Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
DFT – Liz Truss’ Mini-Budget Almost Collapsed Many Pension Funds
DFT – Twitter Sued Over Layoffs
DFT – Stocks Fall For The Week As The Labor Report Comes In Hot
DFT – Carvana Plummets After Morgan Stanley Says It Could Drop To $1 Per Share
DFT – Italy Will Spend Billions To Blunt Energy Crisis Pain
FBI Agents in South Florida now report they are being hit with Havana syndrome. They report seeing white vans before symptoms begin. It is possible they are lying because FBI is doing Havana, but I tend to think not. Know how extensive the domestic surveillance by somebody is, and you will understand, the surveillance must be running cover for the perpetrators, because they are one and the same. And these FBI Agents are helpless to do anything. Things do not work the way you are told, one way or another.
If you only read one article today, make it this one – An amazing link from the comments on MK Ultra and hypnosis porn being used to reduce IQ, disrupt complex thinking, and reprogram people into trannies and confused genders, and make them submissive, and craving of domination. Amazing link. One of the MK Ultra researchers who used innocent patients, and destroyed their lives. Notice the thin upper lip, curled under with anger, even when he is not making an angry expression:
Some thoughts which hit me as I read this. Joe Rogan and guests enthusiastically talking about how awesome “Chicks with Dicks” porn is, and how they all think it is much less gay to watch a “woman” with a penis have sex with a woman than it is to watch a man with a penis have sex with a woman, so people should check it out. It felt when I heard it like they were reading a script that was prepared because all the dialog was so perfect and creative, but I just quashed the sense for some reason, and assumed Joe was that creative on the fly rhetorically. And then there is Scott Adams, who has told people you cannot understand intellectual things about persuasion as well as him unless you drop some acid a few times to expand your brain so you can think as well as him. And he has talked about how powerful hypnosis porn is and how much more powerful the pleasure you get from it is, and how he is always watching it to get a better understanding of the “wizards” producing it and how they are so gifted at persuasion and the use of language to control minds. If I had more time, back when I had heard him talking about that, I might have looked for some to watch, just to see what he was talking about, he was so adamant the people doing it were brilliant. It looks a lot like he could be a glowie pushing his viewers where the Mk Ultra people, want to see the people who are interested in persuasion and control pushed to, to make them more manageable. Now I am wondering if he is a honeypot set out to try and clip the wings of the people intelligent enough to be a problem, who (like the MK Ultra People) want to understand persuasion and audience building. In a way, that is exactly what I would expect MK Ultra people would do – proactively seek to neuter anyone interested in following in their mind-control foot steps. Truth be told I do not feel I have ever learned anything of any real value from Adams, despite all his stories about how he is the master persuader and he is teaching people all about it. I have learned far more just watching Trump. I will bet most of his viewers are exactly where they were intellectually when they first stumbled on him – and a few might be worse off.
MK Ultra could be the biggest key to unlocking the historical pathway of the West.
And above all, do not watch porn. It is looking like that whole area may be weaponized, and genuinely dangerous now. You might be better off walking through a literal minefield.
Notice, neither of them in the above pic look like they are athletic. Zero calf development, paunchy abdomens, and his arms and shoulders look pathetic, with no Tricep. So people are spending time to get to this dad-bod, and paying him big bucks to tell them what exercises to do, and they are coming away from it looking as out of shape as he does. Why doesn’t the best Hollywood personal trainer look like the Rock, or Ken Shamrock, or some real athlete. It is not like he isn’t in the gym all day.
NBC deletes report that Paul Pelosi met officers at the door and then walked away from police and toward his assailant calmly, as if DePape was a friend, as DePape smiled at officers and said everything was fine, before hitting Pelosi in the head with the hammer. Accidental honest reporting that Pelosi, in his underwear, had a 250 lb nudist in his underwear, with a hammer, in his house, and when he met Police, never said there was anything unusual, or any threat, and he acted like DePape was a friend. It conflicted with the narrative and had to be memory-holed. You will never get any truth from this media, and no matter how reasonable what they say sounds, they are probably lying.
Mystery of Paul Pelosi hammer attack deepens as new police account reveals how Speaker’s husband calmly opened door to cops after phoning 911, did NOT reveal he was in trouble and then walked BACK towards ‘intruder’ who bludgeoned him. He had invited DePape into his house, which is why he didn’t freak out and beg Police to save him from this “intruder.”
Catherine Englebrecht says she has drones flying over her house due to her election integrity efforts. And yet neither she nor Phillips are blowing the whistle on the massive domestic surveillance op trying to run our political world.
Elon Musk Tweets: “Twitter has had a massive drop in revenue, due to activist groups pressuring advertisers, even though nothing has changed with content moderation and we did everything we could to appease the activists. Extremely messed up! They’re trying to destroy free speech in America.” All of those companies are fronts for Cabal’s massive intelligence operation, probably run by CIA handlers. They bought advertising on Twitter, which got them nothing, because Cabal intel command told them to, in order to fund Cabal’s influence operation at Twitter. Now they are pulling funding.
Twitter advertiser boycott organized by dark money Soros, Clinton, and foreign networks.
Twitter layoffs gutted election information teams days before midterms. Interesting. So if there is evidence of fraud revealed on election day, they will be less able to stifle it?
Link to the story referenced above about Twitter leaving up child sex abuse videos.
GOP Congressman Dan Crenshaw says election deniers know they’re lying. Listen to this bullshit artist, and Grade A traitor –
“It was always a lie. The whole thing was always a lie. And it was a lie meant to rile people up,” Crenshaw said, deriding some of his peers as “political personalities” rather than “politicians.” He did not name the members he was referring to.
