News Briefs – 11/04/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


More noticing American Stasi shenanigans, this time by feminist author Naomi Wolf:

Obama Judge Rules that Arizona Secretary of State Adrien Fontes must turn over records of 1.2 million “inactive” voters on state voter rolls — but not until December 2.

Biden judge rules that Iowa can check ballots of potential noncitizens in loss for ACLU.

Pennsylvania’s unusual voting laws make it ripe for rigged election claims.

Shady election group dumps 90,000 ballot registrations in Maricopa County before sign-up deadline ends – at least 40,000 damaged, thousands incomplete.

FCC commissioner claims Harris on ‘SNL’ violates ‘equal time’ rule. “This is a clear and blatant effort to evade the FCC’s Equal Time rule. The purpose of the rule is to avoid exactly this type of biased and partisan conduct – a licensed broadcaster using the public airwaves to exert its influence for one candidate on the eve of an election. Unless the broadcaster offered Equal Time to other qualifying campaigns.”

NBC airs Donald Trump ad during NASCAR in response to SNL Kamala Harris appearance.

NBC News filed an Equal Time notice with the Federal Communications Commission late Sunday, disclosing Kamala Harris’ appearance on “Saturday Night Live” after the network was accused of violating the longstanding rule, which would have allowed other candidates to request equal time for up to a week following her appearance, if the election were not tomorrow.

Democrats will flood social media and the airwaves with calls for calm and patience with vote-counting should Donald Trump claim election victory on election night.

Washington resident says she received 16 ballots with different names.

CNN on Twitter: Trump says he “shouldn’t have left” the White House after he lost 2020 election and that he wouldn’t mind someone shooting the press. True, and Fair.

A final poll by the New York Times has Donald Trump behind Kamala Harris in four critical swing states: Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina and Wisconsin.

Conservative influencer Nick Fuentes, who has refused to endorse Donald Trump in his 2024 presidential campaign, said Friday that of former president’s supporters, “it is a cult.” There is zero chance he has never met the surveillance. So he is entirely full of shit to begin with. And he has spent all this time, reciting MAGA tropes, just to try and stick a shiv in the movement’s back at the last moment, for the conspiracy. You do not see me promoted all the time on 4Chan, despite the fact I probably have more loyal readers than this asshole gets, and my shit is infinitely more based, and designed to make readers here stronger and more capable. But you do see him promoted, because the conspiracy has people promote him. And strangely enough, the illusion is enough to do for the conspiracy what must be done.

One of the United States’ foremost white supremacists, Richard Spencer, has called for followers to vote for Kamala Harris in the upcoming elections. All hands on deck for this election. They will even make their misogynist moralist white supremacist endorse a fake-black Indian female sex-worker of color. So much for his cover identity.

New York state Governor Kathy Hochul (D) said voting for Republicans who support former President Donald Trump in this election makes you both “anti-woman” and “anti-American.”

Pelosi loses own train of thought as she accuses Trump of ‘cognitive decline.’

DOJ memo calls attention to a Civil War-era law in warning federal agents not to respond to polling places with guns.

Farce put this in the comments, and it is strange – Kamala, a longtime member of the Smithsonian’s National Zoo’s Asian elephant herd, was euthanized Saturday in D.C. following years of struggling with osteoarthritis. It does seem like a warning from Cabal to the troops, that Kamala is about to be put down, so it is less of a surprise.

Notorious Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua connected to 500 NYC arrests so far this year: report.

Texas AG says Catholic charity is smuggling migrants into US, running a ‘stash house.’

National Guard troops on standby in Washington state, Oregon and Nevada as a precaution for ‘potential’ election unrest.

Amazon Alexa LIES about why Peanut the Squirrel was murdered.

Israel’s equivalent of the elite Navy SEALs stormed a beach in Lebanon over the weekend, snatched a nearby senior Hezbollah operative and then raced off with him in a speedboat, officials say.

Was ‘Hezbollah operative’ abducted by Israeli special forces actually a double agent who was being rescued during a daring IDF snatch-and-grab mission?

U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has ordered the deployment of additional ballistic missile defense destroyers, fighter squadron and tanker aircraft, and several B-52 long-range strike bombers to the Middle East, as a warning to Iran.

Khamenei threatens Israel and US with ‘a crushing response’ to Israel’s airstrikes.

Provocative anti-Israel T-shirt sees man arrested on Australia’s most iconic beach. Shirt had an Israeli Flag, and above it said “F*ck Israel” and below it said “F*ck Zionism.”

