News Briefs – 10/21/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Mifsud’s phones obtained by Durham have UK Sim cards tying them to the UK and back to John Brennan.

Thomas D’Alesandro III, a former Baltimore mayor and the brother of Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, has kicked the bucket. He was ninety, but then again there are an awful lot of these lately, and a lot of these ultra-rich, no worries types go to 96 or 97.

Paul Craig Roberts thinks the Oligarchs will crash the economic system if they have to, in order to get rid of Donald Trump. Just guarding against this would have required three or four years, to rebuild what Obama destroyed, and create a firm economic footing where it would be difficult to crash things and make it look accidental. And it would have to happen before you went hard at the Cabal and began locking people up.

New York Times starts positioning DOJ/FBI coup-plotters as victims of CIA and intelligence community manipulation.

Ukrainian Official says Hunter Biden was appointed to Burisma’s board to ‘protect’ the company.

Elijah Cummings’ wife, who they say will be installed in his seat, accused of ‘self dealing’ for ‘illegal private benefit.’

Drug Kingpin Pablo Escobar’s brother is going after Elon Musk, saying Elon’s engineer stole the idea for his flamethrower during a visit to the drug-accountant’s residence. Why is Elon’s Engineer meeting with the accountant brother of a drug kingpin our Special Forces had to help rub out?

Biden warns that Trump could lead the U.S. into war with Iran before election.

Slate found Romney’s secret twitter account.

Human waste from homeless people makes downtown Miami streets unpleasant and unsanitary. People scoffed when Trump said, “Shithole countries,” but he clearly knew what he was talking about.

Some are pushing for AI computer systems to replace judges to eliminate bias. Because computer systems never get hacked.

Early Manitoba snowstorm is so forceful it shut down the Keystone pipeline.

Advertisers are beginning to figure out influencers are not moving products or worth the cost. It almost feels like the system is being upended, and they need to explain why influencers will not get paid millions going forward, so you won’t realize you were lied to by a scam for all these years, and maybe realize the network that was behind it. So they are saying now that the system is breaking down naturally and there never was a network, when the reality behind the scenes is distinctly more Storm-like.

Venezuela’s water system is collapsing. Yet another thing which could go down at the collapse.

Release of the FISA abuse report is taking longer than expected.

India and Pakistan trade fire in Kashmir, killing nine.

Indian PM Modi pledges to drain rivers before they reach Pakistan, to shut down Pakistan farmers. That will K-ify the region quickly.

A congressional candidate, who is endorsed by the same progressive group that backed Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) and Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) in 2018, recently called to disarm police officers.

A 20-strong gang set upon four tree surgeons in Rochdale, England, calling them “white bastards” and cutting off a teenage worker’s hand with an axe.

Beto tells Eric Bolling that criminals will ‘do the right thing’ and turn in their guns.

Elizabeth Warren demands protection for trans migrants.

Several 2020 Democratic presidential candidates, including Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), and Mayor Pete Buttigieg, recently called for the repeal of HIV disclosure laws.

Robert Shiller says a recession is likely years away due to bullish Trump effect.

Brexit will happen on Oct. 31 despite PM’s unsigned delay request, UK says.

Latest polling shows Kamala Harris is down and out in Iowa.

Lindsey Graham reverses course, says Trump’s Syria policy might actually work.

Lindsey Graham wants ex-top Ukraine prosecutor, the one that Biden got fired, to testify in the US. Lindsey does talk a lot.

Eric Trump says that ‘Every family in politics enriches themselves,’ saying ‘It is sickening.’

Don Trump- Jr stopped cold and temporarily contemplative when the scream “2024!” emerges from the crowd at a rally. Then he said, “Let’s worry about 2020 first!” There is no way to get good at something as effective as doing it constantly. By 2024, Don Jr will probably be as skilled as our current God Emperor at juicing up the crowds.

Chilean authorities impose second curfew in 24 hours in Santiago amid mass riots. Lots of old guards on the way out.

The Trump administration’s decision to reduce this year’s refugee cap to a record-low 18,000 people is just one step in its broader plan to shrink the program and make it harder for any future administration to quickly resume accepting refugees.

Spread r/K Theory, because nothing is too big to fail, except maybe the God Emperor.

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5 years ago

Thanks AC!

5 years ago


I would like your opinion on this man’s talk on the nature of the evil of the Vietcong:

The kind of people who deserve utter destruction like Sodom and Gomorrah and to burn forever in hell.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Indeed. And in the case of the Khmer rogue. They killed of the cream of Khmer society permanently hobbling its development.

I have hope in the end that cabal will be defeated and our cities are like renaissance italy of Riverdell in LOTR.

5 years ago

> Some are pushing for AI computer systems to replace judges to eliminate bias.

We’re halfway there – a lot of courts are using privately-developed software packages to determine sentencing now.

