News Briefs – 10/19/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

A Rasmussen poll reveals a little more than half of likely U.S. voters suspect crimes were committed by high-level law enforcement officials in an effort to stop a Donald Trump presidency, but only 32 percent believe anyone will be punished.

Burisma paid former Ukrainian President to suppress Biden investigation and bribed FBI agents.

Emerson Poll finds that Impeachment is the most important issue to just 6% of Iowa voters. Q said it was only 4-6% who were permanently lost and could not be redeemed.

File under archival material of Cabal: The Heaven’s Gate Cult was run by former Army Signal Corps soldier Marshall Applewhite. He had married Bonnie Nettles, who died of liver cancer twelve years before Marshall Applewhite decided to take his cult away to the Halle-Bopp Comet. Of interest is Bonnie Nettles, who was a happily married nurse, until in the early 1970’s she began to hear the voice of a 19th Century monk in her head who gave her instructions which she found to be reliable. Se would later say the voice was an extraterrestrial, offering her direction. She began seeing fortune tellers and became a believer in them, when several all told her she would meet a mysterious man who looked like Marshall Applewhite, even describing him physically. When she finally met him, she was besotted, and left her family to became a integral part of the descent, and probably manipulation, of Applewhite. Notice how that link notes, “Applewhite’s writings were prone to hyperbole or relaying everything as some occurrence of fate. When a hidden force is moving pieces, that is what it can seem like.

A quick side note. I suspect fortune telling, as a business, is Darwinian. That is, those who most accurately predict fortunes tend to be the people who remain over time as fortune tellers. A side note to the side note – what happens if someone comes to believe you can predict the future and can help them be more successful? Will they tend to do what you tell them? Is it a position of power and control over lower IQ plebes? Returning to the primary side note – so what is the most likely means of being able to predict a fortune? I was watching a crime show. A young boy had gone missing. Nobody knew where he was. One day a local fortune teller walked into the Police station and told Police she had a dream about an overgrown empty field filled with garbage. She walked into it, and lifted an old rotted mattress, and under it was a vault, and in it was the boy, curled up in a fetal position. The cops laughed at her (again, often cops have no idea what is going on, because they are not trusted by the network, likely due to the K-selected psychological factors that drive them to be cops). She persisted, but they politely sent her on her way. She went to town, found a fireman, and got quite worked up making her case to him, until he promised to go with her to where she thought the field was, and take a look, just to allay her increasingly upset psychological state. He arrived at the field, told her to stay back, and was amazed as he walked into the field and saw exactly what she described – which could not be seen from the road. He found the mattress, lifted it up, and found there was a vault under it. He lifted the cover, and there was the boy’s dead body, in the position she described. She became a suspect immediately, but the Police cleared her, and showed ultimately she had nothing to do with the real killer. The firefighter was blown away – he said he saw no way she could possibly have known about everything in that level of detail, and described it so accurately, without being a genuine psychic. What if she was in the network?

So we return to the Heaven’s Gate UFO cult, which has many parallels to other cults which are suspected of being CIA MK Ultra projects. It is a UFO cult, which Jacques Vallée said were often government-associated. There was clear mind control going on. You have the woman who heard a voice in her head which she found accurately seemed to know what was going on in her life and what would happen in the future. Applewhite was ex-military in a period when we know CIA was experimenting on soldiers using MK Ultra. When his cult acquired a large sum of money from an unknown source and rented houses, they covered over the windows to prevent people from looking in them and spying on them. Applewhite himself, “became increasingly paranoid, fearing a conspiracy against his group. One member who joined in the mid-1980s recalled that Applewhite avoided new converts, worrying that they were infiltrators. He feared a government raid on their home… In addition, he stated that there were evil extraterrestrials, whom he referred to as “Luciferians”, who sought to thwart his mission. He argued that many prominent moral teachers and advocates of political correctness were actually Luciferians.” It all ended horrifically, which also seems a trait of these experiments, and finally, “An anonymous tip led the sheriff’s department to search the mansion,” after the suicides, and find the bodies. How did somebody know those thirty something people all drank vodka and took benzos in that secluded mansion, and quietly laid down to go to sleep? And why did they drop the tip anonymously? I thought it was interesting, and there is probably more as you dig into it.

