Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – Germany’s SPD Party Goes All In On Redistribution Of Wealth
DFT – Central Banks Buying Gold At Record Pace
DFT – Bloomberg: UK Likely Already In Recession
DFT – Eurozone May Be About To Enter Recession
DFT – Bayer To Slash Management Layers, May Split Up – CEO
Lawsuits across the US over voter ID laws crawling on as the 2024 presidential election approaches,
Capitol Police arrested a gunman outside office buildings near the US Senate on Tuesday. He had an AR-15.
Raucous crowds flood Chicago City Council, shut down meeting over sanctuary city issue.
A former CIA officer accused of drugging and sexually assaulting at least two dozen women during various overseas postings pleaded guilty Tuesday in Washington to federal sex abuse charges that could land him behind bars for up to 30 years. This guy probably would have been under extensive surveillance by the CIA, I would assume, as well as Cabal’s people. You almost wonder, did he view doing this, and providing Cabal surveillance this blackmail, as a stepping stone to the DCIA position?
Supreme Court appears set to thread needle between gun rights and limits for domestic abusers. Rahimi case may get a ruling simply that guns can be taken from people under domestic violence restraining orders, based on the questioning by the Justices. It appears the lawyer arguing for Rahimi was relatively incompetent, and had a poor understanding of his own argument, or a poor ability to articulate it.
White House rebuffs Bi.den family ‘loan repayment’ inquiry.
Attempt to censure Rep. Rashida Tlaib moves through House of Representatives.
Kind of interesting – It looks like the media ran an interview with a 9/11 Truther, who was actually a small bit-actor:
I am not sure what exactly is going on there. Maybe he is a math professor who acts on the side for pocket change, though it seems a smaller probability. However if he is getting work as an actor, I will bet he runs surveillance on the side and is in the network. I have told you, the man on the street interview is never done with a man on the street. They will never give you a microphone, even for just a few seconds. All of that is controlled with an unbelievable level of precision, and the random interviewees will be in the conspiracy.
US Senate predictably blocks bill on aid to Israel without Ukraine.
Glamour ignites controversy by naming transgender model one of its ‘Women of the Year.’
Ohio passes Issue 1 to allow killing babies in abortions up to birth.
Pope has “uttered plenty of material heresies”: Former Vatican doctrinal head.
CDC says syphilis cases in newborns were 10 times higher in 2022 than in 2012.
Smoking will be banished in Britain for youngsters, King Charles confirmed today.
Orcas sank another yacht around the Strait of Gibraltar.
German media report that the Anne Frank Daycare Center in a small German town will be renamed because migrant parents objected. I doubt any regular “normie” Jews in Europe were looking at all the Muslims coming in, and thinking it was a good thing they wanted. They were likely looking at those migrants like we are looking at our’s. The Jews doing that are something different.
Portugal’s socialist prime minister resigns amid corruption probe.
Minuteman missile failure draws Russian mockery of US nuclear arsenal.
Stellantis’ new RAM pickup is an EV — with a gas-powered generator in case the battery runs out.
Dr. Moshe Yatom was discovered dead in his Tel Aviv home by a gunshot wound and a letter that holds Netanyahu responsible. I used to think rich people got shrinks just because they thought it was trendy. I mean who really needs a shrink? Most of the people I cross paths with are conspirators in some shadowy secret Cabal which was almost certainly behind 9/11, and they have all come out of the woodwork of my community, just to fuck with me. I get hit in the night with some kind of weird technology/energy weapon they use to fuck with people, and I deal with it. I bide my time, look at the conspiracy, and see if I can find some chink to exploit, some way to expose it, a trigger to set off the civil war which will end it. That is basically where I am in life now. Why would I ever need to sit on some couch and tell somebody all about it? How is that going to make it better, or solve the problem? Netanyahu was in the Israeli equivalent of Delta Force. Is he emotionally fragile? What would he have done without the shrink? I am thinking the shrink is a way for Cabal to manage these people. They can get info out of them, and put info in, and give directions under the cover of how the shrink thinks things should be handled. The only question I would have is, to what degree is Netanyahu aware that the Shrink is like a Cabal controller, or to what extent is he just carrying out his shrink’s advice as advice from a shrink. Here though, you wonder if the shrink was not cool with the October 7th attacks being allowed, and when Netanyahu told him, he began to rebel, and Cabal took him out.
Alexander Soros is Tweeting that he is back at his home in Kiev.
‘Rational actors’ ready to take power in Ukraine and end the Zelensky regime — Moscow.
Zelensky: “If you can’t support us financially, fine please give us a loan and we’ll pay you back.”
Reuters poll: Joe Biden’s popularity tumbles to 39%, lowest since April.
Minority support for Biden plummets ahead of 2024.
Donald Trump boasts 26-point lead in Iowa.
Florida poll: Trump at 60 percent, leads DeSantis by nearly 40 points in Sunshine State.
