News Briefs – 11/16/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Twitter Brief is here.

NO Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney says that a three-letter US government agency got caught switching votes. And China was also involved. I’ve said here going back years, there have been multiple indicators China is either teamed with, comped by, or maybe a force behind Cabal. Three years ago, it probably sounded nuts, but now, given it is clear the CIA is also comped, it is unsurprising to anyone here they might work together to overthrow our government. Bigger than anyone can imagine.

Rasmussen says, “Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in every major metro area around the country, save for Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia … in these big cities in swing states run by Democrats…the vote even exceeded the number of registered voters.”

In a video, Sidney Powell says, “It’s one huge, huge criminal conspiracy that should be investigated by Military Intelligence, for its national security implications.” Also points out they are wiping the internet of relevant data.

Twitter accounts for Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, and Lin Wood were ‘search banned’ today.

Conservative Treehouse was just kicked off WordPress. It is tempting when you start out and have zero revenue, to choose one of the many services which tells you they will host your content, install your software, and give you a turnkey site for free. Some will even pick up your domain for you. But nothing is free, and this is why they are there. Always know exactly how you will move your site to newer pastures, and be ready to do it quickly.

Kayleigh Mcenany says she has PA Secretary Of State emails telling her democrat voters to ‘fix their ballots,’ while Republicans were not allowed the same ability if their ballots had errors, which is an equal protection issue which will invalidate all those absentee votes in Pennsylvania.

Don’t know if it is true or not, but this got archived before anybody could even comment on it – one of the voting machine companies was founded by Strobe Talbot’s son. Strobe Talbot is married to the sister (herself a Hillary aide), of Cody Shearer, who was the jogging gangstalker who approached Kathleen Wiley out of the blue in a park and recited the names of her kids, asked about her missing cat by name, commented on her slashed tires, and then asked if she was getting the message. Last word on him was he was running a private intel outfit with Sidney Blumenthal that was helping Hillary chase after Khadafi’s gold in Libya after the fall using ex SF and CIA guys on the ground, while Hillary’s brother was buying a mine in Haiti so if they found it they could launder the serialized bars by melting them, claiming it was just mined, and recasting them with new serials and new paper to get them back into the system, papered clean. Lots of activity in the swamp, and it is a family affair.

How a Philly mob boss stole the election — and why he may flip on Joe Biden.

Obama’s aid package to Ukraine included using Scytl to run their elections. Long video, only other interesting point we haven’t seen before was they claim independent verification of the Frankfurt raid to grab the servers. I was more convinced by the anon on 4Chan talking about raiding for servers in Germany days before the story broke.

Infographic on how Kamala’s husband’s employer is on the board of the parent company of Smartmatic voting machines. 


Just reported by Federalist editor in chief. Sean Davis“Durham isn’t doing anything. Dropping his investigations. He’s worried about blowback from Biden. What an absolute disgrace.” I have no idea what the deal is with this, it could be fake news, or designed to put people at ease before the hammer drops, but I am entirely unconcerned, simply because it is all being overseen by Trump, who fights harder, smarter, and more relentlessly than anyone else. One interesting theory I heard was was the Plan all along was to catch them red handed doing voter fraud, and the whole Huber/Durham thing was simply theater to motivate the major actors to do as much voter fraud as was humanly possible in 2020 so they could be nailed cold in the act. Now that the machine was caught fixing the election, the bogus investigation of Trump while claiming they were afraid he was a Russian agent is weak tea, and not even worth chasing since you can only execute them once. I’d still expect a purge of the system with the sealed indictments to clean it of comped actors, and a part of me wonders if criminal justice reform was to empty the jails of minor criminals so there will be room for all the actors in this conspiracy. Putting them away with felony convictions for ten years each might be a way to eliminate the advantages of Cabal-membership, and put everyone on equal ground again going forward.

Same reporter as above, a few hours later“Another source familiar with Durham’s investigation rejected entirely the characterization that Durham is dropping his probe: “John Durham’s investigation remains at full-speed ahead.””

Multiple reversals and proportional vote entries in Virginia on election night after 11 PM indicate election fraud occurred in this state too.

