News Briefs – 10/08/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Germany threatens to fly migrants into Italy, Salvini says he will close the airports if necessary to stop it. In times of greater K, these are the grounds for war.

Washington Post reporter of Saudi descent visits the Saudi Embassy in Turkey, and never comes out to his fiancé outside. Post is Cabal, this guy was an insider with Dopey Alwaleed, and the Saudis are on our side now, so enjoy the show.

Big things are in the air, as Q highlighted:

Missing Interpol Chief submits his resignation, as his wife receives a knife emoji text from him. China says he has been arrested for a serious, albeit unspecified offense. Posobic points out an interesting observation, which should tell you Q is right – China is Cabal:

Republican operative put together $100,000 in search for Hillary’s emails. A day after telling his story, he was found dead in a hotel room with a note telling everyone there was no foul play, his health was bad.

Ocasio Cortez gives another interview, and nobody can figure out what she is saying.

Drug dealers run free in San Francisco, where almost none are ever convicted. Poop on the sidewalks, gay street fairs with naked gay sex on the street, and a drug dealer on every corner. And since r is a spectrum with no end, it could still go further.

Wealthy developer whose family made big money in New York advertising in the 30’s- 60’s, found guilty of child porn charges. His family founded Snake River Ranch – a private retreat that celebrity’s visit, that generates its own power onsite.

The Senate Doxer wasn’t an intern, he was a paid visiting fellow from some outside institution that was working for Jackson-Lee. Who wants to bet that outside institution comes back to Soros?

The Pope stopped an investigation into a UK Cardinal accused of sex abuse.

Q pointed out how Pelosi talked about the technique behind smearing someone, as a tactic around 2017. Very matter of fact about trying to ruin good men in front of their young children.

57% of voters believe it is scary to be a young man today. Because of feminists, which means 57% of voters think feminists are making the world scary, and they would like to be rid of them.

GOP Senators are having death threats texted to their personal phones. Cabal’s death throes?

Nevada brothels may be involved in sex trafficking. I have assumed those places are all Cabal, and filled with cameras that document everything for the archives. That they would be trafficking hubs would be common sense. Probably why they are in the Southwest.

Interesting summary of everything we know about the diplomats in Cuba. Someday as the technology is democratized, and everyone uses it all over, there will be a huge market for detection technologies. Imagine owning a landscaping business, and for $20,000 your competition’s workers can all be disabled, so you will double your income. It will happen.

Reportedly the Pentagon was behind Bigelow’s research into the paranormal phenomenon going on at Skinwalker Ranch. Whether there really were portals to another dimension, or it was just fifteen or twenty guys who thought there might be, camping out there with first rate tech on property rumored to be haunted/paranormal/etc, that always sounded like huge fun to me.

British experts say it is a matter of time before university orgies make endemic Super Gonorrhea a reality in Britain.

Deadly bacterial meningitis warning for anyone who visited Berlin nightclub known for people having sex on the dance floor. The pandemic will savage the rabbits.

Six cases of a rare polio-like illness in children in Minnesota. You have to wonder, if our nation were bio-contained and not enduring all the immigration, would this have happened?

Experts say the videogame Fortnight is as addictive as Heroin. Might be more dangerous. Heroin is liked by people who want to give up and just feel good. A lot of these video games exploit the brain pathways associated with accomplishment and hard work to trigger reward. Without the games, these kids might be wildly driven real estate developers who try to do the same thing in the real world, to amass ridiculous success before running for President and changing the world. These games could be diverting Trumpian Greatness into the meaningless virtual world.

Millionaires building panic rooms because it is becoming a status symbol. Mainly interesting that somebody on the West Coast has a $100 million underground compound to survive everything from a nuclear war to an ice age. How many of those are out there we don’t know about, and how many were built because the owners knew something?

Liberals begin to think Avenatti might have introduced the Swetnick allegations to sabotage their efforts to tar Kavanaugh. I have no idea, but not being able to tell would be the hallmark of a brilliant operation.

Bill Maher attacks Social Justice Warriors as crazy. Two thoughts hit me as I read this. One, all these narratives are centrally controlled, which means the leftist leadership may have realized SJWs cost more voters than they provide, so the left may have decided to out-group them now. And two, moments following loss are a great time to splinter your enemies, especially when your enemies are leftists. Leftists can never admit they are wrong because of the amygdala-insecurity which drives their mindset. So when they lose, they are always looking for someone to blame. It can’t be Trump, because that would imply he is better than them, and there lies amygdala. So in their mind it has to be, that due to their innate superiority they would have won easily, but for one of their own betraying them. The high amygdala of loss only accentuates their sense that somebody must suffer for this, so they can get a release from the angst by venting it on a traitor. Now the moderate Dems are looking at Avenatti and SJWs. But in the future, that may be able to be massaged. It could be particularly useful if at some point in the future, as Democrats try to take a more moderate course, and you could portray the defeat as the result of that moderation and tie the Democrats up dealing with the wrath of the SJW crazies who will see the moderates as traitors.

Trump’s Education Department Office of Civil Rights is investigating the case of a five year old girl who was followed into the bathroom by a “Gender-Fluid” boy and sexually assaulted.

Brazil’s Trump wins 47% of the vote, will face establishment candidate Silva, who got 28%, in a runoff. The K-shift is global.

McConnell thanks the anti-Kavanaugh mob, says they “were a great political gift for us.” Really twisting the shiv.

Kim Kardashian suing her bodyguard over the Paris robbery. A lot of things in that robbery went right. Whenever you see multiple incidences of chance favor an attacker, there is a decent probability that it was not chance. When attacking is an option, the attacker will defer due to unknowns simply because he can, and failure can have so high a cost. The attacker who attacks will usually have resolved everything in his favor before hand, meaning all that chance good luck probably isn’t chance.

Democrats down by five in the congressional district which was seen as their best chance to flip a seat.

Attack the God Emperor and endure the Trump curse, but that works in reverse too, as the horserace-winning filly Covfefe shows. I have thought it was all skill, but there may be a supernatural element at work.

Trump says he had to point out Blasey-Ford’s lack of recollection to “even out the playing field.” America is blessed in her times of need.

In that vein, Trump tweets:

Spread r/K Theory, because chance is on our side lately, but it isn’t chance

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6 years ago

As sick as it may be, there’s a meme lurking in all of these convenient “suicides.”

6 years ago

“Nevada brothels may be involved in sex trafficking.”

Honestly, I don’t see that being the case with Denis Hoff. In interviews and speeches he’s gotten visibly emotional on the topic and his type of sex business is like Las Vegas itself – safe sin for the masses to dabble with and then go home to their normal lives. The smaller and shadier places, yeah, maybe but still a little obvious.

6 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

That puts a different spin on ‘friendly good immigrant’ taxi drivers being a thing.

6 years ago

Thanks for all the links and your site, AC. I’m glad you’re on our side.

6 years ago

Video games are intended to neutralise the useful. Future CEO types, low time preference. It is an addiction sure as heroin but RPGs are the worst, “Second Life” was aptly named.
Porn is intended to produce predators by viewing other humans as objects like a psychopath, so even if they did get married it wouldn’t last, pair bonding is dead. 5yos are viewing porn now, hence all the assaults. Porn shouldn’t be free, in fact it likely shouldn’t be produced at all considering the escalation.