Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
DFT – Europe’s Energy Crisis Means Electric Cars Cost More To Fuel
DFT – AirBnb Stock Falls After Weak Q4 Guidance
DFT – Twitter’s Investors Revealed In Regulatory Filings
DFT – ECB Promises Further Rate Hikes
DFT – Australian Resources Minister Says Breaking Beijing’s Dominance Of Rare Earths Is A Pipe-Dream
New Yorker Yan Xiong reveals what it’s like to be spied on by Chinese police in US. Interesting, though I’d have to think about it more. Basically the Chinese are running election-affecting intel ops in US borders. Note, domestic intel/surveillance didn’t want me doing this, even when I was a surveillance-blind American normie who supported one part of the uniparty/Cabal machine, and had no idea how things really worked. If I gave a fuck about my body I’d have bailed when the vibrations started. I would think if the Chinese knew how things worked, they would know this was not going to work, and the Cabal intel/surveillance would not let a trained foreign intel op operate in the US. Maybe the Chinese just threw this operation at the wall to see what would stick. Or might regular Chinese intel be like the parts of CIA which think their agency is pursuing NatSec objectives, and do not really understand how things work at the higher level? Probably have to file this one away as another data point until more data comes in.
Pennsylvania court says undated ballots won’t be counted as RNC claims ‘massive’ legal victory.
Is leftwing journalist John Nichols the infamous January 6 “Scaffold Commander”?
Pelosi reportedly refuses to hand over security footage, as neighbors question details of incident. Lots of data points at the link which show neighbors saying her home was protected as you would expect the third in line to the Presidency to be protected. Even electronic countermeasures so strong they were scrambling neighbor’s computers. Plus you can bet at least one, and probably every immediate neighbor’s house will be a Cabal observation post, with tech pointed at Pelosi’s house, and monitoring the approaches to it. They actually appear to post a group of 20 somethings behind my house, in a direction I might try to scramble to escape into some woods. When it is cold, they build a bonfire back there each night, and hang around talking. You can’t leave a home unprotected, even if nobody is there, because somebody can break in and stick 20 lbs of C4 in the wall on a timer, and seal up the drywall and paint it so nobody knows it is there, until the protectee comes back and the bomb goes off killing them. The idea the house is entirely unwatched, Paul Pelosi was all alone, this guy broke in unnoticed, and Paul had to call Police like some plebe is ludicrous. This will be a great example of how you cannot believe anything which comes out of the media or FBI. Only the uncontrolled initial reports, and whatever doesn’t fit into the sterile narrative are likely to point to the truth. When you get your information from liars, you have to look for whatever might contradict the likely liars’ story, if you want the truth.
Daily Mail, saying the same thing as above.
David DePape pleads not guilty to Pelosi attack in 1st court appearance.
Supreme Court temporarily blocks Congress from getting Trump income tax returns.
New classified report to Congress says only HALF of UFO sightings can be properly explained, leaving nearly 200 mysteries unsolved. “They don’t want to talk about this stuff, because they really, really don’t know what the hell they are. That’s the truth,’ the source said.” Bullshit. Whoever is behind them, or whatever is behind them, has an intelligence operation which has recruited the people in charge. to operate as assets and run cover for them by preventing investigation of them. These agents are simply trying to keep our side from knowing who or what is behind the strange sightings. Interestingly, it describes crafts plunging into the ocean at speed without creating a splash. That might mean the warp bubble extends out around the craft, and from the perspective of the craft and the water immediately around it, it is lowering itself slowly into the water, even if to us it appears to be hitting it at thousands of miles per hour.
Elon shows up at a Halloween party as the “Devil’s Champion,” complete with the goat head with an upside down cross on its forehead, on his chest:
The Girlfriend Spy is, like the Nextdoor-Neighbor Observation Post, not only not uncommon, it is standard operating procedure (article here on his “drowning”):
Liz Cheney endorses Pelosi for another term as House Speaker. She has to be following orders, because otherwise she would endorse McConnell, who is clearly a RINO in her own model. For some reason the scriptwriters decided to turn her into the ultimate heel.