“People just need their last hurrah. They just need to feel like they fought one last time,” he added. Other members told him, “‘Trust me, it’ll be fine.’ And I was like, ‘No, it won’t! That’s not what people believe and that’s not what you’re telling them.’”
Ray Epps hurled massive Trump sign at Police on Jan. 6 – but was never arrested or sent to gulag.
Nike suspends relationship with Kyrie Irving after anti-Semitic film controversy.
Pelosi to hand seat to daughter after midterms wipeout?
Clyburn: If GOP wins, ‘we are going to see this democracy come to a crashing halt.’
Rob Reiner: GOP willing to ‘literally kill’ to get power — This could be our last election. I agree with Phelp’s assessment they may use the word “Democracy” as code for their corrupt rigging of the elections, and that these are coded messages to fellow travelers that their system is somehow in danger – and so are they. “Our last election” = “Our loss of the ability to rig elections.”
Finland has become one of the first countries to uncover evidence that state agencies around the world overhyped fake ‘Covid-related deaths’ in order to drive mass hysteria. 40% of the deaths were fake.
John Fetterman declares himself “absolutely sit to serve.”
In an attempt to paint himself as an everyman candidate who is more Pennsylvanian than partisan, Fetterman apparently talked his parents into claiming they are Trump voters and Republicans in one of his senate campaign ads, but it turns out they are card-carrying Democrats. You can tell this guy would have been the dumbest person in any room, even before his stroke. And yet Cabal has so destroyed any hint of meritocracy, they were almost able to install him in the Senate.
NPR played the sickening audio of an abortion, a vacuum aspiration abortion, over public radio. These people are just incredibly sick.
Pentagon to fund out-of-state abortions for service members with taxpayer dollars.
Netanyahu’s note to successor Bennett revealed: ‘Be right back!’ Was his loss and return scripted, like Trump’s?
Biden has yet to congratulate newly elected Israeli leader Netanyahu.
Turkey will be integrating Central Bank Digital Currency with Digital ID system.
US Space Force data reveals Chinese mystery plane released object in orbit.
US to give Ukraine another $400 million in free aid.
Marjorie Taylor Greene: ‘Under Republicans, not another penny will go to Ukraine!’
Turkey continues to block NATO membership for Sweden despite Russia threat.
Don Lemon’s new show ‘CNN This Morning’ bombs in debut. None of these people were worth $2 million, $4 million, or even $300,000 per year. I think Cabal pays them that, so they appear to have some sort of authority, due to the financial success of their salary, and so the sheep will take what they say seriously. If CNN hired like a normal business, they would have hired someone like one of the pretty girls at OANN, fresh out of journalism school, who was willing to work for $50,000, or $65,000. They are perfectly competent, more pleasant to watch than this homo, and they would have none of the baggage which comes with him. But the downside is, when someone tells you something, and they are making less money than you do, will you listen to them, and change your beliefs? That is what Cabal was buying with those seven and eight figure salaries. They were millionaires, and you were not. But even with the money, at the end of the day, Lemon is a low-IQ, unpopular degenerate who nobody takes seriously, or wants to follow. And now his situation is beginning to reflect that, because people are waking up.
Former Fox News anchor-turned-CNBC host, Shepard Smith, is out effective immediately at the network.
WaPo – Democrats fear midterm drubbing as party leaders rush to defend blue seats.
Dick Morris to Newsmax: Dems ‘will lose all 60’ tight House races.
Gavin Newsom warns Democrats: ‘red wave’ is coming Tuesday.
Final Rasmussen poll: GOP leads generic congressional ballot by 5 points. Of course, even better than it looks. Because within those numbers, the lead is lower in urban and city areas where we are not competing, and where fraud means there is no point in competing. But in swing races, the lead is even higher, and across all of them. So if you win by seven points in 100% of the swing races, you do not win 7% more of the swing races. You win 100% more of them. Even with rigged and fraudulent elections, there is reason to be optimistic.
Republicans’ chief House investigator vows to take on bureaucracy, starting with vaccine royalties – “We’re seriously concerned about not just the origination of COVID, but also a lot of the COVID spending,” Comer said during a wide-ranging interview on the “Just the News, No Noise” television show. “We’re concerned about the royalties that high ranking government officials were getting for vaccine sales. We’re concerned about the slush fund at the NIH.”
Stunning poll: 44% of voters see secret cabal controlling the world. I like to think we here may have helped in that somewhat.
Trump to announce 2024 White House run this month, Nov. 14 eyed: source.
Getting ready to default?
Do we really need a national credit rating if so much money has been going to debt payments but could go to the rest of the budget instead of taking on more debt?
“Clyburn: If GOP wins, ‘we are going to see this democracy come to a crashing halt.’”
Men With Morals Shall Band Together And Rule America!
Jan Irvin has done lot of stuff about MK Ultra. He basically claims that the counter-culture from the 60s and 70s was product of MK Ultra. The entire movement was fake and manufactured. According to him the key intelligence operators were R. Gordon Wasson, Aldous Huxley, Timothy Leary and Charles Manson. He has lot of videos about it, some are quite long-winded but IMO worth listening to.
Manson was a lackey, manipulated by Jolyon West and his crew.
Maybe. But the important point is that it was kabuki theater from the beginning. And lot of it is obvious. The Grateful Dead fans were called “deadheads”. When you realize they mean that literally, you know what was about.
“Maybe.” No maybe about it, read Chaos, by Tom O’Neill. It’s astounding the lengths the CIA went to, and the authority they asserted in keeping their “experiment” going, as all local/state authorities ceded control to the Feds.
