News Briefs – 11/03/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Looks like the right has its George Floyd. NY DEC shows up with eight cops at some dude’s home where he raises abandoned animals,  and has an internet-famous rescue squirrel who looked quite harmless and delightful, named Peanut. They take him into custody during the five hour raid to seize Peanut and a Raccoon which was also tame, and kill both, under the pretense they need to test them for rabies, and they were unlicensed anyway. It is entirely possible this was Cabal, taking out this guy’s social media channel, for being too popular and having too big an audience. I wrote that before I even saw this:

“I wasn’t even allowed to feed my rescue horses breakfast or lunch. I was sit, sat there like a criminal after they interrogated my wife to check out her immigration status.”

“Then proceeded to ask me if I had cameras in my house.

If the cops are on the up and up, there is no reason for them to care if they are recorded carrying out a search. They asked this because they were planting tech in his house, and did not want to be caught doing it, and they were afraid of his following. This was the secret American Stasi, and the raid, and killing Peanut was about him accumulating too many social media followers. Those complaints they received were Cabal ground surveillance, told to make the complaints by their command, which had identified him as a risk of spreading information. I would assume he has cameras and mics throughout his house now, probably wired into the electric he pays for, and piggybacking the WiFi connected to the internet he pays for, all just in case this is not enough to crash his social media activity, and they need blackmail. I wrote that, and then saw this:

Would you look at that, anon? She has a photography business. Remember Irah Sok? I told you, surveillance gets trained up in photography, they get the gear, and when they want to set up a side hustle, it ends up being a photography business. She’ll take heat now, but command will make it up to her later. What nobody realizes is how important controlling this space is to them.

The issue is resonating with the right because taxpayers are being forced to pay for these assholes to go around playacting out John Wick fantasies with people’s pets while hiding behind cops, and if the government were truly a government run with the consent of the governed, we would rather not be paying these rank assholes a salary for this bullshit. You should not need to live in fear the government will find out you are not hurting anyone and fuck up up your life. Once again, Trump can appear as the savior of the animals and the protector of the wronged, simply by highlighting how none of this would be an issue, just by cutting all this waste from government.  Nevertheless, Peanut is now our George Floyd, right as the election is happening.

With Cabal, there is always a sense they are recruiting the misfits, with promises to overthrow the natural order and install them in charge over the natural gazelles. Here you have a handsome guy who owns the squirrel, and in a thread highlighting the guilty parties Oilfield Rando shows you have a total geeky fag of a Commisioner, an absolute hog of a woman, and a slew of leftist bimbos who all decide every rule needs to be enforced, and the squirrel killed, immediately, complete with full SWAT raid:

Tech Titan Elon Musk ignites social media storm over Peanut the Squirrel’s death at the hands of New York government. There is no way you could get me in that position in the DEC, that I would not “fuck up” and accidentally forget to deal with the squirrel. These are government workers, who are the epitome of laziness, uselessness and sloth, but this one time, they had the discipline of US Marines, to see “their duty” carried out. For “morals and righteousness” of course – in this fucking satanic pedovore government.

FEMA failed to answer nearly half of the calls for assistance, aid it received during Hurricanes Helene and Milton: report.

Video: Minnesota Somali leaders endorse Pro-Jewish Trump for President. These were definitely agents of Cabal, probably being run by CIA. And now they endorse Trump.

FOIA reveals long-hidden transcript of President Obama talking to progressive media about the Trump-Russia fraud story 3 days before Trump 2017 inauguration, in a bid to derail Trump’s transition to power.

Fourth PA county launches an investigation – Lehigh County Pennsylvania opens probe into 1,500 suspect registrations after at least 600 found to be complete “garbage.”

Pennsylvania voter rolls infested with active voters living in anomalous addresses and voters with birth dates under the voting age.

Republican lawmakers demand answers from the Pentagon after military service members complained that they have not received enough absentee ballots to vote before Election Day.

Outrage is ensuing after Fulton County, Georgia is reportedly not allowing poll watchers to observe “special” weekend operations in the deep-blue area.

Republicans score victory in Georgia fight over election observers, RNC chairman says.

The RNC filed a lawsuit on Saturday after four Georgia counties extended their election office hours and decided to accept absentee ballots over the weekend in violation of state law.

