News Briefs – 11/08/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Twitter Brief is here.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


The internet began laughing at Rudy, holding a press conference on voter fraud and how President Trump is going to win over Biden. Rudy held the presser in an alley in front of the Four Seasons Landscaping company. The first theory was it was supposed to be booked at a Four Season’s hotel, somebody screwed up, and Rudy decided he had to follow through. But then anons began looking into the company, and they found it was making reams of small dollar donations to all different leftist political organizations and candidates across the country, under the names of what appeared to be imaginary employees (It also has a ton of surveillance cameras and passive IR motion detectors. as well as floodlights all around the building). Then they began to notice the same thing with other such companies. I posted three times to the thread, and 4Chan took my comment each time, but never passed it up to the board – it just disappeared into the ether, ad the whole thread was deleted shortly thereafter. My comment was, when you end up with Cabal’s domestic surveillance machine on you, one of the things you notice is a ridiculous number of the cars that track you are small contractors – plumbers, electricians, and especially landscapers, often pickups pulling trailers of lawnmowers and leaf blowers. I always assumed they were recruiting small businesses because they wanted the access these companies had to privately owned properties which would otherwise be denied areas. It is much like Operation TIPS proposed – they recruit all those contractors to get access to the buildings they service without a warrant. As I have discussed, CIA openly admits it gets its people hired on at private companies, and then offers those friendly companies business advantages using Agency resources as a reward. You can see how all of this can offer advantage to companies who join the network, as they will start with a ready pool of business from Cabal members, who probably only hire in-network. Other companies, starting cold, with no such baseline of support will probably often fail outright. Next thing you know, you are driving around, and all the landscapers you pass stop mowing lawns and blowing leaves to stand and glare at you as you pass by, before returning to their work after you’ve passed. The ones who wouldn’t have, just can’t get a foothold and go out of business.

Previously I thought that was it, and they were just recruiting these companies for cover for surveillance activity and access to denied areas for their network, and because they were out and about on the road all day, and in neighborhoods, where they could be called up and tasked to track a passing target. And the only financial advantage they got was business from the network. But imagine if the Network needs to launder millions of dollars up to the political machine for disbursement. That can be tough to do, unless they literally have hundreds of thousands, and maybe millions of companies, whose names they can use, to create tens of millions of fake employees, and funnel the money up in small $75 donations, which nobody could ever sit down and track. I would bet they may even route money through those companies’ bank accounts to other places too. If you have enough different companies in enough different sectors you could probably cook up a cover for any disbursement of cash, and make the flow of it essentially untrackable as you keep it so far below any reporting limits nobody will ever look for it. And meanwhile, the companies probably gt a small cut, and one more revenue stream that will keep their doors open as all their competitors go out of business.

Rudy may have held that presser there as a message of sorts, threatening what was coming. Also, just as he began, he had to stop and wait as a loud small airplane flew over at full throttle, timed perfectly to the beginning of hi speech. You see a different world when you know.


I’m linking this tweet here, because you need to be thinking two steps ahead, and Trump winning is just one step ahead. Next stop after that will either be Q doing roundups amid the street violence, or if there is no Q-intervention, full scale Civil War, complete with Cabal snipers taking out innocents, Balkans-style in the streets, to blame on someone else.

Disgraced, and under criminal investigation, former FBI General Counsel James Baker took custody in 2015 of whistleblower Dennis Montgomery’s evidence documenting the use of Hammer and Scorecard by Biden in the 2012 election.  Of course although he sat on it, Q would probably have seen it, and been warned what was coming this time.

Asian-American ballot observer in Detroit describes mysterious van dropping off 61 boxes of ballots at 4 AM. Also of interest in the article is that they said every single military ballot had been ordered to be copied to a new ballot for unknown reasons. I have said for a long time here, I thought we were no longer electing our leaders.

All of the media goes all in, declaring Biden the winner. They also called it for President Gore, so it is not unprecedented. It was interesting to watch Fox, as the talking head kept saying, “This is the moment,” four or five times, which is a hypnosis technique to focus the mind on a moment that delineates the past and future, and cement the idea in it that something has now changed, and there is no going back. Obama did that a lot too. Then they cut to what were obviously prearranged crowds of Cabal ground operators, who began dancing and celebrating, to further convince observers it was over, and there was no going back. The whole thing had a weird, badly-acted, desperate air to it. You could feel them desperate to convince you.

Jeb Bush joins the media to congratulate Biden, and calls him “President-Elect.” All assets deployed.

Communist dictator in Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, cheers Comrade Sleepy Joe for a stunning election “victory.” Leave it to the election-rigging commie dictator to appreciate a really well rigged election.