In an announcement on Tuesday, U.S. Capitol Police said that a new regional field office would be opening up in California due to the high number of threats located in California and the Western U.S. in general. And they are unaccountable to anyone, but the Congress, like its own praetorian guard. Why can’t FBI, or DHS handle threats to Congress? Why wouldn’t they? And why aren’t they bitching over the jurisdictional issues and budgeting? It is all a big, coordinated, centrally controlled conspiracy. It has to be, to make sure nobody blabs
At the video here, Schwazenegger’s eyes did not quite track together at 40 seconds in, which can be a sign of neurological insult from vaccines:
“Why yes, I am fully vaxxed and boostered, how could you tell?” The eye thing seems too subtle to be a production to try to fool us. If Arnold did take the real vax, that was stupid, as last I heard he had a pig heart valve, which could be subject to immune degradation. He may have a rough ride ahead of him. And truth be told, he doesn’t look too good in that video.
NFL coach and former Vikings co-defensive coordinator Adam Zimmer dies at 38.
NYC Mayor Adams ignores State Supreme Court’s order to reinstate unvaccinated officers.
Teachers’ Union President Randi Weingarten backs call for ‘amnesty’ on COVID policies. They are afraid.
US House members probe NIH over ‘risky’ virus research after Government scientists tried to create monkeypox strain that’s ‘1,000 times more deadly.’ Somewhere in there is a researcher who is not a fan of Globohomo. It sounds like he has plans.
Facebook hired ex-CIA, FBI agents to censor content that deviates from official narrative.
New photos reveal Joe Biden has IV punctures on his hand – and it’s not the first time.
Biden says he ‘spoke to’ man who ‘invented’ insulin, who died before president was born.
Fetterman tries to speak with Don Lemon, and is clearly debilitated.
Gov. Hochul’s refusal to fix bail laws is a war on women.
1.1 million chickens to be killed at Iowa egg farm due to bird flu infection.
Gen Z ‘Young Illiberal Progressives’ are less tolerant of other people’s views than their parents or grandparents, new research says. They are calling them YIPs or Young Illiberal Progressives.
Laser attack blinds autonomous vehicles, deleting pedestrians and confusing cars.
Brazil truckers jam traffic to protest Bolsonaro loss.
Police joining with Brazilian Truckers, not clear where it will go.
Netanyahu poised for comeback in Israeli election, exit polls show.
Jim Inhofe calls for even more aid to Ukraine. I don’t know whether to cheer Russia because they are more noble than Globohomo, or simply to stop the outflow of US treasure into the pockets of all these assholes. I wonder how much this cocksucker is getting in kickbacks.
Elon Musk sparks media freakout by limiting employee access to Twitter censorship tools.
France demands Rumble video stop Broadcasting Russian News Sources, Rumble turns France off instead.
White suburban women swing toward GOP as midterms near, poll finds.
Cook Report shifts 10 Biden-won House districts toward GOP.
GOP suddenly surges in far-left Politico poll.
Leftist election forecaster 538 shifts model, predicts GOP favored to retake Senate.
Herschel Walker leads Warnock in three straight polls.
Don Bolduc takes the lead in New Hampshire U.S. Senate race.
RealClearPolitics projects GOP will win New Hampshire Senate race. Another one in Trump’s column.
Spread r/K Theory, because you don’t joke about being with the demons
Not right in the head.
You can see the SSRI and birth control pills dripping out of her eyes. Doll eyes, like a shark.
That’s a man, baby!
Who cleans their knife with a wire wheel?! Horrifying.
Not right indeed. From a comment I read elsewhere:
“If you read Powell’s SECOND book (Cleaving) … she was a deeply troubled woman, into BDSM — cheating on her husband many times (he cheated too… the most amazing part here is that they stayed married!) — possibly some eating disorders — and she sold her human eggs to get cash, due to constant financial issues and I mean here “she did it so often, it impacted her health” and doctors had to force her to stop after like 4-5 donations. The easy money of egg selling was just too alluring to her.