I’m not disagreeing with you, just trying to shed light on a very important subject, this stuff never went away.
Good video. You will find a lot of the same info in “CHAOS”. The Beach Boys were heavily involved in spreading the disease, as well as the son of Doris Day, and many others.
The other comment to you from “anon” is actually me. lol
Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon, by David McGowan.
What no Marcuse? No Adorno?
well-known 1960s Jewish activists include: Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, Paul Krassner, Allen Ginsberg, Paul Goodman, Saul Landau, Robert Scheer, Saul Alinsky, Stew Albert, Richard Flacks, Mark Rudd, Ronald Radosh, Bob Ross, Phil Ochs, Peter Coyote, Mike Spiegel, Steve Marx, Mike Klonsky, Todd Gitlin, Robin Morgan, Nancy Kurshan, Peter Berg, Al Haber, William Kunstler, Betty Friedan, Andrea Dworkin, Jane Alpert
Jerry Rubin was all over the country telling kids to kill their parents! Abbie Hoffman telling everybody to do drugs. Saul Alinsky?
The Sixties Cultural Revolution wasn’t Mk-Ultra–it was Marxist Reconstruction–the biggest mover-n-shaker was the Frankfurt School!–All but one Jewish.
It’s the same with the guys pushing the story that the moon landing was a hoax. When will you people learn? If a Jew has his mouth open and he is agitating the air he is either lying or spewing some sort of mind warping misinformation. All of them do it constantly. The only reason to listen to them is to get a handle on what the lie of the week is and what they are pushing.
Rob Reiner: GOP willing to ‘literally kill’ to get power — This could be our last election
Basically that’s what they are thinking about doing themselves.
Cabal using PROJECTION.
Accusing those who oppose them of being what they are appears to be the favorite tactic of Cabal, ESPECIALLY THE JEWISH PART.
The enemy always projects
I think really you have AC, part if why is how you present things, you never patronize, your always truthful no matter what, you treat people decent like, and your a concerned individual who accomplishrs constructive things, last and not least regardless the weight of the world and its evil you always have a good-positive attitude about things.
Makes for considerable credibility regardless the subject or controversy on your part, and I for one because you lead by the courage of your convictions, and you have those great elements of perserverence, you bring legitimacy to everything you present, and that is a wonderful lead in to something which opens eyes and wins hearts, even when a subject or item is not given crediblity, what the dynamic thats important is you have helped others to think in critical terms, consider critical elements, give thought to things instead of discarding something out of hand. Watching you for some time ou have a cinsistant pattern of always putting your best foot forward. Thats something every dirt person can identify with even if they do not recognize it as such a character trait it is there and I think it brings or gives comfort and a kind if refuge from the ocean if lies and dissimulations out there, a kind of safe harbor in a storm of plausible deniabikity, in a Potemkin world of false flagging everyone, of being inundated with false narratives, where weaponization of all the things grows tiresome and quite dispicable.
I think most of all you wear your heart not on your arm but on your chrest as a badge of honesty and it garners respect and benefit of the doubt. Its just a realky nice thing and rare to find as sources if such genuine articles is being deleated from the public forum. That you have perservered is awesome to see and that is inspiring. Nothing like positives especially in a world fabricated out of lies and plausible deniability.
The penjulum has begun its swing in the opposite direction now, and while it needs time to gain momentum it has begun to swing, and no entity no matter how incarnate evil nor corrupt or depraved can effect the swing of new history in the making. I think to in such a moment in time sometimes its the kittle things that count for so much and goid folks recognize such things as is natural. All the lies and mind control BS causes the real to stand out because at some point the lies become so deep they begin to tell on themselves and that creates a pattern pretty hard to not notice, certainly the amygdela has no problem recognizing such and if a person is in touch with and recognizes their gut sense as worth listening to much can happen that alters or deletes the negative or manipulating effects of the lies. And that happens in the most grass roots organic open source way tgere is. It just might be something very simple and seeming innocuous, yet that is all it takes to effect a sea change in thinking, some little thing that clicks into place and people experience their own paradigm on the personal level. Just like Senneca put it about how ideas once planted in fertile ground of peoples minds they grow out of all proportion to their diminutive origins, like ripples on still waters they spread out touching far more than the origins of the idea or concept where it first comes from.
Maybe all that is too philosophical or fanciful, but I think not. You got a gift if helping other open their minds and critically think about things and you do it in a genuine manber, even unconciously as its part if who you are and how you see the world and your not aftaid of openly sharing it, you never take council from your fears far I can see, and that always no matter what is a great thing, a really great thing, makes people indomitable of spirit and heart. It is leadership too. You may not see or consider it as such but it is. And thats one thing this existential thing thats driving the world into madness hunts for and destroys whenever it can. Great keadership is such a rare thing now, they killed all the heroes since the murdered JFK, steadily since that moment it really began. Because of you I understand that now, as they killed all our heroes, my little generation that has no name, an ignored one, its a sliver generation but it exists, we fell between the cracks after the boomers came of age, and I’m drawn to heroism quite easily because that dirth, but what matters is I understand the reasons now because of you, it really helps to understand things and recognize better my personal courage and conviction and the same in others.