Kristi Noem criticizes Romney for conceding to Biden, saying the ‘DC elites are eager to return to business as usual.’

Mexican President says it would be imprudent to congratulate Biden before the election’s legal issues are resolved. I’ve said before, the best way to tell if you are dealing with an honest actor is to bring up surveillance. If they are curious, or try to continue the conversation, they are a regular countryman. If they get antsy, and drop it fast, they are one of them, and you are on the outside. And if, like the Mexican President, they will openly tell you they have been under surveillance for decades, and hated it, and it needs o be destroyed, they are among the forces of freedom and they will be fighting for you.


They found Hunter – on stage with the Biden family, holding hands with his 16 year old niece Natalie. I guess they don’t have to hide it anymore. They said he had the baby from the second wife who is divorcing him up there too. What a weird family, with them all up there in the public eye, just letting it all hang out, everybody knowing.

If he could steal the election, Joe Biden promises to rejoin the disastrous Paris climate accords, rejoin the World Health Organization, repeal President Trump’s ban on immigration from countries that try to sneak terrorists into our country, and reinstate the DREAMer program.

Fox News Cancels Justice with Judge Jeanine, just as she was about to do a segment on the voter fraud. This is end stage shit. This whole thing is going one way or another right now.

Two Georgia counties using the same electronic voting software as a Michigan county that experienced a glitch have also reported encountering glitches during the 2020 election.

Wisconsin clerks may have unlawfully altered thousands of absentee ballots. They came in un-witnessed, and so the Clerks just filled in the witness section themselves.

Project Veritas journalists found eight-to-10 spoiled ballots Thursday set outside a voting site here in trash bags in violation of Pennsylvania and federal law. By law they are supposed to be preserved for 22 months for review.

RNC Chair says Detroit election worker says “all election workers” were reportedly told to backdate ballots.

Over 10,000 dead citizens requested ballots in the Detroit area.

Smokin’ Joe Frazier is among 22 dead people who still vote in Philly.

150,000 Michigan presidential ‘voters’ didn’t vote for Senate.

Continued statistical analysis shows wild numbers of people who voted only for Joe Biden and didn’t vote further down the ticket. Current numbers – Pennsylvania — 98,000 Georgia — 80-90,000 Arizona — 69- 115,000 Wisconsin — 62,836

A social worker in Mexia, Texas has been charged with 134 felony counts involving election fraud, according to Attorney General Ken Paxton. She was basically voting using dementia patients, and claiming to be their agent.

Jake Tapper tweets at White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, ‘Bye Felisha.’ That is not normal. That is an amygdala giddy because it thinks it was just relieved of a massive stress. My guess is when the storm kicks off, we are going to find out Jake did some very bad shit.

Slate calls for Stephen Miller to be imprisoned. If Joe Biden ever set foot in that office, it could very well have happened. Once a full Marxist takeover happens, anything is possible.

They are saying Biden is telling people he is going to bring in his old friend Dick Cheney in to advise him on foreign policy.  So if Trump weren’t going to blow him out, we’d be back to the forever-wars.

Chinese state propagandist gushes over ‘tenacious man’ Joe Biden. Trump is going to fuck them so badly when he gets back in. I can’t wait to see it.

Dems plot mass migration to Georgia to take advantage of runoff election loophole.

Two top GOP Senators sent a letter to Google CEO Sundar Pichai, questioning that despite its promises to stay neutral the company sent voting reminders to only “liberal field agents” but not to conservatives.

New York Times says Q-anon screwed up the polls on election night by making everyone paranoid.

A group police described as a “caravan of armed robbers” wet around Oakland hitting pot grow operations until they ran into Police who killed one of them.

A British woman says she was threatened with police visiting her home if she did not download the NHS coronavirus ‘track and trace’ app.

Lindsey Graham vows Senate Judiciary will investigate “voting irregularities.” So useless, and guaranteed to accomplish absolutely nothing.

Video shows that Joe Biden gave his “victory speech” at a “rally” of dozens empty cars, and he wasn’t even there. They basically set up a parking lot like a rally venue, and then filmed it with what may have been a pre-recorded statement, appearing on a TV screen there.

Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo is leaving Twitter for Parler over the platform’s censorship.

Some are urging the President to bail on twitter, and leave for Parler.

An interesting thread hypothesizing that in a worst case scenario, all this fraud may throw the election to the House, where the majority of Republican state delegations will just hand Trump the Presidency, while all the elector counts are hopelessly disputed. I would say no, however if Trump did that, then he could launch a massive fraud investigation, expose everything, and then propose a system to the left, that would put all votes on a blockchain, thereby producing perfect election integrity. At that point, can the left refuse to have the elections perfectly buttoned up, and still complain about Trump taking office? It kind of backs them into a corner where they will be pressured to let the voting system be cleaned up perfectly, so one citizen gets one vote. And we get four more years of Trump.