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court shut down an effort to allow mail-in ballots lacking a handwritten date to be counted in the 2024 election.

Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose filed a lawsuit in federal court today on behalf of the citizens of Ohio, demanding the Department of Homeland Security provide access to United States citizenship records, which they have unlawfully withheld, so the state can properly vet voters.

Vice President Harris will vote by mail ahead of Election Day as a way to “model” the different modes of voting for Americans, the campaign told reporters Saturday.

Kamala Harris to make surprise appearance on ‘Saturday Night Live.’ No equal time for candidates anymore?

Trump campaign rips Kamala Harris for going on ‘Saturday Night Leftist’ and ‘cosplaying with her elitist friends.’

A new spiked fence goes up in the White House compound before election day. I feel like there should be an amendment saying the government cannot take measures to defend itself from attack. I think if they were Constitutionally barred from putting up all this security, our leaders would be much more interested in keeping everyone happy. Clearly there comes a point, where they are using our money to fuck up our nation, and then they are using our money to prevent us from overthrowing them, where it is just offensive.

Harris campaign rally: Joe Biden says he wants to ‘smack’ Trump’s ‘ass.’ Given it seems as if everyone in that family are all fucking each other, Trump might want to keep some separation from Biden at the inauguration.

Actor Harrison Ford has revealed he will be backing Kamala Harris for the presidency with just days until the election. So he has skeletons too…

The widely respected Des Moines Register/Selzer poll shows Kamala Harris leading Donald Trump by THREE points In Iowa. None of this is real. I voted, but I do not actually think it makes any difference. An intel op has wargamed this out to the point they went operational, which meant their plan tested out as undefeatable. For that reason, I think it highly unproductive to engage in the arena they have already tested out as dominating. The one hope for us, is to strike a blow they never thought could be struck in a way they never expected. Whatever will happen with the election is already predetermined. I just list the polls in the runup to show how experts think the rigging will play out.

Outlier poll? Trump within a point in Virginia.

House Speaker Mike Johnson says there is a massive plan to slash government and ship Federal Bureaucrats out of DC, and to the states where they have responsibilities.

Video – After Senator John Fetterman knocked Republicans for rejecting a controversial border bill, podcaster Joe Rogan held his feet to the fire and spoke about the theory that Democrats are using immigration to turn swing states blue. You can very clearly see Fetterman has been given a script designed to make it look like he is fighting the right, but to have him do so, so badly, that he actually is one of the biggest helps to our cause. Very high level manipulation, as any decent American will want to strangle him, and any honest leftist must be cringing. And he is doing all that from the left’s side, making it impossible for the left to attack him.

‘Burnt out’ Gen Z employees miss one work day each week due to mental health struggles: shock survey. Trevor Moore’s famous tweet comes to mind:

The German government is now trying to decide whether or not to prosecute AfD for a campaign video which criticized the government for catering to foreigners and wasting taxpayer money.

The EU is developing its own CIA. Is the real CIA going away?

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy criticized Western allies for not stepping up to the plate following reports that thousands of North Koreans have joined forces with Russia.

Ukrainian defenses in the East are buckling, Russian advance is accelerating.

RFK, Jr.: “on January 20, the Trump White House Will Advise All U.S?. Water Systems to Remove Fluoride From Public Water!”

Wall Street stands to lose billions as Truth Social surges, handed Trump $123 million per day last month.

The chances of former President Donald Trump winning Wisconsin are good, Democrat and Republican sources told Mark Halperin — limiting Vice President Kamala Harris’s path to an Electoral College victory.

President Donald Trump is leading Vice President Kamala Harris in Iowa by more than 10 percent, according to a recent poll.

New York Republicans vote early in record numbers — but Dem turnout in ‘total free fall.’

Exclusive–Rasmussen head pollster predicts Trump landslide, likens to 1980 Reagan-Carter election, ‘Major political realignment.’

I am not necessarily an Elon fan in real life, but the character he plays does have some great lines:


Send people to, because we are almost to the big day

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4 months ago

It had to be this way anons, trust the plan.

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Frosty
3 months ago

Find it hard to believe that having hell completely annex the Earth was part of any plan other than Hell’s

4 months ago

Unfortunate resemblance
comment image

Reply to  Anon
3 months ago

Miss Trunchbull!

