I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at http://www.qanon.pub
Steve Forbes says, “The thing to watch for is what Attorney General Barr is gonna be releasing in the next few weeks in terms of his investigations of what was happening with the CIA, the FBI, and certain White House officials leading up to the 2016 election and afterwards. A LOT OF BAD THINGS WERE DONE. That’s gonna dominate the news. A BIG SCANDAL COMING. That’s gonna take all this other stuff off the pages.”
I am just mesmerized by this link – Daily Mail reveals that in 2016, before she ran for office in 2018, Katie Hill’s husband posted naked pictures of her to Reddit’s “Would you fuck my wife” forum, where he referred to her as “Angelbutt.” You know somebody is going to refer to her as “Congresswoman Angelbutt.” /Pol was ruminating on how this offers Trump rich twitter material for a “Barney-Frank’s-nipples-type” tweet. One of the pictures of her naked from the front reveals her white power Iron Cross tattoo on her pubic area, as she holds her marijuana bong smiling at the camera, no kidding. Others, unpublished, feature her naked in the shower with the female part of her threesome. And a couple feature her holding a goat, which might or might not be indicative of symbolism. Understand the mechanism. You do not get anywhere near Congress, without some shadowy organization going through the smallest parts of your most private moments and learning everything about you there is to know. I doubt you even get to blog “anonymously,” or comment regularly on politically popular or dangerous websites without that. Back when I was dumb and naive, I’d have thought that since we are all Americans looking to make America strong, maybe that shadowy group was looking to weed out scumbags, and prevent our side from being blackmailable by the Russians or Chinese. But I will guarantee you, if she was squeaky clean and idealistic, she would never have gotten near that office. Instead, I suspect specifically because her and her husband were in a threesome, and posting naked pics, and smoking marijuana, and who knows what else, she was put in that office. She was controllable. I would not be surprised Congress was not even on her radar, as evidenced by the fact her husband was posting naked pics of her online and publicly showing their threesome and drug usage. I wonder if after seeing that, Cabal approached her, and told her if she ran, they would put her in, during one of the most corrupt, ballot-stuffed/harvested elections California had ever seen. Cabal may even have been so desperate and shorthanded with the Storm they skipped a normal procedure of grooming her and cleaning her history for a few years before moving her up. One other possibility, which I have no idea how likely, is that whether she knew it or not, she was under Cabal’s influence earlier than this. This is atypical sexual behavior (with possible satanic symbolism in the goat), and I find myself wondering if maybe she has some history in some Cabal group, maybe not as formal as NXIVM, but sexually unhinging nonetheless. Even Salma Hayek, as a twenty something, belonged to a “self-help/motivational” seminar group which appears to be a loosely organized sex cult. And next thing you know she is an A-list actress. I would bet if I was a kindergarten teacher with a drug problem, who was molesting kids, practiced Satanism, and belonged to a Cabal sex-cult, you would already have seen r/K throughout our culture, and the media would be actively referencing it at every possible opportunity. And I would be on TV, looking more respectable than anybody you have ever seen, and if you didn’t know how things worked, I would appear as a paragon of virtue as I told you what to believe. It is really amazing to see it up close. It also makes me wonder if Ocasio Cortez may have sex tapes out there, or had a history in a NXIVM-like group at one point, or have a minor history on an obscure European porn website she used to augment her bar-tending income, all just waiting to emerge later. She does have the look, in the way she is strangely, almost reflexively subservient around Ilhan Omar. A lot of these cult/dominated/controllable girls “look up,” as if eager to please, and avoid being triggering with authority, with Cortez being perhaps the best example of that mien (best displayed with Omar), as opposed to Hillary, who is probably the best example of “looking down.”
NYT Reports that DOJ Durham probe has “shifted” from an administrative review of the Russia investigation “to a criminal inquiry.” The move gives the prosecutor running it, John H. Durham, the power to subpoena for witness testimony and documents, to impanel a grand jury and to file criminal charges. Just as it is announced that John Durham is expected to seek an interview with former CIA Director John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.
FISA abuse report is nearing completion and is ‘lengthy’ and has ‘few’ redactions, DOJ watchdog tells Congress. Important to remember Horowitz was a member of the club and is close to Comey, so it may be a dud. Also, you don’t want to play these things up as earth shattering, because if they are earth shattering, it is expected (as opposed to a violation of expectation), and not as amygdala stimulating, and if they fall even the slightest bit short of totally earth shattering, the other side claims victory and no matter how bad the idiot public ignores it.
