News Briefs – 10/23/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

#MeTooCNN – Project Veritas video exposes alleged sexual misconduct by CNN executive and possible cover-up by senior CNN management.

DOD records obtained by Judicial Watch contain the first official documentation that the Obama administration knew that weapons were being shipped from the Port of Benghazi to rebel troops in Syria.

Judicial Watch releases documents showing AP reporters gave DOJ/FBI Ukraine info and the code to a private locker of Paul Manafort in an apparent effort to push criminal prosecution. Everything from the CIA and FBI, to private intelligence companies, to foreign intelligence agencies, to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, to the media, were all working to stop Donald Trump.

Steve Bannon says Nancy Pelosi will impeach President Trump ‘in the next six weeks.’

President Trump asks AG Bill Barr to investigate allegations that Hillary Clinton hired someone from the Ukraine to write the bombshell Steele Dossier.

2 Proud Boys sentenced to 4 Years in brawl with anti-fascists at Republican Club in New York City. 4 years for a scuffle on the street, where nobody was hurt, the victims disappeared, and the Police can’t even find them.

The media it trying to play up the phony testimony from the lifelong State Department diplomat who tried to set up Trump. These infiltrators were everywhere when Trump came into office. The fact he has dodged everything to date is tangible evidence that there is a significant team with a plan behind him.

Pelosi and Schiff ban Republicans from viewing transcripts of ‘secret’ Impeachment hearings.

Independent Michigan Rep. Justin Amash speculated Tuesday that some retiring Republican lawmakers may seek office again once President Trump leaves office. A coded message to Cabalites, saying they think they may be able to weather the Storm?

Italian football league may use anti-terror listening devices to identify racist fans. Notice this thing can triangulate sound origins to the point it can listen to what a single person says, in a stadium filled with thousands of cheering fans, and filter out all other noise. Now imagine you are talking in a residence, and there are no other sources of sound of any significance. It is amazing we have come to the point where different civil liberties violators are starting to end up at odds, to the point they are burning each other’s advantages. One advantage to being in such a threat-filled environment – eventually if you have enough threats, the threats will begin to get in each other’s way and fuck each other up. Also, note I have said for years the ability to triangulate sound has been around. How would I know that?

At Hillary Clinton’s latest campaign stop in Oregon, she highlighted her experience with impeachment and essentially described herself as the ideal candidate to take on Trump in 2020.

Hillary telling friends, ‘If I thought there was an opening in the primary, I’d consider jumping in.’

Possible vehicular jihad attack in North Carolina as driver mows down and kills a 79 year old woman and tries to hit four others.

A jury in Dallas, Texas, ruled against a father seeking to block his ex-wife’s plan to start their seven-year-old son on puberty blockers and ultimately cross-sex hormones in order to facilitate gender transition. So tragic. Pray for this boy, he is firmly in the grasp of pure evil, and it is relishing the irreversible, long-lasting power it has over him.

There are explicit pictures of Democrat Katie Hill apparently having sex with some of her many male and female paramours out there, floating around. Hill is the Vice Chairwoman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and she has compromising pictures and embarrassing sexual peccadillos floating around out there waiting to be used to blackmail her.

Concerns arise as Katie Hill’s throuple partner describes ‘toxic’ relationship with her boss.

Canada’s currency, energy shares fall as new government relies on left-leaning parties.

Chinese Communist Party says criticizing LeBron James is ‘racist.’ First they are kissing up to Muslims in Hong Kong, now they are playing the race cards. Either China is run by Cabal, or they have been watching Cabal very closely and learning their plays.

Former President Jimmy Carter, 95, suffers serious fall at his Georgia home again. Hope they aren’t hitting him with something from nearby, trying to get another state funeral going to buy time.

Push by leftist politicians to disarm police officers gains steam in New York.

Zoologist showed Polar Bear populations are thriving, climate activists got her fired for upsetting their narrative that global warming is killing Polar Bears.

McConnell says there is no way to know how long a Senate Impeachment proceeding would take. It could turn into a very long Republican-led investigation of everything.

Some think a suicide prevention program is actually a suicide indoctrination program. MK Ultra at work again?

President Trump has expanded his base to include union workers, Hispanics, suburban and urban voters, and is ahead or tied with all the leading Democratic presidential candidates, according to the latest Zogby Analytics poll.

Hillary Clinton admits, “It’s going to be very, very hard” to beat President Trump.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan agreed to create a buffer zone in northern Syria and will remove Kurdish fighters along the border.

Jordan’s King Abdullah rejects Pelosi and Schiff by endorsing Trump’s withdrawal from Syria.

Boris Johnson has backing for his Brexit deal from MPs, but they have wrecked his hopes for an October 31 exit.