Lindsey Graham demands DOJ probe of late-ballot plot in Pennsylvania.

The Trump administration fired the heads of three federal agencies, the agencies that oversee the nuclear weapons stockpile, electricity and natural gas regulation, and overseas aid. 

Frontpgemag points out James O’Keefe’s videos of how ballots were harvested for money in Ilhan Omar’s community should be evidence enough to throw out all mail-in ballots.

In Michigan, a joint state Senate and House oversight committee voted along party lines to subpoena documents relating to the 2020 election, investigating irregularities.

Trump is closing the gap rapidly in Arizona, which will probably go for him even without examining the fraud.

Trump team slaps Arizona SOS with a lawsuit over rejected ballots.

Rudy Giuliani says Donald Trump will ‘not concede when at least 600,000 ballots are in question.’

Donald Trump celebrates getting the most ever legal votes for Untied States President. That is what fucked everything up. Trump converted so many Democrats, and drew in so many new voters, and enthused Republicans so much, it would have been a record turnout if the election were honest, even with Biden getting almost nothing. But with Biden needing to get more than Trump, suddenly Biden needs to get over Trump’s record vote total, and that means adding tens of millions of fake ballots, cast against a President who doesn’t do consent decrees to not challenge vote fraud. Next thing you know there are literally areas with over 200% voter turnout. Hard to see how Cabal could have fucked themselves worse.

Trump smashes Obama’s popular vote record by over 500K.

Spread r/K Theory, because nothing is stopping it.

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REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

It’s an amount of fraud that looks like a coke head brainstormed the op, to be frank.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

This will likely spur Election Integrity reforms across the West too, which will stop all establishment fraud from derailing our national destinies. The only way to defeat a globalist enemy is with global reforms.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

The problem is Q team forgot about the Propaganda industrial complex. Even conservative blogs are folding and not even mentioning fraud. Here and Gab are only places I’m seeing anyone talk about it. I’m sending links out to friends and family and they’re all shocked. They haven’t seen any of it.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  defcon1
4 years ago

Quite true. The entire MSM is speaking with one voice.

They have prematurely elected Biden, and now they have silenced all contrary voices and opinions.

Frankly, that reeks of desperation.

A few, more middle of the road, conservative sites are covering this. American Thinker, the Federalist and NewsMax are not buying the BS.

Reply to  defcon1
4 years ago

Vox Popoli. JayFivek twitter. Bronze age Pervert. Loki Julianus.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
4 years ago

I see a lot of angry people out there. If Sleepyy Joe and the Ho steal this thing for the liberal parasites then we enter Atlas Shrugged territory. The persecution of hard working freedom loving patriots will be amped up a thousand percent when rioters and looters and leeches control the government. Our taxes will be paying for our persecution

The answer is to go Galt. Withdraw your skills and your services and your tax dollars from the system and watch it wither and die. Unemployed rioters and looters don’t fund this corrupt government, they are part of the bloat and rot. Refuse to be a party to your own enslavement. What makes us strong is our spirit and they can’t break that.

A Trump loss will be very hard times. Talk about k coming back with a screaming vengeance.

AC makes an awesome point, this probably had to happen in order to fix our election system. I pray it gets fixed so Trump serves 4 more years. I think he rolled the dice on this, gambling a 2nd term for clean elections.

Reply to  Bid3n Didn't Win
4 years ago

@Bid3n didn’t win. You won’t, I repeat, you won’t be able to go Galt. If they get in—they will NOT allow you to be by yourself. Do you think, Huh, Mrs President Harris, can us whites have our own State?

Harris: HaHaHaHaHa. Hey Harry, come in here and drag this crazy out of here and take care of him.

5 min. later: A shot rings out.

Just as they did at Ruby Ridge, just like they did at Waco, Just as they did in the Kansas Slave wars, they move into the territory and take you out. They will MOVE more diversity to your white enclave. They will pass a law that NO whites can have an enclave–everything will have to be diversity.

America is a failed state. America as set-up was deficient. Liberals can’t run shit. Liberals can’t form a government. And Rush, Hannity, are Liberals. The FFofA were liberals. Their shit failed. Is our government protecting us? No, it is killing us.

We are facing G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E. And it was the Free Speech Doctrine, among others, that brought this on!