The second book also shows a woman who was already in her 30s and eating a diet very high in meat, fat, butter, dairy — and I mean like, 24/7. To the degree it was actually sickening to read about, and I’m no vegan.”
Why would she have to sell her eggs for cash? I thought she was a successful chef/author?
Cabal picks a lot of its assets from older people who never found their way, and who can be quite fucked up when Cabal shows up and offers them their break, I think. And I am not sure Cabal doesn’t keep some people fucked up until that later period, just to recruit them (and maybe to get them desperate enough to sell their soul). Breitbart was like that. Smart guy, not lacking in drive, but he ended up like 48 or 49, before he linked up with Drudge and then shot that picture in Israel, with Netanyahu and the other high ranking Jews around the table, and suddenly he was making a couple of mil per year just reposting AP stories with link-ins from Drudge. I remember him in an interview, describing it like it was lucky nothing worked out for him doing screenwriting and other shit, because when the opportunity to do get in with Drudge and then do Breitbart happened, he was free without anything else to give up, so he could jump in 100%.
And a lot of the backstories of Cabal people seem off. Like Biden the lawyer, who says shoot the delivery guy through your front door if you are sacred, and he confuses where he did even his undergraduate. Or Obama at Columbia, where nobody remembers him. They control every outlet except for the conspiracy ones only we read, so they can say anything.
She was no more of a chef than Julia Child. Who wasn’t a chef.
You know, what a lot of people don’t realize is that Le Cordon Bleu, the famous french culinary school that Julia Child attended, did not start out as a vocational school. It was initially for urban housewives and to a large extent for foreigners. Indeed, it started out as a MAGAZINE for housewives and then began teaching classes for well to do Paris housewives. They also had a fair number of foreign students.
At the time, the school for professional chefs was Escoffier. He’s the real legend in French cooking and cook training.
Post WW2, Le Cordon Bleu was making a transition into starting to train professional chefs, concentrating primarily on vocational training for French military veterans.
But here’s the thing: the French system for growing chefs was always primarily about apprenticeship. You learn by starting as a dishwasher/busboy and then start doing prepwork, and learn one skill at a time on the job in a real restaurant. That’s how the greatest chefs have largely been produced. Marco Pierre White, Gordon Ramsay, Thomas Keller, etc., all learned that way. Most of the great French chefs, as well. In fact, it’s interesting how many top chefs DID not go to culinary school.
But here’s the thing: to apprentice in France you had to at least learn the language. And that’s where Cordon Bleu came in and became famous for taking foreigners; they’d do what they could to accommodate foreign students. The point I’m making is this: Cordon Bleu was famous for being this mecca for foreign chefs, but it was precisely the location drawing in those who weren’t sufficiently motivated or capable of apprenticing in a French restaurant.
Again, who’s likely to be a better cook and learn more in a few years in Paris? A foreigner who has already paid his dues sufficiently to begin working (and getting paid) in a great french restaurant or one who is shelling out $ to attend Cordon Bleu? Again, Thomas Keller, America’s most highly regarded chef, and Gordon Ramsay, arguably one of the best in London, never went to Cordon Bleu. They apprenticed in Paris.
(It’s worth noting that Paul Bocuse, the most famous French Chef of the last half of the 19th century, sent his own son to America to study at the Culinary Institute of America.)
Secondly, to be a Chef basically means much more than being a cook. It means being able to manage the restaurant and to train each member of the staff in what they need to do.
Julia Child was not a chef. She was a housewife who spent a year taking classes and then became a TV personality. I would argue that she wasn’t even primarily an educator, she was an ENTERTAINER. She was a great entertainer, but in my view she had no great expertise in French cooking. When you watch her old shows she was an absolute disaster of spills, splatters, and general messiness in the kitchen. There was nothing professional or refined about her at all. She was simply familiar with the foundations.
