News Briefs – 11/05/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Twitter Brief is here.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


A great twitter video showing Trump will probably take Arizona, which if he keeps Pennsylvania from being lost to fraud, will assure him a victory. Things supposedly look good in Nevada too.

You can see where both Wisconsin and Michigan had Biden votes injected into the system, on their vote graphs. Graphs for both states show vertical lines in the Biden counts at roughly the same time in the early morning, and both vertical lines are just enough to put the final vote total over the top. Best part is to click on the tweet that highlighted it, and see the guy’s account got suspended for highlighting this.

Some info on the Wisconsin results:

Seven voters older than the oldest human being alive today voted in Michigan including one man born in 1850.

On the Chans, some think this tweet By President Trump was foreshadowing a trap to catch fraudulent voting. Several anons have come on claiming inside knowledge, citing previous articles on DHS’s massive focus on voter fraud over the last two years, and indicating DHS has somehow serialized ballots from important states covertly with blockchain, using invisible water marks or microdots, and that will be revealed in court, causing the true extent of the voter fraud to be unveiled as millions of ballots are shown to have been printed off by some third party and inserted into the system. Now that they mention it, my ballot did have a very small version of one of those square two-dimensional checkerboard barcode symbols on it, something I have not seen in previous years. I saw it at the time, and thought it curious, as it could easily hide an identifier that could link me to my vote.

Reliably Red Antrim County in Michigan strangely went blue – on investigation, voting software had altered the vote totals blue, forcing a hard recount of the tabulator tape. In the end, that small county ended up with 6000 more Trump votes, raising the question of how many more Trump votes were disappeared by the same software, where it was used in 32 other counties. CIA backdoor in the software?

Detroit absentee ballot counting chaos as workers block windows and bar observers.

Detroit Election Workers cheer as GOP election monitor and GOP lawyer are removed from the TCF center.

Joe Biden campaign is seeking volunteers in Georgia to ‘go door to door helping voters fix their mail in ballots’ after election day.

Wagons, suitcases, and coolers roll into Detroit voting center at 4 AM.

North Carolina officials will not announce results until November 12th.

23,277 votes were found in Philadelphia, all for Joe Biden.

A missing thumb drive for a ballot scanner forced the Lancaster County elections office to recount more than 21,000 in-person absentee ballots late Tuesday night.

James Bond has been recast with a black woman in the lead.

Flashback t 2018 – Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen on Wednesday called on election officials in all 50 states to ensure that ballots used during the 2020 presidential election are able to be audited.

The Supreme Court ordered Pennsylvania Democrats to respond by Thursday evening in a case challenging the state’s three-day extension for counting mail-in ballots.

Trump might move beyond ‘count every vote’ to ‘verify every vote.’

Trump assembling all-star legal team to mount election challenges in close states.

Viganò says, America is in midst of ‘colossal electoral fraud,’ we must pray now, to defeat the enemy.

President Trump increased his support 50% with black voters, in exit polls, where not everyone might admit they supported President Trump.

House GOP celebrates unexpected gains.

Kayeigh McEnany predicts Trump will win Pennsylvania by 40,000 votes, take Arizona, and win reelection.

Spread r/K Theory, because if you play the game right, your enemy will not see what’s coming.

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4 years ago

Slaying the ZOG: The Guide – Version 0.08 (05-11-20)

4 years ago

I told y’all that Murica has the most inclusive democracy in the world frens, even people that don’t exist can vote. Much wow, such luv for debogracy.

4 years ago

>”Seven voters older than the oldest human being alive today voted in Michigan including one man born in 1850.”

Man loves democracy so much he fucking crawls out of his grave just to vote for Biden.
Based af senpai.

4 years ago

>”James Bond has been recast with a black woman in the lead.”

Jamesina Boondocks

4 years ago

Q Team, Trump Admin, whoever is in charge of reading this for them, people once the victory is secure for Trump he must continue to root out fraud and flip MORE states. The American people have already been shown that we can’t trust the voting system, now they need to know how bad it is. They can handle it. Forget whether or not Trump needs it to win, WE NEED THIS. Great Awakening, remember?