My guess would be he was interesting psychologically, maybe identified as manipulatable and experimented with, going back as far as the Army, and was watched and covertly directed from then on. When he began with the cult activity, he was probably watched closer, which he noted and was freaked out by. Maybe they were experimenting with manipulation, maybe they were just piggybacking his journey into mass manipulation and seeing if there was anything new to learn from his experiences. He began to notice, which can stress the mind even if you are sane, and it was all downhill from there. This would be strange if there was just a small isolated clique of people who were visibly weird and demented who were involved in this, and routinely watched murders and mass suicides and never got involved except to sometimes push things in that direction. What makes it really bizarre, and maybe even more disturbing is there is a whole parallel society of people, some of whom seem quite normal, some even nice, who seemingly know about all of this and accept it as normal.

Another curious link – the Shaver Mysteries, where a writer wrote stories about an advanced race of quasi-humans with advanced technology which they used to manipulate humans, including by beaming voices into their heads. He claimed to have had personal exposure to them. A whole plethora of letter writers said they had similar experiences, and a whole other slate of writers tried to shut the story down by calling him and his supporters Schizos. Mainly interesting because the stories were shared in a science fiction magazine where you would expect such content, but for some reason readers took it seriously and it precipitated an immense backlash. This ultimately led to a book with a similar theme, titled The Cryptoterrestrial Hypothesis, whose author died from a heart attack at 36 before the book could be published. Just interesting that there are so many now online and on the Chans who are pushing the idea of some sort of non-UFO hidden advanced civilization which has been interfering and manipulating man going back through the ages. I have no intellectual opinion in any direction on any of this, beyond the fact people see thing sthey think point to it, which could be misdirection, mistaken assumption, or even correct for all I know. Given what I have seen, we are far from any position where we could draw any certain conclusion about the world. At this point, I just listen and catalog all opinions and claims, no matter how bizarre, and hope at some point, some of it will make some sort of sense.

Trump campaign threatens to sue CNN, citing Project Veritas videos.

Hillary says Tulsi is an agent of a Vast Russian Wing Conspiracy who will launch a third party candidacy to help Trump get elected, and Tulsi hits back. It is interesting Hillary’s clique has this idea everyone hates Russia so much all they have to do is tangentially link someone to it, and their reputation will never recover. It is also interesting how the Democrat Party is now the party of trannies, abortion-lovers, socialists, communists, corruptocrats and other freaks, and all pro-Americanism is totally verboten. I am not a moderate leftist, but if I were, Tulsi is the only patriotic candidate who I would look twice at – and she is the only candidate who has the entire party machinery rallied against her.

Ever drink beer out of a red plastic Solo cup in college? The guy whose family created them inherited a multi billion dollar fortune from all the plastic products their family business produced. Then his Florida home inexplicably burned to the ground, he fled to the Cayman Islands, bought a yacht that was armored enough to withstand being hit by a torpedo, surrounded himself with bodyguards, he renounced his US citizenship, and nobody knows anything about him today because he has gone ultra-recluse. I’d love to sit down with him for a few hours and pick his brain. He probably knows a lot. I had a rich neighbor whose house burned to the ground twice, before he got ultra security-conscious and paranoid. Now he works for the conspiracy, and seems terrified of it.

Mick Mulvaney claims there was a quid pro quo, and tells the press to get over it, before backtracking and saying there wasn’t, and now the White House embraces the phrase. It is possible he misspoke, and the White House is now simply playing on his phrase. It is also very possible the White House wants the House to hand an Impeachment over to the Senate, so Republican Senate Committees can begin to investigate in earnest everything related to Ukraine and a coup to depose President Donald Trump. But it is also possible this is a cognitive play. Notice how by saying there was a quid pro quo and it happens all the time in diplomacy, before going back and saying he misspoke and there was no quid pro quo, he has opened the Overton window, while not really changing his position. Now the Ukraine situation seems even more innocent, given there could have been a quid pro quo, and it wouldn’t have meant anything anyway. All the White House did was absorb some temporary media chaos, and it reframed the whole situation into seeming above-above board, and even more innocent.

Diplomat tells investigators he raised alarms in 2015 about Hunter Biden’s Ukraine work but was rebuffed .

The State Department has completed its internal investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of private email and found 600 security violations by 38 people, some of whom may face disciplinary action. However WaPo reports, there was no systemic or deliberate mishandling of classified information by department employees. So telling someone to strip classified headers, print a document out, rescan it without the headers, and send that classified document on a non-secure system is not deliberate?

