Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – Nintendo Boosts Profit Forecast As Switch Continues To Sell
DFT – IMF Upgrades China’s GDP Growth Forecast
DFT – Canada Sees Economy Heading For Slowdown
DFT – Russian Energy Company Rosatom Preparing Hydrogen Export Operations
DFT – Italian Trade Group Says Russian Sanctions Hurt EU, Accomplished Nothing
So if you remember, I had noted that Twitter appeared to be not showing my tweets to anyone. I would tweet a reply to somebody, and if I went on a clean computer, or checked it out in a private window, my comment was not there, even if you scrolled down. Now, Twitter has changed things, so you cannot see your comments on a tweet, unless you are logged in from your account, so they know it is you, and they can serve you your comment, so you will think other people see it. So they have removed the ability of people to see if their tweets are appearing to other people. The only way you can see the page is while logged in, and of course, while you are logged in, it shows you your reply as the top reply, so you will assume everyone is seeing it. But in reality, Twitter I am sure, is deep-sixing everyone’s comments, and only showing them a stream of replies which fits the machine’s narrative. I just tweeted at Sharyl Attkisson here, to subpoena her local utilities, to see if any government agency put her poles under a surveillance flag, forcing all pole work to go through the relevant agency so as to not let any surveillance tech on the poles get damaged, and even though there are only 22 replies to her tweet, I might as well have not tweeted at all. I have no doubt it is completely hidden. Just FYI, don’t waste your time on Twitter.
Nashville school shooter Audrey Hale’s ‘manifesto’ leaked: Trans murderer vowed to kill ‘privileged white kids’ at Covenant School, wanted to kill “Crackers” with “White Privileges.” It is terrifying the establishment as they have been trying to push the meme of the white patriotic terrorist and here is all their woke propaganda creating real hatred and terrorism. The three pages are here. Some more woke prose:
‘Kill those kids!!! Those crackers going to private fancy schools with those fancy kwakis and sports backpacks. With their money daddies mustangs and convertables [sic]. Fuck you little shits.
‘I wish to shoot you weakassedicks with your mop yellow hair, wanna kill all you little crackers!!! Bunch of little faggots with your white privalages [sic]. ‘Fuck you faggots.’
The Metropolitan Nashville Police Department (MNPD) said Monday the three images alleged to be part of the Christian Covenant School shooter’s manifesto are not “crime scene images.” But not that they are not real images of the manifesto.
Nashville trans school shooter’s manifesto reveals she made a 10 minute “final video” – Where is it?
Looking for stable recruits, FBI recruits for new hires at Charlotte Pride event. They are looking for people who are less attached to society, because they want to turn the Bureau against society at some point.
Trump crushes it during testimony, calls out Stalinist AG Letitia James: “She is a political hack who wants to be Governor.” (transcript of testimony is here, basically Trump being Trump, making even business minutia sound entertaining while commanding the room and giving up nothing.)
In addition to the Fulton County sheriff who arrested
starring in a gay soft core porn video (, the judge who is harassing DJT in NYC takes naked selfies in the mirror at the gym & then posts them to the high school alumni newsletter he maintains.Engoron included a “BonusTorsoPhoto” but luckily spared his readers the bottom half (; nevertheless, in addition to “Fan Mail,” he made sure to include a “Before and After” shot (
President Trump, Jack Posobiec, Charlie Kirk, prominent Conservatives CENSORED on social media during 2020 election, new bombshell House report reveals. Posobiec would not get censored, he is CIA, and was probably running domestic surveillance when he was a kid. So you are watching them read out a script.
New emails show DHS created Stanford ‘disinfo’ group that censored speech before 2020 election.
Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds says Trump can’t win in 2024 as she endorses Ron DeSantis. None of these people are doing things logically on their own, and none are selfless. She was told to do this. And whoever told her had the power over her to make her commit political suicide. These are the same dudes who walked into David Patterson’s office, and told him, “We have had you under illegal surveillance for 30 years, we own you now. You are going to do what we tell you to…”
DeSantis gave ‘Women’s Spirit’ award to transgender man, calling him ‘shining role model’ & ‘mentor & advocate to children.’ The reason he bombed is he has no balls, because he is not doing what he wants to do, he is doing what he is told, and people can feel how a character like that has no force behind him. They just do one thing, and then if they are told to do the exact opposite, they will do that.
Don Jr. shares viral video from Germany: “If necessary, we must use violence to institute Islamic State once Muslims are a majority.” This is why I am dubious Jews are at the top, and this is just Jewish psychopaths looking for control. This will not be good for Jews, and presently, things are good for Jews in the conspiracy, as they undoubtedly have enormous control over the West. The problem you are looking at is really a satanic evil, which just wants misery and strife. There are undoubtedly people at the top who will claim to be Jews to get advantages, but deep down, they are really only allegiant to this evil, and regular Jews are as expendable to them as we are. This is the Secret Society, and it is everywhere, in every nation, and even down the street from you. From September 11th, to October 7th, Iraq to Afghanistan, Michael Hastings to Brain Mancini, to Miosotis Familia, to what will undoubtedly turn into a major Holy War throughout Europe, all it wants is strife. We have made the journey from blind to seeing it. Our next step is to awaken everyone else.
How the DNC might nominate Gavin Newsom for President in 2024.
Two former New Mexico State basketball players and a student manager filed a lawsuit Monday saying their teammates frequently brought guns into the locker room where they sexually assaulted players as a way of ensuring everyone on the team remained “humble.” That is a pretty dramatic move to make. Do you think it went from normal people, to bullying, to armed sexual assaults organically? Or might the Secret Society have put its people in that environment and had them take control, to gatekeep access to dominance in the sports world?
New Tucker Carlson out, but I only watched a little bit. – What happens when you give Hillary Clinton the finger? Ask Martin Shkreli. He did four and a half years in prison. That may be why Sam Bankman-Fried just asked his advice on doing time. He claims CBS makes twice as much profit as pharma companies by making reality TV shows and selling advertising on them. And I am sure the company which spends X amount on advertising on Big Brother does not make (X+something) in profit due to the ads. His basic story is the courts and the prosecutors will get anyone on something if they want. IMO, you can play the game, like a criminal who prevents any parallel construction of their crime by making sure any such construction would reveal illegal surveillance. But it is complicated to do, if they really want you.
BREAKING: CBP sources say the Biden administration has been releasing “hundreds of Muslim migrants” from the Islamic nation of Senegal after illegally entering the US from Mexico. They’re virtually all “men of fighting age.” Also alarming, Senegal is the Ebola capital of Africa
New York City is literally paying for migrants to leave, but many refuse to go.
The cr*ppiest place on Earth! Disney theme parks have been hit by so many people POOPING in lines for rides that cleaners now have special code to alert them to human feces. Disney was seemingly cancelled a while back, as part of what many thought may have been a Cabal plan, maybe to profit off a short position. In light of that, this sounds kind of like Cabal has a professional poop squad, which finds places Cabal wants to destroy, like San Francisco, and proceeds to go to work on them using this technique.
