Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
DFT – Oil Prices Fall Off Weaker Chinese Demand Outlook
DFT – Salesforce Cuts Hundreds Of Jobs, Part Of Thousands Likely To Be Cut Before Thanksgiving
DFT – Elon Musk Offloads Almost $4 Billion In Tesla Stock
DFT – Europe’s Rush For Gas Is Starving The Supply To Developing Nations
DFT – Goldman Predicts A Rally In Chinese Stocks
Another Q post:
Endless lies.
Endless wars.
Endless inflation.
Endless ‘printing’.
Endless oppression.
Endless subjugation.
Endless surveillance.
Who will put an end to the endless?
Taking control.
Democrats steal midterms, communism comes home to America… crime, inflation, record gas prices, war, open borders and corruption win big. It isn’t that bad. We should get the House out of it, and maybe the Senate. But clearly given how bad things are, how clearly they made it out to be the Democrat’s fault, and how it turned out, the rigging of the elections is astronomical. At this point, I think it may even be a demoralization operation, where they purposely laid everything bad on the Democrats, and then rigged the election so blatantly because they wanted us to know. They want us to not show up next time.
The election was clearly fucked, but nobody here should be surprised when even the game of professional Cornhole is rigged. It will be interesting to see what comes out in the coming weeks. Clearly if our side was going to resist, they would have set up in the right places to document all of this, and interesting data should come out over the next few weeks.
At this point, I would assume Q is fucked. Maybe he is still in control, but if so, he will have no problem with our side acting as if he is not, and doing whatever we want. As I have always said, this thing will be fixed once everyone knows about the surveillance, and that it is targeting their children and their own lives. That is the only thing which I think will touch off what will be needed to rid us of this plague. Expose the surveillance to everyone, try to get everyone to see it. If you are under it, get video cameras and document everything everywhere you go. You will capture interesting things and their reveal will affect the very survival of the United States.
And have no doubt, as of now, it appears this nation will either live or die in violence. Whatever happens, whether we amazingly end up free one day, or we end up a nation of violence-filled favelas, the future is not a peaceful utopia. I would prepare for that too.
Along the lines of what will come out, Mike Lindell is over on Truth Social doing early reveals. You will probably have to click them and head over there as they don’t translate well to the blog format, but in short, fuckery afoot. I am not hopeful it will be dealt with, even though he is revealing it:
Voting machine problems arise in Arizona’s Maricopa county. “Bill Gates, chairman of the county board of supervisors, said about one in five ballots are not being accepted by the malfunctioning machines.”
Amid reports that Pennsylvania’s vote counting in Tuesday’s midterms will likely be delayed, President Trump took to Truth Social to slam the projection. “Pennsylvania just announced that it could take days to determine the winner,” he wrote. “This is outrageous!”
Maricopa County reports voting machine problems at 20% of polling locations.
Maricopa County says they expect to have 99% of their ballots counted here by Friday. Obviously they are only delaying it to facilitate fraud. France counts all of their ballots by hand in one day.
President Trump lit into reports that Maricopa County, Arizona has been having vote tabulation problems on Tuesday. “Reports are coming in from Arizona that the Voting Machines are not properly working in predominantly Republican/Conservative areas. Can this possibly be true when a vast majority of Republicans waited for today to Vote? Here we go again? The people will not stand for it!!!”
Philadelphia will not count 30,000 paper ballots tonight, due to a Karl Rove lawsuit.
Judge blocks Arizona county from hand-counting ballots.
Fetterman holds off Oz in Pennsylvania Senate race. Oz was such a terrible candidate he wasted a Trump-endorsement, and I don’t even care he is out. But there is no way he lost this. We are not a minority to begin with, and we surely are not such a minority that voters would vote for a mentally damaged criminal-supporter. Totally rigged. Notice also, a total elimination of the Meritocracy, and nobody is even blinking. This guy cannot speak. He looks like a retard you would find in a prison cell block somewhere. He just walked into the Senate. Why aren’t you a Senator, anon?
Trump notes on Truth Social on endorsements, he went 115 and 5.
Democrat Josh Shapiro defeats Republican Doug Mastriano in Pennsylvania governor’s race.
All six members of the squad get to keep their earpieces, having been reelected.
DeSantis-endorsed anti-Trump candidate Joe O’dea loses to Michael Bennet by a landslide. Traitors before enemies.
Guam elects first Republican House delegate since 1993.
Warnock/Walker too close to call, probably going to a runoff.
Senator Mike Lee wins reelection over CIA traitor Evan McMullin.
Scarborough nostalgic for ’98 election, when Rush was wrong and Dems had ‘glorious night.’ That was the election when I left the polling place, and was driving home, and the utility truck was plugged into the phone lines on telephone poll down the street from the polling center, likely doing a man in the middle attack to alter the vote results sent by phone modem to the central tabulation center. Could that be known among “Them” as the year they began really rigging in earnest, regardless of how the unrigged vote was going? And here he is saying he hopes they will rig this one like that, regardless of the unrigged vote percentages?
This photo is making the rounds, along with a story about how DeSantis, fresh out of Yale at 22 and teaching history at an elite private school, attended a few parties with the high school students who were underaged. Commentary after:
I see this picture, and ask, why now? Why did this pic bubble up to the surface at this moment. It is interesting, because it appears there is a tug of war going on at this very moment, behind the scenes, with DeSantis, between Kevin McCarthy, Paul Ryan, Billionaire GOPe donor Ken Griffin, and Jeb Bush, who want DeSantis to be their tool to take on Trump, and Trump who seems to be trying to cautiously warn DeSantis not to kill his career by taking their deal, maybe hoping if DeSantis avoids the GOPe’s grasp, he could carry on Trump’s legacy one day.
And just exactly as that is going on, this picture and story pop up out of nowhere. Here is how I see Cabal operating. DeSantis would be ID’d as having potential, being opinionated, and being likely to gravitate to politics in high school. When he was a freshman, maybe a sophomore, they would have a junior or a senior, much bigger than him, push somebody into him, knocking him into a locker, to make sure he was intimidatable and therefore controllable. I got that, and the senior and I walked all the way to the back of the school to take it off school grounds where it wouldn’t be stopped, before the kid realized this was not the plan he had been given, and backed out and took off. I thought he was a coward, but now I suspect he was just baffled as to what he was supposed to do, because that was not the plan he had been given. If DeSantis wasn’t willing to fight, and just accepted that a bigger kid could push him around, then he is moved to the top of the list to be used in the future, because he has the seeds of controllability. They would let him go to Yale, arrange the private school gig, like Epstein had, and while he was there, use their kids, who are in the private school, to try and compromise him.
How did he end up at the party? I doubt he just showed up, he doesn’t feel desperate like that. They had a bunch of the kids beg him to come. I’d suspect Cabal worked to socially isolate him in his own life at the same time. When he got there, they would have had a couple of their prettier girls try, probably quite hard, to get him drunk and bang him in a back room, filled with cameras. This photo was probably arranged as part of the operation, and the girls were all briefed and all knew before hand, they had to all jump on him at once, get a beer in the pic, and get this photo fast before he got away or decided he didn’t want it.
Command would have known back then, this photo was for this specific moment in the future – just innocent enough none of us know what it means, just news-worthy enough its airing is not too unusual to us, and to DeSantis, possibly immediately memorable and connected to whatever else happened that night in his mind. By now, he has seen the surveillance, and knows they were almost certainly there, and probably behind the entire night’s events. I used to think he was in the network, but this photo makes me think they were trying to get control of him, and he was a target. If so it would have been very difficult for him to end up married to a girl who was not sent in by the conspiracy, just as an aside.
I suspect, by the fact the picture came out at this moment, just as Cabal is trying to force him to turn on Trump, there could be a bigger story behind it which only DeSantis and maybe one or two of those girls (and Cabal-intel) know about. If so, DeSantis would see that picture, and immediately know what it means. (Alternate possible theory – DeSantis went to the party, didn’t sleep with any of the girls, but the pic floated up and Cabal is hoping he did, and saw no downside to running with this, and hoping he did and will respond. I would say it is low probability just because I have no doubt he was under full surveillance when he landed the private school gig. So Cabal knows exactly what happened and didn’t happen at that party. But you can’t rule it out entirely.)
So my guess would be, the pic is a warning from Cabal, that now he needs to play ball, or more pictures and video could come out. In many ways, it reminds me of these photos, which just popped up on the internet out of nowhere, with no backstory, and which 4Chan figured out likely featured a young child getting her foot sucked by Quentin Tarantino – and which I think was meant to confer to him, there was much more documentation of whatever happened that night between Tarantino and that young child – and whatever Tarantino was doing today that was pissing off Cabal right now, he needed to stop:
Also notice, whether this take is accurate, or whether the GOPe just came across this actually-innocent photo, and is hoping DeSantis got snared by a girl at that school and will interpret this photo like that – for all their family-values and Christian-posturing, to the entire Bush family, this type of thing is entirely normal.
