News Briefs – 11/09/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Twitter Brief is here.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Excellent 4Chan screencap, analysis of still another statistical indicator of voter fraud.

Trump team says they’ve identified 9,000 ballots in Nevada that were cast by people who did not live in the state.

Nancy Pelosi’s Chief of Staff Is Chief Executive and Feinstein’s Husband a Major Shareholder at Dominion Ballot Counting Systems.

Republicans expand probe into Dominion Voting Systems after Michigan counting glitch.

Biden leads Trump by 16,952 votes in Arizona Sunday afternoon. If I had to guess, they designed this to be close enough that Trump will probably win it outright after recounts reduce the most obvious fraud votes for Biden, as the win will have to happen too quickly to investigate and perform a full reveal. Then, after taking office, he will order an investigation, expose it all, and fix the system to be impenetrable.

Giuliani says, “There is strong evidence that this was an election that in at least 3 or 4 states, & possibly 10, it was stolen.”

Clark County, Nevada’s Registrar of Voters, Joe Gloria, said his office received reports of voter fraud, and his office plans to launch an investigation but it won’t happen until after the election. Another fucked up aspect of our system. Somebody does fraud, and they get installed, and then, maybe there might be an investigation months later.

In a tight race in Virginia, officials miraculously find 15,000 mostly Dem votes on a USB flash drive. The whole system is really fucked. Either this was total fraud, or they almost lost 15,000 votes just through incompetence. Either way, it is third world tier.

Biden administration would provide citizenship to 500,000 Indians. Also would give citizenship to 11 million illegals and make the US admit a bare-bottom minimum of 95,000 refugees yearly. The vast, vast majority of whom would be Cabal assets.

An affidavit from a Nevada whistleblower alleges that election supervisors Clark County, which accounts for the vast majority of voters in the state, counted mail-in ballots despite concerns about whether signatures were valid.

A glitch in a heavily Republican county means pairs of election workers will have to sit down, and one will read out each ballot while the other records the votes on a new ballot. Without poll observers, I would presume.

Experts find nearly three dozen U.S. voting systems connected to internet.

The computer systems responsible for flipping Trump votes is actually related to the same system flipping votes in Venezuela. Computer techs are looking at ways they think it may be getting done.

Georgia officials caught handing over ballots to far left groups linked to Hillary Clinton to ballot harvest for Joe Biden.

Twitter has suspended David Limbaugh.

Twitter is banning tweets retweeting posts like this one, educating people about Benford’s analyses of Biden’s poll results.

George W Bush congratulates Biden. Calls his speech patriotic, and says the election outcome was fair and is clear. Think back to the painting Epstein had of George Bush with two paper airplanes, and two Jenga towers knocked over. Bush knows about the surveillance, and he will thus know, 9/11 at least was allowed. It was a joke to all of them. But it is deadly serious now.

Romney calls for nation to ‘get behind’ Biden.

Mitt Romney says there was no widespread election fraud. He’s got his kids out there just like Hunter, roping in the cash from overseas sweetheart deals, just like Biden. So he is afraid for his own ass.

Pelosi calls Trump a ‘domestic enemy’ for questioning the election results.

Stephen King Tweets : “You lost, you miserable self-entitled infantile f*****. Concede and get the hell out,” I actually find this tweet incredibly relaxing. He’s smart enough to know, and it shows in the desperation of it. That is a pent up amygdala, built up by realizing if Trump doesn’t give up, the left will lose, handily. You only get that desperate, when you look at the situation, and realize you are utterly helpless. If Biden had this nailed, King would be laughing and poking fun at President Trump. But he is not, because he knows the loser he is trying to prop up could never have won honestly. So he is all wound up.

Searches online for ‘election fraud punishment’ surged in MI, PA And AZ before the election.

One of Joe Biden’s first priorities as president-elect would be implementing mask mandates nationwide. I hate to say it, but that is an Antifa-protection plan, designed to help them protect their identities by preventing anti-mask laws. This may signal the plan was he’d take office, and then Cabal would amp up the Antifa intimidation of the populace.  Exactly like Nazi German, right before WWII. We’ve got a hostile insurgent army that hates our people embedded in our nation, and a leadership following the pre-WWII plan.

Migrants on Mexican-US border celebrate Biden win.