4 months ago

and they were unlicensed anyway.

He had applied for the licenses.

Tec's Dad
Tec's Dad
4 months ago
4 months ago


Kamala, beloved Asian elephant at National Zoo, euthanized after failing health

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 months ago

Indian -> Fail -> Euthanasia

4 months ago

From Martin Armstrong: worthy of you watching.

Jeffrey Sacks – Truth About Neocons & Ukraine

Paraphrase: The Ukraine war was started in 1990 on February 9th: James Baker III promised Gorbachev that NATO would not move one inch eastward if Russia agrees to the reunification of Germany, thus ending WWII. In 1994, the US under Bubba Clinton welshed on the agreement when he signed off on a plan to expand NATO all the way to Ukraine. This is when the Neo-Cons took power.

Last edited 4 months ago by teotoon
Reply to  teotoon
3 months ago

RFK’s proposed “reforms” are nothing.
Trump needs to put Binney in charge of eliminating the CIA.

4 months ago

Trevor Moore’s famous tweet comes to mind:

The lol at the end is so perfect.

4 months ago

If you are following the sh–show, keep in mind the electoral math.

Blues got 308 electoral votes in 227, to 227 for Trump. Two low population states allocate votes by congressional districts, but this effect in 2020 cancelled out (one urban district in red Nebraska for Biden, one rural district in blue Maine for Trump) and likely will again.

Its reported that the Harris campaign is giving up on Wisconsin, Nevada, and North Carolina. North Carolina was a Trump state in 2020, but the closest one, and the only one people thought he might lose this year. Wisconsin and Nevada were Biden states. If they flip, that knocks 15 electoral votes from the blue total, leaving them at 293.

The polls show a near tie in Virginia. I think Trump wins Virginia because the electoral fortification is no longer there. He must have come to some sort of arrangement with Youngkin. So that removes another 13 electoral votes from the blue total for 280.

That means they have almost no margin left for conceding more states. OK, they can afford to lose New Hampshire and New Mexico, 9 EVs total, if they win anything else. But losing any of Georgia (16 EV), Arizona (11 EV), Michigan (16 EV) or Pennsylvania (19 EV) puts them under water. If there is a steal, it has to work in all four. I think they will have the hardest time in Georgia.

Here is the thing. Elite people go to jail after this. Which elite people depend on who wins. This is a Latin American election. So at this stage no one is going to allow a clean vote and then a concession for the loser.

So expect massive amounts of fraud in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Arizona which will be detected, and fought over this time. And I think the blues will steal the House of Representatives, but that will be fought over too. The Senate will be hard for them because the map this year is GOP friendly.

4 months ago

When the railroad executives got together and gave us time zones, they still tried to keep noon as when the sun was highest in the sky. The elites have been pushing to set noon as one hour earlier from when the sky is in the sky, to get in more tee time at the country club (really). That this means that blue collar workers and school children have to commute in the cold and dark before sunrise was a bonus.

One nice thing about winter is that we get normal time for a few months.

Karl Denninger suggested this morning that with everyone carrying smart phones now, we can do without time zones and go back to local time:

Reply to  Ed
3 months ago

Nah. I’m a farm laborer, I need my clock to match work sunlight and noon as close to the highest height of the sun.

4 months ago

More weather wars?

Reply to  Anonymous
3 months ago

Have not validated the patent holder data, but is a descriptive point. Any tech the usa comes up with, nearly all of it is shared freely with our greatest ally. They would not have nukes otherwise, or be allowed to do so. Any tech they come up with on their own, or steal outright, they will not share back and just use in other countries on that foreign soil or on those people with impunity. They do stupid kinds of shit all the time and just shrug it off afterwards, letting the blowback just blow over and pull out the antisemite defending themselves victim card. Even the retards over at cabal central would have a little restraint, not much, but would not want any unnecessary disasters or such interfere with their already good running skim and grift operations that roll easily in normal unfettered functioning societies that they have their fingers already involved in. Not smart to kill the milk cow kinda analogy. Anything weather or natural disaster related is all suspect at this point. Recall the turkey earthquakes timing paralleling with diplomatic problems as well. Seek higher ground and Stay frosty.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 months ago

very interesting, yes very. מאוד מעניין, כן מאוד (meud meanyan, ken meud)
via Google translate.

4 months ago

RE: Voice of Devil.
We should stop using that phrase. Did this voice give positive message, motivate people to grown or what? Based of what TI’s said about this phenomen, the term >voice of devil< will fix much better.

4 months ago

I also thought the squirrel thing might be a cabal op it’s right up their alley. One thing I was thinking about is these people seem to have a particular disdain for the connection that normal people have with their pets, usually dogs. I understand there are other reasons to kill the dogs so it makes it easier to sneak around a property undetected but I also think there’s something deeper than that. Like they hate that having pets exemplifies caring for the weak and defenseless or something. Did anyone watch any videos of this guy and his squirrel? He absolutely loved that animal and the squirrel was clearly totally comfortable with him. It was a beautiful human and animal relationship. In a world where they are trying to desensitize us to the absolute worst things just petting your dog (or squirrel) at the end of the day can help reset and preserve your humanity and your hope for the future.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

Concur. Like with HARAMBE, people can connect with any creature because God gave them to us on earth as a part of the grand design. I hunt and fish more as the gift of sustenance and in keeping with a high level of respect for their place in the natural order, not just as a killer of another creature. I keep no mounts or trophy heads only as a personal choice, they are nice to view, but I do not lord over them or possess as a notch on a gun euphemism manner. If a guest is in my house whether a human or animal it is my duty to shelter and protect them. This guy was doing that duty, they took that from him, by force. NUTS OUT FOR P-NUT!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

If I was in a position to sign off on this I might give the guy a call and assess the situation. “Hello, sir do you let your squirrel go outside freely? Is he in close contact with wild animals? Oh, he just chills in your house all day? Oh you’re actually running a foundation for animals? Oh ok. Thank you sir and yes you can expect to hear from us again.” Annnnd to the bottom of the pile it goes. As soon as you know this guy isn’t just snatching random squirrels and the one he has is an inside pet this is the lowest of low priorities. Only a monster or someone with an agenda would have pulled the trigger on this. Especially with the unnecessary raid.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

AC we are going to have a mechanized infantry division named after Peanut. The division patch will be a squirrel looking Kingly.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

There are a lot of names that deserve justice. Human and animal alike. Mollie Tibbetts, Irah Sok, Kiki Camarena, Ashli Babbitt, and so many more. Peanut and Fred are just the latest additions. And if you take into account other countries like UK, France, Sweden, Germany, Italy, etc you get a list that would take too long to read unfortunately. Whoever these people are…a cabal wealthy old families, aliens, demons, whatever they and their servants are they have a lot to answer for and I hope by the grace of god the time for retribution is soon.

Reply to  Ultra
3 months ago

Let’s see if this attempt goes through, since the last time I tried to reply to this message on my phone it locked the browser.
I said that animals can sense and hate demonic presences, so their destruction is to the benefit of the things that I strongly suspect are the Cabal’s true masters. The pain and anguish the animals’ callous destruction causes is only a side benefit.

Reply to  diogenes
3 months ago

That makes sense to me. I’m not sure how or why animals were endowed with this ability but it definitely seems to be true. Even people notice it although they don’t always realize what they are seeing. Like a pet dog that doesn’t like your mean aunt or something and always barks at her until she leaves. They can sense when people are off and if it’s a demonic presence…sure why not?

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Ultra
3 months ago

They hate because Adolf Hitker loved dogs and respected other animals to the point of instituting laws against cruelty to animals, which included, I think, Kosher slaughter and “scientific” experimentation a la Fauci for example.
The officials involved in this Squirrel case are all Jews, for what it’s worth.
They’d do it to you, too, or your children.
Did you read of the Canadian case a while back where a couple checked their daughter in to a hospital, then went out shopping for something for her. Upon their return, they discovered that some ghoul had talked the daughter into signing the papers to have herself euthanized. There was nothing the parents could do to stop the Canadian Jewish health care system from killing the girl.
Frankly, I would rather see scientific experiments on Jews, than on Beagles.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

“…But there are Jews not in the conspiracy…”

10-20, maybe even, but not likely, 100.

If Jews are not going to be bundled together in this, considering the VAST AMOUNT OF THEM involved, then they are going to have to step up. I have heard Jews all my life, constantly, unceasingly, attacking White people. Trying to demean them, ripping them off, murdering them or setting them up for murder, a never ending gas-light. So I ask, where are all these good Jews. Sure there are a few but they are thin on the ground. If it were soil, and they were plants, it would be a desert. Like the Sahara.

comment image

And we see even now there is little, maybe no, opposition to the most heinous crimes they are doing to the Palestinians. If they could get away with it, they would do this to all of us and laugh and rejoice just like they do when they rape prisoners, blow up their houses, shoot their children, bulldoze them into ditches and burn them alive.

AC is constantly trying to cover up the reality of Jewish behavior “as a group” and it’s important that we judge them as THEY judge us as a group. They can ask morally ask no more of us than the way they treat us.

What’s the problem with asking Jews to call out their brethren? Look at Anthony Weiner setting some Jew straight who questions his behavior. He backs up. You can see his contrition for criticizing Weiner. He is silenced because of their culture. He tells the Jew criticizing him, “you can not judge me, talk to your Rabbi” and rightfully in his culture, he can not. It’s a VERY important distinction. So in fact, there is no way for them to rightfully stop the worst of them, and THAT IS NOT MY PROBLEM. I am not responsible for their behavior.

Myth of the good Jew

It’s not my fault that they act they way they do. It is not my fault they have decided to operate as a group to my detriment. You can not fight those that are in-grouped evil with goodness, love and individualism. And you can not morally chastise me for seeing them, as they see us and opposing them, as they do us. It was their choice. They made it. My culture is different, but if mine is to survive I must save the better parts of my culture for my people, not them, lest I lose everything.

The only thing we can do to make this stop is to get rid of them. Peacefully if we can get it but by any means possible, get rid of them. Let them have no say in our lives, our society or any of our affairs. This has worked wonders every time it has been tried for thousands of years. Our only deficit is that we forget how bad they were and keep letting them back in.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

Jews are known to treat their traitors very harshly.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

In the end the cause of loyalty to evil doesn’t make much difference.
GOD will be their judge, but there will probably be many who go to hell due to their solidarity.

I think we only need to actively remove the cabal Jews, the rest will probably flee in terror yelling about another holohoax, any that don’t aren’t part of the excessive ingrouping.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

I realize many people disdain this distinction, but IMO you are exactly right.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

What Sam said, cubed. Plus, we are in a war. Jews are great cowards. Cowards earn an unhappy fate in a war.
I guess I did know one Jew that qualified as a true human. He was a Yeminite, wedded to an Ashkenaz girl. He told me the Ashkenaz in Israel treated him as a second class citizen. A couple of months ago, I was talking to his widow. She was complaining: “The world will always hate the Jews,” she sighed.
I really, really wanted to ask her, “why is that, Sahara,”
Didn’t bother as she’d have had no idea and would have emitted the typical deer-in-a-headlight look. Just like all the rest and I have known and dealt with at least 1000 Jews since I’ve been dealing with them. Many apparently are unconnected with the Jewish crime wave, but come on, man…how can they not know?
This included the apparently cool young cynic of a debate club president in high school. Some of us would hang around and discuss atheism back in the day. He would always run down Christianity and spout stuff he had to have got from his father at the dinner table. “I believe in the ‘drunken soldier theory'” was his favorite. NOW he could have told me, “I’m Jewish, you know. We don’t like it either.”
But NO, I didn’t know he was a Jew and there were several others of the same behavior.
AC, I will guarantee you that a big topic of discussion in these Jewish families was how they were socking it to the goyim. Not even the grand poobah of willful ignorance could fail to notice “things.” At best some Jews are in denial and like to whistle past the graveyard.
The surveillance? You are correct, I am convinced of that, in your suggestion of the Akkadian empire as a logical start for them. Thus, they are much older than Judaism.
UNFORTUNATELY, the secret protects itself, as the old saying goes. Here’s why: the Cabal, which originated as The Guild of Merchants and Moneylenders in old (pre-Akkadian) Sumer, had about 15 major problems in gaining full control and having their way. Most of these concerned “flaws” in their location — an area where stone walls were impossible — and in the unique culture of Sumeria.
SO… The Guild, which was headquartered in Ur, eventually came up with a really foolproof plan to overcome all the problems.
THEY CREATED A NEW AND ERSATZ religion. Based in Salem, now Jerusalem. They purchased and swindled the blessing of Melchizidik, the priest-king of ‘The Most High God,’ in Jerusalem. This God was called ‘the most high’ because his city, Salem, was literally the highest spot around. At that time,
each of a pantheon of God’s would have his own city, where he lived and was served by the local people.
It took a long time for The Guild to get their entire plan into operation. THIS entire story is discussed by Gregory Delaney, “The Sumerian Swindle.”
The amazing history was discovered by Delany, who may now be deceased. He did not finish the third volume, but the first two cover from the original Ubandian days up to the end of the Old Testament time. Free online, herecabd there, but get the third edition.
Gregory Delaney was a Ph.D. and a martial arts instructor, student of an older Chinese Doctor, out West. He also had learned or noticed some things about how old Celtic traditions had things in common with Taoist practices.
I knew Delaney and helped him with some graphics stuff more than 20 years ago, for what it’s worth.
Here’s a warning. Do not be suckered into outlawing free speech because it allows blasphemy because there is nothing more blasphemous than attributing Creation to the bogus cult that The Guild of Merchants and Moneylenders set up to aid them in swindling the entire world!

