News Briefs – 11/08/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Trump’s plan to destroy the Deep State. (Twitter video). As Farce said in the comments, all good except for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission bullshit. I have spent years being physically assaulted now, in my fucking house. That is not something which everyone walks away from. And there will be tens of thousands like me, all now highly trained in surveillance and surveillance-detection. If they reveal everyone involved, and then announce it is all over, and legitimately take down the surveillance, you will just end up with a period of score settling, which will go on on until tens of thousands of good people are imprisoned for seeking the justice the government should have supplied them to begin with. And they will all be operators trained to a level where no local Police surveillance is going to be able to cope with them. Plus it makes it look like Trump is part of the corrupt operation, looking to preserve the ability to reestablish the program quietly once the smoke has blown over. And again, it does not help he is working with people like Vivek, who was part of the introduction of Obama, who was the Deepstate behind the Deepstate.

I suspect all of it will prove to be weak tea, however. If you allowed for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and assumed it was all on the up and up, and he was going to produce what he is promising, ie real freedom, privacy, and a nation where anyone could rise, then there is at least a decent chance I would go viral. And if I did, I am going straight for the Presidency, with a group of 50 TI’s running for Governors of all 50 states, on a platform of “No Tags, No Bags,” which would in essence legalizing hunting and killing everyone in the conspiracy, through the use of pardon power to pardon anyone who did such to members of the conspiracy. You found the guy who ran the gangstalking program, and sprayed his house down with an AK in the middle of the night, in a safe way which did not endanger anyone else? Full pardons, for all state and federal crimes.

They could never allow that, which is why I assume all of this would be fake, and they would continue to try to strictly control who got a microphone, and prevent just anyone from going viral. To do that, they would need to preserve the surveillance. I just do not see this being real, which might be part of the reason the nightly beamings are getting progressively stronger, in an obvious effort to shut this site down.

Kash Patel just announced that massive declassification will occur in Trump’s Administration from the Epstein to the Diddy list. It’s all going to be made public. Will it include the names and identities of the people doing the beamings? That will be interesting. What do you think Aaron Alexis would have done if that had been released in his time, before he went into the Washington Navy Yard? I just do not see a path from here, to the America Trump is promising, unless the government slams down the hammer on the gangstalking/beaming operations, providing justice itself. Because I would bet what the public is going to see is very nice people, decent people, peaceful people, (which is what the gangstalking seems to have preferentially targeted), doing horrific things to their tormenters, who the nation as a whole will view as subhuman traitors, all in an effort to get the justice the government reused to provide. Then the public will see the government punishing those decent, good, loyal citizens for its own failure, as it looks to protect traitors who sold out the entire nation. It just seems a PR disaster for Trump’s government in the making, unless he steps in and does what needs to be done, to mete out justice. I would caution anyone from the Trump operation reading this, he needs to be the hammer of justice in dealing with the evil of this intel operation. Everyone involved down to the neighborhood informant, needs to take their medicine just as I have taken mine in this battle. That way, going forward there is an active incentive for anyone approached in the future, about joining such an operation, to demure and not partake of this domestic surveillance bullshit. None of these people are innocent. They all knew their operation was complicit in 9/11, and they all betrayed each and every honest, freedom-loving American they took part in assaulting. Trump needs to take the reins on this, or a large number of people in the target community, which has spent decades being trained in these operations and learning there are no rules, will get weaponized. There will be no half measures here. Trump needs to deal with it decisively and 100%, from start, to the finish, and put it to bed completely, leaving nobody above the law and no crimes against the nation and its real citizens unpunished. Otherwise, you will have a smoldering civil war.

Trump confirms border control among first priorities — as he says ‘no choice’ but to carry out mass deportations.

“They’ve already tried it a couple of times. They’ll try it again between now and inauguration. Job number one is for Trump to stay alive” — Gen. Flynn warns of another assassination attempt.

Donald Trump’s lawyer and potential AG pick threatens to put Letitia James’ ‘fat a** in prison’ if she doesn’t back off the president-elect.

How Trump’s huge gains with Latino and Asian voters and black men landed him back in the White House.

Men between 18-29 shifted 30 points right.

Failed veep candidate Tim Walz couldn’t even beat Trump in his home county in telling final blow.

The Amish registered to vote in “unprecedented numbers” in Pennsylvania, in response to a January federal raid on a local raw milk farm in Bird in Hand, Pa., a source familiar with the situation told The Post.

Control of the U.S. House of Representatives could depend on the results of several congressional races in California that are still too close to call — and whose outcome could depend on the arrival of late ballots in the mail.

Democrats losing hope for House majority as Republicans eye election trifecta.

Mike Johnson asks House colleagues to re-elect him to speakership post.

DOJ getting rid of Jack Smith before Trump takes office, dropping federal cases.

Judge in Trump’s ‘hush money’ trial considers tossing felony conviction after election win.

Republican Dave McCormick wins in Pennsylvania despite incumbent Democrat Sen. Bob Casey refusing to concede.  

Jimmy Kimmel got choked up during the opening monologue of his late-night show, telling his audience it was “terrible” that Donald Trump beat Kamala Harris in the 2024 presidential election.

Judge declares Biden immigration program for spouses of U.S. citizens illegal.

Fla. can’t reclaim Medicaid payments on immigrant care.

Mexico’s migrant caravan breaking up after Trump victory sows uncertainty.

NYC ends taxpayer-funded prepaid debit card program for illegal immigrants.

President Joe Biden (D) is working to choke an oil and gas lease sale in Alaska in the final months of his tenure in the White House, so Trump’s hands will be tied when he takes over.

President Biden has no plans of pardoning son Hunter Biden, White House says.

Fed Chair Powell says he won’t resign for Trump, can’t be fired.

A multimillion vote gap between 2020 and 2024 fuels false election narratives.

California voters passed Proposition 36, a tough-on-crime ballot measure, and ousted progressive prosecutors in Los Angeles and Alameda counties. A reduction in vote rigging, enough to let Trump win, and suddenly California is no longer pro-criminal.