National Review’s Rich Lowry tweets: “Each day, with the coverage of the Biden as president-elect, Trump’s insistence that he’s the true winner will seem more wan and detached from reality.” He sees what we see – this is his entire job. He knows, and he is still trying to stab Trump in the back and prop up Biden.

Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin says ‘We have to collectively burn down the Republican party.’

Two of the major militia websites are undergoing Denial of Service (DOS) attacks.

With homicides soaring, LAPD downsizes homicide division due to ‘Defund the Police.’

The International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) says it is experiencing an “unpleasant situation” as social networking site Facebook has deleted the global body’s page from its platform without any information given.

Of the top ten most historically accurate bellwether counties this election, Trump won 9 of them (including the top 5) by an average of 55-43.

‘Awakened a sleeping giant’: Parler jumps to most popular app as conservatives rally support to leave Twitter and Facebook.

A plane carrying the message “World knows Trump won #MAGA” was spotted flying over Goodison Park ahead of the Premier League match between Everton and Manchester United.

Sidney Powell says, ‘We’ve identified 450,000 ballots that miraculously only have a vote for Joe Biden.” That is a lot of ballots they must have had to rush out the door.

There are at least 21,000 dead people on the state of Pennsylvania’s voter rolls, according to an amended lawsuit.

CNN’s Van Jones communicated to Democrats that Trump wins as long as he doesn’t concede.

132,000 ballots in Fulton County, Georgia have been identified which are likely ineligible. They have changed addresses, and are ineligible to vote. At this point, it would not surprise me if Q helped along the fraud with additional, horribly executed, incompetent cases that were designed to be unraveled, make it too big to ignore, and reveal the full scope of the problem. A sort of Yang into Yin, taking what your enemy is doing and doing it so much it ends up helping your own cause. Not that he would have to, they are stupid and desperate. But this feels so massive, it begins to stretch the credulity of the stupidity explanation.

Election changes in Wisconsin call into question tens of thousands of votes – state’s constitution does not allow election supervisors to change the way elections are conducted.

A Trump administration appointee is refusing to sign a letter allowing President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team to formally begin its work this week, in another sign the incumbent president has not acknowledged Biden’s victory and could disrupt the transfer of power.

There is undeniable mathematical evidence the election is being stolen. Yes, there is, but I think even more convincing to most people is simply the idea Joe Biden was not just successful, but that he was more successful than Donald Trump. Everybody knows Biden shouldn’t have won. Biden was so much more than just a joke with dementia. He was a creep who groped kids. He was corrupt. He was a traitor. He was a plagiarizer. His son was banging his granddaughter, and he was apparently cool with it. He was molesting his daughter in the shower. He almost never campaigned, and the few times he did, he made ridiculous gaffes. And he was just kind of an obnoxious dick. Plus the socialism/communism didn’t help him. But that guy did nothing, and scored record support, and defeated Trump? Fraud just seems infinitely more likely.

House Democrats in the House are losing ground.

Lindsey Graham urges Trump, Republicans not to concede to Biden.

Viganò blasts ‘colossal electoral fraud.’

Mexico President Andrés Manuel López Obrador says he will *still not* congratulate Biden, because he wants to wait until “the legal questions” of the election are resolved.

Governor Kristi Noem said that during the 2000 election, former Vice President Al Gore was given 37 days to run the process of legal challenges to the election, therefore, she said we should “afford the 70.6 million Americans that voted for President Trump the same consideration.”

A coalition of 39 House Republicans on Saturday sent a letter to Attorney General William Barr, asking the Department of Justice to investigate allegations of potential voter fraud.

Trump campaign taps Rep. Doug Collins to lead recount team in Georgia.

Sources close to POTUS tell me he’s being urged by Jared Kushner, Rudy Giuliani, & campaign adviser Jason Miller to hold rallies throughout the US pushing for recounts of votes. I think CNN reported yesterday Jared was urging Trump to concede and congratulate Biden. The fake news is really going all in.

First Lady Melania Trump echoes president’s claim of ‘illegal’ votes. I think I saw a Fake News article somewhere claiming she was begging POTUS to concede.

Rudy Giuliani say Trump campaign has enough evidence to change the Pennsylvania election results.

