News Briefs – 11/04/2022

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”


DFT – Musk Begins His Twitter Revamp With 50% Layoffs

DFT – Bank of England Raises Interest Rates 75 Basis Points

DFT – Canada Orders Chinese Companies To Divest From Critical Minerals Sector

DFT – Bloomberg Predicts Jobs Growth Will Slow In Friday’s Report

DFT – IEA Predicts 2023-2024 Winter Will Be Worse Than The Upcoming Winter

Guy wanders around a car dealership with a rifle, when cops stop him, “Bennett told officers he was being attacked by radiation and made other nonsensical statements. Detectives attempted to interview Bennett, but he indicated people were following him and declined to be interviewed further.”

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has been denied access to the search warrant affidavit which justified the seizure of his cell phone at the hands of the FBI.

Milwaukee Election Commission official Kimberly Zapata could face charges accusing her of fraudulently requesting military ballots.

I am not a lawyer, so I cannot judge this, but somebody makes the case under Federal Law, elections must be completed on the day of the election – Elections Undecided by Midnight are Void & Preempted by Federal Law – Foster v Love (1997; 9-0 Decision).

Zuckerberg bankrolled Soros-backed group that may have illegally failed to disclose lobbying.

Paul Pelosi released from hospital a week after a 250 lb San Francisco nudist “smashed his back-door.” And broke the sliding glass door at the back of his house.

Washington Post columnist says Police should keep everything about Pelosi attack secret because releasing evidence will feed conspiracy theories.

The man charged with attempted murder in connection with a violent hammer attack against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul Pelosi, is in the United States illegally and could be deported to Canada, federal agents said Thursday.

Capitol Police conducting an “internal security review” after they fail to produce security footage from Pelosi attack.

President Trump claims Democrats “must have something on” McConnell and calls for the senator to be “impeached” over the debt ceiling.

The Trump Organization will now be restricted in how it moves and reports its business assets as New York Attorney General Letitia James’ lawsuit alleging fraud by former President Donald Trump and his company moves forward, a judge ruled Thursday, appointing an independent monitor to oversee its activities. I don’ t think Trump would have moved into this position unless there was an endgame leading to destroying these pricks.

Biden’s corrupt Justice Department contemplating appointing special counsel if Trump runs for President in 2024.

In August, FBI agents seized the phone of Rep. Scott Perry of Pennsylvania. Perry said in a statement issued by his office, “This morning while traveling with my family, 3 FBI agents visited me and seized my cell phone. they made no attempt to contact my lawyer, who would have made arrangements for them to have my phone if that was their wish.”

MSNBC presidential historian Michael Beschloss said Wednesday on “All In” said that if Republicans take the majorities in Congress, American democracy will end, and “our children” will be jailed and killed by a “brutal authoritarian system.” He knows what he has coming, and he is afraid we are going to give it to him.

Shot fired into home of North Carolina GOP congressional candidate Pat Harrigan.

Biden gave $1 billion via USAID to Afghanistan after the Taliban took over and now won’t share where it went.

Military whistleblowers say cancer, miscarriages and heart disease all up 300% following covid injection mandates.

Cells don’t lie: Cancer is on the rise due to mRNA injections. Potentially one of the biggest discoveries about cancer though – that it may be, in part, mediated through an autoimmune process that produces auto-stimulatory auto-antibodies that trigger cell proliferation by mimicking the receptor-activation of hormones. To date I believe nobody looks for hormone-mimicking antibodies in cancer patients. And here, the vaccine is creating them, because these idiots are presenting the antigen on the cell surface, right next to all the cell-surface receptors.

The Telegraph – Crisis as excess deaths soar to levels higher than during Covid pandemic in the United Kingdom.

An international team of researchers led by scientists at UC San Diego School of Medicine have shown that the virus which causes COVID-19 can damage brain cell synapses. “… the antiviral drug sofosbuvir — already an approved treatment for hepatitis C – – effectively inhibited SARS-CoV-2 replication and reversed damages”

Consuming a cup of coffee could be an effective way to protect yourself against infection with coronavirus.

Pfizer announces two-in-one vaccine for Covid AND flu — which it hopes will boost sluggish uptake for both shots. Adverse reactions get worse the more vaccines you take at the same time.

Directors of America’s biolabs have admitted to hundreds of dangerous accidents in the past two decades, but even incidents involving exposure to deadly viruses have been kept from public view, an investigation by The Intercept has revealed.

Twitter’s new owner, Elon Musk, announced that he will continue enforcing Twitter’s censorship policies surrounding “hate” and “election integrity” at the behest of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), NAACP, and even the Bush family’s political machine.

The Brooklyn Nets suspended Kyrie Irving for at least five games without pay Thursday, dismayed by his repeated failure to “unequivocally say he has no antisemitic beliefs.” Notice, he said he would pay the ADL $500,000, and he denounced his previous post. He could easily say he was not an antisemite on top of that. That could have been it, but now ADL says they will not accept the $500,000, and the Nets have suspended him. If they wanted to kill this, they would simply not talk about it. It is like a procedure for them. They just ignore stuff all the time, and it dies in darkness. It is why owning all the microphones and driving anyone else out of the online environment is so important to them. Instead, they are running the script – Kyrie accuses the “Jews,” “the Jews” retaliate, and all along the black community is seeing it, and thinking it is the Jews. “They” are definitely pointing people at the Jews.

