Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
In Virginia, Youngkin won big with Hispanic voters.
Republicans claim Virginia State House majority after flipping a 6th seat.
Trump notes, Youngkin ‘would have lost by 15 points without MAGA.’
Manchin and McConnell agree voters backed GOP in elections due to inflation, Biden spending.
Parents unhappy with woke takeover of education win big in school board elections.
GOP leader says Republicans could flip 60 seats next year.
New Jersey Governors race margin is razor thin, as mail in ballots and some early-voting tallies wait to be counted. Democrat Murphy up by 15,000, though an election-fraud audit is all you would need.
The RNC is deploying teams of lawyers to New Jersey as election ballot-counting continues.
In New Jersey, early on they double counted a Democrat area to prop up Murphy.
In New York, ballot measures to facilitate vote fraud were all defeated.
Ron Watkins says, The win in Virginia was kept honest by overwhelming the polls with more voters than the algorithm could handle. Having a massive amount of poll watchers monitoring everything prevented 4am drops of 100k votes marked 99% for the dims. As we go into the 2022 mid-term elections, let this be a lesson learned. We will need an army of poll watchers all around the county, and importantly we need to get out and vote in a magnitude never seen before in order to overcome the algorithms! I don’t know if I buy this. We beat the algorithm with Trump in 2020, and they just adjusted on the fly, which makes me think they would have been ready this time to do it even more quickly. More likely is they let this time through, to guard against allegations of voter fraud in 2022, and 2024 when it will really matter. That battle still needs to be fought.
Kenosha police detectives testified that Kyle Rittenhouse was shot at.
Gretchen Whitmer admin burns notes, and destroys emails of the Coronavirus probe.
Italian article notes, of the 130,468 deaths registered by official statistics at the time of preparation of a new report only 3,783 would be due to the power of the virus itself. All others had from one to five major medical problems which would have killed them irrespective of the virus.
Cisco requires COVID-19 shots for all US staff – even remote workers. The router company forces everyone to buy vaccines, which the government pays for, the money goes to Pfizer, and Pfizer sends a share on to the politicians who helped get it government funded and forced its usage by so many people, and the politicians reward the router company for playing ball with various contracts and government support.
Marjorie Taylor Greene was fined $48K this year for defying the House mask mandate.
Massive energy and power crunch coming soon as U.S. coal producers have already sold their coal inventories for 2022. What was it Q said about things have to get so bad people have no choice but to take action? I hate to say it, but expect things to get worse between now and the midterms. Venezuela, here we come.
Google de-monetizes Christian news site World Net Daily.
Bruce Springsteen looking to sell catalog for up to $415 million. He was one of those things that never fit. I never heard any of his music on the radio’s rock stations, and I listened, I never knew anybody who bought his records, and when I once listened to a little of his stuff online I thought it was horrible. There was no way you could get a workout in to it. It wouldn’t surprise me to find out he was some sort of bloodline, and all of this was a rock star fantasy camp for him, and a cover for why he led a rich life.
China is rapidly expanding its nuclear arsenal, Pentagon says in new report.
Republicans sweep Kentucky special elections.
The Supreme Court looks set to significantly expand the right to bear arms outside the home, based on comments by Justices. It looks like shall-issue will become the law of the land across the nation, if not Constitutional Carry. From the article: Justice Brett Kavanaugh said he was troubled that New York’s system allows officials “blanket discretion” to accept or reject a request for a permit. “That’s just not how we do constitutional rights,” Kavanaugh said. Chief Justice John Roberts expressed similar reservations. “You don’t have to say when you’re looking for a permit to speak on a street corner that your speech is particularly important,” Roberts said. “The idea you need a license to exercise the right, I think, is unusual in the context of the Bill of Rights.” Oral arguments here.
We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.
“If there were no Trump in this election, there would be no Glenn Youngkin.” – John Fredericks, the John Fredericks Show 11/3/21
Invite other people to because the fight goes on, even when you win
>virgin birth in California condor eggs
Not typical of warm blooded creatures. Opens certain historical/religious possibilities to the materialist bented mind:
>“right to grow your own food” state constitutional amendment on Tuesday, the first amendment of its kind in the U.S.
Zoning horseshit has to go, rainwater, victory gardens, poultry, whatever. The alternative is Section 8 citadels of vice and third world tourists in your suburbs running drugs and spying their ‘neighbors’, urban ‘food deserts’ and fine bug dining.
>Kenosha Kid shot at
Brushed this off as hearsay or random at the time, wonder if the sex criminal’s piece had evidence of being discharged on the night.
>Build Back Better allows anyone in the world to buy American Citizenship
There will be zero useable submarine nuke school candidates within half a century, mongrelization with incompetent-IQ’d quality of life tourists with the legacy American population notwithstanding. All because the demographic equivalent of ballot stuffing and buying votes was tolerated, along with porous Narco infested borders. May as well tap out and forward whatever exotic tech hasn’t already been shunted out the subcontracting backdoor to the Chinese, Russian and Israeli embassies — or fuck off with it to moon bases and watch the civilized world go out with a whimper.
>rock star fantasy camp for him
He went hard in small live settings before hitting the bigtime, according to some Boomers that saw him pre-fame. Tribe’s legacy grip on music very much not what it was pre-internet and streaming at least. There will always be nepotistic plants like Springstein.
>replaced with Chinese Fentanyl around Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal
Good. Remove the Sacklers’ and whomever else’s dark money pig troughs and the vermin that fuel it. The bottom floor of Leviathan is only motivated by the gibs coming out of these schemes. We’re seeing this in the regime’s hysteria over school board meetings & CRT — not giving Them a free hand in local matters, getting a hold on the funny money bottom/front line wherever possible, all of it matters. Daylight robbery is the MO, and it makes the difference between a discrete palming by the pickpocket and him having to snatch your bag and run.