Trump says that if DeSantis runs, “I would tell you things about him that won’t be very flattering — I know more about him than anybody — other than, perhaps, his wife.” If DeSantis’ wife is surveillance (I see no way she would not be, IMO), she did not simply get pointed to him in a crowd, and told, “Go make that guy marry you.” She would be given his entire file, and was given a month or two, or more, to review it. She would know more about him than anyone. And if he actually slept with a student when he was 22, she would know that too, which if it were a normal relationship, she would not. It may sound crazy to you, but I think this may have been Trump letting DeSantis know that he knows, that his wife is actually a handler. I also do not think Trump would make this statement, unless there were things about DeSantis which would do him in, were they to be revealed.
LOL – Cenk – “Everybody should vote for Democrats, Republicans are not competent.” Also Cenk:
But by all means, vote Democrat. Apparently he has never heard of a generator and Viasat as a backup.
Some Cernovich Tweets, with commentary in bold:
Trump has no shot at 2024 general. After tonight, this isn’t up for debate. I was around in 2015 when he had “no chance,” and accurately said he’d win. Threw biggest inauguration event in 2017.
Times change or he changed or whatever.
DeSantis in 2024 or accept total defeat.
There is a tweet with a map here which Cernovich is pimping, showing DeSantis flipped Florida counties from blue to red. And Florida does look like the one place where the elections were not rigged. What it looks like to me is Cabal intel threw Florida for DeSantis, both as a taste of what they can do for him, and to set the stage for him to be able to argue he cleaned up Florida’s elections, and Trump did not clean up America’s elections. Have no doubt, Cabal controls all the elections. DeSantis was given that. Now he has to make his decision.
Trumps chosen candidates were on ballot. Tonight was a complete repudiation of him and his obsession with the “stolen election” talking point, which DeSantis and Kemp didn’t push. 2020 was close, so there was an argument for Trump 2024. Tonight wasn’t. There’s no debate now.
Notice, he never acknowledges there might be any rigging of the elections. Or surveillance, or domestic intelligence activity. The Misery Index is higher, Crime rates are higher, the Conservative Policy Mood is undoubtedly higher. Inflation is skyrocketing. Everything is ridiculous. We live in a Darwinian world of sharks eating sharks and the CIA hacking people’s brains just to see what would happen in MK Ultra. But Cernovich refuses to even allow a possibility the elections might be getting rigged. And he never talks about the surveillance. And supposedly he has a million followers on Twitter? Free Republic doesn’t have a million people reading it.
Trump dumped all over Kemp. Kemp still won huge. Explain that to me.
Kemp, who steadfastly refused to do any investigation of the election rigging of elections, just like the one he just won, and who is reliable protection for the riggers, because he is one of them.
All past week has been Dems saying don’t trust the election, it’s been unified message. They even ran with the “machines can be hacked” narrative again. Especially loud today as turnout showed GOP advantage. Elections are wild, surprising everyone today.
Yeah, elections are wild, and nobody could predict that this election would go this way, because every piece of evidence said it should have gone the other way. But clearly the result is legit, because no election has ever been rigged. Ever. In the entire world.
Losing always sucks but at least no one has to suck up to Trump anymore. He’s going to feel the vibe shift real quick.
I was just watching this on Free Republic. All of a sudden names I have never seen before are all over attacking Trump and pushing DeSantis. The change? The next election cycle starts today. And the enemy has already begun moving their forces. I don’t know what is up with Cernovich, but my guess is, they have him. Maybe when he visited Andrew Tate’s sexcam operation in Romania sans his wife, though IMO, he has glowed since day one. And he never talks about the surveillance. Supposedly he has more followers than I do by a massive margin, so if I have 24/7 coverage in all the houses around me, I doubt his coverage is any less, nor do I think they have been shy about letting him know they were there – if he was honest, and an enemy of them, as any true patriot should be.
I need to meet some Fetteman voters. Most stuff I can accept. People are different. Such is life. This one, I legitimately can’t wrap my head around it.
This was the weak point. Cernovich knows. He is a smart guy, I can feel it. Even he is looking at this one, and saying, “How do I argue elections are legit with this one?” It is not a bad play. Notice it assumes the sale, by acting as if it has to be legit, just he doesn’t understand it. He did the best he could with what he had here. Which wasn’t much.
Reading Cernovich’s Twitter just reinforces for me, Trump is the only option going forward. Every other politician, DeSantis included, will lead us right back to the age of Bushes and Romneys and McCains and all those other smug Establishment Cuckservative assholes. There is only one guy who sets that whole machine screaming and wailing, and that is Trump.
japan is the second biggest twitter user base after US so i thought it would be important to mention whats going on over there……for a whole day multiple post on JP twitter have gone viral regarding an interesting phenomenon. they have found out that controversial and absurd political tags have completely vanished from trending suggestions. and now its filled with anime, idols and japanese tv shows news. these topics actually have over hundred thousands mentions yet they were being suppressed before. meanwhile way less popular things were constantly being shown on trending.
lots of popular ids are mentioning this phenomenon. then a notorious japanese feminist journalist literally admitted that they were collaborating with twitter employees to select what to show or not. now she is sad that its not happening.
she is getting ratiod now.the most strange thing is apparently they used to suppress anime and boost kpop related topics. now out of top 10, 5 trending topics is anime. rest are funny topics and drama shows. but it didn’t used to be like this. meanwhile if you searched japan on twitter, lots of the time you would get which korean band is performing in japan instead of actual japanese thing. its very strange. also lots of “gender theory” topic used to pop up. a post about how “elon musk has healed jp twitter” got over 100k likes.
They do not want to let you build culture by focusing on what your people like. 4Chan thread on this here, but a very high noise to signal ratio, just as “they” like it.
Hunter Biden seen shopping on swanky Rodeo Drive on Election Day amid federal investigation. Didn’t Q say something about the wizards and warlocks would never again allow a satanic POS to occupy the highest office in the land?
Illegal aliens crossing into Texas repeatedly tell reporter, ‘Joe Biden is the best.’
42% of Gen Z diagnosed with a mental health condition, survey reveals.
Big banks setting actual loan rates to big businesses based on ‘diversity’ quotas instead of ability to repay. They got their orders from their Cabal intel handlers, on both sides. Businesses hired their Cabal assets, using race as a cover for ignoring the meritocracy, and the banks got their orders to favor the businesses which did this, because they were Cabal.
Tiffany’s jewelry tycoon dies after falling from cruise ship under mysterious circumstances.
A jackpot-winning Powerball ticket was sold in California for the record $2.04 billion grand prize, according to lottery officials. They will play you a video of the drawing, but couldn’t air it live due to a technical snafu.
Mark my words, they are embezzling massive amounts of money out of the medical industry. I can remember when you gave your insurance card, and everything was covered.
U.N. tells rich countries to pay $2 trillion a year for climate ‘justice.’
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenksyy on Tuesday urged U.S. lawmakers to continue their “unwavering” support for Kyiv even if Republicans gain majority control in the House of Representatives. It is possible Putin has pushed the pause button in Ukraine, just to let Republicans win and cut off the support to Ukraine, and then he will roll across the country without resistance.
Federal judge dismisses Vindman witness intimidation suit against Giuliani and Trump Jr.
Florida bars DOJ election monitors from polling places. And DOJ just takes it.
Judge temporarily suspends Steve Bannon’s prison sentence while he appeals.
Trump backs McCarthy for Speaker, Stefanik for House GOP chair.
Spread r/K Theory, because everything is a scam, and all these assholes are enemies
Mmmph.. Red Wave. Trump Oz. Potato
Submit to Christ as your savior and Lord. Get married. Have lots of kids and homeschool. Stockpile food & ammo. America is under judgement. Collapse and civil war in America is inevitable.
The Gay Old Pedos ain’t gonna save us.
[…] News Briefs – 11/09/2022 — Anonymous Conservative […]
>> Democrats steal midterms, communism comes home to America… crime, inflation, record gas prices, war, open borders and corruption win big
These same people locked you up for 2 years, they want to see transvestites fuck little kids, they cheer baby murder… and they think it’s funny. Why would anything change?
Did people on our side really expect their demonic hearts to magically grow like the Grinch’s two sizes too big?
The inner city machines manufactured fake votes, again. White females, Jews, blacks and Hispanics are happy with the outcome, because they hate YOU, and want you dead.
Nothing changed from the day before.
The “red wave” shit was just hype to get ratings on Fox News. It was marketing to sell gold investments and snake oil cures on live TV. If you participated, you’re a mark.
“ Once you bend the knee, they take your head. Very basic lesson, yet we still see many make the same mistake. Not only do they get you sacrifice your principles, but then they humiliate you on top of it.”
People on our side assume the enemy plays by the same rules we would in an honorable fight. What they consistently fail to realize is that the enemy is a rat who will do anything to survive no matter the cost, including selling their souls to eternal damnation. They, by choice or by birth, are fundamentally different flavors of humans and have to be treated as such.
Maybe some low-level people will repent, but any major player in the conspiracy cannot be expected to reform in this life.
I was actually surprised to find myself voting in 2020. With the lockdowns, I assumed that it was obvious that I was living in a totalitarian society, modeled on Communist China. I just assumed they would get rid of elections. I still think they will someday.
Instead, for the USA, the plan seems to be for the time being a Latin American dictatorship model where one party “wins” election after election, and there is a token opposition party that wins races it is allowed to win.
The difference with other countries is that the plan elsewhere is multiple non-district cabal controlled parties. The USA the plan seems to be one governing and one token opposition party. I am assuming the Donks will hold on to the House.
