I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at http://www.qanon.pub
Vertias reveals Amy Robach of ABC News had prepped an Epstein story, and ABC killed it, and she thinks he was killed:
Are you disgusted by the actions of @abcnews quashing the Jeffrey Epstein story?
The media is corrupt! Demand answers!
Sign our petition: https://t.co/e2cSiad75G #EpsteinCoverup pic.twitter.com/fPvJc3s1Li
— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) November 5, 2019
BREAKING: "Do I think he(Epstein) was killed? 100% I do…He made his whole living blackmailing people. There were a lot of men on those planes. A lot of men who visited that island. A lot of powerful men who came into that apartment." – @abcnews anchor @arobach #EpsteinCoverup pic.twitter.com/EmFdTGGcPs
— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) November 5, 2019
First, play this tactically, and use it to attack the left. It is great ammo. Don’t let what I am about to say keep you from spreading it and using it to beat the left over the head over double standards and corruption. And don’t think I am saying O’Keefe isn’t legit, I think he is. But understand this is manipulation by Cabal. It is a sign of weakness and cracks, because we have been given ammo, but we have been given it because if they did not give this to us now, we would have gotten much more damaging ammo later.
Lets start with a few touchstones we know. O’Keefe is under surveillance. Hostile, blanketing surveillance, I would assume, though it is possible if he hasn’t seen it, it has remained covert, or as covert as they can be. Although I put the chances less than 50:50, it would not surprise me if his emails come in first to some CIA-like operations center for the more exceptional troublesome little pricks, get reviewed, and get either deep sixed, or passed on, maybe altered, to him, and his responses make the same stopover before being deep-sixed or massaged and resent out to who he sent them. So this got to him, which it didn’t have to. Whoever sent it is in the media, which means they are 90+% or more likely to be Cabal, know about the surveillance, and are unlikely to disobey just for fear of what will happen to them and their cushy life. So if this was Cabal giving this to O’Keefe, or just letting it get through, why would they? Why would ABC even do the story on Epstein in the first place?
My guess is Virginia Giuffre was identified as a risk years back. They knew she was an Epstein victim, so she got coverage. Surveillance might have heard her telling people about what happened to her, when she thought she was in the privacy of her home. The person she told could even have been a boyfriend sent in by Cabal to badger it out of her to see if she was a risk of talking. If she had kept her mouth shut they could have relaxed, and if she talked, they knew they needed to see how deep the rabbit hole was and how far she would go and what she had. She talked, and now they need to know how bad it could get. ABC is Disney, which is thoroughly comped, so they used their most loyal agents to pester her and get her to “do a story” (which would never air because Epstein was “with intelligence”). Remember Q saying something like, “Those who most betray you are those you would trust the most?” Well, those who are there to expose things and check unbridled evil are actually the ones there to protect it. If the media is dying for a story, if that story would make their careers, who would think they are Cabal agents, on Epstein’s side, working to help cover up his crimes? How would Robach even know Epstein, and why would she cover for him? How could she be connected to him?
Of course, Roback does live TV on ABC’s morning show. She is under massive surveillance. Houses next door, vehicular, sound in her house – it would not surprise me if they have been inside her house and filled it with cameras, just to get sex tapes, for blackmail and the amusement of her usually bored-out-of-their-minds teams. There are people watching her every move and listening to her every word 24 hours per day, using tech you would not believe, just to make sure she never goes on air and blurts out the wrong thing. That said, she would almost certainly know and be cool with Cabal, because they have put her in a great position with lots of cash. But they watch her anyway, because if she gets on live TV and goes off-script, it would be bad. They will make the effort to be sure she is solid. I would assume she knows and accepts the coverage because the alternative is to not be cool with Cabal, which is not as much fun. Plus, I assume she is a sort of quasi CIA-agent, and this all comes with the gig in that world. She may even have been raised in a Cabal surveillance-family with all this, so it is normalized. So they sent her in to do a full Giuffre piece, and see just how bad it could be if Giuffre hooked up with a Russian media outlet, or somehow got her story out. Of course, this was an intel gathering op, under cover of journalism. And she took it all in, the interviews, the stories, the pictures, the evidence, and so on, and handed it off to Disney, which is in essence Cabal. That story was never going to air, but it did all go in Giuffre’s file, and factor into their strategy for her.
