News Briefs – 10/31/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


More than 55 million people have cast their ballots either in person or by mail during early voting, according to recent figures.

“After reviewing the Qualified Voter File (QVF) of votes actually cast as of yesterday, Oct 29, 2024, the database identifies 114,545 Michigan voters who have cast 279,113 ballots from multiple addresses across the state.”

Ohio  ballots have Donald Trump misspelled as Donald Trum.p, which some think may prevent those votes from being registered by the computers. Second case of this. People are being told to check the spelling on their ballots.

Bucks County ordered to extend on-demand voting until Friday after Trump lawsuit.

Complete fraud Kamala Harris’ campaign set up phony Reddit posts to look popular.

Bill Clinton in Michigan: ‘Economy was better’ under Donald Trump, but you should still vote for Kamala Harris.

ABC accidentally aired election results showing Harris winning PA by 5% with 100% of the votes counted.

Early vote has been disproportionately female in Pennsylvania.

Black turnout is lagging in North Carolina, a warning sign for Harris.

Georgia is voting early at a record pace, but Democrats have concerns over low Black turnout.

Louisiana early voting sees record in-person voting, big drop in Black voter turnout. Blacks tend to emphasize loyalty to group, so they are probably not fond of a cunt who claimed to be black, but laughed at how she would lock up Black guys for having a joint, and then go home and spark up a bowl herself to relax.

City of Milwaukee early voting numbers lag behind other cities, and are coming in under a third of the city’s total in 2020. Is that a lack of motivation, or is all of this fake, and this year Trump wins so they went light on the fraud, whereas in 2020 Biden was scripted to win, so they churned them out?

Texas Republicans lead early turnout by more than a million, early vote data suggests.

Prominent feminist author, former advisor to Al Gore’s campaign, and noted intellectual Naomi Wolf endorses Donald Trump for President!

Donald Trump answers Biden’s claim that the half the country which supports “The Donald” is “garbage” by saying, “You can’t lead America if you don’t love the American people.’ Is Biden that stupid, or was he given that line in the script, now that in reality probably 70% or more support Trump, and will see the Democrat Party calling them “Garbage”?

Frank Luntz: Biden’s “Garbage Gaffe” may be ‘turning point’ leading to Trump victory.

Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump drove around in a garbage truck in Wisconsin to troll his Democratic rival Vice President Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden after the president’s “garbage” insult.

White House’s ‘false transcript’ of Biden ‘garbage’ remarks may violate federal law, Republicans say. White House transcribed it as Biden saying the only garbage he saw was Trump’s supporters’ as in the garbage belonged to Trump supporters, rather than it was Trump’s supporters

Vulnerable Democrat Senate candidates are scrambling away from President Joe Biden as his “garbage” smear on Trump supporters endangers candidates’ viability, while others refuse to say whether or not they actually think former President Donald Trump’s supporters are “garbage.”

Harris: Down payment assistance won’t raise prices because it increases demand, which will impact supply.

Voter anger is rising in Pennsylvania’s Erie County after the second mishap in this voting season led to some residents not getting ballots they requested.

Trump campaign files lawsuit against Bucks county as GOP voters were ‘turned away’ amid record-breaking early turnout in PA.

Christianity Today, one of the most liberal outlets posing as Christian, refuses to endorse Kamala Harris, encourages Christians not to vote. ie, it is a controlled outlet, adhering to the script. All of these outlets are intel-controlled propaganda outlets. It is funny to me, because the way I was raised, I would just assume I could have started a paper like this, as a small business, and if I made the right choices, I could have grown it, and produced something exactly like this. I would have assumed someone else had innocently done just that, and that would be why that paper existed, but no. You could never build something like this. This was intelligence, which, because it controlled it, and could control what people read, and thought, elevated it, funneled money and advertising revenue to it from other assets it controlled, and made it from scratch under controlled conditions where it could not fail. Nothing influential among the public was the organic result of the process of free, independent Americans interacting volitionally, according to personal interests. It was all a production of intelligence, produced under controlled conditions using some of the copious money which had been stolen from the raided treasury.