Does any of this makes sense? I hope it does. I really appreciate you AC for all you do. It takes some serious balls and consideration, truly. My hats off to you and a big Bravo! Maybe this is jjst me, but I believe lot of other people are effected so, even subconsciously, simply because your honest and the mind detects it as such. Maybe thats what it is realky all about. Honesty. Is Mr. Trump an honest injn? Mr. Putin? How about Steve Bannon? Or Clif High? Laura Login? They are outlier people with outlier thinking, you fit into that bnch in your own way, and while yeah, “conspitacy theorists”, and rucist-fascist, sure, but you got to wonder know, painting such people with that brish has become such a pattern in detail it signifies, realky signifies such outlier people are credible people or they would not be targeted persons, its become an unmistakable oattern now and such a pattern its at a point where just about all goid filks who recognize it have and everyone who ain’t, well they are not part of the solution, they are for their part part of the problem so there is that distinction in a world of dissimulation and fraud. Its almost like this thing out there thats so evil its self destructive, that self drstruction is leaking out of its lair now, so the outlier people gain credibility in diametricly opossibg direction. Thats definately a paradigm shift in perceptions, its where preference cascades come from, where once they gain momentum are oretty difficukt to stop even with use of threat of force and use of violence, and that threshold is upon us, where all the enemy has left, all it realky ever had for power is power of violence and the use of threat of viokence to weapinize in the form of fear. But its ignorance which makes that power possible, and its leaders who change that awful equation, and that has diminutive origins, even if it comes from larger than life like leaders, its really a small thing and comes from the most reluctant or himble kind of leaders, like thought leaders who pissess humility and would never become a bombastic and outspoken leader, its just not in them, but the leadership remains regardless, and in a desert of leaders such wualities and characteristics become readily recognizable.
So, in your own unique way, because of the critical thinking outlier style you got AC you effect in people a change in thinking thats unusual but not scary, it kindvof gives pause, like in maybe this guy is right, or onto something, or you posit something in such a manner or style unusual but it makes something click or rings a bell, sure its subtle, but the effects are far larger than that little thing that goes click in your mind, and you got that kind if gift of not only seeing things in an outlier way but you convey such things so others can grok it too. The effect is it causes a kind of honorable resistance to develop, and it does not get any more grass roots open source than that.
That kind if thing spreads. At some point it creates a great olurality of determined indomitable people. They may not know they are a plurality, but thats just a step in such an evolution in thinking.
Do you understand what I’m geting at here? Its the very thing the beast is trying to stop. Like Mr. Putin said the his Chechen ally, “We must live for something that is worth dying for.” or Vox Day: “The only meaningful perspective by which intellectuals, idealogues, figureheads, and frauds can be judged is how well their words stand up before the clarifying light of the Good, the Beautiful, and the True.” Yourself AC, you said this in a previous brief, its how you say it thats important, not many out there have this gift, the skill, it may seem like nothing, but its got that badge of honest examination of the facts of the matter that seem so obscured in this world, because of the gas lighting and pressure telief effects Durham’s operation is “under the hood” of plusible deniability which he is the appointed enabler of, you crush all that bull shit, you pop up and its like suddenly crystal clear obvious. Just because how you thoughtfully phrased your thoughts, in an excellent critically thinking manner: (headline):
-Durham grand jury expires, no sign he is convening another, Durham investigation assumed to be winding down. “If you see the conspiracy, how massive it is, and understand how long it has been running, how it has constantly, progressively, been taking over every position that posed a threat, starting with the biggest, and working its way down to even insignificant threats, this is not surprising.”
Yeah, that right there. Its so obvious it hides in plain sight until its pointed out in such a style as you have. You got that gift AC. FUD: Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt,
(this is a tool, an actual instrument). In your way you dispell that crap. It certainly draws me to your words and insights. So to others its fair to say. The word Edifying is pertinant here. Edifying:
Providing moral or intellectual instruction; as in causing an edifying experience at an enemies misfortune or loss used to express one’s disapproval of something. Lot of ways to go about that, but doing so with grace and dignity, thats where you shine AC. And you stick to it no matter what, that dignity. It matters. Somebody said “Ethical actions may be the best survival tactics after all.” Understand what I’m trying to say to you AC? If your ethical you got a kind of street cred thats unassailable. Think of the subtle power in that. Its people, its leaders who do not abuse that who then have power no tyrant or evil can ever possess.
The implications of the almost inconceivable level of surveillance which the conspiracy have us under, are growing increasingly obvious if your critically thinking those implications outwards.
I guess the question is at what point is all that surveillance and coverage a boat anchor for globo=peedo? After all as Socrate’s said knowledge is a treasure. And when your a good lot of folks who simply only want to be left alone and a hundred million of us are armed people, for a very specific reason, and they disenfranchise so many oof us goid folks like in 2020, and no small number of us armed to the fucking teeth, as we have never trusted those running our government, well knowledge is a weapon to us too. Socrates said knowledge is a treasure nothing can take away.
The implications are also obvious.
Sorry for the word salad. But credit where credit is due, like in thanks and appreciation of you and the wonderful effort you give things. It really matters.
Thank you. Sorry for the late approval, the software threw this into trash for some reason.
“… the downside is, when someone tells you something, and they are making less money than you do, will you listen to them, and change your beliefs? That is what Cabal was buying with those seven and eight figure salaries. They were millionaires, and you were not.”
Status. Humans are innately wired to perceive and respond to status.
Of course that is something that will be subverted and used to hijack our responses. It’s not a profound insight but it is one more example of nothing being truly organic or spontaneous today. It’s all scripted and controlled.
Well, it’s a good thing, then, that the concept of being a millionaire will be obsolete. There will be no more super-rich people. Being super-rich will not be allowed. Not even being rich will be allowed, if rich means being a multi-millionaire. I wonder how everybody will respond to status when there are no such rich people anymore. Well, see, there will be a new definition of status. Goodness and honesty will be hot commodities.
p.s. If anyone is afraid that I’m advocating some commie shit, then GOOD, because I am. Some of what the commies say and want isn’t bad or wrong, despite how monstrously idiotic they can be.