Stacey Abrams says, ‘More than 600,000’ Georgians already requested mail ballots for runoff election.

Vox Day on how Patreon purges Q-anon-linked creators, and this is a market ruled by the rules of information warfare.

Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey are called back to face Congress over charges of election censorship.

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer declares a 3-week lockdown.

Trump coronavirus adviser Scott Atlas urges Michigan to ‘rise up’ against new Covid-19 measures.

Trump supporters rally outside Hillary Clinton’s home after news that Biden is considering her for Ambassador to the UN.

Video of the fat dreadlocked Antifa chick who pulled a switchblade and got knocked the fuck out.

UFC fighter Jorge Masvidal, a conservative, said on Saturday that he may start attending conservative marches like the one held yesterday in Washington, D.C., with other fighters after he saw left-wing extremists attack people. I’d recommend against this for now. For starters, it is simple to avoid the attackers, just don’t protest at night in small numbers. I have suspected many of the “conservative protesters” out protesting at night may be surveillance using that as a cover. It is even possible all of the actors are Cabal, and those are little shows to make leftists feel potent and manipulate our side into feeling attacked and over-reacting. How many of you have thought about what it would be like to establish an overwatch position from a roof on one of those scenes with an AR, and just clean it up in seconds? That is what those scenes seem designed to provoke, and it would give Cabal energy. Second, if you’re going to show up to fight, you need to anonymize yourself. All combatants need to dress identically separately but nearby, sans observers, before emerging and immediately melding in a private rally point with your group (in the event infiltrators are among them, which they will be). That way they all blend and become difficult to ID even among themselves, let alone by any surveillance, as they exit the rally-site and head to the protest. Schooling on forensic countermeasures to take after engagements, as well as protocols to re-rally, reblend in private, and then separate, change and split, also need to be performed. Otherwise, one off punch with a little too much mustard, that kills an Antifa, and some well-meaning patriot’s life will be ruined. To say nothing of the fact it appears after Saint Kyle of Kenosha, Cabal deployed its machine to actually just outright kill a Proudboy, and probably not one picked by chance. (((They))) are gathering intel on all the actors, and (((They))) appear to hold grudges. The sad truth is, Cabal controls the machinery, and you need to act as if everything is against you. And if you are going to do that, paranoia is the best tool.

Michigan House member files to impeach Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

The Lincoln Project went an abysmal 0-7 in key Senate races this cycle despite spending almost $12 million.

Trump flipped five overwhelmingly Hispanic border counties despite bipartisan claims his rhetoric would alienate them.

Spread r/K Theory, because you can’t be smart if you don’t have any idea what you are doing.

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Mr Twister
Mr Twister
4 years ago

Not long to find out if this is true.

Arrest warrant to be issued today (Monday) for Matt Hancock (UK Gov “adviser”)

aunt tebby
aunt tebby
4 years ago

I don’t suppose I’m the first one to ask this, but:

When you post a long wall of text, could you please put in some paragraph breaks?

REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

“…the vote even exceeded the number of registered voters.”

Δ soon?
35°07’10.4″N 79°21’52.8″W

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
4 years ago

“Video of the fat dread-locked Antifa chick who pulled a switchblade and got knocked the fuck out.”

I’m so damn tired of my proud brothers and sisters having to dance for the Man. In this day and age we should be able to receive what is rightfully ours without having to eat a motorcycle helmet for our troubles.

4 years ago

Thanks for what you do.

This blog has been a daily source for encouragement.

Mr. Random Commenture
Mr. Random Commenture
4 years ago

So, remember what the Learned Elders of Wye said about China?

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Mr. Random Commenture
4 years ago

A couple of points
1) American decline is the direct consequence of Jewish policies.
2) Chinese will eat Jews alive. Literally, like right after the last check clears.
3) All surviving Jews will run to Israel, just in time for… fireworks and a party.

One Hell of a party

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
4 years ago

If we ever have a first female President it should be Sydney Powell.

M in the 517
M in the 517
Reply to  Corn Pop
4 years ago

Steely Syd

Hell’s revenge on all of the fifth columnists

4 years ago

> anonymize yourself. … nearby

“Nearby” would be how far?

If any of the security services are doing their job, the District of Columbia is one of the most heavily surveilled areas on the planet. There were riots and bombings there in the 1960s and 1970s, and by the late 1980s municipal camera systems were going online in places like LA and Chicago. The technology is so cheap as to be only an incidental expense on a city budget, much less a national security hot zone.

Remember all those networked security cameras in stores and other businsses, and video doorbells, all available to the security services. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were semi-official ones in public toilets. It’s just too cheap and useful not to be implemented.

So the question becomes, how far out does the surveillance web extend? And given that, how do you solve your transportation problem?

It’s not like you can just duck into the bathroom in Wendy’s and switch outfits; even if the store didn’t have cameras (which they do), it’s simple enough to use the street cams to log who goes in and who goes out. You don’t even need an ID; just that the same number of identifiable people go through the doors each day. If you wind up short on one list and over on the other, you know who to look at.

This is the “Hong Kong Protester Problem”; the State can unreel their movements as far back as necessary until their identity is known. DC almost certainly has *at least* that level of surveillance.

And for the love of $DIETY, avoid the electronic pacifier. Even a burner flip phone leaves a blazing trail of location information as soon as you turn it on, and the IMEI will tell them what store it was sold from, and there’s your happy face on video.

At one time sifting through that much data would have taken task forces. Now it’s a few mouse clicks.

“Let’s be careful out there!”

Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

Sorry bro but disagree. There is no cloaking method that cannot possibly be defeated. It’s a matter of how hard you’re making it for them to detect you. They do not have unlimited manpower.
This said, I don’t think the situation will become so bad that it will be necessary to do what AC has suggested. That’s me being optimistic.

4 years ago

Always know exactly how you will move your site to newer pastures, and be ready to do it quickly.

I haven’t posted to my blog in years, but I keep the plugin going that sends me a backup of the database by email every Sunday.

You never know.

Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
4 years ago
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
4 years ago

Hopefully this ends up spiraling into the EU imploding and ending:

Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
4 years ago

More proof that the LGBT agenda is ultimately about normalizing pedophilia:

Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
4 years ago
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
4 years ago
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
4 years ago
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
4 years ago

Biden will never be able to steal the election, but a good article to read:

Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
4 years ago

Canada is as fucked as the EU until the treasonous politicians are stopped:

4 years ago

Michigan R house moving to impeach Grinchen. R will need 4 D senators not 3, to remove her.

Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
4 years ago

Crimes against humanity, the covid tests are not reliable and the unreliable result numbers are being used as the basis for political decisions that are killing people and destroying the economy:

Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
4 years ago

Martin Armstrong predicts massive civil wars in the West:

Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
4 years ago
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
4 years ago

For the keks, I present you the 4chan airforce, and it’s first display of power:

Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
4 years ago
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
4 years ago

htt ps://

Faith (mental confidence) brings about hope (the feeling)
To prepare yourselves for the upcoming legal battles and digital battles, do not be afraid or be a black-piller to those in the foxholes with you.
Be the rock
Be the warrior.
Tell yourself that you were made just for times like this.
Show them your Power

Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
4 years ago

Thread on why Parler is probably not about freespeech at all (Dan Bongo is getting used) :


shit like this drives me crazy. it happens – IMHO – not so much for reasons of “we’ve been infiltrated by those sneaky SJW’s!” (ed: who hired em, dipshit?) but for the much duller and more prevalent reason of …. BAD MANAGEMENT.

**this shit ain’t rocket science***

so you’re Bongino, or his right-hand man, or one of his key lieutenants. you’re starting up a platform with a catchy slogan of Free Speech!, and you intend to use that platform to a) sell your product so’s you can make a shit-ton of money and b) beat your primary competitor over the head with. since Free Speech! is kinda _important_ to your brand, you need to FUCKING PAY ATTENTION TO IT. so *any* instance of someone coming to your brand and NOT being allowed to Freely Speechify is a BIG FUCKING DEAL. since it’s a BFD, you pay _real_ close attention to it. maybe not Bongino, the big guy has other things on his plate. I get that, it’s that way in every company: Bossman is a busy guy. but definitely someone close to the top.