I’ve been watching the trial, I think this was the three shots fired by an unidentified person and based on shell casings found in the intersection. It would have been off camera to the left in the video that we all know of Kyle being chased across the Car Source lot and then zapping Pedostien in the noggin.
note for AC readership – a day or 2 ago, a commenter here recommended a twitter guy as being interesting, & included links.
twitter handle of ‘Schuab’Dib’
I don’t do twt, never have. believed Limbaugh when he characterized it as a sewer. But. I hit the link due to recommendation and slow day, and holy CRAP.
am still deciding how seriously to take what he writes, but he *seems* to be writing truth, and what this guy writes makes him (IMHO) quite possibly the single most interesting account _in all of social media._ it’s not all political, but it IS all very very unusual & compelling stuff you won’t find anywhere else (in 1 place) on the entire internet.
pick some time when you’re bored and have time to spare, bc if you start reading, am pretty sure you’ll be there awhile. highest recommendations from me, and my thanks to the guy who originally posted it here. (Phelps? Farce? Someone…)
It was Info who recommended and the dude immediately got 200 new followers from AC’s site:
“The RNC is deploying teams of lawyers to New Jersey as election ballot-counting continues.”
That’s good. It’s good to fight these things out, it toughens the milquetoast.
I want to to the fraud fought just to add to the narrative about 2020.
I don’t care how bad the RINO running was.
“The Republican in New Jersey was a swamp-dwelling Never-Trumper who insulted Trump as unift for office, so good riddance to this asshole.”
Oh, well that kind of changes things. Let the POS irishman democrat win. He can dance an irish jig while he bans guns from the state and force vaxxes all the infants in Jersey.
The truth is, I am not sure a Cabal leader who LARPs as being right is much different from a Cabal leader who LARPs as being left. We had George W Bush, and he was possibly more effective than Gore would have been getting patriots to sit back as they were pushing us to this point, all under close surveillance in our homes, watching all important elections fully rigged, with our nation still being sold out to foreign interests, and purposely collapsed into Venezuela-level destruction of our currency and economy, probably with an eye to ultimately defeating us in a war which will kill tens to hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of our best.
All these people show up at parties, and greet each other with smiles and party arm in arm together for a reason. They are all on the same team.
“The voters of Maine passed the “right to grow your own food” state constitutional amendment on Tuesday, the first amendment of its kind in the U.S.”
Amazing how in some “enlightened” left-wing “green” localities authorities are trying to make growing your own food illegal. Maine stood up to that.
Alex Jones is right about everything, that’s why he yells so much. The sooner someone realizes that, the better their life outcome gets.
Reminder that the constitution explicitly states every right not covered by the constitution is automatically retained by the people.
No one has to give you the right to grow food, you have the natural right from God to do so, as well as permission from God to express mail people to his judgement for trying to stop you.
That’s true, but it can’t help to specify each rught and protect it, eh. And how do people even know about all those obscure rights in a climate if propaganda and censorship?
So what is the first thing you SHOULD think when you hear about a right that “shall not be infringed?”
“Hmmm…I wonder what rights *have* been infringed?” That are not ever even mentioned?
Like the Right To Vengeance!
What ever happened to that right?
It’s infringed. Yet it’s still a right!
Rights can not be given.
Rights must be CLAIMED!
By “The belligerent claimant, in person!”
“Origins of a mysterious underground temple/rotunda structure discovered in England, under a field in the middle of nowhere, its walls covered in intricately designed sea shell mosaics, is a mystery.”
Probably pre-modern. Medievals wouldn’t have built something like that, a Lord wouldn’t have allowed it. So, if it isn’t a modern forgery it’s probably Brythonic Celt in origin.
“…a Lord wouldn’t have allowed it…”
I wouldn’t be so sure about that. There was another guy I can not remember who in England who built these huge underground brick lined tunnels under his property for years and years. They went no where they were just built because????, the guy wanted them. We’re talking large subway terminal size tunnels.
“All others had from one to five major medical problems which would have killed them irrespective of the virus.”
How much was the Italian government in on the Covid psyop?
When you see the intel op locally, all through the local government, local businesses like landscapers, local citizens who appear outwardly more or less normal, local media, local news reporters even gangstalking people whose importance is about zero, you realize that as you go up the ladder to federal government, national news, and multi-billion dollar multi-nationals, those are all going to be fully controlled. One thing about Q which definitely made him seem legit was the phrase, “This thing is bigger than anyone could believe.”
I have no doubt Q is legit in the sense he is a deep insider, but, as someone else commented here the other day, just because Q is an enemy of our enemy, does not make him our friend.
I hope to be proven wrong about that estimation, but it’s not looking good right now, particularly with the green light given to vax 5 to 11 year olds, potentially harming millions of children, now or at some unforeseen point in the future.
We are quickly approaching a precipice from which even Q and Trump, if they are still even in the game, can bring us back.
Q team sitting back and watching the country get burned down to Venezuela levels is not a strategy for success. You let too many decent people get burned and you will never get them back inside any kind of civic duty to rebuild from the ashes.
At a certain point, the backbone of this country, the working and middle classes, gets so worn down that they stop caring, which is what happened in the Soviet Union. It took twenty years to bring Russia back to any semblance of normalcy, and even then, they still aren’t at first world standards in many regions.
Abandoning the backbone of this nation in order to “wake them up”, especially when it’s the elite class that stood by silently and let everything get infiltrated by Cabal in the first place, is a ridiculously risky bargain.
It hasn’t gotten to that point yet. It’s a very real outcome that’s not far off if things continue down this path but we’re not quite there. If “it’s part of the plan” then the idea is for people to see that outcome, the precipice of destruction, heading straight for them at high speed in order to wake them up. Risky, but given that we really are headed for absolute destruction, I’d say its warranted. If the normies don’t see their inevitable doom, they’re not waking up. For example, for a lot of them it will be their own children’s death. Some with think it was because of COVID like the TV said but many they will know “The vaccine did this. What the fuck is going on?!”
That’s how fucked up it has to get but that’s how far gone many people are.
“The majority of the 5% of vaccine batches that caused 100% of the deaths in VAERS were sent to red Republican States across the USA.”
