News Briefs – 11/11/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


The FBI’s background investigation (B.I.) process for political nominees has allegedly been corrupted with “improper handling” of sensitive information, and select staff from the Senate Judiciary Committee “appear to have shared FBI background reports and personal financial information in a breach of Senate security protocols,” according to an investigation by America First Legal (AFL).

Arizona officials caught changing ballot totals as US Senate seat counting continues.

Donald Trump’s 2024 election victory is fueling claims of fraud on both sides of the political divide. I have to say, the way that worked out was clever.

The Kamala Harris campaign PAID Oprah Winfrey $1,000,000 to do the interview with her! They presented it as a journalistic endeavor rather than a paid ad to bypass election law.

Young Gen Z women, widely considered Harris’ safest demographic, turned their backs on the Democrats in droves to support Donald Trump with 40 percent of women under 30 voting for Trump – a seven-point jump on 2020, according to AP exit polling.

Trump just realigned the entire political map and Democrats have ‘no easy path’ to fix it.

An intraparty civil war may be brewing within the Democrat party following Donald Trump’s victory.

Hollywood star Michael Douglas has admitted albeit grudgingly that Republicans under President-elect Donald Trump are now the “party of the people” while Democrats are now seen as “elitist.”

Yale psychiatrist urges MSNBC viewers to shun Trump-voting family over the holidays.

Democrats blew half a billion on five key Senate races and lost big in every single one!

A GOP Senate Source has leaked the internal whip-count for the Leadership Vote. The final votes will be on a secret ballot Wednesday. The race is two anti-Trump RINOs and Trump’s pick, Scott. The tally thus far is Cornyn (18) Scott (11) Thune (24).

Trump’s pick, Scott, dominates on Polymarket.

A federal jury in Detroit awarded more than $12 million Friday to a former Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM) employee who was terminated after declining to get a COVID-19 vaccination, citing religious discrimination.

A senior Dutch official has admitted that COVID-19 was a “military operation,” with the Netherlands reportedly following NATO directives throughout the pandemic.

A 45-year-old dual US-Israeli citizen, and former Israel Defense Force officer, just became the first Republican elected to a state assembly seat in northern Hempstead, LI, in more than 50 years. 

Liberal cat ladies reveal “Battle Plan” to poison men with Aqua Tofana.

Someone moved the UK’s oldest satellite and there appears to be no record of exactly who, when or why.

German Vice Chancellor Habeck demands more censorship of Elon Musk’s X after Trump victory.

Israel and Russia begin secret talks on ending the Lebanon war.

Donald Trump Jr. taunts Zelenskyy about ‘losing your allowance.’ LOL.

The Russian military has assembled a force of 50,000 soldiers, including North Korean troops, as it prepares to begin an assault aimed at reclaiming territory seized by Ukraine in the Kursk region of Russia.

NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte says “if Trump surrenders Ukraine to Putin he will personally expel the US from NATO.” And he will pay his own bills, without any US taxpayer dollars.

Vigano offers some thoughts on Trump’s victory.

College Football players are now doing the Trump dance in the end zone.

I do not find this as enthusing, as IMO, we never had to leave:

Projections of the 2024 election show President-elect Donald Trump to have the highest count of the popular vote of any Republican presidential candidate ever.

‘Feeling of dread’ spreads across federal workforce as second Trump term looms.

Trump allies line up behind Rick Scott to be next Senate majority leader.

Members of Donald Trump’s inner circle are signaling the new administration could implement a massive election overhaul that would cement protections Republicans have been demanding since 2020.

Send people to, because its the oppressiveness, stupid

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3 months ago

“A 45-year-old dual US-Israeli citizen, and former Israel Defense Force officer, just became the first Republican elected to a state assembly seat in northern Hempstead, LI, in more than 50 years. “

Dual citizens shouldn’t be allowed, and they definitely shouldn’t be allowed to hold public office.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Cloudbuster
3 months ago

Shouldn’t they have called him an Israeli firster? Asking for a friend.

Reply to  Cloudbuster
3 months ago

Concur. WTF, is a duality of one’s citizenry? There is no such thing, shit or get off the pot, pick one and move there. This will be resolved, soon.

Reply to  Anon
3 months ago

Everyone should have as many citizenships as [easily] possible(but diminishing returns). It’s devastatingly eggs in one basket to only have one.

Reply to  kid
3 months ago

Good for the individual, bad for the nation.
If you can do it then go ahead, but we should not allow you to.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 months ago

I think nations which don’t allow multi citizenships would be outcompeted unless they otherwise have a major advantage.

It’s like a girl who refuses to sign a prenup.

Reply to  kid
3 months ago

Nations that do allow it get crushed by globohomo.

Reply to  kid
3 months ago

Unless one is traveling often to these countries, then it would make sense. Other than that how does one’s loyalties get doled out? Get rid of the dual citizenship policy, it is only a policy, not law. Besides, travel Visas are good for months if not years in certain circumstances, so no need. Citizens can vote, but we do not need folks using our system to benefit their homeland.