Former First Minister of Scotland Humza Yousaf admits family could leave UK due to rise of Islamophobia. Migrant bloodlines are r-strategist bloodlines. They are not made to endure hardship or kill their enemies. They are made to crave other places innately, and be driven to jet off to them by the slightest danger or hostility. The migrant problem will, to a huge degree, solve itself when the time comes.

Imran Khan: Populist hero and Pakistan’s Trump on verge of death after Never-Trump Biden-Harris official had him imprisoned.

Hungary’s Orban says Trump victory would force all of Europe to rethink support for Ukraine.

Leftists pledging suicide if Trump wins:


‘Inspiring and eye-opening’: Gen Z’s interest in skilled trades is rising.

Truth Social stock boom fueled by chatter of possible sale to Elon Musk.

People with Harris signs in panic after receiving letters and postcards thanking them for ‘volunteering’ to house migrant families.

“Female voters on both sides of the aisle were turned off by misogynistic comments made by top Harris campaign surrogate Mark Cuban last week saying Donald Trump does not surround himself with ‘intelligent women.’ And an ‘insulting’ new Harris-Walz ad suggesting women should ‘lie to their husbands’ about how they vote isn’t helping the Democratic nominee either.”

Michael Moore pleads with nonvoters to back Kamala: ‘Just as a favor for me,’ adding, “There is, honestly, too large of a part of me that believes we may be truly at our end.”

Harris’ attempt to cozy up to Arab and Muslim voters spectacularly backfires and threatens to cost her 19 Electoral College votes and potentially the election.

‘We like fighters’: Muslim and Somali leaders endorse Trump in Minnesota.

Trump pushes to boost turnout among disaffected young men.

Democrat early voting disaster–8 states where data is available. Interesting analysis which shows Democrats are not turning out, and it will be a Trump blowout. IMO, Democrats will turn out just as much as 2020. The discrepancy is most likely somehow related to a failure of the fake-vote machine this cycle.

Former Obama campaign manager says early voting numbers are ‘scary’ for Harris.

Trump camp touts GOP early-voting gains over 2020 as election comes down to wire.

Sen Tim Scott: ‘It is going to be a very, very good day for Donald Trump on Tuesday.’

In mock election, Maine students pick Donald Trump over Kamala Harris, with Trump easily defeating his Democratic rival, 52% to 41% for Harris.

In an extremely tight election race, young men could sway the result in favor of former President Donald Trump, polling suggests.

Trump leading Harris in every swing state: new poll.

Rasmussen FINAL Sunday afternoon crosstabs: Trump 49%, Harris 46%.

Send people to, because th enemy looking angry and talking about killing themselves is a good thing

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3 months ago

Texas AG says Catholic charity is smuggling migrants into US, running a ‘stash house.’
Question for the Catholics here: how do you know your church isn’t corrupted? I mean, the one that you attend (if you attend, that is).

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  uf
3 months ago

I have been a lapsed Catholic for nearly 40 years because it is crystal clear to me that the Catholic Hierarchy is totally compromised, and has been since before I was born.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  uf
3 months ago

Question for the Catholics here: how do you know your church isn’t corrupted?”

Depends on what you mean, specifically, by “corrupted”.

From almost day 1, the church has had various bad actors: wolves in sheep’s clothing, heretics, liars, sexual immorality, even a man who shacked up with his stepmother in Corinth (when the Apostles were still walking the earth!).

This has gone on non-stop for 2000 years. There have been so many heresies in the Church (which had to be squelched by ecumenical councils or other means) that I can’t even name them all. Monothelitism, Monarchianism, Arianism, Pelagianism, Nestorianism, Gnosticism, on and on and on. The Church has also had banking scandals, simony scandals (one of which led to the Protestant “Reformation”), multiple claims to the papacy at the same time (rival “popes”), a litany too long to recall.

However, if when you say “corrupted” you mean the Church is wrong about something, well that also happens. In fact, the ONLY topics in which we have certitude about Church infalibility is that the teaching magisterium will be inerrant on issues of morals and faith. No other issues.

So my answer to your question is, I know the Church is not corrupted in its teaching magisterium on issues of faith and morals (doesn’t mean individual Bishops aren’t corrupted! Important distinction here). But on EVERY other thing in this world, other than those 2, the Church could be in error. So follow the advice of St. Padre Pio: “Pray, hope, and don’t worry.” Which is so very true. The more I pray, the less I worry.

Now, for a brief example, as a thought experiment if you know history, just think back to the time period of about 1000 AD to about 1400 AD, and look at what Popes were doing. They were authorizing/promoting/organizing Crusades to protect the Holy Land (AND Europe) from Islam invasion.