Classic r and K interaction. K’s all get poisoned while milquetoasting. Mostly though, libs killed alot of normies in these areas, or attention seeking narcissists. Red pilled a whole lot of others. Pretty hilarious to watch. If you take the vax, you’ll be dead within 10 years. There will be no compensation for your family and insurance companies are about to cut out VAERS type injuries from all of their policies. You are cattle because you chose to be, and it’s slaughterhouse time.
Deaths in blue areas are probably just more likely to be covered up.
“China is rapidly expanding its nuclear arsenal, Pentagon says in new report.”
We should totally listen to the liberals and disband half of our arsenal. Then cancel the Columbia subs and retire the Ohio’s early. Then let in half of Africa and break up the country. That will surely help Western Civ and White people, and surely a bunch of anti-White, baby eating, bug people with slant eyes won’t take advantage of the situation and all the White people in any part of the world like Australia or Canada or America or Europe. Surely the bug people will leave the West and let it alone. Surely. Hey maybe the bugs will let White women practice birth tourism when their country is on top and nicer.
If people don’t like secession, they need to provide a solution for what to do about the blue archipelago destroying the country. Something we can actually accomplish, and not just “Rawr, shoot ’em all!”
The secession mindset, speaking from personal experience, is that there are areas of the country- and large groups of people- infected with an incurable rot both mental and physical. They are irredeemable, we cannot coexist within the same system as them, and they will never, ever, EVER, stop destroying. We need to be out from under their corrupt and irredeemable system. Many on the Left also poll as favoring a split these days. There are increasing signs it can happen without much of a fight with mutual agreement.
Let the Blue areas be on their own, quickly fall apart as their Fake American pets run out of basic resources, and get turned away at the heavily protected Red border. Red eventually comes back after the WhiteLeft is exterminated, and picks up the pieces, although the survivors do not get voting rights (or allowed to move to RedWorld). The blue zones would be protectorates for several generations with minimal support. Any Bluebie not digging that gets a free one way ticket anywhere else in the world (I’m nothing is not fair) with a warning they will be shot on sight if they return (I’m nothing if not strict).
It’s either that or the parallel economy/society idea, but I don’t see any current generation pulling that off. We would need far more than Amish levels of supporting one another and rejecting outside influences. We need to look out for each other and work out the resources, some people maybe doing things they don’t like but needed to shore up a lack in some areas. Eventually we all migrate to one part of the country to slowly take over, being as insular as possible against the degenerate federal filth.
The American Redoubt was one early idea, but I went to their forums, and it’s 1000 posts about Hitler and Mein Kampf. FFS, why can’t people just leave the past and create something new? I don’t get the clinging and LARPing. Does anyone even have an original idea anymore?
Secession will result in civil war just like last time and then we are back at “Rawr, shoot ’em all!”.
Any survivors must be banished.
They don’t get one inch of our land.
Was gonna say, there are two ways this ends:
1) 2020 is fixed, and people swing by the neck for treason.
2) The country melts down. It’s not a hur-dur-shoot-em-all fantasy, it’s a guaranty, because that is not the kind of dispute that is solved without people dying in large numbers. And it won’t be one area, it will be a dozen or more all over the lower 48.
Secession is no longer an option. Honestly it never has been. If you think that we get out of this amicably without things getting considerably worse, now THAT is a fantasy. I’m sorry Mrs. Redclaw, but you’re just as stuck as the rest of us. The train is going where it’s going to go, we’re just stuck hanging on. Kinda why I HATE trains.
Sometimes being tough and resilient, and having a high tolerance for discomfort is bad. I suspect as it gets worse, we will be hanging on for quite a period of misery, as things slowly decline to Venezuela levels.
Or maybe it is not that bad, as any action taken before everyone knows about the surveillance would be ill advised.
Agreed. Secession was never going to be peaceful or allowed. It goes thusly: Economic Depression. Attempted Secession, Revolution, Reconquest, Expulsion.
“I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical.”
-Thomas Jefferson.
This quote scares the bad guys, as it should. The devil harvests crops too, and right now the government is full of the devil’s harvest.
“…Secession will result in civil war just like last time…”
Just for a data point. For a good while now I have seen what I perceive as Hasbara pushing for succession and war as the only way to deal with this.
So following the path that they want will likely not be in our best interest.
“…If people don’t like secession, they need to provide a solution for what to do about the blue archipelago destroying the country. Something we can actually accomplish, and not just “Rawr, shoot ’em all!”…”
This is a ridiculously long comment but I want to make it mindnumbingly clear what the major problem is and how to go about fixing it in the most detailed way possible so it will be plain to anyone.
I can tell you exactly how to do it. I can’t say this can happen tomorrow but it could happen very, very soon if we could get Republicans that are not actually the enemy and would ruthlessly push power to our side. What are they going to do call us racist, White Supremacist? They do that already so in fact we have nothing to lose.
You have to regain power. How do we do this. Look at this map. Population density in 3D. Height is population.
Now look at this one.
Red – Blue counties in US. Pay attention.
We have to make the red-blue map work for us. You can see immediately if the red-blue was the power structure then we would be in kick ass shape, right? Then why aren’t we? Did you know that the power structure USED to be the red-blue map. Yes it was but in what I consider an illegal Supreme court decision the said that from now on the top 3D map would be the power structure. I’ll explain.
In most States the House and Senate were just like the House and Senate in the Federal government. This means the State House legislatures were based on population (3D map) and the Senates were based on regions (red-blue map). The Supreme court decided that this was racist or not cool or whatever and unilaterally said that States could no longer have regional based Senates that were just like the regional based Senate of the Federal government. How it’s legal in the Federal government but not in the States they didn’t explain.
This was a major turning point in US history which no one anywhere talks about at all ever(that Ive noticed). If fact I’ve only seen me talk about it being a momentous change in the power structure of the country. Why everyone is not jumping up and down in super pissed off mode about this I haven’t the foggiest idea because it is
( Capitalized, quoted and exclaimed!!)
All power in the US now resides in all the biggest cities in all the States.
Let’s see what this means. If power is only in the big cities, and it is, then those that whose nature is more liberal, in the cities, will always have more voting power. The Houses and the Senates of the States are automatically given a far more leftward slant. If you go to New York City and then to New York upstate they are not the same people. The upstate New York people have zero power. Let’s try others, Washington State, Oregon State.
If Washington State and Oregon State had regional representation in the Senates of those States do you think the people in east Washington State or Oregon State would have allowed all that burning and looting in Seattle and Portland? HELL NO. The (regional based)Senators of those States would have gotten a mass of angry calls from the people in the eastern part of the State and they would have done something or had their asses kicked to the curb. This means the rural area Senators would have immediately leaned on the governor to the extent that I expect as bad as it got they would have told the governor he would be impeached if he did not stop all the burning and rioting.
People who live in more inaccessible rural areas have a much bigger fear of anarchy for justified reasons. It’s a mental attitude that if you look for it is widespread all over the country and for good justifiable reasons. They don’t have any police nearby to protect them. State police can take hours to get to them if they need help. That’s why they will never give up their guns. No one is coming to save them. By the time the police get there the criminals would have killed them. This local attitude I bet would carry in the minds of the rural population over to all parts of the State. So even if they were in eastern Washington they would have looked, and did, in horror at what was going on in Seattle.
This sort of “regional” State Senates, which was outlawed by an illegal court decision, carries over to a whole plethora of issues.
I’ll give another example. The governor of Virginia and the legislature almost, not quite, but almost passed some sort of draconian gun control. Now if there was regional Senate representation do you think that would pass? Hell no. Never in a million years because Senators would have to answer directly to their region and as you can see there’s a hell of a lot more red than blue in the red-blue map “IF” you have regional representation like we used to have in the States. Why the idea of gun control would never even come up because the idea that it would pass would be so futile as to be nonexistent.
This is a huge, massive power grab that started after the civil war when the big population centers in the country defeated the more rural South and it has only intensified over time. Over time the city centers have become more and more corrupt and since the lesser population regions have no power they can not stop it. Look at all the big cities where all the fraud goes on and then imagine that every single State had a regional Senator instead of one based on population in every State. Can you imagine that these regional Senators would allow all this corruption to go on in the cities voting and have all their rural residents votes nullified by these corrupt bastards. Hell no. There would a huge massive investigation that would never end by the regional Senators until at least the most flagrant of the violations would stop.
So what do we do? We must nullify the the illegal court decisions that caused this abortion of the cities controlling everything and we can do this in several ways.
The Republicans who had the Senate and House in the Federal government under Trump could have done this but they were to timid, corrupt or ignorant to do so. In fact the Legislature and the President can tell the Supreme court to kiss their ass. Its built right into the Constitution that THEY decide WHAT the Supreme court can rule ON.
Here’s the relevant constitutional passages.
“…In all the other cases before mentioned, the Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress shall make…”
“…with such exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress shall make…”
The important part. The earlier part declares what powers they have but it ends with control of these functions by Congress. Congress could tell them to butt out of any stupid overbearing rulings. They could do that with with lots of stuff they keep ramming down our throats. The courts could be stuck with only deciding water rights cases between States if they push too hard to twist the Constitution to death.
As soon as Congress nullifies this illegal ruling and changes it back to regional representation for all the States in the US in all the States then we will be in a position in the State legislatures to do whatever we damn well please. The State legislature map will change from this, the population map,
to this, the county map.
That will be a huge difference. You can see it.
How to do it. If we can ever again get a majority in the Federal Senate and House we could do this. If we could get a Constitutional amendment passed in the States we could do this. If we could get enough States to found a Constitutional convention we could do this. It’s not impossible. Difficult but not impossible.
If the Jews can take over our whole country, and they have, over several decades then surely over a period of time we can do this one thing and the rest will follow form it. The important part is that it become “THE ISSUE”. No matter what anyone is voting for on anything if they don;’t jump up and down about the inequality of these illegal court rulings then refuse to support them in any way. Don’t even vote for anyone who doesn’t CONSTANTLY and LOUDLY call the made up court ruling illegal. make it a do or die issue. From that follows other reforms I think should happen.
We should get rid of the Constitutional amendment for direct election of Senators to the Federal government. The whole reason for this was so the money power could buy our Senate. It was dressed up as “Democracy” but we all know that is bullshit. The old Federal Senate was appointed by the State Senators and with the change to regional Senators you know damn well who would be in charge. US not them.
I also believe we should pay Federal Senators a big, massive shit load of money every year. I mean real fuck you money. It wouldn’t bother me if we paid them each $100 million a year but I’m sure we could get by with less. Let’s say $25 million a year at the least. With that kind of money they would not be subject to bribery. Blackmail, yes but not bribery. And if they were blackmailed and started doing stupid things the State Senators could note this and fire them as they are appointed by the State Senators not elected.
They could also get rid of another illegal shit storm of a ruling by the Supreme court. The Supreme court decided that the system we had in some States of only letting those vote who had some means of taking care of themselves or had a high school diploma or some other feature making it likely they were provident citizens was to be thrown in the trash and if you had a warm body that was enough This of course has been noted as to be the downfall of many countries throughout history where those that don’t have can vote themselves cash from those that do.
This of course never works for long and our founding fathers knew this. There’s a reason when asked what type of government we had of Benjamin Franklin he said a Republic if we can keep it. He knew. Change this law and the ghetto would would cease to be a reliable place to get votes. This would almost immediately, faster than you could think possible, put an end to the endless Cambodian level Po Pot crime levels in our country because the actual voters that mattered would demand to lock these savage animals up and they would be. There would be no more of this latest nightmare where a Groid shot a retired firefighter as he was trying to steal his truck and a Groid jury let him go free because,”he lost his ride”. What a nightmare. That would end because if they couldn’t vote they also couldn’t serve on juries..
There’s all kinds of other changes we could make. I suspect if the votes for every single piece of legislation in the States had to go through rural regional voted in Senators approval that “Critical Race theory” would die, like right now. Done. Finished. I expect a lot of school funds would disappear if the schools insisted on teaching this.