Imagine you are Giuffre. You just went all that way, and went through all the motions, relived all the trauma, endured all the horror of talking in front of the nation, to do a full exposure. It seemed to all make sense. ABC exposes big stories as part of their business model. Robach wants to advance her career. A big story is good for that. Epstein is a pedophile, and who would cover for that, especially hyper-emo SJWs with all their morals and triggerability over abuses of the weak by the privileged rich and powerful? And then nothing. Robach ghosts you. ABC disappears all the materials into its basement and acts like it never happened. Years later, and nothing came of it, like it neve happened. The one place you would have thought would be an ally was a part of the coverup. You are all alone. Welcome to the world of Cabal, and its strategy of preemptively infiltrating and compromising any area which could prove a vulnerability.
So we have two stories. In one, ABC is a Project-Mockingbird-wing of the CIA, operating for Cabal, filled with intelligence agents posing as SJW reporters, all working overtime to help cover up a criminal honeypot blackmail operation that is hurting young girls, and in so doing, keeping the wool pulled over the people’s eyes.
Or, in option two, which Cabal chose, stalwart reporter Amy Robach tried valiantly, like all of our media would, to expose a lone rich pedophile, but those damn royals threatened to deny an interview with Kate, and an ABC lawyer or executive buckled under the pressure this one time, and failed to air the piece at the last minute. But normally, 99% of the time it would have aired, it was an aberration, and the system almost worked the way we are told. Amy did her job so well and got the whole story the way she was supposed to, and little Amy is so, so angry about it, and getting angrier every day, because she certainly is not part of any conspiracy. Look at her as she talks about how angry she is, and tell me as she laughs, if she looks like she is reciting a prepared script about being angry, and acting (badly), or if she really is angry, and saying this all for real to someone she really wants to tell a story to. She looks like the kind of woman that if she got angry, you are getting the full tantrum, complete with scrotum ripping and eye gouging, not some mere “I am so angry” vocalization about how angry she is. She knows the game. She is not that stupid. And now she knows what is coming.
In my view, either Cabal arranged all of this, gave her the script, and told her she gets to play the hero in this skit as they try to save ABC news, or she went out there to save herself, made this little “accidental” venting on camera and then had one of her staff leak it to save her own reputation, because she has been thinking about how she helped cover this up, how Q is back and it looks like Cabal is going down, and she needs to save herself. I would assume this all means someone thinks something is coming out about her interview with Giuffre in a while, and they would rather break their involvement themselves now under controlled conditions like this, where the story is them telling their version of events, than have it happen against their will with someone else’s version of what really happened, at the very moment Giuffre is angrily pointing an accusatory finger at them as part of the conspiracy covering it all up. There is a very, very small percent chance she was played and controlled like a puppet by those hidden behind the scenes, but I’d doubt it. She strikes me as too smart and savvy. Notice also, her script emphasizes Epstein was just a pedophile doing everything on his own, and not a genuine intelligence operation run by “intelligence” compromising men of power using underaged girls as bait for a conspiracy.
The one thing I believe is when she has to look up to compose herself, as she talks about knowing Epstein was killed immediately. That wasn’t planned. I think she knows that could be her, and that is her at the edge of crying when she recalls how helpless she felt when she heard they killed him, maybe because of how that could just as easily be her getting her neck crushed and posed as a suicide, or maybe because she is just reliving her emotions at realizing the Cabal is coming down, and her entire world will be turned upside down.