Strolling around, waiting to be arrested. We really must ban those.
“A top aide to the commander of Ukraine’s military was killed by a grenade given to him as a birthday gift when the pin was accidentally pulled, and not in a targeted attack, the interior minister said.”
This makes for better optics? I mean there is a delay on grenades when the pin is pulled. Did he hug it instead of throwing it? Not a good look.
Those pins are really hard to pull, by the way. It’s not something you’re likely to do accidentally. They’re tough enough that – if you were walking through the woods – chances are you’d break the branch that caught on them, rather than accidentally blow yourself up. Something is up.
“The White House maintained Tuesday that it doesn’t believe Israeli forces should reoccupy Gaza following Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu comments that the country will have the “overall security responsibility” in Gaza for an “indefinite period” after the war ends.”
If, as many suspect, Obama is pulling Joe’s strings then I would expect a cool reception from the White House to anything Bibi desires. Obama is no fan of Bibi or Israel in general.
Orcas sank another yacht around the Strait of Gibraltar.
They were supposed to sink the migrant boats! They’ve gone rogue!
What does the Orca eat?
Orc. Wetted Orc.
It just makes sense.
“Beijing is issuing guidelines on the development of humanoid robots with the lofty goal of mass producing the technology by 2025 and having a reliable supply chain by 2027.”
I’ve always wondered about humanoid robots. What if they were so well made that they were essentially indistinguishable from real humans? What if you could use them to penetrate an organization and take control of it? Could there be businesses and offices full of these robots? Obviosly they couldn’t give up their secret identities so they would be acting human. Imagine that, entire office buildings filled with humanoid robots, disguised as humans and acting fully human, probably controlled by some esoteric AI. Imagine delivering a package there or delivering food that they will ‘eat’. Food purchases/calories in/out and power usage would be the only way to discover and suss out these robot hives. The future gets really weird.
The Pentagon rep said the Tic Tac crew is estimated by his office’s analysis of its tech and what they think may be references in archeological sites to them, to be at least 50,000 years ahead of us, and maybe as much as a million years ahead of us. Not five centuries of our present rate of advancement, not 50 centuries of our present rate of advancement, or even faster since the more advanced we get the faster the advances seem to come, but at least ten times fifty centuries of advancement, and maybe as much as 10,000 centuries of advancing relentlessly and faster and faster.
It looks like they are here, and their objective would be to infiltrate our society to make sure they controlled it and knew what we were up to. And it might not even be them, but some AI bot they created. They could all have been killed by it 500,000 years ago even. There is no telling how weird it gets from here.
If what Suspicious 0bservers argues for is even remotely true, and the evidence says it is, that cannot happen since the galactic energy wave forces regular resets every 12,000 or so years. Also, if they were that advanced we wouldn’t even know they are there. This is too public and flagrant. They want to be seen and create this sort of speculation. I still believe this is all demonic/Satanic in origin and I have seen no better explanation that fits the evidence and fits into the plan for what is coming as we approach the end. Just my opinion based on my experience and looking at everything I can find.
In the Book of Enoch. The “Watchers” taught humans technology and Magick. Michael Heiser in his work “Reversing Hermon” refers to those fallen Powers:
I predict they will never fully climb out of the uncanny valley. Even if they pull it off, it will just be cheaper to put a human there. The enemy has already penetrated and taken over every institution in our country. Who the needs tech headache of a hyperadvanced robot? Spying will be done with insect sized drones.
The uncanny valley is weird, though. We have this built in wiring to react negatively to something that looks human but really isn’t. What happened in our distant path to make us develop that?
I think a simple sniff test will do. Literally. Maybe that’s why these bioweapon s target our sniffers
Best to asume the humanoid robots are already here and already in limited use.
Could we tell them apart from the NPCs
“Minuteman missile failure draws Russian mockery of US nuclear arsenal.”
Nukes are over-rated. Bio is were it’s at. Airborne rabies, airborne ebola.
“Ohio passes Issue 1 to allow killing babies in abortions up to birth.”
They need blood for the blood god.
That is what it increasingly looks like to me. And even to people who do not think that could be real, I think it must be clear at least these people believe in it and that is their crazy motivation to get these abortions happening and people euthanizing themselves.
I agree. The Canadian medically assisted suicide program is part of these offerings.
Moloch must be appeased.
When I think about this I think of two passages Genesis 9:4-6 and Leviticus 17:14
Gen 9:4-6 “But you must not eat meat that has its lifeblood still in it. 5 And for your lifeblood I will surely demand an accounting. I will demand an accounting from every animal. And from each human being, too, I will demand an accounting for the life of another human being. 6 “Whoever sheds human blood, by humans shall their blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made mankind.
Lev 17:14 “because the life of every creature is its blood. That is why I have said to the Israelites, “You must not eat the blood of any creature, because the life of every creature is its blood; anyone who eats it must be cut off.”
