News Briefs – 10/11/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

President Trump is now on Twitch. First video up is the Minneapolis rally.

Biden’s brother was awarded a $1.5B contract to build homes in Iraq.

John Solomon announced that the Trump-hating former Ukrainian Ambassador Yovanovich, who handed the Ukraine Prosecutor a “Do Not Prosecute” list, and denied Visas to Ukraine officials who were trying to deliver evidence of Obama misdeeds to Trump, was monitoring the communications of reporters digging into Ukrainian lawlessness, including John Solomon. Here is the thing. How was she monitoring him? Did she deploy State Intel agents? Probably not. There is a central repository sucking up intel on everyone, including the observations of real people watching their neighbors and friends, and she was surfing it like it was Yahoo. And you are in it too. I’ve told you, I could not leak to a reporter without it being picked up immediately on my side, and the reporter’s.

As an example of how out of control our domestic spying has become, the Whistleblower’s attorney didn’t like what somebody tweeted, so he tweeted back he was going to have his intelligence agency clients use the government surveillance databases to unmask him and reveal his identity to everyone. But nobody would have spied illegally on the Trump campaign. That would be wrong.

James Comey was running an agent in Loretta Lynch’s office to spy on her and make sure she didn’t do anything he didn’t approve of. I talk about the intel game here to make you stronger. Because everyone is playing it and if you don’t know how pervasive it is, it will roll right over you and you will never figure out what happened. It doesn’t want me to tell you, because it wants to be able to roll over you easily. I support everyone being made strong, because as we saw under Obama, those who gravitate to the game do so because they want the easy win, and that will tend to be leftist SJWs who are perfectly happy to destroy freedom to enhance their own position at the expense of us, our nation, and even the world.

Whistleblower worked with Joe Biden when he was VP.

Lawyers for the whistleblower have asked Congress whether their client could submit testimony in writing instead of appearing in person, amid persistent concerns about protecting his anonymity and safety. It would not be surprising to find out the whistleblower is entirely made up at this point.

Somebody in the comments criticized Trump pulling out of the Kurdish areas. I was going to post this as a reply there, but I think it belongs here. There have been times Trump has done things I thought I disagreed with. After all the other politicians, I think I simply assume at some point he will, because I have been told so often that we all disagree on something, there is no real right or wrong, it is all perspective, etc, etc. But with Trump I have to say as I look closer, I always seem to find there is additional information I missed which makes his position seem dead on. To the point I am beginning to wonder if all that, “You’ll never agree with anyone on everything” or “The leader has to serve many people so you will never agree with everything,” and even the old donkey, old man, and child story, where each passerby thinks somebody else should be getting the easy ride, is all propaganda, designed to program us so when the politician betrays you here and there you explain it to yourself with that. After seeing this much of Trump, I think it is possible there is a right and wrong, and if your leader is loyal to his own, intelligent, has good intel, and his heart is in the right place, there is no reason he shouldn’t hit that right decision every time, and if you disagree, you might change your mind if you knew everything. On the Kurds, I notice Tom Kratman’s piece has essentially been disappeared online. I found some of the relevant parts reprinted here, and I think it is worth a read. In it, a soldier recounts how Kurds would stage small arms fire against one of their enemies, like the Turks at the border, so when the Turks returned fire, they would be firing at our guys, and then we would kill some of their enemies with return fire. He even recounts a firefight they touched off this way between US soldiers and Iraqis who had just been waving at each other as friends. The only reason our guys didn’t get shredded was they were better gunfighters. We hear from the media, and Lindsey Graham (who is either a total idiot, compromised, or evil) how wonderful the Kurds are. The satanic controlled media tells us they are some sort of noble force. And Tom Kratman tells us they brutally genocide Christians, starve their own children, try to get our soldiers killed, take all the aid we send and then some, and demand we pay them. Don’t forget, Trump has intel that is equivalent to all the accounts from every Tom Kratman who has ever made contact with the Kurds. Personally, I am perfectly happy to take Kratman’s word, and stop spending decades defending people who refuse to defend their own lands, take all our wealth, and fuck us over in the process.