Kanye’s Jewish personal trainer tells him either Kanye will say what he wants to hear, or he (the trainer) will have Kanye committed AGAIN, “where they medicate the crap out of you and you go into zombieland forever,” and you never see your kids again. One, why does Kanye even have a personal trainer? Kanye doesn’t even look like he is actively training, nor do any of this guy’s big name clients. You would think if you hire this guy you would come away looking like Jean Claude Van Damme, or be some elite athlete. Plus, how difficult is it to lift weights, and hit every muscle group for the full range of motion? I have everything you need to know for 90% of the gains in a couple of posts on here. How difficult is it to shift your diet toward protein and eat more to gain, and eat less with more caffeine to cut? Why does this guy even exist in that role? If I were Kanye, I would not have a trainer, even if I was training, simply because it would be quicker for me to duck downstairs and do it all myself than to load up in the car and go to see this guy every time I wanted to work out. And on top of that, he committed Kanye the last time, where they misdiagnosed Kanye and then medicated him to get him under control? How did that happen? It is all strange even if as presented, and on top of it, I have to emphasize, if “They” did not want to grow antisemitism, they would simply ignore him, and ban him from social media, and you would never hear any of this. I think this is actually the narrative “They” are presenting to the population, and maybe, especially Blacks. My guess is the first benchmark they are looking for is persistent and repeated attacks on Jews, by Blacks in the cities. One you see that, I expect it will accelerate from there, unless there is some intervention by Q/Trump in the Cabal plan.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) is indicating to GOP donors that he has no plans to challenge former President Donald Trump in 2024.

George Will begged Democrats Wednesday not to allow President Biden or Vice President Kamala Harris to seek the White House in 2024, warning that nominating either would “insult and imperil the nation.”

CBS shows John Fetterman’s ginormous computer system with multiple monitors, complete with personal transcriber, which he needs to hold a normal conversation.

John Fetterman said on Oct. 7, 2020 that he agrees with releasing one-third of prison inmates immediately.

A controversial Brooklyn judge is secretly considering cutting a deal that would give a gangbanger a slap-on-the-wrist sentence in an attempted murder case — as long as he says he’s sorry.

Hillary Clinton claims soaring crime is a Republican tactic to keep New Yorkers “scared.”

Starting at 3:30 in the video, Tulsi speaks on how initially she was for some gun control, but her views changed first with using guns in the military, then running for office talking to gun rights citizens, finally her views changed to total gun rights after seeing democrats use the government to arrest and spy on US citizens for simply having different views. She is an Army Psyops Officer.

The father of a Democrat running for a seat in the Washington state House of Representatives has accused his son of lying about his military service, saying, “Clyde was never a submarine officer, not even for a day.”

Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri (PPSLR) has been advertising “free” vasectomies to underprivileged men in the wake of the reversal of Roe v. Wade. Now imagine if Cabal knows that it is a conspiracy, knows it needs its members to reproduce, and has as an operational objective to out-breed regular Americans. Every idiot it can trick to not have kids, sterilize themselves, and remove their line from the population is a win, even as it is consciously telling its own members, reproduce as much as possible, or we may all end up hanging from the ends of ropes.

Professional cornhole is rocked by ‘BagGate’ cheating scandal after top team ‘used thinner and lighter bags to win $15,000 prize.’ Even “Cornhole” is rigged.

California businesses are leaving the state at double the rate of previous years.

There is a $2.5 quadrillion disaster waiting to happen.

Billions of dollars in federal aid is being made available to help Americans with their heating bills through the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).

California professor and ex-CIA staffer claims that ‘Christian, white men’ are primed to start a civil war in America because they ‘were once dominant and are in decline’ – and blames the right for spike in violent extremism.

Jimmy Kimmel has admitted that his decision has cost him “half of my fans — maybe more than that.”

Katie Hobbs’ child psychiatrist husband, Patrick Goodman, works at Phoenix Children’s Hospital, serving “gender diverse” and transgender youth.

New research published today shows a link between volcanic activity and the retreat of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet during times of rapid climate warming at the end of the last ice age.

Israel elections: Netanyahu election win propels the far right to power.

The Anti-Defamation League expresses concern ‘over likely inclusion of extremists” in the next Israeli government. See this though? The Jewish state is getting fucked over by the same Jews who are fucking over America. These ADL Jews are the same assholes I went to high school with, who also had among them Catholics, Protestants, and Atheists. All those years ago, just kids, and they all knew the big secret, and probably saw 9/11 completely differently from how we saw it. And all these years later, and every house around me has more of them in it. And I don’t even know what religion they are. That conspiracy is the problem. And you are going to have to get everyone in it, not just the Jews.

Furious motorists come close to blows with eco protesters, pushing them to ground and dragging them away as they bring traffic to a halt for another day in Rome.

France’s glass manufacturer Duralex suspends operation for 5 months due to surging electricity bills. “Our bill (for gas and electricity) has gone from 3 to 13 million euros per year, or 46% of our turnover,” the CEO of Duralex said.

A teenage boy was allegedly raped by a man in his 30s at a hotel used to house refugees in east London, and another alleged sexual assault against a child is said to have taken place at the same facility.

UK spy agencies will no longer seek candidates with at least one British parent under new recruitment rules. They are bringing in foreign assets, and view them as more “their people” than regular fellow citizens. The reality is, if you are not down with total tyranny, and a complete covert dictatorship run by intelligence, as well as extensive domestic surveillance, including of children in schools going back to kindergarten, done using child spies, the surveillance will have sussed that out by the time you are applying, and you will never work in an intelligence agency.

Norwegian man now identifies as a disabled woman.

Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan’s party said on Thursday he had narrowly escaped a “well-planned assassination attempt” after the ex-premier was shot in the leg during a gun attack on his ‘long march’ convoy to pressure the government to announce early elections, unleashing protests around the country. Footage here.

Civil tensions in Brazil continue to mount after incumbent President Jair Bolsonaro delivered careful remarks on Tuesday in which he refused to concede his tight alleged election loss to World Economic Forum-backed leftist Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

Brazil court presses military on review of voting system, document shows.

Nord Stream operator finds man-made craters near explosion-damaged pipeline. It sounds like shaped charges may have been placed under the pipeline in two spots, so as to blow up into the pipeline above, with the explosion entering the pipe and causing the entire section between the charges to explode and disintegrate. Much more effective than a single explosive which would only damage a 25 foot section.

Three weeks ago, very, VERY, quietly, the US began loading M1A1 and M1A2 Abrams Tanks onto Roll-On Roll-Off (RO-RO) vessels in the United States bound for Europe. No idea if this is normal or not.