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

America is better than Eurocuck Europe. In fact America is exceptional and the raw edge of Americans one can imagine was passed on from its early settlers sheer courage and audacity. America was strong from its foundation, so don’t be so blackpilled. The land of the free and the home of the brave

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
4 years ago

It’s one thing to talk about war in the streets, assassination of public figures and bombing campaigns against public works and utilities but actually acting on that talk will get you killed or jailed in the first wave of open insurrection.

Some will turn to extreme violence and God will bless those fighting evil but it’s still illegal.

The silent majority must simply quit feeding into a system that discriminates against them and when the government tries to compel compliance from these conscientious objectors with the use of force then the fighting in the streets will commence and be one hundred percent constitutionally justified.

Reply to  Bid3n Didn't Win
4 years ago

That’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google, Microsoft, Apple, and Amazon, just for starters.

I don’t deal with any of them… but I seldom did before, so writing them off was no great loss. But I can see where it would be a life-changing thing for some people.

Also note that all the companies that “support” Burn, Loot, Murder with money are the enemy; there are lists of those. Look up the lists and do what you can to desupport them.

4 years ago

Out of all the posts today, AC, this one was the worst:

“A group police described as a “caravan of armed robbers” wet around Oakland hitting pot grow operations until they ran into Police who killed one of them.”

—-We’ve turned into Cartel Mexico! WTF–roving caravan of armed robbers”? Wait until they all have uniforms and armored vehicles! What’s next. Who the hell thinks up this shit? Is this the First World? No. We are sinking fast into a Third World Turd-hole.

Out of all the posts today–that is the biggest Tell of things to come. This is why we need to quash Harris/Corpse.

4 years ago
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago


Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago


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4 years ago

“Lindsey Graham vows Senate Judiciary will investigate “voting irregularities.” So useless, and guaranteed to accomplish absolutely nothing.”
The investigation is the first step of the cover-up.

4 years ago

From the moment he came down that golden elevator.. The Trump Show has been the greatest show on earth, maybe ever. What a journey. No fiction ever produced could contain this many twists and turns, and shock endings, and absolutely hilarious moments. Nothing beats the Trump show. Nothing. Thank you AC for being a key part of the top narrator class over this incredible journey, unlocking so many insights. Perhaps the top of the top. And we’re only half way. Cheers.

Reply to  WesternMan
4 years ago

in re morale …

my wife tends to get gloomy now and then, and the nonstop cascade of media scum squealing BIDEN WINS!!!! gets to her. I stumbled on this analogy, and it seemed to help her some. maybe y’all can find it useful: on 8 Dec 1941, the US was a gigantic mess, while over in Japan, you better believe they were partying their asses off, yelling we did it, showing the folks all the congratulatory telegrams from allllll the world leaders who hated America, yelling about how yankee pussies can’t do shit about it, all that. just like now.

well, we _couldn’t_ do shit about it. **not right then.** we had to get our ducks in a row first, and that takes time.

just like now.

but this is only 5 days after the election atrocities – and just like 12 Dec 1941, we couldn’t hit back. yet. the japs stopped yelling and partying after we got our shit straight – just like the enemy will soon get real real real quiet.

no retreat
no doomsaying
no surrender

Reply to  stingaling
4 years ago

“I fear that all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.”

4 years ago

There’s only one thing certain to me right now: Q had no goddamn concept of troop morale at all.

There’s several mountain ranges of fraud evidence, but even Giuliani‘s press conference covered just a little bit. Everything is blocked and censored. There’s not enough visibility into what’s happening with Lawfare Team Trump.

This plan has driven the country to powderkeg status. So what if there’s a big reveal? Half the country won’t believe it. What kind of plan includes vast civil unrest to the point where it will be a terrible national security situation. And if we prevail do you think the family members of the people slaughtered are going to stand around cheering The Plan?

Trump really couldn’t clean house in the DOJ and FBI early on, and done a slow roll over three years where they actually indict people as they able to, and release all the evidence? People kept saying, oh everything has to be perfect. Why? The level of perfection won’t matter to the Democrat/FarLeft.

They couldn’t use some of the evidence they have against people running the media? It’s the media machine which is causing most of the trouble, but it doesn’t have any action against it at all. As unpopular as they are now, they’re still driving the narrative for a gigantic chunk of the country, and it was ridiculous to let that go unchecked.

There’s people celebrating in the streets acting like they’re in postwar France liberated from the Nazis. How do you think they’re going to react if Trump manages to flip it all back around?

And to be perfectly blunt: why not simply take out the more egregious members of the enemy team? FFS, Soros should’ve been put in the ground years ago, and then he go after who was above him. We can publicly take out a high-ranking Iranian general but we can’t covertly take out the real enemy?