I am not sure why that was included, unless it was to sell those of us who know on her honesty, as she is telling the lesser lie. Either that, or that part of the script accidently brought up some uncontrollable emotions because she knows. If you notice, the word after that break is “and…”, and if you go to just before she has to stop, she begins to say, “and…”, but stops to compose herself. So she knew what she was going to say, started to say it, and almost started crying and had to stop. If so, she is reading a script and she knows some real shit which has made her say to herself a few times, she could end up like that. For all you know she is sitting there, and trusted because for a while she was passed around by those same powerful men, which means she knows stuff too, and could be next. But before going, ask yourself, if she is so black-pilled, and knew Epstein was killed instantly, because she knew all the powerful men around him who would do that, and the thought of her own helplessness makes her start to cry, would she chase down a story that would expose Epstein and air it, thereby bringing all of that on herself?
O’Keefe throws out another idea which could have merit:
MSM chose not to cover allegations against #JeffreyEpstein for several years because their execs might have been also implicated, #ProjectVeritas’ James O’Keefe believes https://t.co/ZxnVZDxQjl pic.twitter.com/1PXsPF6U2d
— RT (@RT_com) November 6, 2019
The Mormons who just had their women and children killed have a history of conflict with the Cartel down there, and are arming up. It is no secret Mormons are closely aligned with CIA, because them sending their kids out as missionaries offers CIA a great cover to infiltrate agents all over the world. I think it not impossible these people were killed because the Cartel has a distrust of that group, and maybe even assumed they were feeding intel to somebody else. Always be aware, the spy game is all over out there, and those who encounter it begin to see it everywhere. You can be cruising along, told by the authorities that if you are not in a Cartel you are fine, and to the Cartel you look like a CIA spook trying to get one up on them, and that is it for you. But that PSA aside, it appears there was more to the story:
Mormon women killed by Cartel gunmen in Mexico had ties to NXIVM. They sent their young girls up to NXIVM to serve as nannies. Also, Mitt Romney’s father lives in a Mormon colony in Mexico.
Alt right personalities dox Richard Spencer associate – turns out he is a college professor, hypnotherapist who runs a clinic promising to transform your life through hypnotherapy, and bandmember in a progressive band led by a gay singer in New York City. Again, he was reading from a script he was given. An no, I do not think the fact he lures people into a group, where he promises that if they let him hypnotize them he will advance their lives, is coincidence. Nor is the fact he is in a position as a psychology professor where those studying psychology (who could end up as hypnotists) drift before him so he can assess them, and prepare reports on their inclinations. That might even be how he ended up in his position, assuming he didn’t grow up in a Cabal family. This is the Secret Society, and yes it is this weird.
How do you say parallel construction? Again, they already know who the shooters are. And in many cases it appears (((They))) are making them. So what is this new surveillance program for?
FBI agent reviews the evidence and talks about how unbelievable he finds it Page and McCabe were altering Strzok’s interview notes to make Flynn a target, even though they had nothing to do with the interview. And now they say the original Flynn 302 cannot be found, so nobody can tell what exactly was edited, and whether the real recollection of Strzok was changed specifically to turn Flynn into a target.
On Roger Stone’s first day of court he becomes ill with stomach upset and begins sweating, and at the same time a citizen observing in the trial room suddenly screams, drops to the floor, and begins having a seizure. Coincidence? Also, Judge refuses to strike an Anti-Trumper from the jury pool.
Despite the media calling the Kentucky governor’s race for Matt Bevin’s opponent, and portraying it as a defeat for Trump, the AP retracted its call and says the race is too close to call. One thing I have noticed over the years. If I get applications from various Republican and pro-gun groups for absentee ballots in the mail in the run up to an election, that election will tend to go Republican. If I do not, not so much. I would imagine the effect is multiplied in elections like this, on non-Presidential, non-Congressional election cycles where turnout bottoms out and fraud’s relative effect is peaked.
Democrats get control of state House and Senate in Virginia. Think about how much of a Cabal hotspot that state must be, given it is spook central and filled with Secret Society. And it was a leftist success story for the night.
