Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
DFT – Germany Will Cap Power Prices For Consumers
DFT – British Inflation Soars To A New Record
DFT – Meta Introduces New Tools To Help Users Monetize
DFT – Fed Hikes Rates 75 Basis Points For Fourth Time In A Row
DFT – Dine Brands Offers New Deals At Applebee’s And IHOP To Drive Traffic
San Francisco DA won’t release Police bodycam footage, 911 calls from Paul Pelosi attack.
The FBI, San Fran Police, and San Fran DA won’t confirm whether a third person opened door at Pelosi home. If he had staff in the home, particularly security, it increases the chances he brought the guy back home for some drugs (which is why the dispatcher said he sounded confused and disoriented) and sodomy.
A substack notices DePape has a lot in common with Cesar Sayoc, the “mail bomber”/male-stripper who lived in a van covered in Trump stickers who also showed up right before an election with an attack on the left. Interesting in that the nudist broad noted DePape disappeared for a year, and returned all fucked in the head. Sayoc would have been a great candidate to disappear for a year too, since nobody would have missed him. Just like Rosenbaum had all his belongings in a medical bag, like he had just been discharged from somewhere where he had been committed, before showing up in Kenosha to kill Rittenhouse, but investigators could not find any facility he had been in.
Did the FBI reduce the frame rate of the Jan 6 pipe bomber video from 15 frames per second to one frame per second? No commercial cameras record at one frame per second, let alone would the DNC be running something like that outside its building.
Biden tells Americans that it’ll take “a few days” to find out the results of the midterm elections.
LA county voter attempts to drop off ballot, finds ballot drop box with key in the lock.
Biden to warn election deniers pose ‘unprecedented’ threat to America.
Stanford professor says UFO disclosure is imminent – “Oh yes. I know it’s a fact because I’ve spoken to important people who are about to come out and whistleblow on it…”
House GOP demands Elon Musk hand over info on Hunter Biden laptop censorship.
DEVELOPING: It doesn’t appear that new Twitter CEO Elon Musk has terminated former FBI Director Comey’s general counsel James Baker, who schemed with Hillary Clinton’s campaign lawyers to frame Trump as a Russian spy (about which Musk in April tweeted, “Sounds pretty bad”) and has been the subject of Special Counsel Durham’s investigation of the
scandalThough Baker’s bosses have been fired, his Twitter bio still lists him as “a deputy general counsel” at Twitter…
Not the former secretary of state. Now a deputy general counsel
Joined March 2019
20.4K Followers…while Baker’s LinkedIn bio still lists him as …
Deputy General Counsel and Vice President, Legal
Jun 2020 – Present
2 years 5 months
Washington, D.C.
Hmm … Musk threw the boss (ousted Twitter General Counsel Sean Edgett) of this guy (below) out on his ear. But James “Jim” Baker, one of the FBI’s closet Democrat plotters of the anti-Trump palace coup and likely one of the key Twitter censors of the Hunter Biden laptop story, apparently still remains at large at Twitter …
BREAKING: Facebook has been censoring the Texas Nationalist Movement known as TEXIT by blocking the group’s website from being linked in messages posted on the social media platform, according to TEXIT founder Daniel Miller, who has advocated for Texas independence since 1996. Miller said the blatant censorship further confirms Facebook’s left-leaning bias.
He and his conservative activists found that posting the website or results in a removal message from Facebook claiming the website allegedly violates Facebook’s terms and conditions.
The TEXIT movement organizes Texans to peacefully and legally (through voting) exit the Union in order to restore the original constitutional Republic the founders intended for America
Regarding his timid investigation of the
hoax, House GOP will want to ask Special Counsel Durham:1. Did you interview Jim Comey? If not, why not? Did you subpoena his personal phone? Gmail account?
2. Did you interview Andrew McCabe? If not, why not? Subpoena his personal phone, email?
3. Did you bother to interview Hillary Clinton? Gary Gensler?
4. Did you interview Jake Sullivan? If not, why not? Did you issue a subpoena for his testimony? Records?
5. Did you subpoena Brian Auten’s personal phone, email? If not, why not?
6. Did you subpoena Steve Somma’s personal phone, email? If not, why not?
7. Did you ever question Jen Boone?
8. What about Moffa? Krass, Kendall-Taylor? Ciaramella, Chalupa? Monaco, Laufman, Yates, Weissmann or Gauhar?
ADDENDUM: House investigators seeking to understand Durham’s non-aggressive, kid-glove approach to investigating the FBI and its role in the
scandal also intend to ask the special counsel whether he questioned Paul HAERTEL, the former FBI counterespionage unit chief who took over the Crossfire Hurricane case in mid-2017.Internal FBI records show it was HAERTEL who opened the two ECs, or cases, targeting President Trump directly — one criminal (alleged obstruction) and the other counterintelligence (alleged collusion) in May 2017 after Trump fired Comey.