This link is from the Daily Beast, but it’s a good general overview:

As far as I know, *all* of the software packages use “proprietary algorithms”… couple that with requiring a live internet connection for updates, and you have real-time control over sentencing, since few judges who use the software go against its recommendations.

5 years ago

> Early Manitoba snowstorm is so forceful it shut down the Keystone pipeline.

Interesting. The linked article mentioned “toppling trees”, but didn’t actually say they caused the problem. In fact, the problem was never mentioned.

It snows rather a lot in Canada, and the pipline is an important revenue source. And piping oil through Arctic lands isn’t new technology; the Alaska Pipeline has been running virtually uninterrupted since the early 1970s.

Searching for why the pipeline shut down, I’m finding basically zip… but apparently they’ve had a *bunch* of problems with the pipeline over the years.

court anaon
court anaon
5 years ago

“Some are pushing for AI computer systems to replace judges to eliminate bias. Because computer systems never get hacked.:

Long-time lurker here . Chiming in because this is in my wheelhouse.

AI judging systems don’t even have to be hacked to be terrible.

A few years back, I worked as an admin clerk for a state court system when the state legislature, to seem “non-discriminatory and fair” rolled out a mandatory bail schedule – processed by computer algorithm – even though there were few, if any, allegations of discrimination in bail setting in the state.

The computer system was meant to override judicial discretion for trivial offenses and for high level felonies offenses, leaving judicial discretion only for the murky middle. A variety of components went into a 1 – 10 score that assessed a defendant’s prior criminal history, dangerousness, and flight risk.

For defendants with a 0 – 3 AI-processed score, the law required that the judge “release without bail because this person is not dangerous and we trust them to show up in court.” And for a 9 – 10 the judge was required by the law to “hold with no possibility of bail, very high bail, or very restrictive conditions until trial because this person is extremely dangerous and/or a huge flight risk.”

The state court judges uniformly hated it, not just because it limited their discretion so much, but because it had exactly the opposite of its intended “fairness” effect. The system discriminated horribly against poor people with repeat non-violent offenses and was ridiculously lenient for first-time violent offenders.

For example, one defendant with no prior history raped a woman and locked her in the trunk of a car in sub-zero weather (she was discovered and saved before she froze to death, thank God). The defendant had no prior criminal history, and the assault and kidnapping was charged in a way that the computer registered as “non-violent” (perhaps because there had been no weapon involved.), The computer deemed the defendant no risk to the community, giving a score of “0 – mandatory own recognizance release.”

In another town, a drug cartel member flew in just to shoot someone, leading to a police chase and stand-off involving flash bang grenades, and a multi-day at-large situation that required intervention by the Federal Marshalls. None of which the computer took into account, and the defendant registered as a “1 – mandatory own recognizance release.”

In contrast chronically homeless people with repeat misdemeanors for violating a criminal trespass orders (for example, brushing their teeth in the public library when previously banned from the library for sleeping there) would come up as 10s and were to be held without bail, even if they had no history at all of violent offenses (say, drug possession and criminal trespass offenses only). And this situation happened all the time, in every town, for all of the poor people who had drug problems but were not violent. And the AI bail law, had it been enforced, would have seriously limited the judge’s ability to craft conditions of release that met the state constitutional preference for getting those folks into rehab.

In both of those types of cases the judges quietly, but persistently revolted.

In the first type of case, I heard more than one judge tell a defense attorney that the law was absurd, that his violent client would not be released O.R. “I don’t care what the computer spit out”, and that the law was clearly failing to meet the state constitutional requirements of protecting the community. The defense attorney could “brief it and/or appeal” if he disagreed. To my knowledge, not one ever did.

And, conversely, in the latter type of cases, the judges across the board declared that the AI bail law was unconstitutionally discriminating against poor people, homeless people, and non-violent offenders who needed rehab. None of the judges I saw ever enforced the computer mandate to hold chronic, but non-violent defendants without the possibly of bail on a non-violent offense. Instead, the more outraged judges would release the defendants on their own recognizance just to make a point and other, slightly less rebellious, judges would set token bail at $15 or $25. Then they’d tell prosecutor “to brief/appeal the issue if he liked.” Again, to my knowledge, none ever did.

Faced with a non-compliant judiciary, defense and prosecution bars who thought the AI program absurd, and the possibly of a whole bunch of cases coming up on appeal to invalidate the law from both the overly-harsh and not harsh-enough sides, the legislature relented and made the whole thing “non-binding and advisory” in the next legislative session. Which means the judges and attorneys continued to ignore it since they had been arguing and assessing prior history, danger to the community, and flight risk for centuries (as an institution) and decades (personally) before the AI rolled out and the AI’s “recommendations” were absurdly more harmful than helpful.

Ultimately, the legislature created an entire IT system and 5 – 7 cushy, pensioned, state date-entry and oversight jobs for a non-binding, advisory system that the judges, public defenders, and prosecutors all agreed was worse than useless.