Reply to  bigD
3 months ago

Depends on the country but travel visas are only good for a year in a place like Georgia otherwise it’s only a few months. I suppose you could get temp/perm residence which is varying levels of difficulty.

I don’t think people should be loyal to a country, if it was ever a thing it’s totally outdated nowadays. A country should be loyal to people. Loyalty to a country should be conditional, multiple citizenships give people more leverage. Leverage is a good thing. When Venezuela collapsed for example all the Venezuelan-only were totally screwed while most multi Venezuelan-other were totally fine.

Reply to  kid
3 months ago

Pick a country, change your country if necessary.
You will never have a country loyal to its people if the people are not loyal to the country.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 months ago

The point is you can’t change your country after the crisis occurs. You have to be multi-citizen beforehand. Once your country fucks you all your leverage is lost.

And I strongly believe the country will be more loyal to its people the more options they have(ostensibly, less “loyal” they are). If the people are retardedly jingoistic, they’ll continually be fucked (Canada, Australia).

Last edited 3 months ago by kid
3 months ago

Found on Zero Hedge in a comment:

Hi @FBI . What’s your position on women encouraging other women to poison their husbands or others who voted for Trump?

We gave them the recipe. 

Men, Make your own coffee
Another commenter:

“Threatening murder on social media is a crime. Arrest them all, throw them in prison.”  

We need to Make Insane Asylums Great Again

Start rounding these women up, and Lock them away. 

I’m starting to come to the realization that the Muslims are right about women.


Last edited 3 months ago by teotoon
Reply to  teotoon
3 months ago


3 months ago

German Vice Chancellor Habeck demands more censorship of Elon Musk’s X after Trump victory.

Right after Vance threatened to leave NATO if they didn’t lighten up.

Last edited 3 months ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 months ago

Rubio for SOS… WTF? What’s your thought Farce?

Reply to  Leverage
3 months ago

My thought is that I’m waiting for Trump to confirm.
If it’s true I’m leaning towards AC’s theory.
Trump can control him a Secretary of State and then fire him if he doesn’t obey, he can’t fire a Senator.

Reply to  Leverage
3 months ago

Article on Conservative Treehouse today (Tuesday).
Sundance thinks it’s BS, possible Leak Trap

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
3 months ago

I watched most of the Rogan interview with Vance. I’m with A.C.–I don’t trust him or Ramsaway. They say a lot of stuff that sounds good, and mix that into their dialog to make it sound as if they’re like us.

Vance’s mealey-mouthed position on abortion makes it clear he operates according to political expediency, not principle. He just wants some restrictions on how many children should be sacrificed on the altar of convenience, and holds up Bill Clinton as the standard for policy.

Unfortunately, one reason Trump has attracted so many former Democrats is because he’s left-of-center, just not as insane as his fellow leftists. The Overton Window has drifted so far leftward that he looks like a moderate centrist now. I’ve noticed a similar sentiment among “conservatives”–they don’t want a return to a constitutional republic; they just want to dial the Fundamental Transformation back to 1990s settings.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Machine Trooper
3 months ago

And don’t forget the CDAN blind from a few days ago saying basically Peter Thiel is going to oust Trump using a health issue to get Vance into top position. Maybe a terminal health issue?

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  English Tom
3 months ago

You believe that? SMH. You guys are bound and determined to sh1t all over Trumps historic win, aren’t you? Ease up on the doom and gloom already.

3 months ago

Thoughtful essay on Z Blog:

I was always puzzled about the restoration of Charles II in 1660, in that the Commonwealth just collapsed without violence. I wonder what deal was made behind the scenes. The King and bishops coming back turned out not to matter much for the oligarchy.

It shouldn’t be as easy as lots more election lawyers blocking much of the electoral fraud. They have to have a backup plan.

Stacy’s Mom
Stacy’s Mom
Reply to  Ed
3 months ago

The Cromwell 10 generation family feud with the Monarchs led to Cromwell making himself King,after killing the King.
Usurpers build castles on sand

3 months ago

Per RFKJr:
“Democrats need to change one thing about their party: everything! Start by repudiating globalism, war, surveillance, and censorship”

Reply to  ReclaimReality
3 months ago

He said the S word!!!

Marielle Redclaw
3 months ago

Let’s check in on a leftist this fine Monday morning.

Oh my….

Marielle Redclaw
3 months ago

GOP establishment is already activating fake and gay mode

The recent election shows that we the people do not take kindly to an unresponsive government.

Last edited 3 months ago by Marielle Redclaw
Marielle Redclaw
3 months ago

How about another leftist wellness check.

Oh dear…

Marielle Redclaw
3 months ago

No word from Meathead and his vow to self immolate on a Trump victory

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
3 months ago

Stephen King was going to throw himself in a woodchipper, and Bono was going to drive his car off a cliff. Why can’t any of them follow through?

3 months ago

> NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte says “if Trump surrenders Ukraine to Putin he will personally expel the US from NATO.”

