News Briefs – 10/15/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

8chan will probably be back on Oct. 17. The 17th is an interesting number. He said the Q board is up, but it is not live and he is ready to go.

Project Veritas drops its CNN project, Using one CNN insider to show that CNN is rabidly anti-Trump, and is actively trying to get the President Impeached (and it promises more than one insider, with another coming tomorrow):

Veritas also still has active ears inside the organization:

30% of Android devices are transmitting data over Tor, even if the user never installed it, and the info is personally identifying. Makes me wonder if Tor was created to anonymize the data-gatherers as they harvested info about you, by hiding where data goes as well as where it came from.

GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz ejected from closed-door impeachment hearing by Democrats, because they are not allowing the Judiciary Committee from taking part in the Impeachment inquiry, despite the fact Judiciary is the committee which has traditionally handled impeachment.

Amusingly ABC News showed a brutal onslaught against the poor Kurds, except the footage they showed was actually just from a US Machinegun shoot at Knob Creek. So our rednecks are basically more destructive while having fun on the weekends than the real Turkish Military is when trying to genocide an entire population.

DOJ IG report due out on Friday, and it will cover more than just FISA abuse. But, Maria Bartiromo says, not so fast – it has been delayed again.

Former CIA operative Valerie Plame raised nearly $450,000 last quarter for her run for Congress from New Mexico.

In California, those who installed solar panels are finding out their solar panels do not power their homes in a blackout, but rather feed electricity into the grid, which then credits them for the electricity their home takes from the grid. No power in the grid, no power in their home. I am now wondering if anybody has tested solar panels to see how much electricity they put out. Could Cabal use government funds to install panels feeding ten times as much electricity as people are told into the grid, and they were only credited for a small portion while the utility company cleans up?

UK experts in Iran will upgrade Iran’s heavy water reactor.

A gay black guy will play the Fairy Godmother in Sony’s new Cinderella adaptation. It is interesting in that I get the impression this type of thing is a move to make male blacks subconsciously cringe, and in so doing, make them somewhat less bold and more passive. It is possible Mexicans and other immigrants from south and Central America will be the new favored class, and soon male blacks will begin to get the same treatment as male whites.

Sanders wants a 97.5% tax rate on billionaires.

Mike Bloomberg keeps talking to allies about running for president as Joe Biden struggles.

California’s Gov. Gavin Newsom signs law to put illegals on state boards. This is a coup by Americans who are not Americans in any sense of the word, and they want anybody but Americans to elect our leaders because of it. It is a strange time. Lots of Americans who don’t believe in the Constitution, lots of Americans who’ve ganged up together and view the rest of America as some sort of subservient clique of plebes they can do anything to, no respect for elections or the leaders they elect, worship of even the lowest IQ foreigners from Third World countries.

The View on TV thinks spoof videos of Trump destroying Cabal media members should be illegal. The video is here. Notice how imagery of things going K is so disturbing to leftists. How do you think they will deal with it when the real Apocalypse hits, and those cities turn into basically a Vampire feeding ground for the diverse and vibrant cliques? Their brain programming will give them no choice but to flee, and no matter how noxious the people in the area they flee too, no matter how violent or abusive they are to the leftist, they will instinctively idolize them, and exhibit utter contempt for their own people, from whom they fled. It is r-strategist brain programming, and with it, opinions and morals will all flow from necessity, and circumstance, not logic or morals, will trigger all behavior.

California passes a massive gas tax to fix the highways, now Gavin Newsom decides it won’t be for repairing highways after all. Q said California was funneling all sorts of state funds, like for the rail project, into Cabal coffers.

Korean pop star dies at 25. South Korea has seemingly had some sort of an occultish sex-cult type network going there for years, to the point that for a while, even the President was some sort of cult member acting as a puppet to a hidden cult leader who told her what to do in her office. If it is anything like America, it is highly likely this girl was a network victim, whether she committed suicide or was suicided to keep her quiet.

Former surgeon accused of running child sex ring found dead inside his California jail cell. (((They))) are all through the medical establishment. And the prisons apparently.

A dozen people arrested in Michigan human trafficking operation.

Former Pennsylvania priest accused of sexually abusing a minor dies.

Wales is now looking to split from Britain. These urges grow the more K you become. And the more stress you are under, the more K you become.

Some operators think Special Forces training is being watered down now so they can have females pass it with no problem in a little bit.

Ronan Farrow describes being targeted with infiltrators seeking dirt on him, on behalf of National Enquirer. It sounds kind of like that tabloid was actually a cover for intel-gathering ops on anyone who targeted the wrong people. Still, I do not get this hiring a contractor here and there stuff. The real machine is not a single paid contractor. The most interesting piece of data in the world would be to know where the data the real machine acquires is going, and just exactly what all of those people think they are a part of.

Bolton may be trying to sell out Trump, claiming there was a pressure campaign he was worried about.

4.7 Mag earthquake hits San Francisco Bay area.

NY Muslim Security Patrol, run by a radical Muslim, is about to expand from 3 NYPD-like cruisers to 30, and morph from a liaison to the NYPD to a “Security Force.”

