Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
Vox Day is banned on Parler. Never underestimate the degree to which the machine is familiar with everyone on our side. Really familiar, even with mere commenters. Vox’s problem is he is a very persuasive independent thinker, moral, and the machine doesn’t think they can tell him what to say. All of these other names you see everywhere overnight, who just suddenly are the next big flavor, are all people the machine has looked at, and concluded they can tell them what to do, and regardless of whether it makes sense or not, they will follow their orders (maybe in real time from an earpiece). But if you don’t have a high degree of trust in the morality of the machine which brought us the Clintons and the Obamas, they are going to do everything they can to keep you marginalized and non-personed. On the bright side it makes it easy to tell who is who. One the downside, it is very weird to see this synthetic dialog which will always be organized by the hidden forces and forbidden to even look at you as you pass.
DeSantis moves to decriminalize shooting and killing rioters targeting businesses. No word if the plan includes issuing tags, but it sounds like it doesn’t. Can you fucking imagine? It will even let you drive over the highway blockers at high speed. This ride gets better every day. No joking, this is the best thing I have seen yet out of DC. The only downside is there will be a lot of competition for those first leftist kills, and probably not many opportunities after those first ones. But if you got one, it would be a trigger break to remember.
From here: “The firing of Defense Secretary Mark Esper kicked off a rapid-fire series of high-level departures at the Pentagon on Tuesday, setting off alarms on Capitol Hill that the White House was installing loyalists to carry out President Donald Trump’s wishes during an already tense transition. In quick succession, top officials overseeing policy, intelligence and the defense secretary’s staff all had resigned by the end of the day Tuesday, replaced by political operatives who are fiercely loyal to Trump and have trafficked in “deep state” conspiracy theories.”
What could this mean? Retired Army Brigadier General Anthony Tata is to become top policy official at the Pentagon. Don’t know who he is? That’s OK, here is one of the tweets he has been busy cleaning up.
Key Nunes aide, Kash Patel, named acting Defense Secretary Chief of Staff.
USPS worker placed on unpaid leave for blowing the whistle on backdating of ballots.
Gofundme for USPS whistleblower gets nuked by GoFundMe, no longer accessible. (archive here) He had about $136K there, which is now not going to get to him, as he loses his job.
Democrats claim he has recanted his affidavit when questioned by investigators.
But it gets better – James O’Keefe says he wired him up before Federal Agents arrived, and captured 2 hours of Cabal-Feds browbeating him and intimidating him into recanting, but he says he never recanted, and he still stands by his affidavit. You see how Cabal gets agents where they plug up vulnerabilities. Anywhere which might take the machine down is going to be compromised.
A examination of the serious voting anomalies in Pennsylvania.
A poster on TheDonald.Win claims to have done an analysis which shows a shocking number of votes being switched and disappearing in States that use the Dominion voting system. And switched votes double, because you take them from one side, and then add them to the other. An example – Pennsylvania : Switched : 220,883 Lost Votes : 941,248, Michigan : Switched : 20,213 Lost Votes : 21,882, Florida : Switched : 21,422 Lost Votes : 456
Tens of thousands of PA ballots were allegedly returned earlier than they were sent.
Republicans say thousands in Wisconsin may have circumvented voter ID requirement.
Pennsylvania’s Allegheny County Board Of Elections votes to count undated ballots.
Woman alleged to have intimidated seniors to vote for Biden – criminal investigation opened.
$2 million cash bond for Kyle Rittenhouse. And it is not even like he killed a human being. He should be getting a medal. The power of intelligence operations.
Chris Cuomo has trouble keeping up with multiple voices in his head as he is on-air. I would tend to think ABC would give him one voice in his ear, to avoid him getting locked up like that. I wonder if he has a deeper earpiece too, and that is why it is “voices.”
Guatemala asks for U.S. amnesty for its 700,000-plus migrants because they had a flood down there.
One of Biden’s Coronavirus task force members calls for another national lockdown.
Another newly appointed Biden coronavirus task force member accused of profiting off of lockdowns he advocated for. Rahm Emmanuel’s brother. Push for a lockdown and then have a company which helps businesses reopen under loopholes for the lockdown.
Iran is trying to muscle on other countries, telling them Trump cannot protect them forever.
This will not end well – 57% of young Muslims in France feel Sharia law should supersede French law.
Whoopie Goldberg demands Trump supporters, ‘suck It up’ and accept election results ‘like we sucked it up’ in 2016. Again, you can feel the frustration, at being helpless to stop what is coming.
Biden vows swift action on gun control.
Multiple government agencies warned not to cooperate with Biden.
Texas Lt. Gov. offering up to $1-million for evidence of election fraud.
Less than half in new poll believe Biden is legitimate winner of election.
CNN and MSNBC cleaned Fox’s clock on Saturday.
Democrats still grappling with how Trump did so well with latino voters.
Disney announces second round of layoffs.
WarnerMedia starts a new wave of layoffs, as CEO Jason Kilar calls process “painful.” Media is immensely powerful, as it controls how people think, and by extension, their behavior. Thus it needed to be controlled. If there were no power there, the business would have evolved through natural means. scarcity would have made people willing to pay, people would have paid just enough to produce just enough to satisfy demand, and media would cost something. But since it was a means of control, Cabal flooded money in, and produced media for free. This priced out the honest actors, who could no longer produce media to generate a living unless they were funded by the machine, and it allowed the media to be served en masse to everyone. Future generations will be able to see when Cabal is in town, by looking at how much media was available free, or artificially cheap.