At least 8 killed in mayhem surrounding Mexico’s failed effort to capture El Chapo’s son.

UN is actually giving free flights straight into Germany to Ethiopian Migrants, so they don’t have to make any tough journey to get there.

Blue light from LEDs may be accelerating aging?

Key group behind Amazon Synod accepting funds from large U.S. pro-abortion charity.

Because East St. Louis is short $9.5 million, city leaders are closing a firehouse and laying off nine firefighters.

Judicial Watch says more evidence has emerged that Middle East jihadists are entering the United States through the Mexican border.

PG&E’s CEO said it could take 10 years to improve its electric system enough to ameliorate the need for blackouts. That would assume California were on a path to first world status, where things improve, as opposed to descending into a third world shithole courtesy of third world migrants, as socialism destroys the economy and homless encampments take over the state. Hard to believe the electric system will be getting an upgrade when they can’t even clean the poop out of the streets, or stop medieval diseases from breaking out regularly.

Gab may be having financial problems according to an AG who is dropping legal action against them because he says they are going down.

Illinois State Sen. Martin Sandoval has resigned from his position as chair of the State Senate’s Transportation Committee amid a federal fraud and corruption investigation related to state construction work.

Immigrant rights groups plan to ask for a rule banning U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement from making arrests of immigrants at or around the state’s courthouses.

Now Colleges are pushing “inclusive grading,” where you do not grade upon merit, but rather factor in things like privilege. This is a head game, and has nothing to do with social justice or any other bullshit leftism. I think Cabal is deteriorating genetically and cognitively. They are not sending their best. But they need to put the lower IQs they are sending us into leadership positions, and they need to you to accept that they being promoted above you for “innocent” reasons. This is being done so you don’t just look at imbeciles being given leadership positions and think there might be a secret society ruling over you, and be tempted to install a meritocracy by force. Their hope is you will look at the hierarchy above you and curse leftism as you accept your fate, rather than realize the secret society that is hiding in the shadows is promoting its own ahead of you unfairly and illegally – and it is ripe to be exposed and destroyed.

A new surge of Mexican migrants has begun to hit the border. I wonder if this is the beginning of the biennial flood designed to swamp our elections, which produces a predictable suge in acute flaccid myelitis every two years, timed to our elections.

3.7 magnitude quake shakes the L.A. area.

SEAL leader who oversaw the Bin Ladin raid, and was an advisor/supporter to Hillary, says Trump should be impeached because he doesn’t like Trump’s values and America-first, non-interventionalist foreign policy. Not surprising, he kissed ass under Obama, and got himself into the Democrat camp. He may even have other links to Cabal behind the scenes, or even have done something he is being blackmailed for, for all I know. He is basically saying we should get rid of a popular, successful, duly elected President because he doesn’t like him and wanted Hillary to win. I link to this mainly because in the photo at the link, you can see a physical trait I have noticed among many liberals, where it is like the eye simply looks out through ellipse-shaped slits in a smooth sheet of skin stretching from the eyebrow down to the cheek. It is almost the way I would look if I donned a latex mask, and my eyes were looking out through little latex slits. This often seems accentuated by a lack of eye-lashes. For a picture of eyes that appear entirely different, here is young Mel Gibson, whose eyes appear much more alive. You will notice that even though his eyes are wide open, you can clearly see the front of his upper lid, particularly in his left eye, and his eyelash density accentuates that. If he let his lids droop to slits like McRaven, you would see even more of the front of his eyelids. I don’t know if this physiological indicator is significant. In Chinese medicine, things like eyelash density can be related to something like “Blood sufficiency,” in their diagnostic theory, which some have said relates to serotonin levels in Western science. It is possible this physiological marker is somehow associated with some physiological parameter which affects psychology, and by extension ideological predisposition. I have found it a marker not just of leftism, but also lack of trustworthiness. I knew someone who saw a surgeon with eyes like this, and the surgeon actually swapped surgeries on him while he was under anesthesia, promising him one surgery, and then doing a more complicated and risky (and expensive) surgery once he was under, and afterward simply claiming he had always said he would do it. I was not surprised, just like I am not surprised to see these eyes on McRaven.

Oracle CEO Mark Hurd has died at the age of 62.

FBI submits results of investigation into mysterious Dominican deaths. Nobody released the results, but one person said it was consistent with the Dominican government’s conclusions which were that all of the victims died of natural causes.