This next tweet is the tip of the iceberg. I will tell you how deep it goes right now. This was a partial list of reporters being monitored by a single ambassador to a small foreign nation because they were reporting on things in that small, faraway place. These are the ones they uncovered. Do you think she was the only one in Obama’s administration monitoring people who were deemed a PR threat to the administration’s operations in their personal areas of operation? Do you think she organized a covert surveillance op back in the US herself, from scratch, for each of these targets? Did she mount the tech throughout the nation which could watch targets travel around from point to point in real time? Did she organize the internet monitoring, or vehicular to follow them, or foot to track them into stores, because remember, surveillance rolls out as a package of tech, physical, and database. Do you think Hillary had her people monitor any people looking at her email scandal? Libya? The Clinton Foundation? The Iran deal? Uranium one? The DNC Server? And those were just personal issues she wanted to keep track of. Did she organize the surveillance op that assembled all that data on each of those people herself, or is there some central repository for everyone’s data that can add a little extra to special targets by adding a little extra coverage when asked? What about Obama? Did his operation have people monitoring anyone? What about local/regional DNC leaders? What about DNC intel operatives assigned to corners of the web like Free Republic, or 4Chan, or 8Chan, or Conservative Treehouse, or even r/K Theory? How were they all able to get access to top-tier surveillance data on targets of their choosing, when they were not surveillance operatives themselves? They had access to the end product of the machine and the ability to give it orders. It is a machine that scoops up everything on everyone that it can, and on a moment’s notice can zoom in really close on anyone – like every word even whispered in your house and car close, if it wants. Money is no concern close. No Constitution or law enforcement exists for you close. And they were using it like google to spy on everyone to try and control the political dialog and protect their hold on power. And at the same time this was going on, the meme of gangstalking of innocent Americans, by embedded networks of local civilians working for some shadowy machine became a thing.

It goes downhill rapidly from there. Because if this machine is out there, and it is, it employs a ton of Americans as ground-level informants, which it pits against fellow Americans. It is so powerful, there is no way 9/11 could happen without it knowing, which makes you wonder if the intel operation it supports merely let the attack happen, or if it organized the attack itself to amp up intelligence/surveillance/war budgets. And those Americans working for it likely know that, which raises the question of what they think they are serving. There are probably a lot of Americans who don’t just see the government under Trump as an ideological enemy, but maybe an enemy of a rival government of sorts they are loyal to. The machine is probably one of the things used in the data-gathering of the modern day successor to MK Ultra. So you have a massive swath of America actually helping the government experiment on innocent regular Americans, in the worst ways possible, and likely even wounded veterans with head traumas. I suspect at least a few guinea pigs have been serial killers, being watched, and even protected from the local cops, as they built up body counts. I think I am looking at one case who is probably still active, and still protected. And then you go from there to false flags, which are likely often MK Ultra wind-up toys that are wielded by this machine, against innocent victims, just to change the dominant news story or effect a political end. And that is just where I have been able to follow it, with the limited perspective of things I have seen with my own eyes and can confirm. We do not know to what degree it ran support for operations like Epstein, spotting victims for him and controlling their ability to seek justice. Nor do we even know for certain how bad Epstein was. You could literally be looking at surveillance acting as a spotter for vulnerable little children who wouldn’t be missed, to be used in sacrifice and/or blackmail rituals. This is the tip of a very deep iceberg which I think Trump is going to give us a full reveal on. This should trigger a top to bottom review of all domestic surveillance activities in the US, and a review of everyone who has ever been a target. That will trigger rage in every single citizen, when they reveal this thing probably had real people living just down the street listening in their house, and getting into their life at some point, often just on a whim. And this tweet is how it starts:

Sara Carter comments, but doesn’t yet realize it will not just be journalists:

The Foreigners the leftist liberals are importing:

Head of the Vatican Police will step down. Article says there may be a pseudo-Coup going on that will take out Francis.

Navy bans satanists from holding ‘satanic services’ at the US Naval Academy.

Pedophile murdered in a British Prison. One of the worst, he ran a child-porn producing operation. But you wonder if he was in any way Cabal-linked, and this tied up a loose end which could have been problematic later.

Trump’s Syrian maneuver works – President Erdogan asks for negotiations with Kurds in Syria. With the Kurds now aligned with Assad, and possibly signing a peace deal with Erdogan, we are out of there.

Spread r/K Theory, because 17 is a very good number.

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5 years ago

>The most interesting piece of data in the world would be to know where the data the real machine acquires is going

I would place a bet on PREMISE

Reply to  WesternMan
5 years ago

Look what their their FAQ page originally listed as question 1

here’s their new version, worth reading

Just SumGuy
Just SumGuy
5 years ago

From what I’ve observed of blacks, and Africans at large, a very small segment of the population is capable of the sort of abstract thinking you find more common among Europeans. I’ve also noticed similar disconnects when communicating simple abstract ideas with them as with other ethnic groups specifically Latin-Americans, Indians, Koreans, Chinese, and oddly even Samoans. I’m not saying this implying they’re stupid, but it was an interesting thing to notice when I was a tutor.