Pretty please? With sugar on top?

The USA needs NATO like it needs a venereal disease. The EU brags that it has a bigger economy than the US. Fine; let them pay their own way. Time to cut the apron strings, etc. “Sayonara!”

3 months ago

Israel, Lebanon: Israel’s New Defense Minister Pushes for Cease-Fire With ‘Defeated’ Hezbollah

Israel’s new Defense Minister Israel Katz said the country had “defeated” Lebanon’s Hezbollah, in part by assassinating its top leaders like Hassan Nasrallah, in comments made to media on Nov. 10 at a ceremony in which Gideon Saar replaced Katz as foreign minister, NBC News reported the next day….

Trump already bringing peace.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 months ago

Not long after this statement Hezbollah rockets blasted a settlement in Israel. Guess the Hezbollah grunts on the ground never got the memo!

3 months ago

Trump Is ALREADY Draining the Swamp!

3 months ago

Repeal the 19th.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 months ago

From your lips to God’s ears!!

3 months ago

Less WHITE women voted for Trump this time:

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 months ago

Don’t care, still a pro-trump group. Eliminate the 90-10 split of all the mudpeople women votes first, then we can talk about internally policing white people’s behavior.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 months ago

The Demoncrats have had to turn into cartoon villains to get them to vote for Trump at this rate.
We got where we are in large part because they vote for the enemy when they aren’t so in your face evil.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 months ago

Many women are extremely susceptible to gas lighting, I’ve seen it on a personal level. Plus, vagina good, penis bad, has been driven into their heads since high school.

Reply to  bigD
3 months ago

“Many women are extremely susceptible to gas lighting”

And that’s why women shouldn’t vote.

3 months ago

Reports of Rubio as SecState. Some at SG guessing DeSantis appoints a better senator to replace him and Rubio fired by Trump later–I can see soap party Marco falling for that, but not his Cabal handlers.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 months ago

Here’s what I’m talking about when I talk about electric cars. Now whenever I talk about them people chime in that,”they can’t fly to the Moon”, “they don’t have superpowers”, “you can’t charge them with water balloons”, …well I exaggerate…a little…(I refuse to repeat some of the foolishness said about them on principle), but what I have pointed is you have to walk before you can run AND the over all, get this, over all, big picture, is that electric cars will be better for personal autonomy, no dependence on big oil, and obvious national security implications if most cars are electric OR, I have mentioned over and over, HYBRIDS. Which I never failed to mention I prefer.

So I like Scotty. Great mechanic videos. He hates electric cars, sorta, and makes good points, but here’s where he talks about new batteries from China that go into “hybrids”. The point, very important, is that you would never see this unless Musk, and the US Congress, Senate and President, pushed electrics. And the intense hatred for electrics is pointless “if” you want all the other long term advantages.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 months ago

How are they better for personal autonomy? They currently suck for any long trip, any trip in to the back woods. If you go too far, someone can bring you a can of gas, and in 5 minutes you are moving again, not as easy to bring in a big enough battery to get the e-car moving.

How are they not dependent on big oil, since big oil and big coal currently in the USA generates a lot of our electricity. And big oil supplies the plastics used to build them, and run the factories making them.

What national security implications for electric? The only national security bit I see is in anything we import and don’t make ourselves, and currently a lot of the electronics and batteries are imported.

I see no long term advantages in coal powered electric cars over gasoline powered cars. Well, except that we’ll need a lot more nuke engineers to run all the new nuke plants if electric cars really take off. And more firemen unless they tame the battery situation.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 months ago

I think a lot of the hatred of electric cars, is because the left is trying to shove them down our throat.

And electric cars, with limited range, and supporting infrastructure is not ready for prime time…yet.

Last edited 3 months ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Sam J.
3 months ago

Time to measure RF in passenger compartment. Or how adding an HF radio is nigh-on impossible.

I wouldn’t even ride in one.


Reply to  Sam J.
3 months ago

No dependence on big oil, but dependence on big utility. Even with solar (if you can afford it). Hybrids, yes. But either way, nothing will be free of charge, except hanging your laundry out in the sun to dry.

3 months ago

Now, when the subject of new Senate Majority leader comes up, my first reaction was RAND PAUL. However, it looks like we’re going to get that guy.

Q, like I said, I never doubted The Plan was real, just doubted how effective it would be. This is not confidence-building.

Reply to  lowell
3 months ago

Some have suggested that Vance should exercise his position as President of the Senate and make the Majority Leader meaningless.

Trump has to deal with what is possible and the Senate is corrupt to the core and not easy to fix, even Rand participated in McConnell’s plot to deny Trump Recess Appointments last time and then fell all over himself to ensure Biden got to appoint anyone he wanted.

The Military is going to be the only way.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
3 months ago

NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte says “if Trump surrenders Ukraine to Putin he will personally expel the US from NATO.” And he will pay his own bills, without any US taxpayer dollars.”

His terms are acceptable.