Video – Washington resident says she received 16 ballots with different names.

USPS caught skipping required scanning of absentee ballots.

Reddit bans Federalist article describing how Harris campaign manipulates Reddit.

From here:

Last week, Candace Owens revealed that Kamala Harris has Sephardic Jewish ancestry traced back to her father’s father that is being blocked. Candace speculated that Kamala is trying to “blackify” herself to win the black vote. Candace interviewed Mr. Yoichi Clark Shimatsu, who was a journalism graduate student at the University of California, Berkeley when he knew Kamala Harris’ mother, Shyamala Gopalan. He made bold statements about Shyamala, including that she revived MK Ultra government mind control experiments in Canada at a Jewish hospital. He said that MK Ultra originated in London at the Tavistock Institute and Sigmund Freud’s son was made the director of the operation. The MK Ultra program was later moved to Canada and was also practiced in the US.

From here: “In February 2023, Israeli-American journalist Gal Luft published an extraordinary post on X revealing the Biden family’s alleged ties to Chinese military intelligence. Since then, Luft has been arrested, released and rearrested. Meanwhile, the bombshell allegations were never investigated.”

Tuberculosis infected 8 million people last year, the most WHO has ever tracked.

Biden-Harris team still flying Haitians into the United States.

A Kenner, Louisiana 17 year old who officials say was in the U.S. illegally was arrested in connection with multiple sex crimes involving children, Kenner police announced Tuesday.

P. Diddy ‘kept meticulous records’ of his parties and ‘has enough dirt to hang most of Hollywood.’ If he was the Epstein of rap, as it appears, he will have some stuff, but the real details will have been kept by the teams of Mossad monitors in the hidden room with all of the surveillance camera monitors.

Alvin Bragg’s office wants to control what witnesses say about Daniel Penny at trial, barring them from referring to the subway choker as a good Samaritan or a hero.

Biden bizarrely bit three babies, as he greeted the children of staff at his final Halloween party at the White House.

Internal CIA documents, presentation show effort to mandate DEI at the center of the intel agency.

Retired 4-star Admiral Michael Rogers, NSA Director from 2014-2018 admits “there are phenomena occurring out there that both are visible and that we can’t explain,” in the UFO/UAP field.

RFK Jr says, “President Trump has promised me control of the public health agencies.”

“Is Francis really the pope?” is the question being asked by an increasing number of Catholics whether online, amongst family and friends, in conversations with trusted clergy, or in the privacy of their own troubled hearts and minds.

Tax increases needed to avert austerity, Starmer says.

Shocking drone footage released by Spain’s National Police has laid bare the scale of destruction wrought by brutal flash floods that overran Valencia earlier this week and left at least 95 dead.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy confirmed Wednesday that he asked the United States for Tomahawk long-range missiles to help defeat Russia — and slammed the White House for leaking secrets to the American media.

Supreme Court clears way for Virginia to remove 1,600 alleged noncitizens from voter rolls.

Nevada Republican early voters continue to crush Democrats.

Send people to, because in a few days, everything will change…

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4 months ago

“Voice of God” weapon:

Anonymous Marylander
Anonymous Marylander
4 months ago

In Maryland, in-person voters are offered two options: 1) paper ballots (fill these out by hand); 2) touch-screen computer.

But then…. WAIT…. both options are then NOT “hand” counted. They are both scanned and counted by machine. The machine “eats” your ballot, so who knows if it is shredded or kept or what (it disappears inside of the counting machine!)

How does this work with the touch-screen computer? After you select your votes, the computer prints out a paper record of how you voted, and you place this paper record into a manila privacy folder, and you walk it over to the scanning machine, where a helpful person tells you how to feed the paper into the machine.

The same goes for if you filled out a paper ballot by hand — exact same process for the machine counting.