However, the comment you made, “gay black guy will play the Fairy Godmother in Sony’s new Cinderella adaptation”, had me immediately think back to when the Disney/Marvel black panther film was released. Specifically, how there was this bizarre, massive, and well organized effort to bus kids from schools to movie theatres to see the film for free. Something that should’ve required at least half a few months of advance planning pulled off in just weeks. Yet, this energy was gone like lightening by the time the film was available for home release on video.

At first, I thought the whole thing was all a well planned scheme by Cabal to funnel money to Disney and their various satellite businesses operating in those areas without drawing the good guys attention. Disney hasn’t been doing very well and it just seemed entirely plausible that Cabal was trying to keep one of their propaganda dispensaries operational. I’d never considered a multi-layered plan might be in play given the panic Donald Trump and other nationalist leaders appear to have caused.

Thing is, now you’ve got me wondering if it was also Cabal using the black panther release as an opportunity to develop/refine a logistics plan to regularly bus kids to movie theatres in future during school time. Then sit back and gauge what, if any, response the black community would publicly make to discovering more hours of “learning” time was being squandered for the sake of pure propaganda indoctrination. I guess this is how the globo-homo-cabal retaliates against those who vote against sodomite marriage, which means the Latin-Americans are on the list too.

New Name
New Name
5 years ago

” Their brain programming will give them no choice but to flee, and no matter how noxious the people in the area they flee too, no matter how violent or abusive they are to the leftist, they will instinctively idolize them, and exhibit utter contempt for their own people, from whom they fled. ”

Interestingly, we see this same kind of behavior in various nature-worshipping people who get mauled by predators that they wanted to “protect.”

5 years ago

“A gay black guy will play the Fairy Godmother in Sony’s new Cinderella adaptation. It is interesting in that I get the impression this type of thing is a move to make male blacks subconsciously cringe, and in so doing, make them somewhat less bold and more passive. It is possible Mexicans and other immigrants from south and Central America will be the new favored class, and soon male blacks will begin to get the same treatment as male whites.”

I would think that it would help turn Black males K, that could be a major error for the cabal.

5 years ago

“The View on TV thinks spoof videos of Trump destroying Cabal media members should be illegal. The video is here. Notice how imagery of things going K is so disturbing to leftists. How do you think they will deal with it when the real Apocalypse hits, and those cities turn into basically a Vampire feeding ground for the diverse and vibrant cliques? Their brain programming will give them no choice but to flee, and no matter how noxious the people in the area they flee too, no matter how violent or abusive they are to the leftist, they will instinctively idolize them, and exhibit utter contempt for their own people, from whom they fled. It is r-strategist brain programming, and with it, opinions and morals will all flow from necessity, and circumstance, not logic or morals, will trigger all behavior.”

Turncoats MUST NOT be accepted, they must be driven out if the next cycle is to be an improvement over the last.

5 years ago

“Some operators think Special Forces training is being watered down now so they can have females pass it with no problem in a little bit.”

If they would just make a 2nd tier of special forces that might be an arguable change but the goal is really the destruction of the special forces.

5 years ago
5 years ago

Another indication, AC, that your theory of who ‘really’ owns all the big money is probably correct.


Will and cameras

“On August 18, it was reported that Jeffrey Epstein had signed his last will and testament on August 8, two weeks after being found injured in his cell and two days before his death.[264][83] Epstein up until this time was depositing money in other inmates’ commissary accounts to avoid being attacked.[163] The signing of the will was witnessed by two attorneys that knew him. The will named two longtime employees as executors, and immediately gifted all of his assets, and any assets remaining in his estate, to a trust.”


“Jeffrey Epstein signed his will just two days before he hanged himself in his Manhattan jail cell — leaving behind a nearly $600 million fortune, according to court papers exclusively obtained by The Post on Monday.

The court document, filed in the US Virgin Islands, where the convicted sex molester owned two isles — including one that locals dubbed “Pedophile Island’’ — was filed Aug. 8.”

So…I wonder who the beneficiaries are that have control of that trust. Or…perhaps Epstein is still alive and spending it. And/or perhaps that will is how he bought his ‘release’ from jail?

5 years ago

Mexican president confirms Pemex union boss under investigation

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

CH’s most venerable commenter, PA, published an article chock full of r/K. I started thinking of you from the first paragraph or two. He mentioned you a few paras later. Some additional ammo, and some implied praise, at

5 years ago

Poll showing fall in support dims election outlook for New Zealand’s Ardern

5 years ago

>”Korean pop star dies at 25. South Korea has seemingly had some sort of an occultish sex-cult type network going there for years, to the point that for a while, even the President was some sort of cult member acting as a puppet to a hidden cult leader who told her what to do in her office. If it is anything like America, it is highly likely this girl was a network victim, whether she committed suicide or was suicided to keep her quiet.”

The cult thing was the 8 Goddesses, which were 8 billionaire waamen who did controlled Korea and it’s government for some time.

For those that want to learn moar, see here: