Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
The President Tweets : “Big victory moments ago in the State of Nevada. The all Democrat County Commissioner race, on same ballot as President, just thrown out because of large scale voter discrepancy. Clark County officials do not have confidence in their own election security. Major impact!” Tough to see how votes which are so unreliable that they can’t be used to elect a county commissioner could be reliable enough to use for President.
The President’s entire legal team has been summoned to an emergency meeting at the White House.
Attorney Lin Wood lodges lawsuit seeking to block certification of Georgia election results. He has until Thursday to stop it.
DOJ IG Michael Horowitz is actively investigating the FBI’s handling of the Hunter Biden laptop. Obviously you’d be wise to not hold your breath waiting for punishments. But even that realization by the public is good for exposure.
Project Veritas shows how in the Georgia recount auditors call multiple ballots for Joe Biden that were actually marked for President Trump. What is more likely, that nothing ever comes of this and we continue on this path, with it all out in the open, or that Trump ends up re-assuming office, and we get honest elections?
Sidney Powell says the Trump campaign has a witness who was present for the creation of the Smartmatic system, when it was used to steal at least one election for Hugo Chavez in Venezuela. I would say the idea President Trump fights his way back to victory against all this is ridiculous, but on the other side, the idea we continue to have our elections for President won by a known Chinese asset child molester, because we use voting machines owned in part by Spain, Venezuela, George Soros, and Canada, which are able to be hacked in real time, while routing our vote totals through multiple foreign countries, while numerical anomalies like we have seen continue to pile up in each election so we see the fraud openly, seems even more unlikely. By contrast, Q’s assertion Military Intelligence is about to seize control and fix it, with Trump getting reinstalled, sounds pretty much common sense.
John Solomon says of the Durham investigations, “I am seeing extensive investigative efforts under way. I don’t get a sense it is over. In fact I suspect we may see actions soon from the probe.”
Maricopa county used Dominion Employees, not county employees for vote tabulation.
Dominion’s head of strategy and security, Eric Coomer, sounds like a real nutjob here. Usual leftist bullshit on his facebook at the link – hates cops, hates Trump, fuck the USA, Pence is a religious terrorist, yada yada.
Video of Eric Coomer pitching Dominion to Chicago election officials on April 13, 2017.
Gateway Pundit claims “The U.S. Army did not conduct a raid in Germany on either Sctyl or Dominion offices or servers. It was USEUCOM (United States European Command) that did.” An interesting article by CIA officer Larry Johnson which says these were actually CIA servers that were operated by CIA in Frankfurt under military cover, so legally the servers were military servers, which is why the Military had the authority to go in there and grab them for DOJ. Also, Haspel was kept in the dark (though that could have been to make her life easier as if she knew, she would have been expected to warn her fellow CIA). He also says decades ago, DEA had an issue with CIA, and used US Mil to go in and grab servers in Frankfurt for a drug investigation way back then. So this is not unprecedented.
From FreeRepublic: “The ballot marking pen I was given at my Accessible Voting Location (AVL) (“you can keep it as a souvenir” the poll worker told me) marks black on paper, but glows dark blue under UV light. Compare with regular black ballpoint pen. Fun fact.”
Someone asked Lin Wood, “Lin, what happened with the interview with Howie Carr? He said they didn’t cut you off. You were dropping some massive truth bombs when it happened.” Lin replied, “Call abruptly ended as I was about to fire another truth missile. Lots of odd events occurring with my cell service. Is anyone else noticing cell issues or is it just me?”
Wisconsin Elections Commission refuses to do recount unless Trump pays $7.9 million upfront.
Box of mislabeled ballots found at Pulaski County Election Commission.
Election officials in Georgia found some 2,600 uncounted ballots from a Republican-leaning section of the state. They went 2 to 1 for Trump. Purely chance these things always go against the Republican.
Bill Gates helped hire BLM ‘students’ to count ballots in battleground states.
President Donald Trump’s National Security Council is preparing for “a very professional transition,” because it looks like Joe Biden has won the election, national security adviser Robert O’Brien said in comments that aired Monday. I’ve said the manpower on this thing, and the way it has flooded its assets into all the zones of importance, is mind-blowing. Trump has literally spent his Presidency surrounded by a den of vipers.
After destroying the economy for the Chinavirus, Biden wants to spend $7 trillion of government money to fuel it. It is interesting, because it eliminates capitalism, and turns it into a government funded economy, as it sets the nation on a path to ruin for China, all at once.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris claim they are scheduled to receive a national security briefing on Tuesday. It sounds like they are just going to bring in some random rube and have them say things, and call it a briefing, so they can look like they are progressing toward the White House.
Antifa-aligned group cheers alleged arson at police officer’s home and Twitter allows the tweet.
Barack Obama says a ‘fever’ of racism is a ‘defining feature’ of the American experience.
Gavin Newsom weighs a statewide curfew as most of California returns to toughest COVID-19 tier. And yet there are no increases in deaths. I think they are trying to limit the ability of people to exchange information outside of the internet. It makes me wonder if you could train an AI to “massage” online communications between individuals to drive opinions produced by such exchanges toward a certain narrative, such as by exchanging hard words for softer words, and then run it in the background on all communications between people who rarely meet face to face. The thing is, as you run it you need them to continue not meeting face to face.