Six million sounds a little high. We probably get about one seventh to one fifth his comments here on posts, and I would assume most of his commenters are Cabal commenting to make him look bigger than he is.
Electric vehicle manufacturers losing money, despite record sales.
People went to an NFT party in Hong Kong, the lights were apparently dumping out UV-B and maybe UV-C, and people ended up with burned skin and eye damage. And it had happened before, which is strange.
Jim Henderson, who served with the British Army in Northern Ireland, was set upon while manning a stall at Edinburgh’s Waverley Station by Muslim protestors against Israeli attacks in Gaza. Now that people are beginning to see the conspiracy, and you are seeing polls saying people think violence might be necessary, notice how the theme is the Muslims are about to try and take our homelands away from us, and they are who we will have to fight.
The Hamas terrorist billionaires who live in marble-floored mansions and luxury hotels as they decry Gaza poverty after profiting from misery and terror. These are the secret society. I would assume all are on video somewhere doing things so horrific that the conspiracy has no fear they would ever turn. They and the Jews who occupy similar positions on the Jewish side will always share more brotherhood with each other, than they ever will with “their” people. I saw these people as kids, pretending not to know each other or get along, only to later hear they were all together at some train station 40 miles away doing something together, which nobody ever got around to explaining.
President Joe Biden’s administration has informed the U.S. Congress that it is planning a $320 million transfer of precision bombs for Israel, a source familiar with the plan said on Monday. Seems like something the American people should be consulted on, given they paid for them.
Hamas says 60 hostages killed in Israeli airstrikes on Gaza Strip since Oct. 7. All “little people,” of no consequence to those who run the conspiracy.
Canada set to take 500,000 Palestinian refugees due to “lenient” immigration policy.
Canada’s Trudeau wants more migrants amid crisis in housing, wages, births.
Record numbers of Canadians died through euthanasia in 2022. Up there, you appeal a parking ticket, and they offer you the option of euthanasia.
Archbishop Viganò: Every saint and Doctor of the Church would stand against today’s Vatican.
Pope Francis’ new book hails Islam as a ‘Religion of Peace.’
Zelensky says it’s ‘not the right time for elections’ in Ukraine.
Looks like other world leaders really respect Zelensky:
Russia downs 17 Ukrainian drones.
Kremlin says Putin has not announced he will run for another presidential term.
Texas man with history of wantonly firing AR-15 could gut gun laws nationwide.
More New York City gun laws are falling. This case knocked down the vague “moral character” and “adequate need” stipulations the City was using to deny permits.
Biden’s billions aren’t swaying rural voters away from Trump, poll shows.
Peace and prosperity – CBS poll shows President Trump wins convincingly on both measures.
Trump wins Colorado GOP straw poll with a massive 87 percent landslide.
As Black voters drift to Trump, Biden’s allies say they have work to do.
Spread r/K Theory, because the tipping point is within sight
I see tour comment on X to Sharyl Atkisson. So far it’s had 122 views.
Thank you!
I can see them, and liked them.
Thank you! But the thing is, we are in the same silo, and I would expect the algorithm would see that and not let you catch it. I would be very surprised if Attkisson ever sees anything by me.
I had to make a log in, so yeah.
I saw it too…meant to comment…will do so next time if I see one.
1 Reply, 2 reposts, 9 hearts, 156 reads as of 09:02
The only thing is, the machine will know, we are in the same silo. She has like 25,000 views, and less than 180 of those people saw my reply. I cannot say 100 percent that is fuckery, but I think the system was designed for that.
Also no reply from Attkisson, who is the person I most suspect they would hide that from.
The DFT links repeated a story from yesterday and skipped this one:
Germany’s SPD Party Goes All In On Redistribution Of Wealth
Thank you!
I see your comment.
“German politicians demanding new immigrants be forced to take a loyalty pledge to Israel or be deported.”
Before that, there was this:
German media giant Axel Springer demands that its employees support Israel, capitalism, and NATO.
From Axel Springer’s Wikipedia page:
He had ordered his newspapers to cover the war obsessively and with an unapologetically pro-Israel bias, later joking that he had simply published Israeli newspapers in German.[6]
As for the Denninger population? The Protestants who landed in America had at least ten children per woman, for centuries. This really did not calm down until after World War 2.
American birthrates dropped because European non- American founding, non- Protestants, could not afford children in the cities. The American Protestants who landed at Plymouth really believed “…be fruitful…” and they had a continent to farm. They aren’t fools who jump in front of media.
And, the internet genealogy websites do not list out all the siblings in each generation. I can see that with my biological family. I’ve met the people. What shows up online is a fraction of what’s there. Like, five siblings listed, not the nine, ten, eleven. Fruitful marriages that bore children are erased from obituaries. Second marriages that were sterile are in the obituary, however. It’s why I don’t take Miles Mathis seriously. All of his stuff is based on internet records. I can personally attest that they are corrupted and incomplete.
You don’t have to be Catholic to have ten kids. Most of the major Protestant ministers kept their wives busy as 24/7 3-d human printing machines. The women weren’t machines. They had souls. They were respected and loved. They had brains. Their husbands and children and parents and siblings wrote about their good character, their soul, their kindness, their spiritual life, their effects on their children, their interests.
Everything in Clown World is designed by freaky weirdos who are afraid of WASP mothers.
Now contrast that with someone like Kristanna Loken, a B-list actress with very good Nordic genes (her mom was a model). Only one kid, that she had when she was almost forty, but lots of infertile screwing around with both men and women, and ‘leaked’ nudie pics seen by millions of people. Couldn’t be more different.
Someone on Gab once wrote that he’d researched how many kids some of the most beautiful Hollywood actresses had, and they either had none or very few or were brood mares for Jewish executives, to improve their gene pool.
Hollywood is a dead end for women. Also look at how many kids Taylor Swift has.
I’m not seeing a contrast. She’s from immigrants, not Protestant WASP stock.
I don’t know why immigrants have less fertility than pre- 1965 Americans. They just do. At least that’s what I’ve seen, anecdotally. It’s why I don’t have problems with blacks descended from slaves. They have higher fertility than immigrant blacks. They are able to flourish on this continent in ways that others are not able to. They are American. The immigrants seem to be a on a clock-three generations and everything peters out.
It’s also why I find the Baby Boom generation deeply peculiar. The ones I know had a minimum number of children, using all sorts of means to keep that number down. The children born past that generation, if native stock, had more children, or are having more children. Some are hitting big numbers, but all are hitting more than Baby Boomer numbers.
I’ve been reading that 3rd and 4th cousin marriages are the most fertile. This would support immigrants having less fertility than pre-1965 Americans, as immigrants won’t easily be able to find optimally fertile pairings.
The Puritan base was Massachusetts. The Cavalier base was further south. They expanded out from there. The Cumberland Gap group was different? Anyway, epic amounts of infants born and surviving. Grandparents, too, in Massachusetts. The Cavalier regions emphasized good manners, since the children were at the mercy of step parents to an extraordinary degree, from landowners dying of diseases.