Find every vote, and flip every election they stole. Then hang the bastards for it.

Reply to  Lowell
4 years ago



If not now then when?

Trump MUST NOT stop just because he eeks out a win, too many other races besides POTUS are affected by it.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago


Wisconsin/Michigan/etc. are NOT ENOUGH. Dig through every last goddamn vote and root it all out. Then fucking hang them all.

4 years ago

Well, since the election is over, I thought we’d hear from John Durham. …crickets

Yet, I’m on YouTube, just finished watching a Lou Dobbs segment with Tom Fitton and the scroll at the bottom says Durham didn’t find anything wrong in Obamagate!

We are living in LuLu land.

4 years ago

One factor that put this election in jeopardy for President Trump and us was the propaganda that Trump was a Nazi and this “far-right” slogan. That half of the population believe that Trump is Hitler redux and then the smearing as “far-right”.

Adolf Hitler and Nazism was Leftist. As Zeev Sternhell points out in his book “The Birth of Fascist Ideology”, “fascism is a revision of marxism”. If Marxism is Leftist, then, fascism that is a revision of that, is also leftist.

What defines the Left is democracy. What defines the Right is Hierarchy, monarchy. That is the traditional use of the terms. I wrote a paper with references and such to show that Hitler was a leftist. It is mostly based on the work of the Austrian Aristocrat, Roman Catholic, Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn who was a polyglot and went to the original source material.

Hitler was a Leftist; Nazism was Leftist

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

Fascism is not an economic argument socialism. It is a political one. Fascism wants socialism to be parochial, not international.

It is how fascism beats communism.

4 years ago

I ran across this guy on Twitter who is asking for help working with election data. I don’t know how valid this is, but I thought it was interesting.

4 years ago
REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

Off topic from the election battle, but lets start looking at Cabal sources and methods- certainly in the US many cabalites occupy corner houses or observation points at T or X intersections or at certain hill locations overlooking road approaches, even at corners on L curves with observation along each road.

I can speak to this. Near where I live there are T corner houses in a very Red (70-80%) area, at least 3 of them, all had Biden signs out (which are removed now). One of the homes, which oversees the corner of a road leading to 2 gated communities, the only road leading in or out to those communities, was one of them. This house was also flanked by 2 additional homes on each side that had Biden signs out too. It wouldn’t surprise me if the gate guards or people monitoring the communities are Biden people as well.

On election day I go to check an ungated, spread out neighborhood, just for a drive and of the 3 L road curves there, 2 are occupied by homes with Biden signs out.

So, in my area alone- using the indicators of 1) Biden signs and 2) Corner, there are at least 7 cabal operating locations and perhaps more. That’s 7 out of about 95, which is about 7.4% in a predominantly rural, +75% GOP voting area. It wouldn’t surprise me if there was significant cabal presence in the gated communities as well, one with about 100 homes and the other larger, with about 250 homes. A gas station at an X intersection (and the only stoplight for miles) which leads to the area is also permanently occupied with what looks like mid-easterners or (dot) Indians of which there seem to be around a dozen. That gas station has a perfect view of passing vehicles.

So out of 1300 people in the area, an 85% white, rural area- that is heavily Republican- of the about 400 outside the gated communities, if there are 2 people per Cabal house and the gas station attendants are counted that’s 24 or 25 people in 350, which is around 7%. It wouldn’t surprise me if many cabal live in the gated communities as well. In an urban area where it is even easier to recruit an informant network it could easily be twice that, and remember 7% is the floor here, the figure is likely higher. Even in an unimportant area 7% is high. The real figure is probably around 10%.

Cabal is a real thing. Informant networks are real. Just look at Soviet/Chinese apartment block construction. Who always lives at the bottom near the gate? The guy who works for “the party”. Who lived at the top of the apartment building with a corner apartment looking line-of-sight at other corner apartments in other buildings going for miles? The commissar and his family. This gave the state full control over everyone who lived in those buildings- which is why they pull people out of rural villages and put them there to begin with.

It’s critical, in coming days, to understand cabal ground ops. AC is right, it can make or break whatever you are doing.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Yes, that’s it. Anything “Kinetic” that you do, they know you are coming. That’s my advice to anyone peacefully protesting at 2800 FPS.

So, here is the key. Cabal can handle small meals- little spoonfuls of peanut butter. It’s sticky, but they can swallow it. Shove the whole jar of Jifs down their throat and they will choke to death.

And they aren’t toothless. Here are their force “assets” as I see them: 1 of every 10 police officers in rural areas, 3 of 10 in suburbs and 5+ of 10 in urban areas. 60% of the FBI. 25% of the US military officer corps, including most women and minorities there. Maybe 15% of the military total, but lower in the Combat Arms. Deep Blue states have at least 3+ Infantry Divisions equivalent under control of Democrat Governors. That is easily 300,000 people right off the bat. MS-13, Muslims, Antifa and BLM aren’t even included yet, nor is the Chinese military.

Given the number of less enthusiastic sitting a fight out, the advantage that we have is probably a little over 2 to 1. Lack of Media control and this cabal informant network makes the odds about even, still we probably have a slight advantage.

Of course, a big reveal would instantly damage their entire network and make the information battlefield winnable for us. It would shove the whole jar of PB down their throat. Then we can have the +2 to 1 odds in a fight, which we will win. That fight would solve the problem for good, and is probably the only way to, in fact, Make America Great Again.

4 years ago

re. ballots, California Anon here:

We received mail-in ballots, but voted in person. Still have the mail ballots, so I decided to take a look for any interesting features. There’s a QR code, but that’s on the little strip you tear off and keep, supposedly so you can track your ballot. The ballot itself that gets mailed in does not have a QR code that I can see. Holding it up to the light, I also don’t see any kind of watermark embedded in the paper (which doesn’t mean it isn’t there, just that I can’t see it. Could be something that is only revealed with the right light). There is a heavy black & white border, which could conceivably have some kind of magnetic or other specialty ink like on a bank check.

What it does have, on both pages (we had two), is a faint, reddish brown image of a little flower on the front side of each page, in the white space just above the box that says “Official Ballot.” Clearly some kind of fraud prevention image, but as to effectiveness or anything special about it, I couldn’t say.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

Hopefully countermeasures were taken by Trump, in fact they probably were. Making that produce a tangible result remains to be seen. Absent a countermeasure the only fix I see that judges can enact is to not seat electors from these states (PA, AZ, NV, MI, WI, GA, MN, NH, NC, VA) unless their state legislatures pick them- otherwise we will probably have a contingent election if those delegate electors aren’t allowed to vote in the Electoral College. Those outcomes both favor Trump. You only lose if you don’t fight every fight that can be fought. You only lose if you don’t fight.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

at the risk of looking like a grandstanding pompous asshole, (why, these lads _need_ to hear my thoughts on this!”), and my sincerest apologies to AC for comment Bogartage, here’s what I wrote on another thread here:

“here’s tha thing, boyos: starting very very soon, the PA democrat election-theft machine (or NV or whoever. ‘who’ doesn’t matter) is gonna announce “Biden won, he gets our EV’s.” which will put biden “over 270.”

FROM THAT INSTANT ON, biden and the media is gonna HAMMER the phrase “president-elect joe biden” every 6 seconds from now til doomsday. expect it. be ready for it. IGNORE IT: it’s a contemptible fucking lie. just another democrat sales pitch, even worse than ‘you can keep your plan’; worse than ‘we really like you inbred fucking middle-class rubes and ghetto dwellers.’

make SURE you don’t get discouraged by this; make sure your people don’t fall for it; make sure to loudly and publicly take a huge steaming shit on *anyone* who uses those words.

No retreat.

No doomsaying.

No surrender.

To the death, if that’s what it takes.”

“president-elect joe biden” will just be another pathetic lie, no more worthy of fear or respect than “michelle obama is the epitome of feminine beauty and grace.”

Reply to  stingaling
4 years ago

Completely agree.

Post Election night demoralization season is in effect. Just waiting for them to announce it over the air.

Reply to  stingaling
4 years ago

Nancy Pelosi already started using the term.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

>”their candidate wouldn’t have been so perfectly awful.”