Iranian terror group in Albania planned to try and take out Rudy Giuliani back in March of 2018. Iran/Cabal, vs Rudy/Storm/and-maybe-Q?
Colorado priests allegedly sexually abused at least 166 children over decades.
There was a story about some German porn star who finagled a tour of an NYPD Police facility. The only interesting part was the photo of her which showed the Nasolabial characteristic of disgust, which frequently accompanies sexual abuse. Clearly Epstein was an organized operation, and I am not even sure Epstein would have groomed girls as young he did, were he not ordered to, as part of his job, getting underaged girls to use in blackmail operations. I suspect there is a similar operation with priests, only there the purpose is more taking out kids who it judges could become potential threats or competition. If we find out Cabal is out there, and arranging sexual abuse of some kids it deems threats or competition for its own, it is not impossible many of these girls in porn are victims of the first order. It is even possible they choose some little girls based on their attractiveness, figuring they will hypersexualize them when young and then guide them into positions in the network, such as with Epstein, when older. Now, whenever I see sexually deviant behavior, I wonder if it has a cause, and if the person may never have really had a chance, or a choice. A big question I would like to know the answer to is, was sexual abuse always this prevalent before Cabal hit the scene.
Almost all political tweets come from just 10% of Twitter users. And of those ten percent, I will bet one percent of them produce 99% of the content. One of the biggest advantages of Cabal is the fact that most people don’t talk. If you post, tweet, comment, or contribute, you are in the minority. A very small minority. on 4Chan, I will bet there are maybe a two hundred people who post comments to /pol. Then there are several hundred, maybe several thousand more avatars run by organized employees of interest groups. Already, Cabal can swamp your contribution with just a few paid posters, each of whom uses a hundred or more avatars to seem like they are 100 different people, and posts at ten times your frequency because it is their job. You can see how Cabal would come to a conclusion that it would be very cost-effective to simply chase off the few people they don’t control with intimidation, and completely dominate the conversations. If, over the last few years, you have looked at the conversations and thought, “How the fuck can so many people be so utterly fucking retarded?,” this is why. What you have seen was designed to weaken you, weaken your nation, and let (((Them))) have full control by making everyone think they were in the minority.
Antifa member followed a 56 year old conservative who left a Cernovich event, attacked him out of the blue, choked him, punched him, and the 911 call said he was in cardiac arrest after hitting his head on the curb as he fell. Antifa member was arrested and charged with assault, possession of a weapon, assault of a police officer, resisting arrest, and loitering. He was sentenced by a judge to 18 months, and most significantly, appeared stunned at the sentence, and his Antifa buddies all hugged each other in shock. He did all of that, and just expected the charges would be dropped. And then they weren’t, because something changed.
Billionaire George Soros spent more in past 2.5 years on advocacy than prior 14 years combined.
Warren Campaign office burglarized. Obviously the office is watched, so either it was innocent junkies looking for shit to steal, or it was Cabal.
Bette Midler says, “I do not promote violence but… Rand Paul says the Kurds are being ‘ingrates’ for taking their frustrations out on US troops. Which is a good reminder for us all to be more grateful for the neighbor who beat the shit out of Rand Paul.” All my life I have looked at certain people and wondered, how did they get to be “stars?” She is one of them. I can’t imagine she slept her way to the top, and yet, how else did she do it? Were there no other actresses out there with equal or better talent, better looks, and even more willingness to sleep with casting directors to get roles? Hollywood and Broadway both probably discard thousands of such superior-in-every-metric girls per year with nothing to their names. Obviously she is in the club, the question is what are the entrance criteria?
China and Ukraine were working together tightly on technology during the apex of Cabal’s ascendancy.
Hillary claims in this next election, Donald Trump will beat his opponent (her) by posting fake videos of them (her) doing horrible things on the Dark Web, which would disappear quickly, but people will vote for him because of it, and that will cost them (her) the election. Sounds like she is creating a preemptive defense.
Bomb attacks are now a normal part of Swedish life.
Bernie Sanders promises to use executive order to legalize marijuana.
A Romanian real estate tycoon, who was accused of a corrupt land deal, hired Hunter Biden to “advise” him as he tried to dodge federal prosecution. Simultaneously, Hunter’s father was claiming to be pushing to clean up political corruption in Romania.
Ilhan Omar laments the ‘tragic’ thought of Biden or Buttigieg as the 2020 nominee.
N.J. seeks to revoke liquor license at Trump’s golf club. “All these slings and arrows, I take gladly…”
De Blasio says Trump would be arrested if he shot someone on Fifth Avenue. His problem is, he isn’t authorized to do it, only an NYPD Officer could. And if Trump’s lawyer made the case he cannot be arrested, I could see the officer demurring. I would. It feels like those videos of everyone saying, “Donald Trump will never be elected President.”
The American Library Association is the radical force behind the scenes of Drag Queen story hour. Notice, only a well organized intelligence operation would so effectively target the leadership positions of all these incredibly important organizations, and wield them so successfully to destroy the United States. And there is only one operation big enough to do all of this.
Failed Indian Moon lander seemingly disappeared, and cannot be found.
Fire Safety blackouts begin in California for up to a half million people.
NYPD officers will now have to stop referring to dangerously unhinged people as “emotionally disturbed persons.” The term is not soft and fuzzy enough.
The exodus of Venezuelans is on track to reach 5 million people.
The Guardian plays up how great it is to get up late at night and walk around your city when nobody normal is out and about. Just after another outlet sold Pakistan as a must-do solo backpack trip for young western women. It almost feels like the media is ruthlessly culling the most stupid around us. Just reading the leftist media is kind of like a Darwinian test. Only the mentally strongest survive, by understanding you can’t believe a word of it. The rest end up a bunch of unarmed and helpless trannies and abortion barbies who get raped to death by swarthy vibrants from foreign lands before they ever have children.
Actress caught on camera ripping into Harvey Weinstein at Manhattan event for new actresses.
Test messages from Katie Hill’s circle show concern about her drinking problem, mental health, and missing flights. I’d look at hypersexuality as an attempt to sort of self-medicate by raising dopamine with sex. The problem is it may temporarily shut off the amygdala and raise PFC activity, but it is kind of like taking drugs, and getting addicted. Unless she could spend all day every day doing it, she is going to come down. The alcohol is also a sort of self-medication.
— Comfortably Smug (@ComfortablySmug) October 24, 2019
Rep. Katie Hill paid female lover thousands of dollars in consulting feeshttps://t.co/mRIsgGPsbD
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) October 24, 2019
Biological men are now making the "most powerful women" list. https://t.co/RZsYNcHc2L
— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) October 24, 2019
Adam Schiff Witness Cancels Speaking Gig to Burisma-Funded Think Tank https://t.co/rX0bWE8t56
— Aaron Klein (@AaronKleinShow) October 25, 2019
Chemicals used in plastic, soap, cosmetic and cleaning products are linked to lower IQs babies and children https://t.co/GU42ds2ARw
— Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) October 24, 2019
Not cynical, just annoyingly realistic. When it comes to justice on the Potomac, which is infested with vipers, better to lower expectations than be perennially let down and disappointed
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) October 25, 2019
BREAKING: Durham's "pitbull" is … a Democrat. And a Boston liberal. Who went to Hillary Rodham Clinton's alma mater. pic.twitter.com/l5X1WacVRZ
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) October 25, 2019
"Bull" Durham? Hmm. Durham was supposed to be investigating FBI leaks,but never prosecuted Comey aide James Baker for possible criminal leaking of classified FBI info to media.(Recall Baker talked to old pal David Corn of Mother Jones during 2016 election)https://t.co/xtB7a10n6M
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) October 25, 2019
Horowitz donated $1000 to campaign of Democrat Michael Bennet, a former colleague who's running to unseat Trump. Bennet's brother is the editorial page editor of NYT — the newspaper that received the leaked Comey memo Horowitz concluded was not classifiedhttps://t.co/4pj3aMBClK
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) October 14, 2019
Taylor said Congress sanctioned Russia to help Ukraine but didn't say Trump sanctioned Russia too.
Taylor said he asked Obama for lethal aid for Ukraine but didn't say that only Trump provided lethal aid.
Taylor should write for @nytimes
— Ivan Pentchoukov (@IvanPentchoukov) October 24, 2019
BREAKING – new @SidneyPowell1 filing in the Flynn case.
Lisa Page edited the Flynn 302.