Last edited 3 months ago by Ghost Who Walks
Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Ultra
3 months ago

I think this squirrel thing was comms. Cabal is warning the squirrels what will happen to them. A squirrel stashes things. Like information. They’re threatening those who store information for later use against cabal. The raccoon was also killed, so this comm was directed at the black community, so probably warning them from speaking what they know about Pdiddy, jayz, etc.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Mycroft Jones
3 months ago

Interesting my comment was down voted twice. Now I’ve looked in more detail, not only was the squirrel thing comms, but it was aimed directly at p Diddy, warning him to keep his mouth shut. He has a lot of compromat recorded from the cameras in his house.

3 months ago

‘Burnt out’ Gen Z employees miss one work day each week due to mental health struggles: shock survey. Trevor Moore’s famous tweet comes to mind:
When you treat everyday like you are going into battle, I believe, you will never need these “mental health” days off of work. I’ve worked with guys in their 70’s doing shit better than 20 year olds, because they are tough as nails… and everyday living is a cake walk compared to bullets whizzing past your head. I never been in a war, but at least I know I can still get up and do what I need to do everyday unless I’m completely incapacitated.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 months ago

I think your causality and thus your conclusion is wrong. I bet they will burn out even more.

Reply to  kid
3 months ago

My whole point is that youngin’s these days are soft.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 months ago

AC kicks out this news feed every day. Manages the comments, somehow while writing and editing his own book. Seems to stand to every day ready to go to battle. All the while resisting incapacitation.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

Tell me I can’t and I will show you. Keep it up AC we all appreciate it! May GOD Bless YOU! #ChristIsKing

Reply to  Anonymous
3 months ago

Burnout happens when stress is the primary motivator. Older people are less likely to burn out because they grew up in a functional culture where merit brings success and work increases merit. This is the way it’s supposed to be.

People under 30 have never known a meritocracy. They don’t even have a reference point in their minds to understand what it might look like. All they know is that idleness increases stressors, and work might ease the pain. But when you work towards some meritorious goal, evil people come out of the woodwork to cut you down. Females don’t respect it because the evil culture points them towards, um, different markers of male status. So there is never any pleasure in achievement. Eventually, motivated only by stress, a person can’t take it anymore and burn out sets in.

This is what God’s chastisement looks like.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  anon
3 months ago

People cut down younger people today, but I’m not buying it. If the system is rigged to screw you, and it is, then there’s no point in knocking yourself out for nothing.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 months ago

I have decided to work way less hard and stress less over the past year or so. It’s done wonders for my health.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 months ago
Marielle Redclaw
3 months ago

Scott Adams also thinks we don’t have free will, so…

Marielle Redclaw
3 months ago

Justice For Peanut

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
3 months ago

Concur. All the way.

English Tom
English Tom
3 months ago

What those bastards did to the squirrel. It’s driving me nuts!