(Those ECs personally targeting Trump have never been disclosed. They are dynamite: I’m told neither has the legally required articulable factual basis to justify putting POTUS under investigation.)
DEVELOPING: This US Capitol Police press release on the assault on Paul Pelosi by member of far left Green Party states, “Special agents with USCP’s California Field Office quickly arrived on scene,” confirming the Dem Congress has already funded the opening of its first USCP regional field office, based in Speaker Pelosi’s home district of SF.
After Jan 6, she & Dems said they needed to expand their police powers to provide “enhanced security for members of Congress outside of [DC]”
Yet new field office failed to protect her home & agents were last to respond to scene. Intruder was arrested by SFPD & FBI’s filing charges. So what’s point of USCP field office?
This statement in the FBI affidavit is odd:
“When the door was opened, Pelosi and DEPAPE were both holding a hammer with one hand and DEPAPE had his other hand holding onto Pelosi’s forearm. Pelosi greeted the officers. The officers asked them what was going on. DEPAPE responded that everything was good.”
Who opened the door?
Later, it states, “The police arrived and knocked on the door, and Pelosi ran over and opened it.” Sequence is hard to follow. So apparently Pelosi first opened the door and then grabbed the hammer? Otherwise, he would not have had a hand free. But why did 82-year-old Pelosi grab the hammer in front of the cops? Why not just back away and let the cops disarm the perp?
Elon Musk’s new far-left Twitter moderation council draws criticism – includes Yoel Roth, who called Trump a “Nazi” and “Racist Tangerine.” Clearly Twitter is heading to be a psyop against our side. Musk is one of them.
Elon Musk taps Jussie Smollett hoaxer for Twitter censorship advice.
Kyrie Irving and the Brooklyn Nets will each donate $500,000 in the wake of Irving’s controversial social media post about a book and movie that featured antisemitic tropes, as Irving apologizes profusely and backs away from the position he previously said he would not back down from. Again, these things could be scripted. If Irving says Jews run everything and are controlling everything, and nobody did anything, blacks will view it differently than they would if Irving says that, says adamantly he will never back down from that, and in the next scene he is giving the ADL $500,000 and apologizing profusely. In fact, if I wanted to have more effect, that is exactly what I might do.
Seth Rogen deletes tweet after boosting antisemitic 4chan campaign.
Leaked hospital email reveals an explosion of stillbirths.
Hundreds of sick children pouring into Canadian emergency rooms daily.
Lawmaker warns of impact from diesel shortage combined with a rail strike after the election.
Pennsylvania Democrat John Fetterman says “LGBTQ education” should be “mandatory in all schools.”
Monkeypox mostly spreads before symptoms appear, study suggests.
While campaigning for @CharlieCrist in Miami-Dade County, @JoeBiden claims that he went to college at a HBCU (Historically Black institution) Delaware State University, but he didn’t – he went to the University of Delaware. He forgot? It is possible he never went to college, and they just gave him the history there, like Obama at Columbia? I cannot see how he has a law degree either, and tells someone to fire a shotgun through the front door if you feel threatened and hear someone outside. It would seem a lawyer, even an astonishingly bad one, would feel too stupid saying that to let it pass their lips.
Chuck Schumer’s ex-press secretary allegedly caught seeking to meet a teen boy for sex. Discussion of the video (since taken down) here. This dude is sending around DMCA takedown notices, claiming he owns the rights to the title of the page I linked to on Youtube. My host just got one, so I rewrote the video title in my own words, and linked to a summary of it on a news site for the historical record. Apparently the original video was taken down too, though it was there when this was posted. I am leaving this here, as this site is a historical record of news stories, and notes they may or may not be accurate, given the unreliability of media in this time.