Opioid drug lawsuit awards will flow into the pockets of lawyers and states which will evaporate them into thin air. Are we seeing these lawsuits now all of a sudden because Cabal needs money and this is a convenient way to funnel it into their coffers?
Chancellor Angela Merkel says that disillusionment and discontent with the German government don’t give people any “right to hatred,” an allusion to a far-right party’s strong recent election performance in eastern Germany. Mussolini probably thought the same thing as he was being dragged out of the car.
Machines reportedly switching votes plagues Indiana county for second straight election.
Report of a Virginia polling place “running out of ballots at 7:45 AM.
Allegations of voting fraud in Kentucky too.
Porn Star cause of death revealed to be a seizure. Only significant in that it has been rumored some of these porn stars were in groups like NXIVM, and used by the elites, and there was a Disney star who also died of a “seizure,” and had a creepy message posted to him after it which made people think he might have been a victim.
Pro-Beijing lawmaker stabbed:
JUST IN: Mexican president rebuffs Trump's offer to "wage war" on cartels: "The worst thing is war" https://t.co/33q8W1GtJZ pic.twitter.com/NfWirFZ1zt
— The Hill (@thehill) November 5, 2019
New letter to the Court from DOJ on the Flynn case.
They misidentified the FBI agents' notes. ????
Strzok's notes are really Pientka's notes, and Pientka's notes are really Strzok's notes. pic.twitter.com/9eTBZrymv9
— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) November 5, 2019
—There is absolutely definitely promise no draft of the @GenFlynn 302 before Feb 10 even though Strzok’s own texts prove there is & the interview was on Jan 24 & 302s usually take <5 days
—We mixed up which agents wrote the notes of the interview for 18 MONTHS. Opps
— Undercover Huber (@JohnWHuber) November 5, 2019
BREAKING: Impeachment committee chair Adam Schiff is threatening to file ethics complaint vs committee staffer he presumes leaked name Eric Ciaramella as the whistleblower; meanwhile,Rep Matt Gaetz has filed ethics complaint vs Schiff for making "false statements" re WB complaint
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) November 6, 2019
BREAKING: @Twitter is currently manipulating the #EpsteinCoverup hashtag. Hundreds of thousands of tweets coming in yet they are trending a MISSPELLED version #EpstienCoverup!
TOTAL MANIPULATION! What are they hiding?
DEMAND ANSWERS: https://t.co/e2cSiad75G pic.twitter.com/jYTisRi1ad
— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) November 5, 2019
Maryland sanctuary county rolls back anti-ICE policy after multiple illegal immigrants are accused of rape – to little to late! https://t.co/2wzlo93p3Y
— Karli Bonne’?????? (@kbq225) November 6, 2019
6.6mg earthquake today offshore at shallow depth of 13km to the east of Bronfman’s private island near Fiji. This island is the Epstein Island of the Pacific. Notice the tunnel friendly terrain and tennis court. Looks familiar? pic.twitter.com/GbbBcetP0C
— 3Days3Nights (@3Days3Nights) November 5, 2019
US Army Purchases 624 Robotic Mules For Combat Use https://t.co/QIUUHscfFV
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) November 6, 2019
"It's Obviously Disturbing" – Mortgage Market Reopens To Subprime Borrowers https://t.co/qpVeP3PENF
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) November 5, 2019
The Deutsche Bank Death Watch Has Taken A Very Interesting Turn https://t.co/umjHbL0jwq
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) November 5, 2019
Sean Spicer lives to dance another day on Dancing with the Stars, and it is driving the left nuts. How to vote for him will be the first tweet below.
Only 18% of the country views Mitt Romney favorably. I have never seen anybody who has a better “look” of clean-cut genuineness and likeability, but who exudes a more slimy, untrustworthy air about him.