I don’t know how it works out in terms of cousins, since the edges of America ran up against attractive others- Indians, French, Spanish.
My grandma cutted through the bullshit, and turn off the tv while she was in her house.
She was better than that nordic model due to a better moral character, in spite of being physically weaker.
I have dated air headed hotties, they arent an improvement in the gene pool, and my other grandpa married one, and all the children were less smart than him. He readed economics and exploited hiperinflations, earning houses in the process, while being a top officer at the argentinian penitentiary system and being threatened by both communists and liberals in the cold war. Dad is intelectually ok but not brilliant.
You are wrong.
Can answer at
if you want to discuss it more and I happen to not see your answer.
How am I wrong? Yankee marriage and childbirth patterns are different than South American patterns. South American women have the highest rates of infidelity measured in the entire world. Like, 30% of infants tested are not biologically related to the father on the birth certificate. In Switzerland- which is ground zero of Calvinist Protestantism, the biologically unrelated rate is 1%. That’s two very, very different lifestyles.
I’m not confident on American public statistics. The usual citation thing is a huge fight, since lefties live the Stephanie Coontz lifestyle. She does not cite sources. Righties get mixed between blacks and whites. Blacks and whites have different fidelity patterns. Hispanics get lumped in with whites, and, again, salting the numbers- that 30% brain in a formerly 1% nation is a bit of a noticeable mix.
There are published books, left and right, citing original sources, private letters and diaries, where American men, Yankee and Southern, pay tribute to their mother’s kindness, wisdom, spirituality and general good sense. This is from before the Revolution, up to today. Just because a Jewish, Ivy professor isn’t handed family documents does not mean it does not exist. Mary Silliman’s War, is, I think a movie? A documentary? She’s got a biography that gets assigned in college.
I mean, Mormons are a subset of Yankee settlers. You could look at their culture. It’s part of that stream. They keep really good records. Their records are far more reliable and well -researched than what shows up in online genealogy websites. They also like Pinterest and Instagram, so you can see actual blonde, descended from New England women with tons of children.
Evangelical white culture (which is distinct from evangelical Hispanic culture) is more suspicious of technology. There are families that really do not believe in the internet, or have internet access, and have multiple children. Consider, if you will, the Weaver family of Ruby Ridge fame. I don’t know how many children they have, but the baby they had suggests that they weren’t planning on stopping until Vicki Weaver was assassinated.
According to
Here are the top 10 countries with highest infidelity rates:
– While some sources assign an infidelity rate of 51% for Thailand, the original source placed the rate at 56%.
This is where we get into the Stephanie Coontz left/ right-wing divide on statistics.
Stephanie Coontz considers anyone who holds a certificate an American. Birth certificate, immigrant certificate, anything at all. Right now, America has had the largest invasion of people in human history, going on since 1965, plus all the immigration since 1869, or so.
I am talking about core America. White, Anglo Saxon Protestants. In the north, this means Calvinist, or Calvinist adjacent. In the south, this means Anglican if you’re rich, and low church if you are poor.
In Switzerland, when they go to a clinic to test the baby’s paternity- and mind you, there is a question when you are resorting to getting tested- 1% of the Swiss babies are shown to be from infidelity.
In South America, I can’t remember the country, 30% of the babies were from fathers other than the mother’s main partner. Note the word change: partner rather than husband.
American Protestantism is not pure Calvinism. So, it’s not exactly the same numbers, but for WASPs, it is pretty close.
And, again, I’m citing babies, not one night stands, or affairs. Babies and property are the two big public concerns. This is where public contracts- wedding contracts- are a big deal. It’s also a divide between rich southerners- Anglican- and Baptists- who don’t really have property, so they don’t believe in records and documents so much? They let the state handle marriages. It’s also why they have really messy divorces when property is involved.
And, yes, Yankees were, are religious. The religion can change. Stephen King’s lesbian daughter is a minister, for instance. The men specifically sought out sensible women who could manage property and children. And yes, sometimes that property to manage included slaves. They left the women in charge of their farms when they went off to war- the Revolution, the Indian Wars, the Civil War- the wars of empire this century. They came back to prosperous, well-run farms if they chose wisely. They tended to choose wisely.
That’s why Q’s “Follow the wives” makes sense here, and maybe not so many other places?
And, from what I’ve written:
99 fathers were unhappy enough, and suspicious enough to get their infant tested. That’s not a paean to happy marriage. These were the infants that were their own children. Killing your own child because of suspicions of infidelity is a plot point in a surprising number of crime shows.
Second: Yankees invented birth control. They might have funded the Jewish scientists who did the lab work. But, and, however, socialism and free love as a coherent social theory, are most definitely WASP inventions. Mormonism, another one man, multiple women religion, also had theory behind it. And, again, Yankees.
The invention of birth control was so that you could step outside your fruitful marital union, have sex, and not have bastards that could lay claim to the family fortune. Babies and property, that’s the game.
Socialism was invented so that members of a collective group could have sex with each other easily. They invented workers housing and daycare for children as practically religious commitments because they were religious commitments. Once your child was old enough to go to a preschool, you, a fertile woman, were available for your next ride. The housing form was apartments next to factories. Factories provided enough excess income to fund a luxurious-ish lifestyle for cult members. Workers not in the cult lived in less nice surroundings, or in cottages.
You can see that pattern everywhere socialism is adopted. There are ‘better’ apartments for the inner group. Their social life is mostly in this apartment complex. The complex is near their job. Contrast it with the middle class house and commute.
And, the measured attitudes towards babies, infidelity, and property, are why more rightwing, more religious, more core Americans, are deeply, deeply cautious about marrying out. Leftwing Americans are socialists- prone to justifying cheating. Jewish people have an attitude of, like, 50% of them think infidelity is okay. Blacks, Hispanics, again, not so faithful. And not so into birth control.
There’s entire books by Irish guys about their stick in the mud, brilliant, conservative WASP wives, and how much they are not sexually “hot” and how much the guy wants to blow money, or drink, and have affairs. They end up getting divorced. And that’s the successful ones.
You asked this twice?
I don’t know why you think I was casting shade on your grandmother. I’m sure she’s a lovely woman. You obviously appreciate her. However, she’s a South American married to another South America, and absolutely not a WASP. Really, not my area of interest. You write about it, you live it.
Okay, when I am writing about core America, I am talking about Vox Day’s version- the founders of the USA and their descendants- WASPs. Not immigrants.
WASPs, the women, 99% date only other white men, usually also WASP. They bring the guy home to get vetted. This is probably where all the racism charges come from. However, statistically speaking, you don’t want to believe in life long marriage, and then send your daughter off to any of the other belief systems. It would be a recipe for misery with the wrong man. Plus,brains. You don’t want her bored or disgusted.
Statistically, left men believe in open sexual relationships. Statistically, lower class men and women have no problem with cheating. It was showing up in surveys in England in World War 2. There’s a reason debutante balls were exclusive. 50% of Jews believe infidelity is okay. Some huge amount of Hispanics, some huge amount of blacks, cheat. Plus, incurable diseases, and differing opinions on how to raise children.
So, for safety, you want your daughter to marry someone conservative, religious, right, early on in life, and mentally in a good place. Healthy, too. Most of these norms were built in before lithium and surgery. No way to mitigate health problems.
It is actually funny reading biographies of,say, British rock stars. They are all scruffy, poor British kids. They cheat prodigiously on their British and European girlfriends. The day they marry a WASP girl, they settle down and become devoted. You should see the terror in Paul McCartney’s eyes when an attractive female news anchor asks about cheating. He’s, like, how could I go home to my wife? She’d have a rolling pin. John Lennon cheated on his English wife and his Asian -American wife. George Harrison cheated on his English wife and his Mexican- American wife. Ringo Starr cheated on his English wife, and does not cheat on his American-American wife. Mick Jagger- did not marry Jerry Hall- not a wife. Keith Richards cheated on his English entanglements. Keith Richards is absolutely besotted and not cheating on his American-American wife.
The 1% that date out all end up in media it seems. Or their offspring end up in a media job somewhere. That’s the 1%, not the 99%.
I don’t get the passion to get actresses knocked up. About half the people getting huffy about actresses not having large families are Catholic. Catholics have entire groups of women who don’t even have sex- nuns- and they still get respect. The other half are some sort of former English. England, even during the baby boom times of Jane Austen, had, like 30% of the women not having children- the downstairs maids, and factory workers and poor agricultural laborers.
Right now, you can have a childless real estate agent, or call center worker, and it’s not a problem. The media is an industry. Most of the people in that industry get married and have children. Nepo babies are a thing.
That most women in history without marriage and children are poor means that when we have an industry that could take these women and make sure they have money? That’s awesome! It’s about on the level of nurses going from disreputable drunks to making ??what’s the average right now? Enough to live independently and buy Birkins if they want one? That’s as rich as an old school Euro smaller aristocrat. That’s awesome!
Kept on thinking this.
The nordic model feels threatened by a propaganda resistant southern spanish woman, and wants to socially exclude / execute by stigmatization, calling her a “whore”, pointing to manipulate the men around with unsourced paternity fears.
I am in favour of paternity testing ALL children everywhere. Needs to cut costs while keeping effectiveness to make it real.
Classical woman manipulative behaviour.
¿ How easy do women in america find it to manipulate white men into doing their bidding?
Mandatory paternity tests, along with non-paternity being an absolute defense to child support, would be an earthshaking change to our society.
It’s a pretty visually stunning difference. Like, textural. I lived in one city with heavy multiple partners for children& heavy step-parenting& mixed race marriages. It was one or two kids per partner, but stack it up a few times, you’re looking at four children at a time, none of them looking like each other, and none of them really looking like both parents. They know each other, but it’s a collection of people with minimal continuity.
We moved to a smaller, famously conservative town. It has grandparents, parents and children, and probably great-grandparents at the two old people homes tucked away. The families are all intact. There are multiple kids per mother. They all look like a nice blend of the mother and father. The kids resemble the grandparents. I see it because the grandparents show up for all the school stuff. The kids are polished. They know their friends, they know the parents, the parents know each other, the grandparents are familiar with each other and the kids.
The people from the first group are creeped out by going into the small town. Like, they feel out of place. They are used to social particles being one person, not four or five people moving around together. A mother and four children that look like her unnerves them. A mother and father with four related children brings out the blasphemy. It’s kind of amazing to watch a normal, sensible person start swearing and imagining really awful scenarios for the people.
Could support it here, Im a minor political authority and a political author here.
It stopped in the 60s. The Pill & Feminism
‘Nashville school shooter Audrey Hale’s ‘manifesto’ leaked: Trans murderer vowed to kill ‘privileged white kids’ at Covenant School, wanted to kill “Crackers” with “White Privileges.”’
She (?) also allegedly had fantasies of being a black man so that she could sodomize black women.
AFAIC, her college professors have as much blood on their hands as she does.
It’s confusing to me. The whole leak smacks of a 4chan larp. I think it’s the use of faggot. Anyway, time will tell. Or, not.
Hard to say. I also find it sus, but then have encountered sodomites and sodomiphiles who used the word “faggot” as a pejorative in conversation.
Yes. AC, I suppose the only other way, now, to see if you’ve been shadow-banned on X would be to log in under someone else’s account (or ask them if they see your tweets). I hate how Musk just put this giant opaque wall around the Town Square.
I think Musk is just an actor. The people doing it are the same people who were doing it before Musk took over.
He talks free speech, and then I got permabanned for a silly joke about a climate activist. They claimed I was “advocating violence” when an autistic three year old could tell that I wasn’t. I didn’t even appeal- just told them to delete my account. I was always throttled anyway. People who followed me even noted it. My post, surrounded by 1000 view posts from small accounts, would only have about 10 views. I guess they really favor the blue checkmarks.
When Musk hired a WEF whore as CEO, I knew it was all a fake.
‘Pope Francis’ new book hails Islam as a ‘Religion of Peace.’’
A Religion of Pieces – pieces of bodies, pieces of cars, pieces of buildings…
About 10 days after 9/11, I went through the Pentagon, and I saw Secretary Rumsfeld and Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz. I went downstairs just to say hello to some of the people on the Joint Staff who used to work for me, and one of the generals called me in. He said, “Sir, you’ve got to come in and talk to me a second.” I said, “Well, you’re too busy.” He said, “No, no.” He says, “We’ve made the decision we’re going to war with Iraq.” This was on or about the 20th of September.
I said, “We’re going to war with Iraq? Why?” He said, “I don’t know.” He said, “I guess they don’t know what else to do.” So I said, “Well, did they find some information connecting Saddam to al-Qaeda?” He said, “No, no.” He says, “There’s nothing new that way. They just made the decision to go to war with Iraq.” He said, “I guess it’s like we don’t know what to do about terrorists, but we’ve got a good military, and we can take down governments.” And he said, “I guess if the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem has to look like a nail.”
So I came back to see him a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, “Are we still going to war with Iraq?” And he said, “Oh, it’s worse than that.” He reached over on his desk. He picked up a piece of paper. And he said, “I just got this down from upstairs” — meaning the secretary of defense’s office — “today.” And he said, “This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.”
The footage of him saying this was included in a video called “9/11: a False Flag.”
I t was a great documentary for showing normies the unanswered questions surrounding that event. It’s no surprise that CommieTube finally censored it. The surprise is that it was still viewable as of last year.
If anybody knows where it might be archived, a link would be great.
The truth stings
I KNEW we would go to war with Iraq if W won, in the year 2000 BEFORE the election. W Bush was publicizing the names of people he would appoint to high places in his administration. Wolfowitz, Feith, and others. During the time between Bush 1 and 2, so many of the names he publicized were working at think tanks, putting out Anti-Saddam papers, promoting war in Iraq!!! It was right there to see for anyone who did a little homework.
So yeah, not to boast, but I NEVER liked W and I KNEW he was a warmonger and KNEW he would invade Iraq, BEFORE he ever got elected. How did I know all this? Psychic powers? Visitations from angels?
NO. I just freakin paid attention. That’s all it took. This is one reason why democracy sucks. 99% of voters don’t pay attention to anything important. They dont pay attention to what the candidates are signaling and broadcasting.
I paid attention, and saw all of this play out in real time. I argued and argued against W until I was blue in the face. And I didn’t change one single solitary mind. Not one! Only to have so many sheep wake up AFTER the fact, after so many people’s lives had been ended or ruined by those warmongering neocons.
Shame on everyone who didn’t know. The information was right there!
The No Agenda podcast refers to this all the time. The list is almost complete, lol.
We used to have Popes who would fight Islam:
“The Battle of Lepanto was a naval engagement that took place on 7 October 1571 when a fleet of the Holy League, a coalition of Catholic states arranged by Pope Pius V (comprising Spain and its Italian territories, several independent Italian states, and the Sovereign Military Order of Malta), inflicted a major defeat on the fleet of the Ottoman Empire in the Gulf of Patras.”
These are sad days for us zealots.
RE: Felons getting back their gun rights
This whole thing has me banging my head on my desk. The courts are having no trouble at all giving known criminals the ability to go buy whatever they want, but meanwhile getting the court to even acknowledge the NFA34 is a chore.
We are in an absolutely absurd situation where a mass-produced M249/Minimi just sold for over $580K because of an unconstitutional registry that has been closed to new entries since 1986, and it’s literally the only one on the registry. It’s maddening.
Forgotten Weapons – The Most Expensive Machine Gun Ever Sold
There is another twitter account that I read that has data based info on how to make a woman more attractive. It draws a lot of attention because (spoiler) men like boobs. It’s an independent publisher type too. I was looking on Twitter without signing in and noticed that it stopped tweeting. However, I tried nitter the other day and it shows everything but still couldn’t see on Twitter site. Not sure if reproducible or if someone who knows tech better could explain why.
Maybe related to your issue?
This is all the problem. A site like Twitter, you post something, everyone should see it, and it should be displayed in the page as it arrived, so either new voices reply first and get visibility remaining at the top of replies, or people reply and the latest reply is shown, which simply means last to reply gets views until others reply.
Instead we have this mishmash, where paid accounts get some kind of priority, but we do not know how much, replies are organized differently according to rules we do not have access to, to audit, we cannot even see whether our replies are visible to others, let alone where in the pile they are being placed, and there is a real possibility an algorithm is out there keeping us siloed, by only showing our replies to people who already know us.
And it is next to impossible to prove any of it, even thought you know we are ruled by some sort of Stasi in the shadows, and that is exactly how they would do it.
Very funny and entertaining. Best quote so far:
Whenever someone tells me rappers and Arabs have brainwashed Euros into liking curves, I have to laugh. They RESCUED YOU from the gay elites whom you let brainwash you into liking stick women!
Curves = fertility.
Uptick for the link.
It doesnt make twitter easy to read, but does make it possile
VoxDay suggests that if we all have 15 children, as was not unusual before living became convenient & easy, a the nation can be rebuilt in 100+ yrs.
There are many obstacles today, not least is feminism and the consequences, including work, housing, and suitability of western women as mothers.
That aside, the main task today, is have children.
And yet, how can you do that surrounded by an intel operation which can actually order girls, some pretty, (and a couple I have seen almost undetectable as conspirators, they seemed so nice and wholesome, as they must have known their side did 9/11), to take you off the gameboard by preventing you from having kids, or even worse, drag your kids into the conspiracy, maybe by handing them over to the MK Ultra crew like Biden’s daughter?
I love Vox, and maybe he is right, if we could get all of our kind to do it, we could, through mass numbers pull it off. But we would have to condemn a lot of the children of some of ours as enemies as adults, who would have to be dealt with, probably, at some point.
I really feel like the moment is coming, actually sent by the hand of God, where the public will be poised and ready, and we will at least be able to expose this thing to the nation, and get the lines drawn in society, and get our side operating as if there is an enemy at last. Just protecting their kids and working to limit the extent to which this can operate in the schools would be huge.
It is a personal decision for everyone. but I think a lot of people need to give exposure of this thing at least a good look at their life’s work and contribution to our kind.
This is the part I have trouble with. This may sound egotistical, and, well, I do have an enormous ego, but I grew up one of the prettiest girls at my schools, and a redhead so I really stood out, but never encountered any sort of weirdness like you describe.
Maybe because my family was involved in state politics at the time? Maybe the Cabal steered potential mates away from me until I finally met my husband at work? I just can’t see any human organization accounting for all the variable required, and keeping it secret for so long.
Yes, it’s clear even to a silly millennial gal like me that there’s a shadow government at work seeing how they do everything possible to destroy the country, but it’s difficult to believe it’s at the personal level you describe. It’s just too many people. Something would have broken by now.
I find the anecdote fascinating.
A counter anecdote – My high school was a hive of their surveillance kids, and I am not entirely sure it was not related to me, because they swarmed around me. They had intel guys at the school. Adults, who kind of drifted about with no real responsibilities, who were called “security aides” but there were like ten of them, in a really normie, white, crime-free school. It was rumored some were either cops or ex-cops, but again, how would any kid know, because none of us ever dealt with them. They were like shadows on the wall.
I ran into one after beating up one of their surveillance kids they sent in to bully me. They were afraid I would turn the kid into my personal punching bag, and called me into the office in some bizarre replication of a disciplinary thing, to feel me out and see if I would let the beef drop.
I mean the whole schooling was like that. I was like eight, and I am wearing the headphones telling them when the pitch got to high to hear, or telling them what symbol was on the back of the Zenner card as they held it up in front of me. There were five or six of their kids in my Kindergarten class of like 15-20 kids.
Maybe it was just some hive that was there for some reason, and they ID’d me as a rube when I was young, and used me as some training dummy for their kids.
You sound high IQ, and if you are pretty, I would think they would have focused on you. How powerful were your parents? Maybe they didn’t have a grip on the area, and were afraid if they got exposed, your parents would make a stink. Though I find it weird to begin with your parents were in politics. Then again, David Patterson made it to the governor’s mansion, and never realized that his entire life this thing had surrounded him, and picked up evidence on every little transgression. Maybe they went ultra covert on you, like they did on Patterson.
You have to understand, I assume I am not special, and what I saw was representative nationally. I think that is supported by how often a covert project, which if exposed could result in the brutal murders of ten percent of the population, is in the national news. I mean any time, one of those stories could reveal things and touch of the Civil War, which I am convinced, based on the betrayal of this thing, will be a blood bath.
But maybe it is rare. Still, if I had to bet, I would assume you have a file a mile deep. No idea how you and hubby ended up together. Maybe they are trolling for something psychological, and I have some weird thing, and you do not. Or it is a vengeance thing related to bloodlines, and you do not qualify.
