News Briefs – 10/17/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

It is getting to the point where there is no possible way to tell which Trump tweet is his all-time greatest:

Chairman of the House Oversight Committee Elijah Cummings is dead at 68.

CNN Media Coordinator states ‘Jeff Zucker goes into the control room while Jake Tapper is interviewing Kellyanne Conway’; tells Executive Producer to skip commercials, extend 7 minute interview to 25 minutes to “just f**king nail her”:

Two of the Clinton Foundation’s shady international partners have been arrested for fraud. The question is if the arrests were targeted to put pressure on them to cooperate.

IG report on illegal Trump campaign surveillance by Obama’s forces still being declassified. I think these are feints to get Cabal to use up its MK Ultra windup toys before it is revealed. My guess would be right after it is revealed, almost immediately we will have some sort of false flag anyway.

Kurdish Militia trained Antifa in Northern Syria.

Hunter Biden tells ABC News he received NO money from China, bank records tell a different story.

There’s a rumor Ghilsane Maxwell is hanging out in Brazil with Jeffrey Epstein’s modeling scout friend.

FBI employees conducted 3.1 million questionable and illicit searches, including searches on US citizens in 2017-2018. Bear in mind, an FBI agent tried to help Clinton mistress Sally Miller when she ran into the real domestic intel op which runs things and he was helpless, and FBI LA Field Office head Ted Gunderson was himself gangstalked his entire life after he retired because he was probing what he said were satanic pedophile rings that had penetrated our government. So this was no doubt no good, and it is a transgression we should be bothered by, but it is nothing compared to the big deal going on out there.

A top U.S. diplomat and expert on Ukraine testified that the Obama administration, with Joe Biden as its point man, orchestrated the firing of the Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating a company connected to the Biden family.

CNN headline: “White House scrambles to slow impeachment push as explosive secrets spill behind closed doors.” We’ve read the entire transcript of the call, and there was no wrongdoing. The Ukraine President said, there was no pressure and no wrongdoing. But this is what CNN is trying to do with a nothing story. What is amazing is, pre-internet, President Trump would have been impeached and sent to prison by a bunch of criminals, when he did nothing wrong. That was the America we grew up in. Only the Internet, and President Trump’s skill at manipulating the narrative have made it this apparent.

Media tells us evil immigration authorities arrested an innocent British family on vacation in Canada for accidently crossing over the border, but it turns out they drove off-road to get to a road on the US side, they had $16,000 dollars in cash, they had previously been denied a US Visa for unknown reasons, and Canada would not take them back. The Fake News lies.

Dershowitz must face Epstein accuser’s defamation lawsuit.

Young pretty teen commits suicide for no reason at University. I ran into a Freeper who was following the Smiley Face Killer stories, because of what happened to his nephew. He said his nephew was a super successful college athlete who was going places, he went to a concert, and was suddenly befriended by a group of seemingly nice kids. In a coordinated fashion, they separated him from his group, and the girls kept him occupied and isolated while his group lost track of him and left, then they offered him a ride home. Somehow they drugged him, and he woke up in his underwear in a ditch somewhere, needing a ride home, and the Freeper thought he had likely been sexually assaulted based on how he acted after it. The Freeper had begun looking into things, and was sure there was some sort of national, organized covert network all over the nation, identifying successful kids who were not in the network, and who could go places due to circumstances in their lives, and either taking them out in the Smiley Face killings, or doing lesser things to throw them off their game. He knew nothing of any national network running intel ops on the broader population, but had come up with this theory all by himself based on the evidence he amassed solely of cases that were happening to young successful males all over the country. Obviously I listened with interest, given there is a national Secret Society out there that uses kids in operations. It is not impossible they would target young pretty females who were not in the network as well. America was becoming a very, very dark place thanks to Cabal.

Paramedics who found dead South Korean K-pop star noted “signs of cardiac arrest and post-death paralysis,” but no suicide note. Over there, finding tetrodotoxin is as easy as stopping by a fish market.

One of Chameleo’s invisible midgets caught on camera running around a neighborhood? In the book Chameleo, the protagonist Dion said whatever he was seeing was unusually short. They hypothesized they used short people so they could get into tight places, but it is also possible mobile bipedal robots are more advanced than we know, and have the Chameleo camouflage built in.

Senate Intel chair – whistleblower hasn’t agreed to testify before panel.

Trump points out all the IPOs Pelosi was allowed to grossly enrich herself off of in return for some benefit she was providing someone.

See Pelosi’s kid say, “My name is Paul Pelosi Jr, and I’m on the board of [Ukrainian Energy Company] Viscoil”:

Ronan Farrow getting banned from book stores in Australia.

Video from New Zealand public television, where New Zealand ammunition supplier warns of ‘revolution’ over gun buy back scheme. Historically there are two ways to repel the gun grabbers. There is the threat of violence (like Charleston Heston’s “From my cold, dead hands!”), and there is routing them at the polls, circa post 1994 Assault Weapons ban. It is strange today that we are applying both forces to the gun grabbers, and yet still Cabal is pressing on the issue as hard as they can.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib will endorse Bernie Sanders for President. It is good for pushing the rabbit vs wolf meme of r/K Theory, though in truth Elizabeth Warren is very bunny-like too.

Hunter Biden will face off in court against his 28-year-old Arkansas ‘baby mama.’

The White House is warning Chinese shipping companies against turning off their ships’ transponders to hide Iranian oil shipments in violation of U.S. sanctions.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a measure permitting New York state to press charges against those who have received Presidential pardons.

Former New Jersey Gov. Christie Whitman stands by tweet she deleted comparing Trump to Hitler. This was the bitch who went out after 9/11 and told all the first responders that the air was fine, the tests were conclusive, and nobody had anything to worry about. I knew, without looking at any tests, she was full of shit.