On the converse, I remember the old hymn, There is Power in the Blood and how it is the blood of Jesus Christ on the cross that brings us redemption. I loved that image in the film Ben-Hur, where the storm hits during the crucifixion and the rain causes the blood to run down the cross to the ground where it then spreads throughout the area all the way to Judah’s mother and sister, healing them of Leprosy.
This has always been my favorite meme.
That story about Netanyahu’s psychiatrist sounds completely fake. Netanyahu drove his psychiatrist crazy? Not plausible at all.
These phrases stood out for me:“Who had tried for nine years to penetrate the enigmatic mind of Netanyahu” Penetrate the mind, doesn’t sound like treatment to me.
“Yatom’s relentless attempts to guide his patient’s thinking proved fruitless” Again sounds more like a programming attempt than treatment.
Other *dings*:
I thought patient data was confidential. Can anyone just blab it all over the internet?
Suicide my left foot. Somebody clearly whacked this guy.
“Shedding Concerns: Could you actually take a vaccine inadvertently through close contact, kissing, sexual contact, or breastfeeding? @P_McCulloughMD says, “it looks like the answer is YES. It looks like the mRNA is transferring from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated.”“
OK, we are f—–. But the vax damage and COVID may be cover for the energy weapons that are really causing the excess deaths and sickness. In which case, we are still f—–.
“Pope has “uttered plenty of material heresies”: Former Vatican doctrinal head.”
This is starting to get interesting, since Muller is pretty senior. But where was he when they cancelled Easter and Pentecost services? Anyway, they seem to be tripping over their over-centralization and devotion to bureaucracy.
“Dr. Moshe Yatom was discovered dead in his Tel Aviv home by a gunshot wound and a letter that holds Netanyahu responsible.”
Also more interesting than the headline, and AC commented on it. The gist is that Netanyahu’s psychologist supposedly committed suicide (though its never actually a suicide in these cases) and supposedly left a note claiming that Netanyahu is evil and he couldn’t fix that.
I’m getting glimpses of a lot of opposition by Israeli Jews to whatever it is the Israeli “government” is doing, but you won’t see it in American mainstream media.
“Minority support for Biden plummets ahead of 2024.”
Donks swept the elections this year. This cycle is not very important, but still. I think its a sign that the plan still is to still hold the elections in 2024, and steal them, and the big push won’t as of now will be in a later year.
Vaccine shedding is a real thing. Early in 2020 I found a journal article out of Australia on a program they used to control the European hare. It involved administering a vaccine utilizing two spike proteins that would initiate an inflammatory response in the rabbits’ ovaries. They planned to release vaccinated rabbits back into the wild population. The vaccinated rabbits would shed proteins that would infect the unvaccinated rabbits like a virus and render them sterile. One researcher remarked that they now had the means of controlling the fertility of every mammalian species on earth. If they wanted more African lions, all they had to do was tweak the spike proteins. The journal articles referring to this program were disappeared off the internet in early 2020. The program worked so well in parts of Europe the wild rabbit population crashed and now several species of raptor are on the endangered list.
How do we protect ourselves?
We eat Natto which is a form of fermented soybeans which has Nattokinase that breaks down spike proteins.
Trust in the Lord
While true, part of that trust is listening to those whom He sends to you to give you the knowledge you need to deal with something. So yes, trust in the Lord, but listen to those he sends to you. Take your Nattokinase.
An even stronger reason to be on an anti-vax protocol or at least on Nattokinase every day.
Stellantis’ new RAM pickup is an EV — with a gas-powered generator in case the battery runs out.
Someone finally figured out how trains work. This could be worth considering if there is a true disconnect between the electric motor and the battery. Meaning in 8 years when the battery pukes, you don’t have to fork out $30000. You just stop using the battery. It also eliminates the requirement to charge the battery. It should also eliminate the issue with cold weather, because you have the reliability of the gas motor. It’s more of a drivetrain replacement + powerplant add-on, instead of a full power plant replacement that ties you to a battery.
So, a hybrid.
Lmao, 100 years of our finest geniuses working non-stop to invent… something we already had.
I love science!
Maybe my understanding is flawed. Hybrids require the battery to operate the vehicle. This eliminates the need for the battery.
The advantage of the battery is it can put out short term very high peak torque and power. Great for on ramps and hauling ass. To get this kind of power from an engine requires big ass engines which waste a lot of fuel because they then have to haul around the big ass engine and they have a lot of waste from friction forces in the engine.
I’ll make a prediction. Eventually, people will see reason and add flywheels for batteries. The materials for this are already made but…the engineering for the flywheels is not, exactly.
Better yet. Make the battery an optional accessory.
A number of years ago at the Washington D.C. auto show, Volkswagen demonstrated a concept Jetta that had all electric drive with the batteries charged by a small diesel irrigation pump motor that got over 100 mpg and that was with an unrefined prototype; the ideal hybrid. At the time I thought, that car will take over the world, but it disappeared.