James Clapper told WaPo reporter Ignatius to basically "take the kill shot on Flynn"
cc @KerriKupecDOJ pic.twitter.com/YqEIsMUAiu
— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) October 25, 2019
Democrat Elizabeth Warren calls for confiscating semi-auto firerms pic.twitter.com/pDSuX5VUc3
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) October 24, 2019
REVEALED: Google is artificially boosting CNN’s ranking with an "Authoritativeness" score.
Here’s an actual Google document leaked by Google whistleblower Zach Vorhies which shows how fake Google boosts Fake News CNN. https://t.co/qqYbtbxtUT
— Tiffany FitzHenry (@Tiff_FitzHenry) October 14, 2019
No bullet bracelet but is she calling for a Lincoln tick tock #GreatAwakening #Thesepeopleareevil pic.twitter.com/mzDraYMwIZ
— Karli Bonne’?????? (@kbq225) October 24, 2019
Chicago's Death Spiral: There's No Can Left To Kick https://t.co/c22voPHvQH
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) October 24, 2019
A Vermont Freeper got a Trump 2020 prosthetic leg made up, and it looks sharp.
Border wall construction advances in South Texas.
Trump instructs federal agencies to end Washington Post and New York Times subscriptions. If things work the way we think, Cabal agents in the past forced all agencies to buy multiple subscriptions as a way to funnel US Gov-Bucks into Cabal media-outlet attack vectors.
Half of respondents say that the Democrat party has moved too far left. Asked the same question of the Republican Party and just 37% say it has moved too far right.
A judge ruled that Jeffrey Younger, whose young son is reportedly being transitioned into a girl, will have joint guardianship with his son’s mother, granting him the right to share medical decisions for the child. So Dad gets a say, because the judge stepped up and reversed the Jury’s decision. Ask yourself if that entire Texas jury honestly wanted this young boy transitioned, or if they all might have been compromised agents of a covert civilian network embedded in society, following orders.
Jobless claims unexpectedly fall to 212,000.
China buys 264,000 tons of U.S. soybeans.
Michigan Constitutional Carry bill advances.
Goldman downgrades Twitter, slashes price target all the way to $34 from $52.
Terror-free Slovakia completely refuses Islam and won’t allow a single mosque.
Russian agent Maria Butina to be released from prison, sent back to Moscow.
Do you notice what's happened to corporate media?
Huffington Post is for sale.
USA Today will stop its newspaper.
CNN has lost its audience.
NBC is hostage to multiple sex scandals.
ABC got caught doctoring war video.
It's all crashing down.
— Emerald Robinson ?? (@EmeraldRobinson) October 24, 2019
I’m thrilled to be joining my friend @DonaldJTrumpJr on the TRIGGERED BOOK TOUR all across America!
Protesters? Bring it on.
Have you gotten your copy yet? https://t.co/pw1aMupT6Y
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) October 24, 2019
Shout out to Manny new citizen – first time voter and he will be voting for President Trump! @realDonaldTrump pic.twitter.com/Fap2XMMuAf
— Karli Bonne’?????? (@kbq225) October 24, 2019
Woah. pic.twitter.com/KcOAycFQhb
— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) October 25, 2019
Without a shred of evidence, the NYT is feeding the conspiracy theory that Barr and Durham are engaged in a political witch hunt.
The greatest political scandal in the history of our country could soon be exposed and the media is laying the groundwork to defend the perpetrators. https://t.co/XBz0CPnc4O
— Matt Wolking (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@MattWolking) October 25, 2019
BREAKING: Details about Hunter Biden's murky finances from windfall deals in Ukraine and China related to his father Vice President Joe Biden could soon be revealed in paternity suit against him if court requires him to file "affidavit of financial means" in support of love child
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) October 24, 2019
We don’t let kids drink alcohol til 21. People want to move smoking age to 21. But we will allow a 7 year old to have his life and body altered like this? This is child abuse and the state should side with the father who is trying to protect the child.” https://t.co/fNXF50qQEY
— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) October 24, 2019
This is child abuse. People need to start to stand up against this bullshit.
Enough is enough. https://t.co/tS7v4dLK3Y— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) October 24, 2019
‘It’s A Disgrace’: Donald Trump Jr. Blasts ‘Shifty Schiff’ And His ‘Banana Republic’-Style Impeachment Inquiry – The Daily Caller https://t.co/xRtVhmx2Ap
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) October 24, 2019
This did not age well. YIKES!!! https://t.co/IqpxDU3j4H
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) October 24, 2019
Democrats have no concern for the rules.