Be glad it is not in your life. But also recognize it might be. And either way, it will be in your interest to have it dealt with, when the time comes.
And I should add, I was obviously a focus for manipulation. I was in a more rural part of town, without other kids living nearby, so they had limited ability to get into my world. They could not do the porn fairy thing, but some adult intel weenie was looking at my file, and growing worried. They had one of their kids (who I saw in my area years later, and thought, “what are the chances both he and I are in the same spot this many years later?” LOL) run up and push an inch-thick folder filled with just the naked lady pictures out of playboy in my chest, with some story I needed to take these, because he broke into a neighbor’s house, and the neighbor had a chest full of them, and he had sat there, ripping them all out for me. Then he took off. And I really barely knew him. At the time, I just blew it off as he was a weird kid, who had done it all out of a weird perception of how we were friends. But who breaks into a neighbor’s house and sits there ripping naked lady pics out of a stash of the neighbor’s playboys, when the neighbor could come home at any minute? What was he even doing in the neighbor’s house, as he lived in a neighborhood with houses worth like a million today.
They failed to turn me into Bill Clinton, but they later got me with gun magazines. And training to fight once they got the bullies going. All of it was to draw me away from academics, and to some degree it worked.
So I was some adult’s focus. Maybe the threat was science, which they had limited ability to dominate back then, because most of their kids were normal IQ’s, and I had an aptitude. I don’t know. Or maybe you live in some remote area where they are not operating as heavily. But it is out there, and it has only expanded since I was a kid.
I will guarantee you have met somebody who knows the big secret.
I’d bet big money you were meant for breeding stock, and thus sheltered and protected.
I’ve got 20 years on you, but my story is similar. Natural blonde, not too tall/short, lean, TINY waist, oversized breasts, very pretty, and absolutely stood out in my schools.
I am NOT from a Cabal family, but am/was exceedingly intellectually gifted. I know you are very, very smart and have said you are some kind of engineer. I think Cabal values the genetics of highly intelligent females.
I have no comment on your family, and it is possible their involvement in state politics did shield you a bit.
You say you didn’t encounter any weirdness. I feel confident this means you didn’t suffer any of the horrors targeted females endure. I’m also guessing you didn’t experience a lot of the general crappiness most standard females endure.
As a young woman I made horrifically bad choices/mistakes, and SHOULD have suffered consequences, and yet did not. God was for certain protecting me, but I also think Cabal stepped in at times.
I am the woman married to Cabal hubby. I have in many ways led a very charmed life (other than the misery of Cabal hubby). Looking back, I’ve come to believe I was designated for breeding by Cabal to capture my genes. I’ve avoided a LOT of common unpleasantness in life, and I attribute much of this to Cabal intervening to maintain my fitness for motherhood.
Perhaps this is why your youth looks so good, and weirdness free.
I’m personally uplifted by the thought you and Google ex-wife lady escaped Cabal’s breeding program, and you both have honest, happy, loving marriages with men of our kind. Your children are the hope for all of us, and may God bless and keep them.
But, be aware, you may not have seen the Cabal machinations because you were a prize, and needed to be coddled for their best results.
Based on Wooderson’s story, she and I were not so lucky to escape, and the “weirdness” caught up to us with a vengeance.
It might make sense to a certain extent, especially if you were an attractive young lady with family influence who was taught from a young age by her politician father to “shoot first and cry later.” What would they gaslight you with? Would your parents have had you stay there or would they have moved you to some other school? Operationally speaking, I think it makes far more sense for them to hit nobodies with potential and zero social network like me, than someone connected at the state level like you are.
I’ll share too: I wasn’t one of the “popular kids” by any conventional means, but I know for a fact I was uncommonly well known in my school. I was by far one of the smartest kids in my high school and most likely the smartest in my class, at least among the students who had >4.00GPAs and took the classes I did. By the time I was a sophomore, I was the most outspoken Christian in my school and I was on speaking terms a lot of people, at all grade levels, at all levels of popularity. I was involved in many clubs, was a club president myself for at least 2 of my years there. Come on, I engineered weekly pizza parties to help kids avoid the crappy school food. Lots of kids came to those. And because of my Christian angle, I could move around a ton of different social circles.
Yet, I was one of only two people in my senior yearbook they screwed up. They mixed my face with one of the most ridiculous looking guys in my class (sorry guy, it’s true you looked ridiculous), someone no one really even knew existed until those who knew me saw the mistake (“Does this guy even exist?”). I knew kids in the Yearbook Club. They told me this had never happened before in the history of the school. I was given a tiny handful of crappy little pictures of me for me to hand out and paste on other kids’ yearbooks. There was no way they unintentionally made this mistake. Our races, names, etc. weren’t even close to lining up. It was 100% intentional. Not that I really ever cared about that stuff, which I’m sure they knew.
Looking back, they probably just didn’t want people to remember me. Wonder if it worked. I met a guy a few months ago who told me I was his hero back then and that I was the reason why he had such a good relationship with his family. Had no clue I was a part of his life that way. Felt good.
And, of course, they didn’t want me conventionally successful. Obviously I would end up out-of-state at one of the top Cabal feeder colleges in the US and became a relentless target for derailment while I was there, until they succeeded driving me out of that hellhole. Oh, the stories I could tell.
You’re one of the lucky ones. Enjoy it while it lasts. I’m glad for you. It was fun being a Millennial high schooler back then, before I knew what life could really be like.
This is a common objection to conspiracy theories in general. People can’t imagine that something so large and so granular could be involved without someone spilling the beans.
The conceptual mistake that people make is that they imagine conspiracies are like startups. Startups need enormous numbers of people to get off the ground: customers, employees, vendors, suppliers, creditors, investors, etc. This list is hardly exhaustive.
To get any of these groups to cooperate with the startup requires equally enormous amounts of transparency. The recruiting process is only successful if the startup is completely upfront and convincing to any of these parties. Failure to convince dooms the startup, both because a resource becomes unavailable to the startup and because the faults are then advertised by the resources to others.
People imagine that conspiracies are subject to this same dynamic. They believe that the requirements of recruitment and transparency plant the seeds of its own destruction.
Nothing is further from the truth.
The key point to understand is that the purpose of the startup is the startup itself. The purpose of the conspiracy is not, however, the conspiracy itself.
Conspiracies are just vehicles by which like-minded people find each other. Because they are like-minded, they agree on the means, they agree on the ends and they agree to keep it quiet. If conspiracies last long enough then they move within families, tribes, and clans. Longer still, and the conspiracy will form a parallel society.
There is no process of recruitment and transparency that opens up vulnerabilities because conspirators already have all the agreements they need. Bribery and blackmail merely put ink into the verbal contract.
This is also why so much effort is made to convince you that conspiracies do not exist. It is why a massive Stasi is put together to prevent people from finding each other. Why the internet, Twitter, and Musk are working so hard to “silo” people. Heck, there is a TV series on Apple called Silo which deals with this exact same problem.