Study finds 1 in 5 COVID-19 patients develop mental illness within 90 days. It is impossible to know what to believe with this thing at this point.
CDC is labeling everything a COVID death.
Fauci says a Biden transition is the key to quick distribution of Covid vaccine.
UCLA Professor says, we should give reparations to latinos, too.
Supernovas may affect climate, according to tree ring data.
New York Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claimed that Democrats lost the House majority during virtual town hall Thursday evening. As it stands now, the official public story is they did not lose the majority, so it is tough to tell if she mis-spoke, doesn’t know, or if the reality behind the scenes which they know is different from what we have been told. If this is a movie, they may all know the real script.
Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger issued a warning to groups that are helping individuals move to Georgia solely for the purpose of voting in the January Senate runoffs elections, saying they will be caught prosecuted. He’s a RINO at best, but perhaps the warning will help.
Roman Catholic Diocese seeks Supreme Court emergency relief over Cuomo Chinavirus restrictions.
Another Trump victory on COVID-19: another new vaccine is shown to be 94.5 percent effective.
NASA wants to build a nuclear plant on the moon.
Vista Outdoors, the parent company of ammunition brands Federal, CCI, Blazer, and Speer (among others), announced during an earnings call last week a yearlong backlog of ammunition orders worth $1 billion. No sure if this belongs in good news or bad.
Support for stricter U.S. gun laws is at the lowest level since 2016.
Trump plans a last-minute China crackdown.
DNI Ratcliff to brief on the extent of Chinese influence operations in U.S. In other words the extent to which China has bought American traitors to sell out the US under guise of leftism. This could be related to revealing the mechanism behind the electoral fraud.
“DNI Ratcliff to brief on the extent of Chinese influence operations”
Imagine sitting in a briefing on the Chicom’s pets with Biden and you see a picture of Biden. Awkward.
Yeah, that would be weird.
Imagine how awkward it is going to be when Israeli influence is discussed and the whole Congress is in the file.
“Dominion’s head of strategy and security, Eric Coomer, sounds like a real nutjob here. Usual leftist bullshit on his facebook at the link – hates cops, hates Trump, fuck the USA, Pence is a religious terrorist, yada yada.”
This is what he looks like:

A coomer in more ways than one.
Another clue that the gaybal surveillance shit is being coordenated by Israel is the fact mossad controls the MSM and “alt”-media. As AC has noted, it seems the journos also do surveillance ops on the side.
Israel is truly the enemy #1 of all Western people.
Also, for those that say that nuking Israel is not an option, I remind you that Japan got nuked twice for way less than what Israel has done to the US (Israel did 9/11 and pushed the US into wars in the ME that killed more Americans than the Pearl Harbor attack). Also, the US had concentration camps for Japanese people living in US at the time, and since 95% of Jews are pro-Israel in the US, I can see how mass deportation of zionists (note that not only Jews can be zionists) can happen in the next 2 to 6 years.
For now, the best we lawful and peaceful civilians can do against the gaybal to is push for the exposure of the surveillance operations, the redpilling of the gen pop on the issues of Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion, and get others to boycott and tell everyone they can to boycott Israel.
Very interdasting:
Seems like 2 term President Trump the Great has trapped the whole msm and big tech mafia. And I hope this means the mossad controlled msm actors here in Europe also get BTFO by the DoJ or the DoD for trying to aid in the steal of the election.
European flags on /pol/ were talking about how the MSM retards are still using the term president elect for pedo Biden even after Congress officially communicated that there is no such thing yet. God bless President Trump, the more I learn the more I admire is endless courage and strategic thinking. GOD WINS.
Obongo no longer likes the internet:
If any of the frens here is into trolling, this is the kind of crack that can be exploited to divide and conquer the leftists:
Sockpuppet accounts + exploiting natural chinks in the armor of the enemy = WINRAR
Can you post more whitepills?
In two months will be the biggest whitepill or the biggest blackpill.
If it is the blackpill, Trump isn’t sworn in, Biden is, and we all know our voting system is rigged, our President is a full on, completely owned Chinese asset, our NatSec Apparatus is hopeless and helpless, our military will be disassembled, our nation is on a path to being torn down and handed to China in a military defeat that will kill millions of our best, and our population will be hopelessly invaded by millions of violent low IQ third world shitholers who will turn this nation into some mix of where they came from and a Chinese occupied work-camp.
If the Whitepill, then against all odds, and all efforts of our enemies, Trump will be sworn in, and from that alone, you will know Trump has full control of the Matrix, everybody who tried to fuck Trump will be poised to get it up the ass, big time, and our election system is about to get an overhaul which will probably mean leftists will never hold sway in our government ever again. One of those two feels like it could never happen here. The other feels like something that would appear inevitable in retrospect.
The black pill ain’t so black AC. Cities have to eat and the US will go on a bit of a diet 😆, Lord knows the royal dindus and specials need it.