Biden campaign now asking Twitter to reject a Trump campaign ad on his corruption, claiming he isn’t corrupt, therefore it must be false.

This is a picture of the woman the Germany shooter supposedly sprayed with a 9mm submachine gun from behind. Notice the backpack, and the fact it was removed from her and she was rolled over on her back. No bullet holes in it. And someone said maybe she was hit in the head, but you have zero spatter, literally nothing on the bag, and that was full auto 9mm. It is possible that was real. But I am at the point I could see that whole video being an act, played out as some sort of mass-media manipulation of psychologies. This world could be much stranger than we think.

FOX News oversampled Democrats by 14 points in their junk impeachment poll. Only 12% Republicans were in the poll. Notice how the Fake Right and Fake Left can unite – against Donald Trump.

Temperatures in Denver dropped 64 degrees in less than 24 hours, setting a record.

Adam Schiff refused to meet with a group of ten senior citizens opposed to the impeachment of President Donald Trump at his district office in Burbank on Thursday, citing a “new policy” on “security.”

The abortionist who was keeping all those dead baby bodies from abortions on his property had still more stashed away in his car decomposing.

Turkey President Erdogan threatens to send 3.6million refugees into Europe, says, “I’ll open the gates.”

Ocasio Cortez blows $260 on one haircut, blames right wing for being bitter she looks good.

Mitt quits before he got started, refuses to face Donald Trump, saying he will probably win.

ICE Director says a single California judge is crippling enforcement in 43 states.

ICE says 1000 false families have already been detected at the border with DNA tests.

More than 1,000 African migrants are battling with Mexican National Guard and riot police in the streets of southern Mexico.

Trudeau accuser who he was sleeping with illegally at 17 when he was a teacher, lands a seven-figure NDA to keep quiet about West Grey departure.

Ronan Farrow says Hillary pressured him to kill his story on Weinstein.

The federal government collected fewer than 1,000 bump stocks during the run-up to a new ban in March, despite estimates that hundreds of thousands of the devices that mimic machine gun fire are in circulation, according to the Justice Department.

Elizabeth Warren releases $1.5 trillion plan to combat ‘environmental racism.’

Three years after LA tax payers approve $1.2 billion for homeless housing, not a single unit built.

The backstory on that French domestic intelligence agent who embraced Islam, radicalized, and then brought a knife to work and stabbed four coworkers to death. The interesting part of the article is he was a computer guy. They found he had downloaded the data on undercovers and operations at mosques across the country to a flash drive, and now they have no idea if he burned all of their agents and operations to his radical buddies.

Amazon workers may be watching your cloud-cam footage. They admit they have been watching people have sex. I am beginning to wonder if this is a program, to try to desensitize the population to that kind of monitoring, so they won’t freak out if what has been going on comes out. Because a lot of people are under that at various times each year, whether they have these devices or not.

An adviser to President Trump has claimed that China handed him intelligence on Hunter Biden in the same week Trump publicly told Beijing to investigate Joe Biden’s son. Sounds like it could be a Fake News Cabal set up.

Power outages still riling California. It is pretty impressive the degree to which California has become a melting pot of the third world. They have the Shanty towns of Somalia in their homeless camps, the street shitting of India, and now they have the rolling blackouts of Venezuela. If they can just get some middle eastern goat-fucking going, and maybe weekly beheadings in the public square, it will be a leftist’s diverse utopia.

To really get an idea of how fake our Mockingbird Media is, you need only go to the Russian news shows, which I have found to be quite honest. Here,’s American branch looks at how corporate interests fuel the rise of “celebrities” like Ellen DeGeneres, who ostensibly have jobs that pay them for entertaining people, but which also involve inuring people to the surveillance state and supporting the waging of wars overseas to critical demographics. (Starts at 4:05, and runs to 9:05, if you don’t have the time, it just says they have emails showing she is willingly being used to mold policy-opinions in the masses, and is funded by the same interests benefiting from the things she advances.):

From the degenerate shitshow which is the escaped asylum inmates who make up the base of the Democrat Party:

Now add economic collapse and ice age:

How letting the intelligence game play out facilitates evil:

We really need a counter-intelligence agency devoted solely to limiting intelligence gathering operations within our own nation, on our own citizens. Once you have a system where the currency is trading on each other’s misdeeds, you will only have misdeed-doers in power, and they will fear and blacklist nobody, so much as the one honest leader like Trump who tries to get in. Because that man is the only one who they will have no power over, and no ability to defend against.