Federal Officials have a moral problem, as one owl species is killing an endangered owl species, so the only answer is to kill the more prolific species. If the owls were killing a rare ground squirrel, would they even consider killing the owl? Why do people have this innate obsession with predators?

Frontpage covers a history of Kurdish atrocities.

Tough guy Beto O’Rourke is still going around talking about he is going to send other real men to seize your guns if you don’t do what he says.

The Atlantic looks at how many tech companies’ business models don’t make sense because there is no profit. I would assume the purpose of the endeavors is not to make a company that makes money, but rather to dominate a sector, do the IPO, and let the fat cats cash out on the suckers. Why are there suckers? They were raised to think businesses work a certain way, ie, make a good product which is desired and sells at a profit. In reality the customers are getting paid to help backstop a scam by signing up with it and making it look successful.

Wisconsin jury awards $450,000 in Sandy Hook defamation case against author of a book claiming Sandy Hook never happened. What happened to freedom of speech?

Forbes asks, why have so many regulatory agencies been arming up with guns and ammo? Trump has already shifted protective detail responsibilities to the US Marshalls, so these agencies will not need all of that firepower. But it does sound like something was going on under Obama.

IRS unraveled the massive Child exploitation web site network by tracing bitcoin transactions. Bitcoin dropped lately, I would imagine this was the reason. Interesting they made this public.

President Trump’s top immigration spokesman on Wednesday said that there are potentially 22 million illegal immigrants inside the United States, nearly twice the estimate regularly cited.

Evidence suggests HIV treatment adherence declines over time.

Just a headline for now – Chicago teachers to strike after failing to reach contract deal with nation’s third-largest school district. Although this is not it, this may be a sign we will see when the money runs out.

6.4 magnitude earthquake strikes southern Philippines.

The next tweet is a good measure of how corrupt the House is, either with Cabal influence, or just good, old fashioned Military Industrial Complex payoffs:

CNN cuts off Tulsi just as she was about to “Kamala” Warren:

As I was watching this, it dawned on me a lot of leftists like Scarborough may have covertly bought their own AR-15s, and they like them, and now they not only understand how gun owners feel on this issue and how it might affect their side, they are a little bothered that this law may actually involve government taking some of their own property. I would bet Joe has an AR-15, off of how he asked this question:

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un was shown riding a white horse in the snow on a sacred mountain, in several photographs released by state media Wednesday that experts said could presage a major announcement.

A look at the cycles that govern human history, and the tendency to war, which these cycles indicate is on the horizon. Covers Strauss and Howe, and goes back farther to their antecedents as well. What is funny is, they spend all this time saying there are these cycles, but there is no idea mentioned of r/K brain adaptation to human resource availability, amygdala, r/K itself, or why biology would imbue these tendencies in the brain to aid survival, or even why Darwin would favor this tendency in humans. And yet even without the ultimate explainer of r/K, the amount of energy dumped on ruminating on the subject is quite large. When r/K finally fully lands, which it inevitably will, it will be bigger than Strauss and Howe, and pretty much anything ever written on government and politics as well. Also amusing – all the cycles point to us coming up on a generation who will be almost supernaturally destined to group together and really fuck somebody’s shit up. And just as this entire predestined generation is approaching full maturation and looking for somebody to kill, we have a hidden clique in the shadows trying to set up on literally every single citizen, in a way which would drive anyone of any generation to civil war, and it is all weaving its way toward a full reveal. If the hidden Secret Society goes public, just as the new Greatest Generation is looking for someone to fuck up, watch out. I was always pro-war-capability, and not really a crazy anti-authoritarian, but even I look at what was created with nothing short of horror and revulsion.

Feds take down the world’s largest Dark Web Child-Porn marketplace. It was run by a South Korean.

Trump says policing Turkey’s border is not worth American lives.

Now American thinker looks at Turkey, desperately angling for peace with the Kurds, and says, maybe Trump is a strategic genius after all. Trump wanted peace, so he let them start a war. This is one way the Martial Arts opened my mind, and made me look at everything without coming to any concrete decision or conclusion. Learn how to fight, and you will see many, many places where all your instincts want to do one thing, to buy you a little respite from an unpleasant onslaught. But if you tuck your head, dive face first in the exact opposite direction, and push through, you come out in a dominant position your opponent had no idea you could attain. As this shows, I see in life where that happens all the time, at every scale. In fact, even with government oversteps like surveillance, you want to curtail them and push them back. But the answer is not to try and dial them back. The answer is to push them so far forward into abusive overstep that exposure is totally unavoidable, and the entire system collapses all at once, far more effectively than you could ever have done resisting it. Yang into Yin, or Yin into Yang is actually the term for this in Chinese philosophy, depending on the nature, and once you see the phenomenon, you realize it applies everywhere. It is one of the reasons I think Trump has either gone with Impeachment, and at times made subtle pushes, like waiting to release the call transcript, which made House Democrats try to Impeach him, or he has outright control over Pelosi behind the scenes and has told her to follow this Impeachment script. He is pushing them to over-step the bounds of decency so far that what they have become, and how badly they have corrupted our honest government will be apparent to everyone. Now we have secret hearings with no-show, maybe even non-existent whistleblowers, whose written accounts were all wrong, over a call we have all seen was totally innocent, all to Impeach a President who has done nothing but make the country stronger and better. And this has gone on, as the guy who really committed crimes – Biden – is elevated by the media as a credible candidate despite being thoroughly corrupt, and incoherent, and maybe even senile to boot. Fighting something bad is not always the best course. Sometimes, you can give it a push, help it along, and get an even better response.

Erdogan to meet with Pence and Pompeo to try and work out a peace deal with the Kurds and create a more stable region. With us no longer needing to Police it.