New Zealand’s gun confiscation shaping up to be a massive failure due to non-compliance. If you ever decide to comply with something like this, one, do not give up the weapon. Strip the lower, and keep everything else. Second, don’t surrender the lower, just destroy it quietly, so their numbers look terrible, and they have no idea where those weapons went. Also, get an 80% lower, and keep it ready to redo on a moment’s notice. Because the time is coming when men will need their guns.
Pompeo says U.S. troubled by reports of China harassing families of Uighur Muslim activists. The truth is, if things ever begin to heat up between the US and China (and if we get control of our intel agencies), we could very quickly tie China up in knots by turning Islam against China over their abuse of Muslims. From Africa to the Mideast, China would have to either go protectionist and withdraw from the world, or spend a lot of energy trying to keep Islam at bay.
Australian Biker tracks down and beats up a child molester, says he will keep doing it. There will come a time when the public will refuse to convict for things like this, at which point you will see a rapid shift to full K-selection.
Tuscon AZ soundly rejects becoming a sanctuary city.
Republican wins governor’s race in Mississippi.
Prescription drug prices are falling at historic levels thanks to Trump administration policies.
Let’s keep this going! I’m dancing first tonight @DancingABC & really need your votes. Cast 20 votes right at 8pm ET please. Text SEAN 10 times to 21523 and vote 10 more times at https://t.co/1dZ9scnnFa You have to wait until 8pm tho Thank you #TeamSweetNSpicey #DWTS #dets28
— Sean Spicer (@seanspicer) November 4, 2019
My son, @DonaldJTrumpJr is coming out with a new book, “Triggered: How the Left Thrives on Hate and Wants to Silence Us” – available tomorrow, November 5th! A great new book that I highly recommend for ALL to read. Go order it today!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 4, 2019
Tomorrow morning I’ll be joining @MariaBartiromo on Fox Business to discuss my new book Triggered! Great show, tune in! pic.twitter.com/3QPJ9OllVe
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) November 6, 2019
When asked by @GayleKing who his favorite Democrat is, @DonaldJTrumpJr paused and then responded by saying:
"Mitt Romney is my favorite Democrat. How about that?"https://t.co/Bg0eCI3vlZ pic.twitter.com/O9LWstvJJ3
— CBS This Morning (@CBSThisMorning) November 5, 2019
EXCLUSIVE: Donald Trump Jr. Weighs In On New Book And The Future Of Conservatism, Republican Party https://t.co/R0dYDfjuyS pic.twitter.com/IsVqzBIZjT
— The Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) November 6, 2019
Reward For Robert Levinson, Longest-Held Hostage In U.S. History, Jumps To $20 MILLION, Pompeo Announces https://t.co/1FMdb7cxou pic.twitter.com/R0fCv4Xzyl
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) November 5, 2019
Thuringia Foretells The Fracturing Of Germany https://t.co/gmpHprXuWk
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) November 5, 2019
Rand Paul says he "probably will" disclose whistleblower's name https://t.co/3FQv28K0xy pic.twitter.com/e7SNXEIGLx
— The Hill (@thehill) November 6, 2019
STU: "None of this will change. The #impeachment drive and the secret hearings will continue, but the contempt the elites have shown for the #baghdadi triumph will not be forgotten." #Media #Democrats #MyTake #VarneyCo pic.twitter.com/0iDiQh5tv1
— Varney & Co. (@Varneyco) October 28, 2019
The Do Nothing Dems have gone Radical Left Crazy. The can’t get anything done! https://t.co/wasvWli9jr
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 5, 2019
The Whistleblower gave false information & dealt with corrupt politician Schiff. He must be brought forward to testify. Written answers not acceptable! Where is the 2nd Whistleblower? He disappeared after I released the transcript. Does he even exist? Where is the informant? Con!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 4, 2019
So sad to see what is happening in New York where Governor Cuomo & Mayor DeBlasio are letting out 900 Criminals, some hardened & bad, onto the sidewalks of our rapidly declining, because of them, city. The Radical Left Dems are killing our cities. NYPD Commissioner is resigning!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 5, 2019
A very good start! Please all work hard to get a final deal. https://t.co/IYGeBqQIQ9
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 5, 2019
A wonderful family and friends from Utah got caught between two vicious drug cartels, who were shooting at each other, with the result being many great American people killed, including young children, and some missing. If Mexico needs or requests help in cleaning out these…..