Amygdala after-affects produce a persistent “Whoo Whoo Whoo Whoo…”:

On this next one, notice Musk just keeps going and going, as if Tesla is a going concern. He is a cover for something interesting:

Denmark is to impose temporary border controls at the Swedish border next month, after Swedes were suspected of being behind a number of serious attacks this year in the Danish capital Copenhagen. K will bring borders back in style.

Trump surges deportations of illegal aliens by 453 percent in recent months.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his Irish counterpart Leo Varadkar agree they can “see a pathway to a possible deal” on Brexit after talks, Downing Street says.

Slovenia — the home country of First Lady Melania Trump — has formed a civil defense force to put a stop to illegal Muslim migrants entering their country from Croatia.

US manufacturing entering a ‘golden era’ under Trump, says auto parts billionaire and NFL owner.

Trump to award Medal of Honor to Green Beret for heroics in 2008 Afghanistan fight.

The pushback begins:

Hong Kong protestors are thwarting the surveillance state as they protest:

Again, if it is anything there like it is here, they are probably not escaping it entirely, and somewhere it is going in a file on them. But there are two factors – one, the machine wants to hide itself, and cannot let everyone know how thick the networks are. So you can probably hide yourself good enough, where taking action against you would be too big a risk, as it would expose they could only have identified you through extraordinary means, and you might be able to figure out how and spread that around, exposing the system, and touching off real rebellion. The second possibility is the real surveillance player is very likely not the government per se. So there is no guarantee the surveillance has the same objectives as the government. In these situations, the Hong Kong mayor could have said something that offended Cabal leadership, it wants her gone, and it is actually fomenting and using these protests to do it. In which case surveillance might not say anything as you lash out at her and give Beijing the pretext to move in and take over. Or Cabal may even be setting in play a total civil war which would spread to the mainland and produce a new leadership in Beijing. If Cabal is moving to China more overtly, it may need something different in the way of leaders.

Don’t remember if I put this up, but it was super cool, so a second airing doesn’t hurt:


Spread r/K Theory, because a diversity of shitholes is still a shithole.

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Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

In the Clinton vid: one reliable indicator that someone is a piece of shit is that they use “Jesus!” as an expletive.

Cinderella the deplorable
Cinderella the deplorable
5 years ago

Another unexplained death -44 yr old actress:

Also, Regarding the zerohedge flu vaccine story, and recently watching a father march his two teenage boys in to a clinic for flu shots And signs and ads for flu shots EVERYWHERE, the Jonestown massacre and its images come to mind. People currently willingly or later being forced to stand in line for this little poisonous prick in the arm. Smh

Reply to  Cinderella the deplorable
5 years ago

Was just thinking the same thing yesterday when I saw a “Free Flu Shots” sign at the grocery store.

Flu shots are free for the same reason porn is.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Cinderella the deplorable
5 years ago

How’d you choose your avatar?

5 years ago

“Biden’s brother was awarded a $1.5B contract to build homes in Iraq.”

Isn’t that just ripped off from an Arrested Development episode? The writing is very erratic this season.

5 years ago

Here’s the Kratman article:

Our Gallant Allies, the Kurds (and other fairy tales)

Ah, the Kurds. How can mere words render a proper appreciation? They’re trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous…um…no; no, they’re not. Oh, sure, as individuals they can be fairly boon companions, but in the main and in the mass? Not so much.

