News Briefs – 10/14/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


NO Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

The second White House whistleblower in the Democrat’s Ukraine witch hunt is none other than George Soros operative Fiona Hill. There is a high likelihood the first Whistleblower is a female, IMO. This could be the first one, or we could have two female whistleblowers.

Democrats are using a secret impeachment process to control the narrative.

Trump is going to look at suing Schiff and Pelosi.

California Officials declare Ham Radio no longer a benefit, demands Ham radio repeater infrastructure to be removed from public land. Why are they destroying a critical means of communication in the event of a natural disaster?

NY Times says Trump is right, there is a Deep State conspiracy to remove him, but the Deep State are the good guys trying to protect us. We should believe it because the Times has been so noble and patriotic. True story – I knew a guy who wrote a letter to the editor at the NY Times opposing Obama’s potential election back in 2008. Two weeks later he got a letter letting him know he was being audited by the IRS. When he went in to the audit, he said it was strange, as some young girl was doing it, but after every question, she disappeared into a back room to talk to someone, before coming back out to ask another question. Then she would go back again, and report his answer, and ask another question. They never resolved anything so he took it to court, where the mediator looked at it surprised, and said “They are auditing you for this little?” The mediator looked it all over and quickly dismissed the whole thing. But he always had the impression it was that letter to the NY Times which did it, implying somebody there would pick up the phone and call the someone in the IRS if they got a letter they didn’t like. At the time I was skeptical, but not anymore. (((They))) really do not want anyone getting involved in politics in any way, unless they are in the club, and (((They))) are an informal network that is everywhere, in the media, in the government, even in regular society. It makes me laugh when I think r/K was put out there, it threatened to fuck everything up, and I had no idea of any of it.

Intel expert Tony Shaffer says to OANN that government officials trained in the “information dark arts” are using these techniques against President Trump.

Adam Schiff insists there doesn’t need to be proof of a ‘quid pro quo’ to impeach.

Hunter Biden is leaving the board of the Chinese-backed Equity firm in the wake of Trump criticism.

However he likely still has millions in the fund, and can still profit, even without his official position.

Adam Schiff says that testimony from the intelligence community whistleblower at the center of the House impeachment inquiry against President Trump may no longer be necessary to move forward with impeachment.

Democrats are privately asking Pelosi to hold an official vote to open an official Impeachment inquiry. Even they feel the current process is illegitimate.

Warren extends her lead in CBS’ Battleground tracker poll.

Several TV networks have agreed to air an underwear commercial portraying a surreal world where men and boys menstruate.

According to a recent study, the Electoral College’s winner-take-all approach favors Republicans and has pushed them to victories in 2000 and 2016. As a result of that, Newsweek says we need to get rid of it.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wore a bulletproof vest onstage Saturday night as he delivered a speech amid heavy security after authorities learned of a security threat, according to reports. Why not wear it under his shirt? Sounds like a distraction, and a play for sympathy.

ICE arrests illegal alien accused of rape who went to victim’s house immediately after Sheriff’s Office failed to honor ICE detainer.

Again, kill the predators that eat the deer (and even import excess deer from other parts of the country that don’t want them), and all of California would be wildfire-proof in a few generations as the deer multiply like rats. Instead these boobs let a hundred goats loose for a few days, and act like it will solve their problems:

US preparing to evacuate the remaining 1000 troops from Syria.

It is hard to see how Trump’s pullback in Syria is not a total win on many fronts. First, he took an Erdogan who was poking the US in the eye and saddled him with a military engagement far beyond what he wanted or can handle. Second, he took Kurdish allies who were dependent on, and to some degree exploiting us, who were afraid of Assad, and shifted their dependency and alliance to the Assad government, allowing us to withdraw fully in the future from a united Syria. Finally, Trump will even drop sanctions on Turkey now, basically dropping a bill on Erdogan on our way out the door for the opportunity of being fucked over by us and making the smooth withdrawal we wanted possible. It is really the type of win, on many fronts, with a side helping of fucking over our enemies and driving the media and elite establishment wonks insane, which you could only get with Trump. It is funny to see the media portray it so differently, when this is how it will end.