Look at the maps. It’s plain as day how power would be apportioned and if we had a bit of ruthlessness about us we could throw out all the illegals and all the imported mass immigrants that took so much as one dime of Federal or State welfare or any other funds. We could totally change the whole country in a couple of years and all it would take is to get rid of one court ruling and force States to go back to what they had before the courts illegally changed them.
If the States refused the Senate could just refuse to seat their Senators or count their votes and carry on without them. There’s precedent for this from the Democrats. The Democrats after they got rid of Nixon didn’t like some Representatives that were voted in, I think in New Hampshire, and made them vote over and over until a Democrat was put into office. They refused to seat the official elected by the State. What’s good for them is good for us.
Now maybe this plan is not perfect and it won’t happen overnight but right now we have no central plan that could be seen to turn the country completely around. All the plans I see are just to stop some of the bleeding. I DO NOT see breaking up the country or civil war as a good option. Being a big country with a lot of resources like we have is very desirable if we could run the thing the way we want it to be run instead of all the city centers. We could take all this massive wealth and power and focus it in our direction instead of theirs. Big win. The alternative of constant fighting with the large population centers… well we tried that and it didn’t come out too well.
Let’s game this a little. The red center States succeed, The coastal population centers take over the navy, block our ports and at the same time import a huge mass of bodies and maybe even the Chinese army. The Jews running things are serious psychopathic ruthless fucks, I could see them promising the Chinese the central States land and them killing us all. They did it to the Ukrainians so there’s precedent. They blast us to hell and back and starve us out. (Hmmmm maybe Gates buying up all the farmland is…well a thing). I don’t think the coastal States could defeat us without outside help but I have no doubt they would have plenty of that. Countries all over the world salivating over cutting off chunks of the US corpse. Maybe we could fight them off. Threaten nukes but… very messy and lots of stinking corpses. No guarantees against complete annihilation.
My way just uses the system of governance which we had and no one can really honestly complain that getting rid of totally made up court decisions is some sort of evil thing. Of course they will complain but I don’t think they would fight about it. It may even work.
What are the illegal cases?
Great comment, Sam. Thank you. The clean simplicity of “Why should the States legislative representation form be different than the Federal?” is the key. Anyone can get their head around that.
Solid. Worth reading and grokking.
Actually your county map is a bit old, maybe from 2016 or 2012. The contrast is even more stunning in 2020 presidential elections.

“…Actually your county map is a bit old…”
Holy smokes it’s even more segued by far. It’s astounding. WOW! I mean are we being fairly represented. Hell no look at that! I’m the one complaining about it and it even freaks me out how far gone things are.
If we changed this they should become VERY AFRAID…
Yeah I got that from a quick search. The vast difference show that you can immediately tell how they have concentrated power in the cites is so obvious that even a turnip can see it. It’s been going on a long time and I believe is THE far most issue causing the turn to the left. Not the only one but it’s at the top of the list.Thanks for the new link I’ll save it and use it next time I bring this up.
I wish I could get people to internalize this as some super really hurtful thing to our cause of a stable decent Republic. I really believe if we would change, as a beginning, this one thing about regional representation in the State Senate houses that was illegally taken away it would spawn a whole serious raft of changes over time. It would have to. Look at the difference in who says to do what. It would be totally upended if regional representation was the rule.
Having State Senates appoint Federal Senators would even turbocharge the whole thing even more. They would quit giving a damn about what Amazon, Gates, Facebook, etc. cared about at all.
What do you want to bet if the Congress said,”You must have regional representation in the State Senates” the left would immediately start bellowing about States rights like the most extreme “Fire Eater” from the Southern States before the civil war.
If we really wanted to kick their asses. I mean total domination, and why not they will certainly do it to us. We should REQUIRE all States to have equal land area proportional regional representation in the Senates of all the States. If I’m not mistaken, and I may be, I believe the Senate can decide the rules under which Senators can serve and if that is so we could just not seat their Senators unless they did as we said. Refuse to count their votes and carry on legislating without them.
Reynolds v. Sims, 377 U.S. 533 (1964), was a United States Supreme Court case in which the Court ruled that the electoral districts of state legislative chambers must be roughly equal in population
The widening of the people eligible to vote comes from the Voting Rights Act. There’s so damn many of these cases it would be difficult to mention them all. It’s probably easier to link where they are complaining that a few of them, like having a real ID, are being said to be restrictive by the same evil assets that want to overthrow the country. They want no rules at all.
There’s a whole slew of these type decisions that affect voting. Making the average middle class voters votes count way less than needed for a stable decent Republic and moving the country to a Democracy which tends towards Despotism. We don’t have to put up with this. The Legislature can take away the ability of the courts to keep doing this. If they did stop the courts doing this it would also temper the courts in a whole range of decisions because they would see that willfully ignoring the Constitution or stretching it to absurd levels would mean they would lose any power to decide anything eventually.
The Supreme court really started this way, way back in Marbury vs Madison where they ruled that it was THEY who were responsible for interpreting the Constitution and whatever they decided was what it said.
I’m not completely against that idea(Marbury vs Madison). The problem is that as they continually went farther and farther afield from the Constitution the Legislature refused to stop them.
Here’s a shit kicking out of this world example. A Fed. court ruled that Kansas schools were racist so the courts, forced the State to build more and better schools. the court decided in a general way the budget so the schools would have all the best new stuff and then they even bused kids from out of the district into the schools to “make them better”. It was a huge failure but note that the judge judged the law, wrote what needed to be done(legislative) and then monitored what was done (executive), so they WERE the whole damn government. A King, a Tyrant by any definition. They should have thrown him out on his ass.
I want to emphasixe a quote from a link I linked here,
“…Before the industrialization and urbanization of the United States, a State Senate was understood to represent rural counties, as a counterbalance to towns and cities. State and national legislatures had been reluctant to redistrict.[1], because there existed general upper-class fear that if redistricting to meet population changes were carried out, voters in large, expanding or expanded urban areas would vote for confiscatory wealth redistribution[2] that would severely inhibit the power of business interests who controlled state and city governments[3] early in the century.[1]…”
State Senates in the States based on regional Representation is as deadly to the left as is kryptonite to Superman.