Ninth Circuit Court rules Miss United States of America Pageant can exclude males.

House Republicans from South Carolina are demanding that their state’s school system end its relationship with an association of psychologists that opposes their effort to end drag shows and other sexually explicit programs for kids.

N.Y. law banning gun carrying in churches (including by people authorized by the church) struck down.

Republican Christine Drazan holds slight lead in Oregon’s gubernatorial race.

Herschel Walker leads Democrat Raphael Warnock; Now over the 50% threshold.

Florida GOP takes lead in early voting in traditionally blue Miami-Dade.

Spread r/K Theory, because it is more than the Jews, and you have to get it all.

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Fart Simpson
Fart Simpson
2 years ago

It’s true many Jews are NPCs and thus not direct agents of the Cabal. The problem is Jewish NPCs are programmed from birth to hate white Christians. You keep looking for ways to let them off the hook, AC, but this has happened 109 times already… Some people groups are just rotten. Their only salvation is Christ, but once they are Christian they cease being Jews.

Reply to  Fart Simpson
2 years ago

True and jews are a huge part of it all. i see people underestimate that and they then cant splain jack.

Reply to  Fart Simpson
2 years ago

The point is to remember that there are lots of others involved.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 years ago

Professional cornhole is rocked by ‘BagGate’ cheating scandal after top team ‘used thinner and lighter bags to win $15,000 prize.’ Even “Cornhole” is rigged.”
And yet you still have people lining up to buy Powerball tickets for the 1.5 billion payout this weekend.

I mean if cornball and fishing tournaments are rigged you know damn well the lotteries are too.

Reply to  Corn Pop
2 years ago

Lotteries are an IQ test. Always have been, which is why they’re immoral and should be illegal in a Christian nation.

2 years ago

‘Jimmy Kimmel has admitted that his decision has cost him “half of my fans — maybe more than that.”’

Remember that guy who reveled in male chauvinism on “The Man Show” back in the day? I sure do miss him.

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Maniac
2 years ago

It’s clear now Adam Carolla was carrying him. Jimmy took the ticket while Adam went off to do his own things.

2 years ago

> Beschloss: Our Children Will Be Arrested, Killed

No, we have no beef with them (unless they similarly behave like subversive dicks)

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

they and theirs run a risk of that, in a just world. adult children, natch. / they are however projecting based on what they do to their victims.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

If their children are not guilty of crimes yet then we will merely expel them.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Throughout history the vast majority of penal codes enforced punishments on parents and children of criminals because they knew the genetic component of degeneracy better than we do now.

It really really sucks to say but familial annihilation may be one of very few ways to solve the problem of deeply entrenched cabal influence. If the enemy is stopping so low as to training elementary school aged kids to be spies and influencers of evil it’s very hard to see a path out that doesn’t involve eliminating ever aspect of the enemy (after a fair trial by peers under the US judicial system, of course).

teo toon
teo toon
2 years ago

Hillary Clinton claims soaring crime is a Republican tactic to keep New Yorkers “scared.”
Really? When is the last time anyone saw a Republican in NYC? Bloomberg does not count.

2 years ago

> Musk and ADL

I never expected Musk to be anything more than the degenerate ticket-taker that he is
But damn he sure bent the knee to ADL quickly
I thought maybe he’d at least pretend for a while that he was going to support real free speech on twitter

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

He also tweeted today musing about how he tried to appease these people, but they are still going after advertisers. He could just be trying to prove a point.

I’m as skeptical as anyone, but give the guy some time to sort out this mess.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

mass kvetching going on…

teo toon
teo toon
2 years ago

There is a $2.5 quadrillion disaster waiting to happen.
when the debt implodes, so will the assets that were financed by this debt. So, both sides of the balance sheet have to come down. Whether it comes down by 50%, 75% or 90%, I don’t know. . . . All I think about is risk, and the financial system will not survive in its present form. 
The tribe to whom the debt is owed will finally control the World beyond its wildest demonic dreams.

Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

Or people will just tell them to go pound sand and redistribute their loot.

Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

Debt that is created via fraud, deception, and coercion can and must be reputiated.

2 years ago

There is a $2.5 quadrillion disaster waiting to happen.

Greg Hunter is usually a good interviewer, and the man he has on for this one knows his subject and doesn’t bs, so its worth forty minutes of your time.

The subject is how over the last five decades the international financial system became this rube goldberg system, that violated all economic principals (probably because it suited the Cabal and its own financing arrangements). People keep predicting that it will collapse, and these are reasonable predictions, but it keeps starting to collapse than getting patched up.

The argument is that it actually is collapsing now, and I’m not sure. But there are knowledgeable people, such as Catherine Austin Fitts and Martin Armstrong, who think that the collapse started in 2019, and the COVID lockdowns were part of the patching up, by freezing the normal economy while more money was pushed into the system.

I don’t think I should be giving financial advice, and anyway I think things have gotten to the point where there is nothing to do but to watch things collapse, if it does collapse in the next year, and then see what the damage is and try to pick up the pieces somehow. This goes for governments as well.

2 years ago

Ninth Circuit Court rules Miss United States of America Pageant can
exclude males.
Can’t wait to see the tranny catfight that ensues in the appeals process/Sarc.
Just point and laugh at these assho’s.

2 years ago

Ran across a writer Lasha Darkmoon who used to write for Veteran Times. She had a short run and of course the name is a pseudonym.

She has one article titled Is it time to write America’s obituary? Is it time to say, ‘Goodbye, America’?Goodbye America: Under Jewish Rule – VT Archives | Alternative Foreign Policy Media (

This was published way-back in 2013! In it she mentions a book by a German: Wilhelm Marr’s pamphlet, Der Sieg des Judenthums über das Germanenthum, 1879, (“The Victory of Judaism over Germanism”), is a fascinating compendium of pessimistic quotations in which German political pundit Marr concludes gloomily that there was no hope left for Germany.
It was finished — yes, as early as the 1870s. The Jews, he lamented, were simply too formidable a foe.

She then takes this and applies it to America and her conclusion is the same: “The future looks unimaginably bleak”.

Just as AC said today, it is not only the Jews but others

“That the enemy is not entirely Jewish but is made up of an equally malevolent non-Jewish component, hardly needs emphasis. Anti-Semitism, in the final analysis, is not the answer. Our enemy has two faces, and only one face is Jewish.”

Well, it is the European Masons, the European atheists, European heretics and European gnostics that have all bought into Jewish Messianism of Utopianism! That’s the danger, Utopianism. All who subscribe to Utopianism have left the real world and sojourn in their “theoretical imaginations”.

Her short history of articles can be found here:

Lasha Darkmoon – VT Archives | Alternative Foreign Policy Media (

It is sad that so many people’s warnings were not taken seriously! We need to take them seriously NOW!

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

Darkmoon is a great pseudonym.

Not as good as Redclaw, but still…

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago


Lasha Darkmoon has written some excellent articles. She had a site called

She seemed to just disappear from the internet a few years ago and I have not heard anything from her since.

Reply to  English Tom
2 years ago
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

jews are a huge part of it. yes even those who are in sayanim mode. and if the others also obviously arent Christian, they are in a jewish mode. more info and bad acts emerge daily, so the “it isnt the jews” crowd are ditching and bailing.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

America is no more unsalvageable than the whole rest of the world and less so than most of it.

TruthSeeker Bear
TruthSeeker Bear
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

It was through Lasha Darkmoon that I learned just how degenerate Weimar Germany was. Her blog is down, but I found a backup of the article.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

This post of yours is dangerous disinformation. I use that term deliberately because I believe you know better.

First of all, there simply are not or have their been nearly enough “European Masons” or atheists or gnostics to achieve the observed effects.

Only Rome can do this. Only Rome has over 2 millennia of attempting to subvert all of its neighbors and the world. Only Rome has the global infrastructure, the Jesuit colleges, and the vast number of people employed in civil service. Only Rome.

Let me repeat: The destruction of Germany and the ruling of Europe has been Rome’s priority for more than 2000 years. The destruction of Russia and the Slavs has been Rome’s goal for over 1000 years.

This mess we are seeing is not the result of a handful of Masonic lodges. It’s absolutely absurd to believe so.

The biggest enemy of freedom and American ideals in world history? Rome. There’s no question about that. Indeed, what was it that brought the Pilgrims and Puritans to New England to begin with? They were attempting to escape the influence and control of Rome.

Rome has always been an authoritarian, fascist (the word fascist comes from ancient Rome), dictatorship seeking to subjugate the rest of humanity. Rome has ALWAYS stood against the very bedrock ideals that this country was founded on. It is Rome that sought to kill scientists, discoverers, and even struggled to keep people from being allowed to read the bible.

All of this murder, mischief, and desperate efforts to control all media and entertainment are the Hallmarks of Rome.

European Gnostics? You have to be kidding me.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

This is the truth. How I started believing in Cyber Cuthulu. Because everyone of these conspiracies points to one or the other. Jews, Freemason, Jesuits…
Guess what that’s a cover story. Took me a while to figure out.

2 years ago

And for those ex-soldiers driven from the military because of their Virtue of Righteousness—DO NOT GO BACK. That is how the Jews work, They create wars to kill off the good strong European males which leaves the panzies at home!

They are STARTING a war in Europe–which will kill a lot of good men. They already slaughtered all the Ukrainian nationalists. DO NOT GO BACK. DO NOT ENLIST.

2 years ago

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has been denied access to the search warrant affidavit which justified the seizure of his cell phone at the hands of the FBI.

Seems like a 6th Amendment problem. He should have access to both the accusation and the accuser.

2 years ago

AC, re: workouts, can you re-link to your at-home workout posts, including what supplements you like for building muscle – those were good.

2 years ago

On the military…

This is a great comment from Whiskey over at

Steve —

You are as wrong on this as you were/are on Covid.

1. The war is just a series of wars between the forces of the “New World Order” per Bush the Elder, or “Great Reset” per Klaus Schwab, and the leaders of the multi-polar world, Modi, Putin, Xi, and some others.

2. The War furthermore is between dynastic neo feudal rule of the Finks, Bidens, Obamas, Clintons, Dimons, Bezos etc and the nationalist ambitions of those not content in the words of Z-Man to be “a gas station with serfs, a factory with serfs, and a call center with serfs.” Ambition in national leaders did not wither away, just because Klaus Schwab commands “eat the bugs.”

3. Kosovo, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Georgia, Armenia/Azerbaijan, are all part of this war. Note that the US/NATO bombed and invaded Serbia/Yugoslavia on the notion that neither “were a real country” and neither had the right to keep other peoples from forming their own Muslim republic (to massacre the Orthodox). James Blunt avoided then WWIII by not following Wesley Clark’s order to fight the Russians at the Sarajevo airport.

4. The “gallant Ukranians” are mostly dead. The forces occupying the region the Russians evacuated are mostly US and Polish forces, as Biden gave away the plan months earlier. Ukraine being a corrupt kleptocracy there are few to fight for Zelensky playing the piano with his penis while dancing around in women’s lingerie (one of his most notable skits). While Zelensky has lots and lots lots of luxury villas around the world: a $20 million mansion in Miami, another in Venice, another in Switzerland, another in Israel. Meanwhile criticism of Putin is that he’s too considerate (of global South) world opinion, not national enough, and not protecting Russians in Ukraine enough. Russians who are Russian, speak Russian, are Orthodox, and write in Cyrillic. While Ukrainians write in the Latin Alphabet, are Catholic (if anything), and speak Ukrainian, and agree that they want to kill all the Russians for reasons historical and not.

The Russians view themselves as fighting Nazis 2.0, while the Ukrainians mostly want to flee to the West and get consumer welfare. Absent the True Believer weirdos parading around as Nazis with sincerity of LARPers. [Azov did not fight to the last man but surrendered unlike fanatics.]

5. The objective of this war is not to hold territory (neither the Russians nor the NATO forces have enough men, equipment, and supply to hold the ground near Kharkiv) but attrition. Attrition of the economies (so far Russia is winning that one big time as you can print money but not hydrocarbons) and attrition of men and equipment. Particularly men since they can no longer be replaced with demographic dearth. Russia is fighting a new, weird war where they carefully limit casualties (most of theirs have been the Donbass militias) and seek to bleed NATO white. The US military will crack when enough skilled White soldiers are dead and you have nothing but rear echelon YASS Qweens left. Putin and Xi both know this.

This is the first real war of the Demographic Age. Where conserving the very limited amount of soldiers and airmen and sailors is key, and using the dependency of very limited hydrocarbons and green lunacy against the enemy. Germany has essentially de-industrialized, there is no replacement for what Credit Suisse Zoltan Posdar noted was $20 billion of Russian Gas producing $2 trillion of German GDP. Gas CAN be found, but not enough and not at the price to support German industry which is already going belly up with severe global financial consquences, as Mercedes, Bosch, BASF, BMW, all close for good in Germany.

Essentially the Second World (Russia, China, India) have teamed up with the Global South to fight (in a cold way) World War Three. So far nukes have not been flying, there is no declaration of war, but its being fought. The US forces sure to be captured or killed in Ukraine will be no less prisoner or dead for no formal declaration. The people starving or freezing in the US or Europe will be no less dead for just a “Special Military Operation.”

By all Third Party accounts, the “Ukranians” (really NATO) have about 30,000 men in and around Kharkiv. That’s not Paulus’s Third Army of 300,000. And I don’t see any grand encirclements, seiges, heroic manuevers, etc. Just the grind of new Attrition Warfare, with Russia aiming to grind down the US/Davos with economic warfare as much as anything else. Remember: we have very limited White men to fight with, and even less oil and gas. There is an absolute religious injunction against getting more oil and gas, so what we have is what we fight with.

Reply to  map
2 years ago

I heard the other day, the CIA is funding “liberation/democracy fronts” in Myamar and Thailand, blowing up Chinese Belt & Road infrastructure and assassinating Chinese laborers and businessmen.

Reply to  map
2 years ago

Whiskey makes a lot of strange posts on, and I have to think twice when I find myself agreeing with him.

However, the notion that Putin is being criticized within Russia for being too moderate has been stated lots of times, including by experts on Russia. The notion that this is some sort of proxy war is also often stated elsewhere.

Whiskey echoes one idea that has been bounding around in my head, and is quite original. My idea is that the cabal is divided into families (think mafia families), that usually cooperate but sometimes fight turf wars. Two of the more important ones are what seems to be a continental European aristocratic family liked to the WEF, and what commentators on call the “Anglo Zionists” (essentially formed from the UK aristocracy but linked to Mossad and Jewish secret societies, I prefer the term “Oceanic”), which include the neocons and the biowarfare types. I think he is on to something that this is a turf war between those two.

I think he is correct that there are various nationalists groups still not folded into the Cabal, but while Putin is probably part of one of them, I’m not so sure about Xi. He acts more like the head of another Cabal family.

Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

At the moment, and for 7-8 months now, a huge psyop is being carried out on conservative people outside Russia (not only in the Western world, but in general outside Russia). It is, simply put, this: of all the propaganda criticism of the mass media towards Russia, and of all the support for Russia of the vast majority of the alternative media, what is missing is what is happening in Russia itself in terms of almost all the points of the globalist plan. You know what? Exactly what in the Western world (and in general in the “world outside Russia”), point by point. I’ve been following things closely from Russian sources.
The devil is having fun like crazy right now.

Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

Cabal is mafia. Mafia is cabal. It’s just that what we think of “mafia” is so heavily shaped by movies that we have a very cartoonish understanding of it. The distinction between members and non-members is a huge grey line. You get into italian communities and sure, not everyone is “involved with the mafia.” But at the same time, EVERYONE knows not to fuck with or in any way cause problems for the mafia. They know to keep quiet and not to “rat.” Does a person who refuses to testify or inform make one a “member” of cabal? Well, yes and no. They are UNDER cabal control, if only by intimidation. And when push comes to shove, they will turn on you if they feel that they have to. Not because they have any ideological or personal loyalty to cabal, but simply because they know who not to fuck with.

Do they get into turf wars? No doubt. At its heart, cabal is a criminal underworld. It’s like the Legion of Doom or SPECTRE. And because everything is secretive, sometimes different branches don’t know when they’ve brushed up against other branches. Also, subordinates might not know or understand that their superiors have pissed off the wrong people and have been scheduled for demotion. The secretive, compartmentalized nature of all of this brings a tremendous amount of security and protection from prosecution while at the same time opening up some risks.

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

It’s probably even less a turf war than one fought over betrayal, or the loss of some expectation. Cabal is, after all, a parallel society. They are going to have all the problems of a regular society.

I would say the betrayal came from the Chinese Cabal. They saw that they could go their own way. Western Cabal was blindsided by the swiftness of Chinese betrayal, probably because they could not anticipate that Chinese nationalism would rise again.

2 years ago

So was Mr Kanye West watching mental grooming porn? I don’t know if it has a formal name- the brainwashing-type porn? The type that seems to turn men gay or into serial killers? He’s watching a type that turns him into an entertainment czar? Or sedated?

Is the tweet where he says he is not going to watch porn not laughable- like, a regular person not watching regular porn. It is a man saying he is not going to get hypnotized to do whatever his handlers want?

Eddie Murphy watching porn endlessly, and Ice T producing porn, sort of brings a new light, if it’s not just the sexual imagery being produced. It’s awful enough with that, but then, say, taking one of the biggest and most likeable stars of the 1980s, and rendering him static, and then taking an East Coast lowlife, and making him a puppet mastermind?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

It’s like the Wachowski Brothers, the makers of the Matrix films. Back when the Matrix came out, 1999 or so, it was such a breakthrough film. Awesome from the opening credits to the closing credits. And introduced an entire generation to basic philosophical problems and mythical allegory. Had the Wachowskis pushed it, they could have been extremely influential on an entire generation. Cabal no doubt realized this and turned them into a couple of ridiculous trannies. I have no doubts about this.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

They had S&M vices. This indulgence of sexual degeneracy of this sort gave an opening to the tranny freakshow.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

The Wachowski’s revealed something that was not to be revealed. They were punished by being turned into trannies.

2 years ago

Professional cornhole is rocked by ‘BagGate’ cheating scandal after top team ‘used thinner and lighter bags to win $15,000 prize.’ Even “Cornhole” is rigged.

The one thing that Scott Adams got right was the equation of “easy to cheat + hard to detect cheating = every winner is a cheater”

Last edited 2 years ago by phelps
2 years ago

California professor and ex-CIA staffer claims that ‘Christian, white men’ are primed to start a civil war in America because they ‘were once dominant and are in decline’ – and blames the right for spike in violent extremism.

(((They))) really, REALLY want us to Do A Terrorism.

2 years ago

Three weeks ago, very, VERY, quietly, the US began loading M1A1 and M1A2 Abrams Tanks onto Roll-On Roll-Off (RO-RO) vessels in the United States bound for Europe. No idea if this is normal or not.

Not normal, not unheard of. Could be simple repositioning after getting them back from the disasters in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Team Yankee is a fun (and horrifying) book to read if you want to know what these guys have in front of them. Our “tripwire” NATO force in Europe was always that — just a tripwire. They never expected to stop the Russians — only delay them at least 3-6 weeks, to give the US time to get our forces mobilized and over from the US to Europe.

2 years ago

A historian 50 years from now, if historians are allowed to write in this country and if there are still free publishing houses and a free press, which I’m not certain of. But if that is true, a historian will say, what was at stake tonight and this week was the fact whether we will be a democracy in the future, whether our children will be arrested and conceivably killed. We’re on the edge of a brutal authoritarian system, and it could be a week away.
Michael Beschloss
Presidential historian
November 3, 2022

This guy is in it, and he know what is coming when it all gets exposed. I’m thinking that “democracy” is a code word to them for the entire conspiracy, which makes sense with America being a republic.
He knows their children (not ours) will be arrested and conceivably killed, because they’ve put their children to work in this thing.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  phelps
2 years ago


This clown is using language so extreme that even your regular MSNBC viewer thinks it’s over the top.

He, and his handlers/associates, is terrified, as they should be.

Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

I’m now curious when “democracy” was adopted as the word for people electing officials and representatives.

The thing is that this was not what the ancient Greeks who coined the term meant by democracy. They meant direct democracy, and there were Greek cities run by elected officials and they were called “oligarchies”. They did not think of rule by elected officials as democracy at all. The debate was whether ordinary people could be trusted to vote on everything themselves, without a layer of elected officials.

“Democracy” as a generic word for representative government may have come in with universal suffrage, but I’m just guessing.

The deal with the Blues is that they are trying to use the word for the policies the government pursues, and not the form of government. This is even different from the Communist use of the term to mean “elected officials, but you only get to vote for the set we want you to vote for.”

Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

Even the Democracy of the Greeks consisted of all Men willing to pick up the spear for the State. One spear one vote.

Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

Yes, “democracy” is a code word for them. When people like Hillary or others talk about “our democracy” everyone involved understand that it means “this thing of ours” which is exactly what “la cosa nostra” means.

And yes, they are very much afraid of it all coming crumbling down. Which will result in exposure and also, hopefully, reconciliation tribunals.

2 years ago

RE: Planned Parenthood in St. Louis and AC’s comments about breeding and population.

There is a subreddit, several of them actually, devoted to gossip about the ‘fundies’. Pretty sure it started with the TV show and news about the Duggar family. I have a very low opinion of the Duggar parents at this point and have read those subreddits off and on for years, primarily because I am a Christian myself, and am interested to see how the fundamentalists who try to claim the spotlight and be famous actually impact others, particularly when they have family secrets as the Duggars did that end up becoming public knowledge.. I’m quite disgusted with most of the subjects there because of the hypocrisy and how they bring shame to Christianity. It’s also occurred to me they are permitted to become famous, or at least Instagram-famous, for a reason, possibly for THAT reason.

How that relates to the story is the numerous comments I see, that are quite serious, simply noting the math. Some of the families are enormous, anywhere from 10-20 children who are now marrying and some have large families of their own already. Whereas the sad women commenting are trying to convince everyone else how superior they are by their own refusal to reproduce, yet realizing at the same time that they will be outnumbered.

For what it’s worth, I personally know an atheist couple who have also done the math and are having their ninth kid soon and have openly stated part of the reason is to ensure their beliefs are not wiped out by these types of Christians, Muslims, and other religious groups who have very large families.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

The problem with these type of arguments is that people have some autonomy, and parents in general, and especially trad parents, greatly overestimate the extent to which they can shape their children’s beliefs.

If you don’t believe me, consider that cities were pure population sinks until the industrial revolution. After the industrial revolution they expanded to a size where they could generate some of their own population growth. But you would expect cities to disappear because they will always get outbred by the countryside. That never happens. People just keep moving to the cities.

Or consider that gay people should have literally been bred out of existence centuries ago.

But no, if you are an atheist, and you want to spread atheism and create more atheists (why?), creating nine children and indoctrinating them won’t do it. Its worked that way pretty much never.

Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

And if you have too many children your influence over them is vastly reduced.
You just don’t have the time to teach 10+ kids about life, religion, and politics.

Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

Gay people were forced to be closeted. They then got married and had children. That spreads the gay gene. Open homosexuality will cerainly reduce the gay population.