3 months ago

“Electric fence” might also be a good metaphor for the gargantuan global monster.
On this page are links to video and transcription of very clear discussion of who and what is the source of the ongoing violent insanities AND what can be done to stop them AND what people are already doing.

3 months ago

I think AC is correct that the squirrel murder is the surveillance harassing an influencer who got too influential.

This points to something important about this. We now have the names of two of the surveillance. Monica Kessler in Texas, and Karen Przlek in Chemung County, New York. It was Przlek who organized the raid, so she is probably head of a fifteen person surveillance crew.

Chemung County has a population of about 84,000, which is too many to have just one crew, so I don’t think she is the senior person there.

When the war kicks off, it can’t be understated how important it is to be able to identify the surveillance crews in supposedly secure areas. I think the Russian advance in Ukraine is so slow because Putin is having the Russians conduct interrogations and identify the surveillance in every town that they take.

This also points to that they have several assets embedded in each county sheriff’s office and local police force, both to keep the police from interfering in their operations, and to be able to use police for gangstalking. The first place to look would be senior people in the police forces, particularly if they can direct SWAT teams.

Reply to  Ed
3 months ago

Correct. As I referred to Anons having to become “adjudicators” in any mop up operations post cabal collapse, there will have to be a thorough gestapo, cheka, fsb type of vetting and investigating of everyone. Everyone, even a deep dive into us anons here as a matter of course for certainty to root out the moles, sleeper agents, and casual enablers. They will roll over on each other just like the common crooks are turned informants to save their own asses. The tech they use will also be data crumbs to link them together, birds of a feather fly together, easy work just a tedious task to find the web to dismantle it all like the mob or an insurgency. You will be in the field with a laptop and satellite link, as your Wolverines chums are interrogating the fleeing rats, pulling those data threads to root it all out. Peanut and Ted being your inspiration and driving motivation. Stay frosty Wolverines.

3 months ago

I wasn’t active on the 4 Chan or with the Q Anon stuff. Could someone more in the know explain this?

Reply to  Ed
3 months ago

PizzaGate. Abused children developing “panda eyes” look. Deep shadows/bruising around the eyes. At that WH Halloween event there are also pics of a guy wearing a pizza box, and of Biden “biting” babies. All relate to PG.

3 months ago

The SGT Report podcast sometimes puts out interesting speculation, that should be taken with the usual amount of salt.

Just saw this one, the important part is the first thirty minutes:

Candace Owens came out with a theory that Kamala Harris was the subject of MK Ultra conditioning (her mother was one of the scientists), and it scrambled her brain and that is why she is often incoherent. I don’t trust Candace Owens, but that explanation actually makes sense.

Then at about the twenty minute mark they start discussing the Beam, though they don’t call it the Beam. Basically the tech now allows the brain scrambling to happen at a longer range.

Reply to  Ed
3 months ago

Fits what I guessed about her getting the Bimbo programming.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
3 months ago

Squirrels can be very emotionally responsive, as long as you don’t catch them in a very physically compromising situation, such as if they’re hanging on a wall. If you want to communicate, don’t corner them. With animals, it’s all situational. You need to understand their innate instincts.

If you can encounter squirrels in a situation where they have plenty of escape vectors, they can be fun to hang out with if you have the right mindset. They respond to genuine curiosity with curiosity. If you chase them in good fun, they respond in good fun. I can, more often than not, get them to approach me in the proper environmental situation.

3 months ago

So if they touch things off this week:

1) I have working ARs, choice of sidearms, IFAK, and functional plate carrier with hydration system. Also plenty of stored food.

2) I DO NOT HAVE functioning night vision capability of any kind. The ARs have 1000 lumen white lights, but no nods or IR laser.

3) Also NO on any kind of recon drone.

4)I’m outta shape. Also have no team.

Like I said, I hope you guys are in a better readiness situation that I am. God bless and protect us all as we go into this week.

3 months ago

Convert light or other EM radiation into “axions” which can pass through whatever solid matter and convert them back at the other end using magnetic fields. Sounds a bit like something that would be useful for beaming tech.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
3 months ago

Trevor Moore’s famous tweet comes to mind”

Why would you end a tweet about mental health issues on the rise with “LOL”? At best, that’s a lack of self awareness.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

fair enough