Former Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean claimed Wednesday on MSNBC’s “The Beat” that the Democrats will increase their majorities in both the U.S Senate and House in Tuesday’s midterm election. Provided for amusement, I think. Though when the elections are rigged, you never know.
Officers assigned to Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s security detail were involved in an exchange of gunfire early Tuesday morning, intervening during an alleged robbery in progress in Logan Square. She was not around. They apparently exchanged gunfire with some robbers, nobody appeared to be hit.
King Charles travels with teddy bear and custom-made toilet seat, biographer says. The “Alien Virgin Birth” painting by one of Epstein’s girl-artists, portrayed Charles as having a vagina, as if he was surgically transitioned to female. Could that be related to the toilet seat thing?
UK Police allowing sex predators to join their ranks.
Brazilian Minister of Defense from 4Chan translation:
“We had fraud on the first round of the elections, and the president (Jair) decided to bet on ‘beating the system’ on the second round. But what happened was the opposite; there was an explosion of fraud. If you look at the graphs, in the first round, right-wing candidates were both at the top, together with 70% of the votes, and the president with 50%-60%, something that’s impossible; no brazilian votes for a left-wing governor and a right-wing president at the same time; that’s inconcevable, it doesn’t exist; that by itself proves electoral fraud. On the second round, what happened was an institutionalized increase in the fraud; you see the supreme electoral court acting as a militant of the Brazilian left.The president of the court served as a legal department for the PT, and at the end of the day was the heyday of the fraud.”
Cook Political Report shifts ten more races in favor of Republicans.
Libertarian Activist Assaults Bolduc Outside NHIOP
“no brazilian votes for a left-wing governor and a right-wing president at the same time; that’s inconcevable, it doesn’t exist; that by itself proves electoral fraud.”
Any child could tell you that, but Americans accept the idea of “split ticket” voting.
It happens, otherwise Maryland wouldn’t have a Republican governor.
Gov Hogan the fat RINO pig was first elected in 2014, a non presidential election
Maybe they should have more Republican office holders.
Maybe that Republican governor is a RINO cabal member and they put him in just to keep up the illusion of split ticket voting.
Split ticket voting is a myth beyond a tiny minority of confused people.
“White suburban women have shifted their support in large numbers from Democrats to Republicans in the final stretch of the midterm cycle, particularly as the crucial voting bloc has become increasingly concerned with the economy and inflation. “
And all we have to do to keep them on our side is ensure that our enemies continue to run obviously demonic and senile candidates who try to burn the country down openly.
If only I had known it would be that easy I would never have called to repeal the 19thA.
white college educated women
are the ruination of this country
Sending your daughter to college in 2022 is like sending your daughter to work for Harvey Weinstein
(a) women shouldn’t be voting in the first place; (b) After eight years of Biden, we will have 10 million more illegals in this country, plus add on all the foreign LEGAL immigrants, plus all those H1-B1 Visas that overstay or marry Americans, and you have a disaster. Whites, the WASPs will have to kiss their effect in America away. It is NOT your country anymore. Mayorkas is making sure of that—permanent minority status of the whites in this country is right around the corner!
We will take it back and get rid of them.
We will also repeal the 19thA.
A repeal won’t happen, but the country that rises out of the ashes from the US might learn from our mistakes.
“Biden to warn election deniers pose ‘unprecedented’ threat to America.”
When Biden says “America” he means the Oligarchs, Cryptocrats, Kleptocrats, Cabalists, Perverts like him, etc. – Klepto-Language.
When homosexuals, whores, child molesterers, thieves, murderers, and the like are in control of election apparatus and media,… Men with morals must create alternative means.
“While campaigning for @CharlieCrist in Miami-Dade County, @JoeBiden claims that he went to college at a HBCU”
“I was born a poor black child”
And somewhere along the line he walked on the moon too.
No, that was Louis Armstrong.
Interesting, short article (first of a series) about the modern history of Afghanistan and the CIA/MI6-created Taleban. It’s impressive how much you can learn from a well-written, non-MSM article. Which only highlights how much the mainstream obfuscates reality and pushes the Cabal narrative.
The Cabal creates and maintains its Operation Chaos in these regions in order to weaken Russia’s frontiers. The goal is ultimately to destabilize, destroy and partition Russia so that the Cabal can get its paws on the country’s $73 trillion of natural resources – the largest, by far, anywhere in the world. It is an insult to the Cabal’s malice and degeneracy that Russia consistently resists its onslaughts.