“Drug addicts complain Heroin was replaced with Chinese Fentanyl around time of Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal.”
Probably brought in by the all of the Chinese college students and their Mexican mules to kill White America IN America and not in some foreign country. Make no mistake, they are the invader and attacker, and they will bring it to your doorstep. China is clearly one entire wing of Cabal.
More important is that the heroin stopped flowing when the CIA and .mil were kicked out of Afghanistan. That tells you where it was coming from in the first place.
The Boss. Interesting. I’m guessing it’s a combination of things, including but not restricted to connections and lineage.
He’s a prolific songwriter over many decades. You don’t need to be Jesus Christ or even J.S. Bach to do that, but it still takes a level of persistent and workmanship to put out all of those albums.
The E Street Band had some guys too. Weinberg, Little Stevie, Clarence Clemons.
> Cisco requires COVID-19 shots for all US staff – even remote workers.
Interestingly, Cisco’s Wikipedia page fails to note that it was heavily funded by the National Security Agency in its early days, like Oracle was funded by the CIA. (Wikipedia doesn’t mention that either)
> Marjorie Taylor Greene was fined $48K this year for defying the House mask mandate.
Yet Pelosi continues to hold conferences and interviews without one, right there in the same building…
“One rule for you, that doesn’t apply to me.”
> Daily $100 penalty per container fines, increasing in $100 increments per day, have taken effect on 58,900 long-dwelling containers now on the penalty clock in LA, and Long Beach.
That’s just a money grab by the dirtbags at the port. Those containers cost money; they’re not making any money sitting there at the port. It’s the port’s fault that they’re sitting there, idle. So now they’re going to start levying fines on those containers, that their owners *can’t* move (or they would have long ago), for some sleazy profit, and if they drag the process out long enough, the owners will abandon them and the port will have a windfall of “free” containers whenever the jackboot lifts.
> I never heard any of his music on the radio’s rock stations
They played a few on my local stations. “Born to Run” is still one of my favorite songs… but he cut that track in 1975. Contrast to “Born in the USA” which is quite un-American if you look at the lyrics, and most of his later “hits” sounded OK musically, but they were mostly downers lyrically.
Boomer music just sucks. Cabal CIA brainwashing musak forced on us everywhere we go for decades now.
“…Boomer music just sucks…”
Your wrong about that. Boomers made some serious hard core classics. Some of it may not translate to today but some of it does.
And don’t forget this. When I first heard this I was really really young and I thought,”this has to be the heaviest thing I have ever heard in my life”. Maybe I’m wrong but no one was doing anything like this when these guys put this out.
I liked The Byrds’ “Turn Turn Turn” because it was based on Ecclesiastes 3. For the most part, as Gen X, I can’t get into Boomer music. I can’t stand The Beatles, Bob Dylan, or any of the other versions of what I call “Boomer Drug Rock”, where you have to be stoned out of your mind to understand it. I do like “Teenage Wasteland” for the intro for some crazy reason.
My parents were Boomers. My dad liked Beach Boys and that Craig and Dean, which sounded just like Beach Boys (who roomed with Charles Manson for a while). They’re not too bad, but I don’t have any of their stuff in my saved music.
For years, I believed there was something wrong with me. Everybody loved The Beatles, right, so why didn’t I? Just like everybody was into sports, so why don’t I care about any of it? I finally just accepted myself for who I am. I hate The Beatles, and I don’t care one bit about spoiled crybaby millionaires tossing a ball around a field and kneeling over “racism”. Fuck all of them; I have a life to live.
The problem with the Beatles is that their biggest hits sound like someone else wrote them.
Like “Yesterday” is altogether different style.
The Trashmen were all silent generation.
Seattle was like, if you guys are antifa, then we want a little fa. Not a lot, but some. If you guys were no pulp OJ, we’re not looking for the one that says lots of pulp, but that one that says “some pulp.”
“Bruce Springsteen looking to sell catalog for up to $415 million. He was one of those things that never fit. I never heard any of his music on the radio’s rock stations, and I listened, I never knew anybody who bought his records, and when I once listened to a little of his stuff online I thought it was horrible. There was no way you could get a workout in to it. It wouldn’t surprise me to find out he was some sort of bloodline, and all of this was a rock star fantasy camp for him, and a cover for why he led a rich life.”
One amazing song, imo. The rest of it, meh.
“… never knew anybody who bought his records, and when I once listened to a little of his stuff online I thought it was horrible…”
He’s super, super massive in the Northeast. Lots of followers. I think he’s ok. He’s got some good songs. He did that acoustic album on a 4-track cassette I thought was really cool. I think he’s treated his band well seeing as how it’s his name on the albums. I never heard any bad anyways. Billy Joel eventually dumped his band for money. I saw a movie about that.
Springsteen *was* huge back then. Everybody listened. Everybody bought, everybody attended his shows. Nobody understood that he was a creepy Jew prick back then, or what that entailed. He was the last big Rock concert I ever attended. My seat was so far back that he looked like a tiny figure on an HO Train layout. I could have bought the album and stayed home and enjoyed it more.
The thing about the big Jew artists like Springsteen, Dylan, and you can’t leave out the Sultan if Swim guy is this: their song lyrics are complex and tell stories, unlike the typical more simply structured tunes. Are songs like that called ballads?
There is talk that the Beatles didn’t write some of their big hits.
More of Cabal’s black pilling, brainwashing, Boomer crap.
He sucks. The artists that cover his songs make them sound better.
Durham has arrested Danchenko.
Excellent. Another Putin-hating Obama/Clinton Cabal asset down.
“Danchenko worked as a Russia analyst at the liberal Brookings Institute, where he became known for accusing Russian President Vladimir Putin of plagiarizing his economics dissertation.”
You really can almost tell evil solely by how much they attack Putin.
Is Durham starting with the Russia farce and working his way up to the election fraud?
“The majority of the 5% of vaccine batches that caused 100% of the deaths in VAERS were sent to red Republican States across the USA.” Careful with
Denninger doesn’t like conspiracy theories.