Government school districts across America spent a staggering $3.2 billion of taxpayer money last year fighting against parents and school board members concerned about the indoctrination and sexualization of children, according to a new study that examined costs nationwide.

Leaked report warns Venezuela sending intel operatives, released prisoners to ‘neutralize’ targets in U.S.

Australian gov’t to ban teens under 16 from using social media – Prime Minister.

Australia’s ambassador in Washington deletes old posts calling ‘destructive’ Trump a ‘traitor.’ LOL.

Germany’s coalition collapsed on Wednesday as Chancellor Olaf Scholz fired his finance minister and paved the way for a snap election, triggering political chaos in Europe’s largest economy.

Joe Biden is reportedly trying to rush another $6 billion of security assistance to Ukraine as a last-minute order before former President Donald Trump assumes the presidency again.

Biden administration pushes $9 billion in Ukraine aid before Trump takes office.

Putin won’t congratulate ‘unfriendly’ Trump on winning election, says Kremlin. Although in speaking to reporters, Putin did speak well of Trump , congratulate him, and wish him well. Later he said Trump was a ‘Brave Man.’

Trump’s plan to end the Ukraine war – Freeze the front lines, create demilitarized zones between the sides along those demarcations arm Ukraine to the teeth, and then guarantee Russia Ukraine cannot join NATO for at least 20 years.

Russia hammers Ukraine with eight-hour drone barrage overnight.

CNN faces another defamation lawsuit after a federal appeals court revived a 2021 complaint that the cable news network may have defamed Project Veritas with “actual malice.”

Lara Trump touts big changes to election process after inauguration.

Trump eying ‘most spectacular’ yearlong 250th birthday celebration for U.S.

Send people to, because it’s an awful lot of resources spent just to suck deez nuts

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3 months ago

As a reminder of what we Targeted Individuals are dealing with, I am reposting below a post I made last year ( ):
Regarding yesterday’s video on gangstalking, gangstalking is a version the Stasi’s zersetzung (decomposition) updated for the 21st century:

According to deep state Wikipedia:
Zersetzung (pronounced [t͡sɛɐ̯ˈzɛt͡sʊŋ]German for “decomposition” and “disruption”) was a psychological warfare technique used by the Ministry for State Security (Stasi) to repress political opponents in East Germany during the 1970s and 1980s. Zersetzung served to combat alleged and actual dissidents through covert means, using secret methods of abusive control and psychological manipulation to prevent anti-government activities. People were commonly targeted on a pre-emptive and preventative basis, to limit or stop politically incorrect activities that they may have gone on to perform, and not on the basis of crimes they had actually committed. Zersetzung methods were designed to break down, undermine, and paralyze people behind “a facade of social normality”[3] in a form of “silent repression”.[3]

“As applied by the Stasi, Zersetzung is a technique to subvert and undermine an opponent. The aim was to disrupt the target’s private or family life so they are unable to continue their “hostile-negative” activities towards the state. Typically, the Stasi would use collaborators to garner details from a victim’s private life. They would then devise a strategy to “disintegrate” the target’s personal circumstances—their career, their relationship with their spouse, their reputation in the community. They would even seek to alienate them from their children. […] The security service’s goal was to use Zersetzung to “switch off” regime opponents. After months and even years of Zersetzung a victim’s domestic problems grew so large, so debilitating, and so psychologically burdensome that they would lose the will to struggle against the East German state. Best of all, the Stasi’s role in the victim’s personal misfortunes remained tantalisingly hidden. The Stasi operations were carried out in complete operational secrecy. The service acted like an unseen and malevolent god, manipulating the destinies of its victims.”

“It is difficult to determine how many people were targeted, since the sources have been deliberately and considerably redacted; it is known, however, that tactics varied in scope, and that a number of different departments implemented them. Overall there was a ratio of four or five authorised Zersetzung operators for each targeted group, and three for each individual.[29] Some sources indicate that around 5,000 people were “persistently victimised” by Zersetzung.”
Now, imagine the effect of expanding the number of “operators” per person, and sharing/rotating those operators among other targets. While zapping the Target 24/7 with who-knows-what.
Gangstalking is primarily aimed at the suppression of potential change makers (so-called Targeted Individuals).
Gangstalking is people-powered and mostly prevalent in Five Eyes countries. The zapping is pervasive and otherworldly.

Gangstalking means that we don’t have a country. Please vote harder than 2020.

Also posted the following the next day ( ):

If beamforming and beam steering are not the source, then “otherworldly” tech may be at play.


Gangstalking is people-powered and works to suppress, discredit, isolate, and overstress the Targeted Individual (TI).

Zapping of TIs is (likely?/possibly?) for mind/body control and/or experimentation prior to large scale rollouts to the rest of our prison planet.

I’m a TI but I have many more questions than answers. Ideas welcome.

You may not be a TI now/yet but I suspect that the plan is to make us all TIs after the System has been perfected.

Shall we look forward to worldwide “freedom and democracy” American Stasi style?

Reply to  NonyTI
3 months ago

The people in control cannot be killed. They claim to be cleaning themselves up.

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
3 months ago

“Fed Chair Powell says he won’t resign for Trump, can’t be fired.”

Aside from being the first Fed Chair in forty years who isn’t a member of The Tribe and who has roots going back to the founding of the USA, Mr. Powell has been fighting the good fight to keep the American financial system out of the clutches of the globalists who have capture the ECB, BoE, BoJ, etc.

Mr. Trump would be an idiot to push this guy out.

Reply to  Cato the Uncensored
3 months ago

Sounds like an agent against the state

Reply to  Cato the Uncensored
3 months ago

Its pretty clear that Cabal finances are tied to keeping interest rates as low as possible. Tom Luongo has pointed this out repeatedly, and in their own way Karl Denninger and Martin Armstrong as well.