But yeah, this is Maryland. I just wanted to describe what “paper ballots” look like in Maryland, so if people are clamoring for paper ballots — all well and good — but we also need to insist that the paper ballots are counted by hand with full transparency, non-partisan, witnesses and so forth.

Reply to  Anonymous Marylander
4 months ago

Michigan uses same methods, but touch screen are rarely used, usually only for visual or hearing impaired. Voters insert paper ballots into tabulator which optically scans and totals them. Ballots fall to bucket in bottom of tabulator but are not identifiable back to the voter. All ballots could be recounted or re-tabulated. Ballots are locked up and secured.

Reply to  Anonymous Marylander
4 months ago

Concur. I have lamented these points as well. Even my fema region III (3) super duper red state scans the paper ballots into a machine for tabulation. The machine then via whatever monkey shines process spits out the final results, ta da! Magical! It is all a fraud at this point, thanks for playing, see ya’ll again in four years, same playground pick up teams again. Stay frosty anyway.

Reply to  Anonymous Marylander
4 months ago

One of the arguments I got from someone I respect was: “that would be impossible”.

I don’t know enough about the immensity or maybe the simplicity of that whole thing?

People like to tout other nations getting it done in a day. I suppose if we compare another nation to one of our states, then all 50 states SHOULD be able to count their paper ballots (that were filled out by HUMANS that showed ID).

Reply to  selbs
4 months ago

If India can count ballots in one day, so can we.

Reply to  Anonymous Marylander
4 months ago

I prefer to keep my anonymity, so I won’t say which state I’m in. But my state does the same thing. Fill in the circles on a paper ballot with a pen, then the machine scans it. This time during early voting, they printed out the ballot after they verified my identity. At least my county requires ID and a voter card.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
4 months ago

I went to the DMV to add some endorsements to my commercial driver’s license. I went several times as they made it difficult because no one tells you everything that you need. I watched how easy it was for multiple illegal immigrants to get a driver’s license without speaking English and how the public servants bent over backwards to help them by telling them and walking them through the process when they were clearly too stupid to drive, but they sign every one of them f*ckers up to vote too.

Reply to  Chris
4 months ago

Everyone who intends to drive or needs ID should probably get multiple backup drivers licenses tbh if it is indeed that easy.

4 months ago

The sidebar lies over the ocean, the sidebar lies over the sea.
The sidebar lies over the ocean, oh bring back the sidebar to me.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago


Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

They always attack from behind, so…

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

I shall be your agent and get the two of you your gigs…we shall criss-cross the USA with this schtick until the well runs dry.

Reply to  selbs
4 months ago

They would probably prefer until Jack Daniels runs dry – wells run dry sooner.

4 months ago

TV networks conduct rehearsals of their election coverage every election, and every election the rehearsal leaks and this is used as evidence the election is rigged. I remember this happening in just about every election going back to the 1990s. For some reason, they never issue an explanation, or use obviously fake totals such as from the Monty Python “Silly Election”.

The thing is, elections in the US really are rigged. There is just better evidence than the leaked TV rehearsals that happen every election.

Vote anyway, since each vote for the “wrong” candidate makes it harder for them. The public won’t see the accurate vote totals but the Cabal will.

Reply to  Ed
4 months ago

Why couldn’t the test just show zeros in all places? Something like this shows a bias.

Reply to  Festis
4 months ago

Or a perfect tie.

4 months ago

The best “election” outcome for us is a media proclaimed blue win, followed by the reds complaining and getting the result reversed by either the judicial or legislative branch. A clean red win means a deal was made, or the plan is to make the result moot. An uncontested blue win, like in 2012, would obviously be a disaster.

Reply to  Ed
4 months ago

I believe the Dems want Trump to win. They already have their plan to declare a broken election. They truly wish to send the country down in flames, if they can get conservatives to take the bait.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
4 months ago

Frank Luntz: Biden’s “Garbage Gaffe” may be ‘turning point’ leading to Trump victory.