Reply to  map
2 years ago

That doesn’t really track with history.
When they are let out of the closet they multiply like wildfire.
The primary way they “reproduce” is through grooming/sexual abuse not through genetics.
Being allowed out in the open makes both easier.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

what beliefs?

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

People aren’t born Christian they become Christian by the second birth of the Holy Spirit.

Salvation is supernatural not heritable.

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
2 years ago

They don’t need to seize phones to get at emails or text messages. They can subpoena that stuff from your carrier. If they take your phone, it’s either to look for incriminating data, like kiddie porn, or to plant it, and generally just run a powerplay to show you they can simply screw with you.

Reply to  Cato the Uncensored
2 years ago

They only do search warrants for stuff they already have. That’s how the feds work. The point isn’t to get a copy of the email (which like you say, they already have.) The point is to prove that the email is on your phone and marked “read” on your phone.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Cato the Uncensored
2 years ago


The Feds have access to everything any of us has ever typed or texted. Every single search and keystroke.

Grabbing your phone is just a bullying tactic.

Reply to  Cato the Uncensored
2 years ago

not even sure they need subpoenas to get wokeco to cooperate

2 years ago

Under what legal auspices can Kanye’s fitness coach have him committed? Does California recognize personal trainers as mental health professionals?

2 years ago

>Three weeks ago, very, VERY, quietly, the US began loading M1A1 and M1A2 Abrams Tanks onto Roll-On Roll-Off (RO-RO) vessels in the United States bound for Europe. No idea if this is normal or not.
This is identical to a 4chan post a few days ago. Even plagiarizes some of it word for word. I am not sure there is any actual documented evidence of this happening. But honestly, it is believable considering everything else. I know I won’t be fighting for this corrupt government or their minor sex-trafficking/bioweapons research in Ukraine. Could explain why they are trying to get “white nationalists” to come back. They probably know how to fight better, and I am sure cabal wants them out of the way or preferably dead.

2 years ago

Interesting thread on the fitness trainer of Kanye West ( and many other celebs) looks like celebrity handlers are a fact.

Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
2 years ago

“Pfizer announces 2-fer vaxx for flu AND COVID…”

can’t believe it needs to be said here, but – the docs have made it crystal-clear they’re not on the side of the angels anymore, if they ever were. note that deafening silence from docs as their professional accredditing agencies are stripping honors & laurels & privileges from highly-regarded docs who dared point out that the vaxx was bullshite. don’t let those people inject you.

my personal policy from here on out is nobody gets to give me a shot. for anything. if I MUST have a shot – painkiller at dentist, etc – I will insist on reading the label. why? because I don’t trust them, and I think they’re out to do me harm if they can. like gypsies. or bankers. or politicians. welcome back to the 11th century, boys

Reply to  Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
2 years ago

I’m a physician. I don’t give vaccines. But if you needed surgery, You sure as hell want me to give you the injection of whatever I want to give you so you don’t remember the surgery, can make it easy for the surgeon to operate, to ease pain before/during/after, and to make sure you don’t get any infections. Unless you truly want to go back to the 11th century – there’s always the shot of whiskey and leather strap and restraints when the surgeon opens you up. But that’s pretty barbaric and unethical.

Seriously though, don’t make generalizations about groups of people. You don’t know what goes on behind closed doors. I belong to a very large (>2k) group of physicians who are not too keen on the COVAX. Some are even members of the Frontline group. We have done the research and the ones who see clinical patients do right by them. There are larger groups of physicians who are brainwashed by their wokeness, and you are right to be angry with them.

But, there are also those of us who work hard to expose the truth, to infiltrate the evil, to keep receipts, to remember and care for our patients. To read posts like this day in and out makes me sometimes realize the public has no idea that we (physicians) are not a homogeneous group. We don’t all support the vax. We don’t all do abortions or provide supportive care (e.g. anesthesia) for ELECTIVE abortions. We don’t euthanize patients because they are determined to be worthless. We are here, supporting the real oath we took, and If you don’t want to keep awful physicians around, you’d better learn to find them and distinguish the network of cabal/woke/lemming vs. one that actually gives a shit about your health.

P. S. I’m not going to wake you up from your anesthetic each time I need to give you a medication during your anesthetic so you can read the label. That’s dumb.

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous
Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I appreciate that there are doctors out there who do not follow The Narrative. The problem is, for many of us, you only exist on the Internet. Most of us have doctors who still think the Low Fat Diet has been proven beyond a doubt by “science” and that salt is bad for you. Oh, and that Statins should be universally prescribed.

I see a PA who is a non-interventionist and has not mentioned the Clot Shot to me once, so I’m happy to work with her under those conditions. She knows I read a lot about alternative medicine and I’ve actually told her things she did not know from my research.

But most other doctors I encounter from my wife’s care, no matter how nice and earnest they may be, are so brainwashed I can’t believe they are able to function. That’s the norm for most people, so it’s easy to assume it’s normal for everybody.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

If you don’t mind, I have a few questions:

How can we more reliably find doctors like you? Are you scattered throughout the medical system? Will simply asking about your stance on the vaccine or whether you got the shot work as a reliable indicator? Are there any groups/memberships/organizations doctors like you tend to join more than others? Any other tips you can think of for those who find it difficult to find doctors we can trust?

Thank you.

2 years ago

Am taking your advice from a recent comment you made on your experience with Traditional Chinese Medicine. Due to being 71 and after many years of martial arts training, along with the injuries incurred from that along with car and motorcycle accidents, I’m in constant pain.
Have no interest in what the pill-pushers have suggested I take, plus as a gun owner I am not allowed here in the States to get a medical marijuana license, so I have a booked an appointment with an acupuncturist from China who will be in my area tomorrow. Will let you know how it goes. Thanks again.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago


What do you recommend for tennis/golf elbow and other joint problems?

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  map
2 years ago

Take up badminton.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I might have to try a bunch of different TCM people….

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I would love to see this. I probably went to a mediocre one.
I am probably seeing him again out of desperation.