Rand Paul says of Lindsey Graham, he’s been wrong about every foreign policy decision of the last 2 decades. You do think at some point he would question his own judgement, if he was acting honestly.

Poland goes even more K- bill will outlaw sexual education for minors. From the article : “The PiS, which is close to the country’s powerful Catholic Church, notably campaigned on its opposition to the “sexualisation of children” before winning Sunday’s general election.” Kinda funny, as one of the five pillars of r/K is exactly that phrase. Tough to say if r/K is so accurate it can predict what people will focus on and how it will be phrased as we head K, or if this might have had its origins in somebody reading the book. I actually sent a book to the Polish embassy a couple of years ago. It would be funny if someone in the right position read it, and began a concerted effort to K-ify the nation around those principles. Notice also, there are people who have turned out to protest this. Even if you were a pedophile, would you care enough to show up and protest this policy yourself? Who are these people? Why are they protesting? Who is it who cares so much that kids be given bananas and condoms in school and told all about how natural and fun it is for them to start banging at ten or twelve years old? I think those protestors are likely the Secret Society, turning up under orders to protest a measure which the leaders of the Cabal know will K-ify society, make it more moral and K-selected, and that all of that is bad for them. I have said before, a lot of really powerful people in really high positions know all about r/K Theory. Folks all over the world who have spent their whole lives in politics read the book cover to cover and were blown away. The only reason it has not been promoted on every conservative TV and radio show, and fully taken over our educational institutions, is that I am not in the Secret Society which controls them all, and they do not like I am not cool with the massive surveillance state they have created. Regardless, those who are genuinely K-selected, love their people, and want to produce greatness and happiness will eventually use it like a blueprint to bring back K. Whether this is that or not I cannot say for sure, but I know it is coming. Nothing can stop r/K Theory.

Trump poised to flip Eleventh Circuit Conservative. But if we really had wanted to help conservatism in the nation, we should have elected Hillary in 2016 instead of Trump, according to the Cuckservative talking heads.

Twice as many copies of the Constitution have sold per month during Trump’s Presidency as during Obama or Bush.

GM, UAW agree on tentative labor contract that could end a monthlong strike by 48,000 workers.

In San Diego, officials say new wall is helping bring border numbers down.

Rasmussen says 50% of voters now approve of President Trump’s job performance.

Huawei Technologies is redeploying senior executives and scientists who have U.S. links due to growing concern inside China’s biggest tech company that they could be co-opted by American agents and leak confidential data. Not interesting that they are doing it, but interesting that under Obama and company, they didn’t do it.

Democrats walked out of a meeting with President Trump on Syria policy, after he apparently called Pelosi a “third-rate politician” and suggested the Democrats probably liked communist Islamic State terrorists in the Middle East because they share the same ideology. What is funny is Trump has to invite these low IQ rubes in so they can feel like they have a hand in what is going on. They come in all excited to finally have a say in something, and then Trump just amuses himself trolling them and sends them home. Notice how each time they meet, Trump uses a different amygdala hijack, so whenever they meet, their amygdala is jacked and they are not thinking clearly. This is all very funny. I was just laughing and have tears in my eyes picturing it. But it is also high level cognitive manipulation that is leaving the left unable to function in his presence, and there is nothing they can do about it.

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau today acknowledged the Conservatives could win Monday’s election in Canada. It is not a good time to be a member of Cabal.

Spread r/K Theory, because it just gets better and better.

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5 years ago

Hi AC,

For the past year or two I have been in the Trump is Q is fighting the Deep State camp as I simply could not figure out why Cabal would expose their media control etc when they could easily continue the slow burn with Hillary. But over the past few days I’ve been building an alternative hypothesis, and unfortunately I think it fits the facts better: Cabal is deliberately exposing themselves because they have already won, and the next step is completely destroying the remaining vestiges of free will in the West. Remember Rofschild: the latest calculation put their odds of losing at 0!

If you were at the top of an intelligence operation where all of your opponents generously put all of their information on your social media systems, where you were in complete control of the financial system, where fully 1-5% of the population were your mind controlled slaves, where you were connecting all of these inputs to supercomputers like Google Deepmind, would you fear the actions of a few unhealthy, r-selected, disorganized, 10% less uninformed soyboys? Rhetorical.

I read somewhere that a gatekeeper is someone who gives you 90% truth but lies about the most important 10%. Trump fits this definition perfectly. Let’s look at the 10%:

1. Trump has repeatedly called for more central banking via rate cuts and QE and the Fed gave it to him. We know the various central banks are at the heart of the harvesting.

2. Trump enthusiastically supports 5G, which has the sole purpose of destroying life everywhere, and is not even attempting to raise awareness about the collapse of our food supply.

3. Trump enthusiastically supports diversity, gays, and Israel, aka all of the cultural pillars of the slow burn.

4. Trump has not put even one major Deep Stater in jail. It’s worth noting that Barr and his father are both CIA. His father hired Epstein!

5. Trump has not moved his twitter account to Gab or otherwise tried to get off the major social media networks.

Who cares if Trump reveals the spy network if he does nothing about it? Even if Americans reach a trigger level of 1000%, what would they do? Go off half cocked and kill a random low level Cabal operative? That’s not winning. Primary Trump? Good luck with that; he’s done so much that he’d still be reelected. Try to form a resistance group? The full force of the machine will descend upon you and make your life miserable, or simply join and corrupt it. How could you even know who your enemy is with so much false information everywhere online? Maybe I am a Cabal operative!

We know how this story ends: look to South Africa. Every single white South African must know, not just think, but really know, that their Black majority will eventually exterminate them. And yet they just keep going because there is literally nothing they can do. The nail that sticks up will be hammered down. Remember Rofschild: we always act according to natural law!