As soon as you see the picture of the perp, you will realize this story will go nowhere.
Could be quite the show with a guided tour of Parliament. And, interesting to see how British power plays it. Bound to be some choice action clips for the evening internet.
Remembrance Day will be replaced by islamic events.
Along with silent Christian prayer, remembering the Fallen will become a hate crime.
It is what the infiltrators in power prefer
I want gender affirming surgery for me to for facial masculinization, and implants for my wife to affirm her gender. Is California going to pay for that?
You could argue before SCOTUS with logic like that Phelps. Equal protection etc.
What I don’t understand is, are the prisoners get laser hair removal treatments in jail? Like are they offered in the medical facilities in jails? This is usually a spa treatment with low level aestheticians. Same with breast implants. Are top notch CA plastic surgeons moonlighting in jails? Or even more disturbing, are they allowing these criminals day passes to go to outside clinics? 🤔 It just doesn’t make sense. Perhaps this reporting is fake news, just more BS to piss us off. It may not be true.
Long and storied history of “doctors” experimenting on prisoners all across the world. They release these cosmetic procedures to cover up the cock chopping and genital mutilation they’re practicing as well.
And it’s CA so yea there’s a group of physicians willing to learn & practice on these prisoners, so they can be ahead of the money making medical industrial complex.
Cosmetic surgery and makeup to invert the sexes. The Book of Enoch mentioned Fallen Angels teaching how to do makeup and other Cosmetic Arts likely as part of their attempts to “Enlighten” Mankind.
Functioned as designed.
Ukrainian commanders appear to be selected for brawn rather than brain
They were selected for loyalty to (((Z))), and even that is getting questionable lately.
Whatever their loyalty, they look like thugs and their tactics suck ass
The joke bomb was accidentally a real one and was accidentally activated, nothing to see here really.
–Interior ministry, same scenario next week
Possible technology for creating “hearing voices in my head.”
Is this a MIND CONTROL WEAPON?!? Here is what I found….
“US Senate predictably blocks bill on aid to Israel without Ukraine”
“What ever you do, don’t block aid to Israel”, said Br’er Rabbit to the tar baby.
“…Biden administration has given about $4.1 billion in taxpayer dollars to LGBTQ endeavors in countries like Serbia, Armenia, and several others...”
$23,837 per homeless in California. Average cost of a parking space in a parking garage,
“…average precast parking garage cost per space is between $19,500 and $26,000…”
LA County Sheriff’s Dept sees 4 current or former deputies die from apparent suicides in 24 hours.
Who gives a live grenade as a gift? That whole government is retarded.
It is called regifting. You thought they would shop and buy something with their own money?
Re: Biden and minorities
Minorities will vote for the gibs as sure as the sun rises in the east. Didn’t you post the video of the Hispanic family emptying the candy bowl on Halloween, and the *father* went back to check it was cleaned out? You think those creatures will vote Republican?
Being anything other than a white nationalist is a waste of time.
In my limited experience, the legal Hispanics absolutely despise illegals.
Low Trust people’s don’t work with Higher Trust people’s. Should be enough reason to deport.
Finally got around to listening to that bill binney interview. About half-way through now. She seems to think women are targeted especially with the beam. I don’t know how much I believe that. That is are women targeted more than men?
Although, I could see secret society having a special rape program set up which made use of the beam. It might also partially explain why so many women seem to have terrible attitudes. If you want population reduction then targeting females matters a lot more, and I suppose causing every fertile woman to be irritable and difficult to be around would fit in with a population control agenda.
Women may be harder to play. I know the meme is women are easily gamed, but I think they are more on guard than they get credit for, and shoot guys down more and are harder to control who they mate with. A guy is easy, if you have a halfway decent looking girl who can smile at the right time. We don’t ask questions. Women might be more of a problem that way.
Anyone man who’s been derailed by Cabal knows just how attractive the women they send can be. Some definitely eminate that devious and creepy vibe, but many have that “glow” to them you see in people who get famous. I have zero clue how I escaped their influence. It wasn’t just the Cabal feeder school, either. Experiencing extensive stalking might have helped (it’s freaky for men, too), but I think it was mostly God’s protection.
So I can’t say much about the women, but the men they send are black-hearted traitors. That’s how they got to me. May God have mercy on their souls, men and women both. Easy to spot them, now that I know what to look for. But as a bright-eyed and bushy tailed sheltered Christian kid in his late teens and early 20’s, I must have been such an easy mark.
Feminism is women actually being gamed. Thinking they are paying back men for their oppression whilst dooming their own souls and drawing God’s judgement by willful participation in spiteful misandry. And opposing God given roles which are Patriarchal.
This contagious meme is powerful weapon enough. And inserts itself into legitimate women’s issues like Domestic Violence and Sexual abuse in order to further its own ends to destroy men, boys and women’s souls.