Which is exactly what Biden wants to happen. Potato or not, Biden knows he was screwed by his own party so now he is going scorched Earth.

4 months ago

Ukrainian President (((Volodymyr Zelenskyy))) confirmed Wednesday that he asked the United States for Tomahawk long-range missiles to help defeat Russia 

Yeah, fuck no, and you are a silly fucking idiot for asking. First, tomahawks aren’t that great. They are slow as hell for a missile (even before hypersonics). It’s 1970s technology at its core, which means that a modern AD system like the S-400s or Pantsir S1 that Russia is fielding eat them for lunch.
But on top of being ineffective against a peer force like Russia (as opposed to third world arabs) it is a nuclear capable platform. Yeah, sure, let’s hand this fucking maniac a weapon system to fire at Moscow apartments (because that’s what he’s done with everything else) that looks like an incoming nuclear attack.

Reply to  phelps
4 months ago

Absolutely true. Tomahawks are subsonic. There are varying ranges depending on the model. I seem to recall them from the Navy, but in the case they’re classified I will not divulge them. I’m sure they can be found on the web though. Suffice to say, they are NOT intercontinental, but are good enough to be launched from sea INTO a targeted country. I’m sure they could cause Hell from The Ukraine into Russia, but again they’re subsonic and can probably be intercepted easily enough by modern defenses.

My ship launched a Tomahawk in the 90’s. It was part of a missile exercise. We launched it toward a range in the People’s Republic of California. I remember there were two F-14’s and an F4 as chase planes. Once we launched the missile, they turned and followed it. Watching that was actually cooler than the launch itself. A couple of them made a lazy turn at about a 90 degree bank. They did not have to rush to follow the missile.

4 months ago

Supreme Court clears way for Virginia to remove 1,600 alleged noncitizens from voter rolls.

Sooner than I expected.

4 months ago

Who really was on this continent before the Puritans showed up; ’cause the Indians surely did not build this stuff?

THE WORLD’S FAIRS: Impossible History? The most magnificent buildings you have ever seen… were built in a month? PART 1


Demolishing the World’s Fairs: the Most Fascinating Story You’ve Never Heard – Dynamiting History PART 2

There are Four parts all told; but this should be enough to get you going.

Reply to  teotoon
4 months ago

The buildings appear 100-200ft high.

Nobody goes to such effort for a temporary “fair”

Reply to  teotoon
4 months ago

Check your enthusiasm for this guy – he’s the same substack-er who freaked out about salt because Na is explosive and Cl is poison gas, therefore NaCl will kill you. Great digs, but horribly erroneous conclusions

Reply to  Aanon
4 months ago

Ah, but NaCl will slowly kill you, all the best doctors say so.
The video producer is not the only one who has revealed to fraud of the World’s Fairs. His error on salt does not transfer to hte fraud of the fairs.

4 months ago

Arnold Schwarzenegger endorsing Kamala in a video with John Podesta tells you everything you need to know.

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Anonymous
4 months ago

That he’s human filth?

I like a few of his movies in the past, but something always seemed off about him, especially in interviews.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
4 months ago

Yeah he is bent. Juiced up bodybuilder with poor English gets funneled into Hollywood films. The producers surely put him hard on the casting couch to get there. Knowing California elections are certainly cooked for him he is just handled and managed by cabal during his governor terms. An adulterer that bangs the house maid knocking her up. Later he becomes a covid poster boy when he says screw your freedoms. Those types are all hollow vessels, devoid of a soul.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
4 months ago

His famous words “screw your freedoms”, will stick with me for ever. Girly man indeed.

Reply to  Anonymous
4 months ago

He was having sex with his kids nanny!

Marielle Redclaw
4 months ago

The Order of Luce says

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
4 months ago

Last name “Iffer?”

4 months ago

> Tax increases needed to avert austerity, Starmer says.

