News Briefs – 11/13/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

From Farce’s new briefs in the comments – Epstein medical examiner reveals that there was no DNA test was done to confirm that the body he looked at was Epstein. In the interview he clears things up when he adds, “… he was brought there from the prison and had been previously identified in the prison. Now, if somebody switched the body in the prison, you know that’s beyond our expertise.”

Appellate Court vacates the sentence for Rand Paul’s attacker demanding it be redone, says the sentence is far too lenient and far below the normal sentencing guidelines, and now the lawyer for the attacker is asking the Supreme Court to Weigh in. Find someone you don’t like, and beat them to within an inch of their life, collapse a lung and break ribs, and see if you get 30 days. This is why they need to unseal the indictments all on the same day, and clear all of these people from the system at once, before any legal action can go forward. But to do that they need to investigate every last one and get a sealed indictment on every last one. It takes time.

Adam Schiff threatens lawmakers with ethics violations if they mention the whistleblower.

Schiff says Trump could be Impeached now for bribery.

Australian media is reporting that US Attorney Durham has interviewed Alexander Downer.

Supreme Court allows the “victims” of Sandy Hook to sue Remington for producing an AR-15 rifle for sale to the civilian market. Roberts, Kavanaugh, Alito, Goresuch, Thomas. All are supposed to be diehard pro-gun. How is this happening?

Was Trump’s coming prophesized by God?

IG report on the origins of the Russia probe nears public release.

The anonymous whistleblower allegedly violated federal law by collecting over a quarter of a million dollars from largely anonymous sources, according to a complaint filed with the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG).

Another secretive sex cult in New York comes to light. The model seems to be, sex cult is started, brainwashes people, surveillance probably takes notes and reports it, rich people appear out of nowhere and give massive money to the cult operator in return for control, sex and children for molestation flow, surveillance identifies potential future members within the society and facilitates approaches to keep things functional and new members showing up, new members report being approached cold in supermarkets and while out and about by people who know what to say, cult founder leads the life of wealth and privilege for their service, and it would have gone on indefinitely, but Trump showed up on the scene.

Some are saying they may be able to get Trump removed if they can get the Senate to vote on Impeachment on secret ballots. Either Cabal is executing its own plan, or this is all a honey pot put on by Q to lure in everyone who might try it, so they can all be sent to the gas chamber.

Hillary Clinton says ‘many, many, many people’ want her to join 2020 Democratic primary. Donald Trump first among them.

From Breitbart – “Hillary Clinton: I’m Facing ‘Enormous Pressure’ to Enter 2020 Race — I Want to ‘Retire’ Trump.” It is tough to say, because she didn’t have it physically in her before, and it was a trauma. Is her panic at the coming criminal charges enough to drive her to jump in, just so she can portray any charges as politically motivated?

Two crew injured when pirates try to take an Italian ship floating in the Gulf of Mexico. Mexican fisherman are branching out into piracy according to the article.

A small boy at a Drag Queen Story Hour event told the room that he wants to grow up to be a “Spiderman,” but the boy had been dressed in a pink dress by a parent. I have seen several cases where I got the impression risking your child, giving it to the abuse networks to be molested, or even sacrificing it, was somehow a way to sell yourself as committed to Cabal. It has made me wonder if there is a quasi-occultish belief system acting there, or if these are just people who want that high-Cabal position.

Democrat Representative Lacy Clay’s campaign has paid over $1 million to her sister’s law firm. It seems like this is a pattern.

New San Francisco DA (who is Bill Ayer’s kid), has indicated he will stop prosecuting prostitution. Street peeing and pitching a tent on the sidewalk too.

Bernie Sanders plunges to fourth in New Hampshire.

1,107 deaths in the Philippines from a dengue fever epidemic is 113% higher than 2018.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, climate activist, does his errands while driving around in some sort of 6-wheeled military troop carrier.

Denmark temporarily reinstates border controls after shootings, explosions. Bear in mind, it is so bad in Sweden that this article is talking about Denmark trying to stem the flow of guns, explosives, and drugs from coming in across the Swedish border. And even stranger, the intelligence is out there to stop all of it cold, but nobody who is trying to stop all of this seems to have access to that data-stream, which is Cabal eyes-only.