I’ve found people are also highly conditioned to fear the word “conspiracy” and anything that could be used to describe one. As soon as you start drifting into that territory, then want to run away.
They fear contagion and eventual shunning/outgrouping.
True. I’ve found it liberating to identify a handful of people that I care what they think and ignore everybody else. Outgrouping can’t affect you if you don’t want to associate with them.
“Outgrouping can’t affect you if you don’t want to associate with them.” Oh how right you are.
“but it’s difficult to believe it’s at the personal level you describe. It’s just too many people. Something would have broken by now.”
This is just programmed thinking, not any kind of serious analysis at all.
I would say, giving up is not an option. Have many children and inoculate them with the truth (which includes Christianity)
AC, personal question… are you Christian, and were you always so?
Reason I ask is, some Christians (*) say, true Christians belong to God, so are off-limits. Everyone else belongs to Satan.
The globalists follow a religion, and they have rules. The caveat is, we may still be targets of lower ranks that are unaware of those rules.
(*) see Steve Cioccolanti
I was raised fully without religion, and my scientific training had me full mechanist by my early 20’s. I always had a probability matrix where anything was possible, but I was pretty sure there was nothing beyond this world, our perception was some kind of illusion, and when the chemicals stopped perpetuating themselves, it was over. It was a very gray world, but it was a phase I needed, so I would be tolerant of bleakness, for this phase. I can take just about anything because of it, in pursuit of what needs to happen, so I view it as one of God’s steps in this path I would need, hardening me for what is to come. I an really weird, a mix of empathy for the least of God’s creatures, and utter ruthlessness for those who the world is better off without, and all sorts of psychological contradictions. But I feel like everything is perfect for this, and it was all the path, even surveillance growing up played its part to mold me.
Though I lived in a gray world, I kept my eyes open, and inevitably saw things which convinced me God is great, and real, Jesus came to absolve us of our sins, and I owe him. Again, all the path.
I have pictured in my mind exposing the surveillance and seeing it destroyed once and for all, and after it, I am not sure there is anything for me here.
“I can take just about anything because of it, in pursuit of what needs to happen, so I view it as one of God’s steps in this path I would need, hardening me for what is to come. I an really weird, a mix of empathy for the least of God’s creatures, and utter ruthlessness for those who the world is better off without, and all sorts of psychological contradictions.”
We came here via different paths, AC, but it sounds like we are in lock step now.
That suspicious observers guy keeps talking about the weakening magnetic field. He was saying how low lattitude aurora events are indicative.
I would note that a big solar event would likely wipe out all the surveillance tech overnight especially with a weak magnetic field. At least in theory.
Robert W. Felix wrote a couple of books about this. They’re jammed with timelines and scientific evidence. No one but, him, that I’ve seen put this together into some sort of over all events. He says that periodically the magnetic field either declines a lot or it reverses. These have been well studied, but he correlated this with massive volcanic eruptions and mass extinction events which occur at the same time as the weakened or reversed magnetic fields of earth. If you’ve been paying attention, the earth’s magnetic field has been weakening and volcanic eruptions seem to be picking up. It also seems to wandering around a lot. Sometimes at a superfast pace.
His first book
his second
Actually, I missed one that I haven’t read. “IceCycles: The Imminent Return of the Ice Age”
These books are really good reads if you have any sort of interest in this sort of thing.
Have to get it and read it. He had a blog where he kept up with papers, reports and other stuff that proved his case. It was a lot. He passed away though. One thing he never did was come to a conclusion on what exactly caused the flip or the weakening. Why would it flip at all? Even more mystifying to me is why the Sun’s magnetic field flips on a cycle. What causes that? The amount of energy entailed in flipping the Sun’s field has got to be huge, what triggers it???? Same with the Earth’s field.
Robert W. Felix also said any warming we see is not coming from CO2 but from under the ocean volcanic activity. He adds up all the activity that is going on and it’s a lot as the field weakens.
Here’s an internet archive link of his blog site. It’s good reading also.
Wish I had gotten them all in hardback. I only got Magnetic Fields in hardback.
He took the vaccine and was gone a few months later. Developed problems within hours of getting the needle.
¿Can you just print them manually with a normal printer?
The future of America is probably Amish.
The meek shall inherit the earth.
But it’s not just Amish, religious people in general are outbreeding the irreligious, even if we lose too many to the common culture.
The Amishicans will have many Mormerican neighbors along with other sects.
After the First commandment (“Eat not of the Tree”) was broken, it was replaced with a new First Commandment, “Go Forth and Multiply”
I get where he’s coming from, but he hand waves away the costs and other difficulties a bit too easily. 100 years ago people had tighter knit and more homogeneous communities with a common culture. The less than useless “conservatives” and GOP surrendered all that without a fight. If it were up to me, they’d all hang from the bridges next to the Democrats.
Our fourth child is due in 2-3 weeks. I unfortunately got started late, so four is all we’re going to have. I’m 33 now. I had four in quick succession, and I’m honestly amazed my girl parts didn’t just explode at some point.
4-6 is a better goal now that half or more don’t die.
You need to be able to spend the time to raise them right with the teaching and attention they deserve.
K is superior to r.
Our world has changed, and it is all hands to the pump, so to speak.
I am not young anymore but I would have as many as the Lord would send. My Irish school friends had 6 boys per room sleeping in triple bunks. Look at the Irish today…
Nice work Marielle
Well done of the 4. It is a good number and nobody would criticize you for not proceeding further. Having children is tough on the mother in her 30s.
Conception comes with the Breath of Life from the Creator.
If you walk with the Lord, and the Lord wishes you to have more, you and they, will be blessed.
Google-ex here, again chiming in late. I’m over replacement rate also but no where near 15. Lol. The last one almost killed me getting out, and I want to be here to raise the ones we have. 4-6 seems like the sweet spot for being able to really know each kid in my opinion. I think Vox is talking more hope-inspiring math than actual life advice.
Maybe doing it for the lulz, but also pushing the judge to make even more insane errors. Litigation terrorism.
“Litigation terrorism” is a fantastic turn of phrase.
If the rumors that the Saudi royal family are a jewish bloodline are true, I think we see the direction that (((they))) take if Muslims take over. The bagel shop guy gets murdered, but the (((ones at the top))) just become “muslim.”
All Arab royalty is descendant from Ishmael, who was a Hebrew. Arabs actually have a term for non-Ishmaelite arabs, they are called Qahtanite arabs since they descend from Qahtan, who was likely the biblical Joktan, a distant cousin of Ishmael. DNA evidence seems to support this. So the Saudi are Hebrews. Additionally, Mohammed and other men from the Ismaelite tribe of the Quraish took jewish wives and concubines when they annihilated a jewish tribe. All Saudis and all arabs of note would be descended from those jewish women.
Weird. Given how it’s Patrilineal descent that determined the Tribes of Israel. 12 sons becoming 12 Patriarchs of 12 Tribes.