His Majesty’s government could begin practicing austerity itself, instead of putting the jackboot on the necks of his subjects.

Reply to  TRX
4 months ago

Why we had a tea party.

Reply to  TRX
4 months ago

A few weeks ago, a police department in the UK asked residents to report people who live lavish lives but don’t appear to have jobs. They were not amused by thousands of reports of Child TrafficKing Chuckles and the rest of the royal family.

Reply to  TRX
4 months ago

Well how else is he going to provide for all of the so called migrants?

Just Me
Just Me
4 months ago

6:13pm and the Sidebar has left the building.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

With whom and after whose party? Did it take the lotion?

Marielle Redclaw
4 months ago

So is God going to cut us some slack on Tuesday, or we will we have four more demoralizing years of the Plan and irreversible ruin?

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
4 months ago

Oh, dang. Did God downvote me? 🥺

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
4 months ago

God I hope not.
In the meantime, none of us can stop what is coming. How about a distraction?
The most powerful person the world is ‘homeless, living on the streets of Calcutta, begging for food and using pigeons for communication’…continue….

Don’t forget to include us in your royalty payments!

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
4 months ago

You need a nickname like “Black Pilled Death Bunny ” or something like that. I kid. Anywhoo, The Plan ends in 2025 win/lose/draw. We had the Q drop saying as much back in 2019 and nobody knew what it meant if they knew about it at all.

If Trump loses the country melts down and lots of people are gonna die after whatever spark comes along to ignite things, and it won’t be long.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
4 months ago

IMHO, Trump wins. Deep state arrests him before inauguration. We actually have some in your face shit go down in January (6th? again?) Great month for that. Nice and cold. My 2 cents.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
4 months ago

“God helps those that help themselves” or so I’ve heard.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
4 months ago

Exhibit A of why women should not be leaders.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
4 months ago

“Zee Plan” so says Kamala in her French accent.

4 months ago

Could be nonsense, or it could be those invisibility suit guys.
MUST WATCH: Tucker Carlson Reveals He Was Clawed By a Demon While Sleeping, Even Started to Bleed (VIDEO)

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

Do you still distrust Tucker over the 9/11 conspiracy hating

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

It’s very strange indeed. The current Tucker will probably go all in on conspiracy theories like this.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

The stasi surveillance is real. But demons are too. I know two people who were physically attacked by demons, multiple times, and other people who were attacked in dreams.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

I was starting to see hallucinations. Some really freaking stuff, it wasn’t real clear, but clear enough that it wasn’t coming from my mind. I had already began a 7 day water fast then a detox for heavy metal poisoning, the hallucinations didn’t even last 3 days into the water fast. So yes, I believe they can influence dreams. From the experiences of the Voice 2 Skull victims, I’m glad that I’m deaf now.

Reply to  Mycroft Jones
4 months ago

I’m sure demons are real, I just don’t believe they can physically attack people.
They can harm those they possess, scripture attests to that.
Perhaps they can manipulate physical objects to do harm as well.
But a direct physical attack would be the chameleo guys.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 months ago

Didn’t you read the New Testament Gospels? Of course they can attack non-possessed people. Why is it easier to dismiss potential demon attacks in favor of technology? Read the Book of Enoch: the fallen angels gave humans the technology they used themselves.

Reply to  teotoon
4 months ago

I think you need to read them again.
The only time they physically attacked nonpossessed people was when they used a possessed person to do it.
There is no Biblical account of them making physical attacks on people while disembodied.

Where the enemy got their technology is not something I even addressed, demonic origin is very likely.

4 months ago

Will the 47 on the .45 come to fruition? Hedge your bets anyway and plan accordingly for all possibilities. Oh yeah, stay frosty.

4 months ago

RFK wants to preserve the CIA with minimal “reform”

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 months ago

No. Get rid of it. If there has to be a new organization, do not hire any of the old crew, not even their relatives.