My first experience of the Kurds – rather, of how the rest of the area thinks of and feels about them – was before I’d ever met my first one. This was at a majlis, in the town of Judah (or Goodah), Saudi Arabia, sometime in December or so, 1990. Citizenship is kind of an iffy and flexible concept in that part of the world, so there were folk from Saudi, from Oman, from the Emirates. There was even one Arab who insisted he was a citizen of the Gulf Cooperation Council, since he was a fully documented citizen of so many places in the GCC. I had my doubts right up until he pulled out a bilingual ID card which, indeed, did seem to list him as a citizen of the GCC. One of the attendees had brought with him a book detailing the results of the chemical attack on the Kurdish town of Halabja by the army and air force of Saddam Hussein.

It was really heartbreaking, all those picture of gassed, dead, discolored, and decomposing Kurdish kids, who are, in fact, every bit as cute as the papers and television made them out to be. At least when they’re not dead they are. My team sergeant, Sig, and I were duly appalled and sickened.

The Arabs, though, didn’t seem to understand. To paraphrase, “What’s the problem? Don’t you understand that these were _Kurds_ who got gassed?”

At the time, I found that attitude completely inexplicable.

Fast forward a few months; we’ve incited the Kurds and Shia to rise up and overthrow Saddam. They didn’t, of course, while such an uprising would have looked difficult and might have done us some good. Oh, no; instead the Shia – whose rebellion was spontaneous, anyway – waited until it looked like the Iraqi Army was crushed and such an uprising would be easy. The Kurds – who were organized – waited even longer.

Sorry, boys, but when we offer you a quid pro quo, that doesn’t translate into “free lunch.” Moreover, when we’ve already offered someone a cease­fire it’s a bit late to try to get us to start hostilities again. In short, we owed them nothing.

Fast forward, again, to late May, 1991. I’d come home from the Middle East, hung around a while, and been sent back, this time to Operation Provide Comfort, the Kurdish Rescue, there to quasi govern a few towns, run refugee camps, coordinate humanitarian relief, and such like. While we’re waiting in the camp on the Turkish side of the border, not too far from Silopi, overwatched by a Turkish police fort on a hill, some Kurds got in position to fire at the fort such that, should the fort return fire, the Turks will be shooting at us. So much for gratitude from people you’re trying to save, eh?

Fortunately, Turkish discipline held firm and enlightened Kurdish dreams of advancing the cause of having a homeland of their own by getting their rescuers killed came to naught. After a couple of days at the camp, the crew I’m with and I are ordered forward to link up with the British Marines and their Dutch counterparts, already inside Kurdestan. We’re riding in on the back of a British Bedford Lorry, one which, based on the comfort of the ride, probably crossed the Rhine with Monty in 1945…after enduring the entire war in North Africa. If it had a suspension it was tolerably hard to see, and impossible to feel.

Sitting next to me is a Staff Sergeant Farnsworth. Farnsworth and I are both grunts, so we’re doing what grunts do when there’s nothing better to do and neither sleep nor playing cards nor reading are possible; we’re analyzing the terrain. It is fiercely rugged, with winding roads going through narrow passes between hills and mountains difficult enough to climb on foot and impossible for vehicles. Reverse slopes were of such an angle as would make defenders largely invulnerable to artillery and would make even high angle mortar fire of much reduced effect. In any case, at a certain point, looking over a particularly defensible pass, Farnsworth and I looked at each other. I no longer remember who spoke first but the conversation went like this: “If the Kurds­“ “­couldn’t defend themselves­“ “­in this kind of terrain­“ “­they don’t deserve­“ “­their own country.” And that was before we even knew how much they used mines.


A little digression is in order here. As mentioned previously, Kurdish kids are adorable. (The women are also quite fetching, right up until they’re worn out, usually by age twenty-­four or so, from being used like donkeys, which is to say, beasts of burden, but who, unlike donkeys, can still bear young…and must.) Most people shy away from or are at least ignorant of the reason so many of those adorable kids died. It’s simple; the Kurds starved them to death themselves. It’s a cultural imperative among them, when times get hard, to let the little girls die of starvation (first, of course), and then the little boys. Good guess, dear reader; why, no, I didn’t like that for beans. As a matter of fact, now that you ask, I’m not much for multiculturalism, in general, either.