There’s also the important task of keeping China from building infrastructure across Central Asia to the Caspian Basin, the Persian Gulf, and on to Europe. IF that were to happen, Moscow would find itself as a key hub of eurasian trade. The US rules the seas and is the master of seapower. And well established overland routes weaken the US’s ability to pressure countries.
Re: the key hub of Eurasian trade.
The Kurdistan area is the key to control the Eurasian trade routes. Russia to the North, Europe to the West, Africa and the Middle East to the South. Whoever controls Kurdistan controls the entire BRI (Belt Road Initiative).
This is why Iraq was targeted in 1991 and 2003. It is also why Syria was targeted. Look for Turkey and Iran to be the next pieces on this chessboard.
Check out the Oded Yinon plan from early 1980’s.
From Karl’s latest post:
“It gets worse. Another unrelated paper has pinpointed further spike-only damage — that is, harm to the body that comes from the spike protein specifically, not requiring the rest of virus. This one is very nasty, in that it implicates all of the jabs, including the non-replicating ones such as NovaVax, and the potential of said damage in the brain.”
A boosted acquaintance of mine was just buried earlier this week. He was diagnosed with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease on October 1st and died on October 25th. I mean I know it’s an aggressive disease but come on man. This thing was turbo-charged.
Globally in 2005 there was a one in one million chance to be diagnosed with it. Wonder what it will be for 2022?
Darn. I narrowly missed the Novavax Jab.
I’m glad you did man.
A person I know has just had an encounter with what I believe is his local cabal manipulating his life. (and destroying it)
One of them seems to have decided to test if he recognized what was happening and ended up admitting that a secret undercover group was behind the trouble that happened to him.
The person also expressed surprise that he didn’t know about the group.
It’s likely cabal or cabal affiliate. Because if its of any size cabal would get it under control.
Does your friend know why and has he described how?
My friend thinks it might be his politics or it might just be personal.
He also thinks the person might be lying about the group. (he does believe in cabal but thinks this might not be them)
I’m fairly certain it is cabal and that they might be behind past problems he has had as well.
He really isn’t anyone that you would think should be a target but that seems to be the case with many targets.
I believe I know a little bit about this situation.
Apparently, the “secret undercover group” is said to be “a joke” which is very typical of the guy who said that(he has weird humor). Also, there is not much reason to believe there is a secret group, the gangstalking is nowhere near the overt phase, if existent at all.
The surprise was also not referring to the fact he didn’t know about “a group targeting”. He said “secret group” in an attempt to be mysterious/hide the identity of the perpetrator/be funny. But the surprise was of the victim apparently not knowing what the perpetrator did, which was very obvious, which the victim knew. The perpetrator also bragged to a few members of the group/social circle, so with time it was quite obvious what he did(who he was- although ostensibly the victim doesn’t know necessarily who it’s trivial to find out). The subject was of one thing he did in particular, not necessarily gangstalking/TI in general.
We must save Pewdie Pie at all costs!
It’s too late.
Pray for him.
It’s just a halloween costume?
Excellent history lesson here by Michael Hudson who describes the common thread between today’s crusade against Russia and the Papacy’s split from Christianity to crusade relentlessly for its own empowerment. The dark intrigues of that Phoenician/Venetian Cabal and its Anti-Christ haunt us to this day..
MI5, MI6 and GCHQ change nationality rules for new recruits
“Buffalo mother killed”
NY voters should treat Howcruel just like MA voters did to Mike Dukakis after his Willie Horton debacle.
‘Monkeypox mostly spreads before symptoms appear, study suggests.’
Most diseases usually do.
Again, treating pole-smokers as lepers would greatly curtail stuff like this.
The Anus isn’t a sex organ.
Yet when I talk to them they be like its not a problem if its “safe sex”.
Well I got news for them. Safe sex is P-in-V in a monogamous relationship between a Man and a Woman who are both virgins beforehand.
Yeah, to borrow a phrase from Jeff Cooper, “Is not safe. Is anus.”
Re: Kyrie Irving, movie tropes
Hollywood shows us villains of *almost* every ethnicity. Maybe one of the craziest contortions to abide by that rule was to cast an actor from India, Amitabh Bachchan, to play Meyer Wolfsheim in the 2013 film version of The Great Gatsby (1925).
