must be defended because they serve Satan‘s purposes.
The jews will convert to Christianity or they will meet their father, the Devil.
The seed of the serpent will never convert to Christianity. Ziongelicism maybe; but not he Faith.
Minor observation on the pop culture front.
Watching a TV series called Monarch: Legacy of Monsters. Basically, a Godzilla/King Kong series that builds on Skull Island and Godzilla vs. Kong.
At about 8:30 minutes in the first episode, the main character is sitting in a can listening to the can driver tell her that the San Francisco attack by Godzilla was a hoax using CGI. The guy even has a podcast.
Reminds me of how Miles Mathis argued that the Hawaii fire was a hoax done with CGI. Now the media is seeding this idea to discredit it.
Judge Foiled by Bruen, Forced to Allow Convicted Felon to Keep Second Amendment Rights
I re-watched American Psycho last night. After reading AC for a while, I saw it very differently to last time.
The surveillance is the esoteric theme of the film.
It’s a character piece, but the character is the environment/culture/club/cabal.
The plot follows the killer, but it’s really about a special kind of secret concierge service for the ultra class that manipulates information and vanishes evidence, guilt, and consequences.
Taken seriously, this take has an interesting implication: Bateman himself, whose father “like, owns the company or something” is not aware of the concierge service or its actions. It would seem that his character defects have resulted in him being parked in a cushy job/lifestyle, but not actually fully read into the conspiracy.
Any of us with siblings (or anyone who has read the Bible or seen The Godfather) knows that offspring are not fungible.
They must be GATEing themselves so carefully!
Best scene in the movie is when he checks in on Paul Allen’s apartment and that real-estate agent is in there, and all the bodies have been cleaned up. She knows, and is afraid he might just kill her, but she tells him, “don’t make any Trouble” and then to get out and never come back. Dead giveaway for the cabal conspiracy.
And a real estate agent. They control who lives where for the surveillance ops, and and they want to control the sales of houses, because that is a major way normies could build equity and amass value and one day have enough money to get outside their system.
it was the lawyer scene that did it for me. The family lawyer with the same info as the PI/detective.
About real and fake crop circles. I watched a documentary about it and the thing about real crop circles is that the plants still remain unbroken and growing. Likewise there is still a trace of electromagnetic signature left there which will be sensed by you if you enter the pattern.
I also remember seeing a video of an Orb at night moving around that draws those intricate Crop Circles.