The problem is, once you admit to an experimental mutagenic agent with no long-term safety record, made by companies with no legal liability, everything is fair game: intentional poisoning; parasites; 5G manipulation; graphene oxide; magnetic nanoparticles; luciferase. Everything is on the table.
Remember the nature of Evil. It requires your consent. You are supposed to choose Evil of your own free will. For the free will to be the case, you cannot be tricked or coerced. The sheer volume of information available on all of the alt sites that you choose to ignore because of a lack of credibility? That is your consent.
Look up “luciferase” on the Moderna patent above.
It’s on page 46.
When you ignore, dismiss, belittle or attack these collections of tiny facts, you absolve the evildoers of any responsibility for what they did to you. You gave them your consent. They told you what they were about in a simple name, and you chose to dismiss it. You have no one to blame but yourself, so goes the thinking of the evildoers.
Yep, pretty stupid to rip off Karl and think it won’t be noticed. He is a bulldog and will not let go if he decides to go after them.
How many people have sold their souls to the cartels since the Biden admin insinuated they’d give half a million dollars from the government? I think that was the point.
Headline says it all:
Padma Lakshmi Has a Plan to De-Tucker Carlson America
THAT is why you don’t allow Immigration. Here is an Asian Indian attacking a WASP. And she wants to “De-Tucker Carlson America”.
She should be the first to be shipped back to her country. I am sick and tired of Asian Indians who are in this country telling the Anglo-Saxons and other Germanic Americans how to run this country lilke “Velshi” and “Dinesh d’Sousa”. They all need to leave.
But it is now the Tower of Babel.
RE: Maine food amendment
Awesome. If I lived in an HOA development in Maine I would already be ripping out my front yard to turn it into raised bed gardening. Geothermal greenhouse would be in the backyard along with the chicken run.
The state I currently reside in has banned rainwater collection which means that I cannot build a house with with below-ground cisterns fed by rain off the roof, and has also banned any form of earthen wall, making it legally impossible for me to build an Earthship Global model home, which features both of those things to create a fully off-grid home.
New Earthships capture more energy, water & food at lower cost
I’m honestly not certain what the laws are here about in-ground geothermal greenhouses, but I’m probably just going to build one and not worry about it. They can be used to grow citrus in a Nebraska winter, so they will work just fine for the Pacific Northwest.
If I had the cash, I would buy hunting property in Idaho or Montana with a cabin on it and build all of this, then demo the cabin.
Imagine abiding by some faggot saying you can’t move rainwater where you please. Do it and make them enforce it, tell them to send bachelors. They have no power that you don’t give them.
Taliban bans foreign currency. It’s not about inflation, it’s about starving out the poppy growers. What good is selling your opium if you can’t spend the money they pay you in?
Luciferase is an ingredient in Covid vaccine. What an odd name to brand something with. Why not just get it over with and call it Satanase?
“As most of my followers on social media and Substack must know by now, I have spent a considerable amount of time the last two years trying to discover the actual ingredients of the new COVID vaccines. The reason is simple: Big Pharma has gone to considerable trouble to hide them.
Do the Big Pharma companies want to submit the vaccines to independent analysis? They do not! Do the Big Pharma companies want to disclose all the ingredients? They do not! Do the Big Pharma companies have any liability for lying to the public about the proprietary ingredients in their vaccines? They do not.
One thing is certain: Big Pharma is not standing behind these products. They’re totally experimental and untested and so forth — so why are the world’s governments so hellbent on injecting their citizens with this stuff?
What’s Luciferase?
Luciferase is an enzyme that can produce bioluminescence. (It can make things glow, basically.) That’s why Luciferase is commonly used in the biomedical industry. It’s used to tag very tiny things like cells or proteins so that you can track them.
It tags things so you can track them.”
Union Pacific Backs Off Biden’s Vaccine Mandates after Only 44% of Union Workers get Vaxxed
God’s cooking something…
I hope Vox is paying attention:
Foreigners flee China, the separation is almost complete?
The Financial Times reported that the head of the U.S. business lobbying agency in China warned that as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) tightens its control of COVID-19, Western executives are withdrawing from the world’s largest consumer market.
Today, as the rest of the world has reopened, American business leaders, including Mr. Ker Gibbs and Alan Beebe, Presidents of the American Chambers of Commerce in Shanghai and Beijing, are warning the CCP that the evacuation of foreigners from China may accelerate.
The British Financial Times also cites a recent survey of 338 American Chamber of Commerce members in Shanghai. The survey shows that more than 70% of companies have difficulty in attracting and retaining foreign talent. “Restrictions related to travel visas,” have become the main issue.
China’s strict entry quarantine policies include the abolition of tax incentives enjoyed by foreigners for decades; the rising cost of living in Chinese cities. Power shortages, power cuts, and increases in electricity prices, along with the CCP’s relentless surveillance, are also essential factors in driving foreign executives to return to their home countries.
China is still conducting a policy of “Zero COVID-19”. Anxious foreigners, uncertain of how long they would be locked up in their houses, quickly fled.
TFI Global points out that the flight of investors from China is due to the strict blockade by COVID-19, government surveillance, and a series of repressive economic policies implemented by the authorities.
Since last November, China has launched an all-out attack against businesses, companies, and entrepreneurs. The technology industry, education and training, private schools, and most private companies are “harvested” by the government. In the face of such anti-trade measures, investors will inevitably flee from China to escape the dictatorship.
Foreign media concluded that Japanese and Korean companies, seeing no sign of China’s economic growth in the future, withdrew from China under subsidies from their governments.
U.S. companies also decided to leave, even without government subsidies. For example, Walmart has moved Asia’s global supply hub from China to India. Even European companies that don’t want to give up on the Chinese market have begun to move their production lines out.
On the Chinese stock market, corporate capital can be wiped out at any time without any warning. As a result, the Chinese tech giants are no longer trusted in the stock market and have shrunk considerably.
TFI Global said China’s stock market is as unpredictable as the CCP. As a result, traders are all playing a game of life and death, no matter how they deal with the market.
International geopolitics scholar Ranveer Singh Ranhotra believes that under the CCP’s iron fist, foreigners and their companies will withdraw from China, hastening China’s defeat.