Low interest rates allow financing of a lot of uneconomic activity. They also make saving a lot of money and living off of the savings impossible, forcing people into bullsh– jobs where they can be surveilled more easily.

Reply to  Ed
3 months ago

Zombie companies pushing dei and immigration depend on cheap loans. Its true.

3 months ago

AC, I assume you’re already on as many boards as possible to spread your link. We need the info to filter up. We need people around Trump to know what you know. Don Jr. Elon Musk. Anyone who can reach him, if he doesn’t already know about the Stasi. It’s not enough to cut the head of the snake. We need to burn the body.

3 months ago

You have my vote

Just Me
Just Me
3 months ago

In an interview with The Post last month, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) estimated that 4.5 million illegal aliens will be “first priority” for removal. Johnson added that those “who’ve already committed crimes” would be singled out.”

You freaking moron. Do you understand that ILLEGAL immigrant is a CRIME??

Reply to  Just Me
3 months ago

Wise Man of Ping Lo say, “always start with thin end of wedge”

Temüjin say “I’ll be back later”

Reply to  Just Me
3 months ago

Simple triage, relax. Of course we want the murderers, rapists, etc out first.

No part of this says “and then we stop.” It’s simple prioritizing of highest value targets.

Just Me
Just Me
Reply to  Anonymous
3 months ago

I get the impression he’s softening us up to begin walking back this deportation thing. “Well, the ones that just crossed the border aren’t that bad. They just want a better life, blah, blah, blah. Time will tell.

3 months ago

AC, I get your skepticism on Trump’s first forays into cleaning up intel. But think of it this way. Eight years ago, Trump said he would “drain the swamp”. Lots of people said “ok, sure, good idea”. Many people denied that such a thing as the Deep State even existed. Today, however, Trump puts out that list of 10 initiatives and the whole country is rabid in anticipation. Eight years ago there would have been uncertainty and pearl-clutching. “Is it really fair to make those nice government workers move their families to Birmingham, AL because that’s where Trump has moved the EPA?” Now, it sounds reasonable and everyone is ready for even more. And it took EIGHT YEARS of bullshit to get us there.

My point is, draining the swamp is a low-level gimme compared to outing surveillance. One thing at a time. I’d say we need to get those 10 items up and going, and the deeper more insidious corruption will begin to be apparent to the normies, but it is going to take time.

Reply to  Ficus
3 months ago

It’s the “reconciliation” thing that’s the problem.

He should just be promising exposure if he’s not going to promise retribution yet.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 months ago

Why not just wait and see? You might just be worrying about nothing.

Reply to  Max Barrage
3 months ago

Because not saying anything facilitates things happening the wrong way.
Trump needs pushback on things like this to keep him in line.

Even if we assume he’s playing 5d chess we need to speak out about it, us speaking out gives him leverage for shifting his rhetoric and actions when the time comes.

Reply to  Ficus
3 months ago

Look, plenty of us were at the fed up stage in 2016 or earlier. A lot of people seem incapable of remembering their lives pre-COVID scam for some reason; shit wasn’t peachy keen and happy vibes only.

The fed .GOV has been unaccountable monsters for decades and decades. AWB, Ruby Ridge, Obamacare, general taxation just rising endlessly, false flags, endless forever war, gangstalking etc. all existed pre-Trump ever making a declaration of running for pres.

Feel free to speak for yourself, but pretending 8 more years of cock and ball torture were strictly necessary is just not true.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 months ago

To underscore the point, one negligent discharge in 2014 at the Bundy Ranch Standoff would have started Civil War 2, and there were a few THOUSAND militia there to do the honors. I think that’s at least part of the reason the Q Group put this plan in motion. The US government has no way to win a civil war. At best the situation would devovle into Northern Ireland all over again with government troops playing whack-a-mole-against insurgents that are getting aided by the entire general population.

Oh yeah, and the American population is much better armed and trained for that than the Irish were. Hell, the IRA figured out black powder recoiless launchers and mortars(no, really, I have the paperback with the design) in addition smuggling AR180s while also figuring out that cordless drills do wonderous things to kneecaps when you need to rough somebody up without killing them. You think we wouldn’t have had all of that here where there’s so many more of us and we’re all spread all over the place? It would be so much worse here.

Think about it happening now, when 3D printer people have figured out a 5.56 belt fed MINGUN. I have the files. The non-printed parts are mail-order and readily available, and even if they only last one use they’d be an absolute nightmare for the receiving team. Everybody has an AR15 so need to smuggle them. Black powder is not hard to come by and if you were paying attention over the years you have multiple recipes lifted right off of Youtube including one that literally has all the ingredients in one trip to a frakking grocery store. Combine with a trip to Home Depot and you have some pretty wicked anti-personal IEDs. A civil war in this country would be an absolute disaster of epic proportions, and we might never recover.

That’s why WarpSpeed to bypass the FEMA COVID quarantine camps that were actually built in Australia and intended for EVERYWHERE.

That’s why four years of showing the people what the Democrats are capable of and that Republicans really won’t lift a finger to stop them.

That’s why the big show and followed by this WINNING BIGGLY with an unquestionable mandate to fix the issues at least to the point that people like us calm down enough to not immediately approach every situation with them wondering what the best way to kill them would be.

While I can only speak for myself in the definitive, I’m fairly confident that we aren’t sufficiently calmed down yet.

Reply to  lowell
3 months ago

I think it’s important to attach late great James Yeagers name to any mention of Bundy Ranch. During the standoff James observed armed BLM agents hands shaking so badly that he radioed his guys on the ground to get all attention of nearby reporters focused entirely on the feds itchy potatoe chip coated trigger fingers. He wanted solid documenting of the poorly trained, chicken shit feds letting off the first round. Which would have led to the second “shot heard around the world.”