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 5, 2019
….monsters, the United States stands ready, willing & able to get involved and do the job quickly and effectively. The great new President of Mexico has made this a big issue, but the cartels have become so large and powerful that you sometimes need an army to defeat an army!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 5, 2019
This is the time for Mexico, with the help of the United States, to wage WAR on the drug cartels and wipe them off the face of the earth. We merely await a call from your great new president!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 5, 2019
Florida county commission cites Trump in denying library New York Times subscription https://t.co/On4lqpdBy9 pic.twitter.com/JtXot3Xo36
— The Hill (@thehill) November 5, 2019
Officials in Citrus County, Fla., deny public library's request for digital New York Times subscription, citing Pres. Trump's belief that the nationally acclaimed paper is "fake news" https://t.co/dggaZSfEF0 pic.twitter.com/MfO41P5Qfe
— CBS Evening News (@CBSEveningNews) November 5, 2019
“Why the heck would we spend money on something like that?”https://t.co/cqixFuhHPP
— Tampa Bay Times (@TB_Times) November 5, 2019
No one energizes our base like @realDonaldTrump.
In Kentucky, the governor was down 17 points.
President Trump helped lift the entire ticket, winning 5 of 6 statewide races so far!
— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) November 6, 2019
“The Impeachment Hoax has fired up voters in Kentucky, Mississippi and Louisiana.” @foxandfriends
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 5, 2019
#ElectionNight Won 5 out of 6 elections in Kentucky, including 5 great candidates that I spoke for and introduced last night. @MattBevin picked up at least 15 points in last days, but perhaps not enough (Fake News will blame Trump!). Winning in Mississippi Governor race!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 6, 2019
A lot of winning in Kentucky. Check out the numbers. https://t.co/xcXIzIwylg
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 6, 2019
Our big Kentucky Rally on Monday night had a massive impact on all of the races. The increase in Governors race was at least 15 points, and maybe 20! Will be in Louisiana for @EddieRispone on Wednesday night. Big Rally!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 6, 2019
Great going Daniel, proud of you! https://t.co/0dUY5HoATN
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 6, 2019
Congratulations to @tatereeves on winning Governor of the Great State of Mississippi. Our big Rally on Friday night moved the numbers from a tie to a big WIN. Great reaction under pressure Tate!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 6, 2019
Great going Tate! https://t.co/ghtl3Zmj1z
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 6, 2019
All-Time High for Stock Market and all the Fake News wants to talk about is the Impeachment Hoax!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 4, 2019
Zimmerman presents Trump with a customized Nationals jersey pic.twitter.com/KUtPraHdVW
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) November 4, 2019
"What an unbelievable honor… this is what you dream about," Ryan Zimmerman says at the White House, and goes on to thank @Potus for "continuing to make America the greatest country to live in the world."
— Elizabeth Landers (@ElizLanders) November 4, 2019
I love you all. Thank you Mr. President," Washington Nationals catcher Kurt Suzuki says, putting on a “Make America Great Again” hat and prompting an awkward hug from Pres. Trump. https://t.co/35Zg7cQ9nU pic.twitter.com/3wmyPJdrAM
— ABC News (@ABC) November 4, 2019
95% Approval Rating in the Republican Party. Thank you! pic.twitter.com/Z0VHUlAwMD
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 6, 2019
Club 45 on NBC Today Show. Showing our strong support for the President! @DanScavino pic.twitter.com/rSVQDeAhNX
— Club 45 USA (@Club45USA) November 5, 2019
Thank you so much CLUB 45. You are truly Great Americans. See you in Florida! pic.twitter.com/0NuayEXEPn
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 5, 2019
Spread r/K Theory, because things are more planned out than you tend to think.
