News Briefs – 10/26/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

A summary for those who are not about to dig through the whole file on the Finders group – a cult which Police stumbled on which seemed to be trafficking children – FBI was specifically trying to look into what role US Intelligence was playing in the group. One page says an FBI special agent found computers of the Finders which contained a lot of information on how to “acquire children for unspecified purposes.” The quoted phrase is underlined with a question mark by somebody. It adds the methods were impregnation of females in the group, buying, trading, and kidnapping children. Then as it went on there were a whole load of redactions. Notice the prosecutors declined prosecution, probably after they were told the group “belonged to intelligence,” like Epstein. Later it says a Police Sergeant who was involved and subsequently died, was told by “a” redacted term (presumably job descriptor from the syntax, like “CIA Officer”) to back off because of a redacted reason. The subsequent redaction in parenthesis, could have looked like “Allegedly, (it was a CIA operation)” There were descriptions of a sizable tunnel complex under what it appears was a Finders Facility set up as a school, similar to Epstein’s Island, complete with plastic plates that had Pentagrams drawn on them and lots of animal bones (page 49). The group’s location had previously been involved in an investigation into the group getting classified maps of tunnels and sewer systems of DC (page 52) (That might have been the only way to do kidnappings and other crimes in DC and avoid surveillance back then). Another page notes US Customs altered how it was organized, folding the Child Pornography division into another, while it assured everyone it would not affect arrest rates. But after it did, arrests dropped dramatically (page 47). It feels like an agent tossed this page in here with the Finders file for a reason. Page 53 notes that a redaction which looks like (CIA) contacted the PD and ordered that everything about Finders be classified Secret, restricted, and that nothing be turned over to FBI. It also notes the children were turned over to people “claiming” to be their parents, which would indicate it was done without confirming who they were. The Finders also “gathered information for people or companies” (page 58). One 21 year CIA Officer named Isabelle Pettie was a former member of the group (page 66), she had supposedly died (page 68), she may have been one of three founding members, given there is a redaction which indicates it began as a women’s networking service and one of the three female founder’s names was redacted later on (page 288), and one conclusion of the PD investigation was the Finders was a CIA operation (page 67) (the group’s leader at one point was a male named Marion David Pettie, though I do not know his relation to Isabelle). Also a member of the group had traveled to prohibited countries in a way only CIA could have facilitated (page 68). One witness made allegations of child abuse, satanic worship, and “computer chips” being implanted in children’s heads, and that it went to the highest levels of government, and nobody could be trusted (page 212). Later it contains a document asking for a search of records for a company called “Advanced Cybernetic Technology” and “General Scientific Corporation,” indicating the Finders may have been trying to infiltrate those companies, and I wonder if they were trying to do some sort of research project on kids (page 307). Finders had traveled to Moscow, North Korea, and North Vietnam, from the late 1950’s to the 1970’s, and the local PD report was Classified and was not available to the FBI (page 227). The initial Finders children who Police found stated they were on their way to Mexico (page 243). Although heavily redacted, when they did a raid, one Special Agent saw certain documents that would have been important but was redacted, and they disappeared between the execution of the warrants and the processing of evidence, so one or more of the Law Enforcement Officers involved in the warrant execution were there scooping up any problematic items or documents and disappearing them on the spot (264-265). That is the Secret Society, and even tightly knit groups, with a purpose they are supposed to all be dedicated to, together, like cops and FBI Agents, have them infiltrated among their ranks, and working against their organizations, despite the very real consequences which would arise if they were ever uncovered. And mark my words, there were cops and FBI agents in those groups who, though they were in a field which should have known how the world worked, would not have believed the truth if you told it to them. If you are not raised with the secret society, the ultimate reality is too weird for you to process easily. Also, a white male associated with the case drew the attention of Virginia State Police and Military Intelligence ran surveillance on him in the US in support for the Police investigation (page 278).

There is an interesting dichotomy as you go through the files. Some pages, prepared by some agents, make ominous assertions, and are written as if the agents think there is something very wrong going on. Others imply there was a hidden force contacting cops and telling them to back off, and even thwarting their investigation from within. Then you get pages which are prepared by other agents saying the whole thing was blown out of proportion and it was all totally innocent and easily explainable.

Mark Levin says a source told him “Andrew McCabe was offered a pre-indictment plea agreement and turned it down. Now Durham has impaneled a grand jury.”

Former national-security adviser Michael Flynn’s lawyer claims in a new bombshell court filing that the FBI tampered with notes from his 2017 interview. So an FBI Agent filled out and signed a 302, which is like a sworn affidavit, and then somebody else came along and changed the contents, and tried to keep using it, as a sworn affidavit which said something else. Pretty big.

Former FBI general counsel James Baker has reportedly “flipped” and is now cooperating with the Barr-Durham investigation into the origins of the Russia investigation.

Clinton family associate Sidney Blumenthal has made legal threats to the publisher of a forthcoming book featuring allegations against Democrats in connection with the Russia investigation in an attempt to stop publication, Fox News has learned. Ask yourself, how does he know this book is coming? Why this book, and not others? How does he know what is in it will be more damaging than other books? If you are in the game, they are watching, they have people everywhere, and they know what is going on in places you would normally think they wouldn’t.

Schiff and Nadler begin to assail Barr after word Durham has upgraded his probe to a criminal inquiry.

Durham is likely looking at FBI abuses of the NSA database.

2 cases of possible “Chameleo” camouflage caught on video starting at 18:11 (The rest of the video strikes me as mostly just bugs crawling in front of surveillance camera lenses). Note how both face the camera and have a unique shuffling gate. If you are wearing flexible LED TV screens projecting a computer-adjusted image from behind you over the front of you, those flexible screens could be expected to stifle your movement, and produce a similar shuffling, halting gait as seen in both cases. 29:40 also purported to be Chameleo camouflage in the woods, and would look like it if it was fully developed to not restrict movement, but there is nothing unique about it which could be explanative or probative, or lend credence to the footage not being CGI:

For the Archives : I had missed this until I saw it in the comments, but the Director of the movie Enemy of the State committed suicide in public by jumping off a bridge. Although an anonymous source leaked he had gotten a terminal brain cancer diagnosis, everyone who knew him denied it, there was no disease found on his autopsy, and he had two drugs in his system which cause suicidal ideation. He also left two notes explaining why he did it, but they have been locked down and nobody knows what was in them. And it is said the suicide was videoed by a bystander.

Facebook and Google are creating unofficial firearms registries by scanning serial numbers off guns in pictures and adding them to the database.

Attorneys for former national security adviser John Bolton are in touch with House committee staffers about the possibility of his testifying in Democrats’ impeachment inquiry into President Trump.

Obama-appointed Judge orders DOJ to release grand jury material from Mueller report to Congressional Democrats.

Democrats will print a single copy of each transcript of their interviews, only make it available to members of the three House Committees involved, and it can only be read with a Democratic staffer present.

In Australia, an Afghan immigrant drugs two teen girls, drags them to a Mosque, and temporarily marries them before sexually assaulting them.

In India, Muslims who killed Hindu leader say the murder was justified by Sharia.

9/11-style plot foiled, but France is only perhaps 5 years away from “irreversible” immigration-caused anarchy. The big problem isn’t even that. It is that as you approach that, the state builds powers to deal with it. Surveillance skyrockets, and happens over ever lesser things. I remember a US security/counter-terror guy saying his French counterpart was telling him how in France they kidnap people off the street and put them in “deradicalization” programs which are amazingly effective. He said 70% of the Muslims are deradicalized, and can be released into society with no worries. Our guy asked, “What about the other 30%?” The answer was, “We keep them.” So the French state has a precedent of just kidnapping and disappearing people into a hole because of their beliefs. What do you think will happen to freedom-loving individuals who just want to go their own way when the economic Apocalypse comes, and the leaders have to take from anyone who has anything, to survive themselves? And even with that power, it just causes society to allow more and more Muslims to be imported, and the problem just continues to grow.

Romney, Collins, and Murkowski are the only Senate GOP holdouts on Graham’s impeachment resolution.

A leftist at the Buffalo News begs Republicans to Impeach and remove Trump so he can immediately be indicted for all the crimes he has committed and be put away for a long, long time. These people were raised in an entirely different culture from when they were kids, so they see an entirely different world. One of them gave me the finger as he walked by the car the other day. He started off like he was scratching his face and then he just held it up as he walked by as a fuck you. I don’t even blink at it now, though admittedly there is less hostility now than when they showed up. I think most if it was to try and simply force a retreat early on. When it didn’t work, they gave up on it mostly. It is still surreal those times when you see it though, because I never intruded on anyone else’s world, and assiduously left everyone else alone. They came to me, invaded my world with every piece of technology, and then got pissed off at me for not welcoming it. From my side, I can’t grasp who would be a part of it or why. But they have been doing this so long, they expect me to acknowledge the overwhelming manpower and legal/political supremacy they have attained with local agencies, and bow down, and get pissed if I don’t. It is like a husband and wife are being intimate in their bedroom, when somebody comes in with a soda and popcorn, hops up to sit on their dresser, and then gets enraged and throws his drink at them when the two of them look at him shocked, wondering what he is doing in their bedroom. The husband and wife were raised to expect privacy. But the guy who walked in has been doing it since he was a kid, and was raised to expect he can just do whatever he wants to other people. So to him, when the husband and wife don’t play along, it is a violation of expectation amygdala hijack, and that amygdala activation produces anger. These people have seen a completely different world since they were kids. They grew up in this machine. They got sent to camp at some hotel in Florida and spent time being trained from their earliest days with other kids who were being raised similarly. It is normal to them. The people who believed in the Constitution, and freedom, and equality among citizens, and laws, and all that other stuff, were in reality, by an objective measure, wrong, misinformed, and I suppose to some degree inferior in that regard. So to this character, who is almost certainly one of them, Trump isn’t restoring real America. He is a lower IQ lesser who had no idea how the world worked, and who is destroying this guy’s world cruelly and maliciously when he doesn’t have to. Trump won the election, now he should take the deal, enrich himself, and join the network and feel lucky. That he won’t play that game is something to get angry about, and almost viewed by them as breaking the law and being corrupt would be by us. The idea anyone would favor a world where everyone is free and equal, where people do whatever they want so long as it does not intrude on anyone else’s life, is bizarre and demented to this guy – something that was always technically wrong, and moreover it was the province of the clueless and stupid normies. It is interesting to see how being programmed from an early age has such an effect on logic and perception. For that matter, you can see it in the whole glowing portrayal of America being a “nation of immigrants,” as if that was so wonderful. We have all heard it, but why is that good? Was France inferior before the migrant invasion, when you could dine on French cuisine in view of the Eiffel Tower? Was Germany’s Octoberfest inferior? Was old-school Swedish culture and cuisine inferior? Norway’s outdoor sports culture of cross country skiing? The Netherlands liquers? Switzerland’s architecture and the Alps? Why would “a nation of (usually 3rd world) immigrants” be better than a nation of American-born, unified citizens who believe in the Constitution? Nobody asks, they just get glossy eyes and say dreamily, “We are a nation of immigrants…” The ideas you are raised with program you, but only if you do not look twice at them.

The Big Sky Conference named University of Montana runner June Eastwood, a biological male who identifies as a transgender woman, the cross-country female athlete of the week.

Ilhan Omar promises The Squad will eliminate homelessness with “homes for all” legislation.

A deadly pandemic could sweep the world in hours and kill millions because no country is fully equipped to deal with the next global pandemic.

Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety is out with a new report urging the use of “red flag” laws to deprive veterans of their guns, they claim to reduce suicides.

Students at Oxford University are the latest to demand that clapping should be banned because applause noise can trigger anxiety and want ‘jazz hands’ to be used instead.