Coronavirus: Israeli medic fired for spitting on Jesus portraits
Gaybal funneling more money to themselves using rayciss as the excuse:
“DOJ IG Michael (((Horowitz))) is actively investigating …”
Sources have leaked the real results of the US election from the Frankfurt server:
And the zio-MIC false flags have started:
Remider that like Q confirmed, mossad controls the MSM, “alt”-media and US politicians:
GOP Senator tries to block Trump appointment:
This is a big deal – board of governors seats are almost as important as a SCOTUS seat.
These are 14-year terms, and the appointee shapes literally THE SUPPLY OF MONEY in the United States
Lamar Alexander is being a jagoff and blocking this appointment because he Trump to consneed or not leave Iraq or some other neocon boomer bullshit.
Judy Shelton is 100% /ourgirl who hates the Fed:
>Shelton has said the Fed harnesses too much power and should be reined in.
>She has also been outspoken against the Fed as an institution.
Top kek
The names of the CEOs are unknown but I bet you 6 million shekels more than 50% of them are Jews:
Translation: mossad controlled ISIS is going to activate their cells in the West if Americans refuse to die in useless wars for Israel in the ME:
Very important IMHO to find out who these people are, they will certainly try to use their power of the purse to try to lobby legislature into place that will thread on the liberties of the People:
Let THEM eat the fucking bugs.
ISIS mossad asset released in Oregon:
Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell has promised an orderly transition of power to Joe Biden.
Fug, I got baited on that one.
McConnell never said Biden would be the next admin.
Shame on me!
One for the glowies (don’t open frens it’s a disgusting pic of a post-op tranny (this one got a big fat fake benis that looks like a meat colored torso of dog ballon lmao):
What is this ranked choice voting thing all about?
Is it that bad or not?
Soon to be obliterated by boycotting Israel bombs Syria:
Top kek meme:
Antifa working hard at making sure they get the death penalty:
Top kek
Another thread about antifa working hard at getting the death penalty:
High IQ post from /ptg/:
No I think it’s much worse than that. They had deadlines and they missed them. Syria, Iran, the pipeline, other things I’m not up to speed on. These projects had GLOBAL buy in. Think of how bad it is for a factory to be a week behind schedule and then apply that to a global conspiracy 4 years out of date and you start to understand what’s at stake.
We’re going to find out it wasn’t just a few million votes, then we’re going to find out it wasn’t this election, the that it wasn’t just America, then that it was used on our allies not just our enemies, and that a LOT of people knew, and then the whole world order is going to oopsie. Trump is probably the greatest revolutionary leader of all time.
Interesting. VCAT anon discussing how the left and Trump are signaling each other in the open.
Can you link, please?
Forgot the link…
Kek, another antifa terrorist working hard at getting the death penalty:
For those who want to see the video:
Martin Armstrong explains why civil wars will happen and officials will be killed by the gen pop, with a concrete example:
Martin Powerfulupperlimb posted a perfect article for normands that is sourced with short vydia from the horses mouth that can be used to redpill Normies on the Great Reset agenda and Soros:
Great article by Gilad Atzmon, one of my favorite Jews:
Comments are also worth a read.
The world eater creature is at it again:
Top kek, another example of someone embracing a more-to-the-right position after getting tired of getting shat on from the leftists as a person that just wants to be left alone:
Leftards don’t understand that when they tell people they are shit for looking at the things without buying into their delusions, after a certain point they just stop caring, and the more they try to suppress the truth, the more pressure builds up which means the more energy gets released once a person stops caring. The left says the right stigmatizes people, but the truth is that the left stigmatizes reality itself.
Imagine being a glowie assigned to the local crowd and knowing you are getting paid by people’s taxes so society becomes like this while mossad ISIS cells are flooding your Country but your boss doesn’t give a shit because Jewish collective power controls him and it wants you and yours dead, but you can’t say shit otherwise you’re going to get called an anti-Semite and an Islamophobe nazi bigot Huite Supremaciss Hortler:
Non-based Glowies are at same level of jannies, they are even lower because at least jannies do it for free, non-based glowies steal people’s tax money and work to destroy them and themselves.
Proud Bois and antifaggarinos clash most likely soon:
The Black Rebel, a black conservative and a known Proud Boy associate, is organizing a protest near the Justice Center in Downtown Portland on Thursday. He is known for getting stabbed by a militant Antifa/convicted pedophile back in July at that very same spot, and had a huge gash on his head from a rock thrown by Antifa just a few weeks ago. He is constantly on the front lines, often providing media coverage for the Proud Boys and their associates.
Antifa has caught word of the event and are now promising to show up and start a fight. They are calling on their comrades to come prepared for a battle.
I wish I could be there to spread fliers to all the people there on how antifa is a literal Jewish terrorist group with deep ties to Israel (using verifiable facts with sources, off course). How cool would it be to have have the whole crowd chanting boycott Israel, would also drive Muslims to get mad at antifa, shit loads of muzzies in the West think antifa is not related to Israel.
Frens tell frens to boycott Israel, be a real fren to your frens, frens.