TLDR: I think the ‘Cabal is about to drop the hammer on 100K patriots with sealed indictments and crush the will of the remaining slaves’ makes at least as much sense as Trump as Jesus-figure.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Hello Big Owl and Welcome!

Just like the earlier poster had learned from their health issues! Strong blood lines are essential for survival! Support of your family will get you through any difficulty…and without the emotional suffering so common today!

THAT is our biggest threat. If the bloodlines are respected, unity will be restored, and balance. And, just as you, we are prepared for any eventuality. However, the last calculation put those odds at zero.

Laughing out loud!

He is saying they can only lose if others start to follow their bloodline strategy, and that they are prepared for that possibility but they think it will never happen, i.e. they are guaranteed to win.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Also, I have been thinking a lot about this recently. Cabal’s great strategy has been the slow burn: promoting everything that stops any sort of physical, mental, or spiritual development. But the Internet has been an absolute catastrophe for them, because their systems must be optional (or the serfs riot) so people are just reading online and ditching Cabal’s derogating diet, health plan, wifi, dopamine distractions, sexual degeneracy, and so on. And it’s *the same group of people*. In other words, Cabal’s primary strategy is becoming completely ineffective against their primary opponents.

I have some thoughts but I would be very curious to see you write about what you think Cabal’s next play is. I very much doubt these people are down for the count.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

It’s nice when the trolls label themselves.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
5 years ago

No.1 GEOTUS is taking down the Fed, and taking the US/us back to the Gold Standard, but not before he’s milked (((their))) Fiat banking system with the QE etc and rebuilding Americas..
The Wall
Ntm the Tax cuts encouraging Capital return and investment into the US

No.4. Fail
I believe Barrs Father left the establishment 7 months before Epstein was hired.
If so,
What else are you wrong on?

5 years ago

1) The Fed has raised the federal funds rate by 1,000% since Trump got into office.

2) Epstein was not hired by Barr’s father.

It’s probably more accurate that Cabal is in a civil war and Trump was recruited by a faction of it. The plans to move to China failed, and the military faction of cabal realized that China was going to betray them. Worse, they probably found a rogue splinter of traitors working with the Chinese. Hence, a faction of Cabal recruits Trump to essentially clean house.

5 years ago
5 years ago

Kurdish Militia trained Antifa in Northern Syria. That must have been entertaining.

Reply to  mobiuswolf
5 years ago

Indeed. So thats why “stabbing them in the back” is horseshit to me. They has all the opportunity to negotiate with Assad and they train antifa. Not exactly acting like allies either.

Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

I bet anything the Smiley Face Killers are Jews. Not even some big group or even organized just a bunch of young Jews getting their satisfaction at killing off promising White people. They feel, and for good reason, they have the power to evade any authority that would do anything about it. The Jews when ever they’ve had the power have always murdered people in great numbers. I bet if every time a Smiley Face Kill happened the local Rabbi disappeared they would stop immediately.

By the way why the fuck is Ghilsane Maxwell not in jail? Plenty of evidence she was the prime mover in selecting the girls plus she slept with plenty of them. I’m grateful for the little Trump has done but letting Epstein go and allowing Ghilsane to not even be charged shows either he is a false leader or he has no power.

When will we see the videos that we know show more than one shooter in Las Vegas, Florida and now Texas. Can Trump not order the FBI to release these. If not why not? If the goal is to show the normies all is not well wouldn’t that help? What’s the problem? Can he not even order a few videotapes be released. If a judge blocks them then we can deal with that later but he hasn’t even tried.

Isn’t the present crop of Democrats running for President a little too convenient? Talk about prop them up and knock them down. Any Democrat with any sense gets no money only the battshit crazy get funding. Why is this?

Have you ever wondered if you are being set up?

Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

>”Have you ever wondered if you are being set up?”

Well, in case the hope for the best thing doesn’t work, put your prepare for the worst plans into action. If you’ve done your homework, you should have a pretty good idea of what to do to cause maximum damage to all traitors.

5 years ago

Ying and Yang are the two polarities in which the universe is manifest.

We experience 3-dimensional Yang (linear) space and 1-dimensional Ying (rotational) time. To complete the Tao of motion there is 3-dimensional Yin “space” i.e. 3D time + 1-dimensional clock space (in exchange for clock time).

Inside of each macrocosm there is a microcosm that science call the “configuration space” of the atom where the number of dimensions required to model the interaction is 3n where n = number of constituent atoms participating in the chemical reaction. 3n as there are 3 dimensions per atom except these dimensions are in time, not space, and are scalar, and so have no geometric relationship as in Euclidean geometry. These relationships are governed by the laws of protective geometry with many of these interactions occurring as the Affine or Special Affine cases such as with matter in gaseous phase.

Inside 3D space + clock time there is unit space, or the time region where motion is in time, not space. Conversely, across the unit speed boundary (the “speed of light”) there is counter-space as some refer to it. This would be 3D time + clock space with its own microcosm inside unit time… the space region.

Across any unit boundary there is an inversion in every sense. Insides become outsides. Euclidean rectilinear geometry becomes Euclidean polar geometry (they themselves naught but metric assumptions placed upon the projective and affine layers). More here:

It’s all right there in the Taijitu for you to behold.

This symbol portrays a much deeper understanding than 99.99999% of the population are able to grasp. It is fantastically beautiful on all levels because it represents abject TRUTH.

Anyhow…Yin is spin, as they say.

Take for example two “strong” magnets set end-to-end along their long axis such that they are in “attractive” mode i.e. North to South or South to North poles.

Now try to pull those magnets apart and see what happens. Probably not a lot.

Yang didn’t work. Let’s try Yin.

Instead, rotate one magnet orthogonal to the original axis of interaction.

Notice how they fall apart with little applied effort.

There is certainly a lesson within.