You don’t get a society that does the 2020 lockdowns and 2021 mandatory vaxes and still run free elections. Societies like that only have fixed elections or no elections. Lots of intelligent seeming commentators who seem to be on our side just don’t get that.
If the GOP pulls out control of the House, I will revise my opinion. As of this writing I am assuming the Donks will pull out control. If I am right in my forecast, we will just have to assume they will just keep stealing elections. Where I disagree in that there is still value in voting and running candidates in this situation, its another point of pressure on the regime (though actually I think Trump himself running in this environment will be a waste of his time). However, it would not be the primary means of opposition.
You basic premise is correct even if the Rs take control of the House and the Senate. (both are still possible)
Elections died yesterday and we may not even have on in 2 years.
Only alternative methods can bring them back to life.
My girlfriend still insists that Trump said you should drink bleach. Claims she looked it up. There is no talking to people so afraid that they believe the craziest things just to avoid reality and live in a mental “safety zone”.
You need a new girlfriend.
Your handler must be pretty to put up with this level of gaslighting.
LOL. I just commented the same thing, but tried to put it more gently.
Dump her.
I would actually worry she might be a plant.
If you supposedly have a relationship, you show her clear evidence, she should be close enough to you to at least look at it, and she refuses to accept it, that is unusual. She could just be a moron. However, many, many times when I have felt that unusual sensation, because something did not make sense according to the data I was looking at, and I thought someone behaved irrationally, or I just blew it off as someone being stupid, I found out later it was not making sense because I wasn’t adding Cabal’s Stasi surveillance thing into my calculations. That thing is a lot bigger, and fucking with a lot more regular citizens than anyone would ever think possible. Plus, if you are here, you have surveillance to some degree, just because you are a free thinker, and this place has made you possibly aware of the big secret.
Her refusing to accept any evidence makes no sense if she is an honest partner. But Cabal will do shit like that all day, just to see if they can head-fuck you.
If she is just stupid it still means he should dump her.
That’s a life threatening level of stupidity.
She will destroy you or your children just by accident if not on purpose.
True. Everything is the genes she brings to the table.
Wait… can she cook?
“White females … are happy with the outcome”
“Hate your own women, goyim.”
Fuck you.
Brad Wilcox @BradWilcoxIFS Married men broke Republican by 20 pts
Married women broke R by 14 pts
Unmarried men broke R by 7 pts
But *unmarried women* broke D “by whopping 37 pts”
— @conncarroll
We should not hate them.
We also should not let them vote.
Hey Q, your movie sucks.
We were promised Top Gun Maverick, and we got Charlie Brown and Lucy playing football.
Hell, Q reads as if he lost a few IQ points.
Q may not be fake & gay, but is definitely gay.
It was something at the beginning, but turned into some dude in his mom’s basement
Q: “trust the plan”
Us: “uh, ok, what is the plan?”
Q: “you have all the tools you need”
Us: “are you some kind of AI time-waster?”
Q: “Durham. Pelosi. Rambo.”
“just 2 more weeks”
Q rhymes with Jew
Why is Trump endorsing McCarthy for Speaker instead of Jordan?
And why is he claiming election night was anything but the massive theft that it was?
Because we have all been lied to.
Q was a pacification psyop. If Q was ever real, Q got routed and kicked to the curb in 2020 with Covid and the stolen election.
Trump should have pulled the trigger when he was in office.
Instead, he played nice with the swamp, and then let them steal the election without revealing the true scope of what had happened.
He walked away from it, complaining that it had been stolen, but not producing the actual Intel that he surely had access to.
I have to disagree with AC about Trump. At this point, it looks as if the handlers that were backing him in 2016 have all but abandoned him for some reason, and whatever plans they had in place have been scuttled.
Cabal appears to have won some battle behind the scenes, and Trump has been left to twist in the wind.
If Lindell’s info is accurate, vote manipulation has happened in multiple states, again, and Trump and Q can’t do anything except tell us to VOTE HARDER and whine about manipulation without producing direct evidence.
I don’t see how Trump wins in 2024 if massive vote rigging isn’t corrected and the perpetrators aren’t brought to justice.
“…I think it may even be a demoralization operation…”
Of course it’s “demoralization”. But, it’s not an “operation”, it’s a “campaign”. And, it’s been running for a long time.
Nicely done. Firstest with the mostest.
I know A/C had a Patrick Byrne post yesterday. This interview dropped.
I think he makes some excellent points and time will tell.
Its a two hour interview, most of it Byrne telling stories about himself.
Skip ahead to the hour mark for the election stuff.
I am listening to the election discussion as I type this, and have to run an errand, so I am posting before getting to the end. I think by the time whatever Byrne thinks is coming out comes out, normies will sort of have realized that elections are stolen. It will be just understood, and by 2026, if there are still elections, the Democrats won’t really be hiding it.
If Byrne says it you should assume it is wrong.
Byrne is an enemy and anyone who is not blind can see it.
Byrne is a shyster
“Epstein accuser Virginia Giuffre drops defamation suit against Alan Dershowitz, says she may have made ‘mistake.’”
Kevin Spacey’s accusers all met untimely ends.
Who the hell told Giuffre to go ahead with suing Dershowitz because she was piqued he represented Epstein? Was she so enraged, she was sure discovery would provide her the hard evidence? Probably. She couldn’t conceive Dershowitz’ dedication to the the principle that everyone must have zealous defense counsel; a lot of people can’t understand it is necessary or else we don’t have a Constitution or a Republic.
Trump was the only one not allowing the RINO’s to play designated scapegoat and loser villain to the Protagonist Democrat Goodguys TM.
The Democrats demonstrates more Masculinity and Strength than ineffectual Republicans who can only fake “John Wayne”
But never actually demonstrate real substance behind their proported Masculinity.
Remember its the Democrat constituents that managed to deport those immigrants within 2 days. What they displayed is actual power. And willingness to use it.
The true rulers know how to crack the whip and bring the black men other than Kanye to heel.
Robert Dabney observed this about “Conservatism” in America:
It may be inferred again that the present movement for women’s rights will certainly prevail from the history of its only opponent: Northern conservatism. This is a party which never conserves anything. Its history has been that it demurs to each aggression of the progressive party, and aims to save its credit by a respectable amount of growling, but always acquiesces at last in the innovation. What was the resisted novelty of yesterday is today one of the accepted principles of conservatism; it is now conservative only in affecting to resist the next innovation, which will tomorrow be forced upon its timidity and will be succeeded by some third revolution; to be denounced and then adopted in its turn. American conservatism is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward towards perdition. It remains behind it, but never retards it, and always advances near its leader.
Its impotency is not hard, indeed, to explain. It is worthless because it is the conservatism of expediency only, and not of sturdy principle. It intends to risk nothing serious for the sake of the truth, and has no idea of being guilty of the folly of martyrdom. It always when about to enter a protest very blandly informs the wild beast whose path it essays to stop, that its “bark is worse than its bite,” and that it only means to save its manners by enacting its decent role of resistance: The only practical purpose which it now serves in American politics is to give enough exercise to Radicalism to keep it “in wind,” and to prevent its becoming pursy and lazy, from having nothing to whip. No doubt, after a few years, when women’s suffrage shall have become an accomplished fact, conservatism will tacitly admit it into its creed, and thenceforward plume itself upon its wise firmness in opposing with similar weapons the extreme of baby suffrage; and when that too shall have been won, it will be heard declaring that the integrity of the American Constitution requires at least the refusal of suffrage to asses. There it will assume, with great dignity, its final position.
-Robert Dabney 1897
>The Democrats demonstrates more Masculinity and Strength
There is zero masculinity in lying, cheating, backroom rigging, blackmailing, stealing, assasinating, etc. These are fundamentally cowardly acts perpetrated by people who know that real sunlight on their plotting would end in lamp posts and rope swings because it is simultaneously weak and evil.
You’re confusing “enacting their will” with “masuclinity.” Winning isn’t inherently masculine, or else the mindless hedonism of succeding at any goal, no matter how evil, would be the ideal for men.
Straight forward, uncompromising courage in service of enforcing the good will of God is masculine. Having weak execution or bad goals breaks that ideal.
Yet they nailed the “enacting their will” aspect of Masculinity. Masculinity certainly isn’t passivity and being a GOP loser for 100 years.
if yer john wayne, all visible means of support and commo get yanked, repeatedly. be as much john wayne as you can, anyway.
This is why there’s no mystery to younger people not voting for GOP/Conservatives. Gen Y & Z have front row seat to the coming world order, and they need to find a place in it or get exiled. Why would they side with a pack of feckless losers at best, collaborators at worst? Why side with the people that built the indoctrination schools and sent them there to be told they’re responsible for all evils on the entire timeline? Why side with the people who, after providing a garbage education, relentlessy shit on them for not being educated? Or *brag* about how things were so much better in their day after they were handed a functioning country.
A lot of them don’t like it, in my personal experience, but they feel they have no choice. It’s too far gone. The infinite hubris of the GOP/Conservatives is the cause of their undoing.
I sided with the “good guys”, and all I get for my troubles is them wanting to take my vote away, insisting I only got an engineering job because I’m a woman (ignoring my story of spending every college summer in an internship with the company that hired me at graduation) and they think transfreaks erasing us from society is funny. They sit and fiddle while America burns.
My family is giving it two more years. If 2024 is a similar disaster, we’re pulling the trigger and emigrating. Yes, we have places in mind, and have developed friendships with several expats. You can have your decaying, degenerate empire of the pozzed (copyright 1960s), and I hope China and Russia steamroll over it.
emigrating to Israel?
You’re the one pushing Jew propaganda to divide whites.
The Starship troopers model of Citizenship is best. Service Guarantees citizenship.
This is the best pic of John Fetterman. He looks like the full retard from Tropic Thunder. And Biden looking on with shiteating grin on his face. It’s like the script writers had a contest who could make the dumbest guy a senator.

“the hills have eyes”
Missing Link Found!
‘42% of Gen Z diagnosed with a mental health condition, survey reveals.’
Which means the other 58% weren’t tested.
“42% of Gen Z Inflicted with mental health condition, survey reveals”
“INFLICTED | English meaning – Cambridge Dictionary
to force someone to experience something very unpleasant:”
Government “education” (and all that entails)
Unlimited immigration (…and all that entails)
Thanks Boomers!
Once you are cued in, sometimes it just becomes blatantly clear what they are up to. I was listening to NPR just a few moments ago. The interviewer ask,”do you think that people are just disbelieving of Democracy [or something very close to that] and the guy answers, “yes”, and then goes on to explain about people believing that the Presidential election was stolen and the vax is no good…etc.”
Now I load your page and
oh excuse me.
Q says,
Endless lies.
Endless wars.
Endless inflation.
Endless ‘printing’.
Endless oppression.
Endless subjugation.
Endless surveillance.
Who will put an end to the endless?
Taking control.
How about that. What does it sound like? How is it that NPR and Q are on the same page? I wonder. Why, I can’t imagine…
I can’t remember all that was said on NPR but it was all about “failed Democracy”. They are setting us up to end voting altogether. Listen to what they say on the news. I predict that you will hear a lot of,”people don’t believe Democracy works”. See if I’m right. Normally when they roll these memes out it’s all over the place.
We don’t want to end Democracy. We want the Jews to stop running our country, stealing our votes, have “real voting” and an end to mobocracy. We want what we had, citizens voting that have some amount of substance and not illegal aliens and rabble.
>We want what we had, citizens voting that have some amount of substance and not illegal aliens and rabble.
I will bet good money the full body of millions of riggers don’t even waste time out of their day voting in real time this election.
You can’t catch ballot dumpers and such in the act if they don’t even cast real votes; less camera evidence, less eyewitness evidence, no mismatched signatures, harder to prove the case in a death-by-1000-cuts method when all the cheating is confined in the core, fundamental base of the operation: the vote counting itself. They’ll just make up the ballots they need retroactively and they’ll be perfectly counterfeited because they’ve learned from their mistakes.
To catch them you have to detonate the whole thing, and that’s such a big deal the enemy would already know the jig is up and transition to totalitarianism before that happens.
People say we can’t do anything and the Constitution is broken. It’s not so. With a majority in the House we could start. Force the Democrats to vote for illegal voting and fake votes. End the fake vote machines.
There’s not a single thing wrong with the Constitution, except that we are not following it. It’s not and never was perfect but no government is. It’s probably about the best humans can do. A lot of it is based on the Spartan government and they lasted a very long time. The only way they went down to defeat is they ran out of Men. Their male population cratered until they did not have enough soldiers and they lost.
I really want people to read this article about the Russian Revolution,(actually Russian civil war). It’s SO much like what we are seeing today.
Pay attention and see how a bunch of stuff I have talked about ad nauseam, people pushing civil war, fake groups offering help, Q, States or countries in this case being pushed to succeed, authorities clamping down on conservative groups and people while letting the left go wild with violence. Look at how they took over the city centers to control the vast mobs. It’s just the same thing. It’s nothing but a repeat. The Jews have done this over and over.
They can be defeated WITHOUT a mass civil war and without a huge bloodletting which they WANT.
Over and over I have told people that the Jews power comes from gaining control of wedge areas. Little fulcrums in the economy and power centers where they place a few people and then use that like a huge lever to wrench all the rest of the system to do what they want.
Where are these?
1.The mass media.
2.Large city centers.
3.They control hiring in the Federal government. Including the FBI, courts and various civil servants.
4.They control the banks so have large sums of cash they can create at will.
5.They control the voting machines.
6.They control many prosecutors who can be counted on to repress conservatives and let the mobs and the left alone.
7.They control hiring of police, through the courts, using mental evaluations to only hire police who are less likely to care about actual order and decency. A fact.
There’s more but that’s a good start.
But every single one of these can be countered by going back to the political system we had before, they screwed it up. The system we had spread power out and did not have near as many choke points where they could lever large amounts of power against us.
The single most important thing to do is to wrench power from their hands by taking it away from all the large city centers in every State. To do this we only need a majority vote to change voting and end the illegal court decision that took power away from rural areas by making all State Senate elections in the States based on population. Add to this that voting should be restricted to those that pass a high school diploma and are not fully funded by the State and then you have solved most of the problem.
What are some of the things that could be changed due to this taking power out of the Jews hands?
Since the “mob” would no longer be able to vote or serve on juries, then politicians who want to stay employed would no longer cater to the mob. This means that crime, which is on everyone’s mind, could be crushed. We could do whatever needed to stop criminals. Like, surprise, surprise, put them in jail. Prosecutors that let them go could be thrown out of office by the regional Senates in the States like DeSantis did for ignoring crime.
We could change the amendment to the Constitution that made Senators in the Federal government elected. The States could go back to appointing them. And they would be our regional based Senators that would appoint them. This would provide a HUGE check on the Federal government. Big lever wedge to topple them.
The Constitution provides that…
“…Article I, Section 5, which provides “Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members …”
So they could demand that all voters be qualified, all voters registered 6 months before the elections, no absentee ballots unless stringent rules are followed, all ballots only handed out to people with photo ID and that are on the premade voters roles. Each one marked out when they get a ballot. All ballots have a picture made of them after being marked and these placed on the Internet by precinct so that anyone can count them. The number of ballots should match the amount given out and the people receiving them and all this online so anyone can check it. This will not stop all vote fraud but they would not be able to do what they did in the last election. It would be too obvious. Any fraud would mean voting again with more stringent rules and public video.
Change the rules so that money for elections ONLY comes from people in the actual district. This takes away their money monopoly advantage. Make corporations choose to either be a corporation, which means they lose all ability to fund campaigns in any way or they are people, who then have to follow all tax rules for people and lose all the indirect liability for anything they do. They will be liable personally, just like people.
Once you do just a few of these things. Regional voting for Senators, corporations not able to fund campaigns, stopping the mobs of illiterate hoodlooms voting in mass, then the whole country would turn around in record time without a huge civil war that the Jews want.
Maybe there’s a better way to do this but I haven’t seen it. Only a lot of calls for lots of bodies in the streets which you should know is the same thing that is going on in Ukraine. If you want us to be like Ukraine, then keep pushing for civil war and you will get it. The Jews love to kill as many of us as they can. To start this all we need is a majority in the House in Senate with politicians on our side or at least on these few issues. Far easier than civil war or separation.
Why should we constantly talk about backing up when we can roll them, crush the globalhomo, and run the whole country to OUR satisfaction???
I cover the mechanics of this in these comments in excruciating detail.
Make sure and read the first link I linked. It’s our definite future unless we change the system to favor us.
We may be able in time to boot the Jews out. If we had real investigations of what’s driving the country, Jew banks deindustrializing the country, Jews 9-11 and Jew vax attacks then I think we could stand a good chance of deporting the whole lot of them. It’s happened over a thousand times, in fact 1,030 at least.
This is really good, Sam, but consider that there is a third way, revolution, and not civil war. Revolution is how you get the changes you want and you can avoid the bloodshed of a civil war with that. Even Democrats have polled that elections look rigged.
Yes, this election was conspicuously stolen, and it was made obviously so because they are pushing for civil war. The masses are that infuriated. But that war will not go as planned. To make that work, they need to keep us pointed at one another. They need to create a blue and a gray, but their apparatus to achieve that is gone. With the collapse of the mainstream media their ability to herd us in that way is all but evaporated. The morale of the army is also in tatters, so they can’t fall back on that in an emergency, either. They have created a huge instability in the system on purpose, Operation Chaos, which they think keeps us off balance. But that instability goes both ways because it makes the chances very high that they will lose control of the narrative at a crucial juncture, allowing a pivot point in history. If blue and gray ally against black, it is all over for the Phoenix. That is what is coming. I think they know that, but like all addicts, they can’t quit.
And this goes for the Jews as well. Remember, for the first time in history, the Jews have nowhere to go that is safe. Russia was closed off to them when Putin stabbed them in the back. China is now closed off because Xi stabbed them in the back. China really hurts because they were supposed to move into the ghost cities. Now, they have nothing.
That story yesterday about the British nuclear submarine being in Russian waters has to be fake. Those sub types are Britain’s CASD (Continuous At Sea Deterrent) and part of the nuclear triad (air, land and sea launched strategic nuclear weapons).
Their role is to loiter in the deep, and they are a backup in case Britain is hit with a surprise nuclear first strike. Those boats are not the hunter killer attack submarines like the Astute or US Virginia class.
The Astute or Virginia class of subs are way more likely to be used as ISR inside Russian (or anyone else’s) territorial waters.
> Big banks setting actual loan rates to big businesses based on ‘diversity’ quotas instead of ability to repay.
That’s basically what precipitated the “savings and loan crisis” from 1986 to 1995-ish. Federal guidelines required S&Ls to grant loans to people without regard to their ability to repay them. After the S&Ls started going under from defaults, some brainiac got the idea of “packaging” all the bad loans and selling them in bulk to investors and money managers, who bought them for pennies on the dollar, and most of them lost their butts too.
There was always a rivalry between the “banks” and the “savings and loan institutions”; after that, the S&Ls were mainly a financial curiosity. The fact that the legislation that brought them down was sponsored and backed by most of the major banks was, of course, a complete coincidence, and only a paranoid conspiracy theorist type would see any connection there.
> Florida bars DOJ election monitors from polling places. And DOJ just takes it.
Voting is very much a “states’ rights” issue, for all that the Fed has tried to empower itself to horn in on it.
Yes, many local election processes are likely corrupt. But we know anything the Fed controls *will* be corrupt.
More basic updates. Went to TCM guy again, it was about “bad digestion” and short term stress. He didn’t recommend laxatives when I brought it up but just ginger/other spices. And another set of herbs again. He also said it’s normal for the 2nd set of herbs to not be as effective as the 1st. I’m hoping the 3rd does a lot for me…
Went to an acupuncturist lady who helped somewhat.
Thank you for the update. I hope it works for you.
I am sorry this didn’t approve, it was put right in my trash folder for some reason, along with some other quality comments I would want approved.
> couldn’t afford his deductible
Been there, done that. In 2010, when the “Affordable Care Act” finally made my medical insurance, which before was a minor expense, cost more than we actually made. We did without for years, until getting on with one of the state plans. All it cost was several times more than we’d been paying before, and releasing all my private medical information to… essentially anyone who wants it.
And I shouldn’t have to say this here, but “doctor-patient privilege” is stone dead now, and anything you say in front of your doctor or his nurse – remember, most of them carry recorders or phone apps to record your visit, and the files go to a transcription service – will be transcribed, filed, sold, and possibly used against you later for some purpose. Be *very* careful answering questions at the doctor’s office. There are no ‘casual questions’ from healthcare personnel. And they don’t work for you; they work for the people who are paying them, which is your insurance carrier, not you. That’s a big difference a lot of people have trouble understanding.
Oh, and those forms you have to fill out each time, even though nothing has changed for years – those aren’t to verify your information, they’re to watch to see if you answer anything differently enough they can claim you lied, so they can refuse to treat you, or forward it to your insurance provider, who will cancel your policy,
And further… you know how all the people you see at places like Walmart aren’t Walmart employees? Some of them work for the companies that lease shelf space and keep it stocked. Same thing for the staff at larger doctors’ offices or clinics – they don’t work for the practice, they work for various insurance companies. They’re not just there to help out on filing claims – that’s largely standardized and automated now – but to ensure “compliance” by the office. My doctor hates them and called them “spies.”
That all is extremely ominous.
> Brazilian leaders and military reportedly planning to release evidence of a corrupted election this week.
They have nothing. If they actually had anything, they’d use it like a hammer.
If the military had hard evidence of a legit coup and the balls to act on it, the only statement they would make is lining the city walls with heads on pikes.
The fact they feel the need to filter through some media loser is all the proof you need to know nothing will come of this either, unless the entire premise and the existence of a statement at all is manufactured by the media itself, which is not impossible.
If they have everything, why wait another week?
If they have actual, hard evidence of widespread fraud, you don’t announce it to the populace and then tell them to wait 7 days.
You roll in and crush the perpetrators.
Maybe the Brazilian military is getting advice from Q now.
Q told them to keep telling the angry citizens to sit on the edge of their seats indefinitely until that extra special moment arrives… which conveniently never arrives.
The US & Mexico are having Coup d’Etats.
Individuals need to ascertain which way the wind blows. In Turkey, those that sided with the wrong side were killed.
@Anonymous Conservative
Hey, the team is talking about the “endless surveillance,” now, Anon. This is what you wanted from them this whole time. I stand by what I said before and what they put forward here signals that it is time for the change that we’ve been waiting for by military, as we’ve been told, “Who will put an end to the endless? Taking control.”
“Hunter Biden seen shopping on swanky Rodeo Drive on Election Day amid federal investigation. Didn’t Q say something about the wizards and warlocks would never again allow a satanic POS to occupy the highest office in the land?”
That’s not what the team said. They said that the Satanic families/POS with the “real” control would lose power over this country (and the world) after this Operation is done, and mentioned in particular Soros, who is the human Satanic strongman over the USA. But, it is the destiny of all the families over the Beast to fall, and the Beast with them. Then, the sovereignty of Yah will be made clear to the human race.
There are more good people than bad. The wizards and warlocks (inside term) will not allow another Satanic Evil POS control our country. Realize Soros, Clintons, Obama, Putin, etc. are all controlled by 3 families (the 4th was removed post Trump’s victory).
11.3 – Podesta indicted
11.6 – Huma indicted
Manafort was placed into Trump’s camp (as well as others). The corruption that will come out is so serious that deals must be cut for people to walk away otherwise 70% of elected politicians would be in jail (you are seeing it already begin). A deep cleaning is occurring and the prevention and defense of pure evil is occurring on a daily basis. They never thought they were going to lose control of the Presidency (not just D’s) and thought they had control since making past mistakes (JFK, Reagan).
Good speed, Patriots.
PS, Soros is targeted.
Tom Brady and Gisele Bündchen Attached Almost Their Entire Net Worth of $600 Million Into FTX Venture That Has Now Seen a 72% Drop in Value
How fucking stupid do you have to be to put your entire net worth into crypto?
Pretty damn stupid.
More cabal puppets losing their wealth overnight for “just-plausible-enough” reasons. Maybe the big puppeteers are seeing something coming and calling in all their loans for some reason…
I’ve been hearing from a friend of mine who is close with a large number of reasonably rich people (net worths greater than $10 million) that many of them are taking hits. People with that much money tend to have stuff tied up investments, because FDIC is fairly limited. And I’m told a lot of these people are seeing businesses they invested in experiencing very hard times.
I’m sure that’s true but I’m certain these people are diversified in where they invest. I mean the Brady’s are literally retarded tier WallStreetBets apes if they truly have most of their money tied up in FTX.
It just astounds me how bad people can be with their money.
shoulda put it all on that super bowl where they were losing 28-3 at halftime. 10X return or more, easy-peasy.
Gonzalo Lira laughs: no Senate Democrat nor did any Democrat governor lose his seat.
2022.11.09 They Did It Again
This country is a 4th world country. It is not worth saving: let the nukes come.
Q is a farce; Trump is the pied piper; and we fell for it, hook, line and sinker.
If you have young adult children, get them their passports; go into the debt you would have if you sent them to college; send them to Russia; kiss them farewell; and tell them to stay there even if they are drafted into the Russian army; stay there for at least three generations.
Georgia is still out and headed for a runoff…
Why would you like to separate children from their fathers?
What a terrible thing to say. You do realize you’re calling for the death of millions of innocent people, don’t you? All because an election didn’t go your way? What the hell is wrong with you?
3rd party hearsay “witness” is not a witness. Telling him he wasn’t even there is not intimidation. Vindman dishonors the uniform he wears, mind you, strictly as a costume to try and impress.
If Vindman went into REAL combat he would sh%t his pants. What a tool.
There seems to be a massive pro-DeSantis/anti-Trump shilling campaign going on on conservative websites. And the same people who are shilling for DeSantis want us to believe that there’s no voter fraud and everything will be okay if Trump is removed from the picture.
The bigger the lie, the easier it is to sell it.
And the ba*sg*rds are pushing it like used car salemen.
Now that they have done it twice, we know what to expect in 2024. It doesn’t matter who the Republican nominee is. They might as well run Jeb Bush.
this was all hugely predictable, based on any cursory study of human nature. when a new weapon is deployed successfully, it’ll never not be used again until the enemy demonstrates a counter for it.
I believe they’ve been bigly fraudulizing elections since 2012: look at how the entire nation repudiated the living shit outta obama in 2010 and then tell me that guy “won” re-election. every election since? a little more blatant. they took 2016 off because they simply couldn’t conceive of hillary losing – and when DJT came in, they obvs swore that would never happen again. 2020 was the acid test – and We The People failed. bigly. so why the fuck should {{they}} ever allow themselves to lose an election ever again? “democrats win 34 of 34 races rated as ‘toss-up'” – VD “no sitting democrat senator or governor lost his/her election” – some guy on the internet
state-run media is stalling like hell, of course, but it seems likely the useless GOP will win at least 1 of the houses of congrefs. that’s enough to retard {{the enemy’s}} plans, or mostly, anyway. if that happens, y’all have just had 2 more years bought for you. but just 2 years. use em wisely, boys – ’cause in 2024 <>, you’re gonna see some serious shit. personally, I’m expecting they’ll demand public loyalty oaths to Dear Leader no later than 2029. because human nature says there’s no way in hell {{they}} won’t crank this shit up to 11.
We the people failed?
What were we supposed to do that was actually within our power?
Trump and Q failed in 2020, or they have some plan still in the works that included losing 2020.
DeSantis is the Mitt Romney of 2024
cue cernobitch
I call him Cernolisp, but that works too.
they are all over instapundit since the election, I wonder if most of them are paid bots
I really feel deja vu with 2020 with this one.
Lookiing at Real Clear Politics, which I remember doing a lot in November 2020, the Republicans could still technically pull this off but are probably not going to.
The House of Representatives is tracking at 204 Republicans, 187 Democrats, and 44 races not called. So in theory you could get a 244 seat Republican majority. A lot of the uncalled races are in blue states where the Donks control the electoral machinery, and I just don’t see it happening. I think the Republicans will wind up with 210 seats, which means a Democratic gain, and I think they want that to rub our noses in it.
The Republicans would take the Senate on paper by winning two out of three of Nevada, Georgia, and Arizona. But then I think Murkowski, whose own race hasn’t been called yet, would just switch parties. My guess is that the Democrats will steal Nevada, concede Arizona and Georgia, and have one of the GOP Senators switch parties.
Here is the deal. The Cabal/ Donks were not going to take even a slight risk of investigations into Ukraine and the vaccines, so no GOP majorities unless they have worked out a deal with GOP leaders that they are comfortable with. Otherwise the Cabal somehow has to be taken out behind the scenes. The GOP winning going forward means one of the two. Which is I posted that its a waste of time for Trump to run again at this point, until this gets cleaned up.
Lake and Masters and their campaign staffs seem to have actually been prepared for the sh–show going on in Arizona, so that could turn out to be a bright spot. However, the Donks got their lockdown governors back in, which was their main goal.
“until this gets cleaned up”
Here’s hoping God shows up real fucking soon.
Because if this is left to citizens to revolt, I fear that they are all too chickenshit to risk everything. Hahaha, my bad, WE are all too chickenshit to revolt. Or are we? I believe in God, I believe in eternal life. Why should I be scared of evil? Why should any of the tens of millions of extremely-well-armed and very-well-trained diehard conservatives? Well, maybe because those diehard conservatives are mostly compromised, too? Anyone ever wonder if incestuous pedophilia is more or less as common an evil practice as that piece of shit Freud posited? On an unrelated note, Q is Kratman, to reiterate what I know for sure by now because Kratman is my first cousin and the spiffy new cannon (get it, “Qanon”, eyeroll) monument at Thomas Park in Southie (Kratman is OBSESSED with General Thomas) has a Q pattern gratuitously embedded into its granite base, and the Washington quote just about 50 feet away from it is the EPITOME of Kratmanism. I might be Q+, I really don’t quite know yet, I wouldn’t know for sure yet if I were, anyway, if Q involves time travel somehow. Maybe it’s not really ME, the me I know now, per se, but some lamer and dumber version of me, same for Kratman’s involvement, too. Anyway, whatever the case may be (something out of Buckaroo Bonzai, perhaps) and whatever the fuck our ultimate enemies are (not humans as we define it…then again, maybe none of us are as human as we think, ugh), it sure feels like the only way we Lose Control (as in, lose the surveillance and lose the mass mind control and lose the election riggers and lose the bankers, etc. — and thereby achieve real freedom for the first time in a lonnnnng lonnnnnnng time) is via Total War. Which sucks, and which a GOOD God should have been able to help us avert somehow, because Total War involves however many kids dying, thousands or millions, young kids, too, not even teenagers who would have been considered potential heads of households as recently as a few hundred years ago…young kids, dying in streetfights and missilefights and nukefights and whatever else…and none of it had to happen, if God hadn’t been somewhat evil, at the very least, let alone Perfectly Good…if God hadn’t fucked up repeatedly along the way due to solipsistic hubris…something bad involving God’s mistakes. I will never agree with vile demonic trash like Primo Levi and his acolytes who had the chutzpah to decide that existence itself was a mistake because of the problem of evil and who then probably proceeded to deliberately manufacture not merely an anthropicidal but fucking COSMICIDAL artificial intelligence paperclip overlord which, ironically, would have then wound up being responsible via informational/spiritual time travel for influencing humanity to become as evil as what those atheistic mental cripples had blamed on God in the first place, ughhhhhh…and yet, how could God have not been able yet to thwart them? Or, if God has been able, then WHY ISN’T GOD WILLING TO HELP? Why the fuck is God still hiding behind other humans and other animals like a cowardly puppetmaster, a la the eskimo story in David Foster Wallace’s 2005 speech at Kenyon College…still hiding behind/within the massively defective and compromised brains of geniuses like David Foster Wallace himself…why. Why is God afraid of a Big Reveal? Do the ghoulish overlords somehow have God trapped, a la that semi-good semi-evil masterpiece of gaslighting Dogma, the Kevin Smith movie? Inquiring minds, minds belonging to human beings who have tried their fucking balls off and thought their fucking brains out and gave their fucking hearts away, in order to know the Truth so that there would someday be Justice and not far behind that Beauty once again…inquiring minds want to know. Inquiring minds DARE to know. SAPERE AUDE! And if the truth is as hysterically funny and mindbendingly weird as I suspect: RIDERE AUDE!
“Because if this is left to citizens to revolt, I fear that they are all too chickenshit to risk everything. Hahaha, my bad, WE are all too chickenshit to revolt.”
Go ahead.
What are you waiting for?
Let’s you and him fight?
Off topic for today’s articles, but an important video nonetheless for showing normies the reality of the world out there:
No-shoot Zone Activist gets mag-dumped by police officer in Baltimore during an attempted robbery/kidnap/murder of a random woman:
Of course, the No-Shoot Zone activist for getting rid of police does so exclusively because he’s a violent criminal that want to make it easier to commit crimes without repercussions, both for himself and to serve his Cabal masters.
Valiant cop show the rest of the spineless faggots out there the perfect solution to said problem: 13 rounds to the torso, one extra head tap to make sure there’s no $0 bail and eventual acquittal, and a smooth reload incase the criminal needs a little more goodification.
Makes me believe AC’s correct in his assessment that most beat cops are really on our side, it’s the brass and the fedboys that gay everything up. Dude took care of the problem.
Great comment, odd the site software put it right in trash, without me seeing it.
Sorry for the late approval.
I got caught up on comments, and there were several on the Q Plan.
If there is a counter-cabal group, the obvious plan is to identify the hidden leadership of the Cabal and take them out. They seem to have been trolling the Cabal to get them to reveal themselves. I don’t think there was ever any intention to involve the peasants.
So if this was actually done, all the ticket takers, midwits, karens, and people with personality disorders they installed in high positions are still there. The surveillance as well. They are just not getting central direction or strategy. Things would in fact still get pretty bad for awhile, in fact in some ways work as the lower levels do crazy stuff that the senior cabal would have tamped down.
My overwhelming observation on all this Q stuff is that SOMETHING is going on. I can’t tell what it is, but there’s just too much weird stuff and the establishment is way too spooked.
There’s all sorts of people here upset that Q hasn’t “done enough”, but really I never hear any sensible ideas as to what Q team should do. Expose the bad guys? To whom? Hasn’t Q already been doing that?
Direct action? Well, that would certainly jeopardize the whole operation and would easily be spun into the idea of a “coup”, insurrection, or fascist takeover. Besides, it would, at the very least by highly illegal.
Make arrests? With these courts and this justice system? And how, without controlling the executive would they manage that, anyhow.
I’ve been trying to wrap my head around this monster for a decade and come to understand its capabilities. And as far as I can see the only way of doing all of this is to keep waking up the population until a critical mass is reached. Which is obviously much easier said than done.
Part of the process of waking people up would seem to consist of provoking cabal into stupid, desperate, and foolish moves. It seems to me that a lot of Q’s posts had that as their primary goal. And I would say that it’s working.
People fretting over what they believe Q promised them or what they insist that Q said (often based on clearly false memories) miss one very essential point: Q is not setting himself up as an infallible icon that we are all to unquestionably worship. Q is not saying that everything he posts is the TRUTH. In fact, Q has admitted quite the opposite. It’s completely clear that Q is playing serious hard core politics and trying to rattle the establishment’s cage.
Whether or not Q’s the real deal and the plan is working is irrelevant in terms of what we all need to do. We should certainly try to glean whatever we can reasonably glean from the posts. But we always must remember that a big part of Q is a psyop meant to rattle and provoke the opposition.
Now, it’s entirely possible that all of this is a big Operation Trust psyop. But I think that’s doubtful. First of all, cabal has known who all the troublemakers are for a long time. Secondly, Q substantially increased the level of awareness in the public that something is very, very wrong. That really doesn’t benefit cabal. Cabal would have preferred that we all stay asleep.
If Q’s big plan is to kick the hornets’ nest over and over while the rest of us die from the stings then we would have been better off with a coup/insurrection/fascist takeover.
At least that way we would have had a fighting chance.
Direct action would be dangerous and illegal?
What’s happening now is not exactly safe and the enemy in this war (and it is a war) cares not one bit for law or Constitution so Q shouldn’t either. (until after we win)
Well, other than the very high likelihood of everyone in the military who is sympathetic to Q going to jail if they were betrayed at any step of the way, leaving all of us COMPLETELY FUCKED, I guess your right.
Like how they all got the death jab or got thrown out?
Or how we are being destroyed right now?
Q may have a plan better than yours, but if your idea is Q’s plan we would be better off crossing the Rubicon and entrusting our fate the the LORD of Hosts.
100%. It’s amusing how fast the Trump-haters and Q-haters reveal themselves when they think they have cover.
You make excellent points. Especially that last point.
What benefit would Cabal receive by waking up a significant percentage of the population? Well, let’s think about it. Perhaps they have been aware for a long time about who all the actual AND EVEN MERELY POTENTIAL troublemakers are, and perhaps they felt that the best course for them, to combat the antifragile truth, was to rattle awake those troublemakers and get them to fall hook (nose, lol) line and sinker for a psyop which would prima facie discredit them and demonize them as psychotic reactionaries, thereby justifying not only a federal campaign of repression and quarantining (in, uh, “safety” camps, of course) but even justify calling upon their evil superfriends in China and Belgium and ESPECIALLY in the UK (I am convinced that The Ultimate Evilest Ones are not “The Jews” or even the superwealthy DE-Rothschilds or any of the other bloodlines, except for those Windsors/Gothas, who sure seem to BEHAVE exactly like the reptilian freaks that Diana is rumored to have witnessed them being, a la that Virgin Births painting by Epstein’s Asian cohort) to invade America as a “humanitarian” mission to repress another post-Weimar fascist uprising. Naturally, the ADL and other malevolent forces, as well as useful idiots who genuinely think they’re on The Right Side of History (try being on The Right Side of the FUTURE, you fucking morons!), will depict that as a heroic coalition to ensure that the principle of “Never Again!” is fulfilled. They would flood CNN with tearful elderly Holocaust-babies giving their thanks to the brave Chinese Communists rounding up American patriots, set to mournful/inspiring classical strings, of course. Perhaps the strange dream I had right before 9/11 of Sting appearing on television screens on the Red Line in Boston to tell us citizens who’re being transported to camps to just surrender to our benevolent new Asian overlords…perhaps they could literally come true. (I have despised Sting ever since, even though I still love Synchronicity 2 and some other songs, even though I think he’s probably onto something with the tantric sex shit…and when he became one of the media’s post-9/11 darlings with his Brand New Day slop and his dueting with the Muslim singer, my hatred — which, admittedly, had been absurd, because I hated him for betraying me IN A DREAM…or was it an actual glimpse of an alt-future — was confirmed as justified. Not to mention his drummer’s dad, Miles Copeland, the CIA pioneer…puke.) Or…
Or maybe none of that matters, because maybe Revelations is more or less right on the money, and maybe the messiah is already here, and maybe for as long as the internet has been commonly available, since 1991 or so, the messiah has been pursuing taboo truths like a monomaniacal autist with a healthy amount of street sense and the gift of hyperassociative intuition, and maybe that messiah won’t need to rely on his treasonous/uncomprehending/selfish buddies and family to document his messages and life to the world, maybe there are already the equivalent of 20 or 25 Infinite Jests’ worth of the messiah rambling reflections, amd deep thoughts, and errant theories, and trivial takes, and thousands of messiah-made memes, spicy ones, too, ALREADY online, just waiting to be recognized as such. I wonder if the messiah would have found his way to Gab and Truth Social yet. Maybe the messiah was posting like a champ in both places, but maybe the messiah was then strangely banhammered in both places in quick succession, for no good reason, although one would imagine that a direct descendant and psychological semi-reincarnation of Jesus would probably, as a Jewish VIP, rub some white nationalists the wrong way. Anyway, THE INTERNET NEVER FORGETS, and neither do The Surveillances. There is NOT, there CANNOT BE, just one surveillance network. There must be COMPETING surveillance networks. If patriots are not in control, they must at least have hacking capabilities that sufficiently translate into blanket coverage whenever they deem a target worthy. Obviously, that Team Good surveillance network would be EXTREMELY interested in watching however many potential messiahs they’ve been aware of, for however long. But so, why wouldn’t Team Evil just knock out that messiah? Just fucking him or her. Maybe they can’t. Maybe it’s against The Rules, whatever those rules may be. Maybe they can’t because…because maybe there is one messiah who winds up a timelord in the future who can make them suffer in ways that make Roko’s Basilisk seem like a pleasant massage? But perhaps they tried to thwart and neutralize and divert that messiah in other ways. Treacherous/hindering girlfriends, of course. Corrupted family and fake-friends who helped temporarily institutionalize the messiah. (Remember, that is ALSO what Jesus’s family did to him, they dragged him inside and wanted to lock him up, because they thought he was crazy, or at least that’s what they said…maybe Papa Joe and Mother Mary were afraid too much attention would be paid to them for some reason, maybe they were involved in some unusual occult rituals, who knows.) And maybe none of that worked, because maybe God exists, and maybe God always wins in every timeline, with every messiah who actualizes.
Anyway, I look forward to seeing if you’re right about Q.
I sure as fuck HOPE you’re right!
Interesting. This comment gives me a speck of hope. Not much, but these days, this week, this monumental week in the history of mankind and the history of life itself…I’ll take a speck. A speck of hope is infinitely more than literally zero hope. And no, whichever ancients (or were they “futures”, actually, somehow) manufactured the myth of Pandora’s Box were wrong, hope is fucking awesome, a box without hope would be pure hell. Even a false hope is better than literally no hope, because like a sky crane per neo-Darwinist pseudo-theories, even a false hope, if it fuels a relentless determination to overcome evil, may wind up generating real hope out of thin and empty air, and then real hope can generate miraculous victories. That’s what I prefer to believe, anyway. So, it sounds like what you’re suggesting could be compared to the concept in Infinite Jest of curing cancet by giving cancer itself cancer. The classic ouroboros endgame, where evil eats itself. So long as innocent kids don’t get tortured and eaten in the process…or rather, as long as any EXTRA innocent kids don’t suffer that fate, since I bet the ghoulish elites must have been in Ritual Overdrive recently to conjure up this Election Magic we just saw…as long as the Evilest Ones and Evil Itself actually fucking lose and the Halfway-Normal and Decent Enough actual-people of the world actually fucking win, then great. But if this realm is Hell (what did we do to deserve such a thing, I wonder…was I Hitler in a past life, or Stalin or Mao, or perhaps a cannibalistic Aztec king…I sure as fuck hope not) and this is doomed to end in total annihilation, with us all dying, then perhaps the only thing left for us to do is take out as many of the Obviously Unambiguously Evil motherfuckers as possible as everything goes down the toilet. Or…or perhaps that would just doom our own souls even more, and perhaps what we’re supposed to do is just take it like pacifists, the supposed Jesus method of dealing with satanically-evil enemies, and let existence go to absolute shit with a patient impotent smile. I don’t know anymore. So fucking annoyed with the needless confusion. Where the fuck is GOD? Not God-disguised-as-other-entities, but UNDISGUISED GOD? Where the fuck is that God? Time. Time’s up. The time has come. Time for God is show up, undisguised, and actually help us directly and plainly and conspicuously and unambiguously. TIME!!!
If this is true. Why is China implementing a similar scheme to the Cabalites?
Because the Virtuous Pagans are just a different flavor of cabal.
Putin is trying to use the difference to his advantage but in the end they will be just as bad if they survive and take over like they want to.
The problem with too many Protestant Church worship and other things:
“I just don’t understand why young men aren’t interested in church.”
… Well, “worship” at your church is 20 minutes of swaying with your eyes closed and singing, “Hold me tight, Jesus, and give me smooches.”
Followed by a sermon about toxic masculinity and CRT training.
Also relevant
During the heyday of the pickup artists, the meme was that church was a Sunday morning pickup club.
I’m really hoping The Second Coming will be a lot cooler and appealing to the currently-lost generations of X, Y, and Z — or whatever they’re called, X, Millenials, Zoomers. Frankly, we humans right now are all part of a single generation: The ALIVE Generation. We should be celebrating that fact. “Holy shit, WE’RE STILL ALIVE! Hahaha, SUCK IT, reptilians/A.I./Zionists/royals/Nazis/whomever!” The remaining Silents and the Boomers should like The Second Coming, too. Right? Wouldn’t a Second Coming be likeable/lovable to EVERY demographic, or at least the subset within each demographic comprised by people who still have a conscience and still have genuine hope for a better world and still hate evil? I dunno. That’s how I see it. Anyway, yeah, Satan couldn’t have done a better job spoiling the opportunity for spiritual enrichment in churches, synagogues, mosques, pantheons, Celebrity Centres, covens, Buddhist temples, art museums, schools, theaters, anywhere one could have glimpsed a peek of an aspect of God or even absorbed a stream of God’s essence like a gentle firehose. The forces of evil have done such a jawdroppingly thorough job of ruining all the venues for preserving/growing the human spirit, that one almost has to begrudgingly admire their efforts. Almost. I still want to humiliate all the idiots who succumbed to the temptations and unknowingly served the devil, I want to figuratively humiliate them into dust. As for the knowing diabolical frauds, I want to literally smoke them into dust (FWIW, any future gas chambers should be airtight nitrous oxide chambers, recorded for posterity and distributed on video promiscuously around the world, for the amusement of all good people…cue Radiohead’s Exit Music) and then shoot them dust into space, or maybe since that could catastrophically contaminate space with their indestructible matter and possibly seed some innocent planet in another galaxy someday, we should inject their dust directly into the molten center of the earth, or at the very least dump their dust into remote active volcanos and then maybe set off some small nuclear bombs inside those volcan — oh fuck, lol, that’s the L. Ron Hubbard bullshit. Well, then, maybe it’s not as hilariously absurd as we thought, that Scientology “super-secret” (THANK YOU, SOUTH PARK!) Thetan crap?