Like the Duluth Model of Domestic Violence:
Punishing innocent men by casting them all as abusers. And punishing men for being abusers even when they are abused.
Me too which even falsely accuses innocent men of sexual abuse and so on.
When women talk about women and femininity in popular culture on YouTube. I see quite a lot of feminist takes which many women agree with.
In actuality one of the most effective Egregore predators out there. Alongside other manifestations that feed on Envy. Those that cry from “Equality” and hate Greatness.
So bad memes are negatively impacting them. But them being actually immune and supporting good men regardless of demonization and State interference is actually quite Heroic.
Of course those women are believed to have “false consciousness” or Stockholm syndrome and they only need to be “deprogrammed” to realise how they are actually abused by men.
For example in the “Barbie” movie whilst the women were happy in the Kendom. They were “deprogrammed” reversing the Stockholm syndrome before they realised what was done to them and how they were abused. At least this is what feminists would likely think.
As a child, I thought the story of Eve in the Garden of Eden to be be unfair, and perhaps chauvinistic.
Feminism has demonstrated it to be bare truth.
Women will be guarded against 95% of the population, which leaves the other 5%.
Women are very easily played by the 5%
I’m at the point where I’m almost considering picking up smoking just because the elites don’t want me to.
Smoking stops the bugs from settling into our lungs
Trick is, where to get tobacco not infused with poisons
The Army is back with a new recruiting video and the comment section is LIT. They are going to need a 55 gallon of drum Vaseline for their rear end.
I wish the LGBTQ/POC/Wamens all the best in their fight for Isreal.
I would like to join the military, but as a white, heterosexual male, I don’t want to take opportunities away from minorities.
Never forget what we’re fighting for, the USS Liberty.
As a white cis male descended from people who’ve fought in most conflicts this country has seen going back to the revolutionary war: I feel that joining up would be merely getting in the way of our BIPOC and LGBTQP2A+ troops, wasting valuable resources better spent on them, the true strength and future of this country.
Diversity is our strength. So you need more diversity. I recommend 100% diversity for the most strength possible.
I think the Army could use a catchy new slogan to appeal to the younger generation. Something like, “Zealous. Outstanding. Glorious.” Or if that’s too long, it can be abbreviated to “Z.O.G.”
Twenty years, Trillions of dollars, Thousands of lives lost, all so we could fly a rainbow flag from the Kabul embassy. Why would anyone want to sever in the Army?
BTW: To all the recruiters out there: If you’re REALLY looking to get those numbers up, you can always set up a tent down by the border. I hear that thousands and THOUSANDS of men of fighting age are coming in and they have no job and are willing to do anything. You guys are gonna solve each other’s problems PERFECTLY.
The army starts showing strong white men all of a sudden. Weird.
Now that all the bases named after Confederate Heroes and Patriots are being renamed to modern American heroes, will I be stationed at Fort George Floyd or Fort Jeffrey Epstein?
If I wanted to be yelled at by loud black women, I’d go to a movie theater.
This is a massive white pill. There is hope for us yet.
The enemy is, at most, 10-15% of the population. No normal people agree with this, they are simply dominated by a satanic intel operation designed to isolate and alienate real people. These comments aren’t unusual, they are the inner monologue of normal people and the enemy fears that.
Agree. During shock and awe, when I think me going out triggered a batsign for everyone within 20 or 30 miles to converge on my location no matter what they were doing, I would have said closer to 15 percent. Now, as they have gotten other people to harass as the gangstalking picks up, I think it is somewhere under 10 percent.
Though it is tough to say as they are always trying to keep you seeing stuff which misleads you.
But I refuse to believe more than one in ten of my countrymen would abide by September 11th, or agree to a deal to fuck up the futures of little kids, just because they would not be corruptible, and intrude on everyone’s lives, to get brownie points with a regime so evil it is destroying the nation.
I would hope it is less than one in five, but my suspicion is this thing was not just recruited from Americans. I suspect a large part of it was raised as a foreign infiltration secret society, which was raised to be loyal to something other than America.
I cannot believe this many people would be so immoral and disloyal. I think it has to be they cast their loyalty elsewhere. It is one thing to be told, “Here are these benefits, in return you just betray everyone you should be loyal to.” I do nto think you get that many people signing up. It is another to be told, “These people are all traitors to our crown, and God has called on us to protect the King’s honor for God and country, through this noble service.” You significantly increase your recruiting pool with the second, especially if you are bringing them over for 200 years from Mother Europe.
Either that, or Kyle Odom was right, and our society is like some amusement park ride for skin-suited aliens, who just spend their ride spanking their monkey while peeking at people in their homes. All of which would be less weird than a full 10 percent of Americans being outright, knowing traitors, and spending their entire lives like that.
You have to remember that they have their people breeding like rabbits while suppressing our birthrates.
How many grandchildren does Ray Epps have again?
In my mind I have penciled in 10-20% and growing.