Reply to  kjb2001
5 years ago

Thank you for an interesting post.

I recently felt Yin and Yang conseptually With my girlfriend; a strong experience to put it mildly.

Do you have any literature or sites as to where I can understand the Yin & Yang concept better?

Thank you.

Reply to  kjb2001
5 years ago

Interesting post, but with some points I disagree. For instance the configuration spaces are not temporal but are spatial, with some rotation onto the temporal dimension which is “subjective”, as it depends on relative velocity, which may be various values depending on “relative to what”. The 3D interior space of any particle exists within the same overall 4-space or pseudoscalar as all other particles, though. Another point: time dimensions are no less geometric than other dimensions.

Look into Geometric Algebra (aka Clifford Algebras with a physical interpretation), in particular 5D Conformal GA, whose extra two dimensions can also be interpreted as time and proper time. and

5 years ago

>”Kurdish Militia trained Antifa in Northern Syria.”

Makes sense, the Israelis want Kurds to destabilize the region, and Antifa is directly connected to Israel via ISIS and Soros (notice the pattern: the Jew always tries to control all sides of any conflict).

Also related: – “And now, a message from our wannabe masters about Syria”

this just came to my inbox:

Dear The Saker,
The American Jewish Congress opposes the U.S. decision to withdraw troops from Syria and strongly condemns Turkey’s actions in Syria against the Kurds. In addition to endangering a U.S. ally, the Kurds, it also poses a great threat to Israel and to the region’s stability overall. Israel shares a border with Syria and is affected by what happens within Syria.
Syria has become a hotbed of Hezbollah and Iranian activity, which poses a direct threat to Israel; as a result of this decision, Turkey, Iran and Hezbollah win while Israel loses. Ultimately, the impact of this decision may come to outweigh President Trump’s historic actions in support of Israel. Regional stability and the security of our allies must be paramount for U.S. policy in the Middle East.

Jack Rosen
American Jewish Congress

American Jewish Congress
745 5th Ave., 30th Floor
New York NY 10151 United States ; ; ; – Proof that Antifa is connected to Israel – Antifa is not anti-fascist, they are a paramilitary arm of the DNC and Israel and they simply justify their violence and political suppression of people who disagree with them by calling them fascists and nazis. Contains the connection between Soros and Israel.

5 years ago

>”One of Chameleo’s invisible midgets caught on camera running around a neighborhood? In the book Chameleo, the protagonist Dion said whatever he was seeing was unusually short. They hypothesized they used short people so they could get into tight places, but it is also possible mobile bipedal robots are more advanced than we know, and have the Chameleo camouflage built in.”

Any ideas on the possible design for an electricity based melee weapon that can deactivate stealth bipedal robots and mammals alike? Something one could DIY, and that would only stun, not destroy nor kill, as to be able to study the robot or interrogate the mammal in question.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
5 years ago

If it were real, why would you need some sci fi electrical weapon. A fire hose would work.

Reply to  Anonymous
5 years ago

I was not thinking of a sci-fi weapon, just a juiced up taser like thingy that wouldn’t kill a person that got stuck with it, but that was powerful enough to deactivate a robot.
And the why: portability, ease of handling, no collateral damage/mess.
The trap aspect of it is also a bonus.

Makes me think, aren’t electrified floor traps a real thing?

5 years ago

Did one Joe specifically use “a ranch” in “Texas” to make an indirect reference to Waco, in the same way the other Joe was referencing the 17th (while Trump is in Dallas) to make an indirect reference to the JFK assassination?

We’re approaching levels of overt communication, even from “enemies”, that is making the whole “two-movie” thing as Scott Adams described both more obvious to all but those intentionally trying to remain ignorant, and also more damning to the folks whose “movie” has clearly gone off the rails and no longer aligns with reality, ensuring that there will be a very distinct binary, instead of a fractured populace scrambling to figure out on what terms they can get along with their neighbors.

“They want you DIVIDED!”

I am tempted to be hopeful in circumstances like this, not that everything will be alright, consequences cannot be avoided, but that there really are folks who are genuinely trying to do their best to mitigate the impact as much as they can. That the silence and lack of action is not due to indifference or incompetence, but just because trying to “save the world” is not an easy task, especially to do it the right way where you don’t lose people who are bad at connecting the dots by themselves.

We live in a truly remarkable time period.

Unrelated: is there any way to support your work outside purchasing your book and spreading understanding of r/K? I know that is a loaded question and may not even be answerable at all, but I genuinely appreciate what you do and wish there was more I could do to show support.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Br’er AC: I had a smattering of hand-to-hand training in the military, but I wasn’t in a branch known for individual combat. What martial arts would you recommend as most profitable in both tactical and mental training?

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

Dunno why my comment appeared here. Meant to respond to the main post.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

As Steven Seagal learned from his brief encounter with Judo Gene LeBell.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

You never disappoint. Such a thorough answer. My thanks.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Not a fighter, but here is my two cents:

Learn a striking fighting style with ability to break any holds.

I can’t see how BJJ is useful, since taking anyone down on concrete or a hard barroom floor is a great way to shatter your knee. Besides, what if the guy’s buddy hits you in the back of the head with a chair while you are wrestling?

5 years ago

>”Video from New Zealand public television, where New Zealand ammunition supplier warns of ‘revolution’ over gun buy back scheme. Historically there are two ways to repel the gun grabbers. There is the threat of violence (like Charleston Heston’s “From my cold, dead hands!”), and there is routing them at the polls, circa post 1994 Assault Weapons ban. It is strange today that we are applying both forces to the gun grabbers, and yet still Cabal is pressing on the issue as hard as they can.”