Nobody here is dumb enough to listen to you.
Communism – that system of governance where the Government is God and Bureaucrats are the Ruling Class. And Commoners are no better than slaves.
This system can only be implemented thru trickery, treachery, violence, and terror.
Terrifying video clip:
Some of those ppl acted so strangely. The turning around, looking up before collapsing. What kind of heart attack or stroke causes that behavior? Some raise an arm as well – reminiscent of a horror movie scene – it’s bizarre.
The glider pilot was haunting.
It is curious, to the point I almost think it has to be some kind of psyop.
God’s psyop?
No, I think this feels like the Covid videos.
Fear porn for any purpose is evil. I trust this as little as I trusted the original Chinese drop-dead videos from 2019
> Stunning poll: 44% of voters see secret cabal controlling the world. I like to think we here may have helped in that somewhat.
AC you’ve helped me see many things, particularly in the area of reading faces. Thanks for your hard work. This site is my news source at this point.
Thank you for the thank you!
AC I totally agree with your comment on Rachel’s newsletter! That is some serious sh1t! I will be attending the funeral of a transgender person shortly. They took their own life. There is a special place in hell for the creatures who are knowingly promoting this abomination!
So, if I got this right: all whites must kneel before all blacks. Wasn’t that the lesson to the wave of kneeling in honor of BLM? Now we learn all blacks must kneel before all Jews, who are white. So, all whites must kneel before blacks and all blacks must kneel before all Jews, who are white? Make sense to everyone?
Jews aren’t white. Israel is in the Middle East goy.
Middle East is still Caucasian
Once again, I direct you to “CHAOS”, book by Tom O’Neill. The “free clinics” in San Francisco during the 60’s free-sex/drug period, were set up with the intent of extending the early MKULTRA brainwashing studies by introducing drugs and “psychotherapy” to produce “desired outcomes ” and control of subjects.
CHAOS reveals techniques and names names.
The elite of Hollywood were directly and indirectly involved.
Weird Scenes Inside The Canyon by David McGowan
Yes, Laurel Canyon is mentioned frequently in CHAOS. Also the house on Cielo dr., where Sharon Tate was murdered, as it was a communal drug/party/crash house, rented by Roman Polanski (sub-leased from Terry Melcher, a famous music producer (Cream and other bands), also Doris Day’s son. And, of course, the ranches.
Also, especially, the Haight-Ashbury Free Medical Clinic, where the subjects were first addicted to and strung out on meth and LSD, so they could enter psychosis and be controlled easier.
flooding America with drugs… yet another failure of libertarianism
Interesting: On July 19, 2019, Variety reported that Amazon Studios purchased the film rights to the book.
Nothing will come from this. It will be dismissed immediately, because Twitter (got to stop calling it TWTR) has complied with all the laws they cite.
Elon should keep the same ad schedule going, but replace the banners with new ones that are just red text on a yellow background that says, “Corporation X has pulled this ad because they oppose the service you are using”
That’s a great idea. Most excellent.
Escaping Hollywood’s Matrix
I feel like I have to do another comment on the entertainment-industrial complex, since some people here still think of the Matrix trilogy as a good thing.
The Matrix trilogy is a commercial for Gnosticism. There’s enough that you can find on your own, but here’s a video and an article to get you started:
Gender theory as modern Gnosticism
Gnosticism is thus pervaded with a spirit of rebellion against the Creator, against the world, and against the body of the human person. The body is seen as a limitation on the freedom of the self-willed mind. In today’s world, this gnostic rebellion has been taken to extremes by contemporary gender theory. Stripped of all transcendence, gender theory is the philosophical and practical attempt to abolish the binary nature of man and woman and to surrender man to the arbitrary self-definition of his identity.
You might also ask yourself why Morpheus’ ship is named after a Babylonian king, why the city of the “good guys” is named Zion and hellishly deep underground, and why the “agent” bad guys are all white, unlike the people attending Zion’s dance party.
Also, Morpheus is the god of sleep and dreams. Trinity is, of course, the Atom bomb test in NM, where Jack Parsons (founder of JPL and acolyte/friend of Aleister Crowley) Tried to make a homunculus come to life by placing it near Ground Zero. And “Neo” means new, like a new paradigm.
The occult references run amok in the Matrix series, and the Wachowski brothers are now the Wachowski sisters, LOL.
You might also ask yourself why the dancers at Zion dance just like savages: just jumping up and down in place.
15 years ago or so, my home was broken into and my television was stolen. At the time, I didn’t have enough money to replace it. It turned out to be the best blessing ever as it forced me to find new ways to entertain myself and make use of my time. My reading skyrocketed, not only increasing the volume of good input but at the same time really improving my reading skill, comprehension, and retention. And got me involved in more useful hobbies.
The single best recommendation I can make to people is to unplug from the media. Yes, there’s still some good stuff out there. But even the good stuff needs to be regarded as, at best, potentially hazardous. In the last 5 years I’ve only been in a movie theater a handful of times. I saw the new Top Gun and loved it. I still appreciate the craft and technical skill in many movies. But I keep it all to a minimum.
I’ve never watched an episode of the Kardashians. I’ve not sat down to watch TV in several years. Sometimes I’ll catch a glimpse here and there, like maybe in a restaurant that’s got games on, or a bit of news here and there.
And I have to tell you something interesting. Have you ever watched soap operas or game shows from Mexico or the rest of Latin America, and been amazed at the melodramatic overacting, the juvenile stupidity, and the general cheesiness of it all? I now have those exact feelings whenever I catch American produced programming. Part of it is that it really has degenerated. But another part is that when you aren’t habituated to watching it, it really comes across as overly saturated, absurd, ridiculous, cartoonish.