When God ordered the extermination of Royal Clans of rebellious Kings like Ahab or Baasha. All their sons were killed.
Although sisters, daughters and nieces didn’t count.
AKA “Maranos” – It’s a long & proud tradition with (((those people)))
This is the New Mexico State Basketball roster. I think it is important context for the guns and sexual assault story.
Five coaches for 13 players, plus a diversity pretend position for some buzzword diversity and a couple GA’s. Good to see where the student bodies’ tuition dollars are going.
And the team couldn’t have at least a token White player. Shocking.
Team Thug!
Looking into it, it looks like they made black light “art” installations as part of the event. I bet that the assholes building it just got on amazon or alibaba and found the ‘biggest UV lights” they could, which weren’t regular black lights, but disinfecting bulbs. And I’m sure they were COVERED with warnings that were all ignored.
Typical Asian business mentality.
“You need lights for party? We set up lights now. Sorry you burned. Pay me!”
“This will not be good for Jews, and presently, things are good for Jews in the conspiracy, as they undoubtedly have enormous control over the West. The problem you are looking at is really a satanic evil, which just wants misery and strife. There are undoubtedly people at the top who will claim to be Jews to get advantages, but deep down, they are really only allegiant to this evil, and regular Jews are as expendable to them as we are. This is the Secret Society…”
What you are describing is the Synagogue of Satan, and some people are members whether they know it or not
What is also interesting is the Zio/Judaeo/Evangelical “Christians” are taking considerable flak from Reform and Mainstream leaders; the old-line Christians have had enough of that heretical cult.
A commentator yesterday mentioned the Gaza gas fields.
Maria Zee interviewed Martin Armstrong recently. The earlier part of the interview was the most interesting. Armstrong said there was a lot of movement with defense contractor stocks leading up to the October 7th attack, supporting the theory that the attack was arranged by the Western Deep State:
Apparently “Socrates” just monitors flows of capital and bases its predictions on that.
It is suspicious that defense stocks were at their lowest in months on the two days just before October 7.
A Palestinian source has denied reports….Well, gee, that’s funny. Somebody better inform the UN, the Atlantic Council, the oil companies and various diplomatic channels that Israel was not participating in a deal they were participating in, and to which all the parties seemed amicably agreed over the summer.
Gaza might become an international protectorate….Follow the money. There are long range plans to develop Gaza into a first class Mediterranean tourist destination. Plans to develop the Gaza Marine Gas Field include building pipelines to Europe.
Also, Israel wants to build the Ben Gurion Canal through there. It’s rocky terrain which will make a better canal than the sand around the Suez Canal. Also, Israel has been locked out of Suez in the past and they don’t want that to happen again.
Texas Man With History of Wantonly Firing AR-15 Could Gut Gun Laws Nationwide.
Texas Man = Zackey Rahimi (Sounds like an Alamo name to me)
He was arrested for approaching the woman’s house in the middle of the night, threatened another woman with a gun, and was involved in at least five shooting incidents.
Rahimi, a drug dealer, was issued a restraining order in 2020 after a violent altercation with his girlfriend in Arlington, Texas.
It’s all so tiresome
A decade of exponentially growing anti-White zeitgeist that is getting White children murdered in the street, entire White families wiped out.
Conservatives: “I sleep”
Someone criticizes Israel.
They don’t see it in their news when it’s white people getting murdered. But Israel is Wall to Wall coverage
Queen Charles will ban smoking in the UK:
“Deleted German news report exposes massive taxpayer-funded benefits for Islamic migrants who do not feel like working.”
Like so many things, this draws me back to my theory about Cabal deliberately forcing people into nationalist camps. If they cause a horrific enough international race war (or at least another world war fueled by nationalism) they can seduce the survivors into overcompensating by embracing Globohomo 3.1 and a coming world dictator with an impressive plan for world peace.
Either monoethnicity since every other ethnicity is dead or Empire. So Imperium under one Dictator it is regardless.
That is the logical extreme that could end up occurring.
1 hr 15 min interview with Dr Paul Byrne, neonatalist & pediatrician who pioneered treatments for premie babies & started neonatal ICU in St Louis in the 70s. The 1st part of interview discusses organ donation & how the term “brain death” is a lie. In the later part he goes into legislation that determines access (or restrict access) to treatment. At the end he touches upon vaccines. But the earlier parts are more interesting especially the lack of ethics around organ donation.
The Dems are practicing and refining their fraud in preparation for 2024.
Did we think they would fix it after 2020?
Re the beam: I am gonna sound absolutely nutz! I wake up sweating with the buzz sound in my head. I go outside to cool off and have a cigarette. Look up and take this photo.. You tell me what it is?
Don’t rule out that we are getting fairly big. If we start to get traction, I will bet every regular here will begin to see crazy stuff. Platoons of Ape-hybrids on dirtbikes with assault rifles just driving past your house. Bigfoot flying a hovercraft motorcycle. They could begin putting on shows for the regulars here, knowing you will come here and report it, maybe with crazy-looking pictures, in hopes this site will begin to look nutty.
Though I do not think that is what this is.
I clicked the link. Got a message “something went wrong, try reloading”.
Re beam.. had to remove original screenshot it gave up too much info. Here is just the photo…
Curious… I am kind of wondering if that could be an invisible Chamelo helicopter/UAP, and there was a bright light on the ground opposite the lit up clouds, and it was projecting that light on the ground a little too brightly at the clouds as part of its camo…
That is weird.
Anti-Abortion losing Republicans elections?
Fraud is losing elections for Republicans.
RINOs losing Republicans elections
I’ve been following up on the idea of the Cosmic Death Fungus. One of the articles they have linked from reddit and 4chan is this one “The Parasite Pill”
You guys have got to read this. It will blow your mind. It also provides and explanation for the explosion of homosexuality and trans stuff. This is an excellent paper.
Here’s an archive thread with more links.
They bring up the point that back in the day kids were given a turpentine or kerosene and then right after castor oil. Every month. My Mom told me she used to get that, and hated it. I’ve read that you can put the turpentine on sugar cubes to make it easier on you.
They showed all these pictures of girls, most have seen this, where they look all sweet then they go to college and very soon after look like these horrid tattooed sluts. “If” they are right, then them sleeping around in college eventually means they pick up a parasite that spreads by sexual contact. So the more whoreish they are, the better they spread more parasites.
That’s why the are so anti-Ivermectin. It’s anti-parasite and anti-cancer.
I wondered if parasites could change behaviors. This is interesting.
Take the wyrm pill anon.
Sex outside marriage is dangerous
Especially in our position, as Julian Assange would attest to.
Landmark Treaty On Conventional Armed Forces In Europe Collapses After Russia, Then NATO, Pulls Out
Wrote a long blog post about political espionage in argentinian politics in the last 2 decades.
More than vindicates you.
Will link in tomorrow.
Woman vanishes on yoga retreat but other yogis ‘SILENT and refusing to help’ in mystery
Don’t trust Kim Reynolds.