Sweden has its own explosion problem going on. It really is the great irony. Peaceful civilization requires violence. The less violence you are willing to do yourself, the more violent your society will get over time.

Little factoid from this youtube video starting at 10 minutes: “In order to issue subpoenas in the Senate, the Senate chairman need the consent of the ranking minority member (Dem).”

Detroit hospital staff performs double-lung transplant on patient with vaping injuries. Probably nothing, but these all seemed to pop up quite fast, and I do remember one of the things infrasound exposure did was damage lungs. I assume it is the vaping, but these days you never know if somebody began an experiment, not fully aware of what would happen.

Judge says woman arrested in CIA trespass looking for ‘Agent Penis’ later visited Obama home. It is so comical, you wonder if the MK Ultra guys were doing an experiment and inserted “Agent Penis” into it as a joke.

Investigator uncovers witness who says Kayla Mueller was executed by Al Baghdadi. Supposedly they feared she had seen too much.

A ‘brutal’ Arctic blast is affecting 200 million people from Chicago to Texas.

In California, a homeless man pulled a woman from a car and poured what appeared to be a month’s worth of warm diarrhea he had been saving up in a bucket over her head. It is kind of strange because a month’s worth of diarrhea would make me think he would do very well on the marshmallow test, and yet that is supposed to be a predictor of future success, and he is homeless.

Some think the helicopter flying over the Second Amendment rally at the Capitol in D.C., was there to surveil the crowd with aerial photography. If I had to place a bet, of the digital surveillance file on that event, the heli-photos were around .00000000000000000000000001% of the file, and more than likely less. Sadly, I put the chances at probably 70% or more the file is in China being loaded into Google’s global surveillance AI as we speak. It is no secret that given the piss poor quality of the vast majority of the corrupt and psychopathic people we have in elected leadership, and the even worse nature of those who have actually ruled from behind the scenes for maybe centuries, state surveillance is the equivalent of leaving a loaded Glock on the floor of a bustling pre-school. You can’t be sure what is going to happen, but it will definitely not be good. You should be mentally wargaming what-ifs with the worst case scenario of the AI. Already, I am wondering if it is what is on the other end of the phone apps, chest mics, and earpieces of the ground operators we see every day. If that is where it is going, wait until we begin replacing local PDs with Boston Dynamics robots hooked into the AI.

Pedophile ring with over 500 young victims discovered in Afghanistan.

The Supreme Court looks ready to let Trump end DACA. Tough to say with Roberts maybe being comped. This decision will likely tell the tale on him. Trump says he will strike a deal to let them stay, but I do not see how he can, so I assume it is like him supporting gun control. It appears they are vastly anti-American-leftist-Cabal, which is why Obama wanted them to stay. At this point, we are at war. We should be breaking rules to help our side. If the Democrats can try to remove the President we elected, I am at the point I say fuck DACA, how do we strip all American citizen Democrats of citizenship, and ship them off to third world countries where they can live among the migrants they love so much. Deport them, burn the records, and then claim we have no idea who they are. If there are no rules, the last thing Trump can do is not only follow the rules when they hurt our side, but even allow the Democrats to get away with breaking yet more rules that hurt our side. Hold them to the law and deport them all. The alternative is Civil War II even sooner.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani admitted on Tuesday that it is now very difficult to run the country with severely crippled oil revenues. It feels like something is changing there.

White House will field webcams to create a live feed of border wall construction.

Trump’s Interior Department gives workers a month to relocate out west or risk getting fired.

The Baby Trump balloon slasher says, “First time I’ve seen a liberal get mad about chopping up a baby.”

Closing arguments were yesterday in the Planned Parenthood Baby Parts RICO case.

AG Barr is teaming with ATF to fight gun violence by aggressively enforcing existing laws against committing violent crime with guns.

Trump slams the Federal Reserve during a speech before the Economic Club of New York.

Trump says a China Trade Deal is ‘close,’ but warns of ‘substantial’ tariff hikes if it collapses. I hope it hits at the perfect moment to boost the economy for 2020.

County Clerks in Upstate New York are threatening to call Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) if undocumented immigrants attempt to legally apply for driver’s licenses in their offices.

Impeachment is not hurting Trump at all in the polls. And that is the fake news media saying that, so it is probably helping him.

A leftist site complains that some of Stephen Miller’s emails leaked out, and showed he was being kept aware of what was on VDare and American Renaissance, and he vehemently opposes a DACA deal. I will confess a little bit of amusement sparking around back there at the thought that at some point he may even have wound up skimming through r/K on this site, which would be very, very cool. Regardless, he sounds like our guy and 100% patriot to the core.

Spread r/K Theory, because its yuge.

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5 years ago

“In California, a homeless man pulled a woman from a car and poured what appeared to be a month’s worth of warm diarrhea he had been saving up in a bucket over her head.”

That news made me want to just shoot this man dead. Burn his body and sterilize whatever he has polluted.

Separate the clean water from the fecal matter which with proper treatment can be clean fertilizer.

This disgusting shit in my opinion is worthy of the death penalty. Endangering lives with deliberate disease.

Reply to  info
5 years ago

I concur.

Reply to  info
5 years ago

At the very least, the police who arrested him could have worked him over with their billy clubs a bit. The problem with society is that good people are living in fear, but the people who deserve to live in fear, -scumbags, con artists, loud mouth whores- are being glorified.

Reply to  Kharmii
5 years ago


Its the biological equivalent to arson. With the same effect of spreading deadly plague deliberately. Biological terrorism.

Reply to  Kharmii
5 years ago

Although if possible I will prefer trial and execution.

Isaiah 14:12-15
Isaiah 14:12-15
5 years ago

“It has made me wonder if there is a quasi-occultish belief system acting there, or if these are just people who want that high-Cabal position.”

High Cabal is purely occult. They do the moloch worship thing and seek to completely invert and violate the 10 commandments. Some of it are people who claim to be jews but, are not, being the savages of canaan in disguise. Some of it is also disobedient jews who think tricking the goyim into violating all of these rules will “force” the messiah to come quicker to heal the world. If you read the Bible at all you will know the savior, Jesus Christ warned us about them and that there was a “God” of this world, the devil, who rebelled and was cast out of Heaven by the Almighty and allowed to run wild until the second coming so that Mankind could be tested.

Cabal “religion” is occultist, and focused on devil worship. It combines elements of Canaan, Babylon and some ancient Egyptian elements and in it’s pure form is diametrically (and unironically) opposed to all forms of Christianity. It seeks to punish all that is good (basically all that is K) and reward all that is evil (r selection). It’s “function” of child sacrifice, is to encourage r selection among the participants. This includes pedophilia and “Drag Queen story hour”.

Cabal in a biological sense is pure “r”, as it seeks nothing but ease and comfort among it’s members. If that means sacrificing a child through abortion or molochite ritual then so be it, they view it as a “blood” cost. Look back at the hacked DNC emails with Podesta and co.

And Yes, they are the Occult. They believe in re-incarnation. Adolf Hitler killed himself at a very specific time of day believing he would re-incarnate as the Antichrist. This is what they actually believe. So don’t go thinking you can make a deal with them. They are extreme r-selected serial killer psychopaths who eat live babies as a hobby and believe if they die they’ll become ultra powerful demonic entities. You can’t make a deal with them and you can never trust them.

The places they inhabit are myriad, from the Communist parties and the Jesuits/Catholic clergy to intelligence agencies and corporations. They ran the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany and the British Home Office. They helped write the Talmud and the Koran. Epstein was one, as are many members of the Chinese government. They love getting the unwitting killed by having the nations they control fight, they loved Verdun and Stalingrad. They loved the “Great Leap Forward” and the Holocaust. They were there when Nimrod built the tower of Babel and when the Aztecs sacrificed tens of thousands a day. They are the devil, and they are THE singular reason the world is fallen.

The only way to beat them is through faith in JESUS CHRIST and knowledge of HIS words and teachings, and when he returns, in power and glory, “they” will be gone, every last one of them.

Reply to  Isaiah 14:12-15
5 years ago

Well said.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Isaiah 14:12-15
5 years ago

It’s probably much worse than that. Christianity is likely just their creation to keep people passive and obedient.

Reply to  New Name
5 years ago

Get thee behind me, satan.

Reply to  New Name
5 years ago

@New Name

With the spiritual reality of Satan and his angels. Christianity is saving however will listen before divine wrath sweeps them all away.

There is no earthly way to defeat Satan and his angels so that they are destroyed.

5 years ago

Some think the helicopter flying over the Second Amendment rally at the Capitol in D.C., was there to surveil the crowd with aerial photography.

I’m less worried about the cameras than the patch and horn antennas all over the bottom of the chopper. (Google N11PP for better photos). Odds are around 100% that that thing is carrying a stingray, and with direct LOS and a jolt to the power setting, overpowering the legitimate cell towers is no problem.

5 years ago

How is [gun control] happening?

Through “punishing” the r-selected marketing campaigns.

“The plaintiffs said that Connecticut’s consumer protection law forbids advertising that promotes violent, criminal behavior and yet even though these rifles have become the “weapon of choice for mass shooters” Remington’s ads “continued to exploit the fantasy of an all-conquering lone gunman.” One of them, they noted, stated, “Forces of opposition, bow down.”

Remington argued that it should be insulated from the lawsuit by a 2005 federal law known as the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, which was aimed at blocking a wave of lawsuits damaging to the firearms industry.

The case hinges on an exception to this shield for claims in which a gun manufacturer knowingly violates the law to sell or market guns. Remington has argued that the Connecticut Supreme Court interpreted the exception too broadly when it decided to let the case go ahead.”

The “or market” is the key point that some outlets aren’t picking up on and highlighting. And who gets to define “violent, criminal” behavior? The same folks that think Trump is going to be impeached?

Think about it. Would it be easier to get rid of the 2nd amendment directly, or to reshape and ultimately dilute the firearms industry as a whole with what had, until recently, been very deep pockets? Would either the AR-15 platform or 5.56NATO ever have become popular had the US not dumped so much money into it for so many decades, starting in the same era that a lot of other deleterious political and financial decisions also happened to be going on at the same time?

Even from the marketing standpoint, would an r-strategist or a K-strategist be more attracted to advertising that sold them on features they didn’t currently need now, but just might someday?

Anything can be used to leverage status. Even “weapons of war” with middling adequacy become placeholders for fearsome death and destruction among actual pacifists, real performance capacity be damned.

5 years ago

“From Farce’s new briefs in the comments”

I enjoy the credit but it’s not necessary at all.


5 years ago

“Supreme Court allows the “victims” of Sandy Hook to sue Remington for producing an AR-15 rifle for sale to the civilian market. Roberts, Kavanaugh, Alito, Goresuch, Thomas. All are supposed to be diehard pro-gun. How is this happening?”

There is an exception in the law that allows suits if the company violated the law and the plaintiffs in the case claim they did.

SCOTUS would be unlikely to rule on the facts of the case and whether the company broke the law at this stage.

5 years ago

“Little factoid from this youtube video starting at 10 minutes: “In order to issue subpoenas in the Senate, the Senate chairman need the consent of the ranking minority member (Dem).” ”

The Senate needs a good purge and its rules which are designed to hinder any reform need to go starting with the modern “filibuster”.

Checks on government power vs. citizens are good but too many internal “checks and balances” create a corruption “ratchet”, the corrupt unite to impose corruption but all attempts at reform drown in red tape.

5 years ago

“The Supreme Court looks ready to let Trump end DACA. Tough to say with Roberts maybe being comped. This decision will likely tell the tale on him. Trump says he will strike a deal to let them stay, but I do not see how he can, so I assume it is like him supporting gun control. It appears they are vastly anti-American-leftist-Cabal, which is why Obama wanted them to stay. At this point, we are at war. We should be breaking rules to help our side. If the Democrats can try to remove the President we elected, I am at the point I say fuck DACA, how do we strip all American citizen Democrats of citizenship, and ship them off to third world countries where they can live among the migrants they love so much. Deport them, burn the records, and then claim we have no idea who they are. If there are no rules, the last thing Trump can do is not only follow the rules when they hurt our side, but even allow the Democrats to get away with breaking yet more rules that hurt our side. Hold them to the law and deport them all. The alternative is Civil War II even sooner.”

I am sure Trump just wants to seize the “reasonable” high ground and then make it the fault of the Demoncrats when they are deported because they didn’t agree to any deal he would agree to.

I don’t know if it would be possible to expel the Demoncrats without starting a civil war that would find many who should be on our side taking their side instead but I think we are doomed to another civil war eventually and when it comes the surviving enemies need to be driven into Mexico.

5 years ago

“Trump says a China Trade Deal is ‘close,’ but warns of ‘substantial’ tariff hikes if it collapses. I hope it hits at the perfect moment to boost the economy for 2020.”

I hope it never comes and the tariffs keep rising, that is what would be best for us both to restore our economy and to destroy the ChiComs.

Adrienne J
Adrienne J
5 years ago

Thank you for everything you do! I read your blog every day!

5 years ago

Fears Of Pneumonic Plague Outbreak After 2 Diagnosed In China – Hospital On Lockdown

5 years ago

Leading Migrant Trafficking Agency Urges Catholic Bishops to Push Gun Control

Bring in the invaders and disarm the natives.

5 years ago

Sandy Hook victims sueing gives me an idea. Transgender people (or their families if they off themselves) should be able to sue left wing groups, medical organizations, etc. for putting vulnerable mentally ill people through what’s basically a legal science experiment. The first to sue could be transgender people who regret it later in life and try to change back. If a vulnerable child was forced to wear pink dresses by their loony left wing parents, then they could sue whoever is in charge of pushing drag queen story time.

Found two cases of people having it too good so their amygdalas get switched off. One was a do-gooder liberal getting murdered in the Dominican, where she moved to ‘be a teacher and make a difference’.

Second has no link because it was someone at work talking about going on a cruise. Supposedly, one can swim with dolphins and swim with pigs. I was taken aback, like ‘Did she say….pigs?!’ especially since she was talking about her daughter wanting to do it. Maybe it’s not as bad as having your kids swim with alligators, but damn…that’s gross.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Years of the pig are associated with intelligence and prosperity.
““Hillary Clinton: I’m Facing ‘Enormous Pressure’ to Enter 2020 Race — I Want to ‘Retire’ Trump.” ”
We’ll know how you cave to pressure if you run. Right?
When you see a politician who caves in advance, remember that far greater forces come into play once they have political power. They don’t have to move an inch right or left to be compromised at their core.

Miss Piggu
Miss Piggu
Reply to  Kharmii
5 years ago


5 years ago

Clinton WhistleBlower: FEDS Probe Adam Schiff Dressed like Egyptian at Bizarre “Sacrafice” Parties at Ed Buck’s Meth Mansion

5 years ago

A Roman Catholic bishop named by Pope Francis to investigate the church’s response to clergy sexual abuse in Buffalo, New York, has himself been accused of sexual abuse of a child, an attorney for the alleged victim notified the church this week.

5 years ago

The vital first step in the asylum-seeking process has nearly been extinguished at the largest immigrant family detention center in the country, according to a lawsuit.

Plaintiffs allege that since mid-July the number of women and children at Dilley family detention center in Texas who pass the first interview necessary to apply for asylum has dropped from 97% of applicants to fewer than 10%.

5 years ago

Ecuador probing influx of Cubans before anti-austerity protests

5 years ago

Turkey’s Erdogan says talks with EU may end over Cyprus sanctions

5 years ago

Merkel to Ratchet up Huawei Restrictions in Concession to Hawks

5 years ago


Miller was always and still is 100% /ourJew/.