Arizona judge bans cameras at ballot drop boxes – The fraudsters and democrat ballot traffickers will be given free reign. So? Evidence is evidence for when it is needed. A high resolution camera can also be used to do facial recognition of the person and id the vehicle. There are other means than the court to deal with this…including alerting the judge to the error of their ways.
Do it anyway, F M if they don’t like it.
There are multiplexing systems that record one frame per second on a tape, so you can get 30 cameras recorded on one tape.
Those systems went out with the VHS tapes that they were made for. Recording 30 camera feeds is no problem for a modern DVR.
In this same line of questioning, why did everyone accept that the security camera video from the Pentagon couldn’t catch the entire image of the plane crashing into it? Even in 2001 government buildings had the top of the line systems. If the narrative is correct it would behoove all agencies to show it all. Of course the frame rate has been tampered with. Otherwise the identity of the “bomber” might be easier to establish. And they can’t have that now can they? Inside job folks, inside job.
Happened because our side went too far. We must have entirely clean hands if we want to take the Lawfare route. Unclean hands get your case thrown out. Here, the unclean hands are that they were posting all over social media that it is always illegal to deposit multiple ballots. That isn’t correct — there is an exception for family members and home healthcare workers to deposit ballots for disabled people.
Because they didn’t note that one exception, it tainted the entire thing, and the judge threw them out of the game.
Trust in God, and keep your powder dry.
They guys who went too far looked like Patriot Front in one case. Same all white masks over their face, plate carriers, and Chino pants. I mean who wears a plate carrier to stake out a drop box?
Plenty of Black radicals do it, specifically for voter intimidation. The “hello fellow patriots how do you do” know exactly what they’re achieving, and that’s the entire point.
The false flags will continue until it is no longer profitable to do so.
I suspect this won’t age well. We aren’t watching a movie — it’s devolved to the Larry Sanders Show.
Kash Patel will testify that Trump blanket declassified everything.
In a sane world and competent justice system, the case would end there. Don’t hold your breath.
Possibly waiting for him to do something that will justify firing him For Cause like the c-suite.
If Brazil’s military is as gay and communist as America’s…
All this talk about Musk fixing twitter or not. I think that is just a secondary concern for Musk. I think he bought twitter to get all the DMs between users. I think none of those DMs will be made public, but suddenly SpaceX and Tesla will have much fewer regulatory and PR problems.
kyrie and kanye: the jews run the world
adl and jews: apologize or youll never work again
kyrie apologizes and therefore can keep his job
kyrie and kanye’s point is proven
“The Jew cries out in pain as he slaps you…”
When that happens, it truly is astounding.
Almost impossible to believe at first.
But when you finally figure it out…
You do finally begin to hate them.
SOME of them, at least.
WHICH ones, though?
Rising effect of shedding from vaxxed to unvaxxed? If so, is this preventable?

Edit: Scratch that. It’s cumulative mortality. Not excess.
I got this notification when I logged in:
“An automated WordPress update has failed to complete! Please notify the site administrator.”
Yeah, I have got it too. Now what do I do? Do I fuck with this thing, and maybe bring the whole site down for a few days, or just go on as if nothing is happening, and ignore that warning each day like I do the one about the spam filter not working right and needed its settings adjusted, and the one about the comments needing “synchronization,” whatever that is, all of which I have been ignoring.
I swear it is like this website is held together with a bunch of popsicle sticks, some duct tape, and a few rubber bands.
Don’t shake anything, whatever you do.
I wish I could help. I also have a site that runs on WordPress, but it’s under my actual name. I’ve been afraid to post much since the deplatformings began in 2015. I still pay the renewals though.I log in occasionally to keep the software and plugins updated.
Thank you AC. I know it’s a nightmare. I used to screw around with my computers and software all the time but finally, they have become such a bundle of crap and refuse that no one has any idea of how hold them together.
I’ll give you a bizarre example. One of my keys will display fine in lower case but if I hit the shift, either one, it doesn’t display a capitalized letter. It doesn’t display at all. WHAT???? I mean the key works. The shift works, but only one key doesn’t work combined. It’s enough to drive you crazy.
Have you thought using your abundant free time,,, 🙁 ,,,to see if there is not some very simple software that would do what you do. A BBS sort of thing???
Some alternatives.
Yes I know you do not have time but if you get fed up there are options.
Thank you. If I get some time I will look into it, but it is one of those things which takes time you don’t have to save time you might not actually see, though if it worked, it would be great.