Option 3 on Epstein — there are multiple factions in the cabal that are in competition. The Devil Mouse side found a way to gain a little power in Florida/Caribbean and started running with it. The Euro/royal faction found out about it, and threatened retaliation if they went through with it. Devil mouse decided to just sit on the info they had, and save the volley for later.
This is really the later dig at the other faction.
Interesting. If true, I wonder if the leaders of the factions actually know the upper leadership structures, and know what they are doing, or if they just make a move and hope for the best. Looking at it from my admittedly lower station, I would tend toward the one-senior-leadership theory, and thus attacking another faction would be introducing chaos into the various parts of the machine which the top level might not like, and which could get me replaced and/or Epsteined.
Rorbach’s having to stop and suppress the need to cry on remembering of hearing Epstein was killed was very telling – those people may not sleep that soundly, and really fear death.
“…Option 3 on Epstein…”
This is convoluted silliness. Epstein worked for MOSSAD. He is not dead because he did a great job for them. Even trapping a Prince of England, who should know better. Epstein got caught because of the volume of business he was doing meant eventually someone would complain. At that he still got away with it. It’s only modern communications, the internet, that shut him down. Hence the effort to de-platform any sites not reading the script correctly.
If you look at any of this (large scale) corruption going on, raping and trafficking kids, drug smuggling, weapons smuggling, financial crime, etc., etc. you will always see Jews involved somehow in almost all cases. If it’s big they will certainly be involved. If we just got rid of the Jews. Packed them up and kicked them out our countries large scale organized crime would plummet. This has been the case for thousands of years. Every time the Jew depredations get too big and they are kicked out the society undergoes a great leap forward towards better conditions for the people in the country.
This is why the only way to deal with the Jews is to get rid of them. Move them completely out of your territory. This has been tried and has been proven a super satisfactorily 100% guaranteed boost for the residents of any country that have tried it.
The effect of Jews moving into your territory is exactly the same as a tribe of psychopaths moving in. I’m not saying all Jews are psychopaths but the effect is the same as psychopaths moving in. There is no macro difference between a tribe of psychopaths and a bunch of Jews at all..
The Jews must go. Peacefully if we can get it but by any means necessary they must.
Jews did start the organized crime drug dealing in the US in the 20’s and Israel did provide the Mexican cartels with weapons and training, and Jews in the US (lots of them in NY) have always been connected to the money laundering of cartel money.
Proof here:
Image with that source and some selected quotes here (so you can share the info easily via pic format):
The LeBaron family group of dual-citizen US/Mexican Mormons has been seriously weaponized and murderous for several generations:
Unlikely, the latest attack was a “caught in the crossfire” accident. More probable it was an act of war in this no-man’s-land border, drug-cartel, Romney, Mormon/CIA, McCain, NXIVM, Fast and Furious, human/sex-trafficking operation run by Cabal on our southern border.
If Trump Jr isn’t a [hybrid] Melonhead then I don’t know what would qualify. Look at the size of that thing!
Having learned of facial bifurcations, my new hobby is looking at faces in magazines. I wish more people knew this because they would realize just how unhappy our elite are. Harry and Meghan always have strong lines of fear, anger, or disgust in the supermarket tabloids. In Trump Jr’s photo Maria clearly fits the bill; a good reason not to watch her show or trust Fox IMO. Trump Jr also appears to have a bit of a bifurcation but I can’t quite place it.
[Ed note: Good comment, but I’m editing it, because Don Jr will probably be President, and this site is read by a lot of people in the uppermost levels of politics, so I wouldn’t give the enemy any insight into anything about him. It is why I didn’t say what I see on his face. He will be a mystery to his enemies, for the same reason his face is ever so slightly bifurcated. He comes from somewhere they cannot understand, and because of it thinks entirely unlike them, which is why they won’t be able to deal with him any more than they can deal with our thrill-seeking the God Emperor.]
Thanks & I completely agree. May long they serve!