Interestingly, before we even arrived in our area, there had been an incident – a firefight resulting in several Iraqi dead – between the British Marines and some Iraqi troops guarding one of Hussein’s palaces in that part of Iraq. I asked a British officer about it and his answer was to the effect that, “As near as we can figure, as one of our patrols was passing, two Kurds, from different positions but surely with coordination, took a shot each, close to simultaneously. One shot was at our patrol, the other at the Iraqi on the gate to the palace. Both shots missed, but the Iraqis and our men, thinking they were under attack, reacted as one would expect. We were just a lot better shots, better led, than they were. Poor bastards. One of the reasons we’re quite sure that the Iraqis didn’t shoot first was that, as our men passed, they waved at each other, as soldiers will who have no particular reasons for enmity.”


The main town I ran was Assyrian and Christian, Catholic, actually, having their own rite but being in full communion with Rome. It was an experience to attend mass held in Aramaic, the language of Jesus, a memory I rather cherish despite not understanding a word of it. They are nice people, the Assyrians, seriously nice people. I’ve dealt with a lot of different kinds of foreigners, over the years, even married one, for that matter, and liked almost all of them. But the Assyrians have a special place. They’re also amazingly hardworking. They can’t defend themselves or, at least, they don’t think they can, which amounts to the same thing.

Everyone knows about the Armenian genocide. The genocide of the Assyrians, around the same time period, was about as bad and may have been worse, as a percentage of the pre­massacre population. And among the chief agents of that genocide? Of both of them, really? You guessed it, the Kurds.

I asked my Assyrian translator there, once, what he and the other Assyrians really wanted. He answered, “We’d like the British to come back and run the place, permanently. Failing that, we’d be very happy to be subjects of the American Empire, if you would just declare one. If that’s not possible, then letting the Iraqis back would be minimally acceptable. Under no circumstance, however, do we want to be under the Kurds.”

That main town was the only one in which no Kurdish babies died, of the smallish number that the Kurds didn’t let starve anyway, and the only one in which there were no political or ethnic murders in that time period. Part of that was probably my own rather forthright approach to domestic harmony – “One incident, just one, and I’ll cut off your food, medical care, and other goodies, causing all your followers to desert you for other groups and leaders I haven’t proscribed!” – but part of it, too, at least for the long term maintenance of the thing, was probably the perception among themselves that the various Kurdish groups needed one safe area in which to engage in local diplomacy, and, since this one area was peaceful, well, why not? That meant a lot of luncheons, meaning, yes, I had the chance to meet most of the bright lights of Kurdish domestic politics and self­-determination of the day. I’ve long since forgotten their names, but am pretty sure I could identify most of them in a police lineup and wouldn’t, of course, mind doing so. One in particular stands out in my mind, a rather distinguished looking middle aged barbarian who had once, over what amounts to a domestic dispute, murdered some thirty-­seven Christian men, women, and children. And then there was the day the Kurds demanded to be paid. Paid? Why, yes, we were providing free food, free medical care, free shelter, and free security, but they saw no reason not to be paid for unloading the free food and other goodies. I sent the trucks back with the food until they knuckled under.


Thus, it might be better for the United States, before pinning too much hope and faith on the Kurds, to understand that they’re military imbeciles with an unearned and undeserved reputation, that their culture is barbaric, they their one talent seems to be propagandizing and manipulating liberal Western opinion, which is eager to be manipulated, anyway, that any kids who die usually do so because of their own neglect of those kids, that they have no sense of gratitude for any help you give them, that they treat women like donkeys, and that they place zero value on the lives of those who try to help them.

Why we, or anyone, would place our faith and trust in them…well, it eludes me. To help that lesson stick in your mind I offer a Kurdish National Anthem, written by my team sergeant, Sig, in a moment of complete disgust with them. Every line tells a story: (Tune: O Tannenbaum)

A voice without a hint of shame
Cries, “It’s all your fault; you’re all to blame.
We must be clothed, we must be fed
And when that’s done build our homesteads”


A Kurd can have no greater love
Than his brand new Kalashnikov;
O Kurdestan, my Kurdestan,
Do what you want; grab what you can.