Did Cabal punish this democrat for soemthing by exposing her bisexual affairs and releasing pictures, or are they letting everyone else know what is on the line if they do not come through on removing Trump?:

U.S. Supreme Court to hear Trump appeal over ruling that threatened the ability to perform rapid deportations.

President Trump says the US has taken control of the oil in the Middle East, “the oil that everybody was worried about.” People are wondering what he is talking about. He may mean the oil Obama and his corrupt cronies were smuggling out is no longer going to be available to them, perhaps cutting off a vital funding source for Cabal. It seemed to have some important meaning to Trump.

China’s economic growth dipped again in third quarter to slowest pace since 1992.

Denmark prepared to build wall on German border during migrant crisis.

Conservative veterans are preparing to visit Washington to laud President Trump’s withdrawal of troops from northern Syria and to urge Republicans to back his intention to pull out of Afghanistan and other countries in the Middle East.

Library’s ‘drag queen story hour’ strip show for kids goes viral.

Chinese national sentenced for attempting to export military and space-grade technology out of the U.S.

Unrest in Lebanon as protestors clash with security forces due to economic crisis, as K-spreads across the world:

Spread r/K Theory, because defeating terrorism is always a winner.

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5 years ago

Re: eyes

Is Nick Krauser like that?

Jeff Wood
Jeff Wood
5 years ago

I think this is the second time time you have linked hooded eyelids and a tendency to leftism and other faults. Worries me, because I have those eyes…

Reply to  Jeff Wood
5 years ago

Genetic traits are predispositions, not condemnations. Alcoholics are predisposed to drinking — but there are lots of alcoholics who don’t drink. We all have sins that we are tempted by. Some sins are graver than others and have larger consequences when we transgress, but we all have to resist sin to the best of our ability.

Keep mindfulness. Know that you have a tendency, when you are tired, when you are harried, when you are slothful, to just “go with” the standard leftist thought, and alway temper it with reason and the Word of God. Leftism never survives that combined onslaught (which I suspect is why you are so worried about the trait.)

Leftism is simply Envy driving away reason. I thank God that he never saddled me with envy, but good gravy am I saddled with sloth and pride. You’ve got your temptations, and I’ve got mine. Deal with them.

Reply to  Jeff Wood
5 years ago

Trump campaign threatens to sue CNN, citing Project Veritas videos.

It is interesting that, rather than going with a libel suit, they are pursuing civil enforcement of the Lanham Act. The act prohibits false advertising, with the legal theory being that when CNN puts itself out as an objective and ethical news source, and then engages in partisan and unethical reporting, they are providing a product that is contrary to their advertising.

5 years ago

> Gab may be having financial problems according to an AG who is dropping legal action against them because he says they are going down.

Interesting, since it costs them nothing to maintain the suit. Just the lowest-ranked lawyer or even an intern checking for new developments once a week, ten, fifteen minutes tops. And even that paid out of taxpayer funds.

How they got the idea that there was enough money behind Gab to make it worthwhile for a state entity to grab a chunk is rather interesting, though. And once they decide there’s no money, all their justifications for the lawsuit simply evaporate, of course.

“Nothing to see here, move along…”

Reply to  TRX
5 years ago

It’s complete and utter bullshit, for one simple reason:

AGs aren’t motivated by monetary damages.

They are funded by the state. They don’t get to keep the damages that they win in court. They go to the state. They are after wins. That is why they dropped the “probe” without ever actually filing anything. They are hoping that everyone is stupid enough to confuse gab and fullchan and want their dumbshit “probe” to just fade away without splashing anything on them that sticks.

AG cases follow companies into the ground. They dropped this because they have no case.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
5 years ago

Considering the part about State Department not deliberately mishandling classified information: doesn’t matter. When it comes to classified information, mishandling it is a crime, however unintentional.

Consider this: idiot leaves his office for a meeting at another location carrying a folder marked “SECRET”. Idiot stops for coffee. Idiot sets SECRET folder down to put foo-foo cream and cinnamon in his coffee. Idiot forgets to pick SECRET folder up. Idiot realizes later SECRET folder is missing. Idiot returns to Satan-worshipping, abortion funding foo-foo coffee place, cannot find SECRET folder.