Huge swath of California could go dark with widest power outages yet expected this weekend.

From here: Over at Vox today, Roge Karma examines the book “The Meritocracy Trap,” which posits that meritocracy — the idea that social and economic rewards should track talent, effort, and achievement — “produces radical inequality, stifles social mobility, and makes everyone — including the apparent winners — miserable.” This is Cabal’s play – they are exploiting rabbit tendencies in the population, pushing this meme to eliminate meritocracy, which if they succeed, lets them install anyone they want in leadership positions, and you will never realize it is a conspiracy appointing your leaders, and not leftist stupidity.

Colleges are dropping SAT and ACT tests for admissions. This is a sign of a corrupt network which wants to install its people in positions of power, absent their ability relative to you, but they don’t want you to know that is what is going on. This is how big the network is. They aren’t just installing their people in a couple of small places, where you might not notice. They are so numerous, and they are doing this in so many places throughout society that they need to undo the concept of meritocracy throughout all of our society, because they intend to take it all. The only thing stopping them is, they fear we will realize, and decide to stop them.

Germany has been culturally enriched, as performers reenact the native rituals between husband and wife common to their countries, right on the street, for anyone passing by to enjoy:

Trump received the Bipartisan Justice Award during a stop at a SC black college on Friday.

Trump approval has risen to 42% with Black males, which makes the 2020 election impossible for democrats.

GOP enthusiasm is breaking records. From the article – “The Sarasota Republican Club on Florida’s politically red coast sold-out a dinner with Republican Congressman Vern Buchanan, who is a regular speaker who has never sold out before. In fact, no Club event had ever sold out.” The problem was, individual Republicans made more money selling us out to Cabal, than they could make serving us, since all we could offer them was a government salary. For somebody like Mitt Romney, he could make hundreds of millions on the back end by losing the election to Barack Obama, whereas all we could offer him was a paltry $400,000 a year salary as President if he fought to win. Of course he threw the election. Once Cabal came in and organized it, and preemptively cut off any honest competition at the knees, it was all over. Only Trump, who has more money than he could ever need, could honestly serve the cause and create this enthusiasm.

WaPo title : As Trump pulls out of Syria, his voters are following along. That’s ominous. Only if you are in the Cabal.

Trump accuses Obama of treason for ‘spying’ on his 2016 campaign.

The Trump administration has launched a pilot program that expedites the time it takes to process and deport asylum seekers at the U.S-Mexico border. Quick asylum review is done in ten days and out they go.

GM gave its first hint that it was considering reviving Hummer back this past June, and now it may release an electric model.

Liz Cheney leads GOP field by 20 points in potential Wyoming Senate race.

Antigovernment protests continue in Chile.

Microsoft bests Amazon for $10 billion Cloud Computing project.

S&P 500 trades near record high on earnings, China trade optimism.

Census Bureau says the U.S. consumer is in excellent shape heading into holiday shopping season.

Spread r/K Theory, because five years ago nobody could imagine a time when Democrats couldn’t possibly win.

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5 years ago

I repost bits of your daily news over on pretty regularly. Mainly the parts that seem the most important or relevant to Q and cabal. This morning I reposted a couple of the bits about cabal getting rid of meritocracy to install idiots as our leaders. When I came back a little later I found my account has been completely disabled.

Not sure yet if I did something unrelated to get myself banned from the site but it seems highly suspicious.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

What I would like to know is on what basis do they think themselves to be superior.
Especially when they have degenerated so far that they have to undermine meritocracy because they are so obviously inferior that nobody would believe they were even competitive for the positions they take.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

My point is that anyone could be part of their group and succeed, except for those who started the group and maybe a few at the top right now (MAYBE) there is nothing special about the individuals that should feed any feeling of superiority and entitlement.