If they didn’t seem to reject and cut out some of their own offspring sometimes it would be more.
Very true.
Nice catch! These two are my faves
“I think the Army could use a catchy new slogan to appeal to the younger generation. Something like, “Zealous. Outstanding. Glorious.” Or if that’s too long, it can be abbreviated to “Z.O.G.”’
“If I wanted to be yelled at by loud black women, I’d go to a movie theater.”
All combat soldiers european men.
All positions of authority, prestige, gold braid, garden parties, comfortable postings, and NO REQUIREMENT TO DEPLOY, for the freak show.
They want the uniform. Let them put it to good use.
My unvaccinated wife cheated on me with a vaccinated man. I’m in the process of preparing divorce filings but in light of the McCullough twitter video things seem vastly more serious now. Any advice? Prayers appreciated.
Don’t freak out yet.
You can never say exactly how it works, but just dry-labbing it in the mind, I think there is a decent chance, since it is a numbers game, in small quantities temporarily, the immune system will wipe out the cells with spike on them and mRNA in them, and it will be like getting Covid, which I had and survived.
She may have problems if she got a more intense dose from a Vaxxie, but your exposure through her, should have been low. But you would not want to be constantly re-exposing yourself to her. That is where the problem comes from, is getting a massive dose which has so much, the immune system never gets it all, and you begin getting exposed to it for years with no abatement, or being around such a person regularly, so you are consistently exposed.
I am sorry about the marriage. I have known people who it took two tries, and the second was the charm. The both said the divorce was awful, but it was the best thing that happened to them once they got to number two.
Nobody gives us an instruction manual. We have to figure it out through trial and error.
Thank you.
I don’t know your religion, but your divorce is fully justified in the Bible.
Adultery is the only specified exception to the law against divorce taught by Christ. (there may be others like wife beating or attempted murder of a spouse etc.)
Assume any and all forms of skullduggery on her part and her attorney’s. My brother went through this and you do not want to assume a diplomatic/win-win solution is only outcome. Prepare for the worst and get a good lawyer.
Prayers. Hope ya’ll didn’t have kids and paternity test them all with 3 labs if you did.
hidden complexity substack has ideas. Right side on main page: “How to heal yourself” (or type that title into the search bar). Lots of good stuff on the site. Good luck with all in getting your life right-side-up again; prayers, of course.
check your blood with the same apparatuses used by the quinta columna team.
Australian TELCO service outage:
Everything I’ve read is a steaming pile of CYA garbage, but there was a spike in BGP advertisements at 4am.
I think it’s fascinating how abortion rights were rolled back once they had a critical mass of degenerate and undesirable immigrants in place. Laughably, conservatives regard this as a victory.
Going further, it seems downright fascinating to me that there are conservatives so bent out of shape about putting and end to degenerates getting abortions that they have placed it above all other issues, including the obvious ongoing abortion of their own country. As horrific as what goes on in abortion clinics may be, it in no way comes close to the horrors unleashed by cabal on non cabal children throughout this country. We’ve pretty much genocided the most brilliant Americans have Scandinavian, Dutch, and German ancestry.
Mainstream conservatives and the old guard GOP are nothing more than cabal brainwashed tools cheering on all the wrong things, unable to see that their country is being maliciously destroyed.
Fox News is the ultimate psyop. I know aging conservative men who have been watching hours each day of that shit for the last 25 years. The digital animated US flag graphics moving in the background and some silly rhetoric is all it takes for them to believe they are on the winning team. Meanwhile during all that time, all the coverage of wars and divisive social issues, etc., their country has been absolutely taken away without most of them noticing a damned thing.
Murdering babies does nothing to stop the enemy. Stop blindly supporting the enemy’s machinations with your reactionary nonsense.
Babies are pure innocent beings. It’s the evil people that bring them up, or the demons that get access to them in influential years, that make them evil. Hoping for more massacre of innocents is evil, and I want no alliance with people like you who believe such.
The problem is these people being allowed to invade our nations without restriction and harm us/destroy our way of life. Lock them out, keep them in their own nations, and there’s no problem. They can grow up in their own preferred way of living where they belong, and stop fucking with us.
Nobody’s hoping for the massacre of innocents.
downtick for “abortion rights”
‘Dirty Dancing’ Is Unapologetically Pro-Abortion Propaganda
Don’t Forget That Dirty Dancing Has a Powerful Pro-Choice Message
Not sure about that. The offscreen procedure was performed by a quack with a fold-out table and rusty tools.
“Reuters poll: Joe Biden’s popularity tumbles to 39%, lowest since April.”
We must have seen hundreds of these headlines over the last few years.
“Biden’s approval rating at all time low!!!! Only 24%”
Then, the next week:
“BOMBSHEL!!!! Biden’s never been this unpopular–only 47% approve!!!”
We know polls are BS, but what’s the play here? Just sowing confusion?