A Navy Vet alleges that Trump and his team were watching the election fraud happen in real time from a SCIF of the kind used by the Army intelligence cybersecurity division, and this whole thing was a sting. I can’t see how they would not have known that first, some level of fraud was going to happen, and second, that it would offer a massive opportunity to fix an enormous hole in our American democracy, if exposed properly. Given Trump’s strategic thinking, it seems impossible he wasn’t, not just ready to repel this, but ready to exploit it.

Trump plans to hold rallies to lead his followers in a legal war to stop Biden from taking office. Trust the plan.

A good article looking at how easy it will be or Trump to win outright, without even doing a deep dive into the voter fraud. We will get our salt with interest when Trump wins, and then we will get even more, when he has the deep dive done by DOJ into the fraud, he removes fraudulent Democrats, and then he rebuilds the election system to be rigging-proof.

Spread r/K Theory, because the will only get more fun from here.

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Vox Veritas
Vox Veritas
4 years ago

AnonCon, I wondered if you could elaborate on the possible linkage between the amygdala the feeling in the front of my head since Tuesday last. It is not a headache — although I certainly have a whopper — it is a sensation of heaviness in the region just above my eyeballs;, of sensitivity to the least aggravation coupled with a desire to watch those “Rat Terrier” videos post at TheDonald last week. At the same time, I seem much calmer than ever and I have no desire to debate commies or argue with cucks at all, just well, you know.

How does this fit into your theory of amygdala ? I did enough ground-level GOP campaign work in my time to understand if I feel this way, tens of millions more feel exactly the same

Reply to  Vox Veritas
4 years ago

those ‘headache but not exactly’ symptoms sound to me like a BloodRage that’s in the process of slowing down and morphing into something else. whether it morphs into ‘detailed ice-cold plans for serious murder and mayhem upon the enemy’ (pro tip: leave the cellphones at home) or ‘exhausted begrudging acceptance of yet another instance of the commies / liberals taking a huge shit on America and its normal folks’…..

is entirely up to you. up to us.

a lifelong quest to understand Life Itself (LOL) hasn’t taught me much besides ‘I don’t really know shit, and a whole lot of what I once understood to be the truth is in fact the exact opposite.’ but I do know this much: the Buddhists are right. the human mind really IS an engine of creation. we really DO create our own realities.

the enemy is in the process of fraudulently trying to create the reality they desire. whether or not they succeed at it is _up to us._

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I’d love to, AC – maybe someday in person over beers & chips & salsa.

in print? no can do, sorry. there’s simply no way for me amplify what I said without coming off as the biggest, most moronic, most gullible, most hippy-dippy-artsy-fartsy-let’s-all-share-some-positive-energy-for-a-brief-moment-in-time-together clown in world history.

let me just say that In a not short lifetime, I have seen too many “impossible” “miracles” – all with a commonality of mind/thought – for them to be anything other than … uh … mind magic.

hell, look at the Q phenomenon. a wispy, floating, impossible-to-grasp bit of (possible?)(probable?) bullshit that was *created out of thin air and ridiculously elliptical allusions* and a) brought together millions of like-minded individuals, all of whom had been solo climbers until then, and b) scared the living shit out of a ruthless, entrenched, well-funded enemy.

and if, repeat IF we stand firm and hard and ruthless; IF we allow ourselves no retreat no doomsaying no surrender …. then Q will have (in a way) wrecked that vicious ruthless enemy with the vast wealth & connections.

with no tangible form at all except maybe a smiling frog

Reply to  stingaling
4 years ago


It would be interesting to read your take, so please dont be shy about sounding like a hippy-dippy-doo.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

For the modern interpretation, I would check out some Joe Dispenza, particularly the book Evolve Your Brain, which lays out the intricate relationship of thought to its manifestation in concrete reality. Richly detailed scientific investigation there. There’s a particular chapter which shows how a thought travels from the brain and becomes chemically manifested in the body and eventually hardwired into our neural nets. Good stuff.

For old school, go with Judge Thomas Troward. Circa early 1900s, he was an English judge that studied Vedic religion and spirituality extensively, and correlated that with the New Testament teaching and personality of Christ. It is NOT your typical overview of theological similarities. His books “The Hidden Power”, “The Word and The Law”, “The Creative Process in the Individual” are a profound examination of the spiritual and physical laws surrounding CAUSE and EFFECT. I’ve found no better explanation written for the past 120 years.