Today, in my interior life, not a week goes by when I don’t scratch my head wondering “Why was the Church promoting military defense of Christendom 10 centuries ago, but here and now is seemingly trying to nullify national borders and throw open Christendom to the 3rd World, even those who hate Christianity?”

The answer to that question, I suspect (but can’t prove), is that the errors of Modernism are the key difference. I think it was even a pope who expressed the idea that “modernism is the synthesis of all errors”. In other words, Satan has built a MechaGodzilla, if you will, to attack the Church. His MechaGodzilla is Modernism, the synthesis of all errors. It is a powerful foe. In the end, though, the Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph, and the Church will be restored to glory.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Kentucky Gent
3 months ago

Great comment

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Kentucky Gent
3 months ago

Dont forget the genocide against the Cathars during that time frame. The catholic church sold its soul over a thousand years ago. It is, and has been thoroughly pozzed for centuries. And yes, I am a catholic.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  English Tom
3 months ago

A Catholic Englishman? Surely you jest.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Kentucky Gent
3 months ago

The city in England I am from is characterised as more Irish than English!

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
3 months ago

In the end, though, the Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph, and the Church will be restored to glory.
Praying this logic, and particularly faith, quickly grows and ultimately prevails.

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
3 months ago

“ Trump says he “shouldn’t have left” the White House after he lost 2020 election and that he wouldn’t mind someone shooting the press. True, and Fair.”

Nah, he should go full-Pinochet and airdrop them sans parachute somewhere off the Delaware coast.

3 months ago

O.k. anons enemy contacts may be close at hand. Always remember what your sergeant told you: “STAY LOOSE!”

3 months ago

Oliver Stone’s son produced a movie about the derailment of the Trump administration in 2016-17. It will be posted on the internet on Friday. He seems to have gotten a lot of cooperation from the Trump inner circle at the time.

He was interviewed by Kim Iversen, and they got into detail about the Cabal, which the Trump people clearly think they were facing:

The 2016 Trump inner circle had Deep State ties, and I get the impression from the interview that they really were some sort of intel op, facing off against an international Cabal based in Europe. Its hard to avoid thinking that as you watch the interview.

So this is getting QAnonish, but I’ll add that the entire “great awakening” and “they have to be shown” things are completely misunderstood. Ordinary people reading these think they refer to ordinary people. They refer to elites.

This has always been an elite vs elite fight. Historically, the peasants don’t come into these things until they are mobilized for a war. The most ordinary people could do was not to comply with the various demands on their personal lives, and they mostly complied, and to vote for MAGA candidates, which a majority did but it was nullified by fraud.

The language always referred to elites. The 2016 Trump campaign was an elite operation. Steve Bannon and Michael Flynn are elites. By 2024, he was receiving notably more elite support. And this was due to the activities of the Biden administration, which started to target elites who had been neutral in 2020 or even supported the blues.

I’ll also throw in this, mainly because the essay is quite well written in itself, but its an example of the thought process of many people in elite circles:

Reply to  Ed
3 months ago

The lesser nobility, they eat the crumbs that drop from cabal’s table and don’t care about the rest of us.
I don’t want them turned and allowed to stay in our society with their wealth and power intact.
They deserve to end up on the losing side of a peasant revolt with Trump at its head.
How many of us have to die or have our lives ruined so Q team can let their peers off easy?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 months ago

Correct bro. These elites or leader “figureheads”, with their accomplices whether they were elected, .gov appointees, various apparatchiks etc are the enablers of the corruption and resultant shitshow. Even most of the middle management needs to be cashed out and expunged, vigorously. If not by dismissal and banishment going quietly, then head first into mobark wood chippers screaming. It’s the only way to be sure.

Reply to  Frosty
3 months ago

Anyone voting for feet first?

3 months ago

Why Flat Earthers got popularized, recently. It’s hard to run a science program that challenges the ideasphere guys.

3 months ago

I’d like to believe Nick Fuentes was a sincere patriot until they cut him off from the banking system and someone anonymously bailed him out with a shit load of crypto…but probably not.

Reply to  Ultra
3 months ago

He always was a perv mole masquerading as MAGA.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 months ago

Richard Spencer and Fuentes are two slimy little sh*ts who have always reeked of corruption and misdirection.

How people were ever attracted to them in the first place is an enduring mystery.

Reply to  Ultra
3 months ago

The cutoff is the cover story that builds his credibility, the payoff is the reward for being a good little shill. He’s a gay foreigner, how could he ever lead a resistance movement against the gay foreign satan legion that opposes us?