If we added up all the points Biden has dropped, he’d be at negative 600 by now. But next week we’ll hear it’s “THE LOWEST EVAH!!! 42%!!!”
I’ve had the same thought about reports of the drop in Bud Light sales
We know they use media headlines, in some capacity, as communications. Nonsensical numbers could easily be comms on a specific code topic coded to “favorability metrics.”
So, the graphene antennas?
I been shilling yer r vs. K book on Twitter a few times…well…because the times are demanding it. Especially with the dude who shot 2 protestors who were blocking the road. Classic K who had HAD ENOUGH MAN…
Thank you!
Followup to yesterday about the machine-gun registry: turns out there IS currently one case winding through the court system directly challenging the Hughes Amendment specifically using the text of the 2A.
Denied Making His Own M16, Wapiti Man Says Militia-Building Protected By Second Amendment
At the 5:15 mark the update on the case says that quite literally the ATF lawyers argued that machine guns fail the common use test because the closed registry has made them uncommon, and therefore the court should dismiss the case. It’s the most-circular logic possible and they argued it with a straight face.
It doesn’t seem like anyone expects anything to come of this case because SCOTUS has avoided doing anything to specifically undermine the NFA34, and while this would only affect the FOPA86, the correct outcome would make AR based machine guns ridiculously cheap even with the tax stamp. Heck, the full auto module for a Glock isn’t exactly expensive when they come up for sale every now & again as air soft parts before Amazon realizes what is being sold and shuts the listing down. But nobody is talking about the case so probably not a good sign.
We all know the true answer is “shall not be infringed.” The question is whether the courts have the balls to go with the truth, or if the people have the balls to disobey unconstitutional laws.
These are good updates, but my faith in judicial courage is hovering around 0%.
Massive explosion and Fire in Texas:
Design Theory – Eastern & Western Design: How Culture Rewires The Brain
Re Shedding.
I’ve shared this here several times over the last year, you just know they’ve already done it!
“unlike traditional vaccines, infectious vaccines do not require any individual consent”
Re Shedding.
I’ve shared this here several times over the last year, you just know they’ve already done it!
“unlike traditional vaccines, infectious vaccines do not require any individual consent”
“…Stellantis’ new RAM pickup is an EV — with a gas-powered generator in case the battery runs out…”
Finally, someone with common sense. Electric for 145 miles then IC for longer ranges. Now if someone would change the engine to a
with a
and even better, have at least three engine generators so you have back up. These FPG can operate at very high speeds and power outputs per weight. Lowering the weigh saves money exponentially. The lighter the engine the less engine you need, further reducing engine needs. Run them on diesel.
I bet they sell a lot of these if they can keep the price reasonable. I really don’t know the answer to this question, but I suspect that the reason they run those large mine trucks and trains on electric motors is because to make a mechanical transmission to do something so large would weigh a ridiculous amount. Maybe the same would apply to regular cars and trucks?
You do see, you could do what Musk does, five times better? And in a completely free society, I bet you would have gotten there. But you are not there, and that is no quirk of fate. And he is there, and that was by design too. And you are not alone. They are throughout the schools, with the sole purpose of finding you.
I know you like him, but he is a plant, and will stab our side in the back when given the order.
Sam is very smart and very educated.
I can guarantee there is someone out there even smarter and better educated than Sam who should be where Musk is.
Musk is a dope smoking moron who fronts for people only slightly smarter than himself who are part of a cabal faction.
Prove this…
I’m not going there.
We’ve been back and forth on this before and neither one of us is going to convince the other.
“…will stab our side in the back when given the order”
And that makes him more dangerous.
“…I know you like him…”
I think there’s some confusion about my defending Musk. I don’t know the guy. From what I’ve heard he’s a real asshole BUT, I do like everything he has done, except the evil ass monkey brain torture. And it appears to be getting worse and worse this brain torture deviance, yet in an intellectual sense I do understand why he’s doing it. He’s directly said so, that it’s to forestall complete domination of AI’s wiping out humanity. It’s basically a backup “plan B” just in case. And if you believe this is possible, then even the brain torture is not out of the question, immortal. I believe and there is good evidence that AI’s will overtake us and God help us if they become hostile.
The rest of his endeavors have been very beneficial to society as a whole. That any of the things he does can “possibly” be used for evil is not on him. There are so many things that can be used for evil but are beneficial for humans that to single him out for tech that could be “possibly” used for evil is serious double standardism.
An IMPORTANT part. No one has proved so much as a smidgen of of anything that he is some comped devil worshiping baby killer like a lot of those scum. Most ALL of the criticism of him are just made up Jewish type smear stuff. Where they just “proclaim” Musk is evil this, and Musk is doing evil that, but there’s no evidence at all this is in any way true. None of you know or even have the slightest evidence that he is just not doing what he said he was going to do because…that’s, so far, what he’s doing, and has been for decades.