Beyond that, you’re getting into some deeper esoteric traditions – Buddhism, Alchemy, Vedas – that have their own specific terms for explaining what stingaling proclaims above. It’s a great rabbit hole to go down, and I hope you at least peer over the edge, AC.

Here’s as simple as my feeble self can put it: CAUSE is mental, the mind, spiritual. EFFECT is matter, the body, physical. Therefore, whatever Causes anything always has it’s origin in the mind (either the mind of the individual or the Mind of God), and this is the engine which creates conditions “of reality.”

(2 Samuel 22:27) “With the pure thy will show thyself pure, with the perverse thy will show thyself perverse.”

The external world is a mirror that projects back to us our true internal state.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

AC, I second Stingaling and MentalAnon. If you don’t know about Buddhism, give it a go. What’s the best way to learn? Trust yourself & the Spirit. Find a video on Youtube that shows the technique for either Full Conscience meditation, or “Zazen meditation”. (Do not worry about the difference for now, or which is better). Try it for a few minutes a day, twice a day. Do not seek conceptual or logical explanations before you’ve had a few months of practice. Let practice teach you. If you’re Christian, do not worry about religious drama. Many people consider following Christ and Buddha to be the same thing. You will understand why it is so in due time.

Reply to  phil
4 years ago

There is probably some truth in Buddhist philosophy.
There is truth all over.
But Christ is NOT Buddha and following one is not the same as following the other.

Reply to  phil
4 years ago

this as a response to Farcesensitive’s comment below; don’t see a reply button for it.

FWIW, I’m no religious scholar. went decades with no religion at all; was one of those “I’m spiritual but not religious” goobers so prevalent nowdays. (am not proud of it) but the wisdom & experience accumulated from living past 25 has taught me otherwise.

am not here to preach. Hell, I’ve seen pretty good cases made that Buddhidm isn’t really entirely a religion, it’s at least as much a philosophy. a philosophy whose goal is – I paraphrase here, this ain’t a quote – whose goal is to ‘understand the world and in doing so, become closer to the Divine.’

I believe that ideal is not in conflict with Christianity.

the world is full of mysteries & wonders & contradictions, and none of us are born with accompanying operator’s manuals. we have to muddle along best as we can; we have to figure it out – whatever ‘it’ might be – for ourselves. a good tool for doing that is a proper mindset, ergo…

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
4 years ago

Not going to lie bros but watching my personal social media has been depressing.

First after seeing the 4am talking points of “it’s time for the nation to heal” I get to see all of the daft women in my personal life parrot this garbage like the automatons they are.

Then I get to see two of the biggest MAGA guys I know posting “As an American citizen it’s our duty to support whoever is elected as our leader so I vow to support our new President to the best of my ability!”

ugh, bunch of sellout virtue signaling whores

If Trump fails to hold office I vow that the next leader I support will be Lord Humungus after civilization collapses. Until then I will refuse to support any of this bullshit by voting, donating, etc. Let it fall. I’ll just direct all my energy into making preparations to look after my tribe post-collapse.

My only outward focused action until then will be to mercilessly taunt the virtue signalers by shoving their stupid faces in the shit-fest their decisions have wrought.

“Oh no, your son is being drafted by the war hawks you voted into office? I feel bad for him but you got what you voted for. Be sure to virtue signal about his sacrifice after he comes home in a body bag.”

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Corn Pop
4 years ago

I found that putting some £’s on a variety of pro Trump/Rep bets at the bookies, on the 2nd of Nov, all still in play, and all promising good returns…to shove in never Trumpers faces when the time comes, helps me stay calm.

Reply to  Corn Pop
4 years ago

You are witnessing the Exhibitionists exposing themselves, they joined the Trump/MAGA movement and became its loudest supporters because it felt (they are beings of instinct more than logic) like it was the winning side, but now that they think Trump lost they are swinging back the other way, give them long enough and give the left enough success and they will become the most strident leftists around.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Corn Pop
4 years ago

Thanks for the encouragement guys. Feeling better now that Barr has gotten off his ass to do something. Gonna break out my work clothes for some potential salt mining in the next few days.