One thing you could do is to create an exact copy of this site that you use to test changes when trying to fix problems so doing something wrong doesn’t affect the main site.
Why would you need to log in to read this site?
I don’t need to.
A little tidbit of a data point you might find interesting. I read a while ago that when America invaded Grenada (1989? Not sure when) there was only one building destroyed in that operation, and it just happened to be a CIA medical facility.
That is interesting. The story was there was a medical school down there and it was medical students held hostage.
As I think about it, in one of those Dick Marcinko books, he recounted the discussion in the Pentagon when he learned there were “medical students” “held hostage” in Grenada, and the discussion he recounted was somebody said, “They have taken medical students hostage in Grenada,” and somebody else responded, “Medical students? In Grenada? What were they studying, voodoo witch-doctoring?”
That could be interpreted as implying it was silly to think there was a medical school in Grenada, and the story was bullshit. I wonder if that was an inside joke Marcinko put in there, trolling CIA, and they all knew the medical school taken over by rebels thing was a cover story for locals raiding the local MK Ultra/CIA medical torture facility to protest it fucking with their children.
Interesting point. I don’t remember that mention. I have his first book, and his second book “Red Cell”, which he claims was written as fiction. But I remember a season of the show “ER”, where a character, Dr. Dave, went to med school in Grenada. Not sure if significant, but an interesting data point.
I recall reading that a 10 -12 thousand foot runway was planned or actually under construction. A runway that size could be used for heavy bombers and the Soviet Union was going to base planes there. Thus the real reason for the invasion and ousting of the Cuban Army.
You’re right about the runway. SOF had a big article on all this while the press said not a thing about it. The left said the Cubans were peaceful construction workers. Of course, that didn’t stop them from shooting down a couple of our helicopters with antiaircraft guns and producing a few good firefights.
Haven’t posted in a while since my health is down the tubes despite the TCM months ago. So don’t have the attention span to read comments anymore.
An interesting possible TI connection. Long hair, long nails.
I am sorry about the health.
It’s actually very terrible. Will try see TCM again. I don’t have high hopes.
I hesitate to say this, because it is not healthful long term, it will only work for like a year, if it even works, before the effect is lost and cannot be reproduced that well. And you should not need it, and should find the real cause of the problems. But there is a way to force a temporary improvement which can be used to get enough energy to look for a better improvement.
Tell the TCM guy you feel like you have something toxic in your GI tract and you want aggressive laxative herbs, on top of what he is doing to you. Basically you clear out everything in the GI tract before any microbes can grow, and produce any toxic metabolites. A lot of poor health comes from toxic stuff produced in the GI tract as food essentially rots in there, and just idiosyncratic immunological responses to microbes which your system just doesn’t like seeing there and gets inflamed in the presence of.
The Chinese have ways to clear all of that out, to the point you basically strip out the first level of nutrition from food, and after that first wave of absorption the food is gone before any microbial activity can occur.
You can’t do it forever. Your body will adapt to the herbs and the effects will wane over time. But it can give you the ability to get your feet under you.
People in the past used to always dose their kids with castor oil every coupe of months. It will damn sure clear you out. If you do this make sure and have some yogurt around. After you get sick of sitting on the toilet eat the yogurt and it will stop it.
For what it’s worth I tried a full dose/bottle of Paraguard on MM’s suggestion. Nothing noticable happened. However, during this time, but even a few weeks/two months before, my poop has been relatively great/normal. This is in combination with the fact my health itself is significantly worse.
I think I will ask him about laxative herbs but will trust his judgment.
Have you closed your windows for the winter? And is still the place that opened up just as you were losing your last place?
Yes. I am potentially leaving the country and going home though. Currently the place is very messy/dirty with rubbish piled up, a friend helped to bag some up, did not empty the bags yet.
Weird circumstances. It is this place still. When I was requesting help moving to this place, another friend/acquaintance was homeless/”looking for a place”, while earning much more than me. I had him stay because I didn’t have energy to move but had already started renting the place. Then he helped me move and stayed with me for a few days.
He angled for getting the place because it was apparently easily out of my price range. By offering to find an apartment with a shared room. Also because I was so messy it would be “a waste” to have me stay in it. I turned him down because I liked the place. Recently he is making efforts to have me leave the country. But he also seems to dislike me for a myriad of reasons.