It seems to be the ultimate self delusion in order to avoid looking at their own actual inferiority.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

To some extent, they need for people to know that something is out there. This entire thing is based on uncertainty, fear, and the belief that these same people are also capable of bringing rewards. I maintain that many people involved in all of this have no philosophical convictions whatsoever and actually dislike the system. But they know enough to know not to go against it and to go along to get along. So we should expect that some degree of self-exposure is necessary, particularly for anyone who has aspirations of influence.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Interestingly, Cabal’s war against merit is increasingly painfully obvious to see. Most obviously in the current presidential campaign. What I really find notable is the absolute mediocrity of the clear majority of the candidates. With the exception of Mayor Pete, I can’t imagine any of these people having any significant administrative or leadership skills beyond hiring a congressional office staff. And I certainly think that most of them would be completely overwhelmed by running a small business such as a car dealer or fast food joint.

I’m not being merely flippant in this, either. I don’t get out much and I’m kind of a shut in. But in my personal life I’ve met numerous people who were far more capable and competent to lead an endeavor than any of the democrat candidates.

Cabal has worked very hard to create a system where politics is filled not with statesmen or leaders, but basically PR managers. Good grief, they aren’t even PR managers. They are PR agents. They are playing theatrical roles.

Think of all the state houses and governors. Add 100 senators and 435 congressmen. That’s a machine that is constantly recruiting, training, and advancing thousands of job candidates. I DC was nuked, we could re-constitute a Congress in less than a week with applicants reasonably as skilled as the current office holders, with the exception of a few of the elder statesmen.

And from this vast human resources machine they are unable to find anyone with the leadership and personal strength and talent to in any way pose a serious challenge to Trump.

Cabal is apparently so threatened by strength of conviction, talent, and fire that they are unable to draw such a person out of the hat when they most desperately need one.

This should tell us something.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

“It is tough to wrap your mind around, even when you see it, because we have all been conditioned to think it could never happen. Conspiracies are not plausible. There is no organized group, and groups could never organize. And on and on.”

And then someone points out that evil people have friends too.

5 years ago

40 Killed, 1,000 Wounded In One Day As Violent Protests Sweep Across Iraq

5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago

The SDF are ready to discuss the idea of joining the Syrian military

It won’t be long before Trump can bring ALL the troops home from Syria.

5 years ago

Mexico asks Interpol to help find former oil union boss-source

5 years ago
5 years ago

India, US Officially Suspend Defense Cooperation

Good, one less tripwire that might drag us into a war we don’t need.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

After reading more of the article it seems it may be limited to technology but it’s still good.

5 years ago

Honduran inmate who linked president’s brother to drug deals killed

5 years ago

You can use this link to watch the entire documentary, “Europa: The Last Battle” which is quickly disappearing from places like YouTube.

BTW-As I was watching episode 10 I found myself thinking, “K is coming. It has to or we’re doomed.”

Go ahead and watch Ep. 10 and then go back to the beginning. It won’t ruin the doc for you.

5 years ago

“Facebook and Google are creating unofficial firearms registries by scanning serial numbers off guns in pictures and adding them to the database.”

When I posted that story to another site I got this as a comment:

Fun fact I suddenly remembered: When I was in the USCG as a Boarding Officer, I remember there being a directive that we record the serial numbers of any firearms we found on board a vessel. I do remember there being a place to enter the information into “the system”…

I never personally did it, and I don’t recall ever seeing someone do it on any boarding I was on or in charge of. I’ll try to contact some I still know that are in and ask them if that’s still in the manual.

Procedure was that we disarm you and place the weapon on our boat while we conducted the boarding of yours. Again, I never did that $#@! if they said they were armed, just asked where it was and said something like “well please don’t kill me” to the captain, checked life jackets and fire extinguishers, and was on my way. I was a good boi.

So pro tip-just don’t tell them you have any weapons, they’re not looking anyway. The USCG is scared to death of lawsuits and hold the 4th amendment with a little more regard for that reason alone.