So you have to separate my defense of him from some “made up” idea that I worship him or feel he is some sort of superior being. No, but I do however agree with a lot of what he says and his actions, minus the monkey torture. I think he went pure electric because, as he says, he’s a purist and is trying to get away from IC engines. There’s nothing wrong with that and since he has lots of charging stations and 99% of most people are not traveling all over the country constantly pure electric makes good sense for a LOT of people but not everyone. I personally have always said I like hybrids better, and any battery research or production advances the production of hybrids just as much as it does electric. I bet that this hybrid truck idea will really catch on “if” they can keep the cost reasonable. You get the huge torque from electric but also the range and convenience of an IC engine. Big win.
Free-Piston Engine= Cummins Advanced Combat Engine
I also saw this awhile ago:
Wankel generator
I’m an engine NUT! I have looked at all of those. You have no idea just how many types of engines there are. Tens of thousands. It’s management that is holding this back. To do something different requires time, research and lots of testing. They just refuse to spend a dime on anything not already done.
One big problem with these types of Free-Piston Engines is linked to generators. Until lately, there has not been enough room to pack in the electric generator. With new magnets and there’s a type of array of magnets called a Halbach array,
you can get high enough electric field strengths in smaller spaces to make this work. Here’s a link on just one of the many people studying these. Click on the Free-piston engine concepts>Automotive FPE and then look at the efficiency chart. It’s a BIG difference. Almost twice the efficiency of diesels. (Note this is likely under idea conditions, but it’s still far higher).
Because of the fast burn at high pressures it has far, far, less pollution of nitrogen oxide emissions. Meaning they could throw away or make smaller the amount of pollution equipment which many times clog up and screws up your engine. Making the whole lower cost. Back in the day, when GM had real managers that were engine guys and were willing to do stuff, they did a bunch of work on these. To beat the small generator space problem they put a turbine on the exhaust and used the engine as just a compressor, this was done a lot in the early engine days before they had better compressors in jet engines. The generator tied on the turbine could operate at high, turbine, speeds, meaning it was smaller. But they were at that time moving to what I call, “spreadsheet management”. Anything that didn’t fit on their spreadsheet or was new, they refused to do. Because there wasn’t a space on their spreadsheet for it, so how could they cost it? Idiots. All this stupidity came from Harvard and bleed down to all the business schools. Might I add about this time Jews took over Harvard. Every single time. Everything the Jews touch turns to shit. Everything.
As for the “brilliant” opposed piston design from Cummins. Look at this WWII Nazi design, look familiar?(maybe there’s a place on their spreadsheet for Nazi designs). I bet it has a warning like the cookie warning you get on sites but says, “WARNING Nazi Design” and you have to click through.
BTW, Musk uses Halbach arrays in his electric motors and it’s a perfect example of how he sees something that advances the cause and has enough sense to immediately start using it. Anyone else could have done the same but…it’s not on the spreadsheet, even though the benefits are obvious. He cut down the use of rare earth magnets a LOT by using this trick and any fool with a bit of sense could have seen and done the same. People who say he is not technically savvy are big dummies. I’ve seen many, many hours of him talking, and he knows exactly what he’s doing.
I saw an interview of a guy who once worked for him. He said Musk started asking him all these questions about pumps, which was the guys specialty. At first, he thought he was testing him but as the questions got more pointed, he realized that Musk was learning as much as he could about the broad range of knowledge about pumps. He said while he knew a lot more about pumps he could tell Musk picked a good broad range of what was possible by his line of questioning. Musk has a good general knowledge combined with a strong math background to generally know what is possible, then he hires people with special niche knowledge to actuate things he wants done. I have not the slightest idea why you people can’t see this. It’s very clear to me that this is true. Mostly, I guess because I have a really broad range of knowledge about a lot of stuff. So his mentality makes perfect sense to me.
Correction. It appears the ACE still has a crankshaft.
Alexander Soros is Tweeting that he is back at his home in Kiev.
Isn’t there a hypersonic missile for that?
I remember a GRU guy showed up on 4Chan, and somebody asked him that, why Russia has not killed Soros, and he said at that level, of the top of government, there were technologies available which would allow anyone to be killed, (I got the impression like The Beam™), and that at that Level Putin and all the world leaders were in agreement they would not use it, because if one did, everyone would all kill each other in a giant circular firing squad in like two minutes time. So Soros apparently is seen as one of the big players who is above the rules.
I still do not understand how that Rothschild was just standing on the side of the road, where a random blogger could run up to him with a cell phone and begin interviewing him. You would assume he would have Secret Service levels of protection. That he did not makes you wonder, if the vid was real, if he knew something else about the conditions which we do not.
A truly great leader would initiate the circular firing squad and take the hit for the good of humanity.
Especially when he reaches advanced age or ill health.
Back home with the family

Glamour ignites controversy by naming transgender model one of its ‘Women of the Year.’
I guess this is an argument for who a lot of the audience for the magazine is.