I don’t think it is strange at all AC bro, the zionist globohomo NWO cabal thought they had won and that the 16 year plan to destroy the US was going to slide into phase 2 smoothly with the win of Crooked Hillary, and that once the US was destroyed, taking over the whole West would be supper easy given the power of the zionist globohomo EU, UN, etc… (not to mention that they were partnering up with CHINA big time, which off course wants the West all fucked so they can colonize it like they are doing with Africa).
BUT, Trump and his CRACK TEAM came along and fucked the over pretty bad, so now they either roll over and allow themselves to die (Hillary herself said that if people ever found out wtf she and the cabal she got into had done, they would be hanging, aparently), OR they could just go all out and all in every aspect of their plan (from the transgenderism and pedo shit, to the anti-2A crap, to the 6000000% tax raise because muh clibade xange (hail Greta Soros), etc) and just try to hail-mary all over the place like a spastic epileptic autistic octopus, activating all the MK-Ultra wind up toys they can, using as much fake news as they can (to the point that they won’t ever recover their credibility unless (((they))) somehow can take over the US again and force people to comply with the bullshit, which I don’t even think it is possible for them now, too many people know too much by now, and I bet you most of them would rather march to DC with their half a billion weapons and trillions of ammo than to comply with the pedo zionist globohomo NWO cabal plans for them and their children).

5 years ago

>”Forbes asks, why have so many regulatory agencies been arming up with guns and ammo? Trump has already shifted protective detail responsibilities to the US Marshalls, so these agencies will not need all of that firepower. But it does sound like something was going on under Obama.”

Someone suggested this book on zeroedge blog comments:

“The Intimidation Game: How the Left Is Silencing Free Speech”

This review is breddy gud (it’s from 2016, but you can bet your ass that once Crooked Hillary got into the WH, the plan was to completely crush any dissidence, even via murder, like for example, using IRS to fuck with people openly, and once they signaled any anger, justify raiding them and shooting them after they “became violent”):

If this book were in the fiction section of the library one would think it was a sequel to George Orwell’s 1984. If it were in the horror and suspense section, you might think it was a slow moving horror story. If it were in the history section, you would expect that it was the history of a country like Cuba, Red China, North Korea, Venezuela, or some other country with a corrupt, dictatorial, repressive government. Unfortunately you’ll likely find it in the political section, because it belongs in none of the above, it’s about our own country, the United States of America, with a government that once was “of the people, by the people and for the people,” and the most terrifying thing about this book is…. It’s true, and it’s happening now.

If you are a die-hard Sanders or Clinton loving liberal, or devout socialist, you won’t read this book, and this book probably isn’t for you anyway, because it’s about you.

On the other hand, if you are an open-minded Democrat (is that a conundrum, dichotomy or an oxymoron?) a Regan Democrat, a constitution supporting, gun toting, right-wing, tea party conservative nut (as the bulk of patriotic Americans would likely be called by the left) or anything in between, this book will send chills down your spine, scare the he*l out of you at best, terrify you at worst, and give you nightmares. But it should also wake up a lot of reasonable rank and file Americans as to what’s going on in our country and how we have already lost a lot of our First Amendment rights, not to mention the current move by liberals, including Hillary Clinton, to amend the First Amendment to put the federal government in charge of speech, and to determine what’s free and what isn’t.

I’ll bet you didn’t know that, regardless if you are a Republican or a Democrat, if you contribute to or are a part of an organization who supports an idea contrary to the establishment’s position on a subject, and don’t walk and talk the party line, you are risking your job, business, savings, marriage, family and/or reputation; virtually everything you have, and may even be prosecuted. Did you know that the federal government strives to acquire the names and addresses of members of, and donors to, of these opposition organizations, and keeps data bases of these people with the intent of harassing and intimidating them, and silencing them in retaliation for their political beliefs, via federal agency’s like the IRS, FBI, DOJ, FEC, and in some cases even the FDA, or by making the data public, so you will be harassed by citizens with opposing views? I sure didn’t, at least until I read this book. Can you make a significant or even nominal contribution to your favorite conservative group or local conservative politician without fear of a visit from the IRS or your local sheriff? After reading this book, I fear not.

Similar to Kirsten Powers’ book, “The Silencing: How the left is Killing Free Speech”, this book is about the First Amendment, but Ms. Powers talks about losing; Ms. Strassel talks about lost. It’s over, gone kaput. There are enough left wing zealots already in place in the judiciary, federal, state and local governments; elected, appointed, or employed, that all of the subversives can never be routed out. All of them have nefarious intentions, and have been and will continue to be subversive with regard to constitutional rights, particularly free speech, with little or no respect for the rule of law.

Ms. Strassel talks about how in today’s world you can’t have free political speech without spending money. While free speech is protected by the First Amendment, spending money in support of free speech is not. So, liberals used to attack the sources of the money through campaign finance laws. After the U.S. Supreme Court’s January, 2010 “Citizens United” ruling, a lot of those campaign finance laws were swept away, so liberals had to come up with something else, and along comes President Obama, and the left’s move to harass, scare and shame its opponents out of speaking.

They have used the IRS to target and freeze out conservative groups. They made targets out of donors to conservative groups by publicizing their names and addresses. They filed complaints with the Justice Department and federal regulators against any and all rivals. They issued new IRS, SEC, FCC rules and regulations and executive orders to either order or scare their opponents into silence. And even more ominous, they went after companies, think tanks, conservative non-profits, etc., demanding to know the names of those who funded them so that they could retaliate against those donors. They leaked information to the press, flooded opponents with document requests, and made it clear that donating to the wrong groups would subject you to protests, boycotts, blacklists, and possibly prosecution.

They had liberal groups purchase stocks in corporations to get a proxy voice in order to pressure shareholders to demand that companies get out of the political process. They retaliated against CEO’s, vandalizing and urinating on their homes, and demonstrated in front of corporation headquarters. They threatened conservative organizations with litigation if they didn’t hand over donor lists, even though in most cases donor lists are protected as confidential under the law. All of this with the consent and in many cases at the direction of the Obama administration.