Windows are closed unless I leave the house because I don’t want it to be cold, partly for comfort partly for TCM/yang purposes. Apparently, it smells bad in the place. Likely because of the rubbish.
Bad smells can be a problem all by themselves. The smell is organic molecules which are bioactive, to bind to smell receptors and activate them. Those are flowing into your lungs, and while not infective like bacteria or fungi, they can still trigger immune reactions, or even get into the blood there.
Can you air it out like every five or six hours and then rewarm it, and get rid of the rubbish?
I will probably have to clean it out anyway to help with girls and also to please landlord and I might move out soon. But I don’t smell anything until recently where I smelled something. Sometimes there are flies.
Former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan shot during protest march
“There are a half-million excess deaths in the United States that are unaccounted for—and the usual suspects do not add up to that many.”
Don’t worry, they’ll still be voting in the upcoming elections.
“ Interesting in that the nudist broad noted DePape disappeared for a year, and returned all fucked in the head.”
Also interesting, the same thing happened to Manson just before his group started murdering people, and in the exact same area of the world.
A great read is the book “CHAOS: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the secret history of the Sixties” by Tom O’Neill. It is stunning, and I thought I was very tuned in to the subject matter raised in this book.
One particular individual in the book, Dr. Joylon West (CIA) was deep into, and the leading edge, in the brainwashing field.
This book is absolutely staggering, and compelling, hard to put down. $17.99 on amazon.
@Shlomo Y
Jolyon is a very interesting character indeed, involved in a lot of deep state activities. Certainly worthy of further scrutiny.
Biden CoS Ron Klain says Biden’s speech was a “final warning”. Interesting choice of words.
Japan, Germany Eye Military Logistics Pact -Japan Official
Netanyahu & Far Right Coalition Win Big, PM Lapid Concedes Election
He is a left-winger who somehow is against the vax has some tips on how to deal with repeated infection:
“Now comes the actual viral cleanup. This looks as following: To activate the cleanup, we have to shut down the immune system. To do this we use Salvinorin A, which has been found to have ultrapotent anti-inflammatory effects on macrophages. Your microglia in your brain are a type of macrophage and so it won’t surprise you to find this works on them too.
Yes, I’m encouraging you to smoke some Salvia. Make sure to start with a weak extract, if this is your first time experiencing this plant. Make sure you have a safe and comfortable environment. You could also consider just laying in bed in a dark room, while chewing the leaves. Smoking the extract will be brief but scary, as it “pulls you out of the story”, if you get what I mean. Chewing is much gentler, the choice is yours.
With the immune system temporarily shut down, the viruses will activate themselves due to the absence of pro-inflammatory cytokines. See:
Although some of the T cells may be poised to contain reactivation events once they start, there is evidence of a more active role in maintaining latency through secretion of effector molecules such as interferon-γ (IFN-γ) and granzyme B that suppress the virus without destroying the neuron [72,73].
Your neurons now get a chance to use their RIG-I-like receptor to deal with the viruses. If the infected neurons can’t fix the problem themselves, they may be destroyed by the immune system. See also this study:
For every HSV-1 genome that produces infectious progeny, it’s likely that a greater number will have begun the process but failed at some point. As viral activity increases, the likelihood of a strong counter-response from the host grows and progression to each successive stage may involve mechanisms that gauge the host’s capability to support the next step such as DNA replication, virion synthesis, or dissemination to epithelial cells, in order to prevent the elimination of infected neurons without producing new virus.
Isn’t this dangerous? The answer is: These viruses did not evolve to deal with the phenomenon of a brief shutdown of the immune system. Rather, they evolved to deal with prolonged periods of declining immune function, like starvation, aging andsoforth. When you temporarily shut down the immune system, so they’re fooled into waking up while your guardians are awaiting them, you can beat the shit out of them before they can cause damage.
Interferon gamma has a half-life of just three minutes when injected. These chemicals are constantly produced by your immune system, but plants like Salvia Divinorum are able to create a temporary pause in this circulation of pro-inflammatory signaling molecules that lasts for a short period of a few hours at most.”
If Voxday is reading this Blog. Then I recommend the Mount Athos Diet for Cancer for DaddyWarpig:
A friend of mine has cancer which was discovered about a year ago; he was put on this medicine : Keytruda ( The once large tumor has shrunk considerably without surgery.
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