Julie Powell made her name by blogging about cooking each of Julia Child’s recipes in “Mastering the Art of French Cooking” in a year, as if that was a major challenge. It should be noted that Child’s book was mostly rather basic recipes, indeed perfectly selected for the American housewife. It’s most certainly not a book of refined technique or haute cuisine. It’s largely late 1800s Parisan housewife cooking.
Julie Powell wasn’t a chef. She’s a food hobbyist and blogger.
The movie Julie and Julia is cute and has a lot of cute moments in it. But the whole thing seems to be about appealing to the fragile egos of American urban women who want to feel like they are doing something important (they aren’t), that Julia Child was a major figure in fine cuisine (she wasn’t), and that being able to follow her recipes makes them out of be sophisticated (they aren’t.)
Julia was actually in the predecessor to the CIA, got out and became a big TV celebrity.,Emergency%20Sea%20Rescue%20Equipment%20Section.
Culinary Institute of America
One odd thing I noticed this morning is that the gas prices in my area haven’t moved in over a week and all the stations have the same price.
This includes the stations that jew the fuck out of ya (quick to rise/slow to fall).
They’re all the same and haven’t moved in quite a while. Never seen that before.
I wonder if they’ll stay that way until after the elections and then rip higher and go back to varying prices all over.
Over $4.00 in PA
I don’t know why people are so stubborn, we need to face reality. Paul Craig Roberts:
The United States Has Been Overthrown | (
I couldn’t agree more. Been saying that now for 14 years or so. Why are we acting like it hasn’t?
“14 years” LOZL
no, hoss, you gotta go further back in the wayback machine. depending on how pessimistic you are, you would set the controls for 1974. or 1963. or 1933. or 1913. or 1865. or 1824. it’s been a done deal for quite some time now.
Some say 1913 and the FED.
Some say 1871 and the United States, Inc.
Some say 1787 and the Constitutional Congress being a Criminal Conspiracy.
But ZOG and the Banksters are real.
Wrong attitude.
The point is to take it back.
Hat tip to Dr. Henry Makow’s own daily newsletter:
Less than 0.5% of the UK population…
“Rishi reshuffle: The Jewish Movers and shakers in Sunak’s new government
Seven Key ministers in Rishi Sunak’s government are either Jewish, descended from Jews, or married to Jews.
Who’s Jewish in the UK government? Rishi ministers with Jewish heritage – The Jewish Chronicle (
he has werk to do to catch up with bidanco.
Is leftwing journalist John Nichols the infamous January 6 “Scaffold Commander”?
Question is, what was that iron girder platform doing there and when was it built?
So the Capitol Police never noticed a break-in at the Pelosi residence, are they former employees of the Metropolitan Correctional Center in NYC?
> vaccine amnesty
No. Hell no. They tried to destroy our lives and now they want to say “oopsies”?
The irreparable harm the vaxx caused is now becoming apparent to even the most ardent pedo-leftist. Their peers are suffering and dying. Emotionally they are lost without the government or an authority to tell them how to think and act. They are looking for redemption but I think it is safe to say that this is one time that no one will give them the satisfaction of forgiveness.
the harm of the vaxx is vastly overstated
is more or less a right-wing talking point
used to divide the people
Your concern is noted. Collect your shekels on the way out.
same as “food shortages”
and “theyre gonna take the guns”
the vaxx may be dangerous and unnecessary
but it will need lead to “depopulation” or “mass sterilization”
same as with the 911 “no planes theory”
a theory floated and disseminated to distract and undermine
will *not
(not “need”)
I hope you keep current on your boosters.
not a good idea to get it
but is there going to be a mass die off event
Another data point for the pelosi incident.

Be careful with that. I think that may be disinfo somebody put out there to try and discredit everything else. That photo of him is actually from the wedding of some nudists which he filmed outside SF City hall. The clothes match other shots of him with the nudists.