Founder of Wikipedia blasts its left-wing bias, says the internet needs to be decentralized.

Police organizations are torching the Democrat’s gun confiscation plans.

Male tranny who sued spa for not waxing his genitals sees his case thrown out.

Spread r/K Theory, because the tide is going to turn.

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5 years ago

Edward Snowden appeared on Joe Rogan Show:

5 years ago

This is also interesting viewing:

5 years ago

Something strange about this one account especially:

5 years ago

What’s your thoughts on John Titor?

5 years ago

Do you remember Elsagate:

Trauma based programming for children.

Rest of the videos in this playlist:

5 years ago
5 years ago

Chinese Communist Party says criticizing LeBron James is ‘racist.’ First they are kissing up to Muslims in Hong Kong, now they are playing the race cards. Either China is run by Cabal, or they have been watching Cabal very closely and learning their plays.

Chinese look up to jews and assume that they are all rich.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
5 years ago

The chinese are considered by many South East Asians as the “Jews of Asia”

former NASCAR Fan
former NASCAR Fan
5 years ago

“Also, note I have said for years the ability to triangulate sound has been around. How would I know that?”

I hear you dude, I got raided by 50 FBI agents last year. I’ve been a huge Trump guy since 2015 and all I did was regularly post here. In the interrogations they brought up a lot of stuff that implied deep, deep (warrant less deep) surveillance. And I noticed the Bureau Bunnies were all very, very liberal. I guess every American right-winger has a FISA warrant out on them or something and I hope the President does something about that but we really are limited in how much we can help sometimes. Charges didn’t stick but, some (Roger Stone) might not be so lucky. If you don’t help your buddies in a war they can’t help you later, because they’re dead or in jail.

5 years ago

“From the most recent TPUSA event, a perfectly reasonable question is asked to Charlie Kirk about how the right can be simultaneously be america first and give $3.8 billion a year to Israel. Kirk goes on to deny the USS Liberty Incident…”

Top kek, the zionist shill Charlie Kirk who answers the Patriot K. Alexander Adams actually tells us how to destroy support for Israel even more:
Israel buys weapons and tech from the US with the US tax payer money, and then goes and sells them to China in violation of US National Security protocols. See:

Israel is a theocracy where there is literal institutional anti-Christianity in schools, and where Christians get spat on and harassed for being Christians: – “Preaching in israel 2018” – Christian in Israel gets told by Jew that Jews are superposed to kill Christians because they are considered idolaters. – “Intense Hostility (spit upon like ten times) Preaching in Jerusalem” – “Yossi Gurvitz: When Israel Is Mighty” – Screenshots of the video above – another important screeshot of vid above

Israel first traitors need to GTFO to Israel, or get the rope (legally, off course).

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
5 years ago

You can add Turning Point USA to the list of controlled opposition operations.
Also notice how the ADL and other enemies of the People have these pretend/play fights with the controlled opposition groups like these in order to create drama, distraction, and give the controlled oppo apparent cred?
Also, the USS Liberty veterans who survived the NON-ACCIDENTAL Israel attack would have many things to say to that Kirk traitor faggot:

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
5 years ago

Kek, watch this one too:

“Charlie Kirk is confronted about his toothless stance on immigration and says he doesn’t believe the conservative movement should have an anti legal immigration posture despite the fact immigrants vote 70-30 for Democrats”

5 years ago

Deep State Vows PAYBACK After Trump Disrupts Millions In Illegal Drug Trafficking Cash & Kickbacks from Syria

5 years ago

Trudeau rules out coalition as he forms new Canadian government

5 years ago

Rats trained to drive tiny cars find it relaxing, scientists report

Another reason to oppose self-driving cars

5 years ago

Pakistani Islamist party vows to oust government with protests

5 years ago

Mexico Misleads on Failed Arrest of ‘Chapo’ Son: Ex-DEA Official

5 years ago

Starving the cabal?

Mexican media bruised by president’s austerity

OW tried to tell us long ago:

LORD GORING. She doesn’t turn out to be a spy, then?

SIR ROBERT CHILTERN. Oh! spies are of no use nowadays. Their profession is over. The newspapers do their work instead.

LORD GORING. And thunderingly well they do it.

Oscar Wilde (An Ideal Husband)

5 years ago

Saudi replaces foreign minister less than a year after appointment

JoBeth Gerrard
JoBeth Gerrard
5 years ago
Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  JoBeth Gerrard
5 years ago

Mine doesn’t. ..
and your Gaseous emissions are probably more prevalent from your mouth.

Owen Benjamin could do 4hrs on this wizardry alone..

Or he’d just tell you to….