Reply to  teotoon
4 months ago


4 months ago

Data point:

They may be getting ready for overt martial law in DC on Nov6th.

US Civil Defense News
🚨Update: The Blackhawks doing emergency evacuation drills last night at the Capital is a way bigger deal than everyone may have thought. DC preparing to enact Marshal Law on November 6!!

Reply to  lowell
4 months ago

In Valkyrie Tom Cruise’s coup plot against Hitler relied on subverting a martial law plan that had been planned to protect the regime.
Is Q planning something like that?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 months ago

I don’t think so. I think the references to National Guard and US Marines being moved around indicate that the military aged men smuggled in through the Southern border are reinforcing Antifa. MS13 does wetwork for the Democrats, well what about those Venezuelans taking over apartment buildings? 10 days of darkness? Why are “guns safe”, meaning they been removing barriers to citizens arming themselves with America’s Musket of choice.

It’s not a civil war when the military and citizenry work together to deal with foreign invasion. I think that’s the finale of The Plan. Nobody could understand why the vaxx was allowed to kill so many, to the point that a bunch of Q grifters were blathering about the deaths being fake and a cure for the remaining side effects. Fighting in the streets is definitely not out of the question if The Plan allowed for the deaths of children like it did.

I think they made a gamble that the American people needed a war at home to repudiate the left, but instead of blowing up the country they set it up so that we would have an enemy that could be beaten with RIFLES instead of fighter planes and $10 billion dollar boats. The left did this, they brought them here.

IF this plays out imagine the resulting America afterwards – think 9/11 on steroids. Fighting them here. What will that do to young men here? Think about the effect on men after successfully repelling an invasion. How will that affect every aspect of American society, not the least of which would be dating?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 months ago

Common enemy creates unity, right? Where do you get a foreign enemy without having to risk another major war? You just use the one that’s already here. Assuming that happens they will be able to tie it to the Democratic Party machine, and combined with all the voter fraud it’s entirely possible that the Democratic Party literally gets classified as a criminal enterprise or worse within the next two years.

Remember Kim Clement was given a vision of 2027, and all he could see was “one party of people”. Trump winning doesn’t do that even if he manages to get everything done and it all works.

9/11 did that. Pearl Harbor did that. Shootouts in the streets against foreign mercs? Guess we’ll find out.

4 months ago


4 months ago

Is Biden that stupid, or was he given that line in the script? No, he really is that stupid.

4 months ago

Project Redsun: NASA’s Secret Manned Missions to Mars

4 months ago

Donald Trump announces Emergency Actions the Day he Takes Office to Drastically Reduce the Cost of Living

• On Day 1…
He will Sign an Executive Order directing every Federal Agency to immediately remove every burdensome regulation that drive up the cost of goods.

• On Day 1…
He will create a new cabinet position for a senior member in his administration who will be tasked exclusively with doing everything to reduce the cost of living.

This tells me he’s been planning this for a LONG TIME… and it included this time period… Bidens Presidency.. because under Biden, Trumps SCOTUS picks and their decisions have paved the way with removing virtually ALL regulations that have destroyed this country.

Those SCOTUS Decisions will fundamentally transform this country into an economic POWERHOUSE!

Get ready everyone, because a GOLDEN AGE IS COMING!

4 months ago

XI Backs Down, Compromising With India; Territory Ceded Equals 2.5 Times Taiwan’s Size?

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 months ago

He hasn’t backed down. He has made a pragmatic choice of keeping India out of WW3 and the possibility India may use this war to seize Chinese territory while China is fighting the West. Once the threat from the West has been reduced to nothing he can always renege on the deal.

Last edited 4 months ago by English Tom
Reply to  English Tom
4 months ago

You’re saying he backed down because he can’t win.
China will not be able to invade Taiwan, let alone India, and really letting alone doing both at once.
China was always a paper tiger and now its economic house of cards is beginning to crumble like its tofu dreg ghost cities.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 months ago

BRICS rising!! xdd