In my experience, the people who would have benefited most from the computerized bail system (had it been enforced) were first-time defendants with violent or extremely violent charges, because the computer would have released them without any bail at all, whereas the real-life human judges set very high bail, very restrictive conditions of release, or held defendants until trial without bail on seriously violent felonies whether or not there was a prior history.

With an eye to Storm-related matters, this “low-score for first time violent felons” problem applied to first time charges for sexual misconduct with children as well. No matter how gruesome the details, the computer gave an “no bail, own recognizance release” where any reasonable judge would require a 24/7 third-party custodian responsible for making sure the defendant was never around a child, if the judge even released the defendant at all.

5 years ago

“Don Trump- Jr stopped cold and temporarily contemplative when the scream “2024!” emerges from the crowd at a rally. Then he said, “Let’s worry about 2020 first!” There is no way to get good at something as effective as doing it constantly. By 2024, Don Jr will probably be as skilled as our current God Emperor at juicing up the crowds.”

Or repeal the term limit for GEOTUS Don I The Great?

Cinderella the deplorable
Cinderella the deplorable
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

At the VERY least I wish we could see GEOTUS get another 8 yrs for free since the entirety of his first 8yrs (the way it’s been and continues to look from a Possible Storm-timing standpoint) is that he is slogging uphill with 1,000 lb ankle weights and a 1,000 lb weight vest on with the entire Democrat party, cabal, every corrupt Washington staffer/contractor, the entire media apparatus and the whole of the EU hanging off of him, trying to prevent him from destroying their racket. And GEOTUS is STILL making headway for Americans!

I pray daily that the he and his team will utterly drain the filthy swamp and that every tentacle of cancerous corruption will be isolated and cut off.

Then I’m good for GEOTUS Don II Or complete repeal of term limits ! 🤩✅

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

My guess is that at some point the Trump family will want to grow the Trump organization internationally without apparent conflicts of interest. But they will need to deliver a sufficient blow to cabal and at the same time make sure that someone very capable is put into the White House.

I have no doubt that we’ll be seeing more of Barron, however. There’s a reason he was brought out on election night when trump gave his acceptance speech. He was signalling. i’m presuming that in a few years Barron will enter Annapolis or West Point. And then from there some business and elected office experience.

5 years ago

I don’t know if you saw the thread I made in the forum but the search function there doesn’t work.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

If you go to the “Forums” page above the “News” forums there is another search window that works but it only shows the first result of multiple results.

5 years ago

British and U.S. intelligence agencies say Russian hackers hijacked Iran-based cyberspy groups to attack dozens of countries and organizations while pretending to be Iranian.

The details of the operation were revealed in an October 21 statement accompanying a joint advisory by Britain’s National Cyber Security Center (NCSC) and the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA).

More at:

Or did the cabal do it and they are now blaming Russia?

5 years ago

Actual Witches Hunt Trump With Pre-Halloween “Binding Spell”

5 years ago

Scheer’s Conservatives in the error margin from Trudeau in both the polls an in terms of ideology. He exemplifies “controlled opposition”, and his MPs embody cowardice. They prefer the name recognition of the “Conserve nothing” party over the interests of their Canadian constituents. This is not just a matter of numerical migration. They are deploying the same strategy as was used to destroy the Metis: settle migrants in all geographic locations to break up cultural strongholds, such as rural prairies.

If conservatives are better for business, all the more money for neo-liberal cartels who are dismembering our nation. Incidentally, even if Conservatives win a minority government plurality, the Liberals are prepared to join with the NDP to form a coalition government.

Canada has no prospects of a nationalist revolution. We face either national collapse or a long-term spiritual insurgency. Don’t pin your hopes on this election.

5 years ago
5 years ago

I have come to the conclusion that leftists, anarchists and left leaning libertarians are incapable of playing fair, they literally don’t see disparate application of the rules unless you force it up their nose and then they retreat to “well, it serves you right, you deserve it”.

I’m convinced it must have a semi-physical brain development cause.

5 years ago

Pelosi and congressional delegation make secret trip to Afghanistan

5 years ago

It looks like the liberals in Canada will remain in power with the assistance of the even worse New Democrats despite both losing seats in the election.

Canada will be toast until a collapse unless they find a Trump but it may be too late for that already.

Alternatively it may break up, it’s not just Quebec that is thinking about seceding anymore.

Red Sunset
Red Sunset
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

Alberta, Manitoba & parts of BC would be welcome to join the US AFAIAC. Maybe swap New England for them.

Reply to  Red Sunset
5 years ago

BC is terribly liberal just like our west coast but if we were able to arrange a swap for some of our most liberal North Eastern states (preferably 3 or more) Alberta and Manitoba might not be a bad idea.

Trump should suggest it.

5 years ago
5 years ago

Since fossil fuels do have polluting byproducts. I would welcome nuclear fusion and highly improved fission with minimal waste.

Or other forms of sci-fi energy sources that do not have the downsides of current fuels. I mean perhaps UFOs have energy sources that will truly allow energy independence.