I can say for certain that I could’ve searched 100x’s the amount of people just saying to me to “go ahead and search” than I ever could’ve articulated probable cause for. I can only recall once where I actually searched a vessel under probable cause, and never did even once with consent because I knew they were just idiots who didn’t know their rights.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Here is what the ex-Coast Guard guy replied when I posted that link:

This is not complete information and I could’ve swore the rest of that sentence reads “that the crew has common access to, defined as a “common space””…in other words, the galley,head, engine room, passageways, etc, this was NOT interpreted to mean USCG Boarding Officers can search wherever they want, they can only board the vessel at anytime and conduct an inspection(vessel registration, life jackets for every one on board, fire extinguisher and a radio), which is not a search(this is established case law)..Commercial vessels are a little more extensive, however, the 4th and 5th amendments always still apply.

We still had to develop reasonable suspicion and then probable cause a crime was being committed to conduct a search of you or your vessel…

Say during my ISI(initial safety inspection), I needed to check a bulkhead valve that happened to be in your stateroom-I can legally go in there and check the valve, HOWEVER, I cannot search your room just because the valve is located in there, make sense?

That article says “board and search”, it should read “board and inspect”…I’m 100% positive on this, else they wouldn’t have spent so much time training us on the 4th and 5th, and how to trick you into giving consent…

Plain view discovery still applies, however, just like any LE agent(meaning I see a bag of coke or what I believe to be coke on your dresser, then no warrant is needed as probable cause has been met…

Commercial vessels are a little more involved, but again, the 4th and 5th still applies. Even foreign flagged vessels/crew I would treat as US citizens, and I don’t believe I had to, but I’m not sure on that as I wasn’t on very many of those type of boardings (big commercial vessels)anyway, and when I was it was in a tactical “hut hut hut” type of situation that had already escalated past those formalities lol.

5 years ago

>”For that matter, you can see it in the whole glowing portrayal of America being a “nation of immigrants,” as if that was so wonderful. We have all heard it, but why is that good?”

Did you knew the Statue of Liberty DID NOT came with that shit poem plaque on it? And that it was added by a Jewish woman (Emma Lazarus)?
Learn more about it here: – “Jewish Tribalism Reshaping America”

Also, you mention that fo reigns are the favorite kind of asset to the cabal. Well, Jews have always been the eternal outsiders (who the fuck would call their own Country “host country”?), even as they now have 2 Countries for them: Israel and the Russian JAO.
Terminate Jewish collective power in the West (peacefully and fairly, off course), and you remove 70% of the power of the cabal.

5 years ago

>”For that matter, you can see it in the whole glowing portrayal of America being a “nation of immigrants,” as if that was so wonderful.”

Jewish tricks.
Did you knew that the shitty poem on a plaque of the Statue of Liberty DID NOT came with it when the French offered it to the USA? And that the shitty poem was written by a Jewish woman (emma lazarus)?
Jews have always pushed for the demographic destruction of their host Country, always. Cabal love foreigns, and Jews are the eternal outsiders, due to Jewish culture, religion and identity.
Terminate Jewish collective power in the West (peacefully and fairly, off course), and you take down 70% of the power of the cabal.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
5 years ago

Sorry for the duplicate comment, I thought the first one had not been sent to the site.
And let me take the time to say thanks for all you do AC, you’re the real MVF (most valuable FREN).

5 years ago

RE: your links Austria and Australia are two different countries 😉

Different topic. I’ve encountered a commenter on a another (but you’d be familiar with it) blog. This commenter reminds me very much of Cleve from Vault-Co. The give away was he used a noun that I’ve only ever seen used by Vault-Co.

Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

“…Did you knew the Statue of Liberty DID NOT came with that shit poem plaque on it? And that it was added by a Jewish woman (Emma Lazarus)?…”

It’s even worse than that. I read a book all about the story of the Statue of Liberty. The French people paid for the stature and the American people paid for the base. The Jews paid for nothing except for whoever they probably bribed to put stupid USA destroying advertising on there. The original dedication was supposed to be,”As long as this light of Liberty burns Freedom shall not be extinguished”. I may have boogered that up a bit but it’s the general idea.

I’m fairly sure the book was,”Liberty’s Torch: The Great Adventure to Build the Statue of Liberty: by Elizabeth Mitchell

It was a good book.