At the same time, if the Chinese people realize the unbelief and incompetence of the CCP, the rate of the party’s demise will be faster.
“…China’s strict entry quarantine policies include the abolition of tax incentives enjoyed by foreigners for decades; the rising cost of living in Chinese cities. Power shortages, power cuts, and increases in electricity prices, along with the CCP’s relentless surveillance, are also essential factors in driving foreign executives to return to their home countries…”
So the Jews and their minions have finally decided that the Chinese are definitely, absolutely not going to let them run their country and sacrifice the Chinese children to Morlock. So they’re done.
China has been one of the most prolific centers of human and child sacrifice ever since the CCP took over.
But it does seem the two devils have had a falling out.
Great to see that Xi is relentlessly chasing out Globalist Cabal assets.
So, this is probably a terrible idea, but I’m a guy that over-shares. My Uncle just died of cancer. You all know that. It came out of remission AFTER he took the jabs. There’s no way to prove that it was the jabs, but I have heard of that happening anecdotally all year. Ten years ago, his son my cousin was killed in a collision with an illegal Mexican – survived by his then unborn daughter. She’s a great kid, has good mother.
My grandmother is a paranoid schizophrenic. She suffered a psychotic break when she was 35 years old. She had a top secret clearance at the time working at LLNL. That we know of after her institutionalization, she was given over 200 shock therapy treatments to burn out her brain that we can document. I grew up listening to her talking about psychiatrists programming people with lasers. She is now talking about people rifling through her tiny apartment and stealing things. My father and aunt roll their eyes. I’m the only person in the room who thinks that just because you’re crazy doesn’t mean you’re making things up. I honestly don’t know whether or not she is.
My other first cousin died from complications of losing his health insurance forcing him to use an inferior type of insulin that ultimately proved a fatally inadequate.
If you’re wondering why I am rambling on about all of this, I am expecting to lose my grandparents, my aunts, my father, and my brother to the jabs. I don’t know about my cousins, and I am not asking because if they die I’ll know. If you’re wondering how much worse things can get, imagine that but with food shortages thrown in. The system is designed to take from you, and it isn’t done yet.
In case you’re wondering, when it happens to you, the answer is that NO the anger will never go away. Use it as fuel to do what you need to. The system is weak. Look for whatever way you can to undermine it because we’re never going to get the chance that we have right now.
All of that may seem like just oversharing, but as I read it, every piece feels like a critical piece of a puzzle I wish I had understood back when I was in my teens. There is a big secret in this world, involving the fact everything is Darwinian, it is only soul-less, psychopathic sharks at the top, and if you think nobody would ever do something to get ahead of you, it is because they have fooled you.
Hang tough, because this really does feel like an always darkest before the dawn situation.
I am so sorry to hear that, Lowell.
Sounds like a hidden camera in your aunt’s apartment should verify her story.
It would be great, but very complicated to do.
This is where I sound like a schizo, but I swear this is the truth. They watch you in your house, somehow. My suspicion is it is usually sound. My security cameras are set up to a display in the living room, and whenever I walk by them, cars zoom by back and forth in front of my house, I assume as a reminder they are watching, and to pump up paranoia. Once, I was in another room, but with a view of the camera display. My dog proceeded to walk into the room, and just off the same timing, the cars went back and forth. I assume he caused a squeak in the flooring, or something and they thought it was me. That would jibe with a TV show I saw re-enacting an FBI case, where the guy in the van was describing what was happening in a house all by holding an earpiece to his ear and listening.
But that said, I get the feeling their autists, who spend all day listening, get incredibly good at it, to the point they are practically watching. Plus, I assume their microphone system works off waveform triangulation of sound waves traveling through wall structures, foundations, and the ground, and it is processed today by computers which can use wave travel times and arrival times at mics to tell you where the sound comes from in the house, maybe even with a display of the floor plan and the sound location represented as a red dot.
But that is all my system. Lowell’s grandmother sounds somewhat more important, and Lowell himself is watched closely, particularly internet activity, and followed in stores. SO the question becomes, how do you get the camera, to deploy in the house? How do you deploy it, without them noticing, when they are monitoring the house, certainly through sound, maybe through microwave thru-wall, as I suspect I have had, and maybe even with hidden video cameras, as a former top level government scientist who became a target might have? It is very difficult to get ahead of them. You have to wargame everything in your head, trying to defeat your own plan, and then get around the defeat, and re defeat, and on and on.
I feel for his aunt. Nobody who has lived their life free of this thing can believe it would exist, or break into houses, or devote probably millions of dollars in effort and resources to people with no power. And yet it is so irritating to see people ignore a loved one’s very real plight, just because they’re ignorant of how the world works. God bless her, I hope she gets justice.
They 3D map your house using sound echolocation? And they have the equivalent of sonar operators on a sub interpreting this data?
Miles Mathis has a theory about the “charge field” that engulfs the planet.
I mean, grandmother.
I really don’t know what to say Lowell except to say I’m sorry for this terrible turn of events. Things are very bad.
Amen, brother.
My condolences Lowell. I’ve lost three close family members over the last three years.
None due to the shot or Covid. COPD, cancer, and leukemia. I’ve also lost two dogs due to old age. My three siblings and their children are vaxxed so I’m expecting to lose more.
I feel so numb right now that losing my job is almost an afterthought at this point. I reject the shot as a challenge to the evil currently destroying our world. Bring it on. I will burn you with God’s Word.
I’m also ready to send you to your master if you want. I’ll just have to pray for forgiveness for that.
I think we are all going to get good at grief.
Regarding the 5% vaccine, two thoughts:
1. I was living in a super-leftie city in Western Europe, and no one I knew had an adverse reaction to the vaccine. I’m now living in a relatively right-wing part of Western Europe and 3 people just in my neighbourhood (a quiet suburb) had severe reactions to the vaccine. Just a personal anecdote but there it is.
2. Q said 4 – 6 % couldn’t be saved. I think he’s just talking about the terminally brainwashed, but it’s also possible he was referring to vaxx deaths/side effects.