But the fact they are pushing that everywhere makes me think they are afraid of this one.
indeed. kanye events and others have (((them))) scared. the decode tg chat is awful quiet because basically, only some symbols are ok to point out. noticing is frowned upon.
the kanye events are put on by them
kanye is one of them
every big name allowed to get famous is one of them
Moreover, if he took the ticket, and then turned, I think in their “rules” they are allowed to kill him, and they would.
The teeth match is pretty convincing. They ID people with dental records for a reason.
“When you get your information from liars, you have to look for whatever might contradict the likely liars’ story, if you want the truth.”
That sure has been one of America’s great learning lessons in recent years. Some here may have been tuned into this truth earlier, or more than most. However, the fact is that for the great majority of Americans it was President Trump, in only a few short years, who taught them who was lying – Fake News, Dems, RINOs, FBI, UN, EU, NATO – and hammered on the truth relentlessly. How does Cabal get that cat back in the bag?
The great replacement is their plan to do that.
I think the Empire of Lies was the Cabal’s great replacement plan. Now we’re awake, so are the Russians, so are the Brazilians..I don’t think the great replacement is working out as planned. It appears Patriots have forced it to accelerate into overdrive, rather than the slow boil they intended, and therefore we have been jolted awake. Now we resist and the hunters become the hunted. Even so, they’ll fight back and we’re likely to be in this campaign for a decade.
The answer is to make things miserable as possible for everyone who questions the narrative and only allow economic benefits to flow to those who mouth the narrative. Whether it be in your traditional workplaces, government agencies, or the media: speaking up and questioning the narrative will be regarded as a hate crime, “extremism”, or possibly insanity. We can see that this is the direction they are moving in.
They’ll do what they can to impoverish and disenfranchise all those who complain. Pretty soon, many will be too busy trying to simply survive to raise too many questions. The more influential ones will be targeted for social isolation.
Looked shockingly authentic to me. Small lulz at them also using Nextcloud. Now, the Russians know how our system works, what encrypted traffic on it looks like, and probably have a good idea of how the servers are set up and which ones are critical.
Programs like this only go either on stand-alone computers unconnected to any other computers – no internet connectivity, or on computers linked only to the SIPRNET. The SIPRNET is a secure internet used by the U.S. It is completely separate from the normal internet. My guess is the Ukrainians put these programs on computers linked to the regular internet. As soon as they did, every intelligence agency in the world with a decent hacking capability got immediate access to everything the Ukrainians have. A year ago I’d have smacked my head and muttered, “Fucking amateurs,” but I don’t think the U.S. military is much better these days.
I bet this whole debacle is how the Russians know exactly who pulled off the Sebastopol drone attack. They were reading the Ukrainian messages.
Finally, you got to wonder why the hack was publicized now. My guess it is intended to cause the Ukrainians to stop using the software, thereby creating a period of confusion among Ukrainian commanders which the Russians can exploit to launch attacks.
Partially true. SIPRNet isn’t separated from NIPRNet. It’s not even air-gapped. Most SIPR traffic is tunneled through NIPR. They call it secure, but you’ve indicated your confidence in the US Military’s abilities. It wouldn’t surprise me if SIPR isn’t as secure as they claim.
Agreed. Ukr isn’t using them on a secure net because they are using starlink. I also considered the “why now?” and I think it was to try to embarrass Biden before the midterms. It is one of those cases of trying to anger Americans like they are Russians. Russians would be pissed in a way that we are not.
Asia and China in general couldn’t give 2 f’s about depleting the oceans. They will eat until it is dead.
Sink the boats.
I wish our foolish governments would realize this. Wasn’t China dumping so much of its solid waste into the surrounding oceans at one point that it could be seen from outer space? The nips and zips are incredibly based, especially compared to us.
Elon Musk
“Nothing is truer than that said in jest” goes the saying. Whatever costume someone puts on says something about them. Or if they joke about something crazy they did, “just kidding!” – no, they weren’t; if they didn’t do it, they might do it later.
The first big warning with Musk was his marriage to novelist Justine Musk, who wrote some very dark stuff, about vampires, etc.