Reply to  Anonymous
3 months ago

I understand and agree. But do not underestimate the stupidity and inertia of even the most strident normies. I am surrounded by based dudes with liberal harpy wives. Their entire mindset is to make it to the end of the day without having to think about how disappointed with life they are. Point being, that is most of conservative culture, and it takes a long time to break through that. It is happening though, but Jesus, I know a dozen guys who took the shot because their wives made them even though they didn’t want to. How long do we think it will take for people like that to acknowledge reality?

Just Me
Just Me
3 months ago

We obviously have to make the border strong and powerful,” Trump told NBC News Thursday. “We have to — at the same time, we want people to come into our country.”

Uhhh, no. No we don’t.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

He’s a first step we need, but after him we need someone who doesn’t play stupid games and just goes for the goal.

3 months ago

The sidebar fled in the face of the enemy.

Last edited 3 months ago by Farcesensitive
Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 months ago

Dirty cop Michael Fanone, holed up in the mountains, is way more likely to meet his end via his girlfriend Pelosi’s thugs than Trumps.
She knows his type will squeal like a pig when push comes to shove so she will shut him up permanently to prevent that.
He’s right to be scared.

Reply to  Corn Pop
3 months ago

The Dems will pop him and then blame it on Trump.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 months ago

Lara Trump touts big changes to election process after inauguration.
Let’s give huge props to Lara Trump’s work on the election. Donald’s securing his grip on the GOP the last eight years is what gave way to what we just saw. No more back-stabbing from his own party was huge and she was instrumental in that.
Maybe she should be the first female President.

Reply to  Corn Pop
3 months ago

The GOP would be easy to take over. It has no real reason to exist, nor does it have effective leadership. It has only acted decisively twice in the last two decades – when they united with the Democrats to crush the TEA Party, which was mostly people pissed off that the GOP was just the other face of the Democats, and to try to crush Trump, who wasn’t supposed to be able to be a threat to their chosen. (Cruz or Rubio)

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
Reply to  TRX
3 months ago

Pretty sure their anointed was Jeb. But otherwise, yeah.

Reply to  Corn Pop
3 months ago

No female Presidents.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 months ago

Appears the libs are planning their own Jan 6th riots

The demonstration, dubbed the “People’s March on Washington,” is scheduled for Jan. 18, two days before the inauguration. It is being organized by leading civil rights, racial justice and reproductive health organizations, including the Women’s March and Abortion Access Now, a coalition of organizations including the ACLU, Planned Parenthood and the National Women’s Law Center.

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
Reply to  Corn Pop
3 months ago

Late enough to not “obstruct” the certification of the results, and early enough to not “obstruct” the inauguration.

It is a movement of cowards, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

3 months ago

‘Jimmy Kimmel got choked up during the opening monologue of his late-night show, telling his audience it was “terrible” that Donald Trump beat Kamala Harris in the 2024 presidential election.’

Boy, he’s a long way from “The Man Show,” isn’t he?

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
3 months ago

Donald Trump’s lawyer and potential AG pick threatens to put Letitia James’ ‘fat a** in prison’ if she doesn’t back off the president-elect.

He also said something about dragging the dead bodies of Democrats through the streets, if that article can be believed. The sheeple will lose their shit about this.

Is he just talking trash, like Trump does, only to chicken out or underdeliver later? I’d love to see her fat ass thrown in prison, frankly. And there are plenty of Democrats (and Republicans) who should be executed for treason. And it would be an effective psyop to drag their bodies through the streets Mogadishu-style.

What encourages me is I’m hearing a lot of folks say just reverting to the status quo is unacceptable–that damage needs to be repaired this time, and a real course correction made. And if Team Trump can’t or won’t do it, then it’s time to fertilize the Tree.

3 months ago

The Amish registered to vote in “unprecedented numbers” in Pennsylvania, in response to a January federal raid on a local raw milk farm in Bird in Hand, Pa., a source familiar with the situation told The Post.

The Amish coming out to vote for Trump is like the Ents showing up at Helm’s Deep.

Reply to  phelps
3 months ago


Reply to  !!!
3 months ago

Both, they herded the Hoorns to Helm’s Deep.

3 months ago

Judge in Trump’s ‘hush money’ trial considers tossing felony conviction after election win.

3 months ago

If surveillance has to be dismantled at the end, what other indicators might we get *sooner* that Trump is on our side? Suggestions welcome. I have two myself:
1) if law passed that all Federal elections in future require a FEDERAL voter ID that can be registered at only one precinct in the US at a time, checkable at any time at a Federal website–we know Cabal would not want that.
2) Epstein and/or Diddy list released and arrests/convictions of HOUSEHOLD NAMES made–because Cabal would not want its people believing they won’t be protected.
3) anything else?

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

They knew they were never going to get the guns off a majority so they went the other way. By encouraging crime and lawlessness this made a lot of people feel unsafe so they bought guns in record numbers. Now that a huge number of Americans are armed, they can kill each other more easily. Depopulation and Deagel. Remember?

Last edited 3 months ago by English Tom
Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

“I can model no scenario where Cabal would want us armed going into the collapse.”

I can. They want everyone armed and killing each other off while they sit on the sidelines.

Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
3 months ago

Voting is a state matter. It would take a Constitutional amendment to change that.

The Fed as given itself a tremendous amount of power over the citizens of the various states, as well as the states themselves. None of that is enumerated in the Constitution; it’s a blatant power grab, just as the anti-Federalists tried to warn about in 1788. Voluntarily handing the Fed even more power is a bad idea.

“Just say no.”

Reply to  TRX
3 months ago

Article 4, Section 4
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government

Article 1, Section 5
Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members

Article 1, Section 4
The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.

Pass a law requiring states to require photo ID to vote in Federal elections and the states will require it for all election that take place at the same time as federal election.
And I say you can just require it for all elctions as part of ensuring a Republican form of government.

Last edited 3 months ago by Farcesensitive
Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 months ago

Ok, not a constitutional lawyer here, but it looks like I was wrong on this issue.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  TRX
3 months ago

Agreed. 10A has been dead a long long time.

Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
3 months ago

Any movement against general taxation of normal people to reduce the burden is easy to implement and is a huge sign he’s shaking up the bloated fatass bureucracy. He mentioned whacking income tax and replacing With tariffs; that would be huge.

Any movement on the $10k credits for homeschooling families is another easily implemented and huge deal.

Basically, if Trump shows us he’s taking actual action against the tax vampires, that’s the key for me he’s being legit.

3 months ago

I would say about trump and the deep state, that he isn’t in office yet and it would be fair to give him some time and see how things go. Frankly, I would consider making surveillance dig ditches with teaspoons in Alaska for the rest of their lives to actually be a more fitting punishment than just killing them. Just killing them lets them off too easy.

Some of these people were indoctrinated into this since birth. They were sexually abused and mind controlled as children. They were threatened with death if they didn’t comply. There really are some grey areas involved in participation in this thing and it would be fair to judge on an individual basis.

Other people weren’t really involved that much except they were useful idiots. They need to be deprogrammed. Its unfortunate they weren’t as interested in truth as we are and haven’t started deprogramming themselves like we have. They are paying a heavy price for that now in terms of mental anguish. But its a process and I would bet we have all been insufferable cunts about something we were wrong about at some point. Let’s not forget that everyone has been subjected to weapons grade psychological warfare for their whole lives. Its not exactly surprising a number of people weren’t able to deal with it.

Also, most religions talk a lot about forgiveness for a reason. Beingness doesn’t end at death and forgiveness is an important pat of moving on. Unfortunately, there is some confusion that suggests forgiveness requires naivete, which isn’t true. Jesus didn’t go up to the money changers and say “I forgive you” and leave them to their business. You can forgive and/or release emotional reactions related to these people while still doing the necessary business of separating them from society so they can never do it again. Those two things are not mutually exclusive.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 months ago

GOD will judge and torment our enemies, our job is to arrange the meeting.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 months ago

20 years of digging with a spoon first. Or maybe just carrying large rocks back and forth. GOD is patient after all.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 months ago

Why protect them from his punishment for so long?

Reply to  Anonymous
3 months ago

God killed everyone in Sodom and Gomorrah. He commanded the entire extermination of certain ethnic groups / nations. He wiped out entire families.

When the prophet Hosea realized God intended to massacre the entire Northern Kingdom of Israel, he began to beg the Lord saying, “Give them Lord . . .” Then he stopped because he realized he didn’t know what to ask. He couldn’t ask for mercy because the entire kingdom was a sick child sacrificing pit of putrid evil. So he continued, “What will You give them? Give them miscarrying wombs and dried breasts.” Hosea knew Israel deserved no mercy and would receive no mercy. So he asked God to not bring any more children into Israel because God had told him, “Even though they give birth, I will put their beloved children to death.” (Hosea 9)

Hosea knew God was going to slaughter everyone, including the children, so he asked God to kill the children in the womb so they would not suffer. He did not ask God to spare “the poor innocent children” because Hosea knew the entire national group-men, women, and children-had been thoroughly corrupted by Satan. They all had to go.

We are at crossroads in our history. The choice is, a small number die, or God kills everyone. With that stark choice, we can either be bleeding heart conservatives and lead the next generation into national death, or we can hitch up our big boy pants and ask God to point us in the right direction and let us know what needs to be done.

A little confession here. I didn’t vote for Trump. I voted for Christ. Standing in the voting booth, I didn’t have a write in option for president, so I said, “I vote for Jesus Christ.” I said it out loud so everyone important-God, Satan, the angels, and the demons-could hear it. I didn’t vote for the effeminate Renaissance Jesus, I voted for the Jesus on the Orthodox icons holding a sword. Or maybe the Jesus of the Sinai Pantocrator icon. I voted for him to rule this land and cleanse it so my children and grandchildren can rest peacefully in the faith with no threat of God destroying them in His fury that we, today, let evil people survive because we wanted to “understand” them, or “reconcile” with them. Either they go, root and branch, or God will take us all out

Reply to  Anonymous
3 months ago

How about using them to test cures for diseases and parasites? Like all the ancient remedies big pharma says don’t work. Eventually one will kill them so GOD can decide when to take them plus we get something useful out of them and they get to suffer like the deserve for a while before they die?

Reply to  Anonymous
3 months ago

No, we won’t forgive you for what you have done to us.
Not even a worthy effort. Try harder Glowie.

3 months ago

Fed Chair Powell says he won’t resign for Trump, can’t be fired.

Fed Reserve Act, Sec 10, says that the President can remove members of the board before the expiration of their term For Cause.
Are we supposed to believe that Trump couldn’t find cause for Powell? Is he really that squeeky clean? Gross underperformance and insubordination instantly come to mind.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
Reply to  phelps
3 months ago

To hell with replacing whatever tool runs the Fed. Abolish the Fed, period. Burn it to the ground, put us back on sound money, and refuse to pay another cent on what we supposedly owe those scumbags.

No–even better: put all the living Cabal assets who betrayed us into the hands of the bankers in hard labor for the rest of their lives and let THEM work off the national debt that they caused.

q ball
q ball
Reply to  phelps
3 months ago

Tom Luongo talks like Powell isn’t so bad, that Powell may even be helping Trump in the long run. Regardless, seems odd for Powell to make that statement.

3 months ago

On Colorado and the voting machines, Trump did improve his percentage in Colorado in the official count, but it was only by 1%. He seems to have gone up about 3% nationwide, but only 63% of the California vote is in.

I checked the 2024 Trump percentages on Real Clear Politics against the 2020 percentages on Wikipedia. Again, using the official count which I realize is fake. Trump posted increases of 5% in New York, New Jersey, Florida, and apparently California (again not all in) as well, and a 4% increase in Texas. This is what won him the nationwide popular vote. Those rallies in New York and New Jersey turned out to help after all, since he is going to need the legitimacy from winning the national popular vote.