As we push ever more into virtual reality, the meta verse, and ever more immersive media experiences (4K and 8K video with Dolby Atmos are a level of stimulation that is orders of magnitude beyond the TV signals most of us grew up with) the real rebels will be those who have maintained basic literacy. It will be the line of bifurcation. Streaming video will change the masses into Eloi even more, but they won’t be attractive and cheerful. They’ll look dead.
A great clip from the Dark Crystal vividly demonstrating what TV does to the mind, heart, and soul.
I had two roommates in the service. I owned a TV and one of them constantly was watching the damn thing. I mostly wanted it for occasional use but it was on all the time so me and the other roommate took it out and shot it then brought it back and set it back where it was. The TV roommate would still stare at it wistfully.
This article is an example of getting it all wrong and focusing on all the wrong things. The problem here isn’t Gnosticism. It’s CABAL.
The problem isn’t devil worshippers. It’s not Satanism. It’s not secret rituals and arcane symbols.
It’s a greedy organized crime ring that wants to wipe out other bloodlines and enslave humanity.
Why do they want to turn your kids into transgenders? It has nothing to do with someone’s poorly digested understanding of ancient world philosophy or mysticism. Nothing at all. They aren’t worshipping some kind of hermaphradite God/Goddess, either.
All this trans mania is about is what it’s always been about: the children of the conquered get castrated.
All this talk about gnosticism is a complete sideshow meant to keep you from seeing what they are really after.
Also, the author in the linked article doesn’t know shit about gnosticism. But does get one thing right: In gnostic thought, God is known as light. Which is why, in part, gothic cathedrals have so many windows: to let in light. This contrasts to earlier Romanesque traditions that featured churches that were as dark and dreary as dungeons. The gnostic ideas of God and the universe permeated the Western mind around this time and became integral to the Christian worldview. And at the same time, light flooded into painting. A more sophisticated understanding of light brought the use of perspective, and some of the most glorious paintings of the Christian tradition. All due to that terrible gnosticism you spoke of.
And that light has been extinguished. It was extinguished from painting back in the late 1800s as the beautiful themes of light made their way out of art and out of culture. Modernism is a complete abandonment of light.
You’ve been taken by a psyop, by a swindle. CABAL is desperately trying to cut out all ancient wisdom from humanity by getting people to believe these crazy stories. Which they can pull off because they know nothing about history. It was the infusion of ancient wisdom into European thought that gave us everything beautiful from our tradition. The currents in Modern culture that most here are appalled by developed by our enemies to fight the light.
Going further, Dante’s Divine Comedy. Considered a Catholic classic, written by a devout catholic. I’m sorry, but virtually its entire structure is non-biblical. I do not mean to say “anti-biblical”, I mean non-biblical. The idea of hell, purgatory, and heaven having different levels, a sense of hierarchy, etc., NONE OF THAT IS BIBLICAL. That’s hermeticism and gnosticism.
And if you read the beginning Cantos of the the first book of Divine Comedy, you’ll know that before you enter hell you first traverse a fairly neutral place that is filled with the ancient philosophers and poets. Who Dante highly regarded. They were not sent hell. They lived in a realm outside of it, not heaven but not bad either. For as Dante pointed out, their only sin was having been born before they could be saved by Jesus. But their service to humanity and God made them undeserving of hell.
The Divine Comedy is a central Christian text and yet it’s filled with the very influences and inspirations that you think are leading to this transgender stuff.
It’s too deep to go into here, but centuries ago people like Dante knew that the ancient wisdom was not the enemy of Christianity. But Cabal has absolutely convinced American Christians that the ancient wisdom is all bad. Because Cabal doesn’t want you aware of the truth of that wisdom.
Gnosticism was/is a heresy & in the early Church it was suppressed hard.
Behind these man made ideas/actions, whether it be from Cabal or gnostics or anyone there are supernatural forces at play influencing humanity. Individuals will sin according to their own fleshly desire : short term gains of lust, greed, lying , stealing etc but generationally, these supernatural forces strive to shape human consciousness & civilization. The ultimate plan is to mislead humanity & deny them the opportunity for salvation – which also means sabotaging God’s plans here on earth. Follow gnostic ideas today & you become your own god, which denies God’s authority & puts the person in spiritual rebellion. The Wachowski brothers are clever enough to weave in symbolism & philosophical questions in the movie but they are not smart enough to break through their pride to reconnect with God. The desire to literally be their own god led them to warp their bodies which of course is an abomination of God’s template.
The comments about Romanesque vs Gothic architure fail to mention that it was innovation in architectural design /engineering that created the 2 styles. Romanesque churches used barrel vault arches which limited how big the interior space could be. Flying buttresses support the high expansive vaults seen in gothic cathedrals. Intelligent minds innovate and solve problems – & religious architecture spanned centuries, allowing for plenty of time for refinement. This isn’t gnostic thinking.
I agree with your central thesis. It’s the Cabal. It’s always the Cabal. Everything else is deflection, distraction, lies, smoke and mirrors to have us look over there, not right here. And all wisdom that would lighten the darkness it envelops us with must be destroyed by it. The Cabal’s all-important strength is its secrecy. Our awakening to its existence is a very real threat to the Cabal. God bless us.
This is really not the case.
Dante may have been a devout Catholic, but the church does not treat the Divine Comedy as a canonical work.
Furthermore, it was well known during the Renaissance that the ancient classicists were in many ways superior to their contemporaries, save for their lack of knowledge of God. It is why the Renaissance is known as the revival of Greek classicism.
More to the point, this whitewashing of Gnosticism goes against much of Christian religious history.
If Lucifer and his 33 fallen angels were cast out of heaven and, following that, if Adam and Eve were cast out of Eden, then it stands to reason that their descendants would have encountered these fallen angels. It also stands to reason that the first human empires (Sumerian, Phoenician, Babylonian, Assyrian, Persian, etc.) were, in fact, the first Satanic empires, whose military and technological advancement was fueled by blood sacrifices to whatever gods were proxying for Satan, until such a time when the Devil could harvest enough souls and then drive these empires into dust.
Now, the ancient humans may not be entirely to blame for unwittingly serving Satan, but serve him they did. This is why Leviticus warns against the Occult, Gnosticism, and the works of the Ancient Mystery religions.
The biblical scholar Michael Heiser has a theory of the Divine Council & 3 rebellions amongst the angels. His lectures are easily found on YouTube.
Man’s rebellion at Babel led to God abandoning most of humanity and putting them under supervision other heavenly beings who abused their power & led mankind into idolatry – hence other pagan religions. (Yahweh during this time was setting up the formation of the Israelites beginning with Abraham). The story of the Israelites in the OT is war between Yahweh & the other heavenly beings who had their dominions. Best overview of his theory would be this documentary film. I don’t know if it’s 100% correct but it’s an interesting theory.
Was Babel before or after the Flood?
After. It’s when God divided the Nations. (And we are trying to put them back together with Globalism and Diversity.)
The sumerians actually recorded this in their myths. The anunaki came from the sky, enslaved man, and taught him civilization — especially war. Abram (a Sumerian prince) broke out of that system to follow Jehovah.
13 years in Catholic school and this was never required reading. Roman Catholic doctrine doesn’t base itself off of this book. It’s no more influential than More’s Man for All Seasons or Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales or Lewis’ Lion, With and Wardrobe tales. But when cabal infiltrates, it knows how to get people to focus and follow.
Escaping Hollywood’s Matrix, Part 2/end
More generally, anything from Hollywood is a poison pill meant to corrupt you one way or the other, with few exceptions, so why even take the risk? Very evil people that you read about in the the tabloids thrive in that social ecosystem, so how couldn’t that system be your enemy?
Here’s what they think of the masses dumb enough to take their pills, in their own words, not recorded Project Veritas style, but in their commercials:
Will and Grace was a homosexuality commercial. Joe Biden talked about this.
Frozen pushed lesbianism.
The Sopranos makes you sympathize with organized crime.
Homeland, etc. are commercials for certain government agencies.
The Alien franchise pushes abortion.
The latest film from the Predator franchise (Prey) is about a teenage girl who knows more than the men of her Native American tribe. There are millions of young women who really are wiser than the male authority figures in their lives, but a lot more often it’s the other way round, and those teenage girls are then encouraged not to listen to people with more life experience.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer has witty dialogue and a fun, smart heroine. But it doesn’t just get women to overestimate themselves physically, it’s also bait in the form of a charming female who leads you into a nightmarish world of monsters and vampires, one of whom is her love interest and another one who is very funny (Spike). There was something very wrong with the guy who ran the show, 3rd generation Hollywood insider Joss Whedon:
Don’t get me started on Twilight and Fifty Shades of Gray.
Also Star Wars.
Look into corporate branding also, start with Mazda (Ahura Mazda), Lucis, Shell Oil (image of Athena), etc., etc., it goes on and on.
Good videos and articles.
What’s the opposite of a poison pill?
An antidote pill?
Do you people ACTUALLY believe in God, or not? Don’t you think God would smuggle good messages inside the poison pills and subvert evil subversives? Or do you just get too aroused by the sensation of “pure” self-righteousness to even dwell on such a possibility?
Why even take the risk? Well, I’m assuming a dipshit like you has never read John Milton’s Areopagitica, right? That’s why you take the risk. To separate the wheat from the chaff.
Can anyone confirm?
“Catherine Englebrecht says she has drones flying over her house due to her election integrity efforts. And yet neither she nor Phillips are blowing the whistle on the massive domestic surveillance op trying to run our political world.”
Seems to me that this is blowing the whistle on the surveillance–at least as it affects her. Even if she doesn’t say anything about the surveillance they deploy on us; this does reveal that high-profile folks with the potential to cause some damage to Cabal’s Narrative are being surveilled..
It’s at least opening the door to the subject even if it isn’t telling everything yet.
They fear Kari Lake and are already making plans for Tuesday…
John Fetterman declares himself “absolutely sit to serve.”
On the face of things, maybe they are running out of competent people to run for office. Could it be that competent people just refuse to get involved in this? There must be some reason they get people like Biden and Fetterman to run when it’s obvious they are so whacked.
It’s a humiliation ritual for us and it’s part of telling a story that the collapse of the west was organic and caused by stupid people electing stupid politicians.
Musk and Twitter – am not a twitter dipshit; have no idea a) how twt works or b) how many twitterers there are. but. in a world of 8 billion people, I figure there have to be at least 5 billion narcissists. allow for old farts who don’t internet, the extreme poverty brigades, the too busy/too smart to fool with social media bunch, and you’re still left with a coupla billion folks who think the world needs to hear all about THEM. right? Musk has already begun his monthly fees; $8 for bluechecks, it’s a safe bet there’s more to come; other tiers too. (“special media credentials!” for a mere $500 a month!) fun wiff maff: if you can get just 15% of the world’s narcissists to send you a few bucks a month, you’ll be making $20 billion a year just in membership fees. with that, you can “radically reduce!” ads, which will probably get you another 50 million or so to sign up AND PAY YOU MONEY.
and we live in a world in which business and much more importantly stock markets worship cash flow. Musk can rake in cash for 10 years, all the while improving the product, until he quintuples his $44 billion purchase price. then he can turn around and take New Twitter public, which will sell at insane valuations because we live in a world in which business and much more importantly stock markets worship cash flow. and make another 80 or 100 billion.
VD thinks Musk is a midwit. I disagree. time will tell.
Musk is a midwit or worse.
But he has some intelligent person or persons using him as a front.
With any luck the plan you outlined will fail and Twitter will die.
Musk is obviously a midwit, but it doesn’t matter because he’s a “made man.” He’s surrounded by enough cabal influence and influencers to make any venture he undertakes profitable no matter the odds.
The fucking Satan armor from only days ago is all the proof you need of this. The enemy loves to tell you exactly how they’re winning by serving Satan.
Are MK Ultra Centers disguised as gyms?
There is a hypnotic quality to doing reps, which causes the mind to wander.
Regarding hypnosis, there is a truly outstanding book called, Secret don’t Tell: the encyclopedia of the unethical uses of hypnosis by Carla Emory.
I cannot recommend this book highly enough.
It really is everywhere. And our media is loaded with hypnotic language, techniques, neurolinguistic programming, and so much more that we don’t even understand. This stuff has been refined for centuries, and in the last 150 years the best in the fields of linguistic, depth psychology, advertising, sales, etc., and more have been participating. And you can BET that the best and most effective techniques are not finding their way into print.
So much of the street theater I’ve been subjected to has been remarkably subtle.
Derren Brown did a great episode once where he asked some advertising executives to put together a project for a product. He had a car pick them up and drive them to the location where they were going to work. He predicted EXACTLY the nature of the advertising campaign they came up with. And later revealed that on the trip over their were several acts of street theater meant to manipulate the imaginations of the two executives.
There’s an entire language of the unconscious/subconscious that cabal has a very deep understanding and that we know very little about.
O/T but I was listening to Robbie Basho, an obscure American musician who made some really interesting, joyful music, e.g ‘Blue Crystal Fire’, and decided to read up on him – in addition to being totally ignored during his lifetime, his death was peculiar: he was basically killed by his chiropractor. Some highlights from his bio:
“He experimented with several healing methods including Chinese medicine, herbalists, acupuncture, massage, and he went to several chiropractors. He also tired different diets such as macrobiotics and vegetarianism”
He was “[…]a bit of a hypochondriac.”
Of course musicians are often eccentric, and accidents happen, but still, I wondered.
His “chiropractor” was most likely not a Doctor of Chiropractic.
And why would pension funds collapse because of this? I thought pension funds invest in the long term, where the gilt will pay back the fund at maturity. This becomes a problem only if the pension fund is trading government bonds, which it shouldn’t be.
everybody in the entire world is chasing yield; that’s been the case for a few years now. with bonds {were} paying zero or less, and pretty much every stock market in the world except the US being utter garbage, (you wanna entrust your $$ to china stocks? srsly? the same guys who built massive ghost cities, what kind of games you suppose those guys will play with money and accounting??) then desperate money guys/money managers will get desperately creative and accept previously unthinkable levels of risk to score another % point or 2
spoiler alert: this will not end well
Under the Auspices of Secularism/Atheism does genuine Black Magick thrive. The death of JFK was one example of an occult ritual:
Great comment. Sorry for the late approval, for some reason this was placed right in the trash folder, and I never saw it.
Turkey Says Finland, Sweden Have Not Done Enough To Join NATO
Infowars did some digging on Elon Musk.
“Be humble, and focus on the idea that in a few months you will be able to begin to ease back into your old regimen, once the structures have replenished themselves, and you will be fully healed.” – Anonymous Conservative
Had my first acupuncture treatment this afternoon. The lady acupuncturist is from Taiwan. Needles were first placed into both ears “to calm your spirit.” 30 minutes was spent laying on my back resting after having needles placed into my hands, arms, feet, legs, and solar plexus. The next 30 minutes was spent resting on my stomach after having 17 needles placed into my spine and lower back. The needles only feel like a light prick into the skin and only hurt when I moved. My problem is that I’m generally fidgety, so relaxing and being still was the most difficult part. My back has been pain-free ever since. My cynical side is waiting for the pain to return. “Oh ye of little faith.” I’m only posting this because AC mentioned it and because perhaps there might be others who are interested in trying out Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Thank you for the report, and I am glad it is working!
Collapse Of Asia’s Largest Aluminum Producer Leaves Massive Hole In Market
“A lot of American liberals money went into Arab society to prevent Netanyahu from returning to power.”
A bombshell on Ayala Hasson’s broadcast this evening. Sami Abu Shehadeh describes millions of dollars invested from abroad in the Arab sector to increase the percentage of the vote by foreign associations and foreign countries @AyalaHasson
Fooled around with ASMR a couple of years ago-nothing sexual, just girls tapping the microphone with various objects and repeating nonsense phrases. It made the back of my neck tingle in the same way a spiritual experience does. I can see where it would be addicting. I got creeped out when certain sounds would make my whole body twitch and so I quit doing it. It’s weird how that stuff just came out of nowhere and all of these Youtubers are suddenly doing it for a living.
A good tweet about Anti-Christian Nationalists:
“Civil authorities should not implement Christian teachings!
*Civil authorities ignore Christ’s precepts on the distinction between God and Caesar*
*Surprise Pikachu face*”