Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
DFT – Chipmaker GlobalFoundaries Inc. Begins Layoffs, Freezes Hiring
DFT – BioNTech SE Acquires Singapore Manufacturing Facility
DFT – Elon Musk Says With Twitter Purchase He Has Too Much On His Plate
DFT – Eurozone Sees Wood Thefts Rise As Energy Prices Skyrocket
DFT – German Policy Is To Prevent China Investment In Critical Sectors
Jon Voight: Only Trump can stop swamp, ‘pray’ he returns as President.
San Jose resident’s election ballot found dumped in Santa Cruz Co. along with dozens of others.
Seven key California Congressional races have less than 55 percent of the vote in at this stage? Kari-Lake’s race is at 89% counted as I write this.
Ranked Choice Voting was just adopted in NV. Because it alters the state constitution, they will have reapprove it a second time in 2024 for it to take effect in 2026.
Oregon House seat flips to the GOP, which needs six more to capture the majority. Two more weeks…
Florida counts its ballots in hours, so why does Arizona take days?
Kanye is saved! – Jordan Peterson says he is going to have to talk with Kanye. Fascinating video though, because Peterson is projecting his psychology when he describes how others view minorities as irritating, and want them suffering, for envy. I would never say the majority feel like that, and probably a large part is I don’t think like that, which lends a sort of reflexive assumption others will think like me, and not think like that. He is a profoundly damaged individual. I actually would not trust him to not kill an innocent child (probably while crying profusely), if you placed enough stress on him, and killing the innocent person would alleviate it. You can hear the stress in that way his voice wavers in the high pitches, and sounds kind of like it is coming out under high pressure, like a balloon which squeaks as you let the air out while pulling the opening tight. It would be the opposite of Morgan Freeman’s voice, which is low, and easy, and flows like a stream, easily and gently, if I had to characterize it. That is why he cries so much. He is constantly under mental pressure, even at rest, and the least thing can set off the waterworks. It is amazing they keep propping him up there, trying to tell other people how to think, when he is so fucked up in the head.
On the meeting with Kanye, he is going to see if they can meet in the middle over some benzos and agree white people need to be killed:
Kyle knows more than he has said about the FBI plan to have a pedo take his gun and kill him with it (We were the first here to say that was what happened, and lay out the circumstantial evidence. I did not think he knew, but it turns out he may have.):
Speculation is that FBI tail number may have been over a lot of things, and have an interesting history.
Insiders stunned after Twitter eliminates 4,400 of its 5,500 contractors with no notice. Just cut off their chat and email access, never actually told them they were fired. There has to be more to this, like Elon found out these were fake jobs given to domestic surveillance to funnel cash to them, so he just closed them out. I mean one person says on twitter, they never knew they were fired until they saw a tweet saying some people were fired, tried to log onto chat and check email, and found it was gone. So they weren’t actually doing any work, they were just surfing online, saw some people were fired, and had no way to find out if it was them or not, other than to see if they could still access their company email. When they couldn’t, they realized their paycheck was probably not coming this week, but they apparently had nobody at the company to call and check with. I should get a job like that.
Twitter wasn’t a money laundering operation and spook propaganda outfit, it was a Capitalist business run for profit, just like any othe….:
FTX exchange was partnered with the World Economic Forum, which is now trying to wipe all the pages about the partnership, but a few got archived like this one. Could have been a lot of money laundering going on there for a lot of different things.
Long thread on 4Chan, the main takeaway is Google’s AI chatbot is so good at mimicking discussion, and even humor, the engineer thought it was sentient, and there are now multiple AI chatbots like that deployed online all over on forums everywhere, in between us, so we will interact with their chatbots, and never find each other. This was kind of what was going on with my family line, in real life, for reasons I am not clear on. For some reason, they would send their people in, in real life, to aggressively create friendships, and fill the social/associate/colleague positions around my family-members, so we could not interact with regular people in the population. It is fairly easy to do, as if you meet ten people, and three aggressively seek out relationships, and seven are normal and could or could not, you end up with their three people around you, and controlling your ability to “spread out” and affect anything else. I think it is going on at 4Chan now, where what I post is damaging enough they should ban me, but they do not, I presume to keep me posting in a controlled forum where they are able to stifle my spread. In this anon’s case he is just saying they have automated it with computers, to get between everyone, so no regular person can spread a troublesome idea or opinion to other people, and they can fully control what goes viral and what does not, as a way to control the whole population. In a way it is weird, because science fiction is filled with themes, where people willingly prefer a perfectly happy ephemeral virtual reality that is meaningless over a more difficult real world which is real. Here, Cabal is trying to, without anyone’s actual knowledge, plunge everyone into a virtual reality where they are disconnected from the real world and the people in it, and entirely surrounded by Cabal’s bubble of chatbots online, and all their time spent interacting is worthless. You can see why they are funneling so much money into the virtual reality Metaverse, and have told Zuckerberg no matter how it fucks up his quarterly earnings reports, he needs to develop that tech (using shareholder dollars).
The issue is there are ideas which could spread, like my surveillance page, which could be a real problem for Cabal, given there are far more good people not in Cabal, than evil people in it. It might mean to spread the dangerous ideas that we need to spread, you have to go old school, IRL guerilla marketing. Like the pamphlets of the revolutionary era. The degree to which Cabal is purely evil is astonishing. They actually come up with ways to be evil I am not even sure our brightest minds could come up with. All because they fear simple freedom.
The United Arab Emirates is engaged in a longstanding espionage attempt to compromise the United States government using political bribery as well as more traditional espionage, as per a report reviewed by the officials in question, according to the Post. These are the non-Cabal spies which I think Cabal draws into the intelligence services, gives pretend spy-training, and then gives them pretend spy jobs, like kids sent to a spy fantasy camp. They get assigned to travel overseas, and use spy training, like how to conduct three-car surveillance follows, and how to scan for bugs in your hotel room, and how to lose a tail before meeting a source. And meanwhile, they are like Jim Carrey in the Truman Show, surrounded by the ever-present swarm of the real Cabal ground operation, with every word, every breath, every burp monitored. Their job is total bullshit, just designed to keep them busy so they don’t get in Cabal’s way. But I think almost all of them have no idea.
Former Vice President Mike Pence was “angered” by former President Donald Trump’s words and actions during the Capitol protests, saying his words were “reckless” and they “endangered me and my family and everyone at the Capitol building” during the riot. “I mean, the president’s words were reckless. It was clear he decided to be part of the problem,” Pence said.
Old video of Dave Chappelle talking about how when he fled to Africa, he did not tell his wife and kids because he thought his Hollywood handlers were going to kidnap and medicate him. I will bet, he knew they were listening in his house, and knew they would be watching the wife and kids, and any attempt to get them and move as a family would have been noted by his surveillance and he would have been grabbed up. Either that or his wife is Cabal, and he worried she would call the handlers, which is probably more likely than not. I would assume he called his brother from some diner somewhere after he thought he had lost his surveillance. Also funny was Oprah looks like she is worried they will hold her responsible for what he is saying.
Four year old who was the face of Argentina’s vaccination campaign has died of pneumonia.
UFC fighter Anthony Rumble Johnson dead at 38 from lymphoma and an inflammatory disorder. Kind of like they say the vax has caused in people. Do not present your antigen on your own cell’s surface, right next to your own cell-surface-receptors. It is a recipe to confuse your immune system.
Apollo NASA astronaut claimed humans are ‘ancient aliens that came on little ships.’ He seems to believe there is truth in ancient Sumerian myths along those lines.
JonBenet Ramsey murder to be examined by cold case team in hopes of breakthrough.
German Interior Minister says there should be an upper limit on how much you can buy with cash. This is how they will outlaw cash. They will start outlawing spending $10,000 on a cash transaction. Then it will get lowered, until you can’t buy $200 worth of stuff with cash, and then they will lower it to $100, $50, and so on.
Tesla car takes off at high speed while trying to park in China, killing 2 people.
In many places, searching the web is a gateway to a wider world of information, but in Russia, it is part of a system that helps trap people in an alternative reality. These motherfuckers actually have the balls to run an article claiming the Russians control their internet search engines, unlike us in the West, where google will give you the honest results. And it is BBC which makes you pay a fee if you have a television, to fund their propaganda.
The gun sales recorded by NICS for October, 2022 are the fourth highest on record.
Republicans rev up probes on everything from vaccine injury to Jan. 6 security failures.
Former Freedom Caucus Chairman Andy Biggs to launch leadership challenge against Kevin McCarthy.
Spread r/K Theory, because when you have to bounce, you can’t talk about it in your house.
George W. Bush and Barack Obama to Hold Back-to-Back Conferences This Week on “Democracy” and “Disinformation”
Bush’s conference will take place in Dallas on November 16, while Obama’s will be in New York on November 17.
It’s completely innocent that these psyops are being held in the cities of what were arguably the 2 most significant attacks on the US, Dallas (JFK) and NYC (9/11).
And of course, a 17 thrown in for good measure!
Empire of Lies
Assassination Denier
The JFK assassination was a psyop. JFK and the Kennedy Family faked his death. THE ONLY PERSON KILLED IN DALLAS ON 11/22/63 WAS JD TIPPETT, DALLAS POLICE OFFICER.
TIPPETT WAS JFK’s DOPPELGANGER. The gunshot victim worked on at Parkland Hospital that day was Tippett whom the doctors thought was the POTUS.
Planes Denier
Thousands of witnesses have been suppressed. FDNY evacuated #7 bc of bombs. NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO WITH PLANES.
When text is written in uppercase, it is a sign that it must be true.
>>Sam Bankman-Fried, the former CEO of the collapsing cryptocurrency company FTX, along with two others associated with the company, director of engineering Nishad Singh and co-founder Gary Wang, are “under supervision” in the Bahamas after the trio reportedly were planning on fleeing to Dubai.
…hand in hand, want to buy the world a Coke
Glow Baalism
Most interesting thing about the Trump family wedding is that Kimberly Ann Guilfoyle chose to wear a black gown.
Wonder what that message was about?
It was more of a dark slate color. She should be arrested for those shoulder fans though.
Don Jr’s daughter also wore a black dress if I read his family picture right.
most of the rest wore tiffany blue dresses/shirts. as in, and i presume you have seen – grace kelly in “to catch a thief”.
It’s Gematria for “Two Weeks”
This on the heels of the Madeline McCann breakthrough makes me wonder if someone has been allowed to Do Something regarding the pedo rings.
Take a look at the perp sketches of the McCann suspects. Look familiar?
Is anyone here following the developments and concerns on If they are correct, and I believe they are, none of this is going to matter much longer. There is also a Christian perspective on the same events written about in the book Ezekiel’s Fire ( and
What exactly is Suspicious observers saying?
I haven’t watched his most recent videos but he is still discussing the magnetic pole shift as well as his theory of a micronova and all that if you’re familiar with his stuff. I like Ben and find many of his videos very informative and his theories are interesting and at least plausible but I’ll be honest the urgency doesn’t really hit home with me. Even if he’s 100% correct it seems like a Super Volcano erupting or an asteroid hitting the Earth, totally going to happen eventually, but it might not even happen in our lifetime. With that said I feel like everyone should have some sort of SHTF disaster planning just as a general rule.
Given the length of the overall cycle, 25,000 years, a big flare could happen at any point in the next 500 years and still be on the mark. Compared to a human lifespan, there is a very good chance he could both be right and we will all have died of natural causes by the time that is proven.
Most content is about the sun, magnetic poles shifting etc with a strong leaning towards an apocalyptic event here on earth.
Solar micro-nova and magnetic pole flip that occurs every 6000 years will depopulate the earth and wipe out all tech within the next 20 years. Pretty solid evidence…
He talks a lot about cosmic/solar cycles and also electric universe stuff. Another guy who talks about things like this is Randall Carlson. Both have youtube channels.
Summarizing, there is something called “The great year” and is tracked by the precession of the equinoxes. Basically, throughout a regular year the sun rises in position near the 12 zodiac constellations. That is what makes them special, I guess, because it is the suns yearly path. During the spring equinox (I think?) it is currently in pisces, but almost to Aquarius. That’s where they get that age of aquarius stuff in the song. Anyway, the sign the sun rises in each equinox changes a little bit each year in the opposite direction of the suns yearly path. Hence why its called the precession. It takes approximately 25,000 years for the sun to precess through all 12 signs of the zodiac, so an astrological “age” is roughly 2000 years. This full circuit is called the great year. Whether or not this precession actually has any direct relation to large solar flares I couldn’t tell you, but a lot of stuff people say about cycles and when shit is going to happen is related to it at minimum because of historical reasons, and also because its a real way to measure time which you can see for yourself every morning. Unless its cloudy. I suppose it is somewhat occulted too, since no one ever teaches this stuff.
Anyway, some say catastrophes can be measured/predicted using this cycle and they often do use it for that purpose. Like I said, its a perfectly legit way to measure time, occult stuff aside.
Notably, the fall of atlantis would have been a half cycle, 11,000 to 12,000 years ago. Noah’s flood would have been a quarter cycle ago. Approximately.
Suspicious observers maintain that these catastrophes are part of the sun’s cycle. Basically, big solar flares occur roughly corresponding to the cycle. In theory, we should be close to a big moment in history since our baseline catastrophes corresponding to the cycle suggest we are at a similar point where something should happen. SO also/mainly discusses how and why he believes current measurements of various physical phenomenon support this.
Randall carlson typically doesn’t go for the flare theory, though. He thinks that the cycle is because a very large comet with an orbit that crosses earth broke up and we happen to cross paths with the thickest field at times roughly corresponding to the cycle. So that is when the “big ones” typically hit. Certain times of the year are known for meteor showers, which in his view hint at broken up comets. One such being october 31st, the day when lots of cultures all over the world independently decided to talk about everyone being dead. Quite the coincidence.
There is a lot more, obviously, but that more or less gives the overview.
From wedding article
“Tiffany Trump and Michael Boulos met on vacation in Mykonos in 2018, when Tiffany was holidaying with Lindsay Lohan”
So Tiffany vacations with a known cabal prostitute
And just happens to meet her future husband
It’s a big club…
If the Founders were alive today, facing what we’re up against, then you are ABSOLUTELY CORRECT, they would be doing what they did last time, handing out pamphlets in person, in select locations to people who seem like they’re wise or at least normal. (If you let cabal operatives take your pamphlets, your supply will be depleted in vain. Vet people visually or via a quick chat before deciding to give them a precious world-historical anti-cabal pamphlet.) What would those pamphlets consist of? Memes. Maybe some diagrams or very short essays. But mostly memes. That is our strongest intellectual currency. That is what makes people involuntarily laugh when the recognition of taboo truth dawns on them. MEME WAR! In 3D!!! Rent those trucks and cars outfitted with video billboards and drive around busy streets showing off a slideshow revolutionarily-true memes, too! This is the way. This is what the Founders would be doing if they were alive, what Thomas Paine and John Adams (Quincy, represent!) and Samuel Adams (Latin School, represent!) and John Hancock (Latin School, represent again!) and Ben Franklin (Latin School, represent AGAIN…although, to be fair, he dropped out…but then again so did Tom Kratman, so, it’s almost like a badge of honor) would be doing. The Founders aren’t alive, sadly. But the RE-Founders are! Us. WHY NOT US!? #2004RedSox #Idiots #ReverseTheCurse
Those are good ideas. I’ve been doing similar things.
“Apollo NASA astronaut claimed humans are ‘ancient aliens that came on little ships.’”
You click on the link and see this:
“Al Worden was part of the Apollo 15 mission and spent around 39 minutes on the moon in 1971 – he believed aliens were real and that they are actually “ancient humans””
So the man is a chronic liar.
I am listening to Bannon, and Marjorie Taylor Greene came on and said there were Republican Congressmen ready to defect to the Democrats. She said up to twenty.
She was saying this as part of an argument that they should stick with McCarthy, because not making McCarthy speaker would trigger the defections. Both her and Bannon were talking as if there will be a Republican House majority when the counting stops. I have been saying there won’t. You don’t slow count these races unless you were going to steal them. I think they will throw the GOP three more seats to get them up to 215, where they were before, and steal the rest.
If somehow the Republicans get a majority, the defections are the back up plan, and will happen regardless of who the caucus leader is, who will be the Minority Leader.
“…Republican Congressmen ready to defect to the Democrats. She said up to twenty….”
Let them go. Good riddance. If this is true the last thing you want is McCarthy as speaker.
The defections don’t matter, if they’re willing to even consider defection they’re already enemy combatants. Consider them burnt and the entire thing stolen despite any dumbass number they post on who “won.”
but in Russia, it is part of a system that helps trap people in an alternative reality. … unlike us in the West, where google will give you the honest results.
Uh, Google is honest? Which alternative reality is that?
They don’t just manipulate search results for political ends, they brag about it.
They even decided “Don’t be evil” didn’t really fit any more as a corporate motto, and officially got rid of it.
> They actually come up with ways to be evil I am not even sure our brightest minds could come up with. All because they fear simple freedom.
They do not fear just freedom at the core of the issue, because “freedom” can be perverted by sinful temptations. The freedom they fear is men who know God has already saved them by sending his only son Jesus Christ to redeem us, because that knowledge frees you from the mortal fears that are Satan’s only tool to control and lead us astray.
The enemy keeps you miserable, victimized, distracted, poor, desperate, isolated and buried in lies for the specific goal of covering up the only truth that matters in this life: God is real, He loves you, and He wants you to believe in His offering of salvation because the war is already over, evil will lose no matter their machinations. Jesus Christ was the guarantee of victory, so evil’s only goal is to drag as many innocent people as they can to hell with them on the way down. The enemy believes that if they can convince every human on earth to renounce God and “eliminate” belief in God that they will “win,” despite the true battle already being over.
Exposing cabal is an important pillar in the platform of saving as many souls as we can simply because there is no explanation for the widespread coordination and nature of cabal’s evil other than supernaturally evil influence.
When you understand the enemy is either satan/demonic forces themselves, or at least a group of satan-influenced minions, the existence of God as the opposing force becomes obvious and the fight for Good becomes the only path forward. If everyone understood this, evil would stand no chance.
If I’m keeping track correctly, doesn’t that mean that ALL of Trump’s kids have married Jews? What are the odds of that?
Somebody said that way back, and it sounded like one of those things which would prove true, but on closer inspection, I think Don Jr at least, and I forget if it was Eric too, did not. It didn’t pan out.
But I will guarantee you, when they were growing up, in the shadows were a group of adults looking over a stable of very young Jewish girls who would do whatever they wanted, and trying to figure out which ones fit the mission profile best, so they could arrange “chance” meetings, where the girls were on orders to do whatever it took to hook them.
It sounds nuts, but in that intel culture, it is just winning.
tiffanys husband isnt jewish
The Truthseeker website posts on a Jennifer Rubin, Jew, on what is going on.
She writes:
I want you ALL to notice two things: (a) she says “It was NEVER theirs to begin with, meaning it was Never a White country and (b) she mentions the “Idea”—the Idea is Jewish Messianism that undergirds Americanism. She is right about that.
They ARE stealing the country away from us!
Jewish Supremacist Gloats Over Demise And Replacement Of White Christian America | The Truthseeker
they think it is their world and we are their cattle.
Joe Pesci-The Good Shepherd – YouTube
Reading this article, I thought you might find it interesting….
“With the Boomer Generation moving on to being less dominate as the master of social significance, we can now look at the hidden aspects that allowed for this generation to play such a big role in being used by those in power to deracinate traditional culture, morality and ideas…
There are just too many uncanny coincidences and intriguing links between many 60s musicians living in close proximity to a place called Lookout Mountain Laboratories, which was a military/intelligence complex.”
Here is what I’m guessing might be an excerpt from the book from 2008:
Apollo NASA astronaut claimed humans are ‘ancient aliens that came on little ships.’
Don’t think these were cellular based life forms. I would imagine only an entirely artificial entitiy could survive and navigate in space.
Tom Brady’s ex has a wide variety of interests:
Gisele Reveals Her New Man, Joaquim Valente, After Tom Brady Divorce – OutKick
Bezos Pledges To Give Most Of His $124B To Fight Climate Change
Wherein Ron Paul ignores the fraud and pretends that the Republicans lost for ordinary reasons:
A Brain Area Thought to Impart Consciousness Instead Behaves Like an Internet Router
“Four year old who was the face of Argentina’s vaccination campaign has died of pneumonia.”
What vaxxing really is…