Julie Powell was responsible for really pushing the mythology about Julia Child. There’s this myth that’s widely believed, propagated by the book and the movie “Julie and Julia” that insists Julia Child introduced French cuisine to Americans and that before Child came along there were no french cook books available in English for Americans.
It’s all complete bullshit. “French Cooking for Americans” by Louis Diat years earlier. Diat was the chef at the Ritz-Carlton in NYC, wrote in Gourmet magazine, and back 30 years before Julia enrolled in Le Cordon Bleu, the president of Campbell’s soup stayed at the Ritz for several months just to learn more about soup making from Diat.
By the way, Child enrolled at Le Cordon Bleu in 1950 and “graduated” in 1951. Earning at best just a simple certificate.
The entire mythology surrounding her is bullshit.
Her husband was CIA/OSS. That s a fact. Why shouldn’t she be?
Cooked herself with clot-shot
OSS clerk in WW2.
> Mazda is gathering all sorts of data about you from the computer in your car and the GPS attached to it.
So does almost every other car manufacturer. They know everywhere the car goes, where it fills up or recharges, where it’s parked at night, and where it’s serviced. They know if you’ve been speeding, or if you took it to a “high speed driving event”, so they can tell you your warranty is void.
Many new cars come with multiple cameras, including “cockpit” cameras that watch you while you drive. GM and Tesla can shut your car off remotely; I assume most of the others can as well.
I’m a tech geek and an “early adopter.” That’s one reason I drive a 1980 car. It has a carburetor, a dirt-simple electronic ignition, a radio I don’t use, and plain, switch-controlled lights. I’m not certain the ignition module would survive an EMP pulse, but I have an old point-type distributor and the correct wrench to change it in a box in the trunk, should it come to that. We know from the Army’s many bomb tests that the rest of the electrics will be unaffected even close enough to a boom to burn off the paint.
What kind of car would you recommend to survive an EMP attack?
Any makes/models you would recommend?
How do you (1) find a car that is 40+ years old with low-ish miles, (2) keep the rust off, and (3) keep the car running as a reliable daily driver (“oh, I’ll just do that quick fix tonight” can easily turn into several hours/days of not having a car)? I would really like to have an 80s/90s car, but I haven’t solved these three questions.
1) You don’t. You find a car that is 40+ years old that hasn’t been abused and work with that. Pickups are the direction to look, usually.
2) Keeping the rust off is primarily climate. There’s hardly any rust damage south of say, Kansas. A car from Texas, Arizona, California or Florida is likely to be completely clear of rust in the undercarriage, and body rust is easy enough to remove and paint over. After that, it’s about keeping the car clean and regular waxing. If you are in a place with ice and road salt, rust is inevitable.
3) When you get the car, it will take a while to get it up to snuff. Oil, oil filter, ALL the filters (fuel, cabin, air, etc). Replace all the belts. Replace the suspension joints. Completely replace the brake calipers, rotors and pads. New tires. Maybe you need an engine rebuild or a crate engine. Price it into the car. Replace the fuel pump and water pump. Brand new headliner. (Don’t try to fix it, it never works.) Deep clean the car, full detail (watch some detailer videos on youtube.)
At that his point, you have a car that is almost new. It will be a new car sitting on an old frame (which if not rusted doesn’t wear) with an old body over it.
After that, accept that you will be spending on upkeep in lieu of a car payment. Set aside a day for the preventative stuff. Keep up with the oil changes and filter changes, and the car will be as reliable as when it was made (which will vary depending on who made it and what factory it came out of.) Little stuff will continue wearing out (door handles, trim pieces, etc) which you can replace as you go on your maintenance day, but it won’t be stuff that makes the car undrivable.