Non Rocket Science Management 101: you have rules printed, clear and unambiguous rules as to why a comment can be censored / someone won’t be allowed to join. next, the #5 guy at Parler requires his minions to bring him a report __not less than weekly__ of every single person/instance who got censored or not allowed to join. detailed report: exactly who, exactly why, what specifically was it that got the kick. and because minions lie like rugs, the next day you have an >>audit<>mostly?<< because you're BAD MANAGERS who are going to fail)


Either Bongo is a stupid lunk head
Bongo isn’t that fucking stupid to use Parler when there are alternatives.

Which means he is on parler for a reason……what reason is the question….

John Carter
John Carter
4 years ago

“UFC fighter Jorge Masvidal, a conservative, said on Saturday that he may start attending conservative marches like the one held yesterday in Washington, D.C., with other fighters after he saw left-wing extremists attack people. I’d recommend against this for now.”

STFU. Some people, who aren’t cowards, are tired of watching as innocent, usually older, Trump supporters are being attacked by these vicious animals. Sit on the sidelines, STFD, and STFU, crybaby.

Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

It all leads to Israel.

John Carter
John Carter
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Just as I thought, all words, no action. You can stand cowering on the sidelines all you want, but God has no use for cowards.
A lot of words there to attempt to cover your cowardice, very pedantic, and telling.

Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões (729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões (729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

It would be unironically more useful to print 6 million right leaning appeals to the boycott of Israel fliers (and there are 6 trillion reasons for doing it that have nothing to do with the genocide the ziocunts are doing against the Palestinians) and just spread those everywhere you can than to risk your ass just to punch some yid pedos.

Given that said pedos ultimately work for the Israeli state (even those that don’t know it), obliterating Israel via peaceful and righteous action is the best move any Patriot can make against them. Destroy Israel and you destroy the power structure that is keeping the antifa and blm Jewish terrorist groups functioning.

The thing ziocunts and Israel fears the most is a non-Muslim non-leftist boycott of organized boycotting against Israel. They fear it to the point that they use their anti-American zionist lobby to try to pass laws to make it illegal for any American to be able to do it.

And I bet you 6 billion shekels that the surveillance shit is being run by mossad and Israel. All roads lead to Israel, and Q being a bottom-up operation that is saving Israel for last is just one more confirmation for the claim that innumerous verifiable facts prove: Israel is enemy #1.

Western Patriots for the Boycott of Israel needs to become a thing ASAP.

Executing the ground level gaybal fags who do the surveillance is not something we can do legally (unfortunately), but we can destroy the top of the pyramid in which the all seeing eye stands, peacefully and legally by promoting the boycott of Israel as much as we can in the West, specially to the right leaning crowd.

If redpilling everyone in the gen pop is step zero, getting everyone to boycott and promote the boycotting of Israel is step number 1 in making the most damage to the gaybal and all its infrastructure.

If the bar code is 729, just leave it behind.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Seconded. Thinking man’s game. Don’t stick your head up and reflect light off of your optics.

Reply to  John Carter
4 years ago

Dude, watch how Antifa took out that Proud Boy in Oregon.

AC has a video, if he can dig it up and share again.

That was a surveillance team of 5-6 people that tracked him and then guided the shooter to the target.

AC is not the first person to note that Antifa has a military command structure.

The fact that they call out “knife” or “medic” to each is a clue.

M in the 517
M in the 517
Reply to  John Carter
4 years ago

Look out, we got a full on bad ass over here.

Reply to  M in the 517
4 years ago

I’m looking forward to the next piece, AC. They are great, and I have never seen such content elsewhere.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  M in the 517
4 years ago

10/10 comment AC.

Exposing the surveillance shit, educating the gen pop on the issues of Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion and pushing the gen pop to boycott and tell others to boycott Israel is how we legally do as much damage as we can to the gaybal as mere civilians who can’t legally blow their heads out with heavy firepower (that’s the job of the whirehat military and Intel operators).

