News Briefs – 10/24/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

17… Dominoes… Pizza… Got it:

Swedish official says recent North Korean talks with US appeared to go exceedingly well, in contrast with the assessment by North Korea. Is North Korea putting out disinformation to keep Cabal in the dark about what is going on?

Federal law enforcement sources claim the renewed push to impeach Trump is rooted in President Trump’s move to pull the United States out of the conflict in Syria and stop untold millions in dirty cash from drugs, crime, and bribery flowing into the deep state’s pockets.

During a Military briefing, Trump wonders aloud, “Who gives a fuck about Afghanistan?” All the future Military Industrial Complex lobbyists of the Pentagon’s Flag Ranks gasped in horror.

GOP Rep. Lee Zeldin obliterates Schiff’s star witness Bill Taylor, saying, “He has fourth-hand info!”

Vice President Mike Pence’s big brother, Rep. Greg Pence, who sits on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, is sitting in on Congress’s closed-door Impeachment. That must piss Schiff off no end.

Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte testified under oath that he had approved meetings between Italian Intelligence agents and U.S. Attorney General William Barr and U.S. Attorney John Durham.

Bernie-supporting Tulsi Gabbard rips lack of transparency in impeachment inquiry.

Vatican at risk of default due to plummeting donations. Interesting.

Mitt Romney’s approval plummets after attacks on President Trump.

YouTube may have suppressed videos of Tulsi Gabbard following Clinton spat.

A former intelligence official in Australia has been charged with breaching secrecy laws after classified files were found in his home. Married to a Chinese lobbyist. A part of me wonders if the arrest would have happened if the Q-plan was not in effect, and Hillary had won.

An article on Chinese re-education camps for Muslim Uighurs, which points out other Muslim countries are oddly silent about the abuses which go on in there. Influence of Cabal? Why will they attack the US, which treats Muslims fine, but not China, which is forcibly reeducating Muslims in torture camps?

Federal spending programs that are “designed to transfer income … to individuals or families” are set to hit a record $3,223,943,000,000 in fiscal 2020, will account for 67.9% of all federal spending this fiscal year and consume 14.4% of the nation’s gross domestic product.

Republican CEO of Dick’s Sporting Goods floats third-party presidential bid to pull votes away from Donald Trump.

Mo Brooks demands Democrats end the secrecy around Impeachment.

Battleground poll says 7 in 10 in the US think a Civil War is coming.

Tensions between locals and migrants erupted this week in the a Paris No-Go zone after a migrant punched a two-year-old in the head.

Joe Biden continues to hold a comfortable lead in the Democrat presidential primary field, according to a CNN poll. As if you can trust anything CNN says.

Gallup Poll claiming 52% of Americans support Impeachment may have included illegal aliens. Gallup literally has no idea who they polled, if you believe them.

Steve Bannon has set up a war room in the basement of his townhouse to fight Impeachment.

Snowden does Joe Rogan, but not worth the three hours in my opinion. Obviously, it feels controlled. There are much bigger problems than the archiving of data streams and possibility, (likely never realized), of listening to phone calls. Snowden has to know about the bigger operation, but he is focusing people on these things instead, giving the impression of disclosure, while performing distraction from the real issues. It is a minor irritation somebody can read an email of mine from five years ago. It is far more concerning you have a secret society which is not open to any citizen to join, composed of a sort of cloister of familial bloodlines and newly arrived foreigners (Because they can’t advertise to the populace their existence or what they do because the populace would have their operation evaporated overnight. So they have to hire only their own kids, and family, and immigrants who they can deport if they go off script, and those they can blackmail, and those they find who are cool with shitting on the Constitution and harassing strangers for some faceless bureaucrat they will never meet because it works out well for them personally). It is troubling such a powerful organization is engaging in illegalities they will need to kill to keep quiet. It is even worse they will appear out of the ether if any regular citizen says anything about government or politics, because anyone not under their control is not supposed to have any say in that. Rogan likely knows. I would assume, long before he got the audience he has, either he was born into it, they got blackmail on him, or they showed up to intimidate him and he gave in. I remember video of some of his MMA buddies laughing how all their phones click as if they are bugged, even though they have cell phones, and they are being followed around. To summarize the video, on Snowden, he is pinning the whole thing to Dick Cheney, he makes sure to stick Giuliani’s name in there as a descriptor of Cheney’s attorney (He is creating an image where Giuliani and Trump are the same thing as Dick Cheney and his counsel, who created the awful surveillance state he is describing), Obama was an innocent idealist who wanted to make things better at home, 9/11 was a big accident, he tells us conspiracy theories are not to be believed, there are no aliens or chemtrails, and NSA is the enemy. He also goes out of his way to say explicitly that the Deep State is not “a conspiracy of lizard people,” which now has me wondering if the Reptilian thing is real. Interestingly he raises how his having worked at both CIA and NSA allowed him to see how the two different networks worked, and how to develop a system that could combine the two into one database. If I was running Cabal intel, that would have been my goal, and I would have tried to create such a system using my own agent who would have given me access. So if he was a Cabal agent, his Cabal-mission was to create a system unifying database, and turn over access to his Cabal-handlers before cashing out and trying to take NSA down so CIA could inherit it all. I found it all interesting for two reasons. One, Snowden is increasingly obvious to me as a purposeful distraction. He is purposely screaming about minor shit, like your emails being stored but probably never looked at, and as a result people don’t realize there is a house down the street, with people who know them, listening to their private conversations each night, recording spouses having sex, and feeding the data, especially anything embarrassing or blackmailable, into files they are building and adding to intermittently on everyone. Two, he is a walking Q proof. Before Q, Snowden seemed like he could have been legit. Q coming out and saying Snowden was Cabal was a big step for Q to take, but obviously knowing what I know, he is exactly right. Snowden is still part of the organization, and working to help it cover up its most problematic aspect of its operations. Q knew, and is feeding legit intel.