(FWIW, I don’t live it. I have a 2013 model, and will likely never buy a newer car. I’m currently in this regime with mine, but if I have to replace it, I’m going with an even older pickup, somewhere between 1987 and 1995.)
toyotas built between 1976-1989ish are essentially indestructable. my old pappy, who was insane but still nobody’s fool, had a theory that toyota intentionally degraded the build/quality of their product after 1990 (but not of course Lexii) because their dealers were screaming: essentially indestructable cars don’t need service, and they especially don’t need ridiculously expensive dealer service
a tad small, though – especially when you step into an 86 toyo munchkin pickup after a decade of driving modern full-size F150s
Those are exactly what I was thinking of, for all those reasons. I’ve been in them before, so I don’t think the size shock would be much. Second tier would be a no-frills Silverado or a GMC.
We are literally just like Gene Hackman in Enemy of the State, with his old pickup and his El Camino. We have come full circle.
Shows you whoever put that movie together really knew their shit. Much more than you would think some normie-tier Berkley English major turned script-writer would.
Remember when you could get reliable cheap Japanese cars? Supposedly, during the Clinton administration, he traveled to Japan with US auto executives. They threatened the Japanese auto industry, and suddenly the Japanese quit selling reliable, cheap subcompacts. They focused on mid-sized and luxury.
Thanks for taking the time to type out these details, Phelps; really helpful. This is a good answer to my #3 question: “Set aside a day for the preventative stuff. Keep up with the oil changes and filter changes.”
Now that comment replies are working again (thanks, AC!), I also wanted to reply to Phelps from [1].
>> Phelps: HM1488 = Heavy Metal 1488? Just trying to see if I knew you from the long long ago times.
No, “HM” is my real-life initials. Somewhat discrete, but also I am not ashamed to have a version of my real name attached to my comments.
I always enjoy reading your comments on legal issues, Phelps. Thanks for contributing to our (very special!) K community.
> GOP suddenly surges in far-left Politico poll.
A lot of this sort of thing is fakery; they tweak the Narrative to favor the Republicans with the expectation that the lazy Democrats will exclaim “O noes!” and run to the polls to vote Democrat.
So they will be pulling voting fraud again just like in Brazil. What will be done about it?
“Or might regular Chinese intel be like the parts of CIA which think their agency is pursuing NatSec objectives, and do not really understand how things work at the higher level?”
That or they are knowingly working with cabal.
Probably some of both.
I have yet to see any real anti-cabal activity from the CCP other than possible power struggles for internal control of China.
SARs invading microglia. Microglia make sure neurons survive. Inflamed glia do things like in the book “Brain on Fire”- the girl looked possessed by demons.
Miss Argentina and Miss Puerto Rico just got married.
Gross. They should be ashamed of themselves.
As repentance they should provide pics of their honeymoon night.
Brazzers should do the wedding photography.
“Know what you call a lesbian dinosaur? Lickalotapus”
I must quibble with AC.
Take a look at this Nordic Resistance Flash demonstration in Oslo.
This is excellent! In our country, there are now several groups besides Patriot Front. There will be more. Did you see about the so-called Lazer Nazi the other day at the big ball stadium in Florida?
If such a movements will be opposed by cabal operators, that’s life, BECAUSE what better way for people to learn about cabal surveillance to begin with.
Consider that if you hope to tell all the people about cabal first, before beginning activities, how likely is that to even happen? It doesn’t seem likely.
People must organize and plan and ACT with their family, friends, and neighbors. Let whatever happens happens. When it happens, THEN people will have a real reason to bone up on the surveillance cartel. And it won’t take them very long to find out all about it. Here’s to that.
I like this guy.
The GUN INDUSTRY is LYING to YOU(to get you to buy stuff)
has there ever been an industry that didn’t lie to you (to get you to buy stuff)?
Prostitutes. They promise you will get fucked, and either way they are right.
Opium poppy cultivation in Afghanistan increased by 32% over the previous year, and the 233,000 hectares of Afghan land used to cultivate opium poppy in 2022 was the “third largest area under opium cultivation since monitoring began,” The U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime reported Nov. 1….
Google is shutting down its dedicated Street View app
Wow, I guess they dont want AC to do any more city surveillance lessons.
They are not shutting down Street View itself.
They are shutting down an app that allows random people to upload areas Google hasn’t covered.