Other than Colorado, the states where the Trump increase was only about 1% were Georgia, Pennsylvania, Maine, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Pretty much the “battleground states”. His percentage seems to have gone up a little more in Arizona and Nevada, but that could be due to doing most of the counting after he was declared the winner, so they stopped the cheating. They did try to steal at least an electoral college victory.

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
Reply to  Ed
3 months ago

Curious how the state that houses Silicon Valley can’t count its votes faster.

Reply to  Cato the Uncensored
3 months ago

Forging ballots takes time.

3 months ago

David Lindsay on the US election:

Only four paragraphs, and worth reposting:

“Herewith, my contribution to The Guardian‘s counselling of its staff in their sorrow at the victory of Donald Trump. Like your idols in the United States, you can now go back to pretending to be opposed to war, to genocide, to the caging of child migrants, and to all the rest of it.

“But will you? Those heroes of yours have let their masks slip, and you can let yours. They stop taking the knee when the people for whom they purport to do it stop voting for them, and that is as true of class as it is of race. Now they can scream what they have always thought, that black men were misogynists, that Latinos were misogynists and racists, that Hispanics and Arabs should be deported, that the working class was garbage, and that all of the above were just so ungrateful. Substitute brown people of sorts more common in Britain. On my knees I beg you to substitute “rubbish” for “garbage”. And away you go. We have always known that those were your real views, anyway.

“Having lost the popular vote on the day that it probably failed to take control of the House of Representatives, the rump Democratic Party can no longer claim to be the natural majority obscured by the Electoral College and by the Senate. 90 per cent of discretionary household spending is by women, and even those who were in favour of abortion turn out to want a loaf of bread or a carton of milk rather more often than such a procedure. In politics or any other field, there is nothing on which the liberal elite will stamp harder than a movement with a young male following. The Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn movements felt the heel of that boot, so the young men of the first have largely migrated to Trump, whom Sanders would have beaten in 2016, while those of the second show signs of arriving in even worse places on our own shores unless action were taken with the utmost urgency.

“As Jean-Luc Mélenchon has been pointing out, where there is no Left, then there is no restriction on the Right, and the Democratic Party is simply not the Left. If it were, then Keir Starmer would not have sent 100 staff to campaign for it. On the contrary, the Labour Party would have expelled any member who had done so. The impending settlement of the war in Ukraine has already brought down the German Government, but just as France has Mélenchon, so Germany has the even better Sahra Wagenknecht. They need something like that in the United States. And we need something like that here. Watch this space.”

The one comment noted that the Starmer government is Britain’s version of the Biden administration.

3 months ago

Mel K went on the Duran and promoted her new book:

They start talking about the surveillance at about the 18 minute mark. Note that her term for the Cabal is “the parent company”.

3 months ago

I think there are normally two million to three million fake votes for the Democratic presidential candidate, but in 2020 they dumped in twenty million, based on turnout trends.

If this is correct, both Kamala Harris and Hilary Clinton got more votes and a higher vote percentage than Biden. Officially, the Trump national popular vote percentages in the three elections were 46%, 47%, and then 50%. I think the real percentages were 47%, 54%, and 52%. The reason he did better in 2020 in the real vote were the riots and Biden not campaigning. Voters are very adverse to voting for someone who is not out campaigning and asking for their vote. And to say that riots somehow hurt the law and order party is malarky. The two ladies actually campaigned and the blue side avoided most of the insanity of 2020.

Reply to  Ed
3 months ago

One minor disagreement.
The two women are a lot of things, but they are most assuredly not ladies.

3 months ago

Send people to, because it’s an awful lot of resources spent just to suck deez nuts

For those who miss the reference:

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

Yeah, it occurred to me too. The grunts are serving two masters: their neighborhood command, and the targeted individuals.
AC, When you go shopping, they wait in their cars until you arrive and get out, at the time of your choosing. Then they go to the location in the store that you choose. They go at the time you choose.
If you go to a movie, they go to the movie you choose at the time you choose. Stop by Subway for lunch? They are eating Subway for lunch, even if they want Quiznos. When you go on a road trip, they have to go on a road trip, even if they would rather spend time at home chillin’.
Sure, I have been put through a lot in my life by these evil servants of Satan. But I go where I want, when I want, eat what I want, watch only the movies I want to watch, attend the church I want, and lots more. All at my discretion. I am a slave to one, and only one, master, Jesus Christ, and I would choose Him again any day of the week.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
3 months ago

DOJ getting rid of Jack Smith before Trump takes office, dropping federal cases.

Team Trump needs to declassify all the J6 stuff ASAP. And I don’t give a shit if it burns sources and methods. Everybody involved with that is a traitor, and exposure should be the very least of the consequences they need to worry about.

Liberate the J6 political prisoners and throw the traitors and their “unindicted co-conspirators” in those cells. Treat them like the J6ers have been treated while they are prosecuted for high crimes and treason.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
3 months ago

Here’s anecdotal evidence from 2 or 3 trips to home depot since the election: traffic down, no packs of illegal aliens crowding the aisles and dumping the lumber on the floor. I honestly didnt think it would happen so quick. Anybody else notice anything yet?

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

I hope when these guys break we can have them rounded up and parked in your basement with all their toys at your disposal so you can compile a detailed report. We need to know what frequency pops eyeballs and which explodes internal organs.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

I have even more aggressive tech assaults during blogging”

I am sorry I didn’t think of this sooner: microwave oven windows. If you can find a source for old microwaves that people throw out, take the windows with the metal grids and patch them together to make a shielding layer. Sandwich it with your other layers.

It would take some time and effort, but might be worth it. The ultimate bunker (speculating here) would include layers of concrete, lead, double-pained glass with water inside, the microwave oven window “quilt”, and an electrostatically charged metal grid. (Maybe even make a complete, grounded circuit instead of an electrostatic charge. See what works best.)

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

AC, maybe this is being thought of in the wrong way. If the focal point of the force can just be relocated to manifest at a point beyond all your various types of, and attempts at, shielding, then perhaps shielding isn’t the right way to stop this. It doesn’t sound like the beam is a contiguous line of force that can simply be negated by inserting something in its path.

It does sound like, given your success with ice and disruption of/at the focal point, that disruption rather than prevention/negation etc may be worth pursuing further.

Last edited 3 months ago by HtF
Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

I did a full Faraday cage with steel sheeting,”

AC, even the floor was metal? Because, trying to picture your cage, I was envisioning in my mind a cubic metal box, with 5 sides but not a sixth side (as a floor). Am I right?
In which case, an induced surface charge on the outside would affect the surface charge on the inside.
Anyway, I am so sorry that they keep finding ways to defeat your shielding. This is why I proposed multiple layers, including a water layer between glass pains. [Call it the aquarium layer]. And a grounded metal layer and charged metal layer.
By now I’ve propose spending a small fortune, with no promises that it would work. But all here want to help you out, and so I will continue to brainstorm it.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

Hi AC, In the earlier comment you wrote “IMO you get better shielding mimicking biological materials, which is what it seems designed to interact with.”
And then:
“It is why I have switched to water-based shielding.”

OK, this may sound stupid, but here goes: Water-based shielding makes sense based on your field reports. What about a double shield layer, water alternated with lipids? A large percentage of the human body contains fat (water is the most abundant, but fat is also abundant.)

So…. a bookcase stacked with bottles of vegetable oil, next to the water shielding? It’s cheap for sure, easily available in any grocery store, and sold in (identicle) plastic bottle form, which is stackable and repeatable.

And although plastic doesn’t quite mimic biological material, but it’s much more similar than a steel plate.

And I am still wondering about electrically grounding your metal shielding. That’s how we protect buildings (and people) from lightening. If you still have the components of your Faraday cage, and they are seriously hitting you, then GROUNDED Faraday cage with water and veg oil layers (affordable!) might be worth a try.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

Canned meat is another possibility.
If it doesn’t work you can eat it.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

One more thing, AC. I’ve read that Ben Franklin had two beds. (He had insomnia problems, IIRC). When one bed got too warm, he moved to the other.

If your Faraday cage is still intact, maybe try alternating sleeping in there with sleeping in the water-shielded bed? If they are tracking you real-time in your home this likely won’t work, but it’s food for thought. As smart as you are, I am sure you can think up variants that may help.

Also, add lipid shielding to both, maybe? I don’t know what your budget is, just throwing out ideas.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
3 months ago

They would just move the focus point to be beyond the microwave window(s). Perhaps a version of what you describe above, but scaled down to the size of a helmet that AC wears on his head (covers his whole head, like the old school divers helmets), and then AC in constant random motion.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  HtF
3 months ago

I’m sorry for AC that it has come down to this, but the helmet idea might be worth a try. I don’t know what his budget is. Maybe it doesn’t have to be a diver’s helmet?

Motorcycle helmets are double-walled, right? An outer layer melded with an inner layer? Are there helmets that are hollow inside, and can be filled with water? I don’t know, but maybe worth looking into.

I will keep brainstorming. And this community has a lot of smart people, who know about a lot of, a lot of, tech stuff. So let’s keep throwing out ideas.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Bid3n Didn't Win
3 months ago

Here’s anecdotal evidence from 2 or 3 trips to home depot since the election”

An average of one trip every day?!?! Are you building your own house? If so, props to you.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  Kentucky Gent
3 months ago

I was there again yesterday, lol. It’s very close and unfortunately when I do a project i usually wind up doing it twice.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Bid3n Didn't Win
3 months ago

You are gaining valuable experience! Skilled trades jobs might be in your future. 🙂

Danger Semiconductor
Danger Semiconductor
Reply to  Bid3n Didn't Win
3 months ago

Far fewer invaders on the freeway in those beaters from the 1990s with black rims, body damage, and over-tinted windows.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  Danger Semiconductor
3 months ago

The millions of uninsured, unlicensed illegal aliens on the road should now fear that speeding or causing an accident will get them immediately deported. Have a nice day, Jorge!

a n
a n
3 months ago

I wanted a quick stop at the bar, but it had stepped aside, so no drinks for me!

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

Let’s just hope the sidebar isn’t planning to leave the US with all those lefties!

a n
a n
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

Cut it out before you have MY sides splitting, too. Bad enough when your “side” cuts and runs.

Next somebody will be saying AC took his piece of “side” into the back room to have his way with…

Danger Semiconductor
Danger Semiconductor
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

The Serial Downvoter appears to be taking the day off. Maybe he’s hanging out with the sidebar.

Just Me
Just Me
3 months ago

6:30pm and the sidebar is out to dinner.

3 months ago

I begrudgingly voted for Jill Stein because Trump/RFK are still officially Zionists and I live in Massachusetts so my vote was pure symbolism, and it’s four years too early, but <<>> you tentatively have my vote.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous
3 months ago

begrudgingly voted for Jill Stein … so my vote was pure symbolism”

Yes, it symbolizes Gaia worship.

3 months ago

Luke 12:53

“They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.” (ESV)

3 months ago

I was reminded here of Cambodia, and all the horrific shit that went down over there. I spent a few months working there a long time ago, and I remember something to the effect that the people who partook in those horrific crimes didn’t really get punished for it, as it was seen that they were brainwashed into/by the Khmer Rouge. Well, what the flippin’ fuck? They just get to live on in life, they destroyed (even obliterated) entire families from existence, and they get off just like that? Anyone here can correct me if I’m wrong here, but that’s what I heard when I was there.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

It’s the issue of accountability I’m talking about – though my example is not the best. Even with things that are out in the open, obvious scandals, obvious war crimes… it doesn’t matter to the perpetrators, their lives are relatively unchanged and they can do whatever they want. If anything, as long as I’ve been alive, all that history has shown is that people in power stay in power and it doesn’t matter what they do. Great, they take out a bad guy once in awhile to appease us peasants…. but it’s sad. For sure, America is different… but it blows my mind that we are more armed than people were in the 18th century and even taxed more, subjugated more… and we seem to not be able to do much about it.

It does depress me, and I’m speaking from my own experience, to think that there have been many facets of my life that have been completely derailed on purpose… even done so by family members – which I can’t prove, but only a hunch. Then I think to how the hell does all of that work? Do these people get some monthly paycheck by some non-descript organization to do all this stuff? It’s not the probability of surveillance that boggles me, but it’s more like, how the workings of it is. What the hell goes on in these people’s minds to think that this is such a good idea to partake in such a scam and offense on humanity such as this? And how the hell can they look you in the face and hide something so big like that? The more I think about all of this, the more I feel like an idiot because many aspects of my life seem to be guided in directions that have kept me from reaching any sort of real potential. It always gets derailed at some point.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

It’s good to hear hope, I think this is what I’m missing. Thank you brother.

Reply to  uf
3 months ago

“always gets derailed at some point”

Can confirm the feeling.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

Great judo analogy.

My natural tendency is to be very disagreeable or loving of (non violent) “confrontation”. The benefits are that it is very direct, it’s the best way to clarify situations, sometimes the only/by far easiest way to “get things done”, if effort is proportional to results, then it’s the easiest way to put the effort to work.

However, I currently live in a very agreeable/conflict avoidant culture right now which was very frustrating until I realised the benefits.

  • The majority of the time it is just fine if things are unclear/confusing. It is not what I am used to but others seem to not mind at all.
  • The non direct/beating around the bush is often substantially easier than being direct. This is particularly true when dealing with irrational nutjobs. To a certain extent most people are like this to a small degree(but it’s easiest to observe in the extreme cases).
  • Often you don’t need to get things done or the indirect way is actually the efficient way
  • Things are very disproportionate, butterfly effects were small efforts produce disproportionately big outcomes, as well as the fact life is very dynamic/changing and non linear. When this is the case, it’s silly to sink big effort trying to attack problems directly when later on problems solve themselves/regress to the mean
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

Amen, AC. Really great post. Every move the Enemy makes is yet another infinite opportunity–but only when you let God into the equation.

God is the ultimate respecter of free will. He created it, after all. And He gave us the one and only source of salvation and freedom in Jesus Christ.

Understanding and believing in Christ’s finished work at the cross truly unlocks the power of what free will and the truth of what freedom really are.

With true freedom, you are fully free even if you’re getting Beamed as AC is or if you’ve run into the continual barriers I’ve experienced.

Talk to God. Seek Jesus Christ. He WILL answer. It’s up to you to listen.

Reply to  uf
3 months ago

There are probably many elements to this but one I will observe/notice a lot is many people seem to have a very weak sense of “causality”, or abstract reasoning etc. Thinking 2-3 levels deep, it is obvious they should be punished but they probably struggle to think even 1 level deep. It is very strange this lack of abstract reasoning, since it seems abstraction is beyond them but many people are able to grasp things much more complex as long as it isn’t abstract.

3 months ago

The Virtuous Pagans move towards Forced Procreation:

China’s Shocking Birth Policy U-Turn: From ‘One Child Only’ to ‘Childless? You’re a Criminal!

3 months ago

comment image

3 months ago

Hey AC. That 4b movement just came out of nowhere. But I remember hearing about it a few years ago as part of some weird conspiracy in S. Korea. A few posts on 4chan. Since its everywhere now I guess people should know about that post. If you want to get that screen cap and share it you can get it here:

Reply to  Atavisionary
3 months ago

Odd how most of the women engaged in that movement are women you wouldn’t want to fuck to begin with.

3 months ago

Sounds like he’s been reading Sam J.:

Trump plans to redirect the money being spent on Ukraine towards a nationwide initiative to get the homeless off the streets by building “tent cities” where they can be relocated. His plan includes banning urban camping & arresting violators while empowering rehab organizations. “We want to take care of them, but they have to be off our streets. There is nothing compassionate about letting these individuals live in filth and squalor.” Our new golden age is almost here. Just two more months until Inauguration Day.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 months ago

I’m for this. I know these people are a big problem but in the end they must be “somewhere” unless you are going to kill them all(and hell no I’m not for that). Jail is really not the answer in most cases, it is some. One possibility is they built high rise parking decks with showers and toilets. Police the area and make sure they keep their area clean. They could park RV’s in them. Make sure no open drug use, that would mean jail, and no serious disruption, jail again, and at least these people could be clean and out of the way. Make sure they have some access to public transportation. Don’t move them 100 miles into the desert. The present plan is not working. It consists of ignoring the problem OR periodically rousting them out of their RV’s, tents and scattering them around. Neither of these in any way solves anything.

Parking garages is far from perfect but it’s better than what we have now. I costed the rent for parking garages in San Francisco and found for what they were spending on tents they could pay for a few years or so of one parking garage space and buy them a $1,000 tent. The goal here is to get them off the streets. Have them in a controlled area with some supervision. The worst, jail, the rest if they followed simple rules, no open drug use, no disruptions, no trash strewn about, they could leave them alone, and we could also be left alone from their disruption. You could also separate the various factions for each other by floors. People with kids on one floor, more unruly on one floor. There’s a good video about people who were living in RV’s and they made basically the same rules in their camp that I was saying. They drove out troublemakers but watched out for the kids in the camp and didn’t allow open drug use, trash, etc and of course the city drove them off. Mostly because of their use of marina restrooms. People have to have a place for water and to use the restrooms.

There’s an idea I wish to people think about. Phelps said one time something of the notion that, these people don’t want to work or do what society tells them to. I approve. Our society is a vile sick system where they pile in aliens to take jobs at half or less the wages. They make all sorts of Anarchotyranny rules but only make us follow them while letting their pet slaves do whatever they damn well please. Dropping out and refusing to feed the beast is, a viable alternative. Just stop producing for them.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

I can confirm some homeless are ground surveillance, 100%.