I could go on and on, but you need to read the book, and I mean it. You’ll learn about our liberal State Department’s refusal to prosecute liberal criminal activity, liberal courts that either misinterpret or fail to uphold the law, Tea Party groups that were required to wait five (5) years for permission to speak, everyday Americans that had their careers or businesses destroyed and their lives ruined because they dared to speak out against the establishment or support a conservative organization or political candidate. The reprehensible behavior on the part of own government is shocking, frightening and appalling. And now it’s quite likely too late to do anything about it. Donald Trump’s victory may slow it down, but the left isn’t going away, and like a metastasized cancer, liberalism has embedded itself into every organ of our government. It will resurge in four years, eight years at best, with a new vengeance, and our very Constitution is at stake.

All of the time I was reading this book I kept being reminded of an incident that happened to me in the late 1970’s. I was working as a technical consultant to Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in Ulsan, South Korea. Jimmy Carter was in the White House and the time, and I was at dinner with several of my South Korean associates. I was railing at what a poor president I thought Carter was, and how bad our economy, inflation, and interest rates were, when a young South Korean engineer looked at me with a tear in his eye and said, “I envy your freedom to disagree”. Well he needn’t be envious anymore, because like the South Koreans, I fear we don’t have the “freedom to disagree”.

Read “The Intimidation Game”, and then do something about it. We are witnessing the death throes of free speech in the United States and the United States Constitution itself.

5 years ago

>”Feds take down the world’s largest Dark Web Child-Porn marketplace. It was run by a South Korean.”

Hmmmm… I am just noticing some more cohencidences and shit: – “How the Talmud Became a Best-Seller in South Korea” – “Talmud-inspired learning craze sweeps South Korea” – “Talmud Study in South Korea ”

Close to 50 million people live in South Korea, and almost everyone is taught the Talmud at home by their parents. “We tried to understand why the Jews are geniuses, and we came to the conclusion that we think it is because they study Talmud,” said the Korean ambassador to Israel, Mr. Young Sam Ma. And this is how “Rav Papa” became a more well known scholar in Korea than in Israel.

Video: “Jewish Talmud Approves Pedophilia!”

Video: “Rabbi says pedophile rape is not to be reported according to jewish law”

5 years ago

>”Trump poised to flip Eleventh Circuit Conservative.”

Can someone pls share a good link where I can learn about this whole circuits thing, explained to me like I am a retard (I promises I no retard thou, frens)? Thanks in advance.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
5 years ago

The United States courts of appeals or circuit courts are the intermediate appellate courts of the United States federal court system.[1] The courts are divided into 13 circuits, and each hears appeals from the district courts within its borders, or in some instances from other designated federal courts and administrative agencies. Appeals from the courts of appeals are taken to the U.S. Supreme Court.

The United States courts of appeals are considered among the most powerful and influential courts in the United States. Because of their ability to set legal precedent in regions that cover millions of Americans, the United States courts of appeals have strong policy influence on U.S. law. Moreover, because the Supreme Court chooses to review fewer than 2% of the more than 7,000 to 8,000 cases filed with it annually,[2] the U.S. courts of appeals serve as the final arbiter on most federal cases. The D.C. Circuit in particular is very influential, since it covers Washington, D.C., and thus covers Congress and many U.S. government agencies. The Ninth Circuit, which covers the entire west coast of the United States and contains 20% of the American population, is also an influential court.[citation needed]

More at:

5 years ago

“Did Adam Schiff fake Elijah Cummings’ signature on the Giuliani “Subpoena”?”

5 years ago

“Normies need to understand more about the Indian caste system. They need to understand what hierarchies exist in India and what these upper-caste Indians are trying to replicate in western societies and businesses.”

Very interdasting thread about how Western companies should never hire Indian managers.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
5 years ago

Good thread. Full of truth. Especially the last quote, how Indians always “kiss up, kick down”. In Canada, they haven’t just taken over software they’ve taken over many of the building trades as well. First there was an Indian Minister of Defence, now an Indian is poised to replace Justin Trudeau as Prime Minister in a few short days.

Reply to  Mycroft Jones
5 years ago

I also heard something how Indians are a real threat to Jewish domination in jewelry and diamond trade, because they basically act like Jews, but have much greater numbers.

It seems that any collectivist group that can exploit the West’s high-trust and individuality minded society ends up dominating it (easy to win when your whole team plays on your side, while the adversary plays on everyone’s side). So the list of people to never hire in the West are something like: Chinese, Indian and Jew.

Reply to  Mycroft Jones
5 years ago

Interesting because they ARE Indo-Europeans! Aryans! Caste is European Social Order. Look at the Doric Greeks and the Romans. The ancient republics were built on Caste. What do you think Royalty and Aristocracy was or the guild systems of Europe. Indo-Europeans create Caste societies.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
5 years ago

But the Hindu caste system is rigid and therefore corrupt.
Class differentiation is good and natural but so is class mobility.

The ability to succeed upwards or fail downwards is essential to K.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
5 years ago

Kissing up and kicking down should be grounds for immediate deportation. Such people have no place in any society.

5 years ago

“Jewish men are just 1% of the US population, but are 74% of the MeToo perpetrators. Jews have tricked us into believing it’s morally reprehensible to use ethnic composition as a diagnostic for societal problems because it implicates them in many of today’s epidemics. Convenient.”

5 years ago

Oh man, this is worth a read (and it made me laugh too, despite the tragic stuff in it):

“In honour of Greta Thunberg’s odyssey across the Atlantic, I would like to present some notes taken from 2015 when I spent some time in Sweden and concluded it was hell on Earth.”