Pelosi violates House rules and her majority gives her a free pass.
Schiff fabricates a phone call to deceive the public and Democrats refuse to hold him accountable.
No surprise from the party of a sham “impeachment.”
— Rep. Doug Collins (@RepDougCollins) October 23, 2019
Democrats: Searching for any possible reason to impeach @realDonaldTrump & undo the results of the 2016 election – & doing so behind closed-doors.@POTUS: Overseeing an economic BOOM for working Americans and rejuvenating the U.S. economy.https://t.co/O14XtgT7SE
— Rep. Doug LaMalfa (@RepLaMalfa) October 24, 2019
Let's call this sham what it really is: an #ImpeachmentInquisition against @realdonaldtrump.
This purely political process will continue until @HouseDemocrats decide to allow openness, due process, & the right to cross-examine witnesses in full view of the American people: pic.twitter.com/cZyarzoqnQ
— Rep. Arrington (@RepArrington) October 24, 2019
This impeachment inquiry has produced NOTHING to impeach POTUS for (I've been inside every depo thus far). While Dems run from the MANY gross flaws of how this circus is run, I welcome a debate on just how massively screwed up their clown show is on the SUBSTANCE.
— Lee Zeldin (@RepLeeZeldin) October 25, 2019
Democrats are trying to use the natural advantage they have with the mainstream media to have secret interviews and selective leaks.
They’re trying to pollute the American electorate with lies about the President. pic.twitter.com/begcSbOjvp
— Rep. Matt Gaetz (@RepMattGaetz) October 24, 2019
The only reason Adam Schiff is conducting these unclassified interviews in a SCIF is to allow Democrats to control the narrative getting to the press.
We are watching a coup happen right in front of us. It's time to fight back.
— Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS (@RepGosar) October 24, 2019
52% majority says impeachment is political to stop @realDonaldTrump reelection only 36% legal 47%-33% say @POTUS shudn’t cooperate n 59%-33% say it’s a waste n Dems need to work w/ Reps to solve nations problems. https://t.co/P8vfPtIb47
— John McLaughlin (@jmclghln) October 24, 2019
Nancy Pelosi and her Do-Nothing Democrats have approved more subpoenas to investigate President Trump than they have written laws.
Nothing is getting done!https://t.co/roGR3OReZN
— Kevin McCarthy (@GOPLeader) October 23, 2019
"From day 1… [Democrats] were setting up an impeachment… I'm surprised that the media, who have been so vocal about not wanting 'Democracy to die in darkness'… [are] totally fine with this being and going on in total darkness. It's a disgrace." –@DonaldJTrumpJr pic.twitter.com/ng6INgb9T1
— Trump War Room (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TrumpWarRoom) October 24, 2019
Where is the Whistleblower, and why did he or she write such a fictitious and incorrect account of my phone call with the Ukrainian President? Why did the IG allow this to happen? Who is the so-called Informant (Schiff?) who was so inaccurate? A giant Scam!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 25, 2019
Thank you to House Republicans for being tough, smart, and understanding in detail the greatest Witch Hunt in American History. It has been going on since long before I even got Elected (the Insurance Policy!). A total Scam!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 24, 2019
I really enjoyed my conversation with General @MazloumAbdi. He appreciates what we have done, and I appreciate what the Kurds have done. Perhaps it is time for the Kurds to start heading to the Oil Region!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 24, 2019
The Oil Fields discussed in my speech on Turkey/Kurds yesterday were held by ISIS until the United States took them over with the help of the Kurds. We will NEVER let a reconstituted ISIS have those fields!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 24, 2019
The Federal Reserve is derelict in its duties if it doesn’t lower the Rate and even, ideally, stimulate. Take a look around the World at our competitors. Germany and others are actually GETTING PAID to borrow money. Fed was way too fast to raise, and way too slow to cut!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 24, 2019
Spread r/K Theory, because The God Emperor loves us, each and every one.
Morning A/C. This is off topic but really not. Right now I’m pursing a hobby in photography and youtube recommended a wired video of a woman who can paint objects and people look 2D, by tricking the brain. After my creative side was totally blown away, my next thought was (((they))) already knew about this method and have been using it. But I still saw the beauty in what she does and it was really a joy to see someone pursue their passion, amazing she got promoted at all!