3 months ago

She was talking about firearms, but squirrels will work as well….

Kamala Harris said this on camera:

“Just because you are in the sanctity of your home, doesn’t mean we’re not going to walk into your home and check to see if you’re being responsible and safe in the way you conduct your affairs.”

Reply to  B_MC
3 months ago

Conducting my affairs? The nitwit has got some issues.

Reply to  Festis
3 months ago

Yes, “walk into your home”. Any such utterances from any pol or authority figures is a taunt. You don’t taunt Americans, with Bill of rights subject matters. Usually the blow back from such misguided stupid statements and .Gov adventurism escapades does not end well. Stay frosty anons

Reply to  Festis
3 months ago

Maybe go into their houses first as the pilot program to test this stupidity. They have so many great ideas for ordinary citizens. Still waiting to see the Patriot Act to be applied to them.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 months ago

Leftists pledging suicide if Trump wins:

I’m already voting for him. No need for the extra motivation.

Also, who post statements like this and expects anyone on either side to give a shit? The Left loves murder including self-murder. Win-win for both sides imo.

Reply to  Corn Pop
3 months ago

Don’t get too excited. They’re just overgrown children throwing temper tantrums because they’re not getting their way. They never follow through. Alec Baldwin was going to leave the US in 2000 when Bush won. That fucker is still here. Caryn Johnson ( (((Whoopie Goldberg))) ) is still here too. Not a single one of them left when they swore they would. I don’t have data on suicides, but I assume it’s the same thing. They never follow through. But I still wouldn’t change my vote over it.

3 months ago

More noticing American Stasi shenanigans, this time by feminist author (((Naomi Wolf))):

All symptoms of EM interference. Phone dies from noise on the radio circuits. Mouse wanders because of noise overloading the signal in the USB wire. Wifi drops because of interference.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

I knew a woman who would sleep upright with a kind of headband rig, and she had a bag of water on both her ears. She said the water barrier cut out a lot of the noise that she would hear. I was with her a couple of times, and that noise apparently happened but I didn’t notice it. I think my ears are fried due to being exposed to high db over a couple of decades, but I don’t have tenitis, just a steady kind of eeeeeeeeeeeeee sound, but not super loud where it drives me nuts. I think it’s the worst in cities, and tends to dissipate when I’m way out in the boondocks.
At any rate, this same woman showed me the EMF meter and the other one, can’t remember which one… and I was amazed how freakin’ high the levels are. It’s really noticeable when you turn your phone on, and it connects to 5G. Apparently, that shit is horrible for you… so I wonder if there is an accumulation of EMF/5G waves that messes with us… and whoever is getting beamed (whether they are aware of it or not), it really is a massive accumulation that disrupts our equilibrium… and at a slow steady pace that spans over years and years.
On that note, regarding EMF… I had stayed at a place once in farm country, a friend of a friend sort of thing… and the place was made with concrete walls, no wifi, and only one Ethernet cord. Man… I had the best sleep ever. I slept 10 hours straight, no interruption. Concrete all the way… and yeah, no wifi.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

I was going to suggest that you go hiking with a full backpack (tent and sleeping bag, multiple days of food, etc.) deep into the woods. Just to get a full night’s sleep.

Then I remembered, last time I did that, some other hiking party was on the trail. They “befriended” me and we camped together. Months later we again went on a deep woods hike and camped together.

Recently, I thought back on it all, and realized, they were cabal.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

Yeah all the .feds control spaces (national parks, usfs forests, blm lands, etc) as well as ingress egress routes are now part of the control grids monitoring. A few areas that are private lands or of stupidly remote areas may be a so called safe space from that overwatch, but little else. You are not alone innawoods like we think anymore. Agenda 2030 will close these off totally.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
3 months ago

That diserve to much longer post!

Anon cause don't give the wacko ammo
Anon cause don't give the wacko ammo
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

Not her first time. She has come a LONG way from her Dem days, she married a based security guy.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  phelps
3 months ago

It’s bitter vengefulness.
Instead of focusing on the campaign, now they are just screwing with people because they endorsed Trump. They are not going to change anything by it, they are just acting out. Trump must be slated to win and they thought they’d just beam somebody to mess with them … knowing they are about to lose.
I hope so.

Last edited 3 months ago by Texas Arcane
Reply to  Texas Arcane
3 months ago

Alternate theory being they know they won so hard with rigging they fear no consequence, and are in the open “fuck you normie” stage of the op

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
3 months ago

Why not spread this nation-wide for people waking up tomorrow morning
The anthem of the deplorables:
Johnny Cash – “These Are My People”

3 months ago

People with Harris signs in panic after receiving letters and postcards thanking them for ‘volunteering’ to house migrant families.

“The notice was sent by a fictional organization that goes by an acronym that we cannot repeat on broadcast news.”

Hahahahahahaha. Turnabout is fair play. The response that all open border liberals have is universally the same: “No, I mean the illegals should be housed by someone else and somewhere else.”

3 months ago

Richard Spencer outed himself as a shil in 2016 with the same act.

Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
3 months ago

Any one who wishes to kill themselves over an election has serious mental issues. Canada doesn’t care the why of it, they will provide the necessary procedure. Maybe they will accept Americans too.
Hollywood types will not leave, their income will be taxed well beyond what they are here. Patricia Arquette left for France when Reagan was elected to his second term. She returned within 2 years due to taxation.
If the DOD and Pentagon can’t handle a relatively simple task of providing ballots in time for elections I have serious doubts that they can handle an emergency situation. They had months to prepare for the election.

Reply to  Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
3 months ago

Many countries have much lower taxation than US.
Progressive tax rates ranging from 0% to 35%. The Malta Global Residence Programme offers a special tax regime for participants, with a 15% tax rate on income earned abroad and transferred to Malta, provided they earn at least €15,000 per annum.

No income tax
No income tax
The Bahamas
No income tax
United Arab Emirates
No income tax
Saudi Arabia
Low income tax rates, making it an attractive location for investment
Low income tax rates, suitable for investment
10% income tax rate, one of the lowest in Europe
10% income tax rate
12% income tax rate
19.5% income tax rate

20% income tax rate

Reply to  kid
3 months ago

As a person who used to live abroad, I can tell you that not only do you have to pay your US federal income tax, but you also have to pay the tax for the country that you’re living in. If you have an American passport you’re basically fucked.

Reply to  Laz
3 months ago

Trump promised to end US taxes on them.

Reply to  Laz
3 months ago

Nomad Capitalist claims it’s absolutely correct to give up citizenship for Americans if they don’t plan to spend any significant amount of time in the US.

Reply to  kid
3 months ago

So where’s the long line at the exit?

Reply to  kid
3 months ago

How are the property taxes in those less than desired places to live?

3 months ago

AC, this P’nut & Fred saga is starting to stink, see links below
To begin, let the record show that P’Nut & Fred were innocent victims of this heinous crime and may they rest in peace.
The owners, the Longos, OTOH, not so much, if what is revealed in both Mr. Longo’s twitter acct and said NYP article happens to be true. Lest we forget everything is fake & ghey in Clown world.
The NYP article implies that Mark & Daniela Longo, earned $800k, in a month, on OnlyFans of all places to purchase their 350 acre animal rescue farm. And their content wasn’t ‘ahem’ Squirrel or Raccoon related.
Mr. Longo’s twitter link has his OF link and its def NSFW. “Kinky” was an adjective he advertises his content with mind you.
Hey, Anon, just make OF p0rN with your wife and $800k will fall out of the sky. His twitter says He’s in the top .06% of OF influencers.
NYP article also goes on to indicate the Longo’s have babysat for neighbors and explicitly state they sold they XXX content for serious coin..
Now, I’ll admit I could be completely wrong about the couple and their online “content creation”, but as been discussed here, OF is just another flavor of Epstein like intel op
Was the animals execution some cabal flex to the couple regarding their influence? Is this entire imbroglio some elaborate theater? idk, I just thought this would be worth posting
God bless you AC & the crew!

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  optimalrebellion
3 months ago

The aim of the peanut saga has to be the generation of indignation and the recognition that bureaucracy is out of control. This obviously aids the Trump campaign, which is why it happened so close to the election and why it has gone viral.

Nothing is ever what it seems.

3 months ago

Fun times.
California PG&E Plans to Conduct ‘Public Safety Power-Outages” in 17 Counties, Starting on Election Day— Potentially Impacting 7,000+ Polling Locations

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Bman
3 months ago

How many counties anon?

a n
a n
Reply to  Bman
3 months ago

How many counties?

3 months ago
Judge rules Musk’s giveaway can continue after lawyer says that winners are not chosen by chance
“The $1 million recipients are not chosen by chance,” conservative lawyer Chris Gober said in court. “We know exactly who will be announced as the $1 million recipient today and tomorrow.”

You don’t say?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 months ago

Crazy that a rigged “lottery” is somehow more legally OK than a true lottery. Satan loves to invert.