>A quote:

Wanna see Hell? Wanna see the endgame of what modernity has in store for you. Visit Sweden. Take your wallet. You’ll need it. For me I’ll never return to this country of Artificial Swedeners. As if to illustrate my point, Sweden’s the only country that has the word “Gatrunka”…
… Loosely translated “Gatrunka” means to cry while masturbating.

It’s probably the only activity left in Sweden that isn’t banned by the government or doesn’t cost a small fortune.

Enjoy the decline.

5 years ago

“ I was just laughing and have tears in my eyes picturing it. But it is also high level cognitive manipulation. . .” Me too. It’s quite healing to watch a master, especially after having the unfortunate experience of dealing with a low IQ narcissist.

5 years ago

“It happened!
In FIRST EVER @UNmigration
international chartered flight from #Ethiopia, 154 #refugees departed from Addis Ababa to Kassel #Germany under the German #Resettlement program. A second flight is scheduled to depart mid-November with another 220 refugees.”

Threads from the chinz:

This is what the Western people taxes go for, their own extermination planned and executed by the zionist globohomo NWO cabal.
Can’t wait for all the traitors to hang (legally, off course 😀 )

5 years ago

The member of Congress tapped to replace Rep. Elijah Cummings as chair of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform recently “suffered a medical episode.”

New York Rep. Carolyn Maloney was in Manhattan when she “suffered a fainting spell” during the public appearance just 10 days ago.

More at:

5 years ago


The TL;DR of the situation, by a Mexican flag anon:

Military captured El Chapo son. Narcos wanted the military to release him or they were going to start shooting. Obviously, the military didn’t accept the narco orders so everything went to hell.
Now, a lot of commanders and leaders of the narco are ex-military, others, are just a bunch of idiots without an elementary school diploma so obviously, the military nearly always win direct confrotation and most of their fights ends with the narco running away.
However, the narco is spiteful as shit and their only strength is attacking unarmed people with their pants down, so of course they started kidnaping the family of the people that kicked their asses.

Narcos are kidnapping the families of the Mexican military, after they get beaten.

If you want to see some insane shit, go hunt for twitter link on the 4chan thread, here is a tweeter post of cartel video of them carrying a RPG inside a car while listening to some taco up beat music, kek:

Seems like the situation will last at least a couple of days, let’s see if the Military gets pissed enough to really push their shit in.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
5 years ago

South America has a lot to learn from Russian and how they destroyed isis in Syria.

Cause all their money to vanish, wipe out supply lines, infrastructure, ability to recruit. A way out and a way to keep them out from returning to criminality.

Anything and everything that feeds south american gangs and keeps them sustainable must be destroyed.

Purge all corrupt collaborators with criminal gangs. Let all their acts to terrify only strengthen resolve.

Eradicating demand for drugs especially. If there is a way to cure addiction it must be implemented ASAP.

5 years ago

This bitch smells like cabal from a fucking mile away. “She started working as a venture capital investor…..” bull fucking shit….

Erin earned her B.S. in Business Administration from Georgetown University, summa cum laude, and majored in Finance and International Business.

Let me translate:

Erin earned a BS (bullshitter) in How to crack the whip on H1B Visa holders, got honors for sucking off whoever she could, and majored in JEW and Globohomo.

Erin Valenti had more than 15 years of multifunctional leadership experience developing and investing in innovative tech companies and running Tinker, a full service product development company.

Erin was always energetic and full of crazy ideas. She had a very sharp intellect uncommon among others. She loved climbing rocks and climbing down the canyons.

Before starting Tinker, Erin tinkered with a lot of ideas. She started working as a venture capital investor and directly led investments in the communication and fintech sectors at Summit Partners, a $20 billion fund. There, she managed a team of associates and assisted with an IPO and two M&A transactions.

After leaving Summit Partners, Erin was ready to start a venture of her own. That’s when she started Skycrane, a Springboard Accelerator portfolio company and a work-for-hire marketplace. Her freshly gained entrepreneurial experience made her realize the troubles of underdog entrepreneurs and inspired her to create SLC Tech Startups, a professional networking group in Utah where she actively organized events to provide opportunities to learn, create and connect.

After her successful exit from Skycrane, Erin joined as the Head of Product Development, and oversaw a team of 250 engineers. She also helped in forming the internal corporate venture capital group of Overstock (now called Medici Ventures) by leading the first five investments in blockchain companies.

Recently, she was also focused on developing training programs for software and product development and launching a web content series on innovation and creativity.

Erin earned her B.S. in Business Administration from Georgetown University, summa cum laude, and majored in Finance and International Business.

At Tinker, Erin had a global team consisting of 120+ employees across Salt Lake City and in Lahore, Pakistan. Tinker built more than 700 products including mobile apps, SaaS apps, tech-enabled marketplaces and consumer websites while working for renowned startups and Fortune 500 companies.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Bman
5 years ago

That’s what I assume when I see a bio like that. She either grew up Cabal or was initiated into it, and given all the positions she’s had and probably even her grades. I assume she’d drop half the cups she tried to serve at Starbucks if she had to survive in a competitive world without Cabal hookups.

None of these Cabal people seem to have any real-world competence. Everything comes through hookups. Take Hunter Biden, for instance. What could he actually do if he weren’t connected? Even Joe is useless without a camera and speechwriters. Hillary, Kamala, Beta, all of them are useless in the real world.

Reply to  Eric The Awful
5 years ago

Completely agree. Most of these fuckers couldn’t run a lemonade stand.

Their resume is:

comment image

Red Sunset
Red Sunset
5 years ago

I’m surprised that nobody mentioned that Elijah Cummings’ death was announced today in connection with Biden’s starting to talk about something happening on the 17th and then stopping.