You gave us shelter overhead
Doctors and blankets for our beds.
You’ve saved us from Iraqi raids,
Now tell us when do we get paid?


We fought the Turks, we fought Iran
We fought Iraq for Kurdestan.
And now you’ve made us free and strong,
We’ll kill the Christians when you’re gone.


This column is dedicated to the memory of Father Hanna Marko, of Mangesh, Iraq.

5 years ago

“Swedes were suspected of being behind a number of serious attacks this year in the Danish capital Copenhagen.”

Would those be New Swedes, or Classic Swedes(tm)?

Cinderella the deplorable
Cinderella the deplorable
Reply to  Anonymous
5 years ago

Lol I was wondering the same thing

5 years ago

>”FOX News oversampled Democrats by 14 points in their junk impeachment poll. Only 12% Republicans were in the poll. Notice how the Fake Right and Fake Left can unite – against Donald Trump.”

Off course, because Jews own the media, and Jewish collective power has comped the Republican side too. Read these graphs in the order they are in, verify the sources with the links that are on the graphs, and you’ll understand why I say the things I say: – Jewsish control of the media, and how some Jews accuse people of anti-Semitism when they say things that Jews themselves say about themselves, and how they use their US gov lobby to pass laws to censor and harass the non-Jews who say those things – The nature of zionism, according to Theodor Herzl (the father of modern political zionism) – Graph about how Israel uses the US to fight wars that don’t benefit the US – Graph on how the Westen establishment wants to make it illegal to oppose Jewish nationalism (zionism) at the same time they want to make it illegal to support White nationalism – Judaism is Jewish supremacism, according to Judaism – Graph about the issue of male genital mutilation in Judaism (aka: circumcision) – Graph about the reasons why Jews turn non-Jews hostile against them thru out their history

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
5 years ago

Add this one to the list: – Graph about the historical and modern Jewish hatred against Christians

(and you better click that shit nibba)

5 years ago

Kek, more signs of K selection in Western society:

A Latina author challenged students at Georgia Southern University to think about their whiteness. Some of them refused, and burned copies of her book instead. And it’s 2019.

Jennine Capó Crucet, an author and professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, was at the university to give a talk for a reading series for first-year students. Her book, Make Your Home Among Strangers, is about a Hispanic girl from a poor family who has been accepted into a selective college in New York. (The author didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment from USA TODAY.)

During a question-and-answer session, some students questioned why the author had been critical of white people.

“I noticed that you made a lot of generalizations about the majority of white people being privileged,” one student said, according to the student newspaper, The George-Anne.

The topic is uncomfortable: White racism course causes controversy at Florida university

Capó Crucet tweeted later that some people had made “aggressive & ignorant comments,” during the question-and-answer session.

Some students apparently walked out of the talk and congregated nearby. It’s unclear how or when, but they started burning the author’s books, which was chronicled by social media postings:

The George-Anne also posted pictures of students criticizing Capó Crucet for making comments critical of “white people.”

More on link

5 years ago

I don’t know why you think you’d see spatter in the photo of the woman who was shot. It isn’t exactly the best angle for seeing that. I see nothing out of the ordinary about the photo.

5 years ago

Hungary just finished their new border wall to stop illegal immigration and it dropped the crossings from 6,000 a day to 40.

5 years ago

Another call for Trump’s assassination:

5 years ago

Here’s a weird story, years ago I would have dismissed it but now it is within the realm of possibility:

Couple claims 6-year-old girl they adopted from Ukraine is actually adult woman determined to kill them

5 years ago

Lack of Funds Means South Africa Can’t Stop Sewage Polluting Dam

5 years ago

I got a “connection refused” at both of the Kratman links, but I found what might be the article you are referring to, originally posed on Faceboo, reposted to the forum: