News Briefs – 11/13/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


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DFT – Bloomberg Finds US Debt Costs $1 Trillion Per Year

DFT – Switzerland Will Extend The Lifespans Of Its Nuclear Reactors

DFT – Credit Card Debt Hits Historic High In The US

DFT – BRICS To Rapidly Eclipse G7

DFT – Washington Looks To Destroy Russian Gas Project, Tightening Market

Machine Trooper’s latest book:

Escaping Fate: Paradox Book 1

There is a trajectory, anon:

A woman outside a rally for former President Donald Trump said she opposes President Joe Biden because her hometown has been “totally infiltrated.” She did not say by who, but if it was the migrants, you would think she would say invaded.

The FBI whistleblower, now a fellow on domestic intelligence and security services at the Washington-based Center for Renewing America, told RedState why he called House Republicans “soulless demons” after they voted for funds for a new FBI headquarters, without taking steps to reform the troubled bureau.

FBI agents hone in on Mayor Eric Adams’ text messages over fast-tracking 36-story Turkish diplomatic HQ in NYC after seizing his cellphones and iPad following raid on his chief fundraiser’s home. Probably not the Federal Law Enforcement Fantasy Camp Agents who spend their days chasing bank robbers and kidnappings, and trying to investigate the terrorist attacks being prepared down the hall by the real Agents who are not in the Fantasy Camp program.

Whistleblowers: FBI officials singled out agents who were former military for anti-Trump retaliation. It is not a real FBI Fantasy Camp unless you are getting fucked over for supporting Trump.

Courtesy of Rasmussen’s Twitter:

“One SSID will be hidden and it’s: 2020vote. There will be no password or splash page for this one and it should only be used for the sensitive machines that need to be connected to the internet.”


Federal judge orders trial for Ga.’s Dominion voting machines.

Trump files legal motion to have federal election trial televised.

Lawmakers are worried that national security was compromised after a high-end brothel network targeting military officials and congressmen in the Washington, D.C., area was recently busted.

One-time Canadian fashion mogul Peter Nygard was found guilty by a Toronto jury on Sunday of four counts of sexual assault. Faces extradition to the US now.

Feds quietly release ‘disastrous’ border numbers.

The nation will be pushed toward “social and economic turmoil,” if a reelected President Donald Trump tries to enforce Congress’s border laws, the New York Times claimed on November 11.

Chicago is so unpleasant migrants are fleeing BACK to Venezuela after being dumped in shelters and refused jobs, with 20,700 border crossers so-far bused to Dem-run ‘sanctuary city.’ They come here from a shithole, and realize they were better off where they came from.

The first batch of migrants was bused to a makeshift tent city in Brooklyn on Sunday and took one look and were ready to leave, according to reports.

Stephen Dettelbach, the Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, stated his wish to reimpose a ban on assault weapons. He made these comments during an interview at Harvard Kennedy School this week.

15-month-old girl dies from organ failure and cardiac arrest two days after receiving three vaccines during routine visit.

Fueling electric vehicles costs roughly $17 per gallon: Study. How much per gallon?

Spain: millions of people take to the streets in protest against socialist coup.

5 US special ops troops killed in helicopter crash after training ‘mishap’: Officials. Maybe. Or maybe a cover story for something else:

German chancellor Olaf Scholz’s governing coalition has agreed to double German military aid for Ukraine next year to 8 billion euros ($8.54 billion), Bloomberg News reported on Saturday, citing people familiar with the matter. Seems like it may be over by then.

Russian forces have ramped up attacks in eastern Ukraine in an attempt to gain ground near two key front line cities.

Another WaPo report goes bust: Accused Ukrainian general allegedly behind Nord Stream attack was AWOL from military at the time of explosion.

Trump doubles down on death penalty for drug dealers.

Spread r/K Theory, because freedom is coming

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Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Or misinformation “bait”, published with the sole purpose to be debunked…and limit future theories running counter to the “official” narrative.

1 year ago

Rundown of the situation in Spain, courtesy, from of all places, the ultra-normie blog Marginal Revolution:

But it tells you everything you need to know, in one blog post. Basically, this is fake news. Not in the sense that there aren’t developments in Spanis politics, but in the sense that they are fairly routine and just not that important. Several of the commentators are from Spain.

1 year ago

This Pennsylvania School District Has a Record-Breaking 17 Sets of Twins Starting Kindergarten This Year


1 year ago

R conspiracy thread about driving:

General consensus is that more and more people are turning into zombies. I’ve noticed much the same just by walking around where I live and noticing the foot and vehicular traffic.

However, three comments describe the exact same surveillance activities described here. One refers to the box, where two vehicles drive slowly side by side, dropping traffic. Two describe grocery store flash mobs.

It does seem Operation Slow People Down got ramped up recently.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

The vaxx has no doubt had an effect on motor skills and general coordination in millions of people who got a “live” dose, which would definitely impact road conditions all over the country, above and beyond whatever else is being deployed.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Directly Related:
Milwaukee Police Chief Jeffrey Norman was injured in a crash Monday morning after attending a reckless driving resolution signing event hosted by Mayor Cavalier Johnson.
The Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Office cited the landscaping company which owns the dump truck involved in the crash with Police Chief Jeffrey Norman. Investigators said the driver told them his brakes went out when he tried to stop. The sheriff’s office said an inspection of the truck found its two rear brakes failed and the front brakes malfunctioned.
On purpose?

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

The purpose is to eliminate freedom of movement. They can’t have you driving around and doing your own thing.

Last edited 1 year ago by Bman
Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

That’s a feature for sure. I’ve been thinking the same thing.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

The coming oil/gasoline shortages will do that nicely.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“It is not a real FBI Fantasy Camp unless you are getting fucked over for supporting Trump.”

Less than that. They were just going after marines and army guys for being vets, like they didn’t want a single veteran in their group/field office. What would you be doing to not want a single veteran there?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

It would mean a lot of pissed-off, trained infantrymen who are suddenly civilians with an axe to grind.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

So this happened:

“Lawmakers are worried that national security was compromised after a high-end brothel network targeting military officials and congressmen in the Washington, D.C., area was recently busted.”

Then this happened:

“The FBI whistleblower, now a fellow on domestic intelligence and security services at the Washington-based Center for Renewing America, told RedState why he called House Republicans “soulless demons” after they voted for funds for a new FBI headquarters, without taking steps to reform the troubled bureau.”

Congressmen, brothel, FBI, vote.

1 year ago

If You Oppose Tyranny, You’re on the FBI’s AGAAVE List~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

1 year ago

This is a good guy who has done videos on ancient architecture, etc. His theory about Atlantis is fascinating.

A few years ago he started sporadically veering off into political issues.

Here he shows evidence bearing on the global suppression of information (15 minutes):

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I stumbled across Jimmy somewhere in the last few years. He’s good. He’s starting to branch out and work with people like Ben Davidson and Graham Hancock. He was also recently on The Unexplained. I haven’t seen that episode yet. He’s an Army vet that was in Iraq and he some great pictures of Babylon. He recently took a trip to Baalbek in Lebanon.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

This must be you.

Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago

Curious why you would say that.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Bright Insight Jimmy is (I believe) an ex-marine, and free thinker.

He “discovered Atlantis” but gets little credit because mainstream suppress it. He suggests, and it does look like, the channel “Bright Side” appeared shortly after & ripped off his content.

If you have “pattern recognition” skills, once you see mainstream suppress new information regarding archaeology, you start seeing it everywhere.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

He was Army, but yes, definitely a free thinker and a valuable addition to our movement. He served in Iraq and got to visit and take pictures of Babylon and some of the monument there.

1 year ago

One SSID will be hidden and it’s: 2020vote. There will be no password or splash page for this one and it should only be used for the sensitive machines that need to be connected to the internet.

1 year ago

Evidence of Cabal. Watch until the end. Putin speaks the truth:….html

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

That link is broken.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Way too slick to be trustworthy.
Waaay too slick; So slick, the Israeli government is going to invade to steal the oil.

Last edited 1 year ago by Teo Toon
1 year ago

Trump files legal motion to have federal election trial televised.

It won’t. I get moving for it, but it won’t happen.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

I was trying to think of the best descriptor of this comment. I believe the right word is “sober.”

1 year ago

Saw this post on my Twitter feed this morning.

not sure what it proves…since I am an absolute Twitter noob…but anyway…there ya go.

1 year ago
1 year ago

What the heck, as long as I am on a Corsetti streak (from June 2022):

A friend of mine who assiduously follows financial news says that the idea of unavoidable cataclysm came up twice this past week from different sources saying exactly the same thing. These sources were the serious, don’t rock the boat types.

1 year ago

A story about pedophiles in DC during the 1980s, that was quashed:

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

I’ve never heard of anyone going to jail for perjury besides the poor girl who was the victim of these monsters.

1 year ago

UNREAL Nikki Haley Debate Line: ‘It’s Not That Israel Needs America, America Needs Israel’


Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Makes you wonder what type of kompromat they have on Haley.

Too soon?

1 year ago

“President Trump is a moderate in our movement”.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
1 year ago

Too moderate.
We’d kick him to the curb if we had anyone else with a chance to do something successfully.

Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

From an Anon:

“My business has had at least one good review shadow banned and proved by the guy posting his good review for me.

The big goog showed one less review for me to see, he called 2 pals and one could see the review and the other did not see it, so then he became a believer, but was doubting me up to the moment, as if perhaps my computer needed a screen refresh, or something.

How much of the online strange treatment is just jerks being … vs. some special targeting, who knows?


There have to be some really cold people to be actively pushing for someone to lose their job, and perhaps even lose the owner his business, if the someone complained against is just the employee, and others not in the mix also get booted if the store goes bankrupt. A couple posting against me had to be butthurt over 5 years before they did a nasty review, so talk about grudge-keepers, how would you work past that depth of depravity?

This fits right in with a restaurant server being accused of insulting someone, so a storm of one star reviews is posted by an SJW swarm that had never seen the place, and probably never been in the same state, but hey, jumping on somebody they couldn’t pick out of a lineup makes them feel like part of a “team”, right?”

Last edited 1 year ago by Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

That “victim” mentality is the lens they view out of so nothing will fill that void

1 year ago

Chicago is so unpleasant migrants are fleeing BACK to Venezuela after being dumped in shelters and refused jobs, with 20,700 border crossers so-far bused to Dem-run ‘sanctuary city.’ They come here from a shithole, and realize they were better off where they came from.
Now, Illinois‘ harsh winters, lack of migrant infrastructure, and ambivalent support from locals has made many people, who undertook the harsh US-Mexico border journey, actually turn around and go back home. 
Venezuela-born Michael Castejon, 39, and his family have been sleeping on the floors of police stations and shelters after he could not afford to pay rent in Chicago – because his work permit was taking so long to arrive. 
The family was renting an apartment through a city voucher program, that gives up to $15,000 for up to six months of rental assistance – but once it ran out, they had to give up their living space. 
The dad found a job in construction, and he was getting paid in cash, but it wasn’t enough to sustain his family since they arrived in June.
………..he was getting paid in cash.
How much do you think he was reporting on his taxes?

Reply to  Bman
1 year ago


1 year ago

A bit of a short news day today. I will say the world is changing. All those beliefs of the old system is being challenge. The idea of Vaccines being a necessary (such as polio) something I believe before 2021. How the government push the Rna one have made me question all vaccines.

1 year ago

Chicago is so unpleasant migrants are fleeing BACK to Venezuela after being dumped in shelters and refused jobs, with 20,700 border crossers so-far bused to Dem-run ‘sanctuary city’.comment image&ct=g

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
1 year ago

Hey, heap big thanks for the plug, AC. While I’m at it, thanks to the guys at Timeless Authors and to all those here at AC’s blog who took a chance on one (or more) of my books. Your support means a lot.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  Machine Trooper
1 year ago

Almost done with Escaping Fate, it’s good. I’m already looking forward to the next book in the series and I would recommend.

1 year ago

AC, thank you for all the information you post here. Surveillance put together a little skit for me while I was out for my neighborhood walk today. An old acquaintance from college lives a few houses away from me. I’ve only interacted with him a few times since I moved into the neighborhood nearly a decade back. It’s weird that he was already living there before I settled into the neighborhood, I mean, what are the odds? Well, as I walked by his front door today, he and another man barged through the door. They rolled me into a conversation. I quickly recognized the second man as another acquaintance from the same college. Within the first minute of this skit, they tried to invite themselves into my home. When that didn’t work, the second man asked me what I did for a living. I replied with something vague, to which he then brazenly demanded that I blurt out the most controversial thing I could say about my field of work. At that point, I was weirded out and worked my way out of the skit and headed home. The other two quickly got into their car and took off down the street with their tires screeching. I should also note, before the skit started I had unmistakable surveillance monitoring the progress of my walk. As I left my house, I had an unknown car parked outside my home and the driver had the engine running. Another unknown car, with its driver-side windows down, drove by as I hit the halfway point of the walk. And finally, a woman, who I’ve never seen before in all my years of walking that route, intercepted me twice on my path, roughly at the first and third quarter marks of my route. Ultimately, I can’t shake this feeling that they were trying to frame me for something. I wanted to post this account as a warning to everyone else under surveillance. They might be conducting a greater operation to either frame us for some upcoming event or goad us into doing something stupid. Keep your cool, and keep spreading the truth about surveillance.

1 year ago

A televised would be hugely useful. It makes it quite a bit harder to spin when we get first hand view of the situation compared to relying exclusively on hearsay.
Second, I think the people who are unconcerned with the surveillance lack imagination. The surveillance has been largely hands off and keeping themselves out of sight when they aren’t actively intimidating someone. But the reality will set in very, very hard when they decide they are strong enough to start flexing their cheka type ambitions.

1 year ago

Don’t even need the conspiracy to use inside information as an IRS employee. Probably have to be in the club to get away with it today.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

“Scheiber, who strongly believed she was held back due to being a Jewish woman”

What makes you think being an IRS employee is not a sign she’s cabal?

1 year ago
Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

The beasts of the field are now above the Adamic race.

1 year ago

Dutchsinse is back (somewhat)

1 hour ago (edited)
Bummer my stream on youtube got shut down. This time DSL got shut down which then turned off my youtube stream.

Internet off again, and its a new service provider. This is just like when starlink shut me off when I’d get on to talk live.

Sad. [/quote]

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Apparently, depending on the geographic location, Starlink isn’t generally great for video or calls. The signal drops when the dish unit acquires a new satellite. For surfing, email, document handling etc., it’s fine bc the drop isn’t as noticeable.

Reply to  🌲🌲
1 year ago

Maybe, but that’s not it.
It keeps happening no matter what he uses.

1 year ago

Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this. 4chan for the last few hours hasn’t updated and loads very slowly. I have a bunch of things filtered, its true, but usually old stuff will fall off. Tonight its been the same threads with no new comments for several hours. Not sure what if anything that means. Maybe their AI broke and the custom feed the send to individuals isn’t working? If that is even a thing.