“If, over the last few years, you have looked at the conversations and thought, “How the fuck can so many people be so utterly fucking retarded?,”
My exact thoughts anytime I try and read comments on the Hill.
Concerning Bette Midler… she and Barry Manilow performed together at a bathhouse in their early days in NYC. Bet some swampy cabal shit was going down there.
What I found most shocking about those pics of Katie Hill is that she was only 32! Or younger, even. Also, that intern was almost Rashida-Tlaib-tier ugly. Fugly women and weak men become leftists because they envy the attractive and want to tear us down. They also aren’t above dumpster-diving when it comes to mating because even they realize that they can’t do better.
But back to Hill. She had a LOT of exposure to androgens in the womb, judging by her masculine skull proportions, small floppy tits, and roughly 0.9 waist-to-hip ratio (slabsided, not-even-close-to-hourglass figure). Even in her own campaign photo shoot, with professional hair and makeup, she looks like a male-to-female tranny, complete with Uncanny Valley facial features and Man Hands:
This in utero androgen exposure likely made her a high-T woman, which would make her aggressive and horny.
Give me a moment to research her voice, as well. Unless she trained like Christine Ford Blazer to talk like a little girl, I’m predicting she sounds like Old Ironsides. [Later] Well, she doesn’t have a booming voice but it is set to 11/10 on Vocal Fry.
Finally, although I don’t want this to sound like a Two Minute Hate, there is the subject of her beady eyes and general facial features that reminded me instantly of another horrible rabbit in politics. Compare:
I knew a girl like that. Broad shoulders. Masculine features. Floppy tits. Laywer. She showed me a text from her new boyfriend: “You f**k like a prize fighter!” I didn’t know whether to pity her or the boyfriend.
“… innocent junkies looking for shit to steal, or it was Cabal.”
Interesting use of “innocent.”
It actually feels natural to think of thieves as innocent when contrasted to the real evil out there
“I can’t imagine [Bette Midler] slept her way to the top…”
You and Owen Benjamin, man! My sides!
Speaking of Bette Midler, his guy produced some of her movies, and he has some interesting things to say about feminism and the Rockefellers:
The guy you linked, Aaron Russo. is Jewish and it’s extremely likely that he made all that up to blame the Rockefellers for something the Jews did. Whatever Russo’s angle he’s bound to be lying about something. Typical Jewish guy who runs entertainment hall, that of course burns down. It’s all so tiresome watching these people.
The Rockefellers have serious Jewish/Israel connections and may be crypto-Jews.
They may be used to keep people from digging any deeper though.
” I would bet if I was a kindergarten teacher with a drug problem, who was molesting kids, practiced Satanism, and belonged to a Cabal sex-cult, you would already have seen r/K throughout our culture, and the media would be actively referencing it at every possible opportunity. And I would be on TV, looking more respectable than anybody you have ever seen, and if you didn’t know how things worked, I would appear as a paragon of virtue as I told you what to believe.”
And they would have you attacking K and selling r.
Mass Shooting At Russian Base In Far East Leaves 8 Soldiers Dead
K is coming:
Record numbers homeschooling — Study shows interest from parents at ‘all-time high’
Transgender Woman Has Child Porn Conviction Overturned Because She Was ‘Struggling With Her Identity’
DoD Awards Massive ‘JEDI’ Deal To Microsoft Over “Surprised” Amazon
US Eases Regulations On Iran Food & Medicine Sales To Help “The Iranian People”
In new blow to Mexico’s crime fight, judge frees suspected cartel members
Sites are saying today the FBI dumped a huge amount of documents on “The Finders” group. If you haven’t heard of them they ran some sort of mysterious organization that had lots of children and even had telexes trading children world wide that all investigation was stopped and it was said to have been an CIA internal matter. Probably the only reason we know about them was a Customs agent got involved in the investigation and became livid when the investigation was stopped. Ho in turn wrote a very long detailed report that testified what he saw and how the investigation was stopped.
Here’s one link on the new dump.
The reason “The Finders” case is important is I see it as one of the 100% can’t hide it clues to their being a deep State. They were caught red handed and could not cover the whole thing up due to a few honest inspectors that refused to whitewash the whole thing.
S.Korea to give up developing country status in WTO talks
The Survival of Angela Merkel’s Coalition Is in Peril