Idiot is prosecuted for mishandling Classified information. State department is no different. It’s still a crime. People have lost their careers and spent time in prison for simple mishandling. And, as Hillary herself has so eloquently put it: “Nobody is above the law.”

5 years ago

> bisexual affairs

As many times as Democratic Congressmen and Senators have been caught with their zippers down, you’d think they would be just slightly wary now.

Instead, they’re usually outraged that anyone made an issue of their misconduct.

With another Democrat caught, CNN’s smear cannon will probably target Mike Pence again to try to muddy the waters; after all it’s sexist and discriminatory for him to make sure he doesn’t provide them any ammunition for their hate campaign…

5 years ago

> PG&E’s CEO said it could take 10 years to improve its electric system enough to ameliorate the need for blackouts.

That’s a meaningless statement, cast out there as a negotiating token.

While their production and distribution capacity is strained – when I was a child in Sacramento in the 1960s, brownouts were a weekly thing, and that was the state capitol – their main problem *now* is that the eco-Nazis have forbidden basic forestry and conservation in areas where PG&E’s main power distribution lines run. That’s a *political* problem.

There are good engineering reasons why the high tension lines run up on towers instead of underground, and trying to insulate the towers from fire would cause other problems. The whole *world* uses towers, and nobody *else* has any problems, because they haven’t passed crazy laws that promote wildfires.l

5 years ago
5 years ago

“you can see a physical trait I have noticed among many liberals, where it is like the eye simply looks out through ellipse-shaped slits in a smooth sheet of skin stretching from the eyebrow down to the cheek. It is almost the way I would look if I donned a latex mask, and my eyes were looking out through little latex slits.”

Perhaps why David Icke surmised the real illuminati are lizardmen. Its pretty reptile like.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  info
5 years ago

I alway assumed when he talked of Lizard people he was refering to their tendency to be driven by their Amygdala, which resides in….

5 years ago

“Chaos is #Culiacán: Cartel members are allegedly equipped with M249 Para machine gun & M72 LAW anti-tank rocket-propelled grenade launcher

All that funding. All the money flowing in. There must be a way to permanently cut their supply lines and ability to recruit.

We do need a good solution to addiction that is effective.

Cinderella the deplorable
Cinderella the deplorable
Reply to  info
5 years ago

Plentiful Cheap drugs, Complete loss of acceptable moral traditional behavior, continued assault on families, incessant drumbeat of all things feminist, abortion-abortion abortion (Marcia! Marcia! Marcia!), utter domination of cabal On every college campus, and Constant pitting of us plebes Against one another (whitey be evil!, eco-trans-whackos vs normies, Blacks v Hispanics, everybody literally fighting everyone else), there will be no cure or remedy. Not until EVerYTHiNg is revealed and it can be shown that we’ve all been turned against each other on purpose. Then we can unite and fight {{them??}} and begin to help each other with our crosses, whatever they may be, and begin to practice self-control and self-restraint against our personal weak spots

Reply to  info
5 years ago

The solution is simple and incredibly difficult at the same time.
Get rid of the cabal.

A scientific study first addicted rats to various drugs and then put them in a “rat paradise”, the rats all voluntarily gave up their addictions.
It is the theft and destruction of all the good in life that is causing people to turn to addictions for relief.

English Tom
English Tom
5 years ago

Re: cults

Check out a book called, Diana death of a goddess by someone called Cohen. IMO the book is meant to deflect away from intelligence service involvement in the death of Diana Spencer, but for those who are aware, it screams out they were involved. The book also delves into the murky association between cults and the intelligence services. A very illuminating read for the aware amongst us. Highly recommended.

5 years ago

“Q said it was only 4-6% who were permanently lost and could not be redeemed.”

When the civil war happens we need to expel at least the worst 10% to be on the safe side, the just barely redeemable are where the rot starts that opens the way for the irredeemable.
And that’s in addition to all the invaders and migrants.

5 years ago

“I think Cabal is deteriorating genetically and cognitively.”

The fate of all whose goal is to avoid and eliminate competition.

5 years ago

Philippines detects African swine fever infections in two more provinces

5 years ago

Pakistan avoids terror financing blacklist _ for now

5 years ago

> I wonder if this is the beginning of the biennial flood designed to swamp our elections …

Don’t forget the 10 year cycle designed to skew the census and move representatives from red states into blue states and from conservative rural areas of blue states into liberal “sanctuary” cities.