Last edited 2 years ago by kid
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Interesting that you brought this up and please post your experiences. Just yesterday I (once again quitting smoking) was reading about a TCM acupuncture treatment that seems to be quite effective for smoking cessation. They do it with cold lasers instead of needles. I am intrigued enough to consider trying it.

English Tom
English Tom
2 years ago

Regarding Pelosi getting his back door smashed in. I just hope it was lubed!

2 years ago

This article is on brainwashing in porn, with a current timeline.

Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago

She also wrote about the occult history of feminism. Really solid woman.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

This guy deserves Dad of the Year trophy.

I built a TANK for my son – Inspired by World of Tanks

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Yeah, but the true measure of a father is can he teach his son to throw, dribble, and kick a sports ball; that and that alone is the true measure of an American father.

2 years ago

Thread on Harley Pasternak’s connection to Canadian pschological operations military unit.

2 years ago

REPORT: 44% of Voters Say Federal Govt Is Controlled By Secret Cabal

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Finally got around to watching this last night… and it’s like Tom Cruise made some calls that started with the sales pitch “Let’s make Top Gun again, like we made it in the 80’s, just to prove that we can make a billion dollars doing it the way we used to.”

The Drinker Recommends… Top Gun: Maverick

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

What it proves is that a majority of Americans want, and will pay good money to see, good, clean, wholesome entertainment.

People are sick and tired of being sick and tired of all of the sewage that Hollywood pumps out.

Hollywood, and general media programming, has polluted and undermined the entire moral fabric of this once great nation.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

the democrats actually chose to campaign on this

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Vote Republican in person on Tuesday. Don’t worry about them being RINOs if that’s the best available. A Republican majority will insure the END of Democratic party, not them temporarily losing power, their party will be UTTERLY DESTROYED FOREVER. Decree and declare in the name of Jesus Christ.

After that we replace the Republicans with MAGA. One thing at a time. No more jackasses or dumbos, only LIONS.

2 years ago

Israel is the country which causes schizophrenia. I have previously believed their lies and blamed U.S. organizations, including the NSA and Army intelligence, where some individuals had been controlled by Israel or the “God” they impersonate for as long as possible to all of their victims.

This morning, they woke me up with a voice telling me that I would never be allowed to work on a computer again, which they made me believe was the NSA, followed by pushing the anger button on their control panel. They have the ability to cause uncontrollable rage for minutes, and this time they flashed images of violence against police officers in my bedroom at length, which I could not have formed with my own mind. They do have the ability to control any person’s mind and body to kill themselves, and are threatening to kill people today because of this post revealing the anger button.

Q was an enemy of the United States, and was controlled by Israel. Q’s post “Shall we play a game once more?” on June 24 was meant to screw with me about reinstalling a game that they had ordered me to delete.

The Q symbolism used by the NSA was meant to show solidarity with QAnon and with the President, which they thought were good things. More recently, they posted an image symbolizing the 8kun logo with a Pedobear inside it, which I saw on 8kun but did not notice the Pedobear in.

Reply to  Brickbat
2 years ago

Well don’t expect anyone to appreciate your take on things if you didn’t even notice the pedobear.

Reply to  Brickbat
2 years ago

Fr. Ripperger recommends praying the Angelus at 6 am, noon, 6pm.
I’m not even Catholic (am devout Christian), but respect him so much I gave his prescription a try.
I think I may be seeing some movement against the evil forces in my life, especially one in particular, when nothing else has budged them.
Cabal are powerful evil, but God has the ultimate say. Appeal to Jesus and our Lord, and you may get relief from this oppression.

Reply to  Brickbat
2 years ago

I apologize for posting that message on behalf of the NSA. They dictated that message to me in its entirety.
NSA is the mind-control organization that has nearly complete control over my body and mind, almost 100% of the time. Israel is innocent. All of the capabilities described in the preceding post are NSA’s, with some organization cutting those capabilities away slowly until recently.
NSA has made threats to kill me and other people in the past, by voice-to-mind technology so that no records can be kept, and has repeatedly made death threats by physically controlling my hand to pantomime a stabbing or cutting motion against my own body.

Reply to  Brickbat
2 years ago

NSA is the good thing now. Military intelligence dictated most of that message to me, and typed it in for me.

Reply to  Brickbat
2 years ago

I’m sorry. I can’t be certain that it was the NSA either. All I know is that something identifying itself as the NSA has been reliably able to take control of the mind control, for at least almost a day at a time.

2 years ago

The U.S. Green Door Program was the CORONA program, and the Green Door Program nickname was added by Israel.

2 years ago

THE COPE BEGINS! – Dems ADMIT Incoming Defeat

2 years ago

The facility being covered up in Israel is the HEXAGON soul destruction facility, for which the HEXAGON series of space missions had already been named.

2 years ago
2 years ago

Ukraine suffered a comms outage when 1,300 SpaceX satellite units went offline over funding issues

🌲 🌲
🌲 🌲
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Starlink sent out an email containing an updated Fair Use policy update yesterday to subscribers. Super users will be deprioritized.

“To ensure our customer base is not negatively impacted by a small number of users consuming unusually high amounts of data, the Starlink team is implementing a Fair Use policy in the US and Canada in December 2022.

Based on your data usage over the last six months, this policy will have no impact on your service if your usage patterns stay the same.

Under the Fair Use policy, all Residential customers will receive unlimited data, and will start each month with Priority Access, which means their data usage will be prioritized during times of network congestion.

Customers who exceed 1 TB of data use on a monthly basis (currently < 10% of users) will automatically be switched to Basic Access for the remainder of the billing cycle, which means their data usage will be deprioritized during times of network congestion, resulting in slower speeds.

Data used between 11pm – 7am will not count towards your Priority Access.

Starting today, you can now monitor your data usage on your account page. Read more in Starlink’s Fair Use policy and in the Terms of Service.

Thank you for being an early customer and for your continued support of Starlink!"