Maybe someday this will all make sense when it all comes out, but right now it’s just a vast confusing mess of conflicting information, which leads back to my original premise of troop morale.

Reply to  defcon1?
4 years ago

It depends on the amount of evidence they have. Trump has been talking about election fraud all year, and said in June that foreign countries would print ballots to tip the race. The proof that tips the states back to Trump and nails the fraudsters will be more striking than numbers on a piece of paper. They have promised The Storm and the Great Awakening for several years now, they have had a long time to set a trap.

This fraud sting operation is classic Trump; extend an opportunity for your opponents to dig themselves into a hole and then they do it, then Trump comes out victorious, again and again. Classic Trumpian move, as we have learned thus far. With all their moves until now they have only been amassing the amount of evidence against them. And don’t forget, any good criminal case of this kind will include flipped witnesses, who now testify against the criminal conspiracy. Surely this will include many faces trusted by the public.

Reply to  WesternMan
4 years ago

That’s kind of been my hope this week. That Trump team learned a thing or two from Project Veritas. They had people in place, or insiders who they already flipped, preferably both. I think maybe the whole isotope watermark thing was false info to send the Democrats running down the wrong path.

Reply to  WesternMan
4 years ago

Believe it or not I haven’t lost hope. If it comes down to it I will fight or support anyway I can. I have a very bad knee (using a cane these days) but whatever I can do.

I’m just being very critical of this whole plan. Obviously I don’t know all of it but I can see the results of it. People need a ray of light once in a while. Hope it’s not a strategy but I believe it’s essential to have regardless. Of all the times we needed our little Q back channel is now.

Reply to  defcon1
4 years ago

“people need a ray of light now and again / Q” ….

yeah, I’m kinda sorta _really_ starting to believe the gossip that Q can’t post / can no longer can log onto his own site(s).

there’s no one on earth who despises FDR more than I do, but I’ll give him this much: he didn’t drop off the face of the planet after Pearl Harbor. he understood that Americans, who get depressed & demoralized waaaaay too easy, needed to hear a good strong voice. a voice telling them, “we know what they did and we’ll make them all pay. every single one of em. in blood. to the death. *their* deaths.”

while Q is…. where? too busy to spend 90 seconds to make a “buck up, big things afoot” post to his homies?? if Q deigns to speak up tomorrow, ***if,*** it would be as if FDR had held off til the saturday after 12/07 to speak.

I don’t think Q can do this for us, boys – we’re gonna have to do it ourselves. (cue clip from ‘Major League’: ” then FUCK you, Jobu! I do it mySELF!”)

Reply to  defcon1?
4 years ago

> How do you think they’re going to react if Trump manages to flip it all back around?

It’ll be mostly peaceful demonstrations, of course. With the cameras carefully turned away from the chimp-outs and arson. IE, “business as usual.”

4 years ago

They are saying Biden is telling people he is going to bring in his old friend Dick Cheney in to advise him on foreign policy.

Wheat from chaff indeed. Because we are in the end stage, Biden will be a “bi-partisan” president who just brings all the Cabal on and shut out anyone not in the Cabal.

4 years ago

despite the best efforts of cabal, its media, DS, dimrats, nevertrumpers, feckless gopers, useless blackpillers, morale remains high. learn to discern and avoid (trusting) msm.

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
4 years ago

They’ve got us surrounded again, the poor bastards.

4 years ago

Hunter Biden’s second wife is divorcing him? Didn’t read that anywhere. According to a Daily Mail article recently, he fell off the wagon and disappeared to party for a few days. Maybe she can’t bear to be married to a raging drunk, druggie and whoremonger. I doubt that she cares that he is a traitor.

Hunter could marry Natalie but it’s illegal for a man to marry his niece in this country. Maybe not in a Moslem country.

4 years ago

> Some are urging the President to bail on twitter, and leave for Parler.

He could tell his IT people “have someone write me an app that will post to Twitter and Parler at the same time”. It wouldn’t take more than a week or two, and it would be covered under normal White House operational expenses.

But like most people, he probably doesn’t realize there *are* alternatives to Twitter and Facebook; as far as most people are concerned, they’re “part of the phone”, like the dialing directory and the text-message editor.

4 years ago

A/C, what is your take on that phantom rally by the former Veep? As I was watching the news, a big motorcade pulled up with police lights flashing. Then Grandpa Badfinger doesn’t even get out and walk up on stage? The entire speech is pre-recorded and shown on video? WTF?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

One thought that keeps poppin in my head: “Dumb & Dumber 3: Deep State Edition”