4 years ago

Good collection!

4 years ago

Mexican President, and now Putin…..

Russian President Vladimir Putin is refusing to congratulate Joe Biden upon his election to president-elect on Saturday, because there are still “legal processes” to go through.

Russia would only recognise a new president on confirmation of “official results,” his spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Monday, without elaborating on what exactly that would mean.

“We believe the correct thing to do is wait,” he told journalists. “President Putin has on many occasions said he would respect any choice the American nation


4 years ago

As my inbox fills with a dozen or more Trump legal defense fund donation solicitations every day, I cannot help but fear that the posturing of the court challenges is simply a donation grift. It is keeping us from getting crazy now, and when they pull the rug out from us in a little while the white hot emotions will have subsided, and they get us to part with some money in the meantime. I read they are using half the donations for the legal defense fund and half to pay back campaign debt.

Trump seemed so calm in the leadup to the election, starting with the town hall vs. S.Guthrie, continuing through the 2nd debate and all the pre-election rallies. It made me think he is secure, he knows victory is coming. Otherwise, he would show desperation. What it would mean to become a private citizen again subject to criminal and civil allegations from his enemies. He has to win. He continues to seem calm, except when his tweets are in all caps. Explanations for his composure could be (1) Supreme confidence about the ultimate outcome because of evidence they hold (and hopefully Storm kicking off soon); or (2) He has a deal where he will concede after this show of a legal challenge, and he will be left alone to live life like GWB after his presidency, and maybe even be permitted to start a media company.

The slimy donation solicitations weigh toward #2 a little bit. Just have to tell myself it is the RNC sending them, not Trump.

Memories of him in the republican primary debates repeatedly not knowing what was in his campaign’s immigration policy statement is a concern that has stayed with me through the past 4-5 years. Making mistakes like that was not consistent with someone who is now playing the greatest 4D chess game in history.

Reply to  A
4 years ago

Trump can’t make a deal. They will not leave him alone.

Just watch the videos of the vote count being changed right on CNN, where Pennsylvania for Trump drops by 20,000 and for Biden goes up by 20,000.

4 years ago

“Van Jones tells dems dey gon lose if de Bad Orange Man don’ concede”

Van Jones is a walking talking pile of shit. He’s a commie, and a true-blue commie believer. that makes him evil. that means all good people should shun & despise him. I know I do.

but I’ll give him this much, and it’s kind of a big deal: almost unique among commies / the left / the enemy / the servants of the dark ….. Van Jones is intellectually honest. He speaks the truth as he sees it, and lets the chips fall as they will. he puts on the enemy’s uniform for all to see, he speaks out loud & clear, and disdains to hide like a mousy little bitch. that’s why he gets his name capitalized, and biden and romney and georgie & jebbie! bush don’t.

Q, on the other hand …. has nothing to say. yet again. still.

we’re gonna have to do this ourselves, boys.

no retreat
no doomsaying
no surrender

4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago

“At this point, it would not surprise me if Q helped along the fraud with additional, horribly executed, incompetent cases that were designed to be unraveled, make it too big to ignore, and reveal the full scope of the problem. A sort of Yang into Yin, taking what your enemy is doing and doing it so much it ends up helping your own cause. Not that he would have to, they are stupid and desperate. But this feels so massive, it begins to stretch the credulity of the stupidity explanation.”

“Success in warfare is gained by carefully accommodating ourselves to the enemy’s purpose.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

4 years ago

“Clark County, Nevada’s Registrar of Voters, Joe Gloria, said his office received reports of voter fraud, and his office plans to launch an investigation but it won’t happen until after the election. Another fucked up aspect of our system. Somebody does fraud, and they get installed, and then, maybe there might be an investigation months later.”

My whole life I have noted that everything seems to have been deliberately slowed down to death.

Things that in history would have taken days take weeks or months, things that would have taken weeks or months take years and things that would have taken years stretch into decades.

This is one of the worse examples but this factor is everywhere all throughout life and it harms us all in too many ways to count.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

jews always want to change the rules. so everything is lawyered up. but watch the stuff that moves fast, they are behind some of that too (bipartisanship)…

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
4 years ago

Very true, things that should go slowly happen overnight.

They invert everything.

4 years ago

Keep your spirits up frens!