Chad Bigly
Chad Bigly
Reply to  John Carter
4 years ago

Hi Glowie!! Why don’t YOU go out and do something, Mr Fed, I mean Tough Guy? You call AC a coward, yet you have done NOTHING! Why don’t YOU go to the next Antifa brawl and show us all what a big, tough guy you are? the truth here is that, unless you really are fed-poasting, (in which case, please kill yourself) you are the COWARD!

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  Chad Bigly
4 years ago

Pls no buli the fed glowies, who else is going to investigate the 6 million verifiable facts daily written about Jews and Israel on the internet, like the good ADL bitches some of them are?

Remider that the ADL was founded to protect a Jewish pedophile called Leo Frank that tried to put the blame for the rape and homicide of his 13 year old victim Mary Phagan onto one of his Black employees, and that this is all verifiable and undeniable:

4 years ago

“Lincoln Project goes 0 for 7 and pisses away $12 mil”

they don’t give a fuck: it wasn’t *their* money. and they can’t be shamed, because whores have no shame. we’ll have to think of another way to… discourage them.

on the plus, side, ‘fat dreadlock antifa bitch faw down go boom’ was kinda funny

Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
4 years ago
4 years ago

The importance of symbolism in storytelling and how it affects us:

Inversion of the Feminine in popular culture:

4 years ago

And how to turn many of the hostile memeplexes against itself:

4 years ago

“The sad truth is, Cabal controls the machinery, and you need to act as if everything is against you. And if you are going to do that, paranoia is the best tool.”

Visualize Leviathan. And people as all its component cells. It is a powerful organism that is much larger than you and more powerful.

This is helps us assess such threats.

Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
4 years ago
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
4 years ago
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
4 years ago

U.S. court upholds Harvard race-based admissions; Supreme Court appeal expected

Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
4 years ago

Excellent account on how the mossadsm supported Jewish terrorist groups (antifa +blm) end up radicalizing everyone they target for not towing their ideological cancer:

Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
4 years ago

Working from home makes you a rayciss:

Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
4 years ago

SCOTUS meymey of all the axes to grind against pedo Joe and Kabala Harris:

Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
4 years ago

Fug, this is the correct link to the SCOTUS meymey:

comment image

Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
4 years ago

Perfect screencap to show that Jewish collective power has no place in the West:

comment image

Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
4 years ago

Top kek, vice article talking about how retarded lefties are, and they even mention the Frankfurt School of cultural Marxism:

4kangz thread:

Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões
4 years ago

Pompeo needs to be reminded that all zionists need to be legally executed or deported from the West:

Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões (729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões (729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
4 years ago

Top kek, antifa terrorists getting salty after getting doxxed en-mass:

Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões (729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões (729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
4 years ago

>Joseph, I hate riggers.

comment image

Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões (729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões (729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
4 years ago

Toppest of keks, you must read this frens:

“Incoming congressman complains it’s hard to get Jews to stop being Jewish”

House Republican leaders were silent on Monday after publication of an interview conducted by the Jewish Insider with Madison Cawthorn, a newly elected Republican congressman in North Carolina who made antisemitic comments about his failed effort to convert Jews to Christianity.

Cawthorn, an evangelical Christian who made headlines on Election Day for tweeting, “Cry more, lib,” after his victory over Democratic candidate Moe Davis was announced, had been asked by interviewer Matthew Kassel if he had ever tried to convert Jews.

“I have, unsuccessfully. I have switched a lot of, uh, you know, I guess, culturally Jewish people. But being a practicing Jew, like, people who are religious about it, they are very difficult,” he told the outlet. “I’ve had a hard time connecting with them in that way.”

Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões (729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões (729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
4 years ago

Ah, I blew my load too soon, turns out the guy is a zionist.

Need to get redpilled, all zionists need to be legally executed or deported from the West.

Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões (729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões (729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
4 years ago

Top kek:

comment image

Shit like this is why zionism has no place in the West.
America First, fuck Israel.

Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões (729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Bresidend Elegded LemdraborDos6Drilliões (729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
4 years ago

This delusional psychopathic communist is really out of his mind:

Globalist Klaus Schwab made it clear that transhumanism is an integral part of “The Great Reset” when he said that the fourth industrial revolution would “lead to a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity,” which in his book he clarifies is implantable microchips that can read your thoughts