No kidding, while I was reading your take on Robach, a car parked across the street, and my wife mentioned the car. I asked her if we were under surveillance, and she chuckled.
It was there about 10 minutes. Never felt funny, though. Then it drove away.
Maybe they were just making a call. The conversation with my wife wasn’t interesting, maybe they were bored.
The latest line coming out of leftarians is that leftist voters are fellow victims and shouldn’t be considered our enemies.
The cabal is really afraid that we might purge r from our society this time.
Liberman weighs return to a right-wing coalition
FYI from a friend of a friend: “This is pure speculation. I have a friend who went to undergrad with Ruth Bader Ginsberg. They both contracted pancreatic cancer the same year. They both had the same special operation at about the same time to deal with the cancer. It worked the same for both and gave them temporary remission. Now my friend is in relapse. Obviously I have no information on Ginsberg, but I would suggest she may also have a relapse and be forced to retire in the next few months. That will raise the Garland issue, and it will be more ugly than Kavanaugh if she does retire under Trump.” My note, this is why they will do anything to keep her animate until 2/Jan/2020.
Cabal funding: The fight in Maine over the bill to have cable companies offer each channel separately (a la carte = consumer choice). If successful this would break the funding model Hollyweird and MSM. The whole of their financing is built upon the prole purchasing all of their offerings even if never wanted or used. It is why any channel duplicates itself (200,000 ESPN offerings) as it allows them to increase their fees to the delivery companies and to you in the form of ever increasing cable bills. No matter how bad a tv show or movie they all eventually make money in the form of cable fees. Tens of thousand non working actors or their estates live on the residuals and are dependant upon you paying them without you ever watching the offering. If the current model is broken by a la carte many of the cable items would dissapear and same with the sh*t for brains news shows that no one watches. A/C you wonder where the cabal money originates cable bills are a huge part of it. Hollywood has been able to have the tax code written to favor themselves no movie or tv show ever makes money on the books so no taxes are paid. It is why all payments are as a % of the gross. That gross includes your cable fees.
This is a matter of control, a la carte spreading means we eventually control and the cabal loses control – pray for it.
France, under pressure from right wing, toughens stance on immigration
Local German conservatives cause uproar with call for talks with far right
Trump says talks with Egypt, Ethiopia, Sudan on dam dispute went well
Theresa May Is Going to Hit the Lucrative U.S. Lecture Circuit
Why would anyone in America (or anywhere else) pay to hear her?
They wouldn’t. She’s getting paid for doing what she was told wrt Brexit.
“Mormon women killed by Cartel gunmen in Mexico had ties to NXIVM. They sent their young girls up to NXIVM to serve as nannies. Also, Mitt Romney’s father lives in a Mormon colony in Mexico.”
Coverup by Cabal?
Could be.
Something to keep in mind about this whole Epstein thing were the cabal is seemingly trying to paint him as a lone wolf pedo: he was very deeply connected to Israel, and the cabal care a fucking lot about Israel not losing public support in the West, and about it keeping being their HQ, and about hiding any proof of his connection to mossad and Israel.
I don’t know if you have seen this frens, but it is a pretty noice find:
In 2008, Jeffrey Epstein visited Israel, his spokesman said “he took time on Passover, meetings with Israeli science researchers, and tours of military bases.”:
Clip from Palm Beach Daily News (Palm Beach, Florida), 27 Apr 2008, Sun, Page 17 – Article called “Bleznaks rose to still-cool occasion”, by sdonnely@pbdailynews:
http://archive.vn/zMBil – Archive pic of the clip in question
http://archive.vn/T2nnv – Archive of origin of clip in question
https://www.newspapers.com/clip/34643753/jeffrey_epstein_military_base_tel/ – Another link to the clip
http://archive.vn/1tufZ – Archive of link above
https://web.archive.org/web/20190808201238/https://www.newspapers.com/clip/34643753/jeffrey_epstein_military_base_tel/ – Backup of item above