OR it needed to be as shitty as possible because it needed to be someone who could be disposed off without nobody missing him in order to install someone else in the line of succession (but they’d have to win the elekshun first).

I have no idea thou. I will miss Joe’s advanced malarkey, his retardation always made me laugh like a moderafsafaifde.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Yes, AC. Look here’s the skinny, I’m a Christian. A devout Christian. And I believe in judgement. When a nation goes as wrong as ours has for as long, there is a punishment. Jesus did not go to the Cross for the Nations or even Israel, He went to redeem you and me and everyone’s souls when we die if, and only if, you believe in him. Earthly troubles are not part of that deal.

If the will of American men and women in any position of power is to break the Law or that no punishment will be meted out for these transgressions then there is a price for that. If Americans won’t enforce their own law, someone else will, someone more deserving. The land of America will eventually have it’s sabbath- to the detriment of hundreds of millions of souls of people who lived in America.

As for Mitt Romney, who has excommunicated himself, well he has witnessed and denied the Holy Spirit- which will not be forgiven as Jesus Christ said. Every unrepentant democrat, criminal, migrant, traitor and coward that gets their way is similarly DAMNED. The Angels of Heaven are not fooled and God is not mocked by men.

And remember, Russia would not be the nation that it is today without the Communist revolution and 70 years of satanic sin and stupidity that followed before the USSR finally collapsed.

Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

The silent majority of Americans have been defrauded for generations and are not responsible nor deservig of punishment.

I believe that Trump and Q have been chosen to bring judgement on those who deserve it and give the silent majority a chance to rule themselves and earn consequences good or bad for themselves.

Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

About time….Barr is fucking pissed. Good. That’s a good sign.

4 years ago

Carlos Osweda was suspended from twitter today. As near as I can figure, this was his last tweet…the one that got him suspended. He must be over the target.

Reply to  Luigi
4 years ago

On a related note, I noticed that the r/K Facebook page seems to be unavailable. Very curious.

Man in the Middle
Man in the Middle
Reply to  RedMoonProject
4 years ago

I was a moderator for that group, and had my Facebook account disabled this week without warning and with no reason given, and was not allowed to even ask them to look into it. Perhaps it wasn’t just me Facebook was after.

Reply to  Man in the Middle
4 years ago

Very unfortunate. The Bio-Leninism group is still up though.

4 years ago

My shields aren’t strong enough for the Chans but I hope someone is asking Q…because if this isn’t the storm…there isn’t one.

Reply to  No
4 years ago

>”My shields aren’t strong enough for the Chans”

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

Don’t trust my antivirus, malware vpn and other measures to keep me secure and private.

Reply to  No
4 years ago

That makes sense.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

It’s a rough place. If you can’t stomach degeneracy, cursing and devilish banter its not going to be pleasant.

4 years ago

MSM videos/streams of election night coverage have been deleted from youtube.
Note: you can click and drag the image to enlarge it on

4 years ago

AC bro, check this one out:

There are two Q posts. One uses the term “darnkess” and the other says “darkness”.
And people are saying there is a folder on Hunter’s laptop was labeled “darnkess”, but I can’t confirm this (anyone?).

Would be noice if someone could confirm that Hunter had a file with that name, that would be a 100% normie frenly and easy to digest proof of Q’s legitimacy.

4 years ago

Feinstein’s husband (Richard Blum) owns the voting software:

And OFF COURSE, as the law of termoeverysingletime dictates:

he is a Jew.

4 years ago

On the interview with Gilad Atzmon:

There is one thing he says that I disagree with, he says Jews are not a race, but there IS a Jewish race, and Judaism is based on racial supremacism.

4 years ago

Although the zionism of Mr. Bannon is retarded af (zionism has no place in the West, and zionists are always traitors according to the father of modern political zionism Theodor Herzl himself), he is right about what he said there.

Man in the Middle
Man in the Middle
4 years ago

Can someone please let Richard H. Nichols know that I can’t be moderate the r/K discussion group on Facebook any longer because Facebook disabled my account this week and refuses to re-enable it, for no stated reason.