Republicans emerge from the election controlling New Hampshire’s Governorship, House, and Senate.
Veterans and Gold Star families granted lifetime passes to National Parks.
Kevin McCullough is reporting enough “glitches” have switched PA back to Trump.
Trump will continue rallies, and plans to brandish the obituaries of people who voted.
Vox Day was not banned on Parler.
Re: Parler
Recently I was looking to open an account on parler, but they want your telephone number.
I consider that a big red flag.
There should be no need to pinpoint who somebody is.
I don’t really trust parler that much. I have one, but I don’t think I am going to use it. The boomers can have it.
You can share vox’s links on twitter. I suspect that direct tweets might get hidden, but the link in a reply doesn’t.
Either go on or
if you post an intact link from voxday or any other blogspot, as is, at parler, it fails to show up in your parley list or your feed. if you break it up, it will show up.
this one got into the parler parley list. no graphics, however – and the heads at fox ixnayed the whistleblower for the Hannity show.
More proof that fox is just another treasonous Jewish owned subversive gatekeeping media company :
AC and VoxDay should be POTUS and VP in 2024. Sam Hyde for head of the Ministry of Culture.
How can we make this happen?
Read this, thought of AC (apologies if it has already appeared in news briefs)
In Finland, genital mutilation is now illegal, unless you are a Jew, if you are you can practice genital mutilation at will:
Sam J is gonna like this one:
Lembrador who thought he could not love VoxDay even more finds out he was wrong:
Definitely top tier post.
I screenshoted it and posted it to Facebook page as an example of a perfect greeting message.
Morale is where all conflict starts and ends.
This is why one of the main purposes of Intel operations is to defeat the enemy by destroying his will to fight. Sun Tzu also talks about this. And this is also why the enemies of the West are so eager to destroy Christianity, belief in the truth about the after life is a huge pain in the ass for our enemies, for obvious reasons.
The armor of God is real, and the enemy fears that the whole West relearns that fact en mass. Nothing can stop what is coming, and it’s all pretty exciting.
“This is the place for those who will fight in the shade of the enemy’s arrows.”
We few here with AC and Vox Day will soon be joined by many thousands.
Vydia got nuked fren.
What was it?
So she’s in the club then
Yeah, that is the weirdest thing of all. We have lived life seeing a world which cannot be – a world of polite rabbits who are afraid to do whatever they could get away with – or even to try. But they live in a completely different world, where they laugh at those who would not try that – let alone those who don’t realize those are the rules.
And look at her. She is a certified brainlet. She can’t even hold to the Myth when she is on camera. She couldn’t keep a secret, or even win a real war in a million years. But still the secret holds from most, and a conspiracy made of “that” manages to hold sway over the vast swaths of others who are more competitive in every regard, but who have been trained to think there could never be any real competition. And so they stand down of their own will.
The Democrats are starting to realize that if the Supreme Court throws out the results from suspect swing states, the election goes to the House of Representatives where Trump wins. Dr. Steven Turley explains.
Top kek
No wonder the mossadsm retards here are constantly calling pedo Biden the new POTUS and running retarded stories on how the 1st Lady is going to divorce the big bad orange man so bbom is now a loser. I can’t wait to see them all lose their shit again when GE fucks them over again.
“million $$$ reward offered for evidence of election fraud”
there’s the golden key to shake it all loose. **everybody on God’s green earth has a cellphone**; a cellphone with a built-in camera and recording capability. and every other home or business records 24/7 vid of the surrounding area.
am willing to bet there’s _hundreds if not thousands_ of pics & recordings out there, in all 50 states, of ballots being tossed, switched, changed, coming in via thumb drive, coming in the back door, etc.
rich guys! you’re up. make yourselves useful
Tags for rioters? Oh, you just know the game warden would show up. Can you imagine that conversation?
GW : “This tag is for vegans only. Clearly this gentleman lived in a McDonalds.”
Or the inevitable debate over whether it was a buck or a doe.
“Republicans emerge from the election controlling New Hampshire’s Governorship, House, and Senate”
But their national races all went left.
AC could this be one for the “who was controlling him?” discussion?
The programmed side of me wants to say it was just chance, and routine stupidity by a criminal. But it was a gang member, which Q said are their ground troops, and it was a Postal worker, where it is rife with them. And over the last few years I am leaning toward very little in this life actually being as random as we think.
Multiple content providers (Facebook/Youtube/etc.) and ISPs were having issues at 6:00PM CST. Downdetector and a few others were showing issues and I had them personally at the same issue.
VCAT Anon posted that they had arrested some low level poll workers in NC.
Here is the thread:
10.5 minutes later providers started showing outages. Might be a test run by the Q team to see how they react.
Assuming he is 2 days ahead of schedule with his posts…..Friday is the day.
Posts 2478-2489. Placeholders for arrests.
Very important to read and share. Nationalists need to find some way to protect each other from this type of bullshit:
More proof that Jewish collective power needs to be terminated in the West, once and for all and forever and never allowed to be established again ever again (peacefully, off course):
Another victim of Jewish supremacism. Never forget and never forgive, once we win always remember Jewish collective power is the main enemy of the Western people, and make sure you do all you can to help peacefully terminate Jewish collective power in the West forever:
Evidence that they are making enemy lists:

Everyone of ours will be targetted. None of us will be allowed to escape.