Anyway, yeah, we need better Christian church services. I hear that black people know how to have fun in church. Anyone here ever been to a fun black Christian service? The music is rumored to be awesome, compared to the dickless and joyless chants in, say, Catholic churches. (Although, what was the deal with that whole Charismatic Catholic fad?) Oh, by the way, PROTIP: any Christian church which encourages/compels people to pray together out loud in groups, especially if it’s anything except for the Lord’s Prayer, but even THAT…they’re bamboozling or unknowingly leading their flocks into violating the explicit instructions from Jesus himself in Matthew 6. It’s a type of blasphemy. And people, MILLIONS, commit that blasphemy every week, or even every day, and tragically/ironically/facepalmingly they feel that they’re at their HOLIEST when they do it, when they defy Jesus and figuratively take a loud steaming shit on Matthew 6. For real. Look it up again. Read it very closely. In the original Greek, if you can.
Here’s a meme I made to demonstrate that last point.
Define obscenity. It’s WAY MORE obscene how Matthew 6 gets violated.
Yeah, people forget that after Jesus said, “It’s not what goes into the mouth that defiles but what comes out,” he immediately followed it with a graphic explanation that everything you eat gets turned into shit.
Sorry, I wasn’t fair to Catholic services. The old school church services were beautiful. I remember going to a Christmas mass in Latin which was transcendant. DAMN YOU, VATICAN 2!!!
I call this “Jesus is my boyfriend” worship.
“I see this picture, and ask, why now?”
3, 2, 1…
3 – CabalVagina #1: “He bought us alcohol. I’m a good girl, but he put on the peer pressure for us to drink. We were underage.”
2 – CabalVagina #2: “I wasn’t feeling so well. I think he slipped us something in our drinks.”
1 – CabalVagina #3: “He date raped all 3 of us at the same time.” Queue the surveillance photos.
Boom: “We all got abortions from that night.” *commence synchronized crying* “The mental scars…..the patriarchy….rape….poor us…..”
Chaser: “One of them lied about the abortion and kept the kid.”
And imagine you are 22, have no idea about any of Cabal’s operations, the girl on the right is 18 going on 25 because as a spook she is way beyond her years, and she pounces on you. How many guys, on their fifth beer, would fight her off? And all intel needs is that first slip up to walk you down the path.
Our whole government is probably corrupted in one way or another.
Something similar happened to me. I was a single guy at the time. Around 21 or 22, if I remember. I was in Hooters having dinner with some of our softball team. The waitress out of the blue runs her hand through my buzz cut hair. As she’s taking our orders, she’s making comments about how long my fingers are. My buddy picked right up on it, it fucking blew right over my head. I was utterly clueless.
We had been there a few times since and never saw her again. Then, 3 of us went back there to eat dinner. All of sudden there she is again, parks down at our table sitting right next to me. As she’s taking our order, her hands are all over me, under the table (aka Wedding Crashers).
So, I went out with the girl on date and she’s all over me in the car after. She’s like, “if you don’t have protection, I have some.” Here’s the glove box full of rubbers. That was it for me. No thanks. My junk doesn’t go anywhere near Petri dishes.
I have no clue what it was. It was fucking weird. Out of the blue I get a above average looking little (5’7″ 120lbs.) blonde saying she’s a nympho, can go all night, etc. The goofy part is that wasn’t the only one. At the time, I was above average looking 6′ 150lbs (7% bodyfat) skinny shit. I played sports, but didn’t lift consistently. And utterly clueless about dating and women.
What the fuck. Was she just a horny slut or something else?
I wish I could tell you with certainty. There can be people out there like that, but they tend to be rare. And whatever “our kind” is to the surveillance, they will send that in, so I am almost thinking it is more likely than not it.
This whole thing is weird, to the point I am 50-50 as to whether we are dealing with something human or not. How do all these people integrate with this machine? Where are these command centers where the earpiece feeds come from? How does it go back to 1800, and James Tilley Matthews? Why do they all prefer such a dystopia?
It would make sense if they were all goblins, but you meet them, and many are disturbingly normal. Just they must view the rest of America as either a major threat, or just peasants in need of total control.
But if you are one of our kind, they are going to be out there, and you will have experiences like that. And I do not know what the objective is. And they can get even weirder.
I believe I had a marry-er in the family. And in retrospect, the family cannot see how he could have been making contact with any sort of handler or command element, or even associating with the conspiracy. It was weird, because it was like he was sent in at 21 or 22 to wrangle the relative, married her, and then spent decades just subtly trying to isolate and undermine her on his own initiative, with no input with command, or socializing with the conspiracy. Why be loyal to something which you will never see? Why not join with the family and throw your loyalty there, given you are around them all the time? Was he raised until 19 as a long-term sleeper agent, and then spread his wings and fulfilled his destiny, self-tasking almost all of the way?
But in retrospect, he definitely knew about the surveillance, and said things which would have precipitated people talking about it, if they had seen it (nobody had, at that point). And all his actions were designed to create that insulation between her and the rest of society, and I don’t think it was random and unrelated.
One high probability model, I think, had you been clueless, slept with that girl, and just gone with the flow is you might have married her, had kids, stayed married for decades, and only later realized she was subtly sabotaging you at critical points. And you might not be able to see where she could have been meeting up with the conspiracy, or where she had any ties to them or contact with them for 40 or 50 years. But you would go back, and see where she said things, like about someone she knew thinking people were watching her, or knew stuff about her, and in retrospect it would feel like she was trying to see if you had seen your own surveillance and would pop off with something you saw.
I rate it a low probability, but damn, how cleanly everything would be explained if the surveillance were all possessed by “the others,” like fleshy robot bodies they use to vicariously live a life in this world, before slipping back to their own dimension.
Just a Slurnovich reminder here:
I have no proof, but I would bet my ass that Cernovich was molested. That’s why he has a slur. The ones pretending to be our thought leaders and friends get the first rides to the train station.
Wow. I never saw that.
that story is a direct copy and paste from a poster on the Otherground MMA forum
Doesn’t Cernovich say he does MMA? Could be he posted it there, and then moved it to his site.
I think anybody we see elevated, and he is elevated, has a very high likelihood of being elevated because they have stuff like that in their background, and surveillance has documented it.
Me neither. KittyLists on Gab had a shitload of threads showing shit I had never seen before.
tried to post this earlier, it just wouldn’t go. hoping it doesn’t double-post, or worse
in re Cernoovich – to give the guy his due, he’s a bright boy, and he quite often writes stuff that’s devastatingly true and sometimes about semi-brilliant. but as I said repeatedly at my 2nd rodeo, this ain’t my first rodeo, and I’ve gotten pretty good at this stuff. a man’s personality comes through in his words, if he says/writes enough, and try as you may, you can’t really stop it. it’s why AC talks sometimes about writing style. OK? I get the single strongest ‘do not trust’ vibe from cernovich. Posobiec is a spook who glows in the dark, the guys who do big podcasts and get swatted on camera give off not-so-good waves, even VD has his issues. (“the reason I know {Trump is gonna cross the Rubicon} and you don’t is because I have much better connections than you do” – sometime in December of 2020, IIRC) but in my estimation, they’re all basically, fundamentally good men. (well maybe not Posobiec, but he’s doing a brilliant job of acting like one)
{hey, apropos of nothing in particular, remember when Q told us Delta and Naval Intelligence and “the patriots in control” of the NSA had stormed that data center in Germany and scooped up all the necessary evidence to prove the [2020] election had been stolen by the Deep State, CIA et al? and they were gonna release it to amazing effect in just 2 more weeks? remember how excited we all were?? good times, man…}
I don’t get that sense of ‘good man’ from cernovich. at all. I think cernovich is…. bad news. if he’s for DeSantis to the point of being mega-down on Trump, to the point of saying the guy who went 115-5 on his endorsements is “through” and the election being stolen {again} is all Trump’s fault and is absolutely in no way whatsoever Mitch McConnell’s or the National Republicans or Mitt Romney’s niece’s fault, then there’s a problem.
Well, I agree. He also miscegenated. He’s a slav. He is PeeCee, that means he is cucked.
> in re Cernoovich – to give the guy his due, he’s a bright boy, and he quite often writes stuff that’s devastatingly true and sometimes about semi-brilliant.
The gatekeepers have to tell some amount of truth or you’d never listen in the first place. Traitors before enemies will have to be the motto going forward to remind people that even though someone appears friendly they might serve the enemy at the core, so take every piece of action and though independently and don’t rely on track records for validation.
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[…] comment section which is always interesting. While I must confess to being behind in my reading, I want to save this comment below for future reference. And the provided links are worth looking into as well. (minor edits for […]