Reply to  Man in the Middle
4 years ago

His account appears to be gone as well. The group no longer comes up in searches either.

4 years ago

Dr. Steve Pieczenik (a Jew, but one of the good ones) says Ballots had QFS-Blockchain Watermark, Sting Operation

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

I hope and pray this is real, but have to remain skeptical to maintain my composure.

4 years ago

Potential LARP, but plausible:

Anons, a trusted friend sent me this information that had me stand up and if true, have an ah huh moment. The trusted friend is a DOD contractor. I have no reason to doubt him. Why not start a pandemic for empathy to kill off the witnesses! Just read this.

“To all my Patriot friends that support Potus45 –

All official paper ballots printed in the USA has a specific watermark and a sliver of a radio computer nanochip that is so tiny that you can’t see it with the naked eye.

The DNC Democrats had fake ballots printed in China that do not have these security features. Potus45 is fully aware of this act of attempting to steal the election, committing election fraud. This is a regular crime for the Democrats during Election time. All ballots are conveniently pre filled out with votes for Biden and their favored Senate and Congressmen. Guess who filled out the ballots? By factory workers in Wuhan China June 2019. All witnesses caught COVID19 and died The post marked mail received dates have been changed from Nov 4th to Nov 2nd. The polling places are finding 100% all Biden votes on exactly the number of Ballots needed to disavow a challenge by Potus45 and giving Biden a win.

During the early hours of Wednesday, Nov 4th, videos have been taken by Potus45’s legal team of election fraud by polling judges accepting boxes and coolers filled with fake, premarked ballots for Biden. This coincidentally occured at all polling resolution centers in the large population states with large numbers of electoral votes……And at 4:00am EST regardless of the states time zone. One phone conference call was made to each states election HQ to inform them of the time to receive the fraudulent ballots from the driver of unmarked white box trucks.

Please reconcile how a GOP Senate race is won with high percentage of the vote in these states but, the voter voted for Biden and not Trump. Clearly election fraud.

By November 11th, our President Trump will be reelected. Veterans Day. Potus45 is supported by our Veterans who, came out of retirement to re enter service at his request.

Sometimes you have to show the public the fraud first hand before they believe it.

It’s not over until the US Military take them away in cuffs. Trump knows it all! ”

Just shocking if true.


4 years ago

Grab your phones frens:

>Call every Republican state legislator, senator, governor, House member, governor in the country
>Ask them if they will publicly acknowledge the voter fraud against the president and support his victory
>If they refuse to answer, tell them you will not vote for them and will support any primary challenger in the next election

Links with pages to all contacts on the thread.

4 years ago

Just saw this at Citizens Free Press:

ALERT — Criminal referral sent to William Barr with 3,062 cases of voter fraud…

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

“QFS-Blockchain Watermark, Sting Operation”

We’ll see. He has before spoke in the same vein after Trump won yet there has not been broad movement to prosecute these people.

I myself have given simple rock solid legislation that the Republicans could have passed to destroy the Democrats (changing Senatorial Representation in the States to regional representation), and they did nothing. They had the House the Senate and the Presidency and they did nothing but pass tax cuts. They could have in many, many ways tilted the whole entire playing field and they did nothing. If you’re going to win you have to focus on you strengths and act on them. They have not.

Now people are trying to shame people who bring up these discontinuities between talk and action [you must “believe”!] but it must be noted that all of their actions are brinksmanship. They say in the end they will do some sort of fancy voodoo and it will all be wrapped in a pretty package for us. Now I ask is this the way you fight wars? We are in a war and if you were in a war would you constantly keep doubling down on that big last ditch super weapon to defeat the enemy or do you win by attacking your enemy with the death by a thousand cuts?

Who else is it that said he would win a war by super weapons and win everything in the end by voodoo and super weapons? Remember? You might know him the guy who lost WWII.

I tend to believe Dr. Steve Pieczenik because he openly says Israel did 9-11, which they did, but he’s a Jew so you can never tell. He could be very well setting us up. He worked for Bush Sr. and many others and did a lot of crooked evil shit for them. If it were demanded I had to say someone was Q I would have to name him.