Man who slammed Trump for ‘racist’ immigration policies killed by an illegal immigrant.

A controversial legal opinion that determined court-martialing military retirees was unconstitutional has been withdrawn. Is this Storm-related stage setting?

Sessions may launch a Senate run in Alabama against Doug Jones.

Putin says he does not blame Trump for the lack of normalization of US-Russia ties, because he sees what is going on in US politics.

Poland’s ruling conservative party poised to win re-election.

NICS background checks continue to be high in August & September of 2019.

Rand Paul calls for probe of Democrats over Ukraine letter seeking data on Manafort.

Russians demand a return of the death penalty. A K-country is going even more K.

Mexico halts caravan of 2,000 migrants bound for US.

Julian Assange reaches the end of his prison sentence, Judge refuses to release him.

Q literally played her song, with the refrain Boom, boom, boom, and now she shows up on RT visiting Assange. Is this foreshadowing of an upcoming boom in the movie we are watching? Or did Assange and M.I.A. hook up at some point, and the Boom Boom Boom posts about her were Q letting Assange know how closely he has always been monitored, and how in control the dominant intelligence power was over him? In which case her meeting him now may be unrelated. A lot of times, intel weenies like to send cryptic messages like that, rather than just say whatever the fuck they have to say. I get the impression a lot of Intel is like LARPing as Direct Action, while trying to avoid the risk.:

Spread r/K Theory, because Trump actually makes people pay us when he screws them over.

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5 years ago

Ham Repeators: Down here in flyover, low country the opposite is part of life. In this and neighboring counties the fire houses all have a Ham antenna on the roof. All firemen get their Ham licence. My club has a couple of menbers who certify the installations and make sure the equipment works. My club is invited to the emergency system repeater and we have a net every wednesday night. If the SHTF the unit in my truck or my hand held will still work and get out. The fire houses have generators, as do the Hospitals (Ham set ups also) so this will not go to hell at least in the short term. While not legal now as we can run all frequencies we can talk to anyone including the Mil. There is a national directory of repeators you can reach out everywhere. We do not need the govt.

In the land of crack heads and commies be sure that the Hams will adapt, separate from the useless govt and go on. If you are even a “closet” prepper you need your licence and the training it takes to get it. You can get a reasonable hand held for less than $50. and a really good multi band for a couple of hundred. Remember your fancy assed cell phone ain’t worth shit with the power down.

5 years ago

Q is going again? 8kun is still in testing behind a login – what gives?

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

That threw me for a loop. I went to the News Briefs this morning, saw “Q is posting again”, but didn’t see any posts. I checked Figured you used the wrong template.

I would love to see Q posts again though.

5 years ago

Forbes Slammed For Encouraging Women to Vacation Alone in Pakistan

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago


Just a heads up fren, Alex Jones is a zionist gatekeeping shill (which means, 90% of what he says is truth (gatekeepers need to win trust of audience, so they can’t lie all the time)), and the 10% bullshit is there to protect Israel and Jewish collective power interests.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
5 years ago

Yes, almost all sources need filtering, even those that aren’t tainted on purpose usually contain erroneous ideas.

5 years ago

South Korea’s Moon Faces Crisis With Echoes of Park’s Downfall

5 years ago

>A gay imam’s story: ‘The dialogue is open in Islam – 10 years ago it wasn’t’
There’s that disgust mouth/nose gesture again that you’ve pointed about before. I never would have spotted that on my own without your examples, but now I notice on just about every gay activist that I see.

5 years ago

A life sentence for lying to whores? A life sentence for lying to anyone is a miscarriage of justice . little doubt though we live in a matriarchy. I suspect the whole r/K thing can just be boiled down to masculine and feminine.