News Briefs – 11/10/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Rats Retreat: Rumors say FBI Director Christopher Wray will retire before Trump Inauguration.

President-elect Trump was on track to win 400 electoral votes in a head-to-head race against President Biden, according to the White House’s own internal polls.

Maricopa County, Arizona, Recorder Stephen Richer deleted his X account Thursday with hundreds of thousands of ballots still to be counted, as the state’s slow reporting of election results fueled fears of election rigging behind the scenes.

Questionable Maricopa county ballot dump gives Kari Lake opponent Rubin Gallego additional 12,000 vote advantage as counting expected to continue several more days – Decision Desk HQ calls race for Gallego. I imagine we would finally be done with Kari Lake after this, as you have to be a terrible candidate if Trump’s coattails will not carry you to an easy victory.

Maricopa County added 25,000 ballots to their totals AFTER Election Day.

Pima and Yuma caught adding 22,816 votes AFTER the election.

Republicans get a House majority.

From here:

I will begin the process of identifying and firing every federal bureaucrat who has engaged in domestic censorship, directly or indirectly whether they are the Department of Homeland Security,… the FBI, the DOJ, no matter who they are.

Does that mean every government employee who has been vaguely associated with my surveillance will be fired, and out of law- enforcement/intelligence/NatSec work for the rest of their lives? That sounds like a tough, but fair, good start. I would like to know what it will mean that Elon’s X is shadow-banning me, and deleting all mentions of Bill Binney’s interview with Bill Still. I am dubious this will work out, however if Trump is actually serious about all this, then it will become impossible for the American Stasi to continue to hide, and you can see how God timed the production of the book and website perfectly, to go viral just as the censorship is lifted. That would fit with my expectation this was being produced at precisely the right moment, its purpose would manifest, and it would change history.

Democrats will move to impeach President-elect Donald Trump for a third time if they have control of the U.S. House of Representatives after the 2026 midterm election, former Trump adviser Steve Bannon warned on Friday.

Despite all that Google did to suppress former President Donald Trump’s website and news about him from right-leaning websites, the GOP nominee overcame the censorship and was victorious on election day. Search blacklisting is also a problem which will need some kind of solution, like demanding search companies offer users the ability to search simply by age of websites, number of link-ins to websites, and so on.

Article III Project founder Mike Davis: Special Prosecutor coming to investigate crimes around lawfare, election interference.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the Biden administration’s Justice Department (DOJ) on Friday, demanding that it provide records relating to Special Counsel Jack Smith’s corruption investigation into President-elect Trump.

Many Democrats feeling too ‘exhausted’ to launch resistance movement for another Trump presidency.

DeSantis launches investigation into FEMA directive advising workers to ‘avoid’ helping homes with Trump signs.

Judge clears path for fresh evidence in explosive social media censorship lawsuit against Biden administration.

Despite calls from some liberal activists for Justice Sonia Sotomayor to step down while Democrats can fill her seat before Inauguration Day, she has no plans to retire from the Supreme Court, people close to the justice said.

Joe Biden’s illegal migrant inflow to hit 9 million by January.

Poll workers defamed by Giuliani can pursue World Series rings given to him by the Yankees: Judge. Giuliani says he gave them to his son as a gift, the judge says he wants Giuliani’s taxes to see if the gift was declared.

FEMA official who allegedly told workers to avoid Florida homes with Trump signs fired.

One of the more disturbing memes I have seen, especially give Tony Podesta still has images like this, or tortured children, proudly hung on his walls:

Taiwan’s Defense Ministry said Wednesday that the island received its first batch of US-made High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS), which it first ordered in 2020.

Trump plans to renew ‘maximum pressure’ sanctions on Iran.

Iraq is poised to slash the legal age of consent from 18 to to 9, allowing men to marry young children. So good we won the war over there…

Putin signs mutual defense treaty with North Korea.

Ukraine’s relationship with Britain has ‘worsened’ since Keir Starmer became PM – as stalemate over long-range Storm Shadow missiles continues.

Trump will not be bringing Nikki Haley or Pompeo into the administration.

Texas is getting even more red as time goes on.

Elon Musk’s net worth rockets to over $300 billion as Trump win fuels optimism for Tesla and SpaceX.

Trump officially wins Nevada, marking his victory in all seven swing states.

CNN‘s data analyst Harry Enten said President Donald Trump‘s massive gains with certain groups in the 2024 election were much worse for Democrats than they have realized.

Trump plans to withdraw US from Paris climate pact, open some national monuments to drilling: report.

Trump effect: EU chief suggests replacing Russian LNG with American gas imports.

Donald Trump… is considering ending two Biden administration programs that have allowed more than 1.3 million immigrants to enter the U.S. legally, making those who entered but have not yet received asylum eligible for deportation, two sources familiar with the plans told NBC News.

President-elect Trump advisers draft mass deportation plans, consider declaring a national emergency and deploying military to remove illegal immigrants.

Trump to give us concealed carry reciprocity.

Send people to, because if the Plan is real, there will be nobody in control

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3 months ago

comment image

How about the entire D party?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 months ago

And the entire R party. They’re all compromised crooks.

Reply to  Steve.O.Morris
3 months ago

D first, then R.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 months ago

15 million my ass. But it’s a good start.

Reply to  Bman
3 months ago

I have read that it’s 30 million or more. In fact, I believe Trump has stated that.

Reply to  Bman
3 months ago

Times 10 might be closer to reality.

Reply to  Nonetheless
3 months ago

That would put the census number at near or over 600 million residents in the United States.

Reply to  teotoon
3 months ago

hahaha Yeah, that was pretty stupid. I was thinking twice that and, oh never mind. Guess I should finish my coffee before typing.

Reply to  Nonetheless
3 months ago

The thing is that we do not know and can only guess; but we do know that the Census Bureau is lying to us.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 months ago

Maybe a national emergency declaration, exec order, or a republican locked congress (like those comm bloc votes were they all raise their hands. In unison
and clap in time,, or else) congress declares self war on internal corruption and subversive acts. Militarize the process like the war on terror, using military courts, less worse than current feds running anything correctly. Top to bottom digging into the books and everyone including the cooks and janitors. This will root out scumbaggery in .gov systems, as well as flush out the illegals, dual citizens, and dreamer detritus as well. Men and an angry Madam Redclaw can roam about their communities with submachine guns conducting adjudications as necessary during mop up operations. This infection of society and the nation state needs a bit more than debriding of it’s wounds to survive. A more holistic approach is certainly needed at this stage. Stay frosty while purging about.

Reply to  teotoon
3 months ago

Yay! Now let’s see if X lifts the shadowban on AC. I’ll believe it when I see it.

Reply to  teotoon
3 months ago

Sounds damn reasonable to me. God bless.

3 months ago

Joe Biden’s illegal migrant inflow
Multiply that 9mm by how many?

Reply to  teotoon
3 months ago

At least 10.

3 months ago

National concealed carry reciprocity…

Terrible idea. All this does is nationalize it, and give over a previously state-centric function to the ATF. Which then makes it simpler for a future administration to go the other direction.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

Yeah, gun fag reporting in here. I dwell in a constitution carry red state. “No stinking permits to carry needed here”. There should be no permit system required to carry, period. Abdication of the 2a rights by creeping .gov control mechanisms via a “permit” systems is just people saying and reinforcing a permission system run by, and having granting authority by a .gov fat assed functuary, for a God’s right to you as already codified in law, via the 2a amendment. It can be restricted at certain venues, or .gov places but not in a general society or community manner. The Supreme Court already ruled the police cannot be held liable for crimes committed against you, they work for the state. If that is the case law then legal logic will counter that citizens must be allowed a means of defense, since the state cannot or will not provide such. Guns are prolific and ubiquitous anyway, so .gov controls failed, see Chicago stats every weekend. If we are a republic, collection of states, that requires states to codify many of the same rights for admission and uniformity of laws, then the Supreme Court must buck up and rule definitively that all individual states or sub units of .govs may NOT! restrict the 2a personal carry of firearms. Next will be you having to show your “LOICENSE” to log onto you first amendment shit posting appliances, and for any authorized usage periods during breakfast newsspeak feeds. Permits, licenses, no go zones, === Jesus weeps.

Staying frosty kinda requires you to be armed.

Just a Medic
Just a Medic
Reply to  Gringo
3 months ago

Terminology matters here. I agree with Gringo that advocacy of “concealed carry reciprocity” may be misconstrued as endorsement of carry permit schemes. Government recognition of the natural right to bear arms and incorporation of the 2A against state permitting schemes is preferable.

3 months ago

So the trump zelenskyyyy call with Elon listening. Why? Elon is a busy guy. It doesn’t make sense for him to be there for a call in an area he really doesn’t have anything to do with
I think it is because Elon was there to tell him when Zelenskyy was lying to him. Ukraine uses starlink for everything now, and Elon has been reading their mail.
I also wonder if Elon knew about the election because the polling tabulators report back channel results on twitter, maybe in DMs.

Reply to  phelps
3 months ago

I think he bought twitter to have his engineers tell him what Spyware the intelligence backboned into the system through the life log program that was discontinued shortly after facebook launched. He may have a whole lot more Intel than what people share through Twitter. Chances are anyone who uses Twitter has all their data scraped and collated in some x main frame.

Reply to  Steve.O.Morris
3 months ago

That’s a given for anything being done on the net, think Fusion Centers.

Reply to  phelps
3 months ago

I think him being involved was a subtle threat to turn off starlink.

Reply to  phelps
3 months ago

Ohhh…great deductive reasoning!. I’ll bet you’re right.

3 months ago

Lame Cherry on the latest Trump Chief of Staff, Susan Wiles:

Reply to  Ed
3 months ago

Earlier Lame Cherry piece, and this is hopeful. There are some Elon Musk quotes that indicates that some understands the importance of drying up the Cabal financin:

Reply to  Ed
3 months ago

Excellent post by LC. I’m in total agreement. Thanks for the link, Ed.

Reply to  Ed
3 months ago

So his argument is pretty much I like Reagan, therefore someone who worked there is a good person?

Reagan was a piece of shit like the rest. Set the precedent for mass illegal amnesty, folded CA for the next 500 years, etc. If that’s the best argument they have for this bimbo count me skeptical.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous
3 months ago

Gen X and older right-wing Californians hate Reagan. They blame him for opening the doors for the illegals and lefties to flood in and turn the state into a nuthouse.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous
3 months ago

Reagan is the chief reason that conservatives are known as *conned-servatives* by anybody intelligent enough to think of coining that word.
The man did more to gut-shoot America than FDR and Woodrow Wilson making “the beast with two backs” with Elenore Roosevelt tossed in to make it all just a wee bit creepier.

Last edited 3 months ago by Ghost Who Walks
Alan P
Alan P
3 months ago

On Twitter yesterday, a journalist named Kevin Dahlgren witnessed a smash-and-grab and got photographic evidence of the whole show:

This was was very clearly organized. They had spotters, hiding places, security, and a getaway car. What was most shocking was the blatant smash and grab in the daytime. Public safety must return to our cities. I filmed this last summer but it’s very relevant today.
EDIT: I thought everything here looked familiar and when you get to the end of the thread you see it happened last summer so in fact we’ve all seen this exact event when it was republished here.

Last edited 3 months ago by Alan P
Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

great idea!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

I think it was a target individual having special information on that laptop that would cripple some business or personal plan that they had ID’d with tech, so he gets kneecapped from some possibility or they just wanted to make his life miserable at work, or lose plenty of family archive photos, not just a random crime, a target snatch. Something especially valuable was there for the taking, not left at home in a safe for once, perhaps.

3 months ago

> Rats Retreat: Rumors say FBI Director Christopher Wray will retire before Trump Inauguration.

If they retire before the inauguration, they’re probably safe.

There seems to be a thieves’ agreement among politicians; if they retire before they’re indicted, nobody will look any further.

Reply to  TRX
3 months ago

It’s time for Trump to destroy that precedent.

Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Reply to  TRX
3 months ago

In speaking with an FBI office worker some years ago, yes, it is exactly what goes on. In the case of a SF city district supervisor, in cahoots with a Chinese mob member and gun smuggler, decided to fight his charges. The FBI employee told me all he had to do was resign and the charges would go away. He was an idiot and was convicted. Something “Ed boy chow” seems to rattle around my memory.

Reply to  Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
3 months ago

California state senator Leland Yee and Raymond “Shrimp Boy” Chow.

The Italian mob always has cool names like “The Shark” or “The Hammer.” Shrimp Boy just doesn’t have that intimidating ring to it, y’know?

3 months ago

> Maricopa County, Arizona, Recorder Stephen Richer deleted his X account Thursday with hundreds of thousands of ballots still to be counted, as the state’s slow reporting of election results fueled fears of election rigging behind the scenes.

It has been five days. There’s *definitely* election rigging going on. Make that “more rigging” and “again”.

Nothing will happen to him, though. As long as he’s part of the Machine, he’s covered.

Reply to  TRX
3 months ago

It’s obvious the rigging machine was not defeated, merely scaled back or temporarily turned off. The greasy fingerprints of shenanigans are all over the election, and I think they just hope we stay placated by a “win” and move on with our lives.

The biggest risk to Trump is that we get a 4 year break, then back into the meat grinder we go. We need decisive, game-ending wins, stacked so deep the enemy can’t make enough shovels to dig their way back out.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 months ago

The fraud must be pursued immediately.

3 months ago

> Despite all that Google did to suppress former President Donald Trump’s website and news about him from right-leaning websites, the GOP nominee overcame the censorship and was victorious on election day. Search blacklisting is also a problem which will need some kind of solution,

Google has shortened its results page and loaded it with random ads and “AI!” It ignores the advanced search modifiers most of the time. It’s much less useful than it was, even five years ago.

Meanwhile, Yandex is what Google used to be. “If you can’t trust the Russians, who *can* you trust?!”

Reply to  TRX
3 months ago

The US based search engines have become useless. They’re all sponsored returns. I’ve gotten to where I just use CoPilot to find me an answer and structure the response, since I can’t get anything but ads out of Bing. I haven’t been on Google since 2017.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
3 months ago

Brave seems fine enough. Probably worse than Yandex on controversial topics

3 months ago

> Trump plans to renew ‘maximum pressure’ sanctions on Iran.

Iran was already on the Federal shit list before they joined BRICS. There’s not much the Feds can sanction that will bother the Iranians much.

3 months ago

> Joe Biden’s illegal migrant inflow to hit 9 million by January.

That’s just more payload for the TRX Trebuchet Return System.


3 months ago

> Putin signs mutual defense treaty with North Korea.

Good move.

The Norks are poor as church mice, but they’re proud and armed to the teeth. Kim craves “respect” more than anything else, and the treaty shows he’s dealing with a superpower as an equal. That’s pure political gold, there.

3 months ago

> Trump will not be bringing Nikki Haley or Pompeo into the administration.

That’s good. At least DJT won’t be letting them stab him in the back *twice*.

Reply to  TRX
3 months ago

I guess “Trust Kansas” is no longer in effect.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
3 months ago

I think the entire “Trust” list was “necessary disinformation”.

3 months ago

> Trump to give us concealed carry reciprocity.

Not good enough. He swore the oath once, and will be swearing it again in January.

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

The second amendment to the Constitution says:

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Abolish all gun laws and release anyone in jail for violating them. And come up with some kind of restitution plan for violating their civil rights.

3 months ago

> President-elect Trump advisers draft mass deportation plans, consider declaring a national emergency and deploying military to remove illegal immigrants.

Sounds good to me.

Now make their countries of origin pay for rounding them up and repatriating them.

Reply to  TRX
3 months ago

Absolutely NOT! Seize ALL the assets of the Jews. They are the ones instigating all of this!

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 months ago

Can’t an NGO be sued or penalized, with its agents arrested — or why not just put a hit on them? Aren’t they waging 4th or 5th generational warfare against US?

Last edited 3 months ago by Ghost Who Walks
Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  TRX
3 months ago

I think with all this chatter there’s gotta be at least 2 million illegals heading for the border on their own initiative. There’s gotta be a way to track self deporters. Half these illegals could be gone before inauguration day.

3 months ago

There’s a new Snowden about to appear.

Reply to  lowell
3 months ago

Or relevant Wikileaks…

3 months ago

I’m not sure who started this joke with the crayons, but My Beloved Corps has wholeheartedly embraced it. Semper Fi.

Reply to  lowell
3 months ago

A Marine friend of mine asked an AI for a birthday cake image, and this is what it gave him. It’s amazing that even AI gets the crayon reference.

Image attached.

3 months ago

I thought that the swap of Harris for Biden was to shut down the impeachment inquiry into Biden and protect Project Ukraine.

Here is an alternative theory that they thought Harris was more pliable, and the people around Biden were balking at launching the war:

3 months ago

And things like this are why I’ve never doubted that Q was real. I’ve seriously doubted whether they would do any good, but I’ve never doubted Q was real.

3 months ago

I can’t remember the last time Mike Adams was right about anything conspiracy related. This sounds less reliable than usual. Posting because something big is coming. I don’t think it’s this. I just know that this election went down too easy on our end.

Reply to  lowell
3 months ago

Whatever is coming will be just about that bad.
It DID NOT have to be this way.

Reply to  lowell
3 months ago

Mike Adams strikes me as a man who doesn’t know his own limitations. He’s really good with the alternative health stuff, but when he steps outside of those lines he strays very far from his own areas of expertise. After Malaysia 370, he made comments like “the entire surface of the planet is blanketed in RADAR coverage!” which is very much untrue. Then he passed off some bad intel like a guy hid an iPhone 5 in his ass and took pictures of a hangar in Diego Garcia where the plane and passengers were taken. His coverage of MH 370 was off the wall bullshit.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
3 months ago

(I have only read him 8+ years ago and have a hazy memory of it so am purely going on vibes)

When I first started reading him, I got super paranoid ala reading Alex Jones. Then got super entertained by his hyperbole.

Reply to  kid
3 months ago

Alex is entertaining, no doubt. He don’t like ’em puttin’ chemicals in the water to turn the frickin’ frogs gay! (He was right about it.)

Reply to  lowell
3 months ago

The invasion has been happening for decades, this is the brain of someone who is spiritually blind to the real world and poisoned by corn syrup and Marvel movies. The invaders have already arrived via “immigration”, there’s no need for a singular giant invasion.

Reality is rarely a climactic final battle, beach landing scene, etc. It’s almost always a slow and steady drip that wears away over decades, as we’ve seen with 100million+ foreigners deeply entrenching themselves in our land and ruining our nation over the last century.

3 months ago

Trump posting Q shit again.
Trump posts “#” which means checkmate.
Q’s posted checkmate.
Take the Q date and the Trump post date and use that as a Q post.
Q post predicts Senate outcome for this year.
The plan is still gay.

Reply to  Bman
3 months ago

I have friends that are getting mad at Trump/Q for seemingly allowing the steal of so many House and Senate seats.
The plan had better kick off with the fraud in 2020, 2022, and 2024.

Reply to  Bman
3 months ago

Considering this has been going on for 50-100yrs, where 100s of millions killed in camps, children trafficked, interns murdered, false flags, cities bombed, civilians murdered, I would like to hear a better plan

Reply to  Anon
3 months ago

Any plan that actually did something to put an end to all of that instead of letting it all continue to happen.

We have no tangible results to speak of yet.