I notice they said the National Guard was sent to Alabama. Why the fuck would they send the NG to Alabama? There is no big antifa in Alabama because it’s illegal to wear a mask and protest in Alabama. That was passed to control the Klan. Antifa tried to protest once in Alabama and they were all told they would be arrested if they didn’t take off their mask so they left. Not to mention anytime they got aggressive with people they kicked the shit out of them.

And why do people who disagree that things do not all seem to be what they are telling us continue to call others who say this pussys. Sounds like you are Jews to me. It’s Jews that constantly attack people with name calling and very rarely do they have any logic, explanation or rationalization. They just call people names. You get to where you can recognize what is likely to be some Jew stupid moniker when they comment and they seem to be telling us to “trust the plan” which makes me even more suspicious.

I hope Pieczenik is on the up and up and told the truth but I’ll believe it when I see them dragging people off to jail in handcuffs. Until then we should be suspicious of everything and not believe a damn word anyone says.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

>” It’s Jews that constantly attack people with name calling and very rarely do they have any logic, explanation or rationalization. They just call people names. ”

That’s 100% fact.

>” Until then we should be suspicious of everything and not believe a damn word anyone says. ”

My position exactly. IMHO it’s optimal to try to focus on the positives to calm the blackpilled frens down so they don’t have a stroke, but at the end of the day, we shall know if we are being played or not by the fruits of this massive shit show. And this is not just about the election, Jewish and Muslim collective power in the West are the biggest threat we are facing, and then the demographic time-bomb and the ethnic replacement of Western people. And no amount of calling anyone names will stop those issues from being the most important issues that the West faces.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

I agree with you completely. Too many false moves by Q and his true believers.

This Dr. Steve guy sounds a bit too good to be true.

Reality check: Trump and GOP had 4 years to shred these bastards and held their fire every time.

You don’t win a war for our civilization by waiting until the last possible moment and then hoping some watermarks will save the day when the entire MSM, Big Tech, Wall Street are using every dirty trick imaginable after poisoning the minds of half the population with 5 years of propaganda.

Trump could have moved against Big Tech at any point in his presidency. He did nothing.

He could have kicked Fauci to the curb at any time, or better yet, not platformed him at all.
Instead, Trump allowed that little monster to paralyze the entire country, destroying thousands of businesses, several of whom I know personally. Multi generation family businesses destroyed. For what? Some supposed come from behind, late in the last quarter, win?

Total BS from top to bottom.

4 years ago

CHINA FAIL: Chinese Mail Packages Full of Biden Votes Found in Atlanta polling station

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

You know I searched for “who prints ballots” and came up with many companies that print ballots and some links like

“…”There is no federal ballot design authority,” Dana Chisnell tells NPR’s Rachel Martin. Chisnell is co-director of the Center for Civic Design, a nonprofit aimed at developing best practices for election materials.

“How ballots get designed is really a combination of local election officials and what their printers can do, if it’s a print-based ballot, and what the computers can do, if it’s an electronic voting system.”…”

So how is it they can claim all the ballots are watermarked if they don’t print them? I saw a statement that DHS did in the Pieczenik video but then what is this,

“…Online: If you have access to the internet and a printer, you can download and print your ballot…”

“…election officials sent out a large number of absentee ballots with the wrong names and addresses on the return envelopes.

The New York City Board of Elections blamed the problem on Rochester-based Phoenix Graphics, the vendor hired to print and mail the ballots for voters in Brooklyn and Queens…”

If DHS controls these then how does the NYCBE hire vendors for ballots.

Why is what they are telling us and publicly available information not adding up? Why are they different?

Why have we never heard of the Federal government being responsible for printing ballots when it’s always been, or so I thought, States and counties doing this? Where’s the law passed that made this so?

Here’s another and I suspect I could go on all day with these.

“…The county commissioners voted unanimously Thursday to outsource to a Harrisburg-based company the printing and mailing of absentee and mail-in ballots for the upcoming general election.
The commissioners approved a contract with David A. Smith Printing…”

Who’s lying? Who’s telling the truth?

Chad Bigly
Chad Bigly
Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

Buck up, little camper. Have a little faith in the God Emperor.

4 years ago