Las Vegas police won’t detain people on federal immigration holds.

Ruth Bader Ginsberg wins $1 million prize for her “profound impact on human life.”

Suicide rate for kids ages 10 to 14 nearly tripled in last decade according to the CDC.

Impeachment star witness William Taylor has a long relationship with Burisma-backed think tank.

Germany begins importing Somali Muslim migrants on charter flights.

Cartel drug lab with rocket launchers and occult witchcraft altars found in Mexico City.

Impeachment could keep Senators running for President off the campaign trail for weeks.

Facebook removes ‘Bikers for America’ page in ongoing purge of grassroots conservatives.

Council on Foreign Relations says the US needs more mass migration and a bigger welfare state.

Google employees think the company is running an internal surveillance tool that is watching employees for any sign of them turning on the company. Again, a computer sniffer program is nothing. If any of them is a threat, I would bet money they are being watched in their homes to make sure they are on the team.

Measles exposure at Disneyland.

More fun in Kahn’s London with Multiculturalism on parade, as a mentally ill black dude tries to rob a Chinese guy, then runs afoul of some Muslims, before the Chinese guy flies back into the scene and slaps a Muslim before zooming off with Muslims in pursuit, then the black guy rampages on random citizens for a bit before going back at the Muslims, all while the bobbies take 30 minutes to show up:

At 1:05 here, Lindsey looks at the camera, realizes he is being filmed, and immediately opens his mouth and inhales, almost as a sort of suppressed gasp reflex. He looks bothered that is his involvement in this was being documented, before looking away:

The House Ethics Committee has announced that they will launch an investigation into Rep. Katie Hill.

Trump prepares to formally withdraw U.S. from Paris Climate Accord.

Trump campaign scoops up Biden’s Latino voter website address, trolls his voter outreach with a spoof.

North Korea’s state news agency notes Trump and Kim continue to have a “special” relationship, in Kim’s words.

Trump announces ‘permanent ceasefire’ in Syria between Turkey and Kurds; lifts sanctions on Ankara. Total win for America in just a few days.

Joe Arpaio is running for sheriff again.

Spread r/K Theory, because in this timeline, there are no accidents.

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5 years ago

Once again the nasolabial lines are a dead giveaway.

5 years ago

So if he was a Cabal agent, his Cabal-mission was to create a system unifying database, and turn over access to his Cabal-handlers before cashing out and trying to take NSA down so CIA could inherit it all.

“We have everything.”

New Name
New Name
Reply to  everlastingphelps
5 years ago

It’s worth noting that Hollywood produced a movie showing NSA doing everything that we know cabal is doing to innocent Americans, ENEMY OF THE STATE (1998). It’s worth noting that the primary bad guy’s birthday in that film was 9/11. It’s worth noting that the film’s director inexplicably committed suicide some years later by jumping off a bridge in Los Angeles.

Reply to  New Name
5 years ago

There is also “Sneakers” with Robert Redford which portrays the NSA as bad guys who want to spy on everyone and perhaps take over the government.

5 years ago

Trump Cancels All Admins’ NYT, WaPo Subs: “Will Save 100s Of 1000s Of Taxpayer Dollars”

Cinderella the Deplorable
5 years ago

Another death in the news; the 21 yr old aspiring rapper son of TobyMac. No cause being reported.

5 years ago

Solomons govt says China’s island lease ‘unlawful’

5 years